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Gold Skulltula Guide by CyricZ

Version: 1.0 | Updated: 02/25/2003

The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time (N64)
Gold Skulltula Guide
An In-Depth FAQ by CyricZ
Version 1.0
E-mail: [email protected]

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. FAQ
3. List by Location
   A. Kokiri Forest/Lost Woods Area
   B. Deku Tree
   C. Hyrule Field Area (includes Castle, Market, and Lon Lon Ranch)
   D. Kakariko Village Area (includes Graveyard)
   E. Death Mountain Area (includes Goron City)
   F. Dodongo Cavern
   G. Zora's Domain Area (includes Zora's River and Zora's Fountain)
   H. Lake Hylia
   I. Jabu-Jabu's Belly
   J. Gerudo Valley
   K. Forest Temple
   L. Fire Temple
   M. Ice Cavern
   N. Water Temple
   O. Bottom of the Well
   P. Shadow Temple
   Q. Gerudo Fortress
   R. Haunted Wasteland and Desert Colossus
   S. Spirit Temple
4. Standard Guide Stuff


Heyo, and welcome to my little guide about the most annoying little buggers 
in The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time.  Scattered across the land of 
Hyrule are 100 Gold Skulltulas, and one of the game's subquests is to 
destroy as many of these as you can to win fabulous prizes.  For the life of 
me, I can't imagine why this kind of guide hasn't been created before.  I 
mean, it's been five years.  Ah, who am I to reason why...

2. FAQ

Q: What are Gold Skulltulas?

A: Gold Skulltulas are small spider-like bad guys with gold shells that 
resemble skulls.  They are generally found on walls, and they don't move, 
aside from shifting around in place.

Q: What do I do once I find one?

A: Waste it.  After that, it will drop a token.  Make sure you collect this 
token, because that's the important part.  It's not enough just to kill it.

Q: Why am I hunting for these things?

A: In Kakariko Village, there's a family that was cursed because of greed, and 
turned into Skulltulas.  The house they live in is the first house on your 
right as you enter the village from the main gate.  If you kill Skulltulas and 
collect their tokens, the curse on the family will weaken, and you'll be 

Q: What will I get from the cursed family?

A: After every ten Skulltulas, one of the children will be freed, and they 
will give you a rewards.  After the five children are okay, you have to find 
the remaining fifty.  Here's what you receive:

10 Skulltulas: Adult's Wallet (allows you to carry 200 Rupees)
20 Skulltulas: Stone of Agony (using a Rumble Pak will alert you to nearby 
                                                              covered holes)
30 Skulltulas: Giant's Wallet (allows you to carry 500 Rupees)
40 Skulltulas: 10 Bombchus (a speedy running bomb)
50 Skulltulas: A Piece of Heart (one fourth of a Heart Container)
100 Skulltulas: A Huge Rupee (worth 200)

Q: What are some tips for finding Skulltulas?

A: If you're looking for them out in the open, hunt at night, as several will 
only appear at that time.  Also, there are a few Skulltulas that hide in crates 
and the branches of trees.  There are also several soft soil holes in Hyrule.  
Dumping a bottle of bugs into the hole will force a Skulltula out.  And, of 
course, there are plenty in each of the dungeons.  Oh, and you'll always be 
able to hear the skritch-skritch-skritch of the Skulltula shuffling around.  
You'll hear it in your sleep.  I know I did...


Each Skulltula Entry has the following:

# in the Guide
More Specific Location
Time Requirements (Past, Future, Nighttime)
Item Requirements
Description on how to get it

A. Kokiri Forest/Lost Woods Area =

Location: Kokiri Forest
Time: Past, Nighttime
Items: Kokiri Emerald
- The only reason you need the Kokiri Emerald is so you can leave Kokiri Forest 
  and come back at night.  Look on the back of the Know-It-All Brothers' House.  
  Shoot it with the Slingshot.  After it dies, target it and use a jump-slash 
  attack to get high enough to grab it.

Location: Kokiri Forest
Time: Past
Items: Bottle
- Next to the Item Shop, you'll see a small dirt hole.  Drop a Bottle of Bugs 
  on top of it.

