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Biggorons Sword Guide by PAllen

Version: 1.2 |

The Ten Steps to get the Biggoron Sword
Version 1.2
Written by Patrick Allen
Legal Stuff:  copyright 1999 Patrick Allen.  You can copy it to read it offline, 
just dont sell it for money and if you use it in a faq, give me credit for my 
work.  Thanks
My email is [email protected]

The Biggorons sword is the most powerful weapon in the game.  It is twice as 
good as the master sword therefore you can defeat bosses twice as fast.  Cool! 
The downside, you cant use your shield when the biggoron sword is out.  Anyway, 
on to business.

Step 1:  As an adult, go to Kakariko Village and talk to the chicken lady.  She 
will give you the egg.  Play the song of the sun twice and the egg should hatch.  
Take the cucoo into the house where Talon is sleeping.  Go up to him and wake 
him up with it.  Talk to him after you wake him up.  Go back outside and present 
the cucoo to the chicken lady.  Now she will give you Cojiro, the rare blue 

Step 2:  Take Cojiro to the lost woods.  When you first enter the lost woods, 
take the first left and there will be a guy sleeping by a tree stump.  Use 
Cojiro to wake him up.  He gives you an Odd Mushroom for the cucoo.

Step 3:  This is the first timed trade.  Dont worry, you should get it with 
about a minute left if you use Epona.  Take the mushroom to Kakariko Village.  
Go into the potion shop near the tall watch tower.  Go out the back of the shop 
and jump down.  The entrance to the old lady's potion shop is up the stairs and 
in the door.  Go in and talk to the old lady.  She will smell the mushroom and 
give you a potion made with it.

Step 4:  Take the Potion back to where you got the mushroom.  The guy is gone 
but there is a Kokiri girl in his place.  Present her with the potion and she 
will take it and give you the Poachers Saw.  Exit the lost woods.

Step 5:  Get over to Gerudo Valley and use Epona to jump across the ravine or 
use the longshot.  Present the Poachers Saw to the boss carpenter by the tent.  
He will give you the Broken Goron Sword.

Step 6:  Time to meet the biggest goron you have ever seen.  Go up death 
mountain trail and get to the top.  Kill the spiders on the climbing wall before 
you climb up.  There are three of them.  Careful! there is a tekitite that will 
jump down from the first ledge and knock you off.  Lure him off by going up to 
the climbing wall.  Kill him and climb to the top.  Talk to the big goron and 
present the broken sword to him.  He will give you the prescription card.

Step 7:  Go to Zoras Domain and if you have not thawed King Zora, do so now.  
You need a blue flame to do this, duh.  Show him the prescription and he will 
give you an Eyeball Frog.  The quickest way to get out of Zoras Domain is to 
just jump into the river and run down until you get to Hyrule Field.

Step 8:  Get on Epona and get to Lake Hylia as fast as possible.  Go into the 
Lakeside Laboratory and show the scientist the Eyeball Frog.  He says he is 
going to eat it but dont worry, he gets the point.  He makes the Eyedrops from 

Step 9:  This one can be hard if you get caught up on something.  Dont try to 
jump any fences because
you know how Epona can be.  Just get to the entrance to Kakariko Village and 
dismount from Epona.  Get into Kakariko and make your way to Death Mountain.  
Get up there as fast as you can avoiding the rolling boulders and Tektites.  
Once you get to the part with spiders on the climbing wall, kill them fast and 
lure the Tektite off the ledge.  You should get up to Biggoron with about 20 
seconds to spare.  Give the Big Goron those Eyedrops and he will give you the 
Claim Check.

Step 10:  The final step.  Play the Song of the Sun a few times so that it makes 
about 4 days go by.  Go talk to Big Goron and he will give you the mighty 
Biggorons Sword!  Use it with pride, you earned it!!!
Notes:  using Ocarina songs to transport yourself from place to place to get 
there quicker will NOT work.  Once you warp there you have one second left on 
your timer.  You do get as many tries as you want but
it is a waste of time to try and warp.

Copyright 1999 Patrick "QuiGonn" Allen

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Timeā„¢ Nintendo

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