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Guide and Walkthrough by DBM11085

Version: 1.35 | Updated: 04/05/2012


            The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time FAQ/Walkthrough
                             For the Nintendo 64
                     Version 1.35 (Last Updated 4/5/2012)
                               By Devin Morgan

    This file is Copyright (c)1998-2012 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved.


Table of Contents

1. What's New
2. Introduction
3. Story
4. Controls
5. Walkthrough
6. Bosses
7. Items
8. Heart Pieces
9. Masks
10. Songs
11. Gold Skulltulas
12. The Trading Process
13. Great Fairy Fountains
14. Mini-Games
15. Shops
16. Secrets/Tips and Tricks
17. Credits
18. Copyright Notice


-=  1. What's New -=

Version 1.35 (4/5/12): Corrected the button sequence for Prelude of Light, 
and added tips on navigating the Haunted Wasteland and fighting Ganondorf.

Version 1.3 (1/18/12): Cleaned up the Heart Piece/Gold Skulltula sections.

Version 1.25 (6/21/11): Made a bunch of additional corrections and additions, 
thanks to adam.

Version 1.2 (6/13/11): Found an error in the Songs section (Prelude of 
Light), thanks to Josiah.

Version 1.15 (2/8/11): It was long overdue, but I revamped most of this guide 
after all these years. Many sections were rewritten or changed around to make 
things easier to understand, including the walkthrough. Many errors were also 
corrected along the way. If there is more to update, let me know!

Version 1.1 (12/14/10): Added a small hint on fighting the last Poe in the 
Forest Temple.

Version 1.05 (4/2/09): Made a small correction to the order of killing the 
Deku Scrubs within the Great Deku Tree.

Version 1.0 (12/14/98): With this version, the walkthrough was completed.

Version 0.1 (11/24/98): The first version of this FAQ.


-=  2. Introduction -=

Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the HIGHLY anticipated game to hit the Nintendo 64 
in November 1998. It is the first new console Zelda game since 1991, and with 
it comes plenty of new changes. Of course it is the first 3D adventure with 
Link, and it comes with a wide array of new items, new gameplay mechanics, 
and a brand new epic story. It is certainly living up to the hype, and so any 
hardcore gamer (especially Zelda fans) must play this!


-=  3. Story  -=

A long time ago...

Before life began, before the world had form, three golden goddesses 
descended upon the chaotic land of Hyrule. They were Din, the Goddess of 
Power, Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom and Farore, the Goddess of Courage.

Din, with her strong flaming arms, cultivated the land to create the earth. 
Nayru poured her wisdom onto the earth to give the spirit of law to the 
world. Farore's rich soul created all life forms who would uphold the law.

These three great goddesses returned to the heavens, leaving behind the 
golden sacred Triforce. Since then, the Triforce has become the basis for 
Hyrule's providence. Where the Triforce stood became sacred land.

In the vast, deep forest of Hyrule, the Great Deku Tree served as the 
guardian spirit. The children of the forest, the Kokiri, lived with the Great 
Deku Tree. Each Kokiri had his or her own guardian fairy, except one. His 
name was Link.

Early one morning, Link was having a nightmare. It was the same nightmare he 
had every night. During a storm, Link would find himself standing in front of 
a mysterious castle. A rider on horseback, carrying a girl, would race by. 
The girl would look at Link as if to say something. Then, another rider would 
appear. This big man clad in black would look down menacingly at Link. Link 
would then awaken.

"Link! Hey, get up, Link! The Great Deku Tree wants to talk to you!"

As Link opened his eyes, he saw a fairy floating in front of him. This 
fairy's name was Navi. Navi was sent to summon Link to the Great Deku Tree.

"Oh Navi, thou hast returned!" said the Deku Tree. "Thank you, Link, for 
coming. Thy slumber these past moons must have been restless, and full of 
nightmares. A vile climate pervades this world. Verily, ye have felt it. The 
time has come to test thine courage. I have been cursed. I need you to dispel 
the curse with your wisdom and courage. Art thou prepared?"

Link entered the Great Deku Tree and broke the curse.

"Well done, Link! I knew that ye were worthy of carrying out my wishes. A 
wicked man of the desert cast this dreadful curse on me. Employing his vile, 
sorcerous energies, the evil one is searching for the sacred realm connected 
to Hyrule. For it is there that one will find the divine relic, the Triforce, 
that contains the essence of the gods. Whoever holds the Triforce can make 
their wishes come true. Thou must never allow the desert man to lay his hands 
on the sacred Triforce. Thou must never suffer that man to enter the sacred 
realm of legend. Link, go now to Hyrule Castle. There, ye will surely meet 
the Princess of destiny. Present this stone to the Princess. I have foreseen 
that she will understand everything."

The Great Deku Tree gave Link the spiritual stone of the forest. Before 
dying, the Deku Tree's last words were, "The future depends upon thee, Link. 
Thou art courageous."


-=  4. Controls -=

Control Stick: Move Link, move cursor on menu screens

A: Perform actions (dive underwater, talk to people, open doors, throw
   objects, push and pull objects, and drop down from cliffs and ladders
   while hanging)

B: Draw your sword (press again to slice your sword sideways)

Press/hold Z + R + B: Block with your sword (only works for Biggoron's Sword)

Z + Up + B: Stab an enemy

Z + B: Overhead chop the enemy

Up + A: Roll attack

Hold Z, Press Down + A: Back flip

Hold Z, Press Left/Right + A: Dodge or sidestep an attack

Hold B, then release: Spin attack

R: Hold the shield in front of you

L + R: Hold the shield while walking

C Stick: Use items assigned to these buttons (Left, Down, Right), talk to
         Navi or look around (Up)

Control Pad: Turn on/off your map if you have one

Z: Change view to directly behind Link, look at a person or object, or use Z
   Targeting, which lets you aim at monsters in battle. To move your aim,
   press Z repeatedly and to unlock your aim, press L while holding down on
   the Control Stick.


-=  5. Walkthrough  -=

NOTE: If you are not inside of a dungeon and you save/quit your game, you
      will start in the Kokiri Forest (Young Link) or Temple of Time (Adult
      Link) when you reload the save file.

Kokiri Forest

You start the game sleeping inside your home in the Kokiri Forest. When Navi 
the Fairy comes, you'll wake up. Leave your house and a girl named Saria will 
greet you. Climb down the ladder and talk to her, then run up the small hill 
and go to the left. Go around or climb over the fences to reach the wall. 
When the Action button says "Enter", push A and crawl through the passageway. 
There will be a maze with a boulder moving through it. Get through to the 
back of the maze and open the chest there to get the Kokiri Sword.

Get back out by crawling through the passage again. Run around the grassy 
areas, jump across the river with square-shaped rocks, and go into Mido's 
Home and open the chests to find some rupees. When you have at least 40 
Rupees, go to the Shop and buy the Deku Shield. Now, go towards the path to 
the Deku Tree and talk to Mido. If you have your sword and shield equipped, 
he'll let you pass through the path to talk to the Tree. Talk to the Deku 
Tree and hear what he has to say until it opens up in front. When you can 
move again, enter the tree through that opening.

The Great Deku Tree

Inside the Great Deku Tree, defeat the enemies there and get some Deku Nuts 
and Deku Sticks. Also, cut down bushes to get nuts, rupees, and even hearts! 
Climb the ladder to reach the second floor, then head up and around the path 
to find a chest. Open it to get the Map. Jump across the gap to the right of 
the chest and enter the door there.

When the Deku Scrub in the center of the room attacks, just use your shield 
and reflect the nut back at him. When it hits, try and catch him and he'll 
give you a hint. Go to the next room and run through the room, jumping on the 
gray block, then over to the other side before it crumbles. Open the chest to 
get the Fairy Slingshot, your first side weapon!

Since the block crumbled, you can't find a way back across, so it's time to 
use your slingshot. Aim at the ladder high above the door, and it'll fall, 
giving you access to the door again! Get back into the main area and shoot 
the Skulltulas crawling on the vine-like walls above the chest with the Map. 
After they're all defeated, climb up the wall and touch ground up there to 
get to the third floor.

Go a little bit to the right and enter the door there. Take out a Deku Stick 
and light it up, then light the other torch in the room to leave the room 
afterward. Push the switch and the three platforms in middle of the room will 
rise for a limited time. Jump across the platforms to the other side and open 
the chest to get the Compass.

To get back to the other side without the platforms, run to the other side 
and climb up the wall. If you want, you can hit the switch again and jump to 
the side ledge, and open the chest there to find a Heart. You can also find 
your first Gold Skulltula behind it! Anyway, go back into the main area and 
defeat any of the Skulltulas hanging above the edges of the walkways by 
swinging your sword at their soft bellies twice when they turn around.

Then, go to the edge of the platform facing the center, and then look down at 
the web. Jump off the ledge and fall through the web, destroying it. You'll 
now be able to reach the basement this way! Get onto dry land and step on the 
switch to light up the nearby torch. Take out another Deku Stick and light it 
up. Now, run across the shallow water to the other side by the door and burn 
the web covering the door apart, then go through the door.

Defeat the Deku Scrub by deflecting its nut with your shield, then talk to it 
to gain information about defeating its brothers later on. After that, aim 
your slingshot at the eye above the locked door and shoot to raise the bars 
blocking it. Go through the door, and dive underwater and push the switch to 
lower the water. Get back to the entrance of the room and wait for the 
platform to reach your side. Then, get on and let it take you across the 
water to the other side. Don't worry about the spiked log, it won't hit you, 
but it'll hurt if you didn't push the switch!

Defeat the Skulltula and pull the block across the floor so you can reach the 
door. Defeat the Deku Baba here, then take a Deku Stick and light the two 
torches here to open the door. Go into the next room, but watch out; three 
enemies will fall from the ceiling to attack, so be prepared. Light up a Deku 
Stick after that and burn the web blocking access to the next room. Crawl 
through the passage to enter the first basement room from the upper ledge.

Go into the room and defeat the Deku Babas, then push the block into the 
water. Then, jump into the water and get onto the ledge with the lit torch on 
it. Light up a Deku Stick by it and jump from the platform onto the block, 
then onto the other side. Swing the Deku Stick downward when standing above 
the web on the floor to burn it apart. Fall into the hole and surface on the 
dry land again.

This time, there are three Deku Scrubs there and you can only beat them in a 
certain order. I believe the order in killing them is: 3 1 2 (the earlier 
hint was 2 3 1, with the phrase twenty-three is number one; think about it). 
When you hit the last one, it'll start moving around the room, so catch it. 
He'll give you a tip on defeating the boss in the next room, then leave. 
Refill your hearts if needed and go into the next room and look up at the 
ceiling. The boss, Gohma, will see you and jump onto the floor to attack. 
Read the Bosses section of this guide for information on beating Gohma.

After you beat it, take the Heart Container and go to the light to exit the 
Deku Tree!

Kokiri Forest

Back outside, listen to what the Deku Tree has to say. It'll then give you 
the Kokiri Emerald, which is also the first Spiritual Stone! Now, leave the 
area and talk to Mido at the end of the path. When he leaves, exit the forest 
to the west. As you leave, Saria will talk to you. She'll give you the Fairy 
Ocarina, then it's off to Hyrule Castle! On your way out, talk with the owl, 
then go on out to Hyrule Field.

Hyrule Field

Now that you're done with Kokiri Forest, it's time to go to Hyrule Castle! 
From where you spoke with the owl, follow the path heading northeast through 
Hyrule Field to the castle gates. You may be stuck fighting throughout the 
night if you can't get there before sunset. No worry because you can fend off 
the skeletons that come out during the night and even get some quick rupees! 
When morning comes, run across the drawbridge and into the Market.


Stop at the guardhouse right after you cross the bridge and destroy all the 
pots for an easy bunch of rupees (there is also a hidden Gold Skulltula in a 
crate). In the Market itself, don't enter the Bazaar and buy the Hylian 
Shield yet; you can get a discount on it later if you wait a bit. Go through 
the Market and follow the path out of it to the castle.

Hyrule Castle

You can't enter through the gates because they're closed and guards are 
everywhere, so you're going to sneak in! First, climb the wall with vines on 
it and run across until you're at the other side of the gate below. Then, 
drop down and purposely get yourself caught by one of the guards standing 
around. When you're back outside, go back to the wall with the vines and 
Malon will be there. Speak with Malon twice to get a Weird Egg, then climb 
the wall. Run across to the gate and go down the ladder and exit the door to 
get past it.

Now the tricky part is avoiding the guards, and I'll try and describe how to 
get past them as well as I can. When the path turns left for the first time, 
run up the hill and into the grassy area. Run past the guard and follow the 
path through the grass to the castle. Before you reach the castle, turn off 
the path to the left and climb up the wall to the left of the guard and the 
main entrance. Jump down into the water and swim down the stream until you 
reach the end where it's blocked. Jump out and walk towards the sleeping man. 
If a day/night cycle has passed, the Weird Egg has hatched so use the Cucco 
to wake him up! Talon will talk to you, then he will run away.

Now, push and/or pull the two blocks where he was laying and push them both 
over the edge, stacking one atop the other. Climb onto the block and jump 
across to the opening at the other side, and crawl in.

Castle Courtyard

Go through the Castle Courtyard while avoiding ALL the guards along the way 
(it's easy once you see the guards' movement patterns). In the area at the 
end, go ahead and talk to Princess Zelda. Talk to her and listen to her 
story, then she'll give you a letter, which allows you to get through guarded 
gates without a problem. As you leave, you'll run into Impa. Talk to her and 
she'll teach you the Zelda's Lullaby song for the Ocarina. She will then 
escort you out of the castle, away from the guards.

Now, run through Hyrule Field until you reach Lon Lon Ranch near the middle 
of the field (make sure it is still daytime before entering).

Lon Lon Ranch

Enter the first house to the left and talk to Talon, the man you woke up at 
the castle. He'll play a game with you for some rupees; find his three 
special cuccos and get a Bottle filled with Lon Lon Milk! After you win, go 
into the ranch itself and talk to Malon until she asks you to sing. Use your 
Ocarina and she'll teach you Epona's Song. This is an important song to know 
for later. After that, leave the ranch.

Hyrule Field

From here, head east of the castle to Kakariko Village. Get to Kakariko 
Village by crossing the bridge over the stream east of the castle and run up 
the stairs in the mountain to reach the town.

Kakariko Village

Now that you're in Kakariko Village, go up the stairs to the left of the main 
path, and then go up the next set of stairs near the lookout tower. Go up to 
the guard by the gate and show him Zelda's Letter. He'll talk to you and 
he'll eventually tell you to go to the Market and buy the Hylian Shield. 
You'll get a discount on it after talking to him!

I wouldn't recommend buying it there though, as you can find a free one in 
the Graveyard. When you enter, go to the front row of tombstones and pull 
back the one with flowers laid out in front of it, then drop into the hole 
and open the chest inside to get the Hylian Shield.

While you're in the Market, the Happy Mask Shop is now open. You can begin 
that quest by borrowing the Keaton Mask, which you can give to that guard in 
Kakariko Village. When you are ready, head back to Kokiri Forest and enter 
the Lost Woods via the high ledge overlooking the forest.

Lost Woods

NOTE: When navigating the Lost Woods, there is a set path you must take. If
      you go through an opening that leads to nothing, you will automatically
      emerge in Kokiri Forest again. This can be useful as a shortcut.

From the entrance to the woods, go east into the next area, then go north. 
Turn east again through the path below the owl (you have to talk to it 
first), and then turn to the north and go straight through two areas. Then, 
turn west and finally head north again to enter the next area.

Sacred Forest Meadow

Here, defeat the Wolfos to lower the gate ahead. Go through the maze while 
defeating the Deku Scrubs, then talk to Saria at the very end. She'll teach 
you Saria's Song, which lets you speak with her anytime. After that, get all 
the way back to Kakariko Village by the gate like before. Now that the gate 
is open by showing the guard the letter, it's time to go up Death Mountain!

Death Mountain Trail

As you head up the mountainside while battling the Tektites, you'll see the 
Dodongo's Cavern, but there's a boulder blocking the entrance, so just 
continue up the path for now. When the path splits and you can either head up 
a hill or walk to the right, take the right path. Avoid the rolling Goron as 
you take the lower path, and continue into Goron City.

Goron City

In Goron City, make your way all the way down to the bottom level. There are 
stairs you can take by following the openings along the perimeter of each 
floor, allowing you to reach each level with ease. Once at the bottom by the 
giant urn, step on the mat in front of the closed door. Take out your Ocarina 
and play Zelda's Lullaby. When the door opens, enter the room ahead to find 
the Goron leader, Darunia. Play Saria's Song at this point to make him dance!

After he's done dancing, Darunia will give you the Goron's Bracelet, which 
allows you to pick up the Bomb Flowers. As a result of cheering up Darunia, 
various doors within Goron City will open up, including the shop. Now, leave 
Goron City.

Death Mountain Trail

Back outside, go up the path a slight bit and turn to the right. You will 
come to a ledge overlooking Dodongo's Cavern below, and a Bomb Flower sitting 
there. Pick up the Bomb Flower and throw it over the edge, allowing you to 
destroy the boulder blocking the entrance below. With that done, go back down 
to the open cavern and enter the dungeon inside.

Dodongo's Cavern

From the start, use a Bomb Flower to open the wall leading into the dungeon 
itself. Then, go down the right hill and hug the wall to the right of the 
lava pool to reach dry land on the other side. Climb up the ladder and take 
the Bomb Flowers and use them to blow open the doors and the Beamos. Enter 
the last door and watch out for the enemies here; they explode shortly after 
you defeat them. At the end of this long room, push an Armos statue onto the 
switch to remove the bars blocking the door. Enter the room and go down the 
hallway, defeating the Keese, then enter the next room. Get ready for a 
little fight here against two very agile Lizalfos. After you beat them, go 
and enter the next door at the back of this room.

Defeat the Dodongos here by getting behind them and hitting their tails with 
your sword a few times. After they're all defeated, light a Deku Stick and 
light the other three torches in the room to open the door out of there. 
Continue ahead and step on the switch to open a locked door, then drop down 
into the main area again. This time, make your way to the other side of the 
room and blow open the doors there, too. Be sure to take the Map after 
bombing the middle wall open. Enter the door at the end closest to the big 
dinosaur head.

The secret here is to detonate ALL the Bomb Flowers here at once. To do that, 
pick a Bomb Flower that's NOT on the gray ledge and put it in the empty space 
in the middle of the ledge. When it explodes, so will the other flowers, 
which will now trigger the stairs to come down. Climb the stairs and the wall 
up to the next floor and land on either side because it doesn't matter. 
Follow the path to where the path connects with the other one and turn 
left/right depending on what side you're on, and enter the next room.

In the middle, there are four Armos statues. Push the one blocking the ladder 
aside, then climb up it. Push the switch to open the door to the next room. 
In the next room, just run down the hall and make a rolling jump between the 
broken bridges. In the next room, avoid the blade traps and make your way to 
the other end of the room. Then, jump on the block and climb onto the ledge 
in front of the door. Turn around and jump onto the platform with the Bomb 
Flower, and pick it up and throw it so it sits on the ledge that you were 
just standing on. If successful, you'll destroy the door, giving you access 
to the next room.

Go through the path and shoot the eye switch above the opposite opening, 
which will remove the fire from the middle platform. Hop across and continue 
into the next room. There, defeat the Lizalfos with your sword. Then, enter 
the next room and shoot the eye switch above the door ahead. When the first 
platform is safe, jump onto it and shoot the second eye switch to the left to 
clear the second platform. Then, jump across and enter the next room. Jump 
across the gap and open up the chest on the ledge to get the Bomb Bag, which 
lets you carry Bombs! As a bonus, it already has 20 Bombs inside it!

Continue through the next hallway and press the switch there to raise a 
pillar from the bottom of the area to bring you down there quickly when 
needed. Walk along the ledges and you'll see a bridge. There are two holes in 
the bridge, which you can easily jump over. Stand next to each hole and drop 
a Bomb into each of the eyes of the big head below. When Bombs are dropped 
into both holes, the mouth will open, giving you access to the rest of the 

Use the pillar you activated before to get down there and enter the room 
inside the mouth. Enter the next room and defeat the Fire Keese here. Then, 
climb the ledge to a slightly higher path and follow it around to the next 
room. Follow the path in here until you reach the two blocks. Climb up them 
and walk along the narrow top path to the far side. Drop down onto the ledge 
by the doorway ahead, where you will see a block behind you. You can push 
that block down to the lower area and move it to a door you can bomb open 
(that room has a Gold Skulltula if you want it).

Anyway, follow the path around until you find a block overlooking the first 
room. Push it forward so it falls, then pull and push it into the hole where 
the switch is in middle of the room. Then, enter the next room and open the 
chest to get some Bombs. Bomb the middle floor panel to open up a hole, then 
drop into the lair of King Dodongo! Read the Bosses section of this guide to 
find out how to beat the giant bomb-eater. After you beat it, take the Heart 
Container and exit the cavern via the circle of light.

Death Mountain Trail

After you exit the cavern, Darunia will thank you and give you the Goron's 
Ruby, which is the second Spiritual Stone! You will also be directed to the 
top of Death Mountain, where you can meet a Great Fairy. This is actually a 
good idea, so continue up the hill until you reach the ledges with boulders 
on them. Bomb the boulders and continue up the path, where you will be rained 
upon by fiery rocks from above. Equip the Hylian Shield and press R when you 
see shadows above you to block them.

When you reach the wall at the end, aim upward and kill the Skulltulas with 
your Slingshot, then climb all the way to the top. Once there, bomb the left 
wall and enter that room to find the first Great Fairy Fountain. In there, 
play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol and the Great Fairy will appear 
to grant you the spinning sword attack. This will also give you a magic 

As you progress in your quest, you will want to consult the Great Fairy 
Fountain section of this guide to visit the other locations. It is necessary 
in order to gain the three magic spells, as well as increased power/magic (I 
will assume you have been visiting them, so keep that in mind when I talk 
about using Din's Fire and such).