Location: Kokiri Forest
Time: Future, Nighttime
Items: Hookshot
- On the backside of the "House of Twins", you'll find a Skulltula that you can 

Location: Lost Woods
Time: Past
Items: Bottle
- As you enter the Lost Woods, take two left turns.  Dump a Bottle of Bugs on 
  top of the dirt hole in front of you.

Location: Lost Woods
Time: Past
Items: Bottle
- As you enter the Lost Woods, turn right, then left, then right, then left, 
  then left once more, to a large grassy area.  Dump a Bottle of Bugs on the 
  small dirt hole in this area.

Location: Lost Woods
Time: Future, Nighttime
Items: Master Sword, Magic Bean
- In the past, plant a Magic Bean in the same location as Skulltula #5.  In 
  the future, hop on the plant and ride up to a nearby ledge.  The Skulltula's 
  up here.

Location: Sacred Forest Meadow
Time: Future, Nighttime
Items: Hookshot
- Climb the single ladder in the hedge maze.  Face left and you should see 
  your target.  Hookshot him.

B. Deku Tree =

Location: Second Floor, Compass Room
Time: Past
Items: Kokiri Sword
- Activate the rising platforms, then hop over to the alcove on your left.

Location: First Basement, first room
Time: Past
Items: Kokiri Sword
- As you drop into the wet room, you'll see a Skulltula on a nearby grate.  
  Shoot it with the Slingshot (or jump-slash if you're daring), then leap out 
  and grab it mid-air.

Location: First Basement, first room
Time: Past
Items: Slingshot
- As you drop into the we room, look behind you and you'll see a Skulltula 
  on the vines.  Shoot it with the Slingshot, then climb up to take the token.

Location: First Basement, Weak Wall room
Time: Past
Items: Boomerang
- Place a Bomb to bust open the wall here, and enter the secret-ish room.  
  Kill the Skulltula with the Slingshot and retrieve it with the Boomerang.

C. Hyrule Field Area =

Location: Hyrule Field
Time: Any Time
Items: Boomerang or Hookshot
- Between Hyrule Castle and Kakariko Village is a lonely tree.  Place a Bomb 
  at its base to open a hole.  Inside, destroy the Skulltula with the Slingshot 
  (or Bow) and retrieve the token with the Boomerang (or Hookshot).

Location: Hyrule Field
Time: Any Time
Items: Din's Fire or Fire Arrows, Boomerang or Hookshot
- Outside the entrance to Gerudo Valley (west corner), there's a circle of 
  rocks.  Place a Bomb in the center and drop down the hole.  Use your fire 
  weapon to burn down the webs.  Find your Skulltula in the little nook with 
  the cow.

Location: Lon Lon Ranch
Time: Past
Items: Kokiri Emerald
- On the side of the ranch's house is a lone tree.  Roll into it to make a 
  Skulltula fall out of it.

Location: Lon Lon Ranch
Time: Past, Nighttime
Items: Kokiri Emerald
- Circle around the back of the horse corral to find a Skulltula on the back 
  of the feeding shelter.

Location: Lon Lon Ranch
Time: Past, Nighttime
Items: Boomerang
- On the ranch's house, you'll find a Skulltula making one of the windows its 
  home.  Use the Boomerang to retrieve its token.

Location: Lon Lon Ranch
Time: Past, Nighttime
Items: Boomerang
- Head around the corral to the silo in the back of the ranch.  To the right of 
  the silo, you'll find a Skulltula high on the rock wall.  Use the Boomerang 
  to retrieve its token.

Location: Hyrule Castle Market
Time: Past
Items: Kokiri Emerald
- Enter the guardhouse right next to the drawbridge to Hyrule Castle.  Roll 
  into the crate sitting next to the soldier to find a Skulltula.

Location: Hyrule Castle Grounds
Time: Past
Items: Kokiri Emerald
- Outside the outer castle gate is a lone tree.  Roll into it to knock a 
  Skulltula from its branches.

Location: Hyrule Castle Grounds
Time: Past
Items: Ocarina of Time with the Song of Storms
- Near the moat of the castle is a lone tree.  Play the Song of Storms near it 
  and a hole will open up.  Drop down and use Bombs on the walls here.  One of 
  them has a Skulltula behind it.  Use the Boomerang to retrieve it.

