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Guide and Walkthrough by Nemesis

Version: 1.00 | Updated: 10/30/2000

               This document Copyright © 2000 Nemesis™. All rights reserved.

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                            The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
                                      {Complete Guide}
                                   Platform: Nintendo 64
                                       Version: 1.00
                                  Brett "Nemesis" Franklin
                              E-Mail: [email protected]
                            My website: http://faqdomain.cjb.net


                             T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S
                       01.......................... Introduction
                       02........................... Legal Stuff
                       03............ Updates / Revision History
                       04............................. The Story
                       05........................... Game Basics
                       06.........................Location Guide
                          • Heart Piece Locations
                          • Empty Bottle Locations
                          • Great Fairy Fountain Locations
                          • Magic Leaf Locations
                       07............. Gold Skulltulas Checklist
                       08.......................... Weapons List
                       09............................ Items List
                       10..................... The Ocarina Songs
                       11........................... Walkthrough
                          • The Beginning
                          • The Great Deku Tree
                          • Path to Dodongo's Cavern
                          • Dodongo's Cavern
                          • Path to Zora's Domain
                          • Inside of Jabu-Jabu's Belly
                          • Graveyard
                          • Lon Lon Ranch
                          • Forest Temple
                          • Fire Temple
                          • Ice Cavern
                          • Water Temple
                          • Bottom of the Well
                          • Shadow Temple
                          • Gerudo Fortress
                          • Haunted Wasteland
                          • Spirit Temple (Desert Colossus)
                          • Ganon's Castle
                       12...... FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
                       13.............. Mini-Games / Side-Quests
                          • Biggoron's Sword
                          • Mask of Truth
                          • Finding the Lens of Truth
                          • Underground Holes
                          • Help the Chicken Lady
                          • Getting Epona
                       14...................... Shops Price List
                       15............................... Credits
                       16.......................... Contact Info


01. Introduction


Welcome to my Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time FAQ/Walkthrough. I created this
FAQ/Walkthrough _well_ over a year ago...well, way back in 1998 when this
gem of a game was released to the masses. I began the FAQ as just a reference
guide for whenever I got stuck in the game, but then it started to turn into
a full-fledged FAQ. This was way back before I started writing FAQs, so I
had no idea what to do with this thing, and to tell you the truth, the first
version of this FAQ didn't even look lika FAQ...it looked like crap. Everything
was "mushed" together, and almost un-readable. And it stayed that way for a
_long_ time, but even though it looked like crap, it was a complete guide
for this game, so I kept it. Well, since the recent release of Zelda: Majora's
Mask, I have been getting "back into" the game itself, so I got into the mood
to completely re-format this FAQ, and to make it MUCH better looking and
presentable, and hell, even for public use at GameFAQs.com. I never submitted
it before, as I didn't expect it to get posted because of the massive over-
saturation of crappy FAQs for Z:OoT. But alas, here it is, and I hope that
it will be of some use to you, even if you've read marshmallow's, Devin
Morgan's, Coffee's great guides. ^_^

    | N O T I C E:                                                        |
    | If you have any questions about Zelda: MM™, PLEASE check the        |
    | Walkthrough first (use Crtl + F to help you...), and then please    |
    | check the FAQ Section, because maybe your question can be answered  |
    | there. If then you STILL cannot find the answer to your question,   |
    | then e-mail me. But a word of warning: If your question CAN be found|
    | somewhere in this document, then I will NOT respond to you. Please  |
    | try to help yourself before you come to me. I get over 50 e-mails a |
    | day, and I do not have time to respond to e-mails asking me         |
    | questions that can be found in this FAQ. Thank you.                 |


02. Legal Stuff


   This FAQ can only appear on the following sites (w/out having to ask me):

• GameFAQS <www.gamefaqs.com>
• Cheat Code Central <www.cheatcc.com>
• GameSages <www.gamesages.com>
• Vgstrategies.com <http://vgstrategies.about.com>
• GameShark.com <www.gameshark.com>
• FAQ Domain <http://faqdomain.cjb.net>
• Happy Puppy <http://www.happypuppy.com>

_____________________________NOT WWW.MEGAGAMES.COM_____________________________

If anyone finds it on any other site or MegaGames.com, please inform me ASAP.

E-Mail Address: [email protected]

© Copyright 1998-2000  Brett  "Nemesis"  Franklin. This FAQ and everything
  included  within  this  file  cannot be reproduced in any way, shape or
  form  (physical, electronical, or otherwise) aside from being placed on
  a freely-accessible, non-commercial web page in it's original, unedited
  and  unaltered  format. This FAQ cannot be used for profitable purposes
  (even  if  no  money  would  be  made  from  selling it) or promotional
  purposes.  It  cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction. It
  cannot be given away as some sort of bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase
  as this creates incentive to buy and is therefore prohibited.

    Furthermore,  this  FAQ  cannot  be  used by the publishers, editors,
  employees  or  associates,  etc.  of  any  company, group, business, or
  association,  etc.,  nor  can it be used by game sites and the like. It
  cannot  be  used in magazines, guides, books, etc. or in any other form
  of  printed  or  electronic  media  (including mediums not specifically
  mentioned)  in ANY way, shape, or form (including reprinting, reference
  or  inclusion),  without  the express written permission of the author,
  myself.  This  FAQ  was created and is owned by me, Brett Franklin. All
  copyrights  and  trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not
  specifically mentioned in this FAQ.

    This  FAQ  was  written for GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) only. I don't
  want  it to be put up on any other web site and am not above explaining
  this  to  your ad banner guys or whoever else I can get ahold of if you
  decide to violate this disclaimer.

    To  continue, this FAQ and everything included herein is protected by
  the  Berne  Copyright  Convention of 1976, not to mention International
  Copyright  Law. Remember that plagiarism is a crime, and that this is a
  copyrighted work--stealing from this guide is putting yourself at risk,
  plain  and  simple, because the law is on my side. If you would like to
  contribute  to  this  FAQ  (you will be credited,) please e-mail me, as
  well as any questions, comments, or corrections, to the address above.


03. Updates / Revision History


                            Version 1.00 (10/30/00)

• Finished the MASSIVE reconstruction of this FAQ, and I am happy to see it
  finally read-able. :P

                            Version 0.5 (10/12/00)

• Began the MASSIVE reconstruction of this FAQ.

                            Version 0.6 (??/??/98)

• Began this FAQ, and finished it. Since it has been quite a while since
  I wrote this FAQ, I cannot provide an accurate date, except for the
  year, which was in late-1998.


04. The Story


                              A long time ago...

     Before life began, before the world had form, three golden  goddesses
   descended upon the chaotic land of Hyrule, they were Din, the goddess of
    power, Nayru, the goddess of wisdom and Farore, the goddess of courage.

     Din, with her strong flaming arms, cultivated the land to create the
    earth. Nayru poured her wisdom onto the earth to give the spirit of law
   to the world. Farore's rich soul created all life forms who would uphold
                                   the law.

    These three great goddesses returned to the Heavens, leaving behind the
     Golden Sacred Triforce. Since then, the Triforce has become the basis
     for Hyrule's providence, where the Triforce stood became sacred land.

     In the vast, deep forest of Hyrule, the Great Deku Tree served as the
    guardian spirit. The children of the forest, the Kokiri, lived with the
    Great Deku Tree. Each Kokiri had his or her own guardian fairy, except
                            one. His name was Link.

        Early one morning, Link was having a nightmare. It was the same
     nightmare he had every night. During a storm, Link would find himself
   standing in front of a mysterious castle. A rider on horseback, carrying
        a girl, would race by. The girl would look at Link as if to say
    something. Then, another rider would appear. This big man clad in black
                      would look down menacingly at Link.

                            Link would then awaken.

        "Link! Hey, get up, Link! The Great Deku Tree wants to talk to

    As Link opened his eyes, he saw a fairy floating in front of him. This
     fairy's name was Navi. Navi was sent to summon Link to the Great Deku

   "Oh Navi, thou hast returned!" said the Deku Tree. "Thank you, Link, for
    coming. Thy slumber these past moons must have been restless, and full
    of nightmares. A vile climate pervades this world. Verily, ye have felt
    it. The time has come to test thine courage. I have been cursed. I need
        you to dispel the curse with your wisdom and courage. Art thou

             Link entered the Great Deku Tree and broke the curse.

    "Well done, Link! I knew that ye were worthy of carrying out my wishes.
   A wicked man of the desert cast this dreadful curse on me. Employing his
   vile, sorcerous energies, the evil one is searching for the Sacred Realm
      connected to Hyrule. For it is there that one will find the divine
      relic. The Triforce, that contains the essence of the gods. Whoever
      holds the Triforce can make their wishes come true. Thou must never
    allow the desert man to lay his hands on the Sacred Triforce. Thou must
    never suffer that man to enter the Sacred Realm of Legend. Link, go now
     to Hyrule Castle. There, ye will surely meet the Princess of Destiny.
       Present this stone to the Princess. I have foreseen that she will
                            understand everything."

    The Great Deku Tree gave Link the Spiritual Stone of the Forest. Before
     dying, the Deku Tree's last words were, "The future depends on thee,
                          Link. Thou art courageous."


05. Game Basics


Control Stick: The control stick controls Link, and the direction that you
               want him to move. Since it's an analog stick, the speed that
               he moves depends on the amount of pressure you put on the
               stick itself. It also controls what direction you wish to
               aim something, or the direction you wish to look in the
               First-Person view.

Jumping: This can be done by simply pressing forward on the control stick, and
         by having Link running at full speed. When Link reaches the end of
         a ledge or edge, he will automatically jump. The longer you run, and
         the faster you run, the farther Link will jump.

Swimming: This too can be controlled with the control stick, and you can also
          control the speed in which you swim. To dive, you must hold down the
          A button, and to swim even faster, press the B button.

A button: This is the action button. This is the blue icon at the top of your
          screen, and controls what actions you can do. The text appearing
          on the icon changes depending on what Link is doing, and where he
          is standing, and it tells what Link can do at a certain time.
          Some of the actions include:

          Grab: Up/Down + A
          Drop: A while hanging from a ledge.
          Throw/Place: Up + A, after grabbing with the A button.
          Open: Press A in front of a door/gate.
          Speak: Press the A button near someone, or while somebody is
                 highlighted with Z-Targeting.
          Check: Press the A button in front of a sign, or after you have
                 targeted it with Z-Targeting.

	  The A button also does some battle actions, like:

          Jump Attack: Z + A after drawing your sword
          Back Flip: Z + Down + A
          Side Jump: Z + Left/Right + A
          Roll Attack: Up + A

B button: This is the attack button. You can perform various attacks with
          this button. Some of the attacks include:

          Vertical Swing: Z or Up + B
          Horizontal Swing: B, or Z + Left/Right + B
          Stab: Z + Up + B
          Spin Attack: 360 degrees with Control Stick + B, or hold B, then
                       release it.

R Trigger: This is the defend button. Pressing it will raise Link's shield.

Z-Trigger: This is the all-important Z-Targeting feature. This allows Link
           to lock onto any target, and NEVER lose sight of this target.
           This is great for battles, and fast moving enemies. While in
           Z-Targeting mode, Link will attack/check/speak to whatever
           is targeted.

C-Buttons: These buttons are able to hold any three items/weapons during
           gameplay. You may assign an item to one of the 3 C-Buttons (all
           except C-Up, which is the First-Person view) by accessing the
           item-select screen.

C-Up Button: First-Person view. This allows Link to look anywhere in First-
             Person view, but he cannot attack while in this mode, nor can
             he move or walk.


06. Location Guide


                           • Heart Piece Locations •

                           • Death Mountain Crater •

#1: In the side on the wall where you must climb down to reach.

#2: On top of the giant sphere in the center of the area.

                           • Death Mountain Trail •

#1: Right above the Dodongo's Cavern entrance.

                              • Desert Colossus •

#1: On the large arch near the entrance to the temple.

                               • Gerudo Valley •

#1: On the side of the wall, in a box on the ledge.

#2: Behind the large waterfall. Fall into the water, and climb the ladder
    to reach it.

                              • Gerudo Fortress •

#1: On top of the Thieve's Hideout, on a very high roof.

#2: Win the Horseback Archery Contest.

                                • Goron City •

#1: To get this one, light up all of the torches in the city, then throw
    a bomb into the large, spinning, center vase in the city.

                                 • Graveyard •

#1: Beat the ghost of Dampe in the Graveyard game in less than 1 minute.

#2: Use the Magic Bean Leaf to reach a high ledge with a crate, containing
    the Heart Piece.

#3: Win the grave-digging tour game.

#4: Find the unmarked grave, enter it, and play the Sun's Song in front of
    the large wall.

                               • Hyrule Castle •

#1: Win the Treasure Box game.

#2: Find the runaway dog at night, then return it to the dog lady.

#3: Win the Bombchu game.

                               • Hyrule Field •

#1: In the pond near Hyrule Castle.

#2: In the hidden hole underground near the fence that leads to Lake Hylia.
    Available for purchase for a measly 10 Rupees.

                                • Ice Cavern •

#1: Hidden within some red ice. Melt the red ice to reveal the Heart Piece.

                             • Kakariko Village •

#1: Inside the cow's barn. To reach it, ride down from Death Mountain Crater
    with the Owl, then land on the roof, and hop down into the barn.

#2: Near the Windmill, on the outer ledge.

#3: Collect 50 Gold Skulltula tokens, then talk to a Skulltula family member
    in the Skulltula house.

#4: Speak to the man on top of the Potion Shop as Adult Link.

                                • Lake Hylia •

#1: Use the Magic Bean Leaf as Adult Link to reach this Heart Piece on top
    of the Lakeside Laboratory.

#2: Touch the bottom of the water area inside the Lakeside Laboratory using
    the Gold Scale.

#3: Play the fishing game, and catch a 10-lb. fish.

                               • Lon Lon Ranch •

#1: Enter the shed in the back of the horse corral, move the boxes to reveal
    a hidden hole as Child Link.

                                • Lost Woods •

#1: Play songs with the Skull Kids, and stick with them to win a Heart Piece.

#2: Play Saria's Song to the lonely Skull Kid.

                               • Zora's Domain •

#1: Light all 4 scattered torches in the area fast enough, then check
    underneath the waterfall to find a chest containing your Heart Piece.

                              • Zora's Fountain •

#1: On the bottom of the Lake. Use the Iron Boots and Zora Tunic as Adult

#2: Floating on an Iceburg as Adult Link.

                               • Zora's River •

#1: Play the Song of Storms for the group of frogs.

#2: On top of a platform, so use a chicken as Child Link to reach it.

#3: On another platform, use the Magic Bean Leaf as Adult Link to reach this
    Heart Piece.

#4: Make all of the frogs 'big' by playing songs to them, then win the
    bug-catching game.

                          • Empty Bottle Locations •

Bottle #1:
This bottle is rather easy to get. To nab it, you must head to Kakariko
Village, where the chicken lady needs your help. She is missing 7 cuccos,
and if you can return them all to the corral, she will reward you with
and Empty Bottle:

Cucco #1- Near the entrance to the Village.

Cucco #2- Right near the cucco lady.

Cucco #3- Near the entrance to the Death Mountain Crater.

Cucco #4- On top of the windmill. Use a chicken to fly over the fence, then
          climb the ladder to reach it.

Cucco #5- On the other side of the fence near the windmill, near the Potion
          Shop. Use a chicken to fly over the fence, then grab the lost
          cucco, and toss it back over the fence.

Cucco #6- Right near the Skulltula House, you'll have to use a chicken to
          fly over to the chicken, then toss them both back to the main-land.

Cucco #7- This cucco is hidden inside a crate, near a house, near the door.
          Roll into it to smash it, then grab the cucco, and return it back
          to the pen/corral.

Bottle #2:
Go to the Lon Lon Ranch, and find Talon inside the barn containing all of
the chickens. Play his game to find his 'super cuccos' within the pile of
normal cuccos, all within 30 seconds. The trick is to toss all of the
first batch of cuccos in an area where they are all trapped, then when
Talon releases his 3 super cuccos into the area, you can just take them,
and win this game easily.