Anyway, exit the fountain cave and talk to the owl atop the sign. Since you 
visited the Great Fairy, grab the owl's talons for a shortcut back down to 
Kakariko Village. Now you have to get to Zora's River. To get to Zora's River 
from Kakariko Village, go left (east) after exiting the town and follow the 
river into the side of the mountain.

Zora's River

Follow Zora's River all the way up to the waterfall at the end (the path is 
rather straightforward as you will see; if you fall into the water current, 
you can ride it back down while collecting hidden rupees). Stand in front of 
the falls and play Zelda's Lullaby with your Ocarina to open the cave behind 
the waterfall. Jump across and enter the cave to reach Zora's Domain.

Zora's Domain

Follow the dry path overlooking the water up to the Zora Shop, and go up the 
spiraling hill. Run up the hill and steps to the top area, where King Zora is 
waiting. Stand on the ledge in front of the king and talk to him to find out 
that Princess Ruto is missing. For now, follow the side path to find a Zora 
standing at the edge of the waterfall. Pay 20 rupees to play a diving game 
where you must jump into the water below and dive to collect five rupees 
before time runs out. Complete this task and talk to the Zora again to 
receive the Silver Scale, which allows you to dive farther down than before!

Get back down to the watery area again. You should see a hole submerged in 
the wall below. Dive down and swim into the opening, which will lead you to 
Lake Hylia.

Lake Hylia

Once you get to the lake, swim a little bit out and dive underwater again and 
take the Bottle with a Letter inside. Before you go back though, you can 
visit the Fishing Pond (the building to the west). Also, you will see two 
scarecrows along the shore. Talk to the lower one and use your Ocarina, and 
it will ask you to play a song. Make up a song (just remember the notes) and 
the song will be saved as the Scarecrow's Song. You can come back and change 
the notes as a child any time.

Anyway, go back into the water where you found the bottle. Then, go back to 
Zora's Domain through that underwater passage you used to get here.

Zora's Domain

In Zora's Domain again, go back up the hill and show King Zora the message 
(use the Bottle with the Letter inside). He'll then move over, letting you 
get into Zora's Fountain, where Lord Jabu-Jabu awaits. Go down to the shallow 
sections of the area below and catch a Fish in your Bottle, then go behind 
King Zora and head to Zora's Fountain.

Zora's Fountain

Here, walk onto the large platform ahead and you will meet Jabu-Jabu, the 
giant fish sitting there. Feed Jabu-Jabu the Fish by selecting the Bottle and 
emptying its contents in front of the him. He'll suck you into his mouth and 
you'll be in the new dungeon.

Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly

From the start, defeat all the enemies in the room, and then shoot the switch 
on the ceiling to open the door. Then, simply follow the path around the pit 
and continue into the following room (don't worry, you'll come back here 
later). Talk to Princess Ruto and she'll walk away from you and fall into a 
hole in the floor. Save her by jumping into the hole after her and you'll 
land in the basement.

Talk to Ruto again and she'll finally let you carry her around. Go through 
the door behind you and go down the hallway while avoiding the floating 
bubbles. In the next room, drop into the middle area and throw Ruto onto the 
platform at the other side of the room. Then, press the switch to make the 
water rise, and swim up to reach the other side by Ruto. Run through the next 
hallway with Ruto, still avoiding the bubbles, and when you reach the door, 
turn around and shoot the switch in the ceiling to open it.

Enter the next room and dodge the enemy's attacks while waiting for the 
floating platform to come down to the basement. When it comes, jump on and 
ride up to the first floor again where you were before. Walk along the ledge 
and enter the next room with the holes in the floor. This time, make your way 
to the other end of the room and enter the door into the next area. When the 
path splits, take the far right path and step on the switch while holding 
Ruto to weigh it down, opening the door. Go into that next room and defeat 
ALL the enemies to make a chest appear; open it to find the Boomerang!

Leave the room and head back to the entrance of the room. This time, turn 
around and take the leftmost path. Drop Ruto on the switch you see, and enter 
that room. Defeat the Red Parasitic Tentacle by aiming and throwing your 
Boomerang at its narrow weak spot a few times. After you beat it, open the 
chest that appears to get the Map. Leave this room and take the next path 
over to the left into another room. Destroy all the bubbles in 40 seconds to 
get the Compass.

Leave that room and head to the three-way split in this room. Take the 
eastern path, then go left at the next split to enter a room that is no 
longer blocked. In there, you'll find another Parasitic Tentacle. Kill it 
like the other one, then exit this room. Now, go back to the middle area and 
take the center path into the now-unblocked chamber. Defeat the Green 
Parasitic Tentacle swinging from the ceiling. After you defeat it, the big 
barrier in the room with the holes will disappear.

Go back to the room with the holes, get Ruto, then drop into the new hole 
(the northwest one; check your Map). You'll drop onto a ledge in the 
basement, which you couldn't reach otherwise. Enter the door there and when 
she asks you to, throw Ruto onto the platform so she can get the jewel there. 
The platform will take her up a couple floors and bring a giant octopus down 
to attack!

Defeat it by running around and around until you finally get behind it. Then, 
use the Boomerang and attack the weak spot with the sword. Repeat the process 
a few more times to defeat it, then climb onto the platform to get to the 
second floor. Go down the hallway and enter the next room. Use the Boomerang 
to make the shaky blocks stay still for a while, then jump across them to the 
other side. In the next room, jump onto the ledge and ride it down to the 
first floor again in that room you skipped earlier. This time, you're now 
able to reach the switch there. Get a crate from the nearby ledge and put it 
on the switch to keep the door open for you.

Enter the next room and climb up the vines on the wall in the back. Stand a 
little bit back from the glass panel and use Z-Targeting to aim at the switch 
at the other side. Once your aim is set, throw the Boomerang so it swings 
around the glass and hits the switch! Now, get back down to the ground and 
enter the now opened door. Go down the hall and enter the next door to reach 
the boss, Barinade! Read the Bosses section of this guide for help with 
beating Barinade. Take the Heart Container after you beat it and leave Jabu-
Jabu's stomach for good.

Zora's Fountain

When you're back outside again, Ruto will give you Zora's Sapphire, the last 
Spiritual Stone! After you get the last Spiritual Stone, head to Hyrule 
Castle to tell Zelda.

Hyrule Field

When you get to the drawbridge leading into the Market, Ganondorf will 
appear. Zelda has been taken from the castle with Impa. She'll drop the 
Ocarina of Time in the stream around the castle, so after the scene is over 
and you can move, dive into the water to get it. Once you get it, it will 
teach you the Song of Time. Now, enter the Market and head to the Temple of 
Time (it's next to the Happy Mask Shop).

Temple of Time

Go to the Temple of Time and play the Song of Time in front of the altar to 
open the door. Enter the next room and take the Master Sword. You'll be 
warped ahead seven years in time, making you into Adult Link. You won't be 
able to use some of your items from childhood, and vice versa when you get 
some new equipment as an adult.

Anyway, you will meet Rauru, the Sage of Light, followed by a mysterious 
figure named Sheik. Sheik and Sage Rauru will tell you to go to Kakariko 
Village, so leave the temple for now.


You will find that the Market is much more dangerous than when you were a 
child. Also, Hyrule Castle has become Ganon's Castle, which you will explore 
later. For now, exit to Hyrule Field.

Hyrule Field

Your main destination is Kakariko Village, but you can go complete a very 
important side quest now. That quest will be to head over to Lon Lon Ranch, 
then race Ingo twice to win Epona the horse (read the Mini-Games section for 
more details). Having Epona will help you move around the world MUCH more 
quickly, plus it will become a necessity later.

When you get Epona, you will also want to go to Lake Hylia (jump over the 
fences in the far south area of the field) and talk to the scarecrow again, 
then play the Scarecrow's Song you created for him. As an adult, if you play 
the song in certain locations, a scarecrow will appear and you can 
Hook/Longshot over to it (once you get that item of course)!

After you're done exploring, head to Kakariko Village.

Kakariko Village

Once at the village, head to the Graveyard in the back of the village. There, 
go up to the Royal Tomb, which is at the back end of the graveyard. Play 
Zelda's Lullaby to open up the tomb, then enter the underground chamber. Go 
all the way through the tomb by defeating the enemies until you reach the 
wall with the ancient text on it. Read them to learn the Sun's Song, which 
makes the sun rise or set at anytime.

Exit the tomb and head towards the spot where the bean hole used to be, and 
pull on the tombstone at the end of the line. Go underground and Dampe will 
race you, so just follow him closely. When you get to the end, you'll get the 
Hookshot! After that, enter the last room and play the Song of Time to make 
the blue block disappear. Follow the path to get inside the windmill, where 
you can jump to a high ledge and obtain a Piece of Heart. If you talk to the 
man inside the windmill and take out the Ocarina, you can also learn the Song 
of Storms here. After that, exit through the door.

Now, exit the village and go to Kokiri Forest, and enter the Lost Woods from 

Lost Woods

In the Lost Woods, follow the path like before (east, north, east, north, 
north, west, north) to reach the Sacred Forest Meadow.

Sacred Forest Meadow

Make your way through the maze while avoiding the Moblins patrolling the 
paths. Hit them from behind with the Hookshot to kill them safely. At the end 
of the maze, go up the steps and move left and right while going forward to 
dodge the club-pounding enemy's attacks. When you finally reach the end, 
Sheik will teach you the Minuet of Forest, which warps you to that spot at 
any time, no matter where you are!

Now, use the Hookshot on the branch above you to reach the entrance of the 
Forest Temple, and go inside.

Forest Temple

From the start, go ahead and defeat the two Wolfos. Climb the vines on the 
right wall and jump across the branches to retrieve a Key from the chest. 
Drop down and enter the next room. Defeat the Skulltula quickly with the 
Hookshot and enter the following area. In this main room (you'll return here 
a lot, remember this room), the four Poes will appear and vanish into the 
temple itself.

So, go straight ahead, up the steps, and into that room. Defeat the Blue 
Bubble by letting it hit your shield, then kill it off with your sword. In 
the following room, kill off the two Stalfos by using Z-Targeting and 
attacking the instant they move their shields to attack you. Open the chest 
that appears to get the Key, then leave this room and return to the large 
main chamber.

Here, go down the steps and into the right alcove (northwest, if looking at 
the Map). Play the Song of Time to clear the block, then enter that room. In 
this grassy chamber, defeat the Big Deku Baba and get to the right wall. 
Defeat the first two Skulltulas you can reach with the Hookshot, then climb 
up the vine wall along the right side. Get onto the first ledge you reach and 
enter that room. In there, defeat the Blue Bubble and collect the Map from 
the chest.

In the next room, defeat the Deku Baba on the balcony. Look for the gray 
target above the adjacent balcony; Hookshot over to it and step on the switch 
to lower the water in the well below. Jump off the balcony or climb down the 
wall, then go down that now-drained well. Down there, go along the path and 
open the chest at the end to get a Key. Climb the vines and you'll be back in 
the garden area above. Go through the door to reach the main area once more.

Back here again, go right and onto the west ledge. Go up and open the locked 
door, and enter that room. Kill the Skulltula and go through the door into 
the following room. In the next room, you'll be faced with a puzzle to solve. 
Climb up the ladder ahead, then up the next one. Follow the path as signified 
by the arrows on the floor to the far end, then go left and around so you end 
up behind a block. Push it ahead until it's aligned in the path you just 
walked around.

Then, go up the ladder you just passed and walk around to find another block. 
Push it all the way ahead, then go back out and head along the path by the 
balcony. Drop off the edge of the platform to the start of the room. Go up 
the ladders and push the blue block straight ahead. Go around the path to the 
other side, and push the block until it falls into place. Now, climb atop the 
block and up the next couple ledges, and you'll find the other block again. 
Push it as far as you can, then jump onto it and the upper ledge. Go right 
and up the ladder, and continue onward.

Defeat the two Blue Bubbles if you wish, otherwise go through the locked door 
and into that room. Head through this twisted hallway into the inverted room 
at the end. Jump across the ledges and head into the next area. Go down the 
steps and into the next room, where you'll have to fight three Stalfos in a 
difficult battle (one alone, then two together). When fighting the last two, 
you need to kill one and then quickly kill the other. Otherwise, the first 
one will revive itself again. Survive the fight, then open the chest that 
appears to get the Fairy Bow!

Now, go back to the previous room. You'll notice three picture frames on the 
walls throughout this chamber; one of which has a red Poe on it. Shoot the 
Poe in the picture with an arrow without getting too close. Do this for all 
three pictures and the real Poe will come out downstairs to attack. Kill it, 
then open the chest that appears to get a Key. Go through the door into the 
next room where you fought the Stalfos, then continue to the following 
chamber. In there, repeat the same process as before to kill the second Poe. 
Open the chest there to find the Compass.

Before you can continue onward, it's time to backtrack. Make your way back a 
few rooms, until you're in that large room with the Blue Bubbles. Shoot the 
eye above the door you come out of with an arrow, and the twisted hallway 
will straighten out. Go back down that hall into the room at the end. Drop 
down to the ground and open the fancy chest to get the Boss Key. Next, drop 
into the hole in the floor to the room below. Defeat the Blue Bubbles in 
here, then go into the following room.

Up here, go along the upper path, defeating the Big Deku Baba in the way. Go 
into the right alcove at the end and enter that room. Defeat the Floormaster 
(hand enemy), then open the chest to get a Key. Now that you have this, leave 
the room and head through the doorway to the side. In this large room again, 
get to the top area. Shoot the now closed eye switch again to twist the 
following area. Now, continue through the next several rooms until you come 
to a locked door. This time, go through it into a new room.

In this twisted room, drop down and climb onto the right ledge. Go down the 
straight hallway and defeat the Green Bubbles, then unlock the door into the 
next room. Jump onto one of the rotating platforms, and ride it around. Aim 
an arrow at the iced eye switch on the wall, then when the torch is between 
you and the switch, shoot an arrow at it. The fiery arrow will melt the 
switch, inverting the previous hall.

Go back down the hall and in the end room, drop through the hole in the floor 
and you'll be in another puzzle-like room. Run across the floor and the 
ceiling will fall. If you stand in certain spots, you'll be protected within 
the holes of the ceiling. Anyway, get to the switch and step on it. After the 
ceiling falls/rises, run across into the next room.

In this next room, shoot the picture of the Poe on the wall with an arrow, 
and several puzzle blocks will fall from above. You must push them around to 
reconfigure the Poe's picture within a minute. When you do that, the green 
Poe will come out to attack. Beat it, then go through the doorway on the 
ledge to reach a new room. Defeat the Skulltula and continue to the main room 

Here, jump off the balcony and confront the final Poe in the middle of the 
room. It'll send out three clones of itself, and spin around. Stand in the 
middle with the Bow and Arrow, and shoot at each one until you hit the real 
one. If you pay attention, the real one will spin an extra time while moving 
around you. Do this five times to defeat it. Now, the elevator in the middle 
will finally rise again. Ride it down to the basement level.

For this room, you have to rotate it around by pushing the stone slabs on the 
sides of the room. Rotate it a couple times, stepping into the side rooms and 
stepping on the switches there (three total). Rotate the room until the north 
path is cleared, then enter the boss's room. Go up the stairs and look around 
the room, then attempt to exit. The gate will rise and you will meet the 
boss, Phantom Ganon. View the Bosses section for help beating him.

Once he's dead you'll get a message from the real Gannondorf. After that, 
grab your Heart Container and get out of the temple via the blue light. After 
you exit the temple, you'll get the Forest Medallion from the Forest Sage, 
which is Saria.

After you meet Saria again as a sage, head back to the Temple of Time.

Temple of Time

Once here, head to the room where the Master Sword was and Sheik will appear 
to teach you the Prelude of Light. He'll also tell you how to become a kid 
again (by replacing the Master Sword in the pedestal). After he disappears 
again, since you don't need to be young right now, get to Kakariko Village, 
then go to the Death Mountain Trail and finally into Goron City.

Goron City

Stand on the level where the Goron is rolling around like a ball, and stand 
near the Bomb Flowers. When he comes closer, take out a Bomb and toss it in 
his directions; hopefully it will explode as he passes near it. Talk to the 
Goron and ask him about the dragon, then about the Gorons. In order to help 
them, the Goron will give you the Goron Tunic. It will allow you to survive 
in areas with high temperatures, such as the Death Mountain Crater.

Head down to the lowest level of the city and enter Darunia's room. He's not 
there right now, so try and pull on the statue in his room. Once the passage 
is revealed, follow the path to the crater.

Death Mountain Crater

Once you arrive here, put on the Goron Tunic so you can last as long as you 
need in the crater. Then, walk up to the broken bridge and use the Hookshot 
to cross to the other side. Then, Sheik will appear again and teach you the 
Bolero of Fire, which warps you into the center of the crater at any time. 
After that, follow the path to the north. You will come to a ladder, so climb 
down it and enter the Fire Temple.

Fire Temple

From the start of the temple, go up the stairs and enter the left room. After 
Darunia finishes talking to you, make your way to the left side of the room 
by jumping across the platforms. Push the switch at the end to free a Goron, 
then talk to him to set him free. Enter the cell to claim a Key, then leave 
this room. This time, enter the room at the other (east) side. Make your way 
across the lava to the right (south) side of the room and bomb the wall to 
reveal a door, then enter the room.

In this room, press the switch and talk to the Goron to free it. Open the 
chest in the cell to get a Key, then leave that room. Now, get to the 
northern end of the lava-filled room and enter the room there. Push the 
switch, talk to the Goron, and take the Key. Back in the previous room, head 
over to the bridge. Cross the bridge and enter the eastern room you haven't 
yet entered (use a Key to enter).

In here, slide down the wooden plank and climb the fence to the right. Once 
at the top, defeat the Keese and drop onto the top of the platform below. 
Push the block off the edge so it covers up the flaming geyser on the ground. 
Then, jump on the block and you'll get a free ride up to the second floor. 
Unlock the door ahead of you and enter that room. Here, ignore the imprisoned 
Goron for now. Climb onto the platforms at the other side, then jump across 
to the ledge next to the large block. Push the block over the edge, then go 
down and pull the block along its path until it stops.

Next, climb onto the block and jump across to a new ledge. Climb the fence-
like wall, then stand near the edge of the platform and shoot your Hookshot 
at the switch below, which extinguishes the flame at the bottom of the other 
wall. Quickly climb the other wall before the flames come back and enter the 
room up there. Avoid the boulders and make your way to the right from the 
door, then into a small alcove where you will find a switch. Press it and 
talk to the Goron to free it, then open the chest to get a Key.

After that, get to the other end of the room and enter the room in another 
alcove. Hit the switch and talk to the Goron to free it, then take the Key 
from the chest. Leave this room, then hug the right wall until you reach a 
locked door; unlock and enter it. Carefully walk across the narrow path to 
the far side (if you fall, you will simply land in the lava-filled room on 
the first floor and have to get back here again). Unlock the door at the 
other side and enter that room. Walk across the narrow path to the metal 
grated floor. Quickly run all the way to the other end of the room or else 
the wall of fire behind you will hurt you badly.

In the next room, jump onto the ledge where the Torch Slug is, and defeat it. 
Lay a bomb by the crack and move away to avoid getting caught in an 
explosion. Climb down the fence inside the hole that you created, then hit 
the switch and talk to the Goron to free it (this is the Goron you skipped 
earlier). Open the chest to get the Key, then go back into the room and climb 
the fence you just went down.
Back on the upper level of the maze room, jump to the ledge with the switch 
on it. Push the switch, then make your way to the south end of the room. Go 
into the now opened cell and talk to the Goron to free it, then take the Key 
in the chest. Now, drop down to the ground and head to the other end of the 
room. There, enter the door on the west side to reach the room with the 
narrow path above a pit. Walk across to the opposite side and enter the next 
room again. In here, this time instead of going to the end of the room, jump 
onto the ledge about halfway to the left and unlock the door leading to the 
next room.

Go down the dark hallway here and continue to the following room. There, go 
down and make your way through the fire wall maze to the locked door. Open it 
and enter that room. Pass the cell containing the Goron right now, and enter 
the other half of the maze room ahead. Head towards the switch and push it, 
then move away from the outer wall and run towards that elevated platform 
before the fire curtain reappears. Place a bomb by the door because it's a 
fake, then enter the real door after the bomb explodes.

Defeat the Flare Dancer in the room by using the Hookshot on its core, then 
attacking it with the sword. After it dies, climb onto the platform in middle 
of the room to ride up to the fourth floor. In the next room, climb the first 
wall and drop a bomb off the right edge to trigger the switch below. Then, 
climb the other wall and enter the door at the top. Climb onto the nearby 
ledge and hit the switch, then drop onto the narrow path of stairs and run up 
and around to a chest. Open it to get the Megaton Hammer!

With the new item, jump off the right edge to land on the lower platform 
where you started. Use the Megaton Hammer on the square block in the ground, 
then fall down to reach the fourth floor again. Use the hammer to break away 
the statue, revealing a door, then enter the next room. Hit the square block 
around the corner with the hammer to lower the stairs, then pick up a small 
crate and carry it down the steps. Drop it on top of the switch to keep the 
door open, then enter the door leading to the next room.

In the next room, stand on the platform and use the hammer on it to fall down 
to the third floor. Hit the rusty switch to open the door, then enter the 
room. Roll/jump across the gap to reach the blue block. Play the Song of Time 
in front of the block to make it move to the area below. Hammer the rusty 
switch to open the cell below, then drop down and talk to the Goron to free 
it. Open the chest to get a Key, then climb up the blue block to reach the 
other side again and exit the room.