Location: Former Castle Grounds
Time: Future
Items: Hookshot
- On the far side of the ruined outer gate is a Skulltula.  Use the Hookshot to 
  retrieve it.

D. Kakariko Village Area =

Location: Kakariko Village
Time: Past, Nighttime
Items: Kokiri Emerald
- The tree near the entrance of the village has a Skulltula in its branches at 
  night.  Roll into the tree to jostle it loose.

Location: Kakariko Village
Time: Past, Nighttime
Items: Kokiri Emerald
- On the side of the Skulltula House, you'll see that one Skulltula didn't 
  wander far.  You'll find it on the window.

Location: Kakariko Village
Time: Past, Nighttime
Items: Kokiri Emerald
- On the building that's under construction, you'll find a Skulltula easily 
  within reach.

Location: Kakariko Village
Time: Past, Nighttime
Items: Kokiri Emerald
- Face the gate to Death Mountain and turn left.  The house to your left has a 
  Skulltula on the side.  This is the house where the little kid in the 
  graveyard lives.

Location: Kakariko Village
Time: Past, Nighttime
Items: Kokiri Emerald
- This Skulltula hangs out on the ladder of the big lookout tower in the 
  center of town.  Slingshot it, then climb up to grab the token.

Location: Kakariko Village
Time: Future, Nighttime
Items: Hookshot
- You'll find this Skulltula on the roof of Impa's house.  To get there, stand 
  in front of the door of that very same house and Hookshot over to the roof 
  of the Skulltula House.  Then, Hookshot onto the roof of Impa's house.  It's 
  easier with the Longshot, but it can be done without.

Location: Graveyard
Time: Past, Nighttime
Items: Boomerang
- As you enter the Graveyard, this Skulltula will be on the stone wall on the 
  right side.  Retrieve the token with the Boomerang.

Location: Graveyard
Time: Past
Items: Bottle
- On the left side of the Graveyard is a small dirt hole.  Dump a Bottle of 
  Bugs into the hole to force a Skulltula out.

E. Death Mountain Area =

Location: Death Mountain Trail
Time: Past
Items: Bottle, Goron Bracelet
- After clearing the boulder blocking the entrance to Dodongo Cavern, you'll 
  see a patch of soft earth.  Dump a Bottle of Bugs on top of it and they'll 
  push out a Skulltula.

Location: Death Mountain Trail
Time: Any Time
Items: Bombs
- Near the bottom of the trail, there's a funny-looking wall.  Place a Bomb 
  to blow it up.  Destroy the Skulltula beneath and climb up the wall that 
  doesn't look climbable, but it is.

Location: Death Mountain Trail
Time: Future, Nighttime
Items: Megaton Hammer
- In the spot where there used to be a Bomb Flower, there's now a red rock.  
  Bash it with the Hammer to uncover a Skulltula.

Location: Death Mountain Trail
Time: Future, Nighttime
Items: Megaton Hammer
- On the trail leading up to the summit (where rocks rain down), smash up a red 
  rock that's sitting flush against the wall with the Megaton Hammer to unveil 
  a Skulltula.

Location: Goron City
Time: Past
Items: Bombs
- On the top floor of Goron City is a passage that leads to a room full of 
  rocks.  Use Bombs to make your way to the far end.  Roll into the crate to 
  break it open and find the Skulltula.

Location: Goron City
Time: Future
Items: Hookshot
- This may be doable without the Hookshot, but I'll be impressed if someone 
  pulls it off.  Anyway, you'll find this Skulltula on the back of the pedestal 
  where the Spiritual Stone of Fire rested.  Stand on the ropes in view of it 
  and Hookshot it.

Location: Death Mountain Crater
Time: Past
Items: Zelda's Letter
- It's advised that you get a Hylian Shield before attempting this, and that 
  you wait until you have Bombs (so you have two reasons to climb the summit).  
  Anyway, enter the crater by the entrance at the summit and as soon as you 
  get in, roll into the crate to find this Skulltula.