Bottle #3:
To get this bottle, you'll have to get it from the Poe Collector in the
deserted Hyrule village as Adult Link. Catch all 10 'special' poes in
Hyrule Field on horseback, place them into a jar, then return them all
to the Poe Collector to get an Empty Bottle:

1: Near the tree that is outside of the entrance to the Lon Lon Ranch.

2: Near the block-fence just to the east of the Lon Lon Ranch.

3: Near a large rock, to the south of the Lon Lon Ranch. This Poe is by
   some trees.

4: Right by the sign that leads you to the Lon Lon Ranch, just outside of
   Hyrule Market.

5: Right by the entrance to Lake Hylia, by the fence.

6: Near the entrance to Gerudo Valley, near the dirt entrance.

7: In the area in between Gerudo Valley and Lake Hylia.

8: Near a large stone, by the Kokiri Forest entrance to the east/south-east
   of Hyrule Field.

9: Near the pond to the west of Hyrule Market.

10: Near the trees where Poe #3 is found, but this time, closer to Lake

Bottle #4:
Enter Zora's Domain, and win the Diving Game by collecting all of the
Rupees underwater within the allotted time. Get the Silver Scale, then
swim under the water to find an entrance that leads to Lake Hylia. Locate
the bottle underwater containing Princess Ruto's Letter. Take it back to
King Zora, and he'll take the letter, leaving you the Empty Bottle as a

                      • Great Fairy Fountain Locations •

Death Mountain Crater #1
To find this Great Fairy Fountain, climb all the way to the top of the
Death Mountain Crater, and blow up the stone to reveal a hidden entrance
which leads to the Great Fairy who gives you the ability to use the
Charged Spin attack.

Death Mountain Crater #2
Use the Bolero of Fire song to get here, then use the Megaton Hammer on the
large boulders blocking the entrance to this Great Fairy Fountain. This
Fairy doubles the size of your Magic Meter.

Zora's Fountain
Near the entrance of Zora's Fountain are some boulders, so blow these up
to reveal a hidden entrance to another Great Fairy Fountain. This Fairy
gives you the spell, Farore's Wind.

Desert Colossus
Near the end of Desert Colossus, and near the entrance to the temple is
a crack in the wall. Place a bomb here to blow up the wall, and revealing
a hidden hole that leads to a Great Fairy who gives you the spell, Nayru's

Hyrule Castle #1
On the way to the Castle, you will find a large boulder that can be blown
up. Blow it up to find an entrance to a Great Fairy Fountain. This Fairy
gives you Din's Fire, a new spell. Can only be accessed as Child Link.

Hyrule Castle #2
This is the same the fountain as Child Link, but can only be accessed by
Adult Link, and with the Gold Gauntlets. The Fairy this time gives a boost
in Link's defense, and doubles the protection he has, and halves the amount
of damage Link can take before losing his hearts (health bar).

                           • Magic Leaf Locations •

These are the locations where you can find some light-brown soil, and where
you must plant your Magic Beans as Child Link in order for Magic Leaves to
sprout as Adult Link.

                                 Kokiri Forest
This hole is right behind the shop in Link's home forest. This hole takes
Link to a spot where he can nab a lot of Rupees.

                                  Lost Woods

There are two locations in the Lost Woods where you can plant Magic Beans:

#1: Locate the entrance to the Sacred Forest Meadow, then head southwest
    of the entrance to find some Deku Scrubs. Defeat them to gain access
    to this spot. This spot also takes Link to a Gold Skulltula.

#2: Find the lonely Skull Kid, and head south to find a soil area that will
    take Link to the bridge that leads to Hyrule Field and to Kokiri Forest.

                               Dodongo's Cavern
This one is easy. Just blow up the large boulder blocking the entrance to
Dodongo's Cavern, and you will find a soil area in the entrance. This leaf
leads to the area above the entrance, where a Heart Piece waits.

                                  Lake Hylia
This one is also simple to find. The soil spot is right outside of the
Lakeside Laboratory, near the door, and leads to a Heart Piece on top of
the Lab.

                                 Zora's River
This soil spot is right next to the Magic Bean seller, in front of the fence.
The leaf here leads to a platform with a Heart Piece.

                          Kakariko Village: Graveyard
This soil area is right near a semi-high ledge, and leads to the ledge
containing a box with a Heart Piece.

                                Desert Colossus
To the left of the temple entrance at the end of the Desert Colossus, and
this leaf will lead to a Heart Piece, and another Gold Skulltula.

                             Death Mountain Crater
Play the Bolero of Fire song to get to the Fire Temple, and find an obvious
soil area, which leads to a Heart Piece above a crater.

                                 Gerudo Valley
Grab the chicken near the bridge, then fly off of the bridge, and onto the
ledge near the river with the cow on it, and a leaf patch. This leaf will
lead to the route to the Heart Piece behind the waterfall which is nearby.


07. Gold Skulltulas Checklist


Well, since marshmallow (and other writers) have already covered the actual
locations of every Gold Skulltula in the game, I just decided that it was
pretty pointless to do the same thing. So instead of just having the locations,
I have created a checklist for the Gold Skulltulas within the game, and I tell
you how many of each are in each specific area. Happy hunting!

                           • Death Mountain Crater •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 02

                           • Death Mountain Trail •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 04

                              • Desert Colossus •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 03

                             • Dodongo's Cavern •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 05

                                • Fire Temple •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 05

                               • Forest Temple •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 05

                              • Ganon's Castle •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 01

                               • Gerudo Valley •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 04

                              • Gerudo Fortress •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 02

                                • Goron City •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 02

                                 • Graveyard •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 02

                              • Great Deku Tree •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 04

                             • Haunted Wasteland •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 01

                               • Hyrule Castle •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 03

                               • Hyrule Field •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 02

                                • Ice Cavern •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 03

                             • Jabu-Jabu's Belly •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 04

                             • Kakariko Village •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 06

                               • Kokiri Forest •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 03

                                • Lake Hylia •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 05

                               • Lon Lon Ranch •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 04

                                • Lost Woods •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 03

                           • Sacred Forest Meadow •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 01

                               • Shadow Temple •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 05

                              • Spirit Temple  •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 05

                               • Water Temple •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 05

                            • Underneath the Well •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 03

                               • Zora's Domain •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 01

                              • Zora's Fountain •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 03

                               • Zora's River •
                              Gold Skulltulas: 04


*Thanks to Devin Morgan for this comprehensive list!*

|                                     |
|  Rewards                            |
|                                     |
| 10 Skull tokens.... Adult's wallet  |
|                                     |
| 20 Skull tokens.... Stone of Agony  |
|                                     |
| 30 Skull tokens.... Giant's Wallet  |
|                                     |
| 40 Skull tokens.... Bombchus (20)   |
|                                     |
| 50 Skull tokens.... Heart Piece     |
|                                     |
| 100 Skull tokens... 200 Rupees      |
|                                     |

*   = Young Link
**  = Older Link
*** = Doesn't matter if you are old or young
+   = You can get it at night


      Skulltulas Outside Dungeons


        Kokiri Forest (3 Skulltulas)
          1. You can find one behind the Know-it-All Brothers house. You should
have the Boomerang before defeating this Skulltula because you'll need it to
collect its token! * +

          2. You'll find one behind the House of Twins, but out of
reach! Use the Hookshot to kill it and collect its token. ** +

          3. Plant a bottle of bugs into the bean hole next to the shop, it will
sprout a Skulltula. *

        Hyrule Field (2 Skulltulas)

          4. Roll into the tree near the entrance to Kakariko Village to shake
the Skulltula out of the branches. (It's closer the wall of Hyrule Castle than
the village entrance.). ***

          5. Place a bomb in middle of the circle of stones near the
Gerudo Valley entrance to reveal a secret grotto. Jump in and use Din's
Fire to burn the webs, then look for the Skulltula on one of the walls.

        Market and Hyrule Castle (4 Skulltulas)
          6. Enter the Guardhouse at the entrance to the Market and roll into a
crate near the guard. *

          7. Play the Song of Storms in front of the tree near the spot
where you met Talon. *

          8. Roll into the tree where the owl was perched when you first entered
that area to shake one out of the branches. *

          9. Go behind the brick arch near Ganon's Castle and use the
Longshot to defeat the Skulltula lurking on it out of your reach. **

        Lon Lon Ranch (4 Skulltulas)
          10. Roll into the tree next to a house to shake a Skulltula
out of it. *

          11. Go along the outer side of the fence and defeat the
Skulltula on the wooden wall at the back end. * +

          12. You'll find this one hanging on the wall to the right of
the shed where you obtained the Piece of Heart. (You'll have to look
carefully to see this one because it's camouflaged on the wall!) * +

          13. A Skulltula is hanging on the second story window of
Talon's house. You'll need the Boomerang to claim its token. * +

        Kakariko Village (6 Skulltulas)
          14. Roll into the tree shortly after you enter the village to
shake a Skulltula from its branches. * +

          15. You'll find a Skulltula high up on the ladder alongside
the lookout tower. Use the Slingshot to kill it, then climb the ladder
to claim the token. * +

          16. Look behind the house near the gate leading to Death
Mountain to find a Skulltula on the wall you can easily reach and
defeat! * +

          17. Find another one hanging behind the House of Skulltula. *+

          18. At the building under construction, there is one hanging
on the wall. * +

          19. Use the Hookshot or Longshot to get to the roof of a house next to
Impa's House, then use it again to get to the roof of her house. You'll find a
Skulltula on the wall by the roof.  ** +

        Lost Woods (3 Skulltulas)
          20. Plant bugs in the bean hole in the area near the Skull Kid to
reveal a Skulltula. *

          21. Plant bugs in the bean hole in an area near the shortcut
to Zora's Domain to reveal another Skulltula. *

          22. In the same room that you found the last Skulltula, come
back as an adult and ride the bean platform up to a ledge with a
Skulltula nearby. ** +

        Death Mountain (4 Skulltulas)
          23. The first bombable wall on the right on your way up the
Death Mountain Trail houses a Gold Skulltula. ***

          24. As an adult, go back to that ledge above the Dodongo's
Cavern where the Bomb Flower used to grow. Destroy the boulder with the
Megaton Hammer to reveal a Skulltula. ** +

          25. When you're near the top of the mountain and it starts
erupting, either wait until the eruptions stop or until you beat the
Fire Temple (The eruptions DON'T occur anymore then!) and destroy the
last boulder on your way up to the wall you have to climb. You'll reveal a
Skulltula on the wall. ** +

          26. There is one in a bean hole in front of Dodongo's Cavern
that makes one come out when you plant bugs in it. *

        Goron City (2 Skulltulas)
          27. In the room with the "maze" of rocks at the top level of
Goron City, get through that room, then roll into the crate at the other end of
the room to reveal a Skulltula. *

          28. Go to the floor above the very bottom one and use the
Hookshot to kill the Skulltula and get its coin under the central
platform up above. ** +

        Zora's River (4 Skulltulas)
          29. Drop down to the water area by the waterfall at the source of the
river. You'll see the Skulltula on a ladder leading up to the high platforms. *

          30. Roll into the first tree you see on your way up the river
to make a Skulltula fall to the ground. *

          31. When you're on the high plateau with the cucco walking
around on it, jump across to a ledge with a secret grotto on it to find
the Skulltula hanging on the wall nearby. ** +

          32. There is a Skulltula that hangs high on a wall right
before the entrance to Zora's Domain. Use the Longshot to defeat it and
take its token. ** +

        Zora's Domain (1 Skulltula)
          33. Go to the top of the waterfall when it is frozen and
you'll find the Skulltula on the wall. Use the Hookshot to reach it. ** +

        Zora's Fountain (3 Skulltulas)
          34. Roll into the tree near the entrance to the Great Fairy's
Fountain to shake out a Skulltula from its branches. *

          35. There is a Skulltula on the wall by the fallen log. Use
the Boomerang to claim its token after you kill it. * +

          36. On the small piece of land where you find the Great
Fairy's Fountain, come here as an adult AFTER you've gotten the Silver
Gauntlets. Then, lift up the gray boulder and throw it, then drop into
the hole. Go up the incline while using the Lens of Truth to find the
Skulltulas that are normally visible. Climb the ladder at the top and
you'll find the Skulltula on the wall overlooking the entire Zora's
Fountain! ** +

        Lake Hylia (5 Skulltulas)
          37. You'll find a Skulltula on the small island where you
obtain the Fire Arrow. * +

          38. There is a Skulltula in a crate at the bottom of the
Lakeside Laboratory's well. Use the Iron Boots to reach it, then roll
into the crate and use the Hookshot to kill it.  **

          39. Look at the back wall of the Lakeside Laboratory at
nighttime to find one crawling on it. Beat it with the Slingshot, then
use the Boomerang to pull the token in. * +

          40. Use the Longshot to get to the top of the large tree on
the island above the Water Temple, then kill the Skulltula at the top.
** +

          41. Deposit some bugs into the bean hole next to the Lakeside
Laboratory to reveal a Skulltula. *

        Graveyard (2 Skulltulas)
          42. Look for a Skulltula on the wall on the right side of the
graveyard. Use the Slingshot to kill it, then the Boomerang to take the
out-of-reach coin. * +

          43. Plant bugs in the bean hole in the left side of the
graveyard to make a Skulltula come out. *

        Sacred Forest Meadow (1 Skulltula)
          44. Get to the top of the "hedge maze" and look for the
Skulltula to the right of the stairs leading to the Forest Temple. (I
mean the right as if you're looking in the direction of the steps.) ** +

        Death Mountain Crater (2 Skulltulas)
          45. Play the Bolero of Fire to get to the center of the crater as a
kid, then plant bugs into the bean hole to make a Skulltula come out. *

          46. Enter the Death Mountain Crater from the summit of Death
Mountain and roll into the crate nearby to reveal another Skulltula. **

        Gerudo Valley (4 Skulltulas)

          47. About halfway across the wooden plank, look to the right
to find a Skulltula on the wall. Use the Boomerang to take its token
after you defeat it. * +

          48. Look for a Skulltula on the wall behind the Carpenters'
Tent. ** +

          49. Another Skulltula is under the stone arch near the tent.** +

          50. Plant bugs into the bean hole on the ledge far below the
bridge to make a Skulltula pop out. *

        Gerudo Fortress (2 Skulltulas)
          51. After you get the Gerudo Membership Card, get to the roof
of the fortress and look for the Skulltula on the mountain wall nearby.
** +

          52. Ride up to the northern target pole in the Horseback
Archery Range when you're not playing to find another Skulltula on the
front of the target. Simply use the Longshot to kill it and take the
token as well. ** +

        Haunted Wasteland (1 Skulltula)
          53. Go inside the stone structure where you discover the
phantom guide and you'll find a Skulltula. **

        Desert Colossus (3 Skulltulas)
          54. Look for a Skulltula in the branches of a palm tree near
the oasis. Be careful when trying to get this Skulltula because the
Leevers will emerge from the sand and make things more difficult for
you! ** +

          55. Ride the bean platform as an adult and you'll find a
Skulltula atop a platform. ** +

          56. Drop bugs into the bean hole to reveal a Skulltula. *


    Skulltulas Inside Dungeons


	The Great Deku Tree (4 Skulltulas)
          57. In the room where you get the Compass, a Skulltula is in
              an alcove in the left side of the room.

          58. After you fall into the basement, you'll see one on the
              metal bars in the wall.

          59. You'll see another one on the vine wall near the lit

          60. In the room where the enemies fall from the ceiling, burn
              the web on the wall, then bomb the wall to find a Skulltula in
	      the next room.

        Dodongo's Cavern (5 Skulltulas)
          61. In the room with the enemies that explode after defeated,
play the Scarecrow's Song where you see a ledge high above the ground,
then use the Hookshot to reach it.

          62. In the room across from the high ledge, use the Boomerang
to get the token.

          63. In the room where you detonate all the Bomb Flowers at
once, use the Longshot to get the one in an alcove at the top of the

          64. There's another one on the vines nearby the big stairs.

          65. Near the room where you push a block on the switch, bomb a wall to
find one in a room.

        Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly (4 Skulltulas)
          66. Near the bottom of the platform where you hit the switch
with the Boomerang.

          67. When you push the switch to make the water appear in the
room shortly after you meet Ruto in the basement, climb the ladder and
beat the Skulltula.

          68. Drop into the hole where the Green electric thing was and
use the Slingshot to kill the Skulltula on the wall nearby. (You need
the Boomerang to retrieve the token!)