Jump across to the remaining platform and hammer it a couple times and get 
ready to freefall down to the first floor! Once there, exit through the door 
that leads to the entrance of the temple and go down the stairs. Hammer the 
statue apart and enter the room by using a Key. Then, defeat the enemies 
there and enter the following room. Avoid the flying tiles and the Like Like 
and enter the following door. Defeat the Flare Dancer there, then open the 
chest to find some Bombs. Then, enter the next room. Push the rusty switch 
with the hammer, talk to the final imprisoned Goron, and get the Boss Key 
from the chest!

Now, go straight through to the opposite end, and exit through the door. Back 
in the first room of the temple, go up the stairs and enter the left door. 
Cross the lava pit and open the boss door to reach Volvagia the dragon! Read 
the Bosses section of this guide to find out how to beat Volvagia. After you 
beat it, take the Heart Container and leave the temple through the blue light 

You will then be warped to the Chamber of Sages and get the Fire Medallion 
from Darunia, who turns out to be the Fire Sage! Now that you finished the 
Fire Temple in the Death Mountain Crater, head back down to Zora's Domain via 
Zora's River.

Zora's Domain

You'll see that the entire place turned into a frozen ice land, including 
King Zora! The king is surrounded by red ice however, and that can be melted 
by emptying a Bottle full of Blue Fire on it. You will get some opportunities 
to bottle it up shortly. For now, go up and around the path near King Zora 
and head out to Zora's Fountain.

Zora's Fountain

In Zora's Fountain, go to where Jabu-Jabu was when you were a child. Jump 
from platform to platform on the floating ice platforms to the Ice Cavern at 
the other side.

Ice Cavern

From the entrance of the cavern, follow the path while avoiding the falling 
icicles and cutting apart icicles on the ground with your sword. In the first 
actual room, defeat the ice enemies and go through the path past the red ice 
blocks. In the next room, you're going to need to collect all five silver 
rupees to open another passageway (they are all easy to reach with your sword 
and by climbing the ledges in front of the locked door).

When the path opens after you collect the silver rupees, climb up to the 
upper ledge and continue onward to the next area. Defeat the ice enemies in 
the room and climb on top of the platforms and fill a few bottles with some 
Blue Fire. Next, go a little further on the ledges and use the Blue Fire to 
melt the ice around the chest so you can get the Map. Then, exit this room 
and go back to the previous area you were in with the silver rupees.

There are two paths you can take, both blocked by red ice (use Blue Fire to 
open the paths). For the optional detour, melt the red ice directly to the 
left (southeast corner) and enter that room, where you can find the Compass 
and a Piece of Heart. Otherwise, go directly across the room and take that 
path (northwest corner). Then, follow that passage to the next room.

Here, you will find five more silver rupees to collect and a block you can 
push around. Begin by climbing onto the small lower ledge to the left, then 
line yourself up and roll/jump to the nearby ledge to grab the first silver 
rupee (there is a Gold Skulltula here as well). Go to the back of the room by 
the Blue Fire ledge and grab the second silver rupee on the low ledge. Then, 
go back to the room entrance and push the block directly ahead to the west, 
and climb it to grab the third silver rupee.

Next, push the block south and west again towards the Blue Fire ledge. When 
the block stops, climb onto it and jump to the nearby ledge with another 
silver rupee above it. Also, jump from the block to the Blue Fire ledge and 
refill your bottles with it. Drop down and push the block north into the pit, 
which will cause a new one to spawn at the entrance. Push it straight (west) 
and then north to the ledge with red fire on it. Climb up there and melt the 
ice with Blue Fire, and grab the final silver rupee.

Now, push the block into the nearby pit to start fresh. Push the new block to 
the left (south) from the entrance, then west, north, east, and south. The 
block will end up below the path that you just unlocked. Climb up and head on 
to the next room. There, go along the path and use Blue Fire to clear the red 
ice at the end. Then, go through the door into the following area. In that 
room, defeat the White Wolfos to make a chest appear. Open it and you will 
receive the Iron Boots!

At this point, Sheik will appear and teach you the Serenade of Water, which 
warps you to Lake Hylia at any time. When Sheik leaves, use the Iron Boots 
and step into the water behind the chest to sink. Enter the next room and 
remove the boots to surface, then follow the path to end up in the first main 
room again. Before you exit the cavern altogether, make sure you get yourself 
another bottle or two of Blue Fire. After you have that, leave the Ice Cavern 
and return to Zora's Domain.

Zora's Domain

With your bottle of Blue Fire, use it to thaw out King Zora. Jump across to 
the ledge in front of the king before talking to him again. He will give you 
the Zora Tunic as a reward for saving him, which allows you to breathe 
underwater when you use the Iron Boots. After that, make your way to Lake 
Hylia (or use the Serenade of Water to get there instantly).

Lake Hylia

Once here, cross the bridges and you'll be on an island with the Triforce 
symbol on the floor. Drop down to the small pond in the lake since it's 
drained, and use the Iron Boots to stay in place on the floor. Use your 
Hookshot on the diamond-shaped switch above the gate to the Water Temple to 
open it up. Now, use the Iron Boots to sink to the bottom and walk into the 
underwater temple.

Water Temple

After you enter the temple, remove the Iron Boots and surface, then walk into 
the room ahead. This is the central area of the temple, so keep that in mind. 
Use the Iron Boots to sink to the very bottom, then go right (east) into the 
room there (the one with unlit torches on the sides). Follow the passageway 
until you meet Ruto again, then take off the boots and float up to the third 
floor. Play Zelda's Lullaby in front of the Triforce symbol on the wall to 
drain the water completely, then enter the nearby room.

In the next room, defeat the spike enemies and open the chest to get the Map, 
then leave the room. Drop down the hole to the first floor and either shoot 
arrows through the center torch at the unlit torches, or use Din's Fire to 
light the torches (Fire Arrows work as well if you got them early). When the 
torches are lit, go through the door. In there, defeat the clam enemies 
(target them, and use the Hookshot on their soft insides when the shell 
opens) in the next room to get a Key.

Leave this room and follow the path back to the central area. Get to the west 
end of the room and climb onto the ledge, then push the block ahead until it 
drops into the water. Sink down with the Iron Boots and follow the path to 
the end, then remove the boots and surface. Hit the switch to cause a water 
geyser to rise. Jump onto it and cross the pit, and continue into the next 
room. Here, jump into the water and look downward.

Put on your Iron Boots when you're above the submerged pipe in the opposite 
corner. Land on it and use the Hookshot to hit the switch in the statue's 
mouth, then Hookshot to the target in the right alcove. Get past the enemies 
and through the gate before it closes, then take off the boots and float into 
a room above. Open the chest to get a Key, then put on the boots again and 
hit the switch to raise the gate. Drop back into the water and continue 
through the passage, then surface in the rapidly moving water and climb out 
of the room.

Now, make your way back to the central area of the temple (in the small 
underwater room, use the Hookshot on the target above to surface). Anyway, go 
to the center tower and unlock the southern door, then enter the room. Use 
the Hookshot to reach a higher platform and play Zelda's Lullaby there to 
raise the water halfway. Then, use the Iron Boots to sink to the bottom of 
this room below the spikes, and follow the new passageway until you reach the 
switch. Hit the switch and defeat the various enemies to open another ceiling 
grate (not the one above the switch). Float into the new opening and open the 
chest when you surface to get a Key.

From here, return to the previous room and float all the way to the surface. 
Go through the door and you will be back in the main area. Head right (east) 
and use the Iron Boots to sink to the bottom area again, then follow the 
passage to where you met Ruto before. Then, float up to the second floor and 
bomb the cracked wall to reveal a hidden room. Open the chest inside to get a 
Key, then sink into the water and return to the central area. Surface again 
and head to the west side, where you will find a locked door. Unlock it and 
enter that room.

Walk by the water and wait for the spider enemy to jump down, then defeat it 
with your sword and stand on the water geyser. Use your Hookshot or arrows to 
shoot the nearby switch, causing the water to rise. On the floor above, exit 
the room. Play Zelda's Lullaby by the Triforce symbol on the ledge to raise 
the water completely. Then, jump into the water and swim to the left, where 
you will see a locked door. Use a Key and enter it. In the room, defeat the 
Keese hanging on the wall. After they're gone, drop down to the lowest moving 
platform along the wall below and wait until it reaches its lowest point.

Use the Hookshot to hit the red switch, then grapple to the statue target 
directly ahead of the door. Hit the blue switch to lower the water, then 
Hookshot across to the wall target on the next ledge. Climb over the statue 
head and hit the red switch again. Walk around to the end of the path, and 
Hookshot across to the next statue. Hit the switch once again, then climb 
onto the statue head and hit the switch one more time. Climb onto the ledge 
above and defeat the enemies, then Hookshot over the spikes and enter the 
next room.

In here, you will be facing the infamous Dark Link in battle! Run across the 
room to the other door, then turn around and walk towards the tree to fight 
Dark Link. You can VERY easily defeat Dark Link by using your hammer because 
he can NOT copy it. You will just smash him, and he will even not defend 
himself nor attack you. After he's defeated, enter the next room. Open the 
chest there to get the Longshot, which is a longer version of the regular 

Now, play the Song of Time behind the chest to make the block disappear. Drop 
into the hole and you'll be in an underground river. Drift down the river 
while avoiding the whirlpools and get onto the corner ledge with two pots on 
it. Look on the ceiling and Longshot to the target so you land on a nearby 
ledge, then turn and shoot the eye switch with an arrow to open the nearby 
gate. Use the Longshot to reach the chest and get a Key, then follow the path 
out to the rapid water room from earlier. Simply Longshot to the target by 
the door and continue onward until you reach the central area.

Here again, get to the far side of the room. Use the Iron Boots to reach the 
lowest room on that side, and follow that path to the room where you met Ruto 
and take off the boots to float upward. Once at the top, play Zelda's Lullaby 
to drain the water, then fall down the hole and make your way to the main 
area yet again. This time, enter the middle tower. Reach the upper ledge with 
the Longshot and play Zelda's Lullaby again to raise the water level halfway.

Leave the room via the door, and get to the opposite side of the central area 
where you will see an eye switch. Shoot the switch with an arrow and use the 
Longshot on the target behind the gate before it shuts, and follow the path 
until you reach a block in the wall. Pull the block as far as it can go, then 
continue along and Longshot onto the ledge above at the end. Follow the path 
to the central area again, and hit the eye switch again to return to that 
room. This time, push the block forward until it falls, then go into the room 
and open the chest to get a Key.

Next, go straight out of the room and use the Longshot on the target on the 
ledge above to reach the main area again. Sink to the bottom of the room with 
the Iron Boots, and get to the right side by a pit. Fall into the passage and 
continue into the new room there. Surface on the ledge in the room and use 
the Longshot to reach the other side by the door. Use a Key to open it, then 
enter the room.

Defeat the enemies here with arrows, then get across the room while avoiding 
the boulders and whirlpools. In the next room, defeat the Stinger enemies 
below and bomb the cracked wall next to one of the ledges. In the new 
passage, pull (yes, pull) the block as far as you can go, then get to the 
ledge across the water. Bomb the discolored wall and enter the passage to get 
behind the block. Push it as far as you can, then go back into the first 
passage and pull it until you fall into the water. Finally, go around and 
push the block into the water, pressing the switch below. This will raise the 
water, allowing you to reach the high ledge. Climb the steps and enter the 
next room.

Here, defeat the enemies with arrows, then hit the switch with your sword to 
raise the water pillars. Quickly jump across the pillars to reach the other 
side. In the next room, put on your Iron Boots, then after the boulder passes 
you, go right and drop into the underwater passageway. Follow the passage to 
the end and take off your boots to float up to the surface, then unlock the 
door and enter the room. Take the Boss Key from the chest in there, then exit 
the room and make your way back to the central area of the temple.

Head right and swim to the surface, then enter the door there. Stand on the 
water geyser and hit the switch across the room to raise the water level. At 
the top, go through the door. Play Zelda's Lullaby on the ledge to raise the 
water level to the maximum, then jump/swim to the center area. Walk around 
until you see a ledge with a statue on it. Longshot over to it and enter the 
room there (break the pots for some recovery fairies if you want them). In 
the room, run up the slope with the Blade Traps without getting hurt to reach 
the boss's room.

Jump onto one of the four platforms in the water and the boss, Morpha, will 
appear. Read the Bosses section of this guide to find out how to beat it. 
After you defeat Morpha, take the Heart Container and exit through the blue 

Lake Hylia

Once outside, the lake will be filled with water again! After Sheik leaves, 
you have something else to do here. While standing on the plateau above the 
Water Temple, stand on the wooden platform in front of the plaque, and wait 
until the sun rises in the morning. Shoot an arrow at the sun and a Fire 
Arrow will land on a nearby island, so swim over and get it! After that, it's 
time to go to Kakariko Village again.

Kakariko Village

When you enter Kakariko Village, there will be a house there in flames and 
Sheik will be standing by the well. Watch the scene for a moment, and when 
Sheik talks to you again, he'll teach you the Nocturne of Shadow. After that, 
go to the windmill and talk to him, then show him the ocarina. He'll teach 
you the Song of Storms, which lets you make the rain start or stop any time 

Now that you know the song, go to the Temple of Time and revert back to your 
younger form, then go back to Kakariko (use the Nocturne of Shadow to quickly 
reach the Graveyard, then climb/jump from the fence and continue to the 
village). Go to the windmill and play the Song of Storms for the man inside, 
which will drain the water out of the well. Then, leave the windmill and 
climb into the well to enter a mini-dungeon of sorts.

Bottom of the Well

From the start, crawl through the hole in the wall to reach the next room. Go 
down the ladder and defeat the Skulltula, then walk right through the wall at 
the end of the room. You'll go right through and appear in the next room. 
From there, take the path to the east (right). When you reach the corner, 
turn left, then walk into the left wall to find a hidden room. Open the chest 
there to get a Key. Continue down the hall and make another left at the far 
end. Stand on the Triforce symbol on the ground and play Zelda's Lullaby to 
drain all the water in the well.

Continue going west through the hall to the end, and make a left at the 
split. About halfway down the hall, turn right into an alcove and drop down 
to find a chest with a single heart inside. Climb up the wall behind it and 
enter the next room. Light all the torches with Din's Fire to open the 
caskets (you may need to do this a second time after moving to get them all). 
Then, look in the casket in the back row on the left side to find a Key.

Now, get back to the main hallway and continue to the right (southward). 
After you turn the corner, walk through the left wall and open the chest 
inside another hidden room to find a Key. After that, leave the room and 
continue along to spot a pit to the right. Jump down and open the chest to 
get some Bombs, then crawl through the nearby passage. Defeat the Skulltula 
and climb up to reach a door; go through it to reach a new room.

In this room, you will see four arms sticking out of the ground. Let one 
capture you, then the main enemy (Dead Hand) will appear. Struggle to get out 
of the hand's grasp, then approach Dead Hand and attack with the sword when 
his head is lowered. Repeat the process until he's defeated, then open the 
chest that appears to get the Lens of Truth. This will allow you to see all 
of the hidden walls, pits, and even enemies throughout this dungeon.

That's all you really need to do in this dungeon, but there are other areas 
you can explore. In the center room on the main floor, you can unlock two 
rooms, each containing a Gold Skulltula. The Compass is in a chest in the 
center room, but a hidden pit is in front of it; go out to the hall and walk 
through a hidden wall to get the chest if you want it. In the northeast 
corner of the main floor, you can unlock another door and get through a pit-
filled area (use the Lens of Truth) to reach the next room. There, you can 
fight a Like Like and kill another Gold Skulltula on the wall.

Also, if you fall into any of the pits, you will land in the third basement 
level, where you will need to collect five easy-to-find silver rupees to 
unlock the door atop the exit ladder. The Map can be found down here as well.

Anyhow, when you are done exploring, head back to the Temple of Time and 
become Adult Link again, then play the Nocturne of Shadow to return to the 


The place where you appear is actually just outside of the Shadow Temple, on 
an otherwise inaccessible ledge behind the graveyard. Go down the steps and 
stand on the middle platform there. Then, cast Din's Fire to light all the 
torches and open up the temple for you to enter.

Shadow Temple

From the start, walk up to the pit and use the Longshot to cross the gap. At 
the other side, walk right through the wall in front of you. In the next 
room, use the Lens of Truth to point out the real skull on the pedestals. 
Then, push the bird statue so that its beak is aiming at the real skull to 
open the door. You can't reach that door yet because a chasm separates you 
and the door, so turn around and use the Lens of Truth to find two hidden 
passages in the back wall. Enter the one to the right to reach a new room.

In there, walk through the false wall ahead of you and head right at the 
other side. Use the Lens of Truth to reveal another secret area in the right 
wall. Enter that room and defeat the zombie and Keese to get the Map, then go 
back to the previous room. This time in here, head right from where you 
emerge. Use the Lens of Truth to find yet another passage surrounded by pots 
and go through it to reach the next room. In the next area, take the right 
path, then walk to the corner straight ahead. Use the Lens of Truth to find a 
hidden door ahead.

Enter that room and you will see many arms sticking out of the ground. Let 
one capture you, then the Dead Hand enemy will appear. Struggle to get out of 
the hand's grasp, then as Dead Hand lowers its head, attack with your sword. 
Repeat the process until it's defeated to get the Hover Boots, which allow 
you to walk across water and gaps for a short period of time. After you get 
the boots, backtrack to the room with the bird statue. Put on the Hover Boots 
and run across the chasm to the door you opened before, and enter that room.

Go down the hill in the next room and defeat the Beamos statue with bombs. 
You will see three walls, but the two side ones are fake. Go through the left 
wall and enter that room. Avoid the spinning blades and collect the five 
silver rupees to open the small room nearby. Open the chest inside to get a 
Key. Go back to the previous room with the Beamos, and bomb the middle wall 
to reveal a locked door. Unlock it and enter that room.

In here, make your way along the winding path while defeating Skulltulas and 
running past guillotines. When you reach the open area, be careful of the 
large shadows descending above you; move out of the way to avoid being caught 
by the Wallmaster (if caught, you are sent back to the temple entrance; kill 
it with the sword to win rupees). Continue straight ahead past the falling 
blades, then defeat the Stalfos Knight on the platform ahead. After that, 
turn to the right and wait for the moving platform to reach its lowest point, 
then jump down onto it.

When the platform moves high enough, jump onto the small ledge to the right 
and walk along the narrow path to the larger platform. Collect the first four 
silver rupees, then bomb the Beamos statue to find the last one to open the 
door. In that room, use the Lens of Truth on the right wall to find a hidden 
block. Pull the block out to the center of the room and push it along below 
the spikes above. The block will protect you from getting hit by the spikes. 
At the end of the path, get to the other side of the block and climb on top 
of it, and jump to the left ledge. When the spikes lower, walk across the top 
of them to reach the other side. Hit the switch to make a chest on the other 
side appear, then Longshot over to the chest. Open it to get a Key.

Now, go back to the area with the Beamos statue and silver rupees. Walk 
across the narrow path ahead to reach the guillotine at the edge. Use the 
Lens of Truth and jump past the blade to reach a hidden platform. When the 
second moving platform behind it moves to the right, jump onto it as well. 
When it moves along, jump to the far ledge and unlock the door, then enter 
the new room. In this room, use the Longshot and the Hover Boots to collect 
all the silver rupees, then enter the door that just opened to the side.

Here, climb up the ledges to the top, defeating the Keese throughout the 
area. At the top, throw a Bomb Flower into the flames of the large skull 
statue below. When it explodes, drop down and grab the Key, then go back to 
the previous room. Use the Lens of Truth to reveal a Longshot target above 
the upper ledge, then grapple it to land on the ledge. Unlock the door and 
enter the next room.

In here, put on your Iron Boots and walk past the Blade Traps while going 
against the fan's wind gusts. Continue until you reach a pit, then use the 
Longshot on a wooden pole near the ceiling above to cross the gap. Then, drop 
down to the lower area and keep your Iron Boots on so you don't get blown 
away. As you get across, avoid the fire being shot from the eye switch above 
the door. Use the Lens of Truth to reveal a hidden room to the left. Stand in 
front of it and put on the Hover Boots so the fan can blow you across the pit 
to that hidden ledge. In that room, bomb the pile to the right, then use the 
Lens of Truth to find a hidden chest. Open it to get a Key. Then, defeat the 
enemies if you want, otherwise continue into the following room.

Out here, you can either pull the block from the corner along the path, or 
simply Longshot onto the ladder above. Once you get to the high ledge, you 
will see a ship nearby (you can turn around to face the opposite high ledge 
and play the Scarecrow's Song to help find a Gold Skulltula). When you're 
ready, jump onto the ship and stand on the Triforce symbol, then play Zelda's 
Lullaby to cause the ship to start moving. Defeat the Stalfos Knights along 
your journey, then jump off the ship when it stops to avoid sinking into the 
pit below.

Once you land on solid ground, first enter the door nearby to reach the next 
room. In that room, use the Lens of Truth to reveal all of the hidden walls 
and the enemies roaming around. From where you enter, go right to the end, 
then turn left and follow that path. When you can go right, take that path 
around the corner and enter the door at the end. You should end up in a room 
with wooden spikes on both sides attempting to crush you. Use Din's Fire or 
Fire Arrows to destroy them. Then, kill the ReDeads and open the fancy chest 
to get the Boss Key.

Exit this room and follow the path to the right. At the intersection (use the 
Lens of Truth), go straight ahead and enter the door in the opposite corner. 
As a note, if you turned right at that intersection, you will reach a room 
with three large skull statues (yielding rupees if you throw Bomb Flowers 
into them) and a Gold Skulltula on the wall. Anyway, in the next room, use 
the Lens of Truth and defeat the hidden Floormaster to make a chest appear. 
Open it to get a Key.

