The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time – Fire Temple Walkthrough
Nintendo 64
Fire Temple Walkthrough by Ernest 64
Version: 1/1 | Updated: 04/03/1999
FIRE TEMPLE WALKTHROUGH The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Author: Ernest 64 E-Mail: [email protected] ICQ#: 13296608 Date: 4/3/99|||Version 1.1 ---------------- Revision History ---------------- 4/3/99: First Update: Version 1.1 I had SLIDERno23 "clean up" this FAQ. If you have an FAQ and would like it to be fixed up E-mail SLIDERno23 at [email protected]. Here's what was done: -This FAQ was reformatted so there will be NO sidescrolling and the text was rearranged so it wouldn't go only halfway across the page(exageration). -The FAQ was Reorganized -This Revision History section was added 1/13/99: Original: Version 1.0 I wrote this FAQ. -------- CONTENTS -------- 1) Introduction 2) Getting Into the Fire Temple 3) Fire Temple Walktrough (Includes Gold Skulltulas) 4) Subterranean Lava Dragon: Volvagia 5) Farewell... --------------- 1) INTRODUCTION --------------- Hi there again!!! One more time I'm here to help you!!!, Yeah!! I'm the hero! This time this guide is about one of the best and toughest levels of "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time", the all red level: Fire Temple (duh, you read it on the title...). Nothing much to say, really..... So let's start!! Ah, as always, see last section for details for contacting me... ------------------------------- 2) GETTING INTO THE FIRE TEMPLE ------------------------------- Well, it's easy... Make sure you have the Goron's Tunic before entering the crater or you'll die after a few minutes... This tunic can be found or bought in Goron's City. Just stop the rolling Goron using a bomb (it can be difficult, but keep on trying), talk to him and he'll give it to you... Yeah!!! You saved 200 rupees!!! Ok, once you enter the crater (from Goron's City, behind Darunia's throne), use your hookshot on the broken bridge, then you'll meet Sheik, who will teach you the "Bolero of Fire". Now go down the stairs and enter the temple. Note: I'll recommend you already have the Scarecrow's Song, cause you'll need it for this level. (not really, it just help you to reach a secret area...) - But what's the Scarecrow's Song and where can I get it?? Oh no!!! Ok, ok, ok... I'll tell you how to get the Scarecrow's Song... But promise me you won't bother anymore!!! --------------------HOW TO GET THE SCARECROW'S SONG-------------------- The player defined Scarecrow's Song is a very useful song, it helps you to reach platforms using a scarecrow and your hookshot or longshot. First, as young Link, go to Lake Hylia. And go to the small plantation where there are 2 scarecrows. Show your Ocarina to the one near the Lake and invent a song, no longer than 8 notes. I recommend you to make it easy to memorize, don't make notes too long and be quick, i.e don't leave any pauses (I'll explain you why, later... in the next paragraph). Now, as adult Link return to the same place (Lake Hylia) and play the scarecrow the same song you played as young Link. Now I'll explain the above in 15 words: You have to play him the song exactly the way you did it as young Link!!! (sorry, I did 16)... Understand!!??? -------------------------- 3) FIRE TEMPLE WALKTHROUGH -------------------------- Go up the stairs and enter the door to your left (don't pay attention to bats). You'll see Darunia, he'll talk to you and then he'll enter the Boss Room!!. Now proceed to your left in this room, Don't be alarmed if you fall to the lava, your tunic will help you (for a few seconds) and free the imprisoned Goron by pressing the switch. Grab the key in the chest behind him. Now return to the room where you started and open the locked door. Now in this room (I call it the "Broken Bridge Room") go to the door on your left, enter it and release the Goron and get his key (you can also play the "Song of Time" to get rid of the blue block above the doorway, climb it and enter the door with a shiel eater and a gold skulltulla). Return to the "Broken Bridge Room" and go straight ahead to another door (the one to your right if you entered this room for the first time), blow the wall, free the Goron, take the key. Return to the bridge room, and take a right (straight ahead from the first time) to enter the locked door. Now use your hookshot on the fence, and climb it to get to the platform on your right, kill the 2 sleeping bats in there, and drop down to the platform right below you and push the big block until it falls down. Now land on this block and you'll be raised to the next room. Enter the locked door. Now, in this room (you'll see a Goron, don't worry, you can't release him until later) take a left and climb up the ledges killing the torch slugs (I recommend to stun them with your hookshot and the slashing then a couple of times with your sword). Now jump over the platform with that diamond switch. Proceed to push the block until it falls, then drop down and pull it all the way. Climb it and jump to the fence. Now from here, throw a bomb to the diamond switch (just try to time it right, it can be difficult but keep on practicing) and it'll activate and it will stop the fire from the fence, so climb it (before the time runs out) and enter the door... Now go all the way right to free a Goron (get his key), and proceed all the way of the maze to your right until you find a locked door, better continue your way to the right to free another Goron... (maybe you'll hear a gold skulltulla on the outside walls, so when yu do, bomb the wall to reveal it, it is in the northeastern side of the room). Now proceed to the locked door, enter it (duh, really??), and shoot the gray eye to open the door to your right where the