          69. Another one is on the wall near the last one.

        Forest Temple (5 Skulltulas)
          70. In the first room where you kill the Wolfos look at the
right side. You'll see some vines so climb up them. Get on the tree and
walk to the other one and hop on it. If you look up a little see it and
kill it with your Hookshot.

          71. Go in the main room where you see the ghosts run away, go
straight through the lamps and cross to the other side and when you get
to the door look around to the right and you'll see it, kill the gold
Skulltula and nab the coin.

          72. After you get number two and the keys to enter the doors
but once all that is done go back to the entrance and go to the left
room.  Go to the island in the upper-right corner and look up. If you
look up enough you'll it the Skulltula. If you have the exact precise
aim you can get it now but if not you will get it later.

          73. Later you will end up in the same room where you got
Skulltula #3 but when you do jump on the column. When you walk to the
other edge look to the left side and you will see #4, kill it and get
it's coin.

          74. When you get everything done in the Forest Temple and all
you have to do is beat the boss go in the room where you turn the walls
and keep turning the walls and pressing switches until you get into a
room with a Skulltula in it. Look all around the walls and search for
the Skulltula. Kill it and get it's coin.

        Fire Temple (5 Skulltulas)
          75. One's in the room with the Like Like in it that eats your
stuff. When you kill the slug thing look behind him to find it. Kill it
then steal it's coin.

          76. In the room with the bridge that runs through the middle
of it, get to the ledge with the blue block on it. Play the Song of Time to make
the block to move, granting you access to the room you couldn't enter otherwise.
Go in that room and defeat the Skulltula.

          77. Another's in the room with the maze-type thing and the
boulders. When you get to the upper level, look in a room with one of
the trapped Goron in it. Free him, get the key, look in the cell, find
the spider, kill it, then take the coin!

          78. About two rooms after the last Skulltula (a room that is
corkscrewed up). When you fire, go in the room and go right beside the
cliff. Look to the wall to the left and you see the spider. Kill him and nab his

          79. In the very same room as the last one, go up to the place
right above the door and look to your right. If you search enough (this
one sort of blends in with the surroundings) you should find it. Now you know
what to do...

        Ice Cavern (3 Skulltulas)
          80. In the room with the Heart Piece and the Compass, look
behind one of the columns and you'll see the Skulltula high above you.
Use the Hookshot to kill it and take its token.

          81. In the room with the silver rupees and the spinning
blades, cut down the icicles in the room and you'll find a Skulltula
hiding behind them. Then, just kill it with your Hookshot because it's
out of reach.

          82. In the room where you have to push the blocks around the
room, look for the Skulltula on the wall above the pit. Use the Hookshot to kill
it and obtain its token.

	Water Temple (5 Skulltulas)
          83. When you get about 1/3rd of the way done through the
temple, go to the upper level of water in the main room. Look to the
bottom left side with all the Hookshot targets and all that. Go in the
room to look around. When you get to the other side of the area and
getting past the gate, look on the wall to get the games easiest to find gold
Skulltula.  If you can't find it I can't help you!

          84. The next gold Skulltula appears in the caves where the
cyclones are. When you get away from all the annoying cyclones, whip out your
Fairy Bow or Longshot and search on the opposite side wall and kill the gold
Skulltula that resides on a wall.

          85. After you get through the entire cyclone hubbub you'll end up back
in a room with a water-changing symbol. Look around through the room and with
enough looking you should be able to find it on the east wall.

          86. Once you get the water to mid-level, go back to the room
with the waterfall and the place you have to cross. Look around the
right side and the gold Skulltula is yours with your Longshot.

          87. Before you get the Boss Key, you should find this. In the
area with the boulders rolling through the water, look to your right and you'll
see the temple's last gold Skulltula it has to offer. Kill the spider and nab
the coin.

        Kakariko Well (3 Skulltulas)
          88. Walk through the wall exactly north of where you get the
Compass and you'll find the Skulltula in the hidden room.

          89. Walk through the wall on the upper-right side of the room
where you got the Compass and walk around the right wall of that room to reach
the Skulltula!

          90. In the room with the BIG invisible holes, get across that
room and enter the door there. You'll end up in a room with a Skulltula. (I
advise you have the lens of Truth so you know where those holes are!)

        Shadow Temple (5 Skulltulas)
          91. The first gold Skulltula is in the pit where you have to
use the Lens of Truth to see the platforms. Go into the room where the
scythe things are invisible, look at the right wall, and the first gold
Skulltula should be in there up high.

          92. This one's in the room where the bed of spikes drops down
and you have to block them with your block. In one of the cells you
should see the gold Skulltula.

          93. The next one is in the room where you throw the bomb
flower into the pot with the blue fire. Once you blow up the pot, look
where the pot used to be and on the wall the gold Skulltula should be

          94. The next one is where you have to use Bonoorru the
scarecrow as a target for your Hookshot (right by the ship). Call him on the
ledge next to the ship and right by the scarecrow is the gold

          95. The last one is in the optional room with the three
spinning pots. Blow up all three of the spinning pots and the gold
Skulltula should be on the wall exactly like the third one.

        Spirit Temple (Young Link) (3 Skulltulas)
          96. In the room where you light the lanterns and part of the
gate falls down, cross the now made bridge and on the other side is the
gold Skulltula. Kill it with your slingshot and boomerang it's coin in!

          97. The next one's in the room with the lizard men. When you
climb up the vines turn around and look at the pit. The gold Skulltula
should be just near the top. Another very easy Skulltula killed.

          98. One's in the room with the difficult Ironknuckle. I won't
give tips on killing him but once you do look above the door that opens
when you kill him and you should be able to see it, kill it, and take
it's coin.

        Spirit Temple (Adult Link) (2 Skulltulas)
          99. In the room with the boulders and the blue block that
disappears once you play the Song of Time. Don't play the song to the
block yet, but do look in all the other spaces and when you search them
all you should be able to find the gold Skulltula and once you do kill

          100. In the room with the giant statue is where the last gold
Skulltula in the temple resides. On the left side, play the Scarecrow
song and the portable Hookshot target (Bonoorru) should appear. Use him
as a target and once you get on that island look on the wall and kill
the Skulltula that is there.


08. Weapons / Armor List


                                  Quick List:
  |                       |               |                              |
  | NAME                  | PRICE         | LOCATION                     |
  |                       |               |                              |
  | Goron Tunic           | 200 Rupees    | Shop/Darunia's son before    |
  |                       |               | the Fire Temple.             |
  |                       |               |                              |
  | Kokiri Tunic          | N/A           | Link has these at the start  |
  |                       |               | of the game.                 |
  |                       |               |                              |
  | Zora Tunic            | 300 Rupees    | Free King Zora with Blue Fire|
  |                       |               | to get this tunic.           |
  |                       |               |                              |
  | Deku Shield           | 40 Rupees     | Almost any shop, dungeon.    |
  |                       |               |                              |
  | Hylian Shield         | 60 Rupees     | Graveyard, or at the Market  |
  |                       |               | or Kakariko Village shops.   |
  |                       |               |                              |
  | Mirror Shield         | N/A           | Spirit Temple.               |
  |                       |               |                              |
  | Hover Boots           | N/A           | Shadow Temple.               |
  |                       |               |                              |
  | Kokiri Boots          | N/A           | Link automatically has these.|
  |                       |               |                              |
  | Iron Boots            | N/A           | In the Ice Cavern.           |
  |                       |               |                              |
  | Biggoron's Sword      | N/A           | Complete the Quest for the   |
  |                       |               | Biggoron's Sword mini-game.  |
  |                       |               |                              |
  | Giant's Knife         | 200 Rupees    | Goron City.                  |
  |                       |               |                              |
  | Kokiri Sword          | N/A           | Chest from hidden area in    |
  |                       |               | Kokiri Forest.               |
  |                       |               |                              |
  | Master Sword          | N/A           | Temple of Time.              |
  |                       |               |                              |


Biggoron's Sword
The largest Sword available. The real version of the Giant's Knife.

Deku Shield
A wooden, small shield for Link.

Giant's Knife
A very brittle, large, Sword.

Goron Tunic
Allows Link to enter extremely hot areas.

Hover Boots
Allows Link to "hover" short distances for a limited amount of time.

Iron Boots
Allows Link to sink to the bottom of water areas, and walk around underwater.

Kokiri Boots
Default boots for Link.

Kokiri Sword
Default Sword for Link.

Kokiri Tunic
Default tunic for Link.

Master Sword
The main sword for Adult Link, and allows Link to use the Temple of Time
to change inbetween Child and Adult Link.

Mirror Shield
Adult Link's shield that reflects magic and beams of light.

Zora Tunic
Link's Tunic that allows Link to go underwater without losing air or dying.


09. Items List


                                  Quick List:
|                       |                   |                              |
| ITEM NAME             | PRICE (If bought) |  LOCATION                    |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Bomb                  | 0-100 Rupees      | Anywhere, really.            |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Bombchu               | 0-70 Rupees       | Anywhere, especially Market. |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Bomb Bag              | N/A               | Dondongo's Cavern            |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Boomerang             | N/A               | Jabu-Jabu's Belly            |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Boss Keys             | N/A               | There is one Boss Key inside |
|                       |                   | of every temple/dungeon.     |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Deku Seed Bag         | N/A               | Great Deku Tree              |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Deku Nuts             | 15 Rupees for 5   | Anywhere, really.            |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Deku Sticks           | 20 Rupees         | "         "                  |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Din's Fire            |                   | Great Fairy Fountain, Hyrule |
|                       |                   | Castle.                      |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Fairy Bow             | N/A               | Forest Temple.               |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Fairy Slingshot       | N/A               | Great Deku Tree.             |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Fairy Ocarina         | N/A               | Get it from Saria.           |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Farore's Wind         | N/A               | Great Fairy Fountain, Zora's |
|                       |                   | Domain.                      |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Fire Arrows           | N/A               | Lake Hylia.                  |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Gerudo Membership Card| N/A               | Gerudo Fortress.             |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Gold Gauntlet         | N/A               | Ganon's Castle.              |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Gold Scale            | N/A               | 20-lb. fish in Fishing Game. |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Goron's Bracelet      | N/A               | Goron City.                  |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Hookshot              | N/A               | Graveyard, get from Dampe.   |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Ice Arrows            | N/A               | Gerudo Training Ground.      |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Lens of Truth         | N/A               | Kakariko Village well.       |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Light Arrows          | N/A               | Princess Zelda.              |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Longshot              | N/A               | Water Temple.                |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Magic Bean(s)         | 0-100 Rupees      | From the Bean Dealer near    |
|                       |                   | Zora's River.                |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Megaton Hammer        | N/A               | Fire Temple.                 |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Mask of Truth         | N/A               | Sell all 4 Masks.            |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Nayru's Love          | N/A               | Great Fairy Fountain in      |
|                       |                   | Desert Colossus.             |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Ocarina of Time       | N/A               | Get the 3 Spiritual Stones.  |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Quiver                | N/A               | Forest Temple.               |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Stone of Agony        | N/A               | Collect 20 Gold Skulltulas.  |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Silver Gauntlets      | N/A               | Spirit Temple.               |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Silver Scale          | N/A               | Zora's Domain.               |
|                       |                   |                              |
| Small Keys            | N/A               | Inside of any temple/dungeon.|
|                       |                   |                              |


Explodes after a few-second delay in time.

Bomb Bag
Holds Bombs, and allows Link to actually carry Bombs around. Upgradable.

Bombs that explode after a delay, or on impact with an object. Motorized to
allow it to speed away from Link.

Item/weapon that can be tossed to take far away items, and can be used to
attack certain enemies from afar.

Boss Keys
These special keys are usually found after fighting a mini-boss battle inside
of a dungeon, and allow access to the Boss's Lair, which can only be unlocked
with a Boss Key.

Deku Nuts
Stuns enemies with a single toss.

Deku Seed Bag
Holds Deku Seeds that can be used for your Fairy Slingshot.

Deku Stick
A wooden stick that can be used as a weak weapon, or to light a torch by
lighting the end on fire.

Din's Fire
A spell that allows Link to cast a shield of fire.

Fairy Bow
Shoots arrows. Can only be used with Adult Link.

Fairy Ocarina
Plays songs.

Fairy Slingshot
Shoots Deku Seeds as a weapon or to activate switches.

Farore's Wind
Another spell, this one allows Link to create temporary warp locations within

Fire Arrows
Lights normal arrows on fire.

Gerudo Membership Card
Gives Link unlimited access to the Gerudo Valley and the hideout of the
Gerduo Thieves.

Gold Gauntlet
Allows Link to lift any object.

Gold Scale
Allows Link to dive to any depth.

Goron's Bracelet
Gives Link the power to lift up Bomb flowers in Goron City and in Dondogo's

Grappling hook that allows Link to access far away areas, but only works
on wood.

Ice Arrows
Adds Ice to normal arrows.

Lens of Truth
Used to see invisible things/people/enemies.

Light Arrows
Adds Light to normal arrows, and the only way to defeat the final boss.

An upgrade to the Hookshot, the Longshot allows Link to reach even further
than before.

Magic Beans
Plant these in the magic bean spots hidden in the game as a child to access
hidden areas as an adult.

Mask of Truth
Use on Gossip Stones to get tips.

Megaton Hammer
A very powerful weapon that breaks anything rusty and stony.

Nayru's Love
Spell that surrounds Link in a shield.

Ocarina of Time
Plays songs, as well as opens the Temple of Time.

Holds arrows.

Silver Gauntlet
Allows Link to lift almost any item in the game.

Silver Scale
Allows Link to swim to almost any depth in the game.

Stone of Agony
This allows Link to find hidden holes in the game, but only works with the
Rumble Pak.

Small Keys
The small keys are always found within small treasure chests in any dungeon or
temple, and are used to unlock any normally locked door. These DO NOT unlock
Boss doors in the temples, however.


10. The Ocarina Songs


1. Zelda's Lullaby

C-Left, C-Up, C-Right, C-Left, C-Up, C-Right

2. Epona's Song

C-Up, C-Left, C-Right, C-Up, C-Left, C-Right

3. Saria's Song

C-Down, C-Right, C-Left, C-Down, C-Right, C-Left

4. Sun's Song:

C-Right, C-Down, C-Up, C-Right, C-Down, C-Up

5. Song of Time:

C-Right, A, C-Down, C-Right, A, C-Down

6. Song of Storms:

A, C-Down, C-Up, A, C-Down, C-Up

7. Minute of the Forest:

A, C-Up, C-Left, C-Right, C-Left, C-Right

8. Bolero of Fire:

C-Down, A, C-Down, A, C-Right, C-Down, C-Right, C-Down

9. Serenade of Water:

A, C-Down, C-Right, C-Right, C-Left

10. Nocturne of Shadow:

C-Left, C-Right, C-Right, A, C-Left, C-Right, C-Down

11. Requiem of Spirit:

A, C-Down, A, C-Right, C-Down, A

12. Prelude of Light:

C-Up, C-Right, C-Up, C-Right, C-Left, C-Up


11. Walkthrough


                               • The Beginning •

At the start of the game, you will be awakened by Navi, your protective
Fairy that has been sent to you by the Great Deku Tree. Head outside, climb
down the ladder, and speak with Saria. Now your main objectives are to get
the Kokiri Sword and to collect enough Rupees to buy a Deku Shield.

Check out the path that lead to the Great Deku Tree, and Mido is blocking
your path, and won't let you pass until you are ready to enter, which means
you need a sword and a shield. So head off to the left of Link's house, and
up the small hill to find some fences leading to a small hole in the far
wall. Crawl through the hole, and you will spot a large boulder rolling
around in circles. Turn left, and wait for the boulder to roll into the
grass, then follow it until you find a chest to the right. Open it up to
find the Kokiri Sword. Now just head back to the hole in the wall, and chop
up the signs around this area to get some easy Rupees. Go back into the
Forest once more.

Time to do some Rupee hunting! Run through some grassy areas to find some
Rupees, you can slash plants in the ground, and you can also toss small
rocks to find Rupees hidden within them. You need at least 40 Rupees to
purchase a Deku Shield. Check behind some houses to find some hidden
Rupees. Now locate the shop near the small pond, and before entering the
shop, check out those small platforms floating on the pond of water.
Practice your jumping ability by making your way across all of the
platforms, and if done correctly, you will get some easy automatic Rupees.