From here, exit the room. Use the Lens of Truth and follow the right wall 
until you reach an opening. Take the right path and go around to the first 
door, and enter it. You will be back in the open area where the ship left 
you. Go forward to spot two pots at the edge of the platform. Turn right and 
you will see some Bomb Flowers; shoot them with arrows to detonate the bunch, 
knocking the giant pillar down. It will create a bridge across the gap for 
you to cross, so head across there. If you want the hearts on the high 
ledges, play the Song of Time to reach the first one, then the Scarecrow's 
Song to reach the second one. Otherwise, use the Key and unlock the door 
leading onward.

In the next room, use the Lens of Truth to view the hidden platforms, and the 
Hover Boots to help you reach them. Get across the room to the boss's door, 
and unlock it to proceed. Equip the Hover Boots, then drop into the center 
pit. You will meet the boss, Bongo Bongo, down here. Read the Bosses section 
for information on beating this boss. After you beat it, take the Heart 
Container and exit the temple through the light.

After you exit the temple, you'll be brought to the Chamber of the Sages, 
where you'll meet Impa again as the Shadow Sage. After she gives you the 
Shadow Medallion, get back into Hyrule Field and head southwest to Gerudo 

Gerudo Valley

Go across the wooden bridge in the valley, then when you reach the broken 
bridge, use the Longshot to cross it. If you have Epona, simply get a good 
running start and jump over the chasm. Talk to the carpenter boss if you 
want, then continue along to reach the fortress.

Gerudo's Fortress

This area is patrolled by many Gerudo guards. At this point, if you are 
spotted by any of them, you will be captured and thrown in jail. This is 
required, so simply go through the area until you are spotted and end up in 
the cell at the west end of the area.

Of course, this means you will need to make it through the area without being 
seen. So, shoot the Longshot at the wooden panel above the window to get out, 
then wait for the nearby Gerudo guard below to walk away. At that point, drop 
down and enter the fortress through the first door on the left.

Thieves' Hideout

When you reach the first carpenter, talk to him through the bars and a guard 
will appear. Avoid getting knocked down or you will be sent back to that jail 
room where you started! Defeat her and collect the Key, then unlock the cell 
and talk to the carpenter to free him. Then, follow the path outside and 
enter the door to the left. Go right and crouch behind the crate by using 
your shield until the Gerudo guard walks away. Then, take the first path to 
the right and exit by going up the hill.

Back outside, go around the corner ahead of you and hop onto the slightly 
elevated ledge, then enter the door you see. Inside, go forward and talk to 
the second carpenter. Defeat the guard and grab the Key, then enter the cell 
and talk to the carpenter again to send him away. Next, continue up the hill 
and outside once more. This time, ignore the door to your right and drop down 
to the lower ledge, and enter the room straight ahead once you land.

In this room, go down the hall to meet the third carpenter. Beat the guard 
for the Key, open the cell, and talk to the carpenter to free him. After 
that, do not follow the carpenter onward. Instead, go back out the same way 
you entered. Back outside, climb up the vines to the upper ledge, then enter 
the door to your left. In this room, walk to the edge of the high platform 
and you will find two guards below. Look straight ahead at the opposite ledge 
and use the Longshot on the farthest wooden beam above to land on it without 
being seen. Go around the corner and up the hill, then continue outside.

You will now be at the top of the fortress building. If you look down at the 
ledge below, you will find the last door. If you look above it, you can play 
the Scarecrow's Song to make a scarecrow appear, then Longshot over to a 
chest containing a Piece of Heart. After that, get back to where you were 
(there are no guards on the roof) and enter the final door. In there, stand 
behind the crate and take out the Bow. Ready your aim just over the crate, 
and shoot the guard in the head as soon as she appears to stun her.

With that done, go right and follow the path to the final carpenter. Talk to 
him and defeat one more guard as usual, then unlock the cell and talk to the 
carpenter again. After he runs off, a Gerudo will start talking to you. She 
will give you the Gerudo's Membership Card, which grants you access to any 
part of the Gerudo's Fortress without getting caught by guards!

After that, exit the fortress entirely and look for a Gerudo in white 
standing next to a gated area at the bottom level of the fortress. Pay her 10 
rupees and you'll be given access to the Gerudo Training Complex, so head 

Gerudo Training Complex

Starting off in here, there will be three rooms you can enter. For now, go 
through the left door and into the next room. Here, defeat the two Stalfos 
within 1:30 to get a Key, then continue into the next room. In there, you 
will have another 1:30 to collect five silver rupees while avoiding the 
various traps such as Wallmasters and boulders. Start by using the Longshot 
to reach the high ledge directly ahead, then turn around and line up with the 
nearby silver rupee. Longshot to the ceiling target above the more distant 
rupee and you will collect both in the process.

Turn around when you land and approach the high ledge, but this time, go 
right and up a hill. As soon as you see a boulder pass, follow it down the 
hill and turn right at the end to get the third silver rupee next to a fire 
trap. Go back up the hill and take the first left turn to end up in the 
middle area. At the intersection, go straight to the opposite end where 
boulders are also rolling down. Go down to the bottom of the hill to find the 
fourth silver rupee at the edge of a pit. Then, run up the hill while 
avoiding the boulders to find the last rupee and open the door. Longshot over 
the nearby fire trap and enter the next room.

In the next room, defeat the four Wolfos enemies as you wander around (if you 
need an extra Key, return with the Silver Gauntlets and move the large pillar 
in the wall to reach another room). After that, use the Lens of Truth to find 
a secret passage in the wall above the false door. Longshot into that passage 
and step on the switch to open a door below. Anyway, continue through the 
door in front of you to reach a new room. In there, drop onto the moving 
platform below and you will see four statues in the middle area. Shoot each 
of their eyes with arrows (do it quickly as they don't stay red for too long) 
to make a chest appear and the door open. Jump to the middle and open the 
chest to get a Key, then enter the door to the side on the lower level.

Here, you will see statues of varying heights around the perimeter of the 
room. Defeat the enemies if you want, then use the Megaton Hammer and hit the 
statue with three segments. You will reveal an eye switch; shoot an arrow at 
it to open the door. Before you proceed, hit the statue directly to the right 
of the eye switch to find a floor switch. Hit it to remove the fire, then 
open the chest to get a Key. Exit through the door directly across from the 
eye switch.

You will have to collect another five silver rupees in this room, this time 
without a time limit. Equip the Hover Boots as they will help you jump across 
the platforms below. Three rupees are on those platforms. Turn towards where 
you entered the room and Longshot to a target above the fourth one to reach 
it. As for the fifth one, get to the left side of the high ledge and step on 
a floor switch to remove the fire surrounding the silver rupee on the 
opposite platform. Get around to collect it and the door will open. While 
you're here, play the Song of Time and two blocks will appear. Climb up them 
to reach a Key on the high ledge, but do NOT enter the room there (I will 
explain why soon)!

From here, Longshot to the low ledge with a torch on it across the room, then 
go through the door. Step into the room and play the Song of Time to remove 
the blocks in the ground, then put on the Iron Boots and Zora Tunic before 
diving into the water. Use the Longshot to aid you in collecting the five 
silver rupees here, as well as removing the Iron Boots and floating around 
the top area to grab the last one. When you get them all, a chest will appear 
above, so swim to the surface at that point and collect the Key.

Exit the room, then Longshot over to the torch on the far left ledge, and 
continue into that new room. Inside, you will have 4:00 to defeat the Beamos 
statue and two Dinalfos to make the chest appear. Open it to get another Key. 
Now, in the next room you're back by the entrance again. You can make a fairy 
appear by playing the Song of Storms, which given the fights you went 
through, it will be well appreciated. After that, enter the center door to 
reach the maze room.

In this maze, there are a series of locked doors leading to the complex's 
treasure. There are nine locks, but you can get through by opening just seven 
of them (this is why I told you not to enter that room earlier). You should 
have seven Keys with you at this point. Anyway, begin by unlocking the LEFT 
door. In the next enclosure, you can use the Lens of Truth to reveal a hidden 
room you can climb into above to find another Key in case you mess up (the 
other extra Key is in the Wolfos room if you use the Silver Gauntlets, as 
mentioned before).

Continue through this maze, opening each door as you come to it. By the time 
you get to the large chest, you will have spent the seven Keys I told you to 
get (if you want to unlock the other two doors for the minor treasures, you 
need the extra Keys). Open the big chest to get the Ice Arrows! With them, 
the "training" is complete, so make your way back to the entrance room and 
leave this place.

Gerudo's Fortress

Back outside now, continue westward to reach the gate. Climb the ladder to 
enter the guard tower, and talk to the Gerudo to open the gate. Get back down 
and continue into the desert.

Haunted Wasteland

NOTE: It should be noted that if you go off course in this area, you will get
      lost and ultimately warped back to the starting point. Also, move in a
      straight line from flag to flag; do not take shortcuts or you will end
      up "lost" as well. If you are unsure of where to go, try playing the
      Song of Storms; the brief lightning may help you find the closest flag
      to you.

When you enter the Haunted Wasteland, put on your Hover Boots so you don't 
sink into the sand. Go forward and climb onto the nearby crate, then use the 
Longshot to cross the sand river. Then, continue onward by following the 
flags scattered around (they will lead you west and north, then west again to 
the center of the map as a reference).

Eventually, you will reach a stone structure in the north-center area of the 
map. If you go inside, you can light two torches to make a chest containing 
50 rupees appear, plus there is a Gold Skulltula down there. Otherwise, walk 
onto the top of the structure and use the Lens of Truth to reveal your 
ghostly guide. It will lead you through the desert, so follow the ghost in 
order to proceed. It makes some sharp turns, so be ready to turn quickly if 
you can. Also, there will be enemies along the way, so just avoid them as 
much as possible to not get left behind by the guide. If you follow the guide 
through here successfully, you'll end up in the Desert Colossus.

Desert Colossus

When you enter the Desert Colossus, go right and bomb the wall between the 
two palm trees along the north side to reach the Great Fairy's Fountain. 
After she teaches you Nayru's Love, go back outside and make your way towards 
the Spirit Temple. Enter the temple, but since you can't enter any of the 
rooms right now as an adult, go back outside and Sheik will appear. He'll 
teach you the Requiem of Spirit, which warps you to a spot nearby.

After Sheik leaves, warp back to the Temple of Time and become a kid again, 
then warp back to the desert by playing the Requiem of Spirit. Once you 
return to the desert, it's time to enter the Spirit Temple and clear sections 
accessible only to a child.

Spirit Temple (Young Link)

Inside the temple, run up the stairs and talk to the Gerudo in front of the 
hole to the left. Answer the bottom option to both questions and she will 
introduce herself as Nabooru, then she will ask you to find the Silver 
Gauntlets in the temple by crawling through the crawlspace. So, agree to do 
so and you will gain control again. Crawl through the hole to reach the next 

Defeat the Keese and the Armos Knight to make the door open. You will see a 
small opening in the middle and doors on both sides. Enter the left room 
first. There, defeat the Stalfos, then hit the flying skull with your 
Boomerang and sword to kill it. After that, look at the switch behind the 
grate ahead. Aim slightly to the left of the grate and throw the Boomerang to 
hit the switch. Then, go across the new bridge and continue into the next 

In the next room, defeat the flying Anubis enemy with Din's Fire, then enter 
the new room. There, collect all five silver rupees (three on the ground and 
two by climbing the fence). Doing so will drop the grate in the middle of the 
fence, forming a fence. At the other side, use Din's Fire or a Deku Stick to 
light the two unlit torches to make a chest appear. Open the chest to get a 
Key, then enter the door next to the two torches and enter that room. You 
will emerge back in the first regular room of the temple.

This time, crawl through the opening in between the two doors. At the other 
side, unlock the door and enter the room. In there, defeat the two Skulltulas 
crawling on the wall, then climb up the wall to reach the second floor. When 
you get to the top, defeat some more Skulltulas and two Lizalfos, then look 
at the boulder on the wall with an opening around it. Send a Bombchu up the 
wall to destroy the boulder, shining sunlight on the sun switch on the floor, 
thus opening the door. If you don't have Bombchus, hit the switch on the high 
ledge to make a chest containing Bombchus appear.

In the next room, push the Armos statue right off the ledge and onto the 
switch below to open the door upstairs. Then, run up the stairs and light a 
Deku Stick by the torch. Jump down to the lowest section of this room and 
light the two unlit torches (or just use Din's Fire) to make a chest appear. 
Take the Map from the chest, then climb the wall by the Armos statue you 
pushed before and run back up the stairs again. This time, enter the door at 
the top to reach another room. Go up the stairs and continue through the door 
to reach the third floor.

Here, go around the room and defeat the Beamos statues by throwing Bombs at 
them. Then, climb up the ledges and collect the silver rupees. Grab them all 
and one of the torches will light up. Take a Deku Stick and walk around 
lighting the unlit ones to make a chest appear. Open it to get a Key. Next, 
go to the section where there are four gray blocks, one with a sun switch on 
top. Move the blocks around so you can get the sun switch block into the 
sunlight patch nearby, which will open the door. Enter the new room and break 
the pots to grab a couple of hearts, then unlock the door at the top to reach 
the final room.

Follow the path and you will meet the Iron Knuckle; attack it to begin a long 
and fierce battle! It swings its powerful axe whenever you get close. It will 
either swing vertically and get the axe stuck in the ground for a moment, 
stunning it, or swing horizontally two times. The best approach would be to 
target this enemy and approach, then jump back to avoid the attack and 
quickly do a jumping sword attack to cause damage. The Iron Knuckle can also 
destroy the pillars throughout the room, as well as its throne. They will 
reveal several hearts you can use to recover!

After you defeat it, go through the door behind the throne to end up outside. 
Listen to the owl talk, then open the chest to receive the Silver Gauntlets, 
which allow you to lift certain heavy objects. Following this, witness the 
scene with Nabooru being captured by the two witches below. After that, head 
back to the Temple of Time and become an Adult so you can actually use the 
Silver Gauntlets, then reenter the Spirit Temple from the main entrance 

Spirit Temple (Adult Link)

This time when you enter the Spirit Temple, go up the stairs and head right. 
Push the large silver block with the Silver Gauntlets until it falls into a 
hole, opening the other half of the temple. In that room, defeat the Beamos 
statue and shoot the switch on the ceiling to open the two locked doors. For 
now, enter the door directly to the left of the locked door. Inside, defeat 
the Wolfos, then stand on the Triforce symbol and play Zelda's Lullaby to 
make a chest appear at the far end of the room. Use the Longshot to reach the 
chest and open it to get the Compass, then exit the room. This time, enter 
the door to the right of the locked one.

In this room, avoid the boulders as you collect the five silver rupees. Four 
are in the side alcoves, and the one in the air can be reached by rolling off 
the ledge while wearing the Hover Boots (you can play the Song of Time to 
move the blue block, revealing a Gold Skulltula as well). After you grab the 
rupees, the next door will open, so continue into the next room. There, 
defeat the Like-Like and open the chest to get a Key.

Go back to the room with the Beamos statue and enter the middle room using 
the Key you just got. Defeat the Like-Like and dodge the flying pots, then 
climb the wall at the other end of the room to reach the second floor. In the 
next room, defeat the Floormaster and its smaller counterparts, then push the 
mirror with the reflection so it points at each of the sun switches on the 
wall. Keep aiming at the switches until you reveal the one that opens the 
door, and enter the next room.

In the next room, defeat the Armos statue by the door by hitting its side or 
back, then run up the stairs. At the top, put on your Hover Boots and face 
the big statue in the room. Use the boots to hover towards the left arm of 
the statue and land on its hand. On that hand is a Triforce symbol, so play 
Zelda's Lullaby there to make a chest appear on the other hand. Use the 
Longshot to reach the chest and get the Key inside, then drop down to the 
ground and head to the east end of the room where you entered this area. Look 
at the ceiling above the upper ledge and use the Longshot to hit the target, 
pulling yourself back onto that platform. Run up the stairs again and unlock 
the door, and enter the room.

Defeat the Beamos statue if you want, and run up the stairs to the next room. 
In there, defeat the three floating Anubis enemies with Fire Arrows as well 
as the Beamos statue, then continue onward to the following room. You will 
see four Armos Knights surrounding a switch. Defeat the Beamos, then get over 
to the locked door before turning to the Armos Knights. Use the Longshot to 
activate one of them so that it passes over the switch on the way to you, 
allowing the door to open. When this happens, quickly go into the next room.

Here, simply continue onward to the next room. Go around the corner and you 
will meet the Iron Knuckle again. Attack it to wake it up, then defeat it 
with your sword and Z-Targeting (I highly suggest that you have the 
Biggoron's Sword with you for this fight). After you win, go through the door 
to reach the new room. Continue outside and you will be on the opposite ledge 
outside of the temple. Open the chest to receive the Mirror Shield, and equip 
it right away!

Now, backtrack to the room with the Armos Knights and get to the far end of 
the room. Stand in the bright spot on the floor and aim your Mirror Shield so 
that it reflects the light onto the sun switch. After you open the door, 
enter the next room and take the Key from the chest. Leave the room, then go 
through the middle door to reach another previous room. This time, unlock the 
door with your Key and enter the new area. In there, defeat the Beamos 
statues using Bombs, then look at the moving wall ahead. Shoot the Skulltula 
hanging above, then climb up each section as it moves along. Every third 
panel does not move, and if you climb between panels when they move, you will 
be thrown off.
Once you get to the top, defeat the other two Beamos statues and go through 
the door and continue onward to reach the fourth floor! In the next room, 
stand on the Triforce symbol and play Zelda's Lullaby to open the door in 
front of you, then enter that room. There, defeat the Torch Slugs using your 
sword and pull out your Megaton Hammer. The chest is surrounded by fire, but 
all of the doors around the room are fake. Hit the door behind and to the 
left of the chest to reveal an eye switch.

Shoot an arrow at it to make a second platform appear above. Use the Longshot 
on the ceiling target to get onto the platform, then jump over to the switch. 
Hit it to remove the fire below, so drop down and open the chest to get the 
Boss Key. After that, leave the room. In the small hallway, go up the stairs 
and enter the room at the top. Avoid the flying pots and go by the cell with 
a switch behind it, and use the spinning sword attack to hit it. Go through 
the door it opens, and defeat the Lizalfos and floating skulls in the 
connecting rooms.

After the enemies are gone, bomb the eastern wall in the back room to reveal 
a path to that switch you just hit. Now, go into the first room with the 
mirror that has the sunlight reflecting onto it from above. Rotate the mirror 
clockwise so it shines into the connecting room, then rotate that mirror so 
it reflects the sunlight through the bars and onto a larger mirror in the 
previous room. Next, go back to that room and drop down to the lower area. 
Stand in the sunlight and use the Mirror Shield to reflect the light onto the 
sun switch. This will lower the platform you are on into an area high above 
the second floor.

Face the large statue in front of you, and while still standing in the light, 
reflect the light with your Mirror Shield so it hits the statue face. Once 
the face crumbles, use the Longshot on the door that is revealed to get 
across the gap. Once there, open the boss door and enter the room. Inside, 
you will meet Koume and Kotake again, but they leave you to face another Iron 
Knuckle. This one is tough, but you fight it the same way as you did before.

Once it is defeated, you will find Nabooru. The witches will return and 
attack Nabooru before vanishing as well. So, continue into the room behind 
the throne, and enter the final boss room ahead. In there, climb the walls 
surrounding the middle platform and walk to the center of it to engage the 
witches. Read the Bosses section to find out how to beat the two bosses, 
Twinrova. Once you win, take the Heart Container and leave the temple through 
the light.

Back in the Chamber of the Sages, the Spirit Sage, Nabooru will give you the 
Spirit Medallion and tell you to go back to the Temple of Time.

Temple of Time

There, you'll meet Sheik again and he'll talk to you for a while before 
revealing his true identity as Princess Zelda! After that, she'll give you 
the Light Arrows, which will be useful in Ganon's Castle ahead, which is what 
Hyrule Castle has become in the future. After that, Ganon will capture Zelda 
and bring her to his castle, so now it's on to the castle! Get there by going 
through the ruins of the Market to the path where Hyrule Castle was.

Ganon's Castle

Now that you're at the castle, stand at the edge of the plateau facing the 
entrance to the castle, and the Sages will create a bridge for you! Walk 
across it to enter the castle.

Inside Ganon's Castle

Once inside, go down the hallway and avoid the Beamos statues, then enter the 
door at then end. In the main area, you will see a central tower protected by 
the six rooms surrounding it. So you know, if you drop under the bridge 
leading to the tower, there is a hidden area where you can buy Green/Red 
Potions, collect fairies, etc., in case you need the extra help.

Anyway, start off by going right and entering the Forest section (the door 
with the green medallion of course). In there, defeat the Wolfos and open the 
chest to get five rupees. Then, use Din's Fire to light the first four 
torches, and a Fire Arrow to light the one above the locked door. That will 
open the door, so continue into the next room.

In the next room, there are five silver rupees to collect. Use the Hover 
Boots to quickly move across the gaps to reach the different platforms. For 
the rupees in the air, wait for the wall fans to blow before hovering towards 
them; that way the fan will blow you onto the platform ahead safely. On the 
far ledge, hit the switch to make a Longshot target appear. Climb it to reach 
one of the rupees above, and Longshot to the target above the previous door 
to return to the start if you need to. Once you collect the silver rupees, 
enter the next room. There, shoot the core of the Forest Barrier with a Light 
Arrow to destroy it, and you will be warped back to the main area.

From there, go down the stairs to your right and enter the Water section. In 
the first area, fill two Bottles with Blue Fire, then melt the red ice 
blocking the other door with one of them. After that, defeat the ice enemies 
here and avoid the falling icicles, and continue through the new door to 
reach the next room.

