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Ganon Castle Walkthrough by Elusive

Version: 2.1 | Updated: 12/05/1998

Date: Sat, 5 Dec 1998 23:55:28 EST

Ganon Castle " Walk Thru " For The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time.
System : N64
By Elusive(Elu)
Send comments to [email protected]


Ver. 0.00 - Very quick version on this Walkthrough.
Ver. 1.0 - A little bit more polished. Some grammatical errors fixed.
Ver. 2.0 - Added a tip from reader on how to reflect back Ganondorf's black 
vortex attack. Also I added something I forgot about the Desert Barrier.
Ver. 2.1 - Minor update. I forgot to update it today because I was lazy. 
Ganondorf can be attacked while he is creating the black vortex with a Light 
Special Note to AoL Readers : Do not send me mail asking questions about the 
game IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO RECEIVE Replies from me. Some of you that have 
written to me cannot accept email from me. Please be aware of this before 
emailing me. Thank you.

Contents :

Introduction : Warning.
I. Forest Barrier.
II. Water(Ice Barrier).
III. Desert Barrier.
IV. Shadow Barrier.
V. Fire Barrier.
VI. Sun Barrier.
VII. Final Boss Section.
VIII. Credits and Shout outs.

Warning : I have tried to keep myself from ruining the game for all of you. I 
didn't explain the animation sequences that happen at the Temple of Light. Also 
do not read the Boss Section unless you really suck and need help. You will just 
ruin it for yourself. Shame Shame. I will however reveal the story against the 
boss because it will explain it to you in the game. The reason I wrote this 
cause I was seriously bored.. plus people were asking me to.

Here's a some useless(ful to some people)information. Link's voice is done by 
Nobuyuki Hiyama. He has done the voices of Demitri from the Darkstalkers and 
Vampire Savior series(Capcom fighting game), Siegried from the Soul Edge game, 
and Joe Higashi from the Fatal Fury Genre(SNK).

Make sure you beat every single temple. The story sequence follows, you must 
make your way to Ganon's Castle after what happens in the Temple of Time. You 
will also receive the Light Arrow. Go near the steps at Gannon's Castle the 
Sages will create a rainbow bridge for you. Keep in mind later that east of you 
is a big rock column that has a moon crescent symbol.

As you enter and walk down the blue carpeted stairs. You will spot two 
Beamos(One eyed,laser firing thingie). You can just run then roll past them and 
quickly open the door. Upon entering that door you will see a huge entrance with 
some kind of barrier covering it. You must destroy the Fire, Water, Forest, Sun, 
Shadow, and Desert Barrier to advance. Oh btw somewhere downstairs is a place 
you can catch Fairies. Comes in handy when you are in trouble be wary of the 
Business Scrubs in there. Just reflect the Deku Nuts they shoot at you with your 
Hylian Shield. The Mirror Shield is too strong and will crack them to pieces. Oh 
almost forgot, it doesn't really matter which barrier you conquer first. BUT!! 
But, you have to beat the Shadow Barrier first before the Fire Barrier. You 
can't beat the Fire Barrier w/o the Golden Gauntlets that are found in the 
Shadow Barrier.

Forest Barrier

Objective : Light all torches.

This one is pretty simple. Destroy all the Keeses. Just light all the torches 
and a treasure chest with a key inside it will drop down. You can use either 
Din's Fire or Fire Arrows. Remember there are 5 unlit torches : Four on the blue 
carpeted octagon and one on top of the locked door. 

Objective : Get all the white rupees to open barred door.

In the next room is the real challenge. In the distance you see a hookshot 
target and two fans beside it. If you turn around you see two other fans. Turn 
back to your original position and you spot a Beamos. Go to your Equipment 
Screen and choose the Hover Boots. Wait until the left fan(the one behind you 
turns on and then run across to the left platform). The air from it carries you 
across. Now take out the Beamos with a Bomb. Just Z-target it and throw. Wait 
until the fan in front of you dies off then run. Step on the switch this 
activates a hookshot column. Use it to get back to the entrance. Now that you 
are back at the entrance run across to the right platform. Using the same way 
you got to the left platform. Dash towards the center column and then dash to 
the steps. Climb the steps and open the door. In this room you will find the 
Forest Barrier, its covered in green electricity. Don't touch it! It shocks you. 
Aim and fire one of your Light Arrows. You will release Saria. You will then get 
zoomed back to the outside of the Forest Barrier Room Entrance.