If you still need to find some Rupees, find the girl on the high platform,
which can be accessed by following the bridge to her. At the top, she'll
give you some Rupees for joining her. Now head to the shop again, and buy a
Deku Shield for 40 Rupees. Return to Mido, pass him, and follow the path,
while killing the Deku Babas to get some Deku Sticks, and entering the area
with the Great Deku Tree. Watch the cinema, and accept his proposition.
Enter the Great Deku Tree.

                            • The Great Deku Tree •

Inside the Deku Tree, head around to the right, and kill the Deku Babas for
some more items, including Deku Nuts. Now find the rough wall near them in
which you can climb. Climb up it to the top, then head to the right and
open the large chest to find the Dungeon Map! Now run past the rough wall
with the spiders on it, and continue running forward to find another
doorway. Enter it to find a Deku Scrub. To defeat this guy, simply auto-aim
with Z-Targeting, then when he shoots nuts at you, defend with your shield,
and cause the nut to hit him. Chase him around to get some advice and a

Now that the next door is open, enter it. Head across the platform, and
open the next chest to find the Fairy Slingshot! Turn around, and if the
platform is gone, aim for the ladder above the doorway, and shoot it with
your slingshot to lower it. Use it to exit the room.

Head back to where the spiders are crawling on the rough wall, and take
them all down with shots from your slingshot. When they are all gone, climb
up the wall, and onto the next floor. Head to the right or left, and locate
the next door. Enter it, and step on the floor switch to raise the
platforms. Hop across these platforms to get to the other side with the
chest, and open it to find the Compass! There is another smaller chest in
this room containing a recovery heart, as well as a Gold Skulltula on the
wall near this chest and the enemy. Now light a Deku Stick on fire with the
single torch, then use this on-fire Deku Stick to light the next torch.
This causes the door to unlock. Exit the room, and head back outside of
this room.

Around this upper level you will find small openings that overhang the
center of the tree. These are also guarded by some Big Skulltulas. To beat
them, wait until they turn their bellies toward you, then attack. Use one
of these overhanging platforms to see the large web in the center of the
tree. Your goal is to jump from this platform and onto the web, thus
breaking through it. Do this to get to the underground area of the tree.

Find the door concealed by some webbing, and a floor switch next to it. Now
step on the switch to activate a torch, use a Deku Stick to light it on
fire, then use the flaming Deku Stick to burn the webbing away. Enter the
door, defeat the Deku Scrub, and use the Slingshot and shoot the eye above
the next door to open it. Inside this room, swim underwater and to the left
is a underwater switch. Dive underwater to activate the switch, then return
to the mainland, and ride the platform to the other side of the area.

Beat the Big Skulltula the same way as before, then pull the block enough
to get to the next ledge. Climb it and enter the next door. Inside of the
next area, you will find some torches, two of them which are not burning.
Light a Deku Stick with one of the burning torches, and light the other two
torches, then head through the next door.

In the next room, either kill the Deku Baba, or just ignore them, and use a
buring Deku Stick to burn the webbing blocking the stones on the wall.
Enter the small opening in the stones, and on the other side, you will find
that you are back in the center underground area again. Now you have to
burn away the webbing on the ground here, but to do so, you will need to
access a torch. Push the block here off the ledge and into the water, then
run across to the next area with the torch, light a Deku Stick, then climb
back up the block, and use it to burn away the webbing. Fall into the hole.

Down here you will find some more Deku Scrubs, and there is a special way
to defeat them. First beat the 2nd one, then the 3rd one, and lastly the
1st one. If done right, they will tell you how to defeat Queen Gohma, and
allow you to pass, and enter the next room with the boss.




This is the easiest boss fight in the game, so it shouldn't take you more
than oh...2-3 minutes to beat her. Equip your slingshot, and wait until her
eye turns red, then shoot a Deku Seed at it with your slingshot, and when
she falls down and is stunned, slash at her eye with your Sword until she
gets back up. When she returns to the ceiling, wait until her eye turns red
again, then repeat the process until she has been defeated. By the way, if
you are too slow, Gohma's babies will attack you from the ceiling, so just
beat these tiny guys first before returning your attention to Gohma.

Take the Full Heart Container, then step into the blue transporting beam to
return to the outside of the Great Deku Tree, watch the cinema, and take
the Kokiri Emerald! This is the first Spiritual Stone of the game.

                         • Path to Dodongo's Cavern •

Your next mission? To get the Spiritual Stone of Fire, or Goron's Ruby. But
before you can get to Dodongo's Cavern, you must do some side-quests first.

Exit Kokiri Forest, and on the way out, you meet Saria again, and she'll
hand you the Fairy Ocarina. Before entering Hyrule Field, the Owl will give
you the Hyrule Field Map. Head into Hyrule Field, and make your way across
the Field and enter Hyrule Market/Castle. In the center of the Market,
speak to Malon, the red-headed girl. Now pass through the Market, and enter
the outer-castle area, climb up the vines to the right, and get past the
gates, then sneak past the guards, and enter the castle area. Be sure to
get CAUGHT by the guards at first, so you can meet Malon near the vines.
Try to return to the vines, and you will see Malon. Talk to her to get the
Weird Egg, and keep it in one of your C-button slots, and let it hatch. Now
make your way past the guards again, and into the main castle area with the

Swim in the moat around the castle, until you reach the area to the right
of the castle, with a small fountain, and a block, along with a sleeping
man, who is Malon's father, Talon. Use the hatched chicken on him to wake
him up, and he'll run off back to Malon. Push the nearby block into the
moat, then make your way on it, and across the moat and crawl through the
next hole. Avoid the guards here just like before, and make your way past
the next series of guards. After sneaking by several guards, you will find
the end of the path leads to Princess Zelda. Approach her on the platform,
and talk with her. Zelda will give you Zelda's Letter. Agree with her, and
Impa will lead you back to safety. She'll eventually teach you Zelda's
Lullaby at the outside of the castle.

You can take this time to explore the Marketplace if you wish, but when you
are done, make your way back to Hyrule Field, and enter the Lon Lon Ranch.

Here in the Lon Lon Ranch, you can win a bottle from Talon (check the
"Locations of the Empty Bottles" section in this FAQ to find out how), and
you can also learn a new song from Malon. Enter the corral area, and find
Malon here. Talk to her, then equip your Ocarina, and she'll teach you
Epona's Song, which you will need for the Future if you wish to get Epona
as your horse.

Okay, your next objective is to find Saria, in the Lost Woods and in the
Sacred Forest Meadow. Go back to the Kokiri Forest, and climb up the vines
in the back of the forest to find a large round hole in the wall that leads
to the Lost Woods. Here's how to get to Saria from the entrance here:
Right, Up, Right, Up, Up, Left, Up. This will lead you to the Sacred Forest
Meadow, which is guarded by some Wolfos. Beat it, then enter the next gate.
Follow the path to the large set of stairs, and go up it to find Saria.

Watch the cinema, and she'll teach you Saria's Song. As you exit the Sacred
Forest Meadow, you will find some ladders leading to the top of the bushes.
In the center of the square-like bushes is a hole which leads to a Fairy
Fountain, where you can fill an Empty Bottle with a Fairy which can heal
you fully. Exit this area, go back to Hyrule Field, and head to Kakariko

Go left of the tree near the entrance to the Village, and climb the stairs
to the left, and follow the path to find the gate to Death Mountain being
guarded by a....guard! Show him Zelda's Letter, and he will allow you to
pass. From here, you can now either enter Death Mountain, go mask-trading,
or just explore the Village. Head to the Graveyard, and find the grave with
some flowers near it, and pull it, and hop into the hole to find a chest
containing the Hylian Shield. You can also learn the Sun's Song here by
going to the back of the Graveyard, and playing Zelda's Lullaby in front of
the grave, then enter the next hole. Follow it past the enemies, but defeat
the first set of monsters to get past them.

Inside the next area is a wall with some writing on it. Read the wall, and
Link will learn the Sun's Song. Return to the entrance to Death Mountain,
and head up to the top of the path (Death Mountain Trail), and enter Goron
City that is to the north-east of the Trail.

Talk to the various Gorons if you wish to learn more about them, and head
down to the large door near the spinning vase. Play Zelda's Lullaby to open
the door, and enter it to meet Darunia. Speak to him, then play Saria's
Song to make him dance away! After hearing this kick-ass song, Darunia
gives Link the Goron's Bracelet, which allows Link to lift bomb flowers.
Exit Goron City, and veer to the right to find a small single bomb flower
near the fence. Pick it up, and toss it over the fence so that it lands in
front of the boulder blocking Dodongo's Cavern. This will blow the boulder
away, allowing you to access the next dungeon.

                             • Dodongo's Cavern •

Grab a nearby Bomb Flower, and use it to blow up the boulder blocking the
entrance. Enter the Cavern, then run to the center platform, avoid the
Beamos, and head to the leftmost ledge. Take a bomb flower, and place it in
front of the stone door in the center of the ledge, and to find the chest
with the Dungeon Map. Go back to the center platform, and head to the
eastern ledge. Use another Bomb Flower to blast through the next stone
doorway, and into the tunnel. Avoid or fight the Baby Dodongos in here,
then head to the ledge with the statue near it. Push the statue onto the
switch, and enter the next door.

Follow the hallway, and into the next firey area. Fight the two Lizalfos in
here by blocking their attacks, then slashing at them until they both die.
Make your way across the platforms and through the next unlocked door.
Fight the Dodongos in this region, and light a Deku Stick on fire, and
light the three torches in this room to access the next area, with a floor
switch. Step on it to open a door across the main room, then head to the
door to the west.

The next room has a bunch of bomb flowers and a large stone blocks
surrounding it. Pick one up, and place it into the center of all of the
flowers to lower the blocks, and allow you to climb up it. But before you
climb the stairs, enter the room near the stairs, and defeat the Armos with
bomb flowers to get the Compass. Return to the blocks and climb them to the

Push or pull the Armos statue blocking a ladder in the next room, and climb
the ladder, and activate the switch, then head through the next doorway,
and cross the bridge that overhangs the main room. Go through the doorway
at the other side of the bridge.

Inside the first room, avoid the razors on the ground, and make your way to
the other side, climb on top of the crate and up the ladder to find a bomb
flower. Be sure to push the crate to reach here. Toss is over to the block
to blow it away, then head through the doorway. Shoot the eye above the
flaming doorway to kill the flames, and continue along your path.

Inside the next region has some more Lizalfos to defeat, so beat them the
same way as you did before to open access to the next area. Shoot the eye
above the flaming doorway in front of you, then hop onto the next platform,
and shoot the eye to the left to get rid of the next set of flames.
Continue forward. Make your way back across this room, but as you do,
locate the chest in the room containing the Bomb Bag. Step on the next
switch, and check out the holes in the bridge. Toss bombs through the
farthest hole in the bridge from Link, and make sure they fall into the
Eyes of the Dodongo statue below. Do this for both of the holes and blow up
both eyes to open the mouth of the statue. Hop down there, and enter the

Follow the path until you reach a room with a block inside it, on a ledge.
Push it down to the main ground, and then push it towards the far-end of
the room, climb up it, and push the next block into the main room, and into
the hole in the ground. Enter the next door that has become unlocked, and
into the seemingly dead-end. Bomb the discolored region on the floor, then
hop down into the hole to fight this dungeon's boss.




Woo boy. What a tough boss </sarcasm>. Seriously though, this guy is
incredibly easy to beat. Basically, what you want to do is, is to toss a
bomb into his mouth when he opens it up for you. He'll roll around the
permeter of the area, and wait for him to stop, and open his mouth. Toss a
bomb into his mouth, then when he's stunned, slash at him with your sword.
Avoid him when he rolls around, and repeat the process above when he stops
in front of you to defeat this Ancient Beast.

Take the Full Heart Piece, then step into the portal to meet Darunia
outside of Dodongo's Cavern, in which he'll give Link the Goron's Ruby,
then try to hug Link, and watch as Link runs off, screaming in fear. >:)

                           • Path to Zora's Domain •

Before leaving Death Mountain, you should go to the top of Death Mountain.
Locate the sign near the entrance to Goron City, and this sign points to
the top of the mountain. Climb up the rocks, and toss bombs across the
platforms to blow away the rocks blocking your path. Once past the
platforms, head forward, and be sure to have your Hylian Shield equipped.
You will encounter some falling rocks while running through this area, and
use your Shield to block the rocks from falling on tiny Link. At the end,
kill the Skullwalltulas on the wall, then climb up it to the top.

Here you will find the entrance to the Death Mountain Crater, and a hidden
entrance to a Great Fairy Fountain. Blow up the wall with a bomb, then
enter the Fountain, and play Zelda's Lullaby to bring out the Great Fairy.
She'll give you the Charged Sword Spin. Exit the Fountain, and talk to the
owl outside to have him fly you back to Kakariko Village. Now head off to
Zora's River.

Blow up the rocks blocking your path to the river, and run to the fence.
Once here, buy some Magic Beans from the Magic Bean dealer, and hop across
the river, and make your way up the river all the way to the waterfall.
Stand on the Triforce across from the waterfall, and play Zelda's Lullaby
top open the hidden entrance to Zora's Domain.

Make your way straight into the Domain, and find King Zora sitting up on
his throne. Talk to him to find out about his missing daughter, who was
last seen by Jabu-Jabu the fish. Head to the left of King Zora to find a
Zora who wants you to play the diving game, so win the Diving Game by
collecting all of the Rupees underwater within the allotted time. Get the
Silver Scale, then swim under the water to find an entrance that leads to
Lake Hylia. Locate the bottle underwater containing Princess Ruto's Letter.
Take it back to King Zora, and he'll take the letter, leaving you the Empty
Bottle as a reward! He'll also move out of your way and allow you to get to
Jabu-Jabu, but you need a fish to feed him, in order to enter his Belly.

Use an Empty Bottle, and head into the water near the Zora shop, and wade
in the water around the fish. Capture a fish with your Bottle, then head
back past King Zora, and head to Jabu-Jabu in Zora's Fountain. Make your
way past Jabu-Jabu, and swim across the water to the other side of the lake
to find a rather large boulder. Blow it up with a bomb to reveal a Great
Fairy Fountain. This fairy gives you Farore's Wind. Now return to

Stand in front of Jabu-Jabu, and use the Bottled Fish in front of him.
Jabu-Jabu will open his mouth, and suck the fish inside his belly, along
with Link.

                        • Inside of Jabu-Jabu's Belly •

Start off by killing the Octoroks in here just like you defeated the Deku
Scrubs from earlier on in the game, then run forward. You will see a door
blocked off from Link, but there is a ceiling switch near it which you can
hit with your slingshot, and thus opening the door. Remember this for
later, because if you find a locked door, you can usually open it by
activating the switch on the ceiling.

Pass through this next room with some crates to the left, and into the next
room. In here there are some holes in the ground in which you can fall
through, and there is one hole filled by a tenticle. You will also find
Princess Ruto in here. Talk to her, and she'll walk away, and fall through
a hole. Follow her through the hole, and speak with her again. Now she
wants you to carry her, so do this. Turn around, and head through the door
behind Link, and enter the room with the empty pond in the center. Throw
her into the pond, then back up to the other side of the pond. Now step on
the floor switch to raise the water, and swim up to the other side where
you just tossed Ruto to.

Continue through the next door, and make your way through the locked door,
until you reach a Octorok, and a raising platform. Kill the Octorok, then
toss Ruto on the platform, then hop on it yourself, and ride it to the top
of the area. Now at the top, hop off the platform, and re-enter the stomach
area where the holes in the ground is, and where you first met Ruto. Pass
through the stomach, and continue until you reach a large fork. Go right,
and then north. Step on the floor switch with Ruto on Link, and the door
should open. Enter the room, and fight the Stingers. Use your slingshot for
the best results.