In there, you will see two large blocks sitting there, a locked door across 
the room, and a high ledge to the left with red ice blocking it. From where 
you enter, get to the left side of the far block, and push it so that it hits 
the nearby bump. Then, push it to the right so it fills a nearby gap in the 
floor. After that, get to the wall by the high ledge and push the other block 
straight ahead at the bump across the room. When it stops, push the block to 
the second bump to the left, and then back across the room.

The block should stop below the ledge. Climb up there and use Blue Fire to 
melt the red ice, then use the Megaton Hammer to hit the rusty switch and 
open the door. Drop down and enter the final room, where you will find the 
Water Barrier. Shoot a Light Arrow at it to destroy it, and you will return 
to the main area again. Next, continue along and enter the Shadow section.

In the first room of the Shadow area, first look ahead and shoot arrows to 
kill the Like Like on the far platform. Then, shoot a Fire Arrow at the unlit 
torch on the right ledge to make some hidden blocks appear for a short time. 
When they appear, quickly jump across them while avoiding the green skull 
enemy and land on the solid platform ahead. Once there, turn around and shoot 
the torch to light it again. Jump across the gap to the next platform, then 
look to the right and drop down a series of ledges to reach a switch. Hit to 
make a chest appear on the ledge above. Longshot back up to the chest, and 
open it to receive the Golden Gauntlets!

Now, face the locked door ahead and use the Lens of Truth to reveal some more 
hidden platforms. Walk across the narrow path to the left and hit the switch 
to open the door, then go back around to the main platform. Use the Lens of 
Truth and follow a path behind the chest to reach the door, then enter the 
room. Inside, destroy the Shadow Barrier with another Light Arrow, and return 
to the main room. Continue to the right and enter the Fire section now.

In here, put on the Goron Tunic to counter the intense heat. The main 
platform in the middle area sinks as you walk on it, so you will need to jump 
off to side ledges to avoid sinking. Grab the first silver rupee on the block 
to the right, then the second one on the platform behind the rotating flame 
shooters. Get to the ledge with the large pillar and throw it across the room 
with the Golden Gauntlets. Grab the third rupee, then get across the room and 
grab the fourth one on the ledge. Finally, jump across the pillar you tossed 
into the lava to reach the last silver rupee. Get to the end of the middle 
platform and Longshot to the door, and enter the room. Destroy the Fire 
Barrier with a Light Arrow, then return to the main area once more.

Back in the main room, continue along to find a large pillar. Throw it out of 
the way and enter the Light section this time. Inside, use the Lens of Truth 
to reveal the hidden Skulltula and Keese, then defeat them to make a chest 
appear. Open it to get a Key, then use it to open the door leading to the 
next room. In the next room, stand on the Triforce symbol and play Zelda's 
Lullaby to make a chest with a Key inside appear. Take the Key and use it to 
enter the next room.

In that room, you will have 1:00 to collect the five silver rupees while 
avoiding the rolling boulders. Four are in the alcoves around the room, and 
the fifth one is above the center area (use the Longshot on the ceiling 
target to reach it). With that done, go through the door and enter the next 
room. Use the Lens of Truth to reveal a hidden room behind the wall, then 
enter that room to find the Light Barrier. Destroy it with a Light Arrow and 
you will return to the main room. Once there, go into the Spirit section.

Here, defeat the Beamos statue with Bombs, then go around and collect the 
five silver rupees (move the Armos statues around to release the Blade Traps 
so they don't hurt you). Longshot to the ceiling target and grab the final 
rupee to open the door, then enter that room. In there, defeat the two Torch 
Slugs and use the spinning sword attack near the bars to hit the switch on 
the other side. Open the chest to get some Bombchus, and send one straight up 
the middle of the bars. It will go through an opening above, come down at the 
other side, and hit the far switch.

Go through the door when it opens and you will find sun switches in the room 
ahead. Shoot a Fire Arrow at the webbed ceiling to allow sunlight into the 
room. Stand in the light and turn to face the opening you just came through, 
then use the Mirror Shield to reflect the light onto the sun switch directly 
to the right of that opening. Enter the final room and destroy the Spirit 
Barrier, and you will be sent back to the main area.

At this point, the barrier surrounding the central tower will disappear. When 
you are ready, go across the bridge and enter the tower. In the first room, 
simply avoid the Keese and run upstairs to the next room. There, defeat the 
two Dinolfos to open the door. Go through the door and head upstairs, then 
through another door to reach the next room. Defeat the two Stalfos to remove 
the flames surrounding the chest, then open it to get the Boss Key.

Head through the door and continue upstairs to the following room. In there, 
defeat the two Iron Knuckles (fight them one at a time, obviously). When the 
door opens, go through it and head up the stairs once more. At the top, open 
the boss door and you will enter the bottom of the boss room. Go through the 
nearby door and head up the long set of stairs to the top. Once there, go 
through the final door to meet Ganondorf. Read the Bosses section for help 
beating him.

Once you win this part of the battle, you will be on the castle roof with 
Zelda. It will begin to collapse, but Zelda will lead you out. Follow her 
through the next several areas, avoiding the falling rocks along the way. You 
need to stay behind Zelda so that she keeps moving, that way you don't lose 
precious time from the 3:00 timer. There is a room where you need to defeat 
enemies in order to proceed (two Stalfos), so take care of that quickly.

Eventually you will reach the bottom level of the castle, just in time for it 
to fully collapse. After you gain control again, run towards the center of 
the area and a fiery ring will surround the area. Ganondorf will emerge and 
transform into the beast form, Ganon. He will knock away the Master Sword, 
leaving you swordless for now (unless you have the Biggoron's Sword of 
course). At this point, read the Bosses section if you need help again. Once 
you win, the game will be complete, so congratulations on beating Zelda 64!


-=  6. Bosses -=

    Found: The Great Deku Tree
    Strategy: This giant one-eyed spider from previous Zelda games is back as
              a boss! To beat it, shoot it in the eye when it turns red with
              your Slingshot, then while it's stunned, come in and swing at
              the eye with the sword. After it becomes able to move again,
              it'll crawl onto the ceiling and it'll start to make eggs. When
              the eggs fall, destroy them with your sword. After you destroy
              all three of them, back up and Gohma will fall back down again.
              To speed up the battle, you can look up at the ceiling and see
              Gohma's eye turn red again as it begins laying the eggs. Shoot
              it with the Slingshot to make Gohma fall to the ground stunned,
              allowing you to attack with the sword again. Repeat the same
              procedure until it's defeated. It should take about 10 hits
              total from your sword to kill it.

King Dodongo
    Found: Dodongo's Cavern
    Strategy: This giant dinosaur's back from the original Zelda game and it
              still likes to eat bombs! When it walks towards you, it will
              open its mouth wide when he gets close enough to you. Throw a
              Bomb into its mouth and it'll swallow it. The bomb will explode
              inside of the boss, stunning it. Attack the head with your
              sword a few times until it recovers. At that point, watch out
              because it'll roll around the room. Follow it around until it
              crashes into a wall. When it walks towards you again, throw
              another Bomb into its mouth. Repeat the process another couple
              of times to defeat it!

    Found: Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly
    Strategy: This giant jellyfish-like enemy can be really hard if you don't
              know how to beat it! Defeat it by using Z-Targeting on the huge
              tentacles on top of it and hitting them repeatedly with your
              Boomerang. When the small jellyfish things start floating
              around the room, use your sword to destroy them all. When they
              spin REALLY FAST around the boss, use the Boomerang and hope it
              hits the boss, not the things spinning around it! Then, run in
              and attack with the sword a few times. Repeat the last few
              steps as needed to defeat this boss!

Phantom Ganon
    Found: Forest Temple
    Strategy: This battle versus the fake Ganondorf has two different phases.
              For the first one, he'll ride into one of the identical
              pictures on the wall, then jump out of another. Stay in the
              center with the Bow ready, and be ready to shoot at the phantom
              when it jumps out. Sometimes it will appear the phantom is
              charging out of multiple paintings; the fakes will turn away
              before jumping out, so you need to pay attention and quickly
              change direction in order to attack the real one. Shoot it
              three times to defeat the horse, then the second phase begins.
              This time, Phantom Ganon will float around the room, sometimes
              shooting electrical balls at you. Fight back by smacking one of
              those balls with your Sword, sending it back at the Phantom to
              cause damage. When he falls, run up and attack directly with
              the Sword. After you do this once, you may need to bat the
              electrical ball back and forth with Phantom Ganon until he
              finally misses and takes damage. Repeat this pattern until you
              defeat this fake!

    Found: Fire Temple
    Strategy: This giant dragon that the Gorons fear is the boss of the Fire
              Temple. When Volvagia pops his head out and swings his mane of
              fire around, avoid it and pound the head with the Megaton
              Hammer to stun it. Then, attack with your sword before Volvagia
              retreats. Next, it'll fly high into the air so you can't hurt
              it. Just avoid the fire and occasional rocks from above. The
              best way to avoid it is to hang off the side of the platform
              and you cannot be hit! When his attacking spree is over hop
              back up and wait for the boss to pop out of another hole, then
              repeat the same pattern as before. Later in the fight, it will
              try to fake you out by switching holes repeatedly before
              finally appearing. Be quick to stun it with your hammer, then
              hit it with your sword. This should only take about four rounds
              until you win.

    Found: Water Temple
    Strategy: The boss itself is a sponge-like nucleus that moves around in
              the water and bounces in the air periodically. When it spins
              around underwater, get a safe distance away and take out the
              Longshot. Once the tentacle rises out of the water and the
              nucleus moves around within, use the Longshot to pull it out.
              Then, attack it directly with your sword. This will take a
              while because your sword does not do much damage (if you have
              the Biggoron's Sword, it will speed things up). As the battle
              goes on, multiple tentacles will be formed, but if you keep the
              nucleus targeted, you will be able to spot where it will be.

Bongo Bongo
    Found: Shadow Temple
    Strategy: This boss can be particularly annoying because it has two large
              fists with a long attacking range. You MUST use the Lens of
              Truth in order to see the boss. Also, be prepared to deal with
              the constant bouncing around due to the boss banging on the
              "drum" platform you stand on. The outer areas of the platform
              don't vibrate as much, but you will take a lot of damage if you
              fall off! To attack, shoot an arrow at one of the hands to
              freeze it temporarily. Repeat this with the other hand, and the
              boss's eye will open. At that point, target the eye and shoot
              an arrow at it. This will stun the boss, giving you time to run
              in and attack with the sword. Once the boss recovers, repeat
              this process a few more times until you win!

    Found: Spirit Temple
    Strategy: This battle actually takes place in two parts. For the first
              part, Koume and Kotake will fly around above you, and then one
              will stop to shoot either fire or ice at you. Equip the Mirror
              Shield and when one of them is about to attack, use the shield
              to deflect the fire/ice attack on the other sister floating
              nearby. This will damage the other sister. Repeat this a few
              times and they will eventually combine into Twinrova. At this
              point, the battle plan changes slightly. Stay on the central
              platform and target the boss, and they will stop every now and
              then to shoot either fire or ice at you again. Use the Mirror
              Shield and it will actually absorb the attack, glowing in the
              process. You need to absorb three of the same attacks in a row
              to fully charge up the shield, causing the shield to shoot out
              a powerful fire/ice beam. Hit Twinrova with this beam and she
              will fall onto one of the nearby platforms stunned temporarily.
              Quickly jump over and attack a few times with your sword.
              Repeat this attack pattern and the battle will be over soon.

    Found: Ganon's Castle
    Strategy: For the first part of the final battle, you face Ganondorf in
              his human form. Get to one of the four corners of the room
              immediately, as his ground-pounding attack will cause many of
              the block sections of the floor to disappear. If you fall to
              the lower area, you can climb/Longshot your way back up the
              central tower. The solid platforms in the corners above are the
              safest places you can be since you can avoid the shockwaves
              from there. When Ganondorf summons an energy ball, knock it
              back and forth with your sword until it stuns him. Then,
              quickly hit the boss with a Light Arrow to make him land on the
              center platform. Longshot over to him, then attack a couple of
              times with your sword. After he recovers, Longshot (or use the
              Hover Boots and roll across) back to one of the corners and
              repeat this attack pattern. Late in the battle, Ganondorf will
              start to gather energy above his head; shoot him with a Light
              Arrow to stun him immediately so you can attack with the sword.
              Do NOT stay on the center platform or you will get hit from
              above constantly!

    Found: Ganon's Castle
    Strategy: At last, the FINAL battle! Again, keep your distance from Ganon
              as his physical attacks will hurt very badly. It is highly
              recommended you have Green and Red Potions in Bottles for this
              fight, as you may very well need them. Target Ganon and shoot a
              Light Arrow into his eyes to stun him, then quickly run around
              to the tail and hit it with the Megaton Hammer to cause damage
              (the Biggoron's Sword is a good alternative). Once Ganon
              recovers, move away quickly to avoid taking damage. If you run
              low on magic, use a potion, or lure Ganon towards one of the
              pillars scattered around. If he destroys one, it will yield
              useful items and hopefully some magic containers. After you
              cause enough damage, Zelda will call to you to collect the
              Master Sword. Do so, then run back into the battle and repeat
              the same pattern as before. Once you inflict enough damage,
              Ganon will be defeated for good!


-=  7. Items  -=



Biggoron's Sword: This giant sword is twice as powerful as the Master Sword
                  and it's held with two hands, but is slower to swing and
                  you sacrifice the use of a shield with it.

Giant's Knife: You buy this at the shop in Goron City as Young Link for 200
               rupees. It's useless because it breaks if you hit things with
               it and you CANNOT get it repaired either!

Kokiri Sword: Your first sword that you can find in Kokiri Forest, usable by
              only Young Link.

Master Sword: You find this at the Temple of Time, and it is the key to
              switching from Young/Adult Link. You can only use it as Adult
              Link, however. If you place it back into the Temple of Time
              pedestal, you can become Young Link again.


Deku Shield: Buy this at Kokiri Forest Shop for 40 rupees. It's a good
             shield, and the only one that can be used as a child. However,
             it will burn to a crisp if hit by fire!

Hylian Shield: This is the main shield you carry to defend against enemy
               attacks in the game. It's a little too heavy for Young Link to
               fully use, but just right for Adult Link. It is extremely
               useful when fighting enemies at close range, or for blocking

Mirror Shield: This mirrored shield reflects light off it when the sun or
               other forms of light shine on it. It can also be used to block
               more enemy projectiles.


Goron Tunic: This red tunic protects you from the intense heat of the Death
             Mountain Crater and other hot spots. It can be bought, but you
             can receive it for free later, so wait for it!

Kokiri Tunic: This is your basic green outfit, and it does nothing special
              unlike the other tunics you'll find.

Zora Tunic: This blue tunic allows you to breathe underwater so you don't
            drown. It can only be worn by Adult Link. It can also be bought
            earlier, but you get it for free later, so wait for it!


Hover Boots: They let you float across gaps for a short period of time, and
             it also keeps you from sinking into quicksand.

Iron Boots: When you wear these, you can weigh down rusty switches and sink
            to the bottom of a body of water. Be careful since you can drown
            if submerged for too long without the Zora Tunic!

Kokiri Boots: These are the regular boots that you start the game with;
              nothing special about them.

Non-Equippable Items

Gerudo's Membership Card: You get this card at Gerudo's Fortress after you
                          free all four of the carpenters. It shows you're a
                          member, so the guards won't attack or jail you

Golden Gauntlets: These gauntlets allow you to lift large pillars blocking
                  certain areas that the silver ones could not.

Golden Scale: This scale allows you to dive underwater for 9 meters, which is
              the deepest you can go before having to surface.

Goron's Bracelet: This special bracelet allows you to pick up the Bomb
                  Flowers growing on Death Mountain (you still cannot use
                  regular Bombs with just this).

Skulltula Tokens: You find these whenever you defeat a Gold Skulltula. They
                  help you get useful items and eventually break the curse of
                  the Skulltula.

Stone of Agony: If you are near a secret location and have a Rumble Pak in
                your controller, the controller will vibrate.

Silver Gauntlets: These silver gauntlets allow you to push/lift certain heavy
                  objects. They can only be used by Adult Link, though.

Silver Scale: With this scale, you can dive underwater for 6 meters (double
              your normal depth). It is necessary to reach objects located
              deeper in the water.


Bomb: Use these to blow up weak portions of walls or break boulders blocking
      underground grottos. You can also pick up and throw them. You must have
      a Bomb Bag in order to use Bombs, though.

Bombchu: This mouse-shaped robotic bomb can move automatically towards a
         target. Place it on the ground and activate it, and it will move
         straight ahead, climbing up walls and ceilings until it hits a
         target or explodes on its own. You do not control its movement once
         you launch it, so aim carefully!

Boomerang: You can use it to stun or defeat weak enemies, and even hit
           switches and other objects from a distance. Some creatures can
           only be defeated with the Boomerang!

Bottle: You use these to carry objects and items, such as potions, fish, and
        bugs. Here's a list of where you can find each of the four Bottles:

    1. Win Talon's cucco game at Lon Lon Ranch as Young Link.

    2. Return the 7 cuccos to the cucco lady's pen in Kakariko Village as
       Young Link.

    3. As Young Link, go to Lake Hylia and dive underwater near the passage
       to Zora's Domain. You will find a letter in the bottle initially.

    4. As Adult Link, find and defeat/capture the 10 Big Poes throughout
       Hyrule Field while riding Epona. Capture them in your other bottles
       and sell them to the Poe Dealer in the Market guardhouse.

Deku Nut: When you throw a Deku Nut, its blinding light will stun some
          enemies, giving you a chance to attack. You can find them under
          stones, bushes, and even from defeating enemies.

Deku Stick: It can be used as a weapon and a tool, by carrying a flame from a
            torch to an unlit torch or other surface. You can buy them in
            shops or find them on the ground after defeating enemies.

Din's Fire: This spell allows link to surround himself with a ring of fire,
            burning up any enemies and certain surfaces nearby, as well as
            lighting any unlit torches in the area.

Fairy Bow: This is your standard bow despite the name. You can shoot arrows
           to attack enemies, activate switches and hit other targets. It can
           only be used as Adult Link. It can shoot the Fire, Ice, and Light
           Arrows as you get them.

Fairy Ocarina: This is the first ocarina you receive as a child, from Saria
               in Kokiri Forest. It allows you to play a variety of songs as
               you learn them throughout your travels by using the A Button
               along with the C Buttons (you can also use the Control Stick).

Fairy Slingshot: This child's weapon can only be used by Young Link of
                 course. It uses Deku Seeds as ammo and it can be used to
                 attack enemies and hit distant targets.

Farore's Wind: Use this to create a warp point anywhere in the current
               dungeon, allowing you to return to that location later (only
               while you are still in the same dungeon). To collapse a warp
               point already placed, just use the "Dispel Warp Point" 
               command when using the item again.

Fire Arrow: These fiery arrows can be used to attack enemies, but can also
            light unlit torches and burn/melt other surfaces, at the cost of
            a small amount of magic.

Hookshot: You can use this to grapple onto objects a distance away, as well
          as hit targets and stun some enemies. You will see a red dot when
          you aim, which means you are within range of that object (does not
          mean you can pull yourself to it though). As the adventure
          progresses, you can get a longer version of the Hookshot called the

Ice Arrow: These arrows freeze enemies on impact at the cost of a small
           amount of magic.

Lens of Truth: It allows Link to look through fake objects and see invisible
               items. It uses some magic each time it's used, but it is
               necessary to use at certain points.

Light Arrow: These arrows take more damage than the Fire and Ice arrows, but
             costs slightly more magic to use, though. Save them for when you
             really need them.

Magic Bean: These are sold by a man at Zora's River when you are a child.
            They can be planted in soft soil locations scattered throughout
            the world. If you plant one and return to that spot as an adult,
            you can ride a magical platform to new areas.

Megaton Hammer: Use this to crush enemies, move blocks, and pound rusty floor
                switches. It is as strong as the Master Sword, but it takes
                extra time to swing, so it is better suited as a tool.

Nayru's Love: This spell protects Link from being damaged for a short period
              of time. It takes a lot of magic to use, so use it sparingly!

Ocarina of Time: This legendary ocarina is necessary to enter the Temple of
                 Time. It replaces the Fairy Ocarina, as you would expect.


-=  8. Heart Pieces -=

Lon Lon Ranch

1. Enter the shed in the back corner of the ranch, and move the crates to
   reveal a hole in the wall. Crawl through to reach this piece. (Young)

Hyrule Field

2. Near the path leading to Lake Hylia, there is a section of grass that is
   fenced in on all sides. Throw a bomb into the center of that area to
   reveal a secret grotto. Deflect the Deku Scrub's attack back at it, then
   talk to it. You can buy this Heart Piece for a mere 10 rupees!