Location: Death Mountain Crater
Time: Past
Items: Ocarina of Time with the Bolero of Fire
- Use the Bolero of Fire to warp to the Fire Temple in the past.  There's a 
  spot of soft earth nearby.  Dump a Bottle of Bugs into the spot to force out 
  a Skulltula.

F. Dodongo Cavern =

Location: First floor
Time: Any Time
Items: Goron Bracelet
- From the main entrance, enter the room to the southeast, which is a jagged 
  corridor with Baby Dodongos.  In this room is a weak wall.  Either blow up 
  the wall with Bombs or lure a Baby Dodongo there and kill it so it blows it 
  up for you.  In the room behind the wall is your Skulltula.

Location: Second floor
Time: Any Time
Items: Goron Bracelet
- From the main entrance, enter the room to the northwest, in which you have 
  to blow up several Bomb Flowers to lower a staircase.  Climb up the staircase 
  and walk around the path to the room's exit.  The Skulltula you're looking 
  for is on a vine wall near the exit.  Slingshot it, then climb up to claim 

Location: First floor
Time: Any Time
Items: Bombs
- After entering the giant Dodongo skull, turn right and enter a passage with 
  several wall structures.  At the far end of this room is a bombable wall.  
  You'll find a Skulltula behind that wall.

Location: Second floor
Time: Any Time
Items: Goron Ruby
- You don't REALLY need the stone, but it's best to take care of this after you 
  beat the Dodongo King.  Reenter the dungeon and ride up the fast-moving 
  pillar to the second floor.  Make your way around the second floor all the 
  way back to the room with the staircase that you needed to use Bomb Flowers 
  on (same room as Skulltula #36).  Now, the staircase is back up.  Climb up 
  the left side of the staircase and you can reach this Skulltula.  
  Alternatively, you can come back as an adult with the Longshot.

Location: First floor
Time: Future
Items: Hookshot, Scarecrow Song
- You can enter this dungeon as an adult.  Enter the same room as Skulltula 
  #35 (with Baby Dodongos).  There's a point where Navi will turn green and 
  fly up to a spot on a ledge.  Play the Scarecrow Song to make Pierre appear.  
  Hookshot to him and you'll find the Skulltula.

G. Zora's Domain Area =

NOTE: The dirt hole in this area is the only hole without a Skulltula, so 
don't go nuts trying to dump bugs in it.

Location: Zora's River
Time: Past
Items: Kokiri Emerald
- Although you can't go very far in Zora's River without Bombs, you can still 
  reach the nearby tree at the entrance.  Roll into it to knock a Skulltula 

Location: Zora's River
Time: Past, Nighttime
Items: Bombs
- Once you reach the waterfall, hop down into the water and you should see a 
  ladder.  At night, there's a Skulltula crawling on it.  Slingshot it and 
  climb up to claim it.

Location: Zora's River
Time: Future, Nighttime
Items: Hookshot
- About a third of the way up the river is a Skulltula high on the wall on 
  the right side.  You can reach it by climbing up to the big platform 
  nearby, and Hookshot from there.

Location: Zora's River
Time: Future, Nighttime
Items: Hookshot
- About two-thirds of the way up the river, about when you reach a wooden 
  bridge, look up and to the left to see a Skulltula rather high up.  It's an 
  easier mark with the Longshot, but you can use the Hookshot if you hop onto 
  the platform's guardrail.

Location: Zora's Domain
Time: Future, Nighttime
Items: Longshot
- Head to the location where the Diving Game's proprietor used to be.  Look 
  out and to the left to see a Skulltula on the wall.  Longshot it.

Location: Zora's Fountain
Time: Past
Items: Bombs
- Make your way to the back of the area, with the piece of dry land.  Roll 
  into the tree there and knock a Skulltula from its branches.

Location: Zora's Fountain
Time: Past, Nighttime
Items: Boomerang
- There's a log sticking out of the water.  Climb up to the highest point on 
  it and you should be able to see the Skulltula.  Slingshot it and use the 
  Boomerang to retrieve the token.

Location: Zora's Fountain
Time: Future, Nighttime
Items: Silver Gauntlets
- Make your way to the back of the area, with the piece of dry land.  Use the 
  Gauntlets to pick up the gray rock lying here.  Set a Bomb to blow open the 
  small hole and drop down.  Make your way up this passage to find the 
  Skulltula.  Beware, because the passage is occupied by big Skulltulas that 
  you can only see with the Lens of Truth.