Water(Ice) Barrier

Link animation : Let Link just stand there and he will begin to sneeze.

Objective : Get Blue Fire or Flame.

In front of you is the blue flame surrounded by lots of ice stalagmites.(Rock 
formations formed from the ground or ice spiky thing) Run to it and destroy them 
to get to the blue flame and store it in one of your bottles. Avoid the falling 
ice stalactites(Rock formations formed and hang from the ceiling or hanging ice 
spiky thing). After collecting the blue flame. Open the left treasure chest. It 
has the key. Do not open the right one or you will get a ' freezing ' surprise. 
Open the door. 

Objective : Solve Puzzle within 2 minutes and melt Red Ice.

You have 2 minutes to complete this puzzle. First, go to the ice block farthest 
from you. Push that block from the left side to the ice rock. Go behind it and 
push it forwards. This will make the ice block fall into hole and stay in its 
place. Go back to the where you started. Move the second ice block from the left 
side and push it to the right unto the ice rock. Go to the right side of the ice 
block and push it forward. This ice block will work as a step for Link. Climb 
the ice block and then the platform. Take out the blue flame to melt the red 
ice. Just hit the switch and the iron bars will be removed. Go through the door 
that you just unblocked and find the Water(Ice)Barrier. Shoot it with your Light 
Arrow and Princess Ruto will be freed. Commence Zooming!

Note : If you mess up on this puzzle just exit the room and reenter it. The 
clock resets.

Desert Barrier 

Objective : Grab all the white rupees.

As soon as you enter, be very cautious of the moving spikes. Destroy the Beamos 
right in front of you with a Bombchu or a Bomb so he will not get in your way. 
To get one of the white rupees from the spike's path just pull one of the 
statues back so you have enough time to collect it and avoid being hit. By 
collecting the last white rupee the iron bars will be removed from the door. 

Objective : Reflect the sunlight beam to the correct sun icon.

In the next room are two Torch Slugs. Just Z-target them and hit them with your 
hookshot to paralyze them. Commencing hacking away. Or just use the Biggoron 
Sword. ;) Hit the switch with a Bombchu. A treasure chest will drop down. Open 
it and get the key. Open the door. Hit the other switch. A treasure chest will 
drop down. I forget if you get frozen or get a rupee from it. Advance towards 
the next room. Now look up and look for a breakable hole. Take out your arrow 
and shoot it. sunlight should come down. Stand in the sunlight and use your 
Mirror Shield(Hold R and move the analog stick down )to reflect the sunlight 
beam into one of the sun icons. The correct sun icon to hit with the sunlight 
beam is the one that is left of you as soon as you enter the room. Reflecting 
the other beams makes Wallmasters fall(Evil Hand that homes in on your shadow 
and grabs. It places you at the huge entrance of a pathway blocked by a 
barrier). Reflecting the right sun icon opens the door. Go through it. The 
Desert Barrier should be in front of you. Shoot a Light Arrow towards it to free 

Shadow Barrier

Objective : Collect Golden Gauntlets.

Use your Long Shot to get to the Treasure Chest on your left. I don't sure if 
this Treasure Chest had a rupee or a freezing surprise in it. Use your Long Shot 
on the target above the entrance to get back. To the right of you is an unlit 
torch. Aim at it with your Long Shot. Target the torch with the red dot and take 
out your Fire Arrow and shoot. This will light up the torch and make blocks so 
you can get over to the platform in the distance. Defeat the Like Like on the 
platform before he eats up your tunic and shield. Now turn around and use the 
Fire Arrow to light the torch again. This creates another set of steps in front 
of you to make it to the next platform. Use this time to immediately go unto the 
other set of steps that lead down to a switch. Stepping on this switch will drop 
down a Big Treasure Chest containing the Golden Gauntlets. The Golden Gauntlets 
will make you able to lift up huge stone pillars with moon crescents on them. :) 
Now, use your Lens of Truth to see a path made of glass towards a switch on the 
left. Step on that one and the iron bars will be removed. Go back unto the 
platform you got your Golden Gauntlets from. Use Lens of Truth and follow the 
path. There is gap between the path. I'd suggest just hovering over it with your 
Hover Boots. Open the door and you will now see the Shadow Barrier. Shoot it 
with your Light Arrow. Impa will now be freed. Cue the zooming.