Dungeon map is (make sure you don't fall, or you'll fall in the Broken bridge Room, and I tell you, it's really messy and boring to return again...). Now return to the gray eye room and enter the locked door. In this room, jump to the platform and over the fence and you'll see fire behind you!!!! Just make it quick to the other side, climb the ledges and enter the locked door (not the one to your left). Now you're over the maze!!! Look up, you'll see a very high platform to your right (left when facing the door). So play your scarecrow's song to make Pierre (the scarecrow) appear, now hookshot to him and then to the hookshot circle on the other platform to reach a secret area... In this secret area there are 200 rupees in a chest and a gold skulltulla.. Go back down and jump to the platform in front of you and bomb the crack in the floor, if the torch slug bothers, kill it!!!, go down the stairs or fall down (I recommend to fall down, you'll only lose a heart, the stairs are boring), and release the Goron in there to get another key. Climb up the stairs and then continue jumping over platforms (be careful not to fall), until you get to a switch, press it to release a Goron at the other side... continue jumping until you get to him and take his key... Now go down again and to the fenced room, and jump to the locked door on your right. (the one to the left the first time you where here and I told you don't to jump...). Now here's how to jump, just keep on holding forward and you'll reach the platform. Pass the corridor, enter the room (I call it the Fire room) and go to the door on your right, be careful of boulders and "proximity fire", enter it and you'll get the compass. Now return to the Fire room and go to the door on the opposite side to get to a corridor with a Goron (you can't save him, later) and continue to the door straight ahead. Now go right and press the switch, to make the big flame dissapear, for 5 seconds, so hurry... Break the pots to refill your bombs and 2 hearts and enter the room. This is the 1st Mini- Boss room: This mini boss is as easy as it gets... Just throw a bomb to him and he will change into a running ball, so Z-target it and chase him with your sword, dont go behind him, you can't reach it, just go in the opposite direction... Now climb to the platform and it will raise you... Enter te door and climb the fence, proceed to drop a bomb on the diamond thing and then climb the fence to reach the Megaton Hammer room. Step on the yellow switch and run up the stairs (be quick and make sure you don't fall) and open the chest to get the cool Megaton Hammer!!! (in this room is another skulltulla, left from the entrance). Now return to where the yellow switch was and then you'll see a block, it's really a switch, just stomp it with your new hammer... and fall down. Get rid of the statue with your hammer and enter the next room. Kill the bats and hit the block with your hammer, now grab a crate and put it on the blue switch... to open the door. Hit the other block with your hammer, then drop down, hit the rusted switch and enter the door. Play the song of time to use the blue block as a platform, then hit the switch with your hammer to release another Goron. Drop down and get the key. Now return to the door you came and hit the big block with your hammer to fall down, it's a really big fall!!! There's a fairy you can get from a pot to your right (use hookshot)... Exit and you're at the entrance, now smash the statue to the right of the stairs and enter the door. Kill everything in this room to make the door open, enter it (duh, again?). In this room avoid the squares that try to chase you. You can get rid of them using your hookshot. Now kill the Shield eater and kill the gold skulltulla almost behind him... Proceed to the next door and kill the 2nd Mini- Boss, the same way as the first one... Continue to the next door, hit the rusted switch with your hammer to release the last Goron and get the Boss Key!!! Now go to the next door and you're back at the entrance. Go up the stairs, take a left, enter the door, jump to the platform where the Boss Door is and enter it (really??)... ------------------------------------- 4) SUBTERRANEAN LAVA DRAGON: VOLVAGIA ------------------------------------- This boss is easy... When he pokes his head out of a hole, hit him with your hammer, then step back to avoid being hit and then hit him again with your hammer or your sword, bombs are cool too!!! Repeat the process until dead. Make sure that when he flies around trying to bite you and spiting fire, Z-Target his mouth and hold your shield... Also, you can hit him with your sword when he's flying, but it's difficult... Also remember that when he flies and make rocks fall, don't move (unless you see the shadow of a big rock next to you), and you won't get hurt..................................... -------------- 5) FAREWELL... -------------- Time to rest, now... I wish to thank RCarlos, for some Gold Skulltullas..... And SLIDERno23 for his "clean up". Well, that's the end, I hope you found it useful, thanks for reading me and please e-mail me if you wanna know anything, not only in the Fire Temple but in "The Legend of Zelda: Occarina of Time", the greatest game in history.... Ah, here's how you can contact me: E-mail: [email protected] Or you can find me in the ICQ, my # is: 13296608 C- Ya on my next FAQ!!!!!!!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that I've "cleaned up" this FAQ, It seems pretty long, so it's probably good. I hope YOU liked it, whoever YOU might be. You should read some other FAQs written by Ernest 64. They're not bad. See ya! -SLIDERno23, [email protected] -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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