After killing them all, a chest with the Boomerang appears! Take it, then
leave the room. Now head west, and set Ruto down on the switch in front of
the large door (the one without the Tenticle). Now keep her on it, and
enter the room. You have to kill the tenticle in here with your Boomerang
by luring it out of the ceiling, and when it swings at you, toss the
Boomerang at it. Repeat this process a few times to kill it, and reveal a
chest containing the Dungeon Map. Exit the room, talk to Ruto, and go into
the room that Navi points out to you, saying that the tenticle is now gone
(the one that was blocking a doorway). Enter this room with Ruto, and
destroy all of the floating bubbles within the time limit of 40 seconds. Do
so, and you will get the compass from a chest.

Leave the room, and enter the eastern-most door in this hallway. Kill the
tenticle in here, then exit the room, and enter the center room to the
north (check your map). In here, you must kill the tenticle, and some Biri.
Do this, grab Ruto, and go back to the stomach area with all of the holes
in the ground. Now you will see that the hole that was filled with a
tenticle earlier, is now not-filled with a tenticle. Hop into this hole.
Enter the door down here, and Ruto will spot the Spiritual Stone of Water.

Toss her onto the platform. She'll try to take it, and the platform will
rise and take her away for the time being. The platform will come back down
to you, and a large mini-boss comes with it. This guy will run around the
platform in various directions, and you must stun him with your boomerang.
Doing so will cause him to spin around, and might reveal his yellow rear
spot. If you see this, slash at it with your sword. Repeat this until he is

Hop on the platform, ride it up, and leave this room, and stun the large
Jello-like platforms with your Boomerang, and when they turn purple, hop on
them and use them to cross the room, and ride the platform down. You are
now back in one of the main hallways, the one with the small crates. Locate
the floor switch in this area, and take a crate, and place it on the
switch. Enter the door near it.

Avoid or kill the Biri, and climb up the large tower to see a ceiling
switch in the center of the room. Use your Boomerang to activate it, then
go back down, and enter the newly opened boss door.




Hot damn! This boss isn't exactly hard, it's just that it does so many
things at once, and has many variations of attacks, that it can be hard to
know what to do. You will notice that there are 3 tenticles on top of him
that lead to the ceiling. Take these out first with your boomerang. Target
his main body now, and when he comes at you, toss the boomerang at him to
stun him, then target the shiny plates surrounding his body, and attack
those. If done right, he'll lose these plates, and start to rotate around
the room. Stun him again by hitting his body with your boomerang, then
attack his body when it is stunned. Repeat this last process over and over
again until he dies.

Take the Full Heart Container, and hop into the portal with Princess Ruto,
and get the last Spiritual Stone, the Zora's Engagement Ring. Make your way
back to Hyrule Castle to watch a cinema.

After the cinema, take the Ocarina of Time from the moat, then enter the
Marketplace. Take this time to learn Epona's Song or visit any areas that
you wish to before moving on in the game, because you will be doing some
time-travelling, which will cause some of the things that are around when
you play as Child Link to change.

When you are ready, head to the Temple of Time, which is in the
Marketplace. Approach the alter, and play the Song of Time (which you
learned already when you took the Ocarina of Time). Run forward to find the
Master Sword. Pull it out of the stone to turn into Adult Link! Now go to
the Graveyard in Kakariko Village.

                                 • Graveyard •

Your goal here is to locate Dampe's grave, which can be found by finding
the grave with some flowers in front of it. Pull the grave open, and hop
into the hole. You will find Dampe down here, and he'll race you. Race him,
and beware of the fireballs that he drops in your path, because these will
slow you down. It's tough to beat him the first time, but just as long as
you keep up with him the entire way, he'll give you the Hookshot at the
end. Approach the block in this room and play the Song of Time to move it,
then follow this path to get to the Windmill. There is a heart piece inside
here, on a ledge, so nab this before leaving.

                               • Lon Lon Ranch •

Now go back to Hyrule Field, and head to the Lon Lon Ranch. Talk to Ingo at
the corral. He'll let you ride one of the horses, so ride the normal brown
horse, and not Epona. Pay Ingo again to ride another horse, and race Ingo.
Play Epona's Song to have Epona come to you, and hop on, then challenge
Ingo to a race, while riding Epona. Win the first race around the corral,
and Ingo will challenge you again, but this time, it's for Epona's
ownership. Beat him again, and Ingo will get bitter, and close the gates on
you. What now? Simple. Locate the surrounding fence around the corral, and
jump the fence with Epona. If done right, you will have escaped from the
Lon Lon Ranch with Epona!

When you are ready, go back to the Lost Woods, and enter the Sacred Forest
Meadow. This time, however, the maze leading to the Meadow is being guarded
by giant monsters. Kill these guys by using the Hookshot on their backs. In
the Sacred Forest Meadow, you will meet Sheik once more, and you will learn
the Minuet of Forest song. Now use the hookshot on the wooden branch that
leads to a ledge, and enter the Forest Temple.

                               • Forest Temple •

Fight the two Wolfos that attack you right away, then climb the vine
covered wall, and hop onto the wooden branch up here. Follow the branch to
find a chest containing a small key. Kill the Gold Skulltula on the wall
too. Now use the small key on the main door, and enter the actual temple.

Kill the Large Skulltula in the hallway, then head into the main hallway.
Run forward, and enter the door at the top of the set of stairs, and fight
the Blue Bubble. To defeat it, just hit him with your shield, then attack
it with your sword. Enter the next room and fight the two Stalfos. Kill
them both, and take the small key out of the chest. Return to the main

Take the north-western door, and play the Song of Time in front of the
large block that is "blocking" your path (heh). Turn right, and climb up
the vine-covered wall, but be sure to kill the two Skulltulas on the wall
first. At the top, go through the door, and kill the next Blue Bubble. Take
the Dungeon Map from the chest, then head out of the door with the Forest
Temple symbol that leads to a small balcony.

Look up to see a target on the wall. Use your Hookshot to hit the various
targets to access new areas. Hit the first one, and hit the floor switch
under the target to drain the well. Make your way back down to the ground
and enter the well. Take the small key out of the chest down here, then
head up the vine-covered wall on the other side of the well.

Locate the door to the west of the main hall, and use the small key to open
it. Follow the next hallway, while taking care of the Skulltula and enter
the next room. Kill the Blue Bubble, and head up the next two ladders.
Check the ground to see some arrows, so follow them until you reach a large
block. Pull it out until it is out all the way, then push it to the end of
the hallway. Now go to the other side of the block, so that you can now
push it into the small lowered area in the floor. Climb up the ladder where
the black used to be, and find another block. Okay, so push this block
until it stops (its a red block), and go back to the large blue block,
climb up it, and push the red block all the way in. Now continue on, and
head through the door, which you can unlock with a small key.

Kill the two Blue Bubbles in here, then enter the next hallway, which is
severely twisted. In the next room, move fast, and avoid the Wall- master,
a monster which will drop in on you. Hop onto the block, then enter the
door on the right.

Go down the stairs, and defeat the 3 Stalfos down here, and take the Fairy
Bow from the chest that appears. Okay, now head west, and to the stairs
over here (once again, use your map). Check out the paintings along the
stairs, and you will see a ghost inside of one. Shoot it with an arrow, and
it will move into another painting (it will blow up, and catch on fire). Do
this 3 times for all 3 paintings, and head down the stairs to fight the
ghost. She'll turn invisible, and then re-appear. When she re-appears,
shoot her with an arrow, and repeat this over and over to get a small key.
Now run to the east, and find the stairway here. Do the same thing here as
you did with the western stairway with the paintings and the ghost, and you
will get the Compass from a chest.

Return back to the twisted hallway, and shoot the eye above the door that
leads to it to make it straight again. Re-enter the hallway, and enter the
now-twisted room at the end, still containing the Wallmaster. Hop down to
the ground, and you will see the yellow-and-blue chest containing the boss
key. Take it, and hop into the hole in the floor.

Kill the Blue Bubbles, then head out of the door and onto the small
balcony, and follow the narrow ledges to the other side of the area. Make
your way to the next area, and you will have to fight a Floormaster. Kill
it to get another Small Key. Return to the room where you got the Boss Key,
and head out to the straight hallway, and shoot the eye again to make the
hallway twisted again.

Run all the way back to the eastern hall with the stairs, and use the small
key to unlock the door at the top, and head through the door to the right.
Run through the straight (how...odd) hall, and kill the bubble monsters,
and enter the next large room. Hop onto a platform and aim for the eye on
the wall, but be sure to make the arrow fly through the torch, so that the
arrow will melt the ice around the eye. Return back through the hall, which
is now twisted. In the next room which is now "normal", hop into the hole
in the ground.

Woo boy. This room is very annoying, because the FRIGGIN CEILING FALLS!
Yeah, the ceiling drops as you run across the room, so watch it drop once
to see which spaces it doesn't fall onto, then make your way to the other
side of the room. Look at the painting in the next room, then a group of
large blocks fall down. Move these blocks to form the painting of the Poe
in 60 seconds, and when you do this right, you will have to fight that Poe.
Defeat it the same way as you did before, then enter the next door, and go
through the hall to re-enter the main hall of the Temple.

The last Poe is right in the middle of the main hall, so stand in the
center of the elevator area where she is, and she'll begin to surround you,
then stop. There are a lot of Poes, but only one of them is the correct
Poe. Shoot the correct Poe 5 times to make the elevator rise.

Take the elevator downstairs, and approach the rotating walls. Push it
counter-clockwise once, and hit the floor switch revealed. Push it 3 more
times to reveal the door that leads to the boss. You can also find a Gold
Skulltula here too, in one of the hidden rooms. Use the Boss Key on the
door, and get ready to fight the boss for this Temple.




Phantom Ganon will enter and exit two paintings of the many paintings in
this room, but the thing is, is that there are TWO of him coming out of two
paintings, but one of them is fake, and the other is real. It's hard to
tell which one is real, but the real one looks a little bit more real, and
is brighter looking. When you find the real one, shoot him with an arrow
before he exits. Do this 3 times, and he'll come out of the painting, and
fight you one-on-one.

Now he'll float around the arena, and shoot fireballs at you from afar. Use
your sword to hit them back at him (like in baseball), and use your shield
to block anything you need to. If you hit him with one of his fireballs, he
collapses, so attack him with your sword as much as you can. After a while
of damage, Phantom Ganon will dive-bomb you from afar, so dodge his
attacks. Repeat the above process to kill Phantom Ganon once and for all.

Take the Full Heart Container, and step into the portal to meet Saria in
the Temple of Time. She'll hand you the Forest Medallion.

                                • Fire Temple •

Okay, start off by heading to Goron City as Adult Link, and you will see
that it has become a lost cause, because of the lack of Gorons here, except
for one Goron who is rolling around the area. You need to talk to him, but
to do so, you'll need to stop his rolling around. To do so, wait for him
to roll by you, and when he returns and gets near you, lay a bomb down
on the ground near him so that it blows up near him. If done right, he'll
stop rolling around, and will talk to you. Speak to him, and agree to help
him find his father, Darunia. Doing so will get you the Goron's Tunic, which
allows Link to enter the Fire Temple.

After getting this, go down to Darunia's lair, and pull out the statue in
here to reveal a hidden entrance to the Death Mountain Crater. Make sure
you have the Goron's Tunic on before entering, then enter. Head off to
the left-hand bridge that is broken, and use your Hookshot to get across
the bridge. Once you get to the other side, Sheik will enter, and start
a cinema. He'll eventually teach you the Bolero of Fire, which allows you
to warp to this spot whenever you want to.

Continue along the path to the next ladder, climb down it, and enter the
Fire Temple. Once you enter the temple, you will find Darunia, who is
about to go face the temple's boss. He'll tell you that he needs someone
to rescue his fellow Gorons befor Ganondorf can get to them. There are
9 Gorons in this temple, so you have lots of work ahead of you.

Once you take over as Link again, run left, and to the cell with a floor
switch in front of it. Step on the switch, and enter the cell, talk to
the Goron to free him, then take the small key from the chest behind
him. Listen to what he has to say about the Boss Lair, then locate the
next locked door to the right of this cell, and use the small key
to open it. Now you'll enter the main room with a large bridge. Run
forward, then make a left in the center of the bridge, to the north
area. Make your way across the platforms and rocks to the other side,
and enter the doorway to find the next locked Goron. Free him and take
the small key. Now look up to see a large block. Play the Song of Time
to bring the block down, then climb up the block, onto the ledge, and
enter the door.

Destroy the floating floor tiles in here, then run across the room and kill
the Like-Like by using your Hookshot or some arrows. Enter the door, and
hop across the lava to the south to find a bomb-able door, so bomb it
then enter the door to find Goron #3. Save him, then take the small key.
Return to the lava room you were previously in, and head to the right (to
the east), and use your small key on the locked door here. Climb up the
fence to the ledge above, and then jump back down to the platform down
below to where the block is, then push the block over the fountain of
fire; now get on the block, and ride it up to the top ledge. At the
top, head through the locked door with your small key, and you'll find
another Goron cell.

Go up the stairs to the left of the cell, and kill the Torch Slugs at
the top, then hop onto the next platform with a crystal switch. Push
the nearby block off the platform, then use it to climb up to the
next ledge, and climb to the step that is BEFORE the fire, and hit
the switch with your hookshot, then quickly climb up to where the
fire was, and through the next door before the fire comes back.

Now you are in a large maze with boulders rolling around. Head north, and
eventually you will find a niche with a door. Enter the door to find
the next Goron, so set him free, listen to what he has to say, then
take the small key. Exit back into the maze, and head the opposite
direction, to the south. The next Goron cell has a floor switch outside
of it, so step on it to free the fifth Goron, take the small key, then
run westward of the maze to find another door. Enter it to enter a
circle room with two doors and one of them has an Eye switch above it.
Shoot the switch and enter the unlocked door.

Walk along the ledge and enter the next door to find the chest containing
the Dungeon Map. Return back out of the locked door near where you
just got your map, and jump over to the wall that is shaped like
an upside-down "L", then jump off the ledge onto the gate that is
over the lava. Run across the gate on the lava before the flame behind
you catches up to you, and enter the door on the other side. Now turn
right (you are on top of the maze), and you will find a crack in the
ground, so bomb it, and climb down to enter the Goron's Cell. Save
him, then take the small key. Now return to the top of the maze, and
make your way to find a floor switch, step on it, then run to
the open cell to find the next Goron. Save him, listen to what
he has to say, and take the small key.

Return to the large lava-filled room with the gate on the ground, but
on the way, head through the door that leads to it, and then run to
the west area of the room to find a locked door. Enter it, and run
through the dark hallway, to the next door. Now you are in the room
above the boss lair. See that large stone circular block in the center
of the room? You need the Megaton Hammer to smash it downward, and
to enter the boss lair. Run to the north, and blow up the fake door,
then enter the flame maze, and run into the north room. Inside, open
the chest to find the Compass.

Enter the center tower area through the southern door to find another
Goron, exit through the next door, run through the maze to another
floor switch. Quickly run left, and through the area where the
flames have temporarily dissapeared. To enter the next room, blow
up the fake door with a bomb to find a real door behind it. Enter
this door to fight a Fire Dancer.

To defeat this boss, wait for him to stop and dance in the center platform
area, then hookshot his head. When he comes running around you, be sure
to block his attacks. It's best to just avoid him all together when
he begins to run at you. Once you've hit him with your hookshot, attack
with your sword when his defenses are down. Hop onto the center platform
after you have defeated him, and the platform will rise. Run past the
crystal switch, climb up the wall near the fire, then hit the swich
with your hookshot to get rid of the fire, then exit out the door that
the fire was blocking.

Turn to your left, and walk along the edge of the ledge, and you will find
a floor switch. Step on it to lower some flames surrounding a large
chest on the other side of this room, then dash to the chest, using
the inner part of the ledges to reach it before the timer runs out
and the flames come back up. Open the chest to find the Megaton Hammer.
Go back to the entrance of this room to find a small platform on the
ground. Use the Megaton Hammer to pound it down, and step on it to
ride it down, then smash the statue with the Hammer to enter the next
door. Hit the small block of stone in the next room, and stairs will
form. Run down and take a box, and carry it to the floor switch, and
place it onto the switch. Now head out the newly opened door.