3. In the northwest area of Hyrule Field, near a stream west of Hyrule
   Castle, you will find a lone tree. Bomb the ground under it to reveal a
   secret grotto. Use the Iron Boots to sink downward or dive with the Golden
   Scale to retrieve the Piece of Heart at the bottom of the pool. (Adult)


4. Win the Treasure Chest Shop mini-game to get the Piece of Heart (available
   after beating the Forest Temple). Use the Lens of Truth to quickly win
   this game! (Young)

5. When you play and win the Bombchu Bowling mini-game (available after
   beating the Forest Temple), you'll get random prizes. If the Piece of
   Heart is the current prize, win that game to get it. (Young)

6. In the Back Alley, enter one of the houses and you will find a woman who
   tells you that her dog ran away. Go into the main area of the market and
   look near the Bazaar to spot a white dog. Have it follow you back to the
   house and give it back to the woman for a Piece of Heart. (Young; Night)

Lost Woods

7. From the Kokiri Forest entrance, go left to reach the Skull Kid's perch.
   Stand on the stump and play Saria's Song on the Ocarina to get this Piece
   of Heart. (Young)

8. From the Kokiri Forest entrance, go right and climb down the ladder by the
   hanging target. Stand on the stump and you will find two Skull Kids. When
   they ask you to join them as they play, play the Ocarina and follow along
   with their song. Play more songs with them until you get to the eight-note
   song. Complete it and they will give you the Piece of Heart. (Young)

Kakariko Village/Graveyard

9. As Young Link, go to the top of Death Mountain Trail by the Great Fairy's
   Fountain and get a ride back to Kakariko Village from the owl. He'll drop
   you on an otherwise inaccessible roof. Drop down to the awning below and
   go in the house to find the Piece of Heart in the cage. (Young)

10. Near the lookout tower, you will see a man sitting on a roof. Use the
    Longshot to reach that roof (easiest to climb the lookout tower and
    Longshot down from there) and talk to the man; he will give you a Piece
    of Heart. (Adult)

11. After you race Dampe's Spirit through the passage beneath the Graveyard,
    you will end up inside of the windmill. Ride the spinning ledge around
    and jump to a side ledge to reach this Piece of Heart. (Adult)

12. After you collect 50 Skulltula Tokens, come back to the House of
    Skulltula and get a Piece of Heart from the now freed child.

13. During the night, you will see Dampe in the Graveyard for his graveyard
    digging game (between 6:00-9:00PM, which is the time immediately after
    the sun goes down). You'll find the Heart Piece as a random prize when
    you ask him to dig (only dig in the dirt spots, not the cobblestone
    path). This might take some time, so be prepared! (Young)

14. After you race Dampe's spirit for the second time below the Graveyard and
    get to the end within 1'00", he'll give you another Heart Piece (you will
    likely need the Longshot to use the shortcut at the end to win). (Adult)

15. Plant a Magic Bean in the bean hole in the left corner of the Graveyard.
    Return as an adult and ride the ledge to the ledge above, then roll into
    the crate to get this Piece of Heart. (Adult)

16. In the Graveyard, go to the back row closest to the Royal Tomb. Pull back
    the fourth tombstone from the right, then fall into the hole you reveal.
    Defeat the Gibdos inside and play the Sun's Song to make a chest appear;
    open it to get this Piece of Heart.

Goron City

17. Light all the torches on the lower level of the city to make the giant
    urn spin. Run up to the upper level and throw a Bomb into the urn's open
    top to stop it. If the happy face is showing when it stops, you will get
    the Piece of Heart; if not, just keep trying! (Young)

Death Mountain Trail

18. As Young Link, plant a Magic Bean in the bean hole by the entrance to
    Dodongo's Cavern. Come back when you're Adult Link and ride the platform
    to the ledge above the cavern entrance to reach this Heart Piece (it's
    possible to backflip over the fence above to land here as well).

Death Mountain Crater

19. Enter the crater from the Death Mountain Trail summit, and walk forward
    to the edge overlooking the central area. Climb down the wall and fall
    into an alcove in the middle to find this Piece of Heart. (Adult)

20. As Young Link, play the Bolero of Fire to reach the central area of the
    crater, and plant a Magic Bean in the bean hole. Return as Adult Link and
    ride the platform upward. You will see the Piece of Heart atop a high
    ledge; jump down to grab it. (Adult)

Zora's River

21. As you follow the path up the river, walk onto a log in the water and
    you will see a group of frogs appear. Play the Song of Storms for them
    and you'll get a Heart Piece. (Young)

22. Stand on the log in the water to make the frogs appear like before. Play
    all of the non-warp songs, one at a time, and each frog will grow one at
    a time. After all five have become larger, they will ask you to play
    their bug-eating game. You need to press the button that corresponds with
    that frog quickly when the bug is over the frog's head. If you keep up,
    they'll give you another Heart Piece (the pattern is A, C-Left, C-Right,
    C-Down, C-Left, C-Right, C-Down, A, C-Down, A, C-Down, C-Right, C-Left,
    A). (Young)

23. Take a cucco from the riverbank near the man selling Magic Beans, and
    carry it with you up the river. When you reach the hill going up before
    the bridge leading to the waterfall area, turn around and use your
    cucco to fly down to the lower-left ledge nearby. Climb the ladder, then
    take the next cucco and fly over to the platform with the Piece of Heart
    on it.

24. At the waterfall entrance to Zora's Domain, you'll see the Piece of Heart
    on a ledge against the back wall. Bring a cucco all the way to this point
    and jump across to reach that ledge.

Zora's Domain

25. In the lower area, there is a waterfall surrounded by unlit torches.
    Light up a Deku Stick, then go around and light up all of the torches on
    the lower level, including the two behind the waterfall. Light them all
    quickly and a chest containing the Piece of Heart will appear. (Young)

Zora's Fountain

26. As an adult, jump across the icy platforms to spot a Piece of Heart atop
    one of them. Jump over to obtain it. (Adult)

27. Use the Iron Boots and Zora Tunic to sink to the bottom of the lake. At
    the bottom, you will find a Piece of Heart. (Adult)

Ice Cavern

28. In the room where you find the Compass, you will come across a red ice
    block with a Piece of Heart inside. Get a bottle full of Blue Fire and
    pour it over the red ice to get it.

Lake Hylia

29. Go to the Fishing Pond and catch the biggest fish in the pond, then show
    it to the owner to get the Heart Piece. (Young)

30. After you get the Golden Scale, go to the Lakeside Laboratory and dive to
    the bottom of the pool of water inside. Once you touch the bottom, talk
    to the scientist to get the Piece of Heart. (Adult)

31. As Young Link, plant a Magic Bean in the hole outside of the Lakeside
    Laboratory. Return as an adult and ride the platform to reach the lab's
    roof, then climb the ladder to the very top area to find this Piece of
    Heart (be careful of the crows). (Adult)

Gerudo Valley

32. Stand on the bridge overlooking the river far below, and you will see a
    waterfall to the north. Take a cucco and land behind the waterfall. Climb
    the ladder to reach a hidden ledge with this Piece of Heart. (Young)

33. Stand on the same bridge and look to the south. You will see a small
    ledge along the right side below with a crate on it. Grab a cucco and
    jump off the bridge, and fly to that ledge. Land there and roll into the
    crate to reveal this Piece of Heart. (Young)

Gerudo's Fortress

34. Near the Thieves' Hideout, look up and use the Longshot on the exposed
    chest on the roof. The Piece of Heart is inside the chest. (Adult)

35. After you get the Gerudo's Membership Card, ride Epona to the Horseback
    Archery Range and choose to play the game. If you score over 1000
    points, you will win this Heart Piece. (Adult)

Desert Colossus

36. As Young Link, plant a Magic Bean in the bean hole near the Spirit Temple
    entrance. Come back as Adult Link and ride the platform around the area.
    When you are above the arches in front of the temple, jump off to reach
    the Piece of Heart up there. (Adult)


-=  9. Masks  -=

In the Market as Young Link, you will find the Happy Mask Shop (it's the shop 
with a mask facade near the Temple of Time). Inside, you can borrow a mask 
(one at a time) and find someone who will buy it. To sell it to someone, you 
need to be wearing the mask when you talk to them. Once you sell it, return 
to the shop and pay the value of the mask. You will then be able to borrow 
the next mask and repeat the process. Details are below.

It should also be noted that if you talk to people while wearing certain 
masks, or even simply wander around the world, you may get some interesting 

Keaton Mask
    Price: 10 Rupees
    Information: This is the first mask you can borrow. Go to Kakariko
                 Village and up to the gate to Death Mountain Trail, and talk
                 to the guard. He'll buy the mask from you for 15 rupees.

Skull Mask
    Price: 20 Rupees
    Information: Enter the Lost Woods from Kokiri Forest, and go left. Put on
                 the mask and stand on the stump and talk to the Skull Kid.
                 He'll come and buy it from you, but not the entire price,
                 though! He'll only give you 10 rupees for the 20-rupee mask!
                 Now, you're stuck paying for half of the cost.

Spooky Mask
    Price: 30 Rupees
    Information: During the day, go to the Kakariko Graveyard and show the
                 kid wandering around the mask. He'll buy it from you for
                 30 rupees, this time the entire price!

Bunny Hood
    Price: 50 Rupees
    Information: This one will be a challenge because you have to sell it to
                 the running man in Hyrule Field. Go by the path east of the
                 entrance to Lon Lon Ranch and you should see the man running
                 along late in the day. Follow him until he sits down, and
                 then show him the mask. He'll buy it for so much money it's
                 unbelievable (fills your wallet to the max) and you only
                 have to pay back the shop 50 rupees!

After you pay for the Bunny Hood, you will be able to borrow the Mask of 
Truth. Wearing it, you can talk to the Gossip Stones found all over the 
world. You can also borrow other funny masks, such as the Gerudo Mask, Goron 
Mask, and Zora Mask. You do not have to sell them, and have no other effect.


-=  10. Songs -=

Bolero of Fire

Learned: Get this from Sheik after you cross the broken bridge in Death
         Mountain Crater as an adult.

Information: It warps you to the middle of the crater at any time.

How to play: C-Down, A, C-Down, A, C-Right, C-Down, C-Right, C-Down

Epona's Song

Learned: Get from Malon at Lon Lon Ranch as Young Link.

Information: It calls Epona when you're in Hyrule Field as Adult Link AFTER
             you won her.

How to play: C-Up, C-Left, C-Right, C-Up, C-Left, C-Right

Minuet of Forest

Learned: Get this song from Sheik when you reach the Forest Temple as Adult

Information: It lets you warp to the Sacred Forest Meadow at any time.

How to play: A, C-Up, C-Left, C-Right, C-Left, C-Right

Nocturne of Shadow

Learned: Get this from Sheik in Kakariko Village as Adult Link after you beat
         the Water Temple.

Information: It warps you to the ledge leading to the Shadow Temple at any

How to play: C-Left, C-Right, C-Right, A, C-Left, C-Right, C-Down

Prelude of Light

Learned: Get this from Sheik in the Temple of Time after you beat the Forest
         Temple as Adult Link.

Information: It warps you to the Temple of Time at any time.

How to play: C-Up, C-Right, C-Up, C-Right, C-Left, C-Up

Requiem of Spirit

Learned: Get this from Sheik in front of the Spirit Temple as Adult Link.

Information: It warps you to a spot near the Spirit Temple at any time.

How to play: A, C-Down, A, C-Right, C-Down, A

Saria's Song

Learned: Get from Saria at the Sacred Forest Meadow as Young Link.

Information: When played, it allows you to communicate with Saria at any

How to play: C-Down, C-Right, C-Left, C-Down, C-Right, C-Left

Scarecrow's Song

Learned: Play a variety of notes on the Ocarina in front of the scarecrow in
         Lake Hylia as Young Link, then return as Adult Link and play the
         same notes again. (The notes listed below are the ones I played.)

Information: If played in certain areas, a scarecrow appears that you can
             Hookshot to in order to reach new areas.

How to play: C-Up, C-Left, C-Right, C-Down, C-Up, C-Left, C-Right, C-Down

Serenade of Water

Learned: Get this from Sheik after you receive the Iron Boots in the Ice
         Cavern as Adult Link.

Information: It warps you to the island above the Water Temple any time.

How to play: A, C-Down, C-Right, C-Right, C-Left

Song of Storms

Learned: Get from the man in the windmill in Kakariko Village as Adult Link.

Information: It makes it rain at any time when played.

How to play: A, C-Down, C-Up, A, C-Down, C-Up

Song of Time

Learned: Get this song when you get the Ocarina of Time as Young Link.

Information: Play this in front of the altar in the Temple of Time as Young
             Link to gain entrance to the second room (first time only).
             Also, play this song to move large blue blocks with the Temple
             of Time symbol on them throughout the world.

How to play: C-Right, A, C-Down, C-Right, A, C-Down

Sun's Song

Learned: Get in the Kakariko Graveyard in the passage under the Royal Tomb.

Information: It rises/sets the sun at any given time anyplace.

How to play: C-Right, C-Down, C-Up, C-Right, C-Down, C-Up

Zelda's Lullaby

Learned: Get from Impa at Hyrule Castle as Young Link.

Information: It has many different effects and causes certain things to
             happen when played in the right places.

How to play: C-Left, C-Up, C-Right, C-Left, C-Up, C-Right


-=  11. Gold Skulltulas -=

There are 100 Gold Skulltulas throughout the game to find. When you defeat 
one, you can obtain the token it carried. After you killed enough of them and 
won enough tokens, bring them to the House of Skulltula in Kakariko Village 
to get prizes. Here's a list of the prizes you can earn:

10 Skulltulas: Adult's Wallet (holds up to 200 rupees)

20 Skulltulas: Stone of Agony (shakes the controller when you're near secret
               grottos only if you have the Rumble Pak accessory)

30 Skulltulas: Giant's Wallet (holds up to 500 rupees)

40 Skulltulas: Bombchus

50 Skulltulas: Piece of Heart

100 Skulltulas: Gold Rupee (200 rupees; can get repeatedly)

Kokiri Forest

1. Behind the Know-it-All Brothers house. (Young; Night)

2. Behind the House of Twins, use the Hookshot to defeat. (Adult; Night)

3. Empty a bottle of bugs into the bean hole next to the shop. (Young)

Hyrule Field

4. Outside of Kakariko Village, there are two trees. Place a Bomb under the
   tree closer to the Hyrule Castle wall, then fall into the cave to find the
   Gold Skulltula.

5. Place a Bomb in middle of the circle of stones near the Gerudo Valley
   entrance to reveal a secret grotto. Jump in and use Din's Fire to burn the
   webs, then look for the Gold Skulltula on one of the walls.

Market/Hyrule Castle

6. Enter the guardhouse next to the Market entrance, and roll into the crate
   next to the guard. (Young)

7. Play the Song of Storms in front of the tree near the point where you meet
   Talon within the Hyrule Castle gates. (Young)

8. Roll into the tree where the owl was perched when you first entered the
   area outside of Hyrule Castle to shake one out of the branches. (Young)
9. Go behind the brick arch near Ganon's Castle, and use the Longshot to
   defeat this Gold Skulltula. (Adult)

Lon Lon Ranch

10. Roll into the lone tree behind the buildings to the left, and shake out
    this Gold Skulltula. (Young)

11. Go along the outer side of the fence surrounding the ranch and defeat the
    Skulltula on the wooden wall at the back end. (Young; Night)

12. Check the outer wall near the shed and you will spot this Gold Skulltula
    hanging there. Use the Slingshot/Boomerang to defeat it. (Young; Night)

13. A Gold Skulltula is hanging on the second floor window of Talon's house.
    Use the Slingshot/Boomerang to retrieve it. (Young; Night)

Kakariko Village/Graveyard

14. Roll into the tree by the village entrance. (Young; Night)

15. Look up at the ladder alongside the lookout tower. Use the Slingshot to
    kill it, then climb up to get the token. (Young; Night)

16. On a wall behind the house near the gate leading to Death Mountain.
    (Young; Night)

17. On the wall behind the House of Skulltula. (Young; Night)

18. On the wall within the building under construction. (Young; Night)

19. Use the Hookshot or Longshot to get to the roof of a house next to Impa's
    House (east side of town), then use it again to get to the roof of her
    house. You'll find the Gold Skulltula on the back wall. (Adult; Night)

20. In the Graveyard, look on the wall along the right side. Use the
    Slingshot and Boomerang to defeat it. (Young; Night)

21. Empty a bottle of bugs into the bean hole on the left side of the
    Graveyard. (Young)

Lost Woods

22. Empty a bottle of bugs into the bean hole in the area adjacent to the
    Skull Kid's perch to reveal a Gold Skulltula. (Young)

23. Empty another bottle of bugs into the bean hole in an area near the
    shortcut to Zora's River (same area as Forest Stage hole) to reveal
    another Gold Skulltula. (Young)

24. After planting a Magic Bean in the hole where the previous Gold Skulltula
    was found, return as an adult and ride the bean platform to the ledge
    above to find this one. (Adult; Night)

Sacred Forest Meadow

25. Get to the top of the hedge maze and look for the Gold Skulltula on the
    wall along the right side leading to the Forest Temple (to the right when
    facing the stairs leading to the Forest Temple). (Adult; Night)

Death Mountain Trail

26. The first bombable wall on the right on your way up the Death Mountain
    Trail houses a Gold Skulltula.

27. Empty a bottle of bugs into the bean hole at the entrance to Dodongo's
    Cavern. (Young)

28. As an adult, go back to that ledge above the Dodongo's Cavern where the
    Bomb Flower used to grow. Destroy the boulder with the Megaton Hammer to
    reveal a Gold Skulltula. (Adult; Night)

29. Along the path leading to the high wall, destroy the last boulder on the
    right with the Megaton Hammer to reveal this one. (Adult; Night)

Death Mountain Crater

30. As Young Link, play the Bolero of Fire to get to the center of the
    crater, then empty a bottle of bugs into the bean hole nearby. (Young)

31. Near the entrance leading from the Death Mountain Trail summit, roll into
    the crate nearby. (Young)

Goron City

32. In the room with the maze of rocks at the top level of Goron City, get
    through that room, then roll into the crate at the other end of the room
    to reveal a Gold Skulltula. (Young)

33. Go to the second floor from the top, and look underneath the center
    platform above. Use the Hookshot to defeat the Gold Skulltula hanging
    there. (Adult; Night)

Zora's River

34. Roll into the tree by the entrance leading to Hyrule Field. (Young)

35. At the waterfall leading into Zora's Domain, drop into the water below
    and you will find this one on the nearby ladder. (Young; Night)

36. On the high plateau with the cucco walking around on it, jump across to a
    ledge with a secret grotto on it to find the Gold Skulltula hanging on
    the wall. (Adult; Night)

37. After crossing the wooden bridge before the waterfall, look on the wall
    above to find this Gold Skulltula. Use the Longshot to defeat it and take
    its token. (Adult; Night)

Zora's Domain

38. Go to the top of the waterfall when it is frozen and you'll find the
    Skulltula on the left wall. Stand at the edge and use the Hookshot to
    defeat it. (Adult; Night)

Zora's Fountain

39. Roll into the tree near the entrance to the Great Fairy's Fountain to
    shake out a Gold Skulltula. (Young)

40. There is a Skulltula on the wall by the fallen log in the water. Use the
    Slingshot and Boomerang to defeat it. (Young; Night)

41. On the small piece of land where you found the Great Fairy's Fountain,
    come here once you have obtained the Silver Gauntlets. Lift up the gray
    boulder and throw it, and drop into the hole it reveals. Go up the
    incline (use the Lens of Truth to see the hidden Skulltulas), then look
    on the wall overlooking the area at the top to find it. (Adult; Night)

Lake Hylia

42. Empty a bottle of bugs into the bean hole outside of the Lakeside
    Laboratory. (Young)

43. On the wall behind the Lakeside Laboratory. Use the Slingshot and
    Boomerang to defeat it. (Young; Night)

44. On the small island where you obtain the Fire Arrow, near the Serenade of
    Water platform. (Young; Night)

45. Inside the Lakeside Laboratory, use the Iron Boots to sink to the bottom
    of the pool of water. Then, roll into the crate to reveal this Gold
    Skulltula, and use the Hookshot to kill it. (Adult)

46. Use the Longshot to reach the top of the large tree above the Water
    Temple, where you will find this Gold Skulltula. (Adult; Night)

Gerudo Valley

47. About halfway across the wooden plank by the entrance, look to the right
    to find a Gold Skulltula on the wall. Use the Slingshot and Boomerang to
    defeat it. (Young; Night)

48. Look on the wall behind the carpenters' tent. (Adult; Night)

49. Another Gold Skulltula is under the stone arch across from the
    carpenters' tent. (Adult; Night)

50. Walk onto the bridge overlooking the river below, and look to the right
    (north). Use a cucco and land on the platform far below, then empty a
    bottle of bugs into the bean hole there. (Young)

Gerudo's Fortress

51. After you get the Gerudo Membership Card, get to the roof of the fortress
    by using the Longshot to reach the chest, and look on the back wall to
    spot this Gold Skulltula. (Adult; Night)

52. After you get the Gerudo Membership Card, go up to the Horseback Archery
    Range, then go over to the northern target pole. Look up and use the
    Longshot to defeat the Gold Skulltula hanging there. (Adult; Night)

Haunted Wasteland

53. Climb inside the stone structure where you discover the phantom guide and
    you'll find a Gold Skulltula. (Adult)

Desert Colossus

54. Empty a bottle of bugs into the bean hole near the entrance to the Spirit
    Temple. (Young)

55. Walk over to the oasis and look in the branches of the surrounding palm
    trees to spot this Gold Skulltula. Be careful of the Leevers and use the
    Longshot to get it. (Adult; Night)

56. After planting a Magic Bean in the bean hole as Young Link, return as an
    adult. Ride the bean platform as an adult and you'll find a Gold
    Skulltula atop one of the high platforms you fly across. (Adult; Night)

The Great Deku Tree

57. In the room where you get the Compass, a Skulltula is in an alcove in the
    left side of the room.

58. After you fall into the basement, you'll see one on the metal bars in the

59. You'll see another one on the vine wall near the lit torch in the

60. In the room where the enemies fall from the ceiling, burn the web on the
    wall, then bomb the wall to find a Skulltula in the next room. Use the
    Boomerang to grab its token.

Dodongo's Cavern

61. In the room with the enemies that explode after defeated, play the
    Scarecrow's Song where you see a ledge high above the ground, then use
    the Hookshot to reach it.

62. In the room across from the high ledge, use the Boomerang to get the

63. In the room where you detonate all the Bomb Flowers at once, use the
    Longshot to get the one in an alcove at the top of the stairs.