Fire Barrier 

Link Animation : He wipes his forehead because of the intense heat.

Objective : Collect White Rupees to open barred door.

Upon entering you should already have the Goron Tunic. Otherwise Navi will you 
that its too hot to be in this room and will have 2:20 to complete it. Collect 
the white rupees in any order you want. But remember the White Rupee that is 
place way out of reach cannot be collected until you have used your Golden 
Gauntlets on the stone column with a moon crescent in the room. When he lifts it 
he uncovers a hidden white rupee and throws the column to the direction of that 
out of reach white rupee, making a platform. Use your Long Shot to get across 
the Lava Lake and enter the door. You will find the Fire Barrier. Just shoot it 
with your Light Arrow. King Darun will now be freed. The Zooms... The Zooms... 
The Zooms. heh

Sun Barrier

Objective : Defeat Enemies and find key.

First of all, you need to remove the stone pillar in front of it with your 
Golden Gauntlets. If I remember correctly, the key is in one of the outter 
chests. The middle freezes you. I think. Just kill all enemies and open all 
chests. :) You can always get more Fairies in that room I mentioned at the 
beginning of this walkthru. Open the locked door and enter. 

Objective : Grab key.

Play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol and a treasure chest will drop. Grab 
the key and open the door. 

Objective : Collect all the white rupees to open barred door. 

You have approximately 1 minute to grab all the white rupees in the room. Hurry. 
Look up and use the Hook or Long Shot target to see some alcoves containing 
white rupees. Avoid the boulders at all costs. They will just slow you down. 
Make yourself into the next room. You will spot the Sun Barrier. Shoot your 
Light Arrow at it to free Rauru. Zoom, baby baby baby Zoom Zoom! You have to 
give me luvin'.. sorry.. K7 bootleg song. :_

Great! You've made it out alive. Now go to the huge entrance that was once 
covered by the barriers. Reminder! Do not continue further until you have opened 
the Stone Pillar outside of Ganon's Castle! This is very vital for you to 

In this next room you can do either one of the following. Kill the Keeses(Bats 
that light on fire.. very very bad) or just avoid them and run for the door. 
Pretty simple room. Defeat the Stalfos and Dynalfos to opened the barred door. 
Continue up the stairs. Open the door and kill off the Stalfos and Dynaflos to 
make a huge, blue treasure chest appear. It contains the boss key. Open the door 
and continue up the staircase. In this room you will have to have face two Iron 
Knuckles. One is in black armor, the other in silver. Hit them to make them 
move. After you defeat them open the door. Continue up another staircase. You 
will enter in a room full of pots. Do not hit any of them. You will find out why 
soon. The column is also climbable but its blocked. Just make your way towards 
the other door on your right. Continue up the staircase, while hearing the music 
played by an organ. Trust me this is the last staircase. :) Open the door with 
the Boss Key. 

Boss Section

WARNING! Do not read what is below this if you don't want to stoay ruined. Just 
shield your eyes or something.

Upon entering, Link will be surprised. Zelda is shown stuck in a pink diamond-
shaped confinment. Link looks at his hand and the Triforce of 
Courage shines. Zelda looks at her hand and the Triforce of Wisdom shinses. 
Ganondorf will stop playing the organ to speak to you. 

Ganondorf : " The Triforce parts are resonating... They are combining into one 
again... The two Triforce parts that I could not capture on that day seven years 
ago... I didn't expect they would be hidden within you two! "

:: Ganondorf laughs ::

Ganondorf : " And now, finally, all the Triforce parts have gathered here! "

:: Ganondorf turns around and throws back his cape ::

Ganondorf : " These toys are too much for you! " 

:: Ganondorf clenches his fist and the Triforce of Power shines ::

Ganondorf : " I command you to return them to me! "

Ganondorf then creates a vortex of pure evil. 

Navi : " Link! I can't help you! Because of the waves of darkness. I can't get 
close. I'm sorry Link! "

Ganondorf gets rid of the organ and Zelda in the room. He starts floatingin the 
air. You now come face-to-face with....