Stand on the next platform, and hit it with the Hammer to ride down
a level. Now run to the next door and hit the rusted switch with the Hammer,
then head into the next room to find a large block. Play the Song of
Time to lower the block, and run over it and free the Goron and take
the small key, and return up the column and to the main floor once

Stand on the top of the large circular tower in the center of the room,
and pound it with the Hammer to lower it, therefore giving you access
to the boss lair later on. Locate the stairs here to find a statue
to the right of it, and use the Hammer to smash it away, and open
the door with your small key. Kill all of the crows and torch slugs in
the next room and the door will open on the other side. Enter it, kill
the Like-Like and the floor tiles, then enter the newly opened
door. Inside here, you will find another Fire Dancer boss, so
defeat him the same way as you did before, but you should use the Hammer
this time to make it easier on yourself. Enter the next door, and
step on the floor switch to reveal a chest with the Boss Key, so take
it. Return to the center lava area where you lowered the center stone
tower with your Megaton Hammer, and use it to access the boss door.
Use your Boss Key to enter the boss lair, and figh the Fire Temple




Run into the room, and onto the center platform to encounter the boss, a
large flying fire dragon! Stand near the center hole in the platform
and wait for him to come out of the hole, and have your Hammer
ready. When he comes out, smack him with your Hammer on the noggin,
then when he's stunned, continue hitting him with your Hammer over
and over until he starts attacking again. Now he'll start to fly
around you, and start to flame you with his fire breath. Avoid this
as best as you can, and when he gets near you, shoot him with an
arrow to stop his attack, and cause him to return to his hole in the
ground. Now hit him on the head again, and he'll come out of his
hole, and start to drop tons of rocks on you, so keep your shield
out and block while running around to avoid them. After you hit him
with an arrow, he'll enter a hole, and come out of one after that.
Avoid his fire attack from the hole, then smack him with your Megaton
Hammer. He'll begin to attack again, so just repeat the above process
to finally defeat the Dragon.

Watch the death sequence and the next set of cinemas, then Link will
receive the Fire Medallion from Darunia, the Sage of Fire!

                                • Ice Cavern •

Head back to Zora's Domain, and you will see that King Zora is frozen in
some red ice. Head out to Zora's Fountain, which is frozen. Hop across the
icebergs in the water, grab the Piece of Heart on an iceberg, and make your
way to the opening in the cave, which leads to the Ice Cavern.

Defeat the series of enemies in the first room, and make your way forward
to the large blade, and 5 silver Rupees. Take the first 3 from the main
ground, one from behind some ice, and the last one is floating above the
barred door. Collect all 5 to unlock a new path. Take it.

In this next room, you can find stuff like hearts and some Blue Fire.
Collect some Blue Fire in a bottle, then use it to melt the red chest in
this room which holds the Dungeon Map. Get some more Blue Fire for later.
Return to the room where you got the 5 Silver Rupees, and melt the red ice
that blocks another path, and follow it until you reach some more blue
fire. Take it, and you will find a Heart Piece surrounded by some Red Ice,
so melt it. Return to the Silver Rupee room to find another red ice wall,
so melt it, and follow it into another room with some more silver rupees.
Push the large block around in here to access all 5 of the silver rupees,
and one of them is surrounded by some red ice.

Refill your bottles with some blue fire, then push the block into the
abyss. A new one will reappear, then push it over and underneath the ledge
in this room. Climb up it and head onto the ledge, follow the path and
defeat the enemies, and enter the last room with a new type of Wolfos. Beat
it to get a chest containing the Iron Boots. As you try to leave, Shiek
appears and teaches you the Serenade of Water song, which lets you warp to
Lake Hylia. Leave the Ice Cavern, and return to King Zora, and free him
with some Blue Fire. He'll give you the Zora Tunic which lets you breathe
underwater. Play the Serenade of Water to get to Lake Hylia, and enter the
water with your Iron Boots and the Zora Tunic both on. Find the entrance to
the Water Temple, and use your Hookshot and shoot the green thing above the
door to open it, and allow access to the Water Temple.

                               • Water Temple •

Take off the Iron Boots and float up to the surface, and hookshot your way
to the other side (using the target here). Now locate the path that has a
series of torches near it to find Princess Ruto. Follow her back to the
surface (by removing the boots), and play Zelda's Lullaby in front of the
Triforce to lower the water.

Head through the next door and destroy all of the spikes in this room to
get the Dungeon Map (which you will need). Okay, now make your way back
down to the first floor, by hopping back down to the floor. See that door
that is locked? Ok, good. Shoot an arrow through a torch to the middle
torch, and then light the next one. Doing this will unlock the door. Enter
it, and kill the weird clam things in this room to get a small key.

Return to the main area of the temple, and find the large block here which
you can push, and push it down off the ledge, go down there by putting the
Iron Boots on, and run to the north to the end of the path, then float up
to the top of this area. Hit the clear switch up here and the water
fountain will shoot up. Hop onto it to ride to the next level and to find a
doorway, and enter it. In the next room, you will see a large stone snake
underwater. Use the Iron Boots to sink down, and make your way to the
snake's tail. Shoot the clear switch that is across from you with your
Hookshot, then hit the target to pull yourself onto a ledge. Hit the switch
again, then use the target once more to reach the other side of the area,
and then float back up to the surface.

At the top, you will find a chest with a small key, then hit the next clear
switch to raise the gate once more, then leave the same way you came in
here through. Head back to the block, and use the hookshot to hit the above
target, and to get back to a path that leads you back to the main area of
the temple. Head south to find a path with a cracked hole in the ground, so
blow it up with a bomb, then hop into the water and sink to the bottom.
Kill the killer clams, then follow the path to the end, then float back up
to the surface. Step onto the next floor switch, then hit the target with
your hookshot that rises up with the dragon statue. Pull yourself across to
the platform with the dragon. Enter the next door, kill the spiders, then
find the prison cell.

Use the Charged Sword Spin attack to activate the switch inside of the
cell, and then head through the newly unlocked door, then go into the main
room once more. Find the locked door in the center of the tower inside of
the main room, and enter it on the first floor. Look up once you are inside
to see a target, and hit it with your hookshot. Play Zelda's Lullaby near
the Triforce to raise the water level. Sink down to the bottom of this
area, and follow the newly opened tunnel.

Find the clear switch in the room, and hit it with your hookshot, then kill
the two enemies in here, and a gate rises. Head through this gate, and
float up to find an area with a small key inside a chest. Go back to the
main tower, and float up to the second floor. Hookshot back up to the
Triforce, and play the Song of Time to raise the water. Leave through the
door here, and use the Hookshot to get across to the western ledge with the
target above it and some jars near it. Follow the path to find some water
blocking a chest, so hit the jewel near it to lower it, and take the
Compass from the chest. Go back to the main room, and return to the area
where you first met Princess Ruto. Float to the second floor, and enter the
room at the top by bombing the wall with a crack in it. Take the small key
from inside.

Head to the west area where a locked door is, and use the small key on it
to get through the door. Inside, stand on the water fountain then hit the
switch to make it rise, and take you with it. Hop off it, then exit the
room to find another Triforce symbol. Play Zelda's Lullaby here to raise
the water once again. Now head over to the east area of the temple, then
sink down to the second floor. See that block? Pull it out until it can't
go any further, then return to the west, and to the locked door. Pull
yourself out of the water, and head through the door. On the other side,
you will find some birds, so kill them first, them hop down onto the moving
platforms. To make your way up, hookshot your way to the top, and unlock
the door at the top.

Hit the clear switch in here, then hookshot your way to the first dragon
head. Now activate the switch once more, and head over the second gap, and
onto the statue. Hit the switch again to reveal one more dragon head, and
hit the switch once more to lower it, climb onto it, then hit the switch
once more to raise it. Head through the door at the top. Kill the enemies
inside, then hit the hookshot target on the ceiling to pull yourself across
the gap, and enter the next room.

Run across this lighter-looking area to the other door, then turn around
and run back towards the way you came. You will now have to fight the Dark
Link of yourself. To fight him, you'll have to hit him whenever his guard
is down, but he does everything you do, so it's hard. Using the Megaton
Hammer is easier than other stuff, but it takes a bit longer and you can
take more damage. Take the Longshot from the next room (after beating Dark
Link), then play the Song of Time in front of the block to show a new

Hop through the hole and into a river. Put on the Iron Boots, and avoid the
whirlpools to get to the end of the river, and onto a ledge with some jars.
Hookshot (er...Longshot I mean) your way to a new ledge by hitting the
target above you. Shoot the yellow eye above the gate to open it. From the
second floor middle area, shoot the eye on the wall across from you, then
Longshot your way across to the other side of the platform. Run forward to
the block, and push it out of your way to reveal a new path. Take the small
key from the chest, then exit to the north. Towards the end of this path
there is a target above you which leads back to the main area.

Go to the first floor, and head to the northern path, and sink down and go
past the spiked thingies on the floor. Use the Longshot to get across the
spikes, then enter the locked door, then sink down into the next path. Kill
all of the Tektites in here, then sink down to the bottom of the water
here, dodge the rolling rocks, then float back to the surface on the other
side of this pool. Kill all of the Stingers in this room, and you will find
a floor switch. Find the wall with a crack in it, blow it up, and find the
large block. Go back into the previous room to find another wall that can
blow up. Do this, and you will be on the other side of the block. Push and
pull the block back and forth until you get it out of this area, and onto
the floor switch. Now that the water is higher, head to the large set of
stairs that allow you to leave the room.

Step onto the switch in here, then hop from fountain to fountain until you
reach the other platform on the other end of this area. Wait for the giant
rock to roll by, then walk up the riverway until you reach a new path that
allows you to sink down into a new area. Kill the shell monster, then float
up to the next room. Open the next locked door, enter it, and you will find
the fine-looking Boss Key chest. Take the Boss Key.

Head back to the main area, and into the central tower area. Make your way
to the second floor, and use play Zelda's Lullaby to raise the water, go up
to the 3F, back outside the Tower, and play the song again to raise the
water up to the highest point. There is a hookshot target on a dragon head
on this floor, so Longshot your way across, into the door, and climb the
steep hill with the razors on it, and enter the door at the top to meet the
Water Temple boss.




This boss can be a pain in the ass, so be weary of it's potential. It will
start off by using it's tenticles to search the area for Link, so hop
across the platforms and avoid it at all costs. After a while, the actual
amoeba itself will come out, and give chase. Let it get near you, and then
attack it when it gets near you with your sword. Attack it from afar with
your Longshot. The easiest way to beat it is to lure it onto the outer area
and then fight it there, instead of on the platforms, where you are
vulnerable to it's varied attacks.

After the fight, take the Full Heart Container, then hop into the portal
with Princess Ruto, and get the Water Medallion. Link will then end up back
in Lake Hylia.

                            • Bottom of the Well •

Okay, head over to Kakariko Village, and you will find that the entire
village has been torched, and is still on fire. After the cinema, Shiek
will eventually teach Link the Nocturne of Shadow song. If you do not
have Din's Fire at this time, use this time to get it (check the Item
Listing to see where to get it). Make your way into the well where the
monster escaped into, and climb down.

Aw crap. Something is blocking your way. Climb back up, and enter the
Windmill, and speak to the Musicbox player inside (as Adult Link), and
he'll tell you about some mean kid from the past, and teach you a mysterious
song. Go to the Temple of Time, change to Child Link, then return to the
Windmill, and play the Song of Storms that the Musicbox player tought you.
This will cause the well to drain, and allow Link to enter it.

Once you are down at the bottom of the well, crawl through the hole in
the wall, then head up the ladder. Kill the Big Skulltula, then walk
through the wall. Yes, you heard me. Walk through the wall, because it
is a fake wall. These are the Catacombs of the well, and is the main
area. Walk north, and locate the fountain, and see a Hyrulian Crest. Stand
there, and play Zelda's Lullaby. The water will stop, then pass back
through the Catacombs, and re-enter the fake wall. Fall into the now-shallow
pool, and crawl through the tunnel.

Climb the next wall, and enter the door at the top. In here, the door
locks behind you, and you must face some long-armed enemies. It will
sprout up and around the area, so beware of him. Kill it by letting
it's hands grab you, and when the body comes out, attack it. Kill
it, and you will get a chest with the Lens of Truth!

Now that you have the Lens of Truth, you can either continue with your
adventure, and head to the Shadow Temple, or you can continue to explore
this small dungeon with the Lens of Truth. There are some Bombchus, a
Deku Shiel, and some hearts and Deku Nuts. When you are ready, leave
the well.

                               • Shadow Temple •

Warp back to Adult Link, then play the Nocturne of Shadow to go to the
Shadow Temple entrance, behind the Graveyard. Rund east to find a ramp that
leads into a room with a bunch of torches. Stand in the center of these
torches, and use Din's Fire to light them all. This shows the entrance to
the Shadow Temple, so enter it.

Follow the path, and use the Longshot target to get to the other side of the
area. Now use the Lens of Truth on the wall to see the hole, so walk through
it. Push the center statue around so that it is directed towards the "real"
skull, which can be seen with the Lens of Truth. Do this, and a new path
will be revealed. Check out the wall towards the northwest area, and you
will see that it is a fake wall (use the Lens of Truth). Enter the next
room, and the door will lock behind you. Fight the enemies in here (Keese
and a ReDead), get the Dungeon Map by killing them, then kill the Keese
to open the door again. Leave this room.

Go west, and enter the next room. Kill the Dead Hands in here the same
way as you did before in the Bottom of the Well area. Use your Lens of
Truth to see hidden holes in the ground where the hand will come from.
Place bombs on these holes to do some damage to the hands as they
come up. Kill them all, then take the Hover Boots from the chest, then
leave the room.

Return to the large gap near the statue that you pushed, and equip the
Hover Boots. Now run across the gap, and you will hover to the other
side, where you can now enter the meat of the Dungeon. Run forward, and
kill the Beamos at the bottom, then enter the next door. Avoid the
large blades in here, and nab all of the Silver Rupees (5 of them),
and the door will open. Check the newly opened door to find a small
key inside of a chest.

Check out the southern wall to find a fake wall, so enter it. Kill the
two Gibdos in here, and you will get the Compass! Return to the room
with the Beamos in it, and bomb the eastern wall, then enter the next
door with your Small Key. Kill the Big Skulltulas in the next path, until
you reach some large guillotines. Run past them as they rise to avoid
getting hit, kill the Red Bubble that emerges from the abyss, and
hop from platform to platform until you finally reach the mainland.

Here you will be forced to fight a Stalfos, so kill it, and look east with
the Lens of Truth to find a hidden path that leads to a new door. Go
into the door, and kill the Like Like in here with your arrows so that
it doesn't take anything of yours. Kill the flying Keese in the next room
and the next door will open, get the Gold Skulltula and some Rupees,
then return to the area where you fought the Stalfos. Kill the next
Stalfos that enters that same area, then run west, and use the rising
platforms to make your way to the other side of this region. As you go
on, collect all 5 Silver Rupees, including the one underneath the next
Beamos to open the door. Enter it.

In here, use the Lens of Truth to see a large block, so pull it out, and
push it underneath the dropping spikes. Now pull the block towards the
ledge to the west, and climb up it, and follow the path up here until
you reach a floor switch. Step on it, and take the small key from the
chest, then exit the room. Find the next guillotine area, and make
your way to the other side to find a large chain. Use the Lens of Truth
to see a new platform coming back and forth on the chain. Hop on it,
and ride to to the other side, and enter the next room.

In here, take the Silver Rupees and kill the ReDead, then head through the
door to the west, kill the Keese in here, then head through the next
door. Toss the bomb flowre into the large skull statue and a small key
will be revealed. Take it, and go back into the room with the Silver Rupees.
Use the Lens of Truth to find a hidden hookshot target, so use it to find
a locked door. Use the small key to open it. Run past the blades on the
ground here, and avoid them as the fan blows you back. Continue onward until
you reach an area with fans on both sides of Link. Use the Longshot on
the wood above the next door to get past the fans without falling over
the edge.

At the end, use the Lens of Truth to find a hidden path near the closest
fan to you, so use your Hover Boots to fly over to the ledge when the
fan is blowing air to get there. Now defeat the two ReDeads in here
by playing the Sun's Song, then attacking. Find the pile of trash in
the southern corner of this room, and you will find a chest with a
small key. Use this key to open the door to the north.

In this next room, pull out the large block and push it all the way
to the other end of the path. Climb up it to reach a ledge. Turn around
and see Pierre the scarecrow. Play the Scarecrow's Song to make him
stand up and whatnot, and then Longshot your way to the ledge where
he is by aiming for Pierre himself.