H. Lake Hylia =

Location: Lake Hylia
Time: Past, Nighttime
Items: Kokiri Emerald
- Swim out a lonely platform to the left of a platform with a big dead tree.  
  There's a Skulltula on one of the posts at night.

Location: Lake Hylia
Time: Past
Items: Bottle
- Next to the Lakeside Laboratory is a patch of soft earth.  Dump a Bottle of 
  Bugs into the hole on that patch to force out a Skulltula.

Location: Lake Hylia
Time: Past, Nighttime
Items: Boomerang
- On the back of the Lakeside Laboratory is a Skulltula.  Use the Boomerang to 
  retrieve it.

Location: Lake Hylia
Time: Future, Nighttime
Items: Longshot
- On the island with the dead tree, Longshot up to its branches and you'll find 
  a Skulltula up here.

Location: Lakeside Laboratory
Time: Future
Items: Iron Boots
- Inside the laboratory, drop down to the bottom.  Roll into the crate down 
  there to find a Skulltula.  Use the Hookshot to kill and retrieve it.

I. Jabu-Jabu's Belly =

Location: Basement 1
Time: Past
Items: Bombs
- The room this Skulltula's in is a room with a trench of water in the middle, 
  and you step on a switch to raise the water to a level at which you can 
  climb out.  The Skulltula's on the nearby vine wall.  You can climb up to 

Location: Basement 1
Time: Past
Items: Boomerang
- After destroying the green tentacle, go the room on the first floor with 
  several holes leading to the basement.  Drop down the hole that the green 
  tentacle used to occupy and you should be able to reach a nearby Skulltula.

Location: Basement 1
Time: Past
Items: Boomerang
- After destroying the green tentacle, go the room on the first floor with 
  several holes leading to the basement.  Drop down the hole that the green 
  tentacle used to occupy and you should be able to reach a nearby Skulltula.  
  Yes, this is exactly what I wrote for #54.  They're in the same general 

Location: First Floor
Time: Past
Items: Boomerang
- This room is the very last room before the boss of this area, in which you 
  have to Boomerang a switch to move on.  The Skulltula is on the vine wall 
  heading up there.

J. Gerudo Valley =

Location: Gerudo Valley
Time: Past
Items: Bottle
- Grab the chicken near the bridge and leap off the canyon, floating down and 
  to the right towards the stretch of land at the bottom.  Down here, there is 
  a small dirt hole.  Dump a Bottle of Bugs onto the hole to force out a 

Location: Gerudo Valley
Time: Past, Nighttime
Items: Boomerang
- As you walk up the plank leading to the big bridge, turn right.  If it's 
  night, you should see a Skulltula.  Use the Boomerang to retrieve the token.

Location: Gerudo Valley
Time: Future, Nighttime
Items: Hookshot and Epona, or the Longshot
- Either use Epona or the Longshot to cross the broken bridge.  Look behind 
  the tents and you'll see a Skulltula on the wall.  Hookshot it.

Location: Gerudo Valley
Time: Future, Nighttime
Items: Hookshot and Epona, or the Longshot
- Either use Epona or the Longshot to cross the broken bridge.  Look behind 
  the stone pillar off to your left to find a Skulltula on it.  Hookshot it.

K. Forest Temple =

Location: First Floor
Time: Future
Items: Hookshot
- In the very entrance of the temple, look up and to your right to find the 
  first Skulltula of this dungeon.

Location: First Floor
Time: Future
Items: Hookshot
- In the room with four torches, head to the door opposite from the door you 
  first enter.  You'll find the Skulltula on the nearby wall rather high up.

Location: First Floor
Time: Future
Items: Hookshot
- In the northeast room (with big Deku Babas), you can find this Skulltula on 
  the wall.  To get to it, you can just make it by using the Hookshot on the 
  chest on the island, although it's easier to come in from the nearby room, 
  which you fall into from the second "twisted room".