64. There's another one on the vines above the large set of stairs with the
    Bomb Flowers surrounding the base.

65. On the first floor, get to the room where you climb up the blocks to the
    upper path. Follow it to the end and drop down, then push the nearby
    block into the lower area. Push it ahead to the doorway and bomb it open.
    In that room is this spider hidden behind an Armos.

Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly

66. In the room before the boss chamber, this one is crawling on the vines
    along the side of the high ledge.

67. When you push the switch to make the water appear in the room shortly
    after you meet Ruto in the basement, climb the ladder and beat the

68. Drop into the hole where the Green Parasitic Tentacle was and use the
    Slingshot to kill the Skulltula on the wall nearby. You will need the
    Boomerang to retrieve the token!

69. Another one is on the wall near the previous one.

Forest Temple

70. In the first room where you kill the Wolfos look at the right side.
    You'll see some vines so climb up them. Get on the tree and walk to the
    other one and hop on it. If you look up a little see it and kill it with
    your Hookshot.

71. Go in the main room where you see the Poes run away. Head straight
    through the lamps and cross to the other side and when you get to the
    door, look around to the right and you'll see it. Kill the gold Skulltula
    and nab the coin.

72. Get to the northeast garden area from the main room. Go to the ledge in
    the northeast corner (the one with a chest on it). Hookshot onto that
    ledge via the chest and go around the corner to find this Skulltula.

73. Get to the upper area of the northwest garden room (by straightening out
    the western inverted hallway and falling through the hole in the room at
    the end). You will see a narrow path atop columns you can jump to. Do so
    and look at the vines above to find this Skulltula.

74. In the basement, go into the room where you turn the walls. Keep turning
    the walls until you can access the southwest room (the one with the
    chest). Defeat the regular Skulltula, then look on the right wall for
    this one.

Fire Temple

75. In the large lava-filled room east of the entrance room, get to the
    northern ledge with the blue block on it. Play the Song of Time to make
    the block move, granting you access to the room you couldn't enter
    otherwise. Go in that room and defeat the Skulltula.

76. Another is in the room with the maze and the boulders. Get to the
    northeast corner of the lower level, and bomb the wall in that corner.
    You will reveal a hidden room with this Skulltula on the wall.

77. On the upper level of the maze room, get to the door across from the
    platform you bombed open. Play the Scarecrow's Song and Hookshot to the
    scarecrow on the ledge above. Hookshot across to the target on a ledge
    that will take you upward to 4F. In that room, climb the first fence and
    you will see the Skulltula ahead.

78. From the previous Skulltula, climb up to 5F and enter the room there. Go
    forward to the pit and look on the left wall to spot this Skulltula.

79. In the first room of the temple, use the Megaton Hammer to clear the
    statue blocking the lower-right door. Get through that room, then in the
    second room, you will see a Like Like. The Skulltula is on the wall
    behind it.

Ice Cavern

80. In the room with the silver rupees and the spinning blades, cut down the
    icicles in the room and you'll find a Skulltula hiding on the wall above.

81. In the room where you have to push the block around the room, look for
    the Skulltula on the wall above the pit near where you first enter the

82. In the room with the Heart Piece and the Compass, look behind one of the
    columns and you'll see the Skulltula high above you. Use the Hookshot to
    kill it and take its token.

Water Temple

83. Drain the water level, then get to the first floor and take the southern
    path. Bomb the cracked floor and continue until you reach a gate with a
    crystal switch on the other side. Hit the switch with a spin attack to
    open the gate, then enter to find this Skulltula.

84. In the room below where you found the Longshot, there are caves with
    whirlpools in them. This Skulltula is on the wall above the third
    vortex. Use the Iron Boots to stop moving and hit it with the Longshot.

85. Drain the water level, then enter the central column room. Longshot your
    way to the ledge with the Triforce symbol, and aim upward to find this
    one on the high wall.

86. Once you have the Longshot, get to the room with the waterfall and the
    platforms falling down it (third floor, room directly west of the main
    area). This Skulltula is on the right wall.

87. In the room with the boulders rolling through the water, go through the
    room with the Stingers and reappear on a ledge next to where the boulders
    fall. Look at the wall behind where the boulder falls to find this one.

Bottom of the Well

88. Walk through the wall exactly north of where you get the Compass and
    you'll find the Skulltula in the hidden room.

89. Walk through the wall on the upper-right side of the room where you got
    the Compass and walk around the right wall of that room to reach the

90. In the room with the BIG invisible holes, get across that room and enter
    the door there. You'll end up in a room with a Skulltula. I suggest you
    use the Lens of Truth so you know where those holes are!

Shadow Temple

91. In the room with the guillotines and platforms you have to jump across,
    get to the ledge where you fight the Stalfos Knight. Turn left and use
    the Lens of Truth to reveal hidden ledges. Jump across them to reach a
    hidden door. Defeat the enemies in the next room (use the Lens of Truth
    to avoid the spinning blades), and the gate will open. Enter that small
    room to find chests and this Skulltula.

92. In the room with the two sets of spikes that fall from above, enter the
    prison cell on the left side of the path. You will find this one on the
    back wall inside.

93. In the room with the large skull statue, you will find the Skulltula on
    the wall behind the skull.

94. When you reach the room where you board the ship, climb the ladder to
    reach the high ledge. Turn around and play the Scarecrow's Song at the
    edge to make a scarecrow appear on the opposite ledge. Longshot over to
    that ledge and you will find this Skulltula on the wall.

95. In the room with the maze of invisible walls, enter the western room. You
    will find three skull head statues spinning around. The Skulltula is on
    the wall behind them.

Spirit Temple (Young Link)

96. In the room where you collect the silver rupees to lower the bridge in
    the middle of the fence, get to the opposite side of the room and look at
    the fence to find this Skulltula hanging on it.

97. When you climb up the wall to the second floor, turn around and you will
    spot this one on the wall above the pit.

98. In the room before the Iron Knuckle battle, look above the door to find
    it hanging there on the wall.

Spirit Temple (Adult Link)

99. In the room with the boulders and the five silver rupees, play the Song
    of Time in front of the blue block to move it. The Skulltula will be
    hidden in that alcove.

100. In the room with the giant statue, get to the southwest corner and go up
     the stairs to the top floor. Then, face the northwest ledge across the
     room and play the Scarecrow's Song at the edge. Longshot over to the
     scarecrow that appears, and you will find the Skulltula on the wall.


-=  12. The Trading Process -=

To get the Biggoron's Sword, complete the following steps as Adult Link (to 
complete each step, you need to equip the item and use it in front of the 
person in question):

1. In Kakariko Village, you will get an egg from the girl who raises cuccos.
   It will soon hatch and Link can take it to a nearby building to wake
   Talon. Go back to the girl and she will give you Cojiro, a blue cucco.

2. Go to the Lost Woods and visit the area where you met Skull Kid earlier.
   This time, you will see a strange man by the stump. Seeing the cucco will
   lift his spirits and he will give you an Odd Mushroom to deliver to his
   grandmother in Kakariko Village. You have 3:00 to deliver the mushroom or
   it will go bad, forcing you to get another one and try again.

3. Go back to Kakariko Village and enter the shop (near the entrance to Death
   Mountain Trail). Walk around the counter and go out via the back exit,
   then go up the steps and into the other building to reach the Potion Shop.
   The woman here will give Link an Odd Potion in return for the Odd
   Mushroom. Bring it back to the Lost Woods.

4. When you get back to the Lost Woods, the man will be gone and a young
   Kokiri girl will be in his place. Give her the potion in return for the
   Poacher's Saw.

5. Go to the carpenters' tent in Gerudo Valley. Give him the Saw and he will
   give you the Broken Goron's Sword.

6. Make your way up the Death Mountain Trail and visit Biggoron at the
   summit. He will take the sword and give you a prescription for eye drops
   from King Zora.

7. Go to Zora's Domain and show King Zora the prescription. He will give you
   an Eyeball Frog, which you must bring to the professor in the Lakeside
   Laboratory at Lake Hylia. You must do so within 3:00 or the frog will go
   bad and you will have to get another one from King Zora to try again. You
   can NOT cheat by playing songs and warping, though riding Epona to move
   quickly across Hyrule Field is recommended.

8. Bring the Frog to the Professor at Lake Hylia. He will turn the Frog into
   the Eye Drops, which you need to rush to Biggoron. This time you will have
   4:00 to reach the top of Death Mountain Trail. Again, you can not use
   warps, so use Epona to get across the map quickly.

9. Quickly get back to the top of Death Mountain Trail and give the Eye Drops
   to Biggoron. He will give Link a Claim Check for the sword, and asks that
   you wait three days.

10. Wait three days (play the Sun's Song repeatedly to quickly cycle the
    days/nights while standing in front of Biggoron), then return. Give
    Biggoron the Claim Check and he will give you Biggoron's Sword.
    Biggoron's Sword is the strongest sword in the game; it is twice as
    strong as the Master Sword is. However, it is so large that you cannot
    use the sword and the shield at the same time.


-=  13. Great Fairy Fountains -=

NOTE: At each fountain location, stand on the Triforce symbol and play
      Zelda's Lullaby to summon the fairy.

Great Fairy #1
    Reward: Spinning Sword Attack + Magic Meter
    Found: On top of Death Mountain by the Death Mountain Crater entrance,
           bomb the wall next to it and enter the cave.

Great Fairy #2
    Reward: Din's Fire
    Found: Once you have the Bomb Bag, go to Hyrule Castle. Instead of
           sneaking over to the castle, go right into the dead end with the
           sign by it. Blow up the huge boulder and enter the cave.

Great Fairy #3
    Reward: Farore's Wind
    Found: Go to Zora's Fountain and instead of going into Jabu-Jabu's Belly,
           go past him until you reach land in the northeast corner of the
           area. Then, blow up the boulder to reveal the entrance to the

Great Fairy #4
    Reward: Doubled Magic Meter
    Found: After the Fire Temple is completed (or once you have the Megaton
           Hammer), Hookshot back to the entrance of Death Mountain Crater,
           but once you get past the broken bridge you should see a boulder
           that stands in your way. The Megaton Hammer will clear the
           boulder so you can enter the fountain area. It's a good idea to
           get this one prior to receiving the Lens of Truth due to its high
           magic use!

Great Fairy #5
    Reward: Nayru's Love
    Found: When you are in the Desert Colossus area, search along the sides
           and look for a crack in a wall between two palm trees. Bomb it and
           you'll find the Great Fairy's fountain.

Great Fairy #6
    Reward: Doubled Health
    Found: Once you get the Golden Gauntlets from the Shadow room in Ganon's
           Castle, go outside. Remember where you got Din's Fire (see Great
           Fairy #2) and go back to that same spot. Pick up the huge pillar
           at the end of the path to toss it aside, revealing the entrance to
           the final fountain.


-=  14. Mini-Games  -=

Bombchu Bowling

As Young Link, enter the building below the stairs and left of the shooting 
gallery, and you will find this game. You can pay 30 rupees to get 10 
Bombchus, and the objective is to destroy three targets at the back end of 
the "alley". The target will be colorful with a black hole in the middle; 
that is where you must aim. Keep in mind that if you aim to the sides, the 
Bombchu will move along the wall, so plan your angles accordingly if you 

The first target will always be easy to hit, with the only obstacles being a 
Blade Trap and a single cucco. The second target will introduce a second 
cucco to the mix, and the third one will place a much larger cucco in the 
way. Hit all three targets before running out of Bombchus and you will win 
the current prize. After each round, the prize will change, and the prizes 
appear in a set order (a random prize is picked when you play for the first 
time, but they go in order after that point):

    Bombs, Bomb Bag (upgrade), 50 rupees, Bombchus, Piece of Heart

Dampe's Underground Race

As Adult Link, go to the Graveyard and pull on the tombstone near where the 
soft soil spot was as a child. Fall into the hole that appears and you will 
land in a room below. Go forward and you will see the ghost of Dampe, who 
will challenge you to a race. Basically, follow him through this maze of 
rooms quickly while avoiding the fire Dampe drops periodically. The path is 
the same each time, but if you don't keep up at certain spots, doors will 
close and you will automatically lose the race.

If you reach the final room, you will receive the Hookshot. If you return 
later and race again, get to the end within 1:00 to receive a Piece of Heart. 
In order to successfully do that, you will need the Longshot to utilize a 
shortcut near the end. In the room with the winding path around a wide pit, 
use the Longshot to reach the torch at the top, allowing you to skip that 
path entirely. To exit the underground room, continue onward and play the 
Song of Time to move the block, then follow the path to emerge in the village 

Dampe's Heart-Pounding Gravedigging Tour!

In the Graveyard, come between 18:00 and 21:00 as Young Link (as soon as 
night begins, do not use the Sun's Song) you will find the gravekeeper Dampe 
wandering around. If you talk to him, you can pay 10 rupees and he will dig 
in the spot he is currently standing on. He moves slowly but will eventually 
walk around the path leading through the graveyard. He can dig anywhere, but 
it will be ineffective on the cobblestone path; wait for Dampe to walk onto 
one of the dirt patches along the path and have him dig there. You can win 
rupees, nothing at all, or a Piece of Heart by playing this game. It takes 
patience to win the big prize, so be prepared!

Diving Game

In Zora's Domain as Young Link, get to the top of the high waterfall (to the 
left of King Zora's room). Talk to the Zora standing at the edge and pay 20 
rupees to play this game. He will throw five rupees into the water below, and 
you will have 50 seconds to dive and collect them all. Basically, jump down 
into the water below and dive (press/hold A) while moving around to grab the 
rupees. Collect them all and talk to the Zora again to receive your prize. 
The first time you do this, you will receive the Silver Scale. For subsequent 
tries, your prize consists of the value of the rupees you actually collect!

Fishing Pond

On the eastern shore of Lake Hylia, enter the building there and you will 
find the Fishing Pond. Pay the man at the counter 20 rupees and you will 
receive a fishing rod (you can not use items in here, and the rod takes up 
the B Button). You can walk around the pond and stand anywhere, even in the 
water (as long as you are standing, not swimming). When you are ready to 
fish, face in the direction you want to cast the line and press B. If you 
press Z repeatedly, you can target the different fish within your sights to 
aid in what direction you should be casting. If you are aiming for a 
particular area, it may be beneficial to wear the Iron Boots.

Once you cast the line, you can use the Control Stick and B to move the line 
around, drawing the attention of nearby fish. If you hold A, you will start 
to reel the line in. You can zoom in to the line's location after casting by 
pressing Z. Pay attention and watch the fish moving near the hook; if no fish 
are nearby or they are simply ignoring it, wiggle the line around a bit or 
reel it in entirely to re-cast.

When a fish bites, hold A and pull back on the Control Stick to start reeling 
it in. If you hold R as well as A, it will help you reel it in quicker. If 
you have the Rumble Pak accessory in your controller, it will vibrate at a 
certain strength based on the weight of the fish and how tough of a time it 
is pulling your line. Sometimes the fish will get away even if you are 
reeling it in, but that is all part of the game. If you do nothing at all, it 
will also get away. If you successfully bring in a fish, you will find out 
its weight and can choose to keep it or throw it back. Keep the fish if it is 
a record-breaking fish, then talk to the man to get your prize (Piece of 
Heart as a child, and the Golden Scale as an adult).

The key to knowing if you have a worthwhile fish is if you are told it is a 
"real lunker" when caught. That means you caught the biggest fish in the pond 
and will almost certainly break the size record for a prize. As Young Link, 
the biggest fish is 10+ pounds; as Adult Link, it is 15+ pounds.

After you earn the big prize as a child or adult, the elusive Sinking Lure 
will be hidden somewhere around the pond. Possible locations include the top 
of the submerged log, the source and mouth of the small stream leading from 
the outer wall, and against the wall to the left of said stream. It is not 
visible, but you will get it when it is in one of those locations. It is 
illegal to use normally, but you can talk to the man to make it allowable. 
This lure weighs down the hook so you can catch the eel-like Hylian Loach at 
the bottom of the pond as Adult Link for a 50-rupee prize.

For a little bit of fun, you can also catch the man's hat if you have good 
aim. It is not recommended though, as you will have to pay a 50-rupee fine! 
Aside from that, realize that it may take a bit of patience to be successful 
here. After all, that's what fishing is about!

Forest Stage

In the Lost Woods, there's an area where you run into a couple of Business 
Scrubs near a grassy area (it's the same area where the soft soil spot is). 
Go into the grassy area, then walk towards the butterflies and you'll fall 
into a secret grotto. This seemingly empty room is called the Forest Stage. 
The trick is to wear masks as Young Link to get the attention of the Deku 
Scrubs that emerge below. Depending on the mask you wear, you may receive 
rewards or end up getting massively attacked! The Skull Mask and Mask of 
Truth give the best results, oddly enough.

Getting Epona

Getting Epona can be very tricky if you don't know how. This section will 
help you beat Ingo and win Epona to keep!

1. Learn Epona's Song. As Young Link talk to Malon in the horse corral in Lon
   Lon Ranch after meeting Princess Zelda. Talk to her until she mentions a
   song, then use your Fairy Ocarina and she will teach you Epona's Song.

2. Become Adult Link and get at least 70 rupees.

3. Talk to Ingo outside the corral at Lon Lon Ranch and pay 10 rupees to ride
   the horse. Instead of getting on the horse provided, play Epona's Song and
   Epona will run up to you. Ride her around the corral to practice. Wait
   until the time is up.

4. Talk to Ingo again and pay to ride again. Play Epona's Song and get on
   Epona. This time, walk up to Ingo while on Epona and use L-Targeting to
   talk to him. He'll challenge you to a race with a 50-rupee wager.

5. Win the first race against Ingo. He'll challenge you to a second race. Win
   again and you'll get Epona.

6. Use A button to get Epona running really fast and jump over any fence to
   escape the ranch.

Race Tips: Racing Ingo can be tough. Here's how to win. Hold forward on the
           Control Stick as soon as the race begins. Use the carrots (push A
           to use a carrot), but do NOT use the last one. That way you can
           keep up with Ingo easily. Hug the fence and wait for him to move
           out of your way. Then use up all the carrots you have EXCEPT
           ONE to speed Epona up and pass him. Wait until a second carrot
           appears and use it, and then keep doing this to keep ahead of
           Ingo. NEVER USE YOUR LAST CARROT! Just keep using the second-to-
           last carrot. If you use the last one you'll slow down big time and

Hyrule Field Big Poes

To get the fourth Bottle, you must capture the 10 Big Poes as Adult Link in 
Hyrule Field. Defeat them with two arrows, then capture them in Bottles. Give 
them to the weird man in the guardhouse in the Market to gain points. Gain 
1000 points (100 per Big Poe) to win the Bottle. Here's a list of where those 
10 Big Poes can be found:

1. The first one is located in front of Hyrule Castle. Run with Epona towards
   Lon Lon Ranch from the gate and one should appear.

2. Next is going south near Gerudo Valley. Go to the right of the white tree
   and get back on the road to Lake Hylia. One should appear under the cliff
   of the entrance.

3. Same place as #2, but don't go around the tree. Just stay on the path and
   one should appear (Only one appears at a time).

4. There is a stone wall near Lon Lon Ranch (not the one connecting to the
   ranch; it's towards the east). Stand at the corner and one shoul
   eventually appear.

5. Near the east of Lon Lon Ranch (There's got to be a connection), there is
   a fork in the road separated by a silver rock. From the north, go to the
   left of the rock and through the fence's opening. One should appear.

6. In the east of Hyrule Field, there is a clump of trees south of the Kokiri
   Forest entrance. Weave through the trees to find at least one Big Poe.

7. The next Big Poe is in the same area as the stream west of Hyrule Castle.
   At the lone tree, from the east, go towards the west and go to the left of
   the tree. Continue until you see it appear. It will appear on the other
   side of the stream.

8. In that same clump of trees as #6, there is a white tree at the far west.
   Go west and to the right of that tree. One should appear.

9. In the west of Hyrule Field, there is a short stream near a part of Hyrule
   Castle. Go to the stream, find a white tree, and go to the left of it. One
   should appear.

10. This one's impossible to find if you don't know what you're looking for!
    There is a small cliff to the south of the entrance to Kakariko Village.
    Take Epona, go on top of the cliff, ride right up next to the railing,
    get your Fairy Bow ready. One pops out from under you and starts running.
    Take good aim and shoot it twice before it hits the wall and disappears.
    You will only have about two seconds.

Horse Racing

When you are Adult Link, return to Lon Lon Ranch and you will find that Ingo 
is now running the show. You can pay 10 rupees for the chance to ride a horse 
within the fenced-in area for 60 seconds. Ingo will have a horse ready for 
you at the start, though if you play Epona's Song, Epona will appear and you 
can use her instead.

Within the ranch, you can ride around and get accustomed to the horse 
controls (use the Control Stick to steer or accelerate/brake, and A to use a 
carrot). Carrots can be used as a temporary speed boost, but you can have a 
maximum of six as shown on the screen. They will regenerate after a couple of 
seconds, but if you use all six of them, it will take longer but they will 
all reappear at once. The smarter idea, especially when racing, is to use 
carrots when needed, but do not use the last one. The speed boost is 
necessary to jump over objects such as fences (you should be approaching 
straight ahead rather than from an angle).

This mini-game is a precursor for obtaining Epona to keep; see the "Getting 
Epona" mini-game listing for more information on that!

Horseback Archery Range

After you receive the Gerudo Membership Card, ride Epona up the path to the 
right of the Gerudo Fortress complex to find a long track and wooden targets. 
Talk to the man while riding Epona, then pay 20 rupees to play the shooting 
game. Epona will automatically run along, and you will have 20 arrows to 
shoot at the various targets. Each pot is 100 rupees, getting a bulls-eye on 
the round wooden targets is 100 rupees, and hitting the other rings of the 
targets gets you 30 or 60 rupees.