Hop onto the boat, and play Zelda's Lullaby while standing on the Triforce.
Defeat the two Stalfos that attack as the boat is moving, and when the
boat stops, jump off the it and onto the next area. Enter the next room,
and use the Lens of Truth to see invisible walls! Make your way to the
door to the north, use Din's Fire to burn the wooden-spiked walls that
come in at you, then kill the ReDead to get the Boss Key! Go back
to the boat area, and find the bed of Bomb Flowers. Shoot one with
an arrow, and the statue will fall, making a bridge.

This next area contains plenty of platforms, and invisible ones too.
The boss door is on the other side, so use the Lens of Truth and the
Hover Boots to reach the boss door. Enter it to fight the boss.




This boss fight requires the use of your Fairy Arrow and the Lens of Truth.
He'll swing his hands at you, and he'll also try to grab Link and crush
him. What you want to do is to shoot his hands with your Fairy Bow, and
when they turn blue, aim for his body (use the Lens of Truth), and hit
the red area. When he falls over, attack it with your sword. Repeat this
process over and over until Bongo Bongo finally goes down.

Take the Full Heart Container, then step into the portal with Impa, and
take the Shadow Medallion from her!

                              • Gerudo Fortress •

Go west of Hyrule Field to Gerudo Valley, and speak with some of the people
there to learn about some of the Gerudo Thieves. To get across the bridge,
simply hookshot your way across the bridge. Talk to the Carpenter on the
other side, and he'll ask you to find his fellow Carpenters. Do this, and
enter Gerudo Fortress.

No matter what you do, you will be spotted by a thief, and will be thrown
into a jail cell. To get out of here, longshot your way to the wooden
beam above your cell, and this leads outside. Wait for the guard below
to walk past you, then fall down to the ground, and enter the fortress.
You will find the first thief fast, but he won't come out yet, but if you
talk to him you will have to fight a Gerudo Thief. Defeat her to get a
small key. Use this to free the first carpenter. Head through the next
door, and go outside, go through the northern doorway, then head to the
door to the right and go back outside. Now enter the next door that is
just around the bend to find another Carpenter.

Avoid the guard, then talk to the Carpenter to fight another Thief. Defeat
her, take the small key, and free this Carpenter. Exit through the next
door to go back outside. Enter the door to the right. Make your way
past the guard, go outside, go left and drop down, and go through the
door. Inside, avoid the guard, enter the cell area, talk to the carpenter,
fight the thief, and free the carpenter with the small key. Go back
the way you came, and go outside. Go right and drop onto the next roof,
and enter the next doorway. Eventually, you will reach the last carpenter
to free. Do the same thing as before to free him. Try to leave, and
you will get the Gerudo Membership Card from a Gerudo Thief, which allows
you to go anywhere here, as well as to the Gerudo Training Grounds.

Go outside, and talk to the thief in the watchtower, and she will allow
you to enter the Haunted Wasteland, which leads to the Spirit Temple.

                             • Haunted Wasteland •

Equip the Hover Boots and make your way to the large crates near the flagpoles.
Follow the flagpoles until you reach a small shack. Stand there until
you see a Poe, who will lead you to the Desert Colossus and the Spirit
Temple. Be sure to follow him, as well as the flagpoles.

                      • Spirit Temple (Desert Colossus) •

Check out the inner area of the temple, and read the signs and other stuff
in here to learn that you cannot enter until you are a Child. Leave the
temple to see Shiek, who will teach you the Requiem of Spirit. Play the
Prelude of Light to get back to the Temple of Time, switch to Child Link,
then return to the Desert Colossus and the Spirit Temple again by playing
the Requiem of Spirit. Re-enter the temple, and talk to the Gerudo Thief,
and answer "Nothing, really", and she'll eventually ask you to get the
Silver Gauntlets for her. Crawl through the small hole to officially
enter the Temple.

Kill the Keese and blades in here, then bomb the Armos to unlock the two
doors here. Enter the left-hand door, and kill the Stalfos, then kill
the Green Bubble enemy, then aim for the clear switch beyond the gate. Use
your boomerang to hit it, then go across the gap and through the door
on the other side. In the next room, hit the clear switch with your
slingshot, then in the next area with the 2 torches, light them with Din's
Fire to get a chest. Now enter this room through the northern door,
kill the wallmaster, then grab the 5 silver rupees, then open the chest
to get a small key. Go back to the room with the Armos, and enter the
small hole that is in between the two doors.

Kill the Skullwalltulas, then climb the wall to the top, and enter the
next room. Kill the 2 Lizalfos in here. In the next room, then stand
on the platform in front of the large statue and use Din's Fire to light
the torches on one side of the statue, and get the Dungeon Map from the
chest. Locate the switch near the statue of the Armos. Head up the wall
to the statue, and push it off the ledge and on top of the switch to
open the door. Enter the next room, and collect the 5 Silver Rupees to
light the large torch. Now light a Deku Stick with the large torch, and
light the other torches in here to get a small key. Take it, then push
the large block with the sun face on it underneath the sunlight. Go through
the newly opened door.

Enter the room with the large ax-welding enemy that will attack you if
you touch it. Do so, and when it attacks, run around it, and hit his
back to damage him. Do this enough to kill him, and be sure to collect
the hearts that come out of the large pillars that he knocks over. Go
through the door that is behind his throne, and talk to the Owl. After
this is over, you can get the Silver Gauntlets from the chest.

Okay, play the Prelude of Light to return to the Temple of Time, change into
Adult Link, then play the Requiem of Spirit to return to the Spirit
Temple. Once back here, use the Silver Gauntlets to push the large
block out of your way, then hit the clear switch near the Beamos to
open the other doors here.

In the next room (the one to the northeast), grab all 5 Silver Rupees, then
take the small key from the chest that is available to you. Go back to
the previous room, and enter the room to the northwest. Kill the Wolfos in
here, then play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce to get a chest with the
Compass. Return to the room with the Beamos, and open the locked door.
Kill the Like Like here, then climb the wall at the end, and enter the
next area.

Push the mirror in here to make it reflect the light that shines in here.
Push it to hit each sun painting in here, and various things will
happen, like 2 chests in here, and a door will unlock. Kill the Floormaster
that will fall to the ground, then enter the newly opened door. Run
to the left hand of the statue to find a Triforce symbol. Play Zelda's
Lullaby to get a small key from the chest. You can also see a new chest
that has been dropped near the floor switch in here, so Longshot
your way to that platform. Make your way up the stairs.

Kill the snakes in here, then bomb the Beamos to open the next door. Enter
it, and get near the floor switch. Make one of the Armos stand on it, and
hit it so it stays there, then run through the door. In the next room,
kill the large enemy in here the same way as you did before, then head
out of the door behind the throne to find a chest containing the
Mirror Shield. Go back to the Armos statue room again, and use the
Mirror Shield to reflect sunlight onto the sun painting to the north.
This opens a door that contains a chest with a small key. Head west,
and use this key on the locked door in the room.

Destroy the Beamos in here, then climb the huge wall with the spikes in
front of you. At the very top, destroy the Beamos in here, then head through
the door. Make your way up the next set of stairs, and play Zelda's Lullaby
on the Triforce, then head through the next door that you just opened.
Kill the flaming enemies in this room, then blow up the fake doors
in this area, and one of them contains an eye switch. Hit the switch with
an arrow, climb onto the block, then Longshot the target. Step on
the next floor switch near the flames, run past them, and fall into
the next area to find the Boss Key. Take it, then exit the room
then head into the next door. Eventually, you will find a room
with a cell and a clear switch.

Hit the switch by performing the spinning sword attack. Now enter the
new room, and kill the Lizafos in here, then go west to find a
mirror reflecting light. Find the fake wall, and blow it up with
a bomb, then enter the room with the clear switch, and push the
mirror thing so that it reflects the other mirrors and the light.
Turn them all to reflect each other, and stand on the center area
with the light, and use your Mirror Shield to reflect the light
onto the sun painting. This will cause the platform you are standing
on to lower.

Use the Mirror Shield to reflect light into the statue's face, then
Longshot your way into the new hole, then head through the
boss key door to watch a long cinema. When it ends, head through
the door, through the hallway, then climb up the center platform
in the last room to fight the boss(es).




Each witch attacks with a different attack: One of them shoots Fire, and
the other shoots Ice. To beat their first forms, use your Mirror Shield
to reflect one of their attacks back at the other witch (Ice back at
the Fire Witch, and vice-versa). Do this four times, and the witches
will combine forces, and toss both Ice and Fire at you! Absorb the
attacks 3 times in a row, but they have to all be the same type, like
Ice for example. Next, absorb the Fire attacks, and shoot it
back at them, until Twinrova falls to a different platform. Run to
this platform, and attack them (or is it her?) with your sword
over and over until she dies off!

Take the Full Heart Container, then step into the portal with Nabooru,
the Sage of Spirit.

                              • Ganon's Castle •

Once you have all six Medallions in your possession, head to the Temple of
Time to find Sheik. Listen to what he has to say, and watch the cut-scenes.
Exit the Temple of Time after the cut-scenes, and run to Hyrule Castle to
discover something horrible...it's now Ganon's Castle! Approach the lava,
and Rauru the Sage will speak to you, telling you that him and the other
Sages will create a rainbow bridge leading to his castle, and explain
to you that you must destroy each of the six "barriers" inside the
six areas (one for each medallion), in order to access the center
tower, where Ganon himself lies...

Enter the castle, run past the Beamos, and enter the central area. Head
left, and enter the first room.

Spirit Room:

Enter this room, and find all 5 Silver Rupees. Collect them all (one of them
is floating near a Hookshot target above a Beamos), and ente the newly
unlocked door. In here, hit the crystal switch behind the bars, and then
take the Bombchus from the chest. Now use a Bombchu to hit the other
crystal switch near the wall, then head through the next door. Now burn
away the cobwebs on the ceiling in here with a Fire Arrow, then use your
Mirror Shield on the light, and direct the light onto one of the Sun
paintings. Now find the spirit torch, and light it with a Light Arrow to
defeat this first room

Forest Room:

Right off the bat, use Din's Fire to light all of the torches, then hit the
torch near the door with a Fire Arrow to open the door. Enter it. In
the next fan room, you must collect all 5 Silver Rupees in order to
advance into the next door, so do so, while using the Hoverboots to
get across the gaps, and the Iron Boots to avoid getting blown away by
the fans. In the last room, simply shoot the Forest Torch with a Light
Arrow to destroy the Forest Barrier.

Water Room:

In here, destroy all of the ice-enemies to open the next door, and use some
of the Blue Fire to melt the red ice blocking the door, then get some more
Blue Fire for the next room. Enter it, and find the block that is furthest
from the hole. Make your way by pushing the block to the wall with the
Red Ice. Now use the Blue Fire to melt the ice, and activate the floor
switch with your Megaton Hammer, enter the next room, hit the Water Torch
with a Light Arrow, then move onto the next room after this barrier has
been destroyed.

Shadow Room:

Move to the left-ledge, and locate the Like Like (use the Hookshot target),
and use the Like Like as a target, and hookshot your way to it, and kill
it. Now put on the Hoverboots, and run off the ledge, float over to the
next ledge, and climb up and use the Lens of Truth to see the "true"
path to a rusted switch. Hit it with your Hammer, then turn around to
see a different invisible path that leads to another switch, so use
your Hoverboots and get to the switch. Hit the switch to get a chest
with the Gold Gauntlets. Now enter the next room and shoot the Shadow
Torch with your Light Arrow to destroy the Shadow Barrier.

Fire Room:

Here is another room where you have to find the 5 Silver Rupees. When
you reach the large block, lift it up with the Gold Gauntlets to reveal
a hidden Silver Rupee, then turn to the ledge with the torch slug, and
use the Hoverboots to get to it, kill the slug, then look on the large
block to find another Rupee. The others Rupees are easy to find, so locate
them, then enter the unlocked door after you get them all, light the
Fire Torch with a Light Arrow, and destroy the Fire Barrier.

Light Room:

Lift up the large block ahead of you, and move it out of your way. Now
use your Lens of Truth, and kill the enemies in here to reveal a hidden
chest, and take the small key from the chest. Locate the Triforce symbol
and play Zelda's Lullaby to reveal another chest with a small key, then
exit the room. Now you have only 1 minute (60 seconds) to get all 5
Silver Rupees in here, but 4 of them are easy to find, just search the
alcoves and the center area to find them. The last one can only be
accessed with your Longshot, so longshot your way to the target and
take the last one. Now enter the next door, use your Lens of Truth
to see the real route to the last room, shoot the Light Torch with
a Light Arrow, and destroy the last barrier, the Light Barrier.

Enter the center tower, and kill the batch of crows, then the set of Dinolfos
Fight them the same way as you did the Lizolfos in Dondogo's Cavern, then
enter the next door that unlocks, and up the stairs. Kill the next set
of Stalfos to get the Boss Key that allows you to access the Boss Area
(see: Ganondorf!), then go up the next set of stairs to fight some Iron
Knuckles. Kill them, and run up the last set of stairs, and enter the
boss door to meet Ganondorf...




This is probably the hardest fight of the entire game, because Ganondorf has
so many attacks, and will take so much damage. To begin with, immediately
run to a corner of the room, and face Ganondorf with your Master Sword
ready. Remember the Phantom Ganondorf fight earlier on? Good, because
you'll have to use the same strategy as you did before in this fight. When
he shoots fireballs at you, hit them back at him with your sword. This
isn't as easy as it seems, but you'll get the hang of it. After you hit
him with his own fireball, he'll be stunned, so run to the center platform
where he lies, and strike him with your Bigoron's Sword if you have it,
or your Master Sword if you do not, and slash at him until he gets back
up. He'll continue this attack for a while, so continue this method of
attack until he changes his attack to something different.

Eventually, he'll start to build up magic power, then shoot it at you.
To combat this, have some Light Arrows ready, and before he shoots the
large ball of energy at you, hit him with a Light Arrow, and when he's
stunned, run to him, and attack. Repeat this over and over until
Ganondorf goes down...

But wait! He's not dead yet! He attempts to crush you and Zelda before
he dies by collapsing the castle! You now only have 3 minutes to exit
the castle, so just follow Princess Zelda down through the rooms, until
she gets trapped in one of the rooms by some Fire, and you'll have
to fight 2 Stalfos to free her. Kill them and free her, then continue
to follow her out of the castle, and to fight the REAL final boss...


G A N O N:


For this battle, your Master Sword cannot be used, because it has been
knocked away by Ganon himself, so you must rely on your Megaton Hammer or
your Biggoron's Sword if you have it. Circle around Ganon until you
reach his tail, then smack it around with your weapon about 6 times over,
until he falls over, then attack his head, and eventually, you will
be able to get your Master Sword back, so do it. Take it back, then
head to Ganon again to finish the fight. Now, take out some Light Arrows,
and aim for his head, and when you get a decent shot off, and he's stunned,
run behind him, and strike his tail. Repeat this over and over until
he goes down, then when Zelda tells you to "use your sword and deliver
the final blow", do so with your Master Sword while she holds him down
with her magic power, and strike his head to watch the ending sequence
once and for all!


12. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


1. Q: What are the Boss Keys used for?
Simple. The Boss Keys are just used to unlock the huge locks that are protecting
the boss lair in each dungeon. Read the "Items List" section of this FAQ for
more information on Boss Keys, as well as other items.

2. Q: What are the Masks for in this game?
The Masks in this game is just for kicks....mainly. It's a semi-large side-quest
that will take some time to complete, but is worth it in the end, when you
get the Mask of Truth as a reward!

3. Q: How do I get the Golden Scale?
Just play the fishing game in Lake Hylia, and catch a 15-pound fish, and the
man will give you this scale as a prize for your mad skillz.

4. Q: What do I get if I catch all of the Skulltulas?
Good Question. Here is what you can get for a certain number of Skulltula
tokens that you collect, then return to the House of Skulltula in Kakariko

10 Gold tokens.... Adult's wallet
20 Gold tokens.... Stone of Agony
30 Gold tokens.... Giant's Wallet
40 Gold tokens.... Bombchus (20)
50 Gold tokens.... Heart Piece
100 Gold tokens... 200 Rupees

5. Q: I can hear a Skulltula, but I can't find it. Why?
Dunno, maybe you're just not looking well enough. ;)

6. Q: What do the bugs do in the game?
The bugs that you collect in bottles are used to draw out hidden Skulltulas
who are inside of soft-soil dirt patches. Just put some bugs into the dirt
patches, and wait for the Skulltula to emerge to collect his token!