Location: Second Floor
Time: Future
Items: Hookshot
- In the northwest room (with big Deku Babas), enter from the second floor and 
  cross the thin columns to reach this Skulltula.

Location: Basement 1
Time: Future
Items: Bow
- After descending the elevator to the room you can rotate, push the walls and 
  examine all the alcoves.  One has a Skulltula.

L. Fire Temple =

Location: First Floor
Time: Future
Items: Hookshot
- After entering, climb the stairs and take the door on the right.  Play the 
  Song of Time to move the blue block, then proceed and enter the next room.  
  You'll find Mr. Skulltula on a wall in that room.

Location: Third Floor
Time: Future
Items: Bow
- On the eastern side of the third floor is a room with rocks rolling around.  
  Make your way to the far north side and bomb a wall there to find a 
  Skulltula.  You should be able to hear it skritching around.

Location: Fifth Floor
Time: Future
Items: Bow
- In the very room you get the Megaton Hammer, look for this Skulltula near the 

Location: First Floor
Time: Future
Items: Megaton Hammer
- In the entrance room, knock the pillar out of the way and proceed through.  
  Once you pass the first room, you'll come to a room with spinning tiles.  The 
  Skulltula is on the wall.

Location: Fifth Floor
Time: Future
Items: Longshot, Scarecrow Song
- Go the same room as #67, and make your way to the upper part of the room.  
  Near the northwestern exit, play the Scarecrow Song to make Pierre appear.  
  Longshot to him, and then to the nearby target.  Ride up and make your way 
  to the fifth floor area.  You'll find the Skulltula close by.

M. Ice Cavern =

Location: First Floor
Time: Future
Items: Hookshot
- In the room with the Heart Piece and the Compass, you'll find this Skulltula 
  in a little niche on the wall.

Location: First Floor
Time: Future
Items: Hookshot
- In the room with the spinning ice blade and silver gems, you'll find a 
  Skulltula behind a bunch of icicles.

Location: First Floor
Time: Future
Items: Hookshot
- In the room with the ice blocks you push around, you can find this 
  Skulltula on a nearby wall.

N. Water Temple =

Location: First Floor
Time: Future
Items: Iron Boots, Zora Tunic
- Drain all the water and head south into a corridor.  Once you reach the end 
  of the corridor, use the Whirling Blade Technique to hit the crystal 
  switch.  Take out the Skulltula on the other side.

Location: First Floor
Time: Future
Items: Longshot
- After dropping down into the underground river, hop into the water (with 
  the Iron Boots on), and keep an eye on the left wall.  You'll eventually 
  see the Skulltula.

Location: Second Floor
Time: Future
Items: Longshot
- Inside the pillar in the middle of the temple, you can find this Skulltula 
  reachable from the second floor.

Location: Third Floor
Time: Future
Items: Longshot
- At the top of the pillar area, head west to a room with moving platforms.  
  Use the Longshot to hit a Skulltula on the far right wall.

Location: First Floor
Time: Future
Items: Longshot
- While going for the Boss Key, you'll find a corridor with rolling rocks.  
  When you reach the source of one of those series of rolling rocks, you'll 
  see a Skulltula on the wall.  Longshot it. 

O. Bottom of the Well =

Location: First Floor
Time: Past
Items: Ocarina of Time with the Song of Storms
- From the large room in the center of the dungeon, take the northeast door.  
  Avoid holes and bad guys and make your way to a room with a Like-Like.  The 
  Skulltula is in this room.

Location: First Floor
Time: Past
Items: Ocarina of Time with the Song of Storms
- Find a key and unlock the left of the two rooms in the center room.  Use the 
  Boomerang to grab the Skulltula.

Location: First Floor
Time: Past
Items: Ocarina of Time with the Song of Storms
- Find a key and unlock the right of the two rooms in the center room.  Use 
  the Lens of Truth to find the safe path around the outside of the pit and 
  grab the Skulltula with the Boomerang.

P. Shadow Temple =

Location: Basement 3
Time: Future
Items: Longshot
- Connected to the large open room is a room with invisible spinning blades.  
  The Skulltula is on the wall here.

Location: Basement 3
Time: Future
Items: Longshot
- Connected to the large open room is a room with two large panels with spikes 
  that drop down.  Find a Skulltula in one of the small alcoves.