Great King Of Evil : GANONDORF

Run to a wall because Ganondorf will do a quake punch and cause the blocks in 
the center to fall down. Remember the room with the pots? Thats what is below 
you if you fall. Now then unto how to defeat him. Turn around and have a good 
camera and choose a spot so you can easily jump across or hover across. 
Ganondorf will then create an energy sphere from the lightning he collects. He 
will then toss it at you. Swing it back to him with your Master Sword. If you 
can do it with the Biggorn Sword... thats cool,too. The Master Sword is more 
reliable. When you swing back the sphere at Ganondorf he will reflect it back at 
you with his cape. Keep swinging it back and forth, until it finally connects 
and hits him. Now! As fast as you can take out your Light Arrow, aim and FIRE! 
The shot has to be just right or else he will break the Light Arrow's hold and 
start attacking again. Ganondorf will be stunned and fall onto the center 
platform. Here's your chance. Pause and go to the equipment screen. Change to 
the Biggorn Sword. Link will still have the Bow in his grasp. Press Z, this will 
target him and press Z again to get rid of it. Make your way across the gap to 
the center platform. Press Z to target him and start hacking away. After a few 
hits, he will then float back into the air. Run to a platform and switch back to 
the Master Sword. You can also use the Hover Boots to make it safely back to a 
platform. Repeat process until dead. You can tell how much damage Ganondorf has 
accumulated by looking at his cape. It starts to deteoriate. Oh yea, almost 
forgot you have to beat him quickly otherwise he will make more floor pieces 
fall. Plus, he will create a black vortex surrounded with green energy and throw 
4 green lightning spheres at you. :) Its not a very pretty sight. You can do 
either one of 3 things : 1.) Escape it by anticipating Ganondorf's yell and run 
away and roll to avoid the 4 blasts. 2.) You can charge up your sword with B and 
then release at the right moment to reflect Ganondorf's 4 spheres right back at 
him. 3.) Shoot him with a Light Arrow while he is creating the Black Vortex. 
Couple of things here. Take off your Hover Boots they will just slow you down! 
Don't even think about using the Mirror Shield, you will still get hit by the 
blasts. Hrm... I think you can use your Long Shot to drag yourself unto 
Ganondorf after he's been stunned.

After you defeat him he will then drop down on his knees breathing heavily. 

Ganondorf : " The Great Evil Ganondorf.. beaten by this kid?! "

:: Ganondorf coughs up some blood ::

Ganondorf : " Link....! "

He goes into a real pissy fit and destroys the whole top of the castle. He then 
falls face first on the floor. Princess Zelda floats down and the pink diamond 
confinment disappears. 

Zelda : " Ganondorf..pitiful man... Without a strong, righteous mind, he could 
not control the power of the gods...and... 

:: Zelda screams ::

Soon the place starts quaking.

Zelda : " Link listen to me! This tower will collapse soon! With his last 
breath, Ganondorf is trying to crush us in the ruins of the tower! We need to 
hurry and escape!  Please follow me! " 

Do as what the princess tells you and follow her. You have 3 minutes to get out 
of the castle. It would be wise to put on your Hover Boots. She can float 
across.. you can't w/o the boots. :) Don't try to beat her on the staircase. 
Ladies first! Also because she can knock you off the staircase by accident. Heh. 
Keep in mind, if you get hit by the rocks Zelda will gasp and just stand there. 
So avoid getting hit! Soon you will come to a room in which Link looks. Follow 
Zelda. She will then be trapped by this column of fire. Two Stalfos appear kill 
them off quickly. Zelda will now be freed from the fire. 

Zelda : " Thank you Link. Please hurry! "

She drops a few hearts for you to collect. Follow that Princess! You will soon 
run down a staircase full of falling debris and rocks covered with fire on the 
staircase. Stay clear of them! You will just make her gasp. ;) You will then 
appear on a bridge. Kill off the zombie and follow her to the staircase which 
leads to the exit. The castle will start to explode and crumble. Very nicely 
done I might add. :D

They both look upon the remains of the castle.

Zelda : " Its over...it's finally over... Link... I'm sorry I couldn't help you 
in the battle before! "

Suddenly, a loud thud is heard. Zelda gasps. Talk to Zelda she will say...

Zelda : " What is that sound? "

You have to go and check it out. It goes into cut scene. Fire starts surround 
the platform you are on. Zelda is blocked out. Ganondorf breaks out of the 
rubble. He is very pissed and breathing heavily. His eyes gleaming with anger. 
He clenches his fist and the Triforce of Power section shines. He calls upon all 
the power of the Triforce to change into....