7. Q: Do I have to protect Princess Zelda at the end of Ganon's Castle, during
      the decent?
Nope, not at all. She'll be protected by a magic shield as she goes down, so
all you have to do is worry about yourself getting hurt, not her. Although
you do have to free her in one of the rooms by defeating the Stalfos, but
that's a sinch.

8. Q: What do I get if I collected all of the Heart Pieces?
A cookie. Oh, and tons of extra health that you'll want for the final battles
at the end of the game, in Ganon's Castle.

9. Q: How many endings are there in Zelda: Ocarina of Time?
There is only one ending in this game, and that's it. No matter what you do
in the game, you cannot affect the outcome of the ending sequence. It's all
the same, whether you collected everything or not, just as long as you defeated
Ganon at the end of the game, then you will see the one and only ending of

10. Q: Are there any "secret" dungeons?
Technically, yes, there is one, which is the Gerudo Training Grounds, which
is a bonus dungeon. If you want a walkthrough for that Dungeon, then I
strongly suggest that you read marshmallow's Zelda FAQ, because his FAQ
contains a walkthrough (and even some MAPS!) of this bonus dungeon. Great

11. Q: Is there going to be a "true" sequel to Ocarina of Time?
Yes, there is. The "true" sequel to Ocarina of Time is Zelda: Majora's Mask,
which has a WHOLE NEW WORLD, new dungeons, characters, masks, gameplay, and
so on and so forth. Ganondorf and Princess Zelda are absent, as is Hyrule.
Instead of playing in Hyrule, you will be playing in a mysterious land called
Termina, where you only have 3 days to locate the stolen Majora's Mask from
the Skull Kid, before the time runs out, and the moon comes a crashing down
to the planet, and the world will cease to exist as you know it...or just
Termina. :)

12. Q: Where can I get <insert item here>?
Read the walkthrough to find that item, or if you are too lazy to check there,
why don't you just check out the Item List in this FAQ? Yeah? Good.

13. Q: What are the Great Fairy Fountains meant for?
The Great Fairy Fountains are scattered around Hyrule for one reason: To help
you in your quest. The Great Fairy Fountains are there to help you increase
your health/magic/etc., and should be found as quickly as possible, thus
increasing your chances of having a easier time of beating the game!

14. Q: I missed the Golden Gauntlets in the Shadow Room in Ganon's Castle.
       What should I do?
Well, if you missed them the first time, there is only one thing left do do.
Go back and get them from the Shadow Room (check the walkthrough to find
out how and where to find the Golden Gauntlets).

15. Q: But do I NEED to have the Golden Gauntlets?
If you want to beat the game? Yes, of course. You will need them for the
Fire Room, and if you don't have them for that room, then you cannont destroy
the Fire Barrier, cannot enter the Central Tower, and therefore, cannot beat
the game, because you cannot meet Ganondorf for the final showdown. Whew.

16. Q: Are there limitations to what every item, in the amount that I can
       hold at once?
Yes. And here is the maximum number of each item that you can carry at once
as Link (both child and adult):

|                      |
| Limits               |
|                      |
| Deku Seeds....... 50 |
|                      |
| Deku Nuts........ 40 |
|                      |
| Arrows........... 50 |
|                      |
| Bombs............ 40 |
|                      |
| Deku Sticks...... 30 |
|                      |


13. Mini-Games / Side-Quests


                             • Biggoron's Sword •

• To begin this long trading sequence, begin by getting the small Cucco
  from the Chicken Lady in Kakariko Village, and then use it to wake
  Talon up at the Hyrule Castle.

• Now take the cucco back to the Chicken Lady, and get Cojiro from her.
  Locate the Carpenter Boss's son who is in the Lost Woods, near the lonely
  Skull Kid. The son is sleeping near the tree stump. Wake him up with
  Cojiro, then he'll hand you the Odd Mushroom to take to the Potion Shop
  which is hidden in Kakariko Village.

• Take this Odd Mushroom to the old lady in the Potion Shop behind the
  old Market Potion Shop. She'll make you an Odd Potion to give to
  the Carpenter's kid in the Lost Woods.

• Take it back to the kid, and by the time you get there, he'll already
  be gone, and there is a different girl there instead. Give her the
  Odd Potion, and she'll take it, and hand you the Poacher's Saw. Now
  take the Poacher's Saw to the Capenter Boss.

• The Carpenter Boss is in Gerudo Valley, and he's fixing the bridge. Hand
  him the Poacher's Saw and give you the Broken Goron's Sword.

• Return the Broken Goron's Sword to Biggoron who is outside of the
  entrance of Death Mountain Crater. He'll tell you that he will
  fix it for you, but you must get the Eye Drops that he needs. He will
  give you his Prescription for King Zora.

• Take the Prescription to King Zora who is still in Zora's Domain. He
  will hand you the Eye Drop's main ingredient, which needs to be taken
  to Lake Hylia very quickly.

• Ride Epona to Lake Hylia quickly, and enter the Lakeside Laboratory
  and give the Prescription to the scientist. He will make the World's
  Finest Eye Drops, which Biggoron needs for his eye problems. Get
  this back to Biggoron very fast by riding Epona, then using the
  Magic Leaf near the entrance to Dodongo's Cavern to reach Biggoron.

• Give Biggoron the World's Greatest Eye Drops, and he says that he
  should have the Biggoron's Sword fixed and ready in three days. Now, you
  can either wait the three days, or you can play the Sun's Song with
  your Ocarina of Time to pass the time much quicker. Either way, after
  the three days is up, go back to Biggoron to get your reward: The
  Biggoron's Sword, which is the strongest, and biggest sword in the

                               • Mask of Truth •

Here is the long, but not too-long, trading sequence for masks in order
to get the Mask of Truth (this must be performed as Child Link):

• First, talk to the guard at Kakariko Village who is guarding the entrance
  to the Death Mountain Trail. He'll tell you he wants the Keaton Mask, so
  go to the Marketplace in Hyrule Market, and buy the Keaton Mask from
  the Mask shop.

• Return the mask to the guard, and he'll pay you back for it, then head
  back to the Mask Dealer in the Marketplace and get the next mask, the
  Skull Mask.

• Take this mask to the lonely Skull Kid in the Lost Woods, then head
  back to the Mask Dealer, and pick up the Spooky Mask.

• Take the Spooky Mask to the small kid at the Graveyard behind Kakariko
  Village, and he will pay you the exact amount that you paid for this
  mask from the Mask Dealer.

• Head to the Mask Dealer again, and nab the Bunny Hood from him, then
  enter Hyrule Field. This is tough, because now you have to find the
  Marathon Runner in Hyrule Field, and sell it to him (he will pay
  you so much that it will completely fill whatever wallet you are
  carrying, so be sure to have the Giant's Wallet when doing this),
  but the Marathon Runner is hard to find. He can be found (usually)
  near the entrance to Gerudo Valley, and to the west of the Lon Lon
  Ranch. After selling this mask to him, go back to the Mask Dealer in
  the Hyrule Marketplace.

• This time the Mask Dealer will give you the Mask of Truth to borrow
  for however long you need to. This mask allows you to view Gossip Stones
  and learn cool stuff from these Gossip Stones, like....GOSSIP! ;)

                         • Finding the Lens of Truth •

Go to Kakariko Village as Adult Link in the future, and enter the
Windmill, and speak to the Musicbox player inside (as Adult Link), and
he'll tell you about some mean kid from the past, and teach you a mysterious
song. Go to the Temple of Time, change to Child Link, then return to the
Windmill, and play the Song of Storms that the Musicbox player tought you.
This will cause the well to drain, and allow Link to enter it.

Once you are down at the bottom of the well, crawl through the hole in
the wall, then head up the ladder. Kill the Big Skulltula, then walk
through the wall. Yes, you heard me. Walk through the wall, because it
is a fake wall. These are the Catacombs of the well, and is the main
area. Walk north, and locate the fountain, and see a Hyrulian Crest. Stand
there, and play Zelda's Lullaby. The water will stop, then pass back
through the Catacombs, and re-enter the fake wall. Fall into the now-shallow
pool, and crawl through the tunnel.

Climb the next wall, and enter the door at the top. In here, the door
locks behind you, and you must face some long-armed enemies. It will
sprout up and around the area, so beware of him. Kill it by letting
it's hands grab you, and when the body comes out, attack it. Kill
it, and you will get a chest with the Lens of Truth!

                             • Underground Holes •

There are plenty of hidden underground holes scattered throughout the
game. These can be found by using the Stone of Agony, and a Rumble Pak.
Whenever you find a hole (the Rumble Pak will shake when you get near
one), you can access the hole by placing a bomb near it, then hopping
into the hole and see what is inside it:

#1: This hole is in the area that is in between Hyrule Castle and Gerudo
    Valley. It's near the large tree, to the left of the draw-bridge.
    This hole contains some water, with a Heart Piece under the water,
    in which you will need to use the Gold Scale and/or Iron Boots.

#2: In the Lost Woods, there is a rock that can be blown up to reveal
    this hole. This hole contains a Deku Scrub selling Deku Nut
    upgrades for 40 Rupees.

#3: There is a hole in the center of Kakariko Village courtyard that
    contains two Re-Deads in there. Defeat them to get a Large Rupee.

#4: There is a hole just outside of Goron City that holds a chest with
    a Gold Rupee inside of it.

#5: Find the small bridge that leads to Kakariko Village, and the tree
    near it. Blow open the hidden hole near the tree to find a Gold
    Skulltula token.

#6: Go to Gerudo River, and located on the ledge above it, there is
    a hidden hole that contains a bunch of Rupees that you must dive

#7: Go to Hyrule Castle, and locate the moat. There is a tree here, and
    the hole is near it. Inside there are some walls that can be blown
    up. One holds an enemy, one holds a Gold Skulltula token, and one
    holds a Gossip Stone.

#8: This hole is just outside of the Sacred Forest Meadow entrance, and
    holds two Wolfos. Beat them, and you will get a Purple Rupee.

#9: Find the entrance to Lake Hylia, the fenced off one. In between these
    fences is a hole that holds a Deku Scrub selling a Heart Piece for
    10 Rupees.

#10: Locate the ring of stones outside of Gerudo Valley, and blow up
     the hole here. Inside, use Din's Fire to get a cow, a Gold Skulltula
     token, and a Gossip Stone.

                           • Help the Chicken Lady •

To start this mini-game, you must head to Kakariko Village, where the
chicken lady needs your help. She is missing 7 cuccos, and if you can
return them all to the corral, she will reward you with and Empty Bottle:

Cucco #1- Near the entrance to the Village.

Cucco #2- Right near the cucco lady.

Cucco #3- Near the entrance to the Death Mountain Crater.

Cucco #4- On top of the windmill. Use a chicken to fly over the fence, then
          climb the ladder to reach it.

Cucco #5- On the other side of the fence near the windmill, near the Potion
          Shop. Use a chicken to fly over the fence, then grab the lost
          cucco, and toss it back over the fence.

Cucco #6- Right near the Skulltula House, you'll have to use a chicken to
          fly over to the chicken, then toss them both back to the main-land.

Cucco #7- This cucco is hidden inside a crate, near a house, near the door.
          Roll into it to smash it, then grab the cucco, and return it back
          to the pen/corral.

                               • Getting Epona •

To start this, head to the Lon Lon Ranch as Child Link.

Here in the Lon Lon Ranch, you can win a bottle from Talon (check the
"Locations of the Empty Bottles" section in this FAQ to find out how),
and you can also learn a new song from Malon. Enter the corral area,
and find Malon here. Talk to her, then equip your Ocarina, and she'll
teach you Epona's Song, which you will need for the Future if you wish
to get Epona as your horse.

Return here as Adult Link, and talk to Ingo at the corral. He'll let
you ride one of the horses, so ride the normal brown horse, and not
Epona. Pay Ingo again to ride another horse, and race Ingo. Play
Epona's Song to have Epona come to you, and hop on, then challenge Ingo
to a race, while riding Epona. Win the first race around the corral, and
Ingo will challenge you again, but this time, it's for Epona's ownership.
Beat him again, and Ingo will get bitter, and close the gates on you.
What now? Simple. Locate the surrounding fence around the corral, and
jump the fence with Epona. If done right, you will have escaped from
the Lon Lon Ranch with Epona!


14. Shops Price List


|                                   |
| Bombchu Shop            Price     |
|                                   |
| Bombchus (10)          100 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Bombchus (10)          100 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Bombchus (20)          180 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Bombchus (20)          180 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Bombchus (20           180 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Bombchus (20)          180 Rupees |

|                                  |
| Bazaar                 Price     |
|                                  |
| Arrows (10)            20 Rupees |
|                                  |
| Arrows (30)            60 Rupees |
|                                  |
| Arrows (50)            90 Rupees |
|                                  |
| Bombs (5)              35 Rupees |
|                                  |
| Deku Stick             10 Rupees |
|                                  |
| Deku Nuts (5)          15 Rupees |
|                                  |
| Hylian Shield          80 Rupees |
|                                  |
| Recovery Heart         10 Rupees |

|                                   |
| Bazaar (Kakariko Village)         |
|                                   |
| Arrows (10)             20 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Arrows (30)             60 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Arrows (50)             90 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Bombs (5)               35 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Deku Nuts (5)           15 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Deku Stick              10 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Recovery Heart          10 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Hylian Shield           80 Rupees |

|                                   |
| Goron Shop               Price    |
|                                   |
| Bombs (5)               35 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Bombs (10)              50 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Bombs (20)              80 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Bombs (30)             120 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Goron Tunic            200 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Recovery Heart          10 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Red Potion              40 Rupees |

|                               |
| Kokiri Forest Shop   Price    |
|                               |
| Arrows (10)         20 Rupees |
|                               |
| Arrows (30)         60 Rupees |
|                               |
| Deku Nuts (5)       15 Rupees |
|                               |
| Deku Nuts (10)      30 Rupees |
|                               |
| Deku Seeds (30)     30 Rupees |
|                               |
| Deku Shield         40 Rupees |
|                               |
| Deku Stick          10 Rupees |
|                               |
| Recovery Heart      10 Rupees |

|                                   |
| Potion Shop             Price     |
|                                   |
| Blue Fire              300 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Bottled Bug             50 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Deku Nuts (5)           15 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Fairy                   50 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Fish                   200 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Green Potion            30 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Red Potion              30 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Poe                     30 Rupees |

|                                   |
| Potion Shop (Kakariko Village)    |
|                                   |
| Blue Fire              300 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Bottled Bug             50 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Deku Nuts (5)           15 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Fairy                   50 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Fish                   200 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Poe                     30 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Green Potion            30 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Red Potion              30 Rupees |

|                                   |
| Zora Shop                 Price   |
|                                   |
| Arrows (10)             20 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Arrows (30)             60 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Arrows (50              90 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Deku Nuts (5)           15 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Fish                   200 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Recovery Heart          10 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Red Potion              50 Rupees |
|                                   |
| Zora Tunic             300 Rupees |




CJayC- For accepting all of my FAQS, and for creating the best web site on
       the net!

Me- For making this FAQ! :p

Nintendo of America- For releasing this great game, and for employing the
                     great Shigeru Miyamoto to make this game.

Devin Morgan- For allowing me to use his comprehensive Skulltula locations
              list from his Zelda: OoT FAQ. Thanks a ton.




    My Resident Evil Code Veronica site: www.geocities.com/residentevilcv
                    My website: http://faqdomain.cjb.net
                   E-Mail Address: [email protected]

This document intellectual and legal property of...

   "_____   __                           _____         "
    ___  | / /___________ __________________(_)_______
    __   |/ /_  _ \_  __ `__ \  _ \_  ___/_  /__  ___/
    _  /|  / /  __/  / / / / /  __/(__  )_  / _(__  )
    /_/ |_/  \___//_/ /_/ /_/\___//____/ /_/  /____/

                               One final word:

                              "Don't Do Drugs!"

                                                Copyright © 1998-2000 Nemesis


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