As for the game's track, you will run along the path to the far end where a 
high target can be found. Epona will run around this target and return to the 
opposite end, where another high target can be found and possibly shot at 
before the game ends. You will have two passes at the targets in the center 
area, giving you more chances to get points from hitting them. The pots are 
situated in that middle area as well, but I recommend hitting them on your 
first pass. Aim for bulls-eyes on the wooden targets only, as you have a 
limited number of arrows, and despite the movements making it difficult.

If you earn over 1000 points, you will get a Piece of Heart. Get over 1500 
points to earn a quiver upgrade. After you win both of the big prizes, 
subsequent scores above 1000 will earn you 50-rupee prizes. It will take a 
LOT of practice to succeed at this game, especially to get to the 1500-point 

Kakariko Village Cucco Lady

As Young Link, go to the southeast area of Kakariko Village to find a woman 
standing next to a fenced-in pen. Talk to her and she will ask you to find 
her seven cuccos that went missing. To catch one, simply find a cucco and 
pick it up, then return to the pen and toss it in. Here are their locations:

1. You find one near the entrance to the village.

2. You find another near the pen walking around.

3. Roll into the crate at the bottom of the stairs near the Potion Shop.

4. Take a Cucco that you've caught and walk up the stairs where the half
   built building is, then fly across the gap to reach the Cucco on the ledge
   by the House of Skulltula.

5. You find one wandering near the gate leading to Death Mountain Trail.

6. Take a Cucco you caught, and go up the stairs that lead to the inside of
   the windmill. Get a running start, and jump towards the big fence. When
   you're next to it, let go of the cucco and then climb onto the top of the
   fence, and you'll find the other cucco.

7. Throw the cucco you just found over the fence after you go up the steps in
   back of the Potion Shop. Then, climb the ladder by the wall and you'll see
   the last one by the windmill.

Magic Bean Soft Soil Locations

In Zora's River as Young Link, you will come across a man sitting against a 
high fence. Talk to him and he will offer to sell you a Magic Bean. Initially 
it is 10 rupees, and you can only buy one at a time, but each subsequent time 
you come to buy a bean, he will add 10 rupees to the cost (20, 30, 40, up to 
100 rupees for the last one). You need to plant the Magic Beans into the 
special soft soil spots located throughout the world. One of them is next to 
the man, as you can see. When you do so, a sprout will appear. Return as 
Adult Link and a platform will have grown in, which you can ride on to reach 
otherwise inaccessible areas or use as shortcuts. Here are those locations:

1. In Kokiri Forest, find the patch to the right of the Shop.

2. Enter the Lost Woods from Kokiri Forest and go left twice to find the
   patch on the ledge.

3. Enter the Lost Woods like before, but instead, go right, left, right,
   left, and left again. Enter the area and you'll find the patch on the
   right side below the high ledge.

4. At Zora's River, you'll see the bean hole right next to the guy that sells
   the beans to you!

5. At Lake Hylia, look for the patch of land next to the Lakeside Laboratory.

6. Go to the Graveyard in Kakariko Village and look below the left ledge.

7. Warp to the Death Mountain Crater (you must play the Bolero of Fire) and
   plant the bean in the nearby patch.

8. On your way up the Death Mountain Trail, look for the patch in front of
   the entrance to the Dodongo's Cavern.

9. When you enter Gerudo Valley, grab a cucco and jump off the bridge's right
   (north) side. Then, steer to the left side of the canyon and you'll land
   on a long piece of land. Look for the patch next to the cow and the Gerudo

10. Warp to the Desert Colossus by playing the Requiem of Spirit and head to
    the Spirit Temple entrance. The patch is to the left of the entrance.

Obstacle Course

After you win Epona by racing at Lon Lon Ranch as Adult Link, return again. 
This time, Malon will be by the start of the track. Talk to her while riding 
Epona and she will ask you to try the obstacle course for free. Basically, 
you ride around the track for two laps, while jumping over low/high fences 
along the way. You must also complete this course in under 50 seconds to 
break the record. The key to winning is to preserve your carrots just before 
each high fence so you can make it over them easily. Keep moving and stay on 
the path, and you should have no problem winning.

Beat the 50-second record and your reward will be a cow, literally! Malon 
will deliver a cow to your house in Kokiri Forest, which you can use to 
obtain free Lon Lon Milk at any time!

Shooting Gallery (Kakariko Village)

As Adult Link, the building in Kakariko Village that was under construction 
as a child will now be complete. Inside is a shooting gallery, where you use 
the Bow this time to hit the 10 large rupee targets. You pay 20 rupees to 
play this game. If you get all 10 targets, you win a prize; hit only nine and 
you can play again for free. The rupee targets appear in the same order each 
time, as follows (it's the same as the gallery in the Market as Young Link):

    1. Stationary green rupee above center box
    2. Stationary blue rupee on left side
    3. Stationary blue rupee on right side
    4. Green rupee moves up and down in middle area
    5-6. Stationary blue rupees on left and right sides
    7-8. Red rupees move across the room along the back track once
    9-10. Red rupees move across the room along the back track once

Shooting Gallery (Market)

As Young Link, go to the Market and you will find a shooting gallery. Pay 20 
rupees and you can use your Slingshot to shoot 10 large rupee targets as they 
appear in front of you. You must hit all 10 rupees to win a prize, but if you 
get nine of them, you will be allowed to try again for free. The rupees 
appear in a set pattern every time, as follows:

    1. Stationary green rupee above center box
    2. Stationary blue rupee on left side
    3. Stationary blue rupee on right side
    4. Green rupee moves up and down in middle area
    5-6. Stationary blue rupees on left and right sides
    7-8. Red rupees move across the room along the back track once
    9-10. Red rupees move across the room along the back track once

Talon's Special Cuccos

As Young Link, enter one of the houses at Lon Lon Ranch. You will find Talon 
and a bunch of cuccos wandering around in the room, as well as three special 
ones sitting on the table behind Talon. For 10 rupees, you can play this game 
where you must find and catch the three special cuccos among the rest of them 
within 30 seconds. If you grab a special cucco, Talon will let you know and 
that cucco will automatically return to the table. Get them all and your 
prize will be a Bottle filled with Milk! Subsequent wins will earn you 

A good way to easily win this game is to pick up each normal cucco in the 
room, and toss each one into a corner (preferably the one behind the table) 
BEFORE talking to Talon. The cuccos will stay in the one corner, so that when 
you start the game, the special ones will be thrown into an essentially empty 
room. That way, you can quickly and easily find them!

Treasure Chest Shop

In the Market as Adult Link (night only), you can play a mini-game for 10 
rupees. You will start off with one Key, leading into the first room. For the 
rest of the rooms, you must pick from two treasure chests to open. One chest 
will have a Key leading into the next room, and the other will have a rupee 
of increasing value. Make it through all of the rooms to reach the final 
room, where the big prize is a Piece of Heart. Subsequent visits will earn 
you rupees as the grand prize.

A quick and easy way to cheat through this game is by using the Lens of 
Truth. With it, you can view the contents of the chests before opening them, 
which makes this seemingly tough game very simple!


-=  15. Shops -=

Kokiri Shop (Kokiri Forest)

Item            Rupees
----            ------
Arrows x10      20
Arrows x30      60
Deku Nuts x5    15
Deku Nuts x10   30
Deku Seeds x30  30
Deku Shield     40
Deku Stick      10
Recovery Heart  10

Bazaar (Market)

Item            Rupees
----            ------
Arrows x10      20
Arrows x30      60
Arrows x50      90
Bombs x5        35
Deku Stick      10
Deku Nuts x5    15
Hylian Shield   80
Recovery Heart  10

Potion Shop (Market)

Item            Rupees
----            ------
Blue Fire       300
Bottled Bug     50
Deku Nuts x5    15
Fairy           50
Fish            200
Green Potion    30
Red Potion      30
Poe             30

Bombchu Shop (Market)

Item            Rupees
----            ------
Bombchus x10    100
Bombchus x10    100
Bombchus x10    100
Bombchus x10    100
Bombchus x20    180
Bombchus x20    180
Bombchus x20    180
Bombchus x20    180

Bazaar (Kakariko Village)

Item            Rupees
----            ------
Arrows x10      20
Arrows x30      60
Arrows x50      90
Bombs x5        35
Deku Nuts x5    15
Deku Stick      10
Recovery Heart  10
Hylian Shield   80

Potion Shop (Kakariko Village)

Item            Rupees
----            ------
Blue Fire       300
Bottled Bug     50
Deku Nuts x5    15
Fairy           50
Fish            200
Poe             30
Green Potion    30
Red Potion      30

Goron Shop (Goron City)

Item            Rupees
----            ------
Bombs x5        35
Bombs x10       50
Bombs x20       80
Bombs x30       120
Goron Tunic     200
Recovery Heart  10
Red Potion      40

Zora Shop (Zora's Domain)

Item            Rupees
----            ------
Arrows x10      20
Arrows x30      60
Arrows x50      90
Deku Nuts x5    15
Fish            200
Recovery Heart  10
Red Potion      50
Zora Tunic      300


-=  16. Secrets/Tips and Tricks -=

Barbecued Link

Play through your game as normal until you reach Ganon, the final boss. After 
you have knocked Ganon down the first time, retrieve the Master Sword. Get 
the Master Sword from Zelda but instead of going back to face Ganon, go the 
opposite way and move away from Ganon. There should be a piece of land that 
is near Zelda, which juts away from the floating arena. Move back in it until 
you hit an invisible wall. Turn around in place until you are facing Ganon 
and equip your Bow and Arrow. Aim carefully and fire an arrow at Ganon's 
tail. If the trick worked Ganon should get up and Link should be engulfed in 

Bomb Bag Upgrades

30 Bombs: In Goron City on one of the middle levels, there is a rolling
          Goron. On that floor, look for a sign in the tunnel segment and
          read it. Stand by it and when the Goron comes near, place a Bomb
          and time it right. When it hits the Goron, he will give you a
          bigger Bomb Bag to hold 30 bombs.

40 Bombs: In the Market when you are a kid, play Bombchu Bowling. The lady
          will give you random prizes, starting off with a Piece of Heart.
          Keep playing until you see the Bomb Bag as the prize. This one can
          hold 40 bombs.

Cows and Lon Lon Milk

Throughout the world, you may come across a cow (often times in secret 
grottos and other areas, like at Lon Lon Ranch). If you play Epona's Song 
next to a cow, it will talk to you. The cow will also fill one of your empty 
Bottles with Lon Lon Milk for free! You can do this anytime you want, which 
is especially useful for the earlier parts of the game!

Debug/Error Mode

Start a game in the Temple of Time, then gently and SLOWLY pull up on the 
left side of the game pak. If you do it slow enough, the computer will become 
lagged, Link will jump all over the screen, and the sound will become very 
corrupted. If you let this happen for a few seconds, the N64's processor will 
become lagged and the game will lock up; there's going to be a small yellow 
bar that'll appear in the top-left of the screen. When you get the small 
yellow bar to appear, there are some commands that you need to input on the 
controller to get the "debug" code to appear on the screen. This will also 
show the time and date that your particular game was made. Enter these 
button combinations to make the code appear onscreen:

    1: L + R + Z
    2: Control Pad Up + C-Down
    3: C-Up + Control Pad Down
    4: Control Pad Left + C-Left
    5: C-Right + Control Pad Right
    6: A + B + Start

The debug/error code won't be shown unless you push each button listed. 
Example: in the first step, you must push the Z button while HOLDING the L 
and R buttons.

Deku Nut Upgrades

30 Nuts: When you enter the Lost Woods from Kokiri Forest, go right, left,
         right, forward, and left. Bomb the boulder in this area and drop
         into the room it reveals. Inside, deflect the Business Scrub's nut
         back at it, and you will be able to buy this upgrade for 40 rupees.
40 Nuts: In the Lost Woods, get to the Forest Stage area (from Kokiri Forest,
         go right, left, right, left, left, and wander by the butterflies in
         the grassy area to fall into the room). Wear the Mask of Truth and
         you can get this upgrade.

Deku Seed Bag Upgrades

40 Seeds: When you enter the Lost Woods via the Kokiri Forest, head right and
          take out the Fairy Slingshot. Shoot the middle of the circular
          target hanging from the tree and a Deku Shrub will give you a
          bigger bag, which lets you carry 40 Deku Seeds.

50 Seeds: In the Market, play the shooting game where you must hit 10 giant
          rupees to win a prize. Keep playing and winning until you get the
          biggest bag, which lets you hold 50 Deku Seeds.

Deku Stick Upgrades

20 Sticks: Enter the Lost Woods from Kokiri Forest and head left twice. Drop
           down to the lower area from the high ledge, and there is a
           Business Scrub at the far end. Deflect its nut back at it, and pay
           40 rupees for the upgrade.

30 Sticks: In the Lost Woods, get to the Forest Stage area (from Kokiri
           Forest, go right, left, right, left, left, and wander by the
           butterflies in the grassy area to fall into the room). Wear the
           Skull Mask and talk to the Business Scrub on the right side to get
           this upgrade.

Get 100+ Skulltulas

For this cheat, make sure you have learned the Song of Storms or else it 
won't work. You need to be a kid for this, too. Go to Hyrule Castle and sneak 
past the guards. Jump in the water by the castle and float by the second 
group of guards. Climb out of the water, and there will be a tree in front of 
you. This tree is near where you wake up Talon with the chicken. Walk up to 
the tree, and play the Song of Storms and a secret hole will emerge.

Go inside and there are three walls you can destroy with bombs. On one wall 
there is a Gold Skulltula. Back up so that you are right in front of the 
light that will take you back up. Destroy the Skulltula, then take out your 
Boomerang. Aim for the golden token and throw. As soon as your Boomerang 
starts coming back, do a backflip into the light so you go back to the 
surface. the blue screen telling you that you destroyed a Skulltula will come 
up, and maybe a few words, but that's it.

When you reappear at the surface do this process again, and the Skulltula 
will be there again. By doing this, you can get over 100 Skulltulas and you 
can cash them in the House of Skulltula for things. If you happen to destroy 
the Skulltula and don't jump out in time, turn off the game without saving 
otherwise the cheat will be useless!

Get Golden Scale Early Glitch

Normally, you are only supposed to receive the Golden Scale by catching the 
largest fish at the Fishing Pond as Adult Link. This "glitch" will allow you 
to get the scale as Young Link. So, go to the Fishing Pond as Young Link and 
try to catch the "lunker". When you catch it, IMMEDIATELY press and hold Z 
and R, and run over to the guy at the counter. While still holding those 
buttons, talk to him and have the fish weighed. Instead of getting the Piece 
of Heart, you will get the Golden Scale!

Gossip Stone Secrets

1. Try blowing up one of those one-eyed stone statues with a bomb. It will
   flash blue and red and blast off like a rocket!

2. Use the Megaton Hammer to flatten a gossip stone or Din's Fire to stretch
   it out!

3. To get the Fat Fairy which fills your energy and magic meter, go to any of
   the Gossip Stones, and play the Song of Storms. A big red fairy should
   come out (you can't catch this one in a bottle). To get red fairies
   easily, go to a Gossip Stone and hit it with your sword, and play Zelda's
   Lullaby. You should see two or three fairies come out.

Hidden 200 Rupees

Short 200 rupees? Stand in the center of the rock circle at the entrance to 
Goron City and play the Song of Storms. Go in and open the treasure chest, 
and you'll be 200 rupees richer! Of course, this only works once however.

Hidden Leever Enemy in Desert Colossus

In Desert Colossus, keep fighting Leevers around there as Adult Link. I find 
doing a weak spinning sword attack works best in defeating them. Eventually a 
Purple Leever that's bigger and more powerful will appear. Kill it and you 
can get a lot of money with the lowest being five Rupees, and the highest 
being 60.

Hidden Room in Ganon's Castle

In Ganon's Castle, enter the main area. In the lower area, there is a secret 
room with different colored rocks outside of it (it's below where you enter 
the room initially). Use the Lens of Truth to find your way in. There are 
four Deku Salesmen that sell you the following: Red Potion, Green Potion, 
Bombs, and Arrows. Also, in the room are many fairies that you may bottle or 
use right away for health recovery!

Invincible Deku Stick Glitch

To get an invincible Deku Stick, it involves breaking it against a surface 
such as a wall. The best approach here is to hold a Deku Stick in your hands 
as you jump off a ledge. While in the air, press B to do the mid-air jump 
attack. If the Deku Stick hits a wall, it will break, leaving you with a 
shorter broken stick, which is now invincible!

More Bottles

First equip a bottle, then go find something to put in a bottle. Now, hit the 
specified C Button to catch the item and hit Start directly after hitting the 
C Button. Select an item you do not want (Claim Check is recommended) and 
equip it instead of the bottle you were catching the item with. Press Start 
again and you will see Link still catching the item. Now you have an extra 
bottle. Do this on all of your weapons and you will have 24 bottles! (Note: 
do NOT save after doing this or else you CANNOT get your weapons back!)

Princess Ruto as a Weapon

While inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly, you can use Princess Ruto as a weapon! Just 
throw her at an enemy!

Quiver Upgrades

40 Arrows: In Kakariko Village as an adult, look for the building that was
           under construction as a child. By now it will be finished and
           there is an Archery game inside. Hit all 10 rupees and you will
           get a quiver that holds 40 arrows.

50 Arrows: This one is much, much, much more difficult. In Gerudo's Fortress,
           look for the Horseback Archery Range. Call Epona and talk to the
           woman while on Epona. She will offer you to play the archery game.
           Smash all the pots (100 points each) and try and shoot all bulls-
           eyes on the targets (100 points for a bulls-eye and the other not
           so good hits vary in accuracy). Get above 1000 points and you get
           a Heart Piece. Get above 1500 (practice makes perfect) and you get
           the last upgrade to the largest quiver which holds 50 arrows!

Reduce Travel Time when Moving

If you want to cut your time in half when you cross the Hyrule Field, go into 
L-Targeting, and sidestep your way through! Honestly, it'll decrease your 
time by 2/3; I timed it!

Reviving Broken Signs

When you use your sword to cut apart a sign, it usually stays broken! After 
you've chopped them apart, you can still revive them. To do that, play 
Zelda's Lullaby in front of the pieces of the broken sign to make them come 
together again!

Secret Rupees

You can find secret rupees in a couple places. One is in Kakariko Village as 
Young Link. Get on the white beam the carpenter is running on, and when you 
get to the end of it, you get a lot of rupees. The other secret is at the 
drawbridge in front of Hyrule Castle. Stand on it and when it goes up at 
night, you can get rupees in the middle and the two sides at the top of the 
bridge. Both of these tricks only work once as far as I can tell.

Secrets in Zora's Domain/Fountain

1. Go to Zora's Fountain as an adult. Near where the Great Fairy Fountain is,
   there should be a boulder. Pick up the boulder (need Silver Gauntlets) and
   you will find a secret passageway. Go in and put on the Lens of Truth, and
   defeat the Skulltulas along the way up the hill. At the top, you will find
   a Gold Skulltula and a nice view of the entire area.

2. Go to Zora's Domain as a kid. Climb down the ladder and dive with the
   Golden Scale. Go as far as you can near the surface of the farther wall.
   You will see a secret opening! How do you get in? No one knows.


-=  17. Credits -=

Vampier74(at)webtv.net: For some information on Link's inventory, 
particularly on where to find almost everything.

Kids Kids (threemonkeysinaspaceship1(at)yahoo.com): For information on a new 
move with the Biggoron's Sword.

FireSage2000 (FireSage2000(at)aol.com): For information on the Nocturne of 
Shadow song and the information on the Great Fairy Fountains. Also, thanks 
for the lists of the Skulltulas in ALL the dungeons as Adult Link and for the 
information on getting upgraded items.

Maryszch (Maryszch(at)aol.com): For his information on the upgraded Bomb 

Fated Mist (FatedMist(at)aol.com): For his information on defeating Ganon.

Jesse Smith (webmaster(at)world-of-nintendo.com): For his guide on getting 
the Gold Skulltulas.

Code Hunter (code_hunter(at)hotmail.com): For his information on getting the 
Biggoron's Sword!

Gandalf (gandalf(at)planet-d.net): For his EASIER information on defeating 
Dark Link in the Water Temple.

Filipe Azevedo: For correcting the order in which you defeat the Deku Scrubs 
in the Great Deku Tree.

Reach: For sending me a hint on fighting the last Poe in the Forest Temple.

Josiah: For correcting the button sequence for the Prelude of Light song.

adam: For a bunch of corrections across the guide, as well as the addition of 
the Golden Scale glitch to the Secrets section.

Adam Shanks: For correcting the button sequence for the Prelude of Light.

Abner Guilherme: For the tip about using the Song of Storms to navigate the 
Haunted Wasteland.

Joshua Frech: For mentioning the Hover Boots/rolling tip when battling 
Ganondorf, which was somehow not in this guide before!

To everyone else who sent in secrets for the Secrets section of the guide!


-=  18. Copyright Notice  -=

This file is Copyright (c)1998-2012 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. Please 
view the following URL to see the list of sites that are allowed to post my 


This list is comprised of sites I know and trust well. If your site is not on 
the aforementioned list, you are currently not allowed to post any of my 
files on your site. Please respect my work and do not steal it or post it 
without my permission. I only want my most recent work to be available and I 
do not feel that can be achieved if others take from me without my knowledge 
or permission.

If you are writing a FAQ for this game as well, and would like to use some 
information, credit me for what you use. Please do not rip me off, as that is 
blatant plagiarism and such will not be tolerated.

If you wish to contact me, do so at dbmfaqs(at)gmail(dot)com. Please only 
contact me if there are corrections to be made to information that's 
currently included. Thanks!


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