He knocks away your Master Sword towards Zelda. He is a very cool looking boss! 
This game is sure to make game of the year, no doubt about it. Perfect blend of 
secrets, graphics, and replay value. Music could've been better though in some 
places. But the Final Boss Theme is very well done, so is the song played during 
the credits. I hated the crappy camera angles when fighting Ganondorf!!! Oh.. 
sorry.. where was I?  Oh yea.. GANON turns into a very cool looking monsterous 
form. Pretty huge boss.. he looks as if he's a hybrid of a bull, a wild boar, 
and  a minotaur. He holds in one hand a long spear and a sword in the other. 

Navi : " There's no way he's going to hold me back again! This time, we fight 
together! "

Let the battle of good vs evil begin!

Take off the Hover Boots because they will just slow you down. Now, make sure 
you have the Light Arrows ready. Also equip the Biggorn Sword. Z-target him and 
fire one of your arrows when his guard is down. This means that none of his 
weapons are close to his face. The Light Arrows will stun him for awhile this is 
your chance to run towards his back and hit his tail with the Biggoron 
Sword(Aren't you glad you finished Adult Link's trading? ;) or just use the 
Megaton Hammer. That is his weak point. Repeat this process until he drops to 
the ground and the fire dies down.

Zelda : " Link! The Master Sword is here. Hurry up!! "

Run to where Zelda is and pick up your Master Sword otherwise GANON will regain 
his senses and make the fire start again. You can use Fire or Ice Arrows as well 
but not as effective. Deku nuts blind him for a very short second. If you run 
out of arrows no problem. Let GANON destroy one of the columns with his weapons. 
The columns will reveal goodies. Two of the columns include magic jars. Trust me 
you'll need'em. One contains arrows, the other fairies, and finally bombs. If 
you do run out use your potions. You did remember to buy ultimate potion from 
the old woman in Kakariko Village didn't you? DIDN'T YOU?!? Also that stone 
pillar outside of Ganon's Castle had a cave behind it. The fairy there made your 
defense greater. Reducing every hit to half. If you run out of magic no problem 
again. Just wait until GANON strikes with one of his weapons and block it with 
your shield and roll under him and hit his tail. Or just roll under while he is 
about to attack. Here's a neat trick. You can do weapon cancelling. You know 
that when you have the Biggoron Sword you can't shield,right? Well that's 
partially right. Press any of the C buttons and activate the Long Shot, don't 
shoot it! Just take the weapon out with the C button and then press R, instant 
shield. Comes in handy. :) After awhile GANON will fall to his knees again. 
Zelda will use the last bit of her magic to hold down GANON.

Zelda : " I'm using my power to hold down the Evil King! You use your sword and 
deliver the final blow! "

:: Link's Master Sword starts to gleam with power ::

Go near GANON and press B to land the attack. That's it! Enjoy the ending! Until 
next game.

Credits and Shout Outs :

Thanks to Shigeru Miyamoto, and programmers. They did a good job on this game. I 
seriously doubt they will make a sequel to this. Its the Nintendo way. They will 
probably wait until they come out with a new system to make a sequel or another 
Thanks to Nick Rox(Nick Des Barres, who wrote the VS Books Zelda Strategy Guide 
and used to write for Gamefan)for telling me about who did Link's Voice and 
about what you get when you kill all 100 skulltulas. :PPP Thanks a lot. :P Maybe 
I'll read the VS Books Strategy Guide one day... maybe.. heh
Thanks to [email protected] for the charging your sword attack against 
Ganondorf's black vortex attack.

I'd like to give a few shout outs to the people at #capcom : al` thor, tragic, 
Scrubboy, UthNAzuh, Gunter, Omni, SirMaX, Fuson..etc. If I lett a few people out 
my bad.. heh  Shout outs to ioicyrus, VX Gene, Hadesblade, WFROSE, ZeroOtaku and 
others. I'm outta here. Peace!

You can freely distribute this Walk Through anywhere. But give credit where 
credit is due. The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time is registered trademark of 
Nintendo of America, Inc. 1998ting Ganondorf!!! Oh.. sorry.. where was I?  Oh 
yea.. GANON turns into €

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