Location: Basement 3
Time: Future
Items: Longshot
- There's a room with a huge skull that's top is on fire (you're supposed to 
  throw a Bomb Flower into it).  The Skulltula is behind that skull.

Location: Basement 3
Time: Future
Items: Longshot
- In the room with the giant boat, you can find this Skulltula on the left 
  corner of the room (facing the front of the boat).  Either Longshot it, or 
  use the Scarecrow Song to get over there.

Location: Basement 3
Time: Future
Items: Longshot
- After riding the boat, go through the room with fire walls.  One of the rooms 
  it leads to has three spinning skulls.  There is a Skulltula behind them.

Q. Gerudo Fortress =

Location: Gerudo Fortress
Time: Future, Nighttime
Items: Gerudo Membership Card, Longshot
- Ride up to the archery range at the fortress and head to the furthest 
  target.  The Skulltula is on that target.

Location: Gerudo Fortress
Time: Future, Nighttime
Items: Gerudo Membership Card, Longshot
- This Skulltula is on the back of the fortress, on the stone wall.  There are 
  several points at which you can get into range.

R. Haunted Wasteland and Desert Colossus =

Location: Haunted Wasteland
Time: Future
Items: Longshot
- Once you reach the stone structure with the Poe guide, head down inside it.  
  The Skulltula will be in plain sight.

Location: Desert Colossus
Time: Past
Items: Requiem of Spirit
- Right by the entrance to the Spirit Temple is a small dirt hole.  Dump a 
  Bottle of Bugs onto the hole and they'll force the Skulltula out.

Location: Desert Colossus
Time: Future, Nighttime
Items: Longshot, Lens of Truth
- Near the empty desert oasis, you'll find a Skulltula in a nearby tree.  
  Longshot it.

Location: Desert Colossus
Time: Future, Nighttime
Items: Requiem of Spirit
- In the past, plant a Magic Bean in the dirt hole.  Come back in the future 
  and ride the plant around.  Hop off when it passes a rock to find a 

S. Spirit Temple =

Location: First Floor
Time: Past
Items: Requiem of Spirit
- One of the rooms in the temple has a pit and a fence on the other side of it  
  (or on your side, depending on your perspective).  The Skulltula is on that 

Location: Second Floor
Items: Requiem of Spirit
- There's an area with Lizalfos and a climbable wall that leads to the second 
  floor.  At the top of this wall, turn around to find a Skulltula.

Location: Second Floor
Time: Past
Items: Requiem of Spirit
- Just before your battle, as a kid, with the Iron Knuckle, you can find a 
  Skulltula above and behind you in the room leading to it.

Location: First Floor
Time: Future
Items: Silver Gauntlets
- There's a room that has rocks that roll back and forth in a trench, and 
  there's a blue block in front of one of the alcoves.  Play the Song of Time 
  to move that block and claim the Skulltula.

Location: Second Floor
Time: Future
Items: Silver Gauntlets, Scarecrow Song
- In the big statue room, climb up the left staircase (left facing the statue).  
  At the top, play the Scarecrow Song and Pierre will appear at a ledge 
  opposite.  Longshot to him and claim the final Skulltula.


This FAQ was made 100% by me, and is Copyright © 2001-2002 Scott 
"CyricZ" Zdankiewicz.  You may not take it in whole or in part and 
claim it as your own. You may not alter it in any way, even if you ask 
me first, and that includes putting it in HTML format.  Please don’t 
post this on your site unless you have express consent by me.  I’ve put 
a lot of time into this.  Give me some credit...

Currently, the following sites have permission to post my FAQ:


These are the only sites that may have this guide.  No exceptions.

You shouldn't need to e-mail me for anything really.  I believe I've done my 
job well enough that you could find the Skulltulas well enough.  If you do, 
explicity give me the number of the Skulltula that you can't find...

Credits go to CJayC and Al Amaloo for having this on their sites.

And that's about it.  Happy bug hunting!

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CyricZ started writing to get all the thoughts in his head about video games onto paper and it got out of hand.

If you're looking for other guides by him, you can search the Yakuza series or the LEGO series on GameFAQs.