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Heart Piece FAQ by TNocturne

Version: 1.4 | Updated: 03/13/2003

--- "Zelda 64: Ocarina of Time" Heart Piece Location FAQ ---

****LAST UPDATED: MARCH 13, 2003		VERSION 1.4****
|   -- Table Of Contents --   | 				
| 1. About this FAQ	      |
| 2. Contact		      |
| 3. Updates		      |	
| 4. Heart Piece Locations    |
| 5. My Strategies            |
| 6. Credits		      |
| 7. The Next Update...       |

This F.A.Q. was made by me to help solve the problems 
of finding all 36 of the Heart Pieces in Zelda 64: The Ocarina of Time.

--- CONTACT: ---
The author of this FAQ can be contacted by the following:

E-Mail: [email protected]
ICQ: 15945725

E-Mails will usually be replied to within 24 hours and are available for
help purposes only. Please do not e-mail me to tell me that they are wrong
or if you have a better strategy.  Write your own FAQ.

--- UPDATES ---
13 Mar. 2003: Well, it seems as if Nintendo has released Ocarina for the
	      Gamecube System, so this update just is being used to update
              both files.

09 Nov. 2000: It's been more than a year since I updated.  I was
              looking through, saw a few spelling errors.  I updated how
              to contact me, and yes, I'm still here to help you out if
              you need help! :)

26 July 1999: Well, here is the enhanced version of the Heart Piece FAQ. 
	      In it is the routed I followed to get all 36 Heart Pieces
              in the most efficent way possible. It's done. And so is
	      this FAQ. There will be no more updates.

05 July 1999: Some people got mixed up in the Gerudo Valley Heart Piece Section. 
	      I tried to make it a little easier to understand.

01 July 1999: Created an In-Depth Section for help on how to get Heart Pieces. 
	      Many people e-mailed me asking for it, so I decided to create it.

30 June 1999: Cleared up some more and did a little spell-check. :) Next update
	      will be to go in-depth with all the pieces for help on those tough

27 June 1999: After creation and publishing onto the GameFAQ website, the only
              updates so far took place on June 29, 1999.  The updates cleared
	      up some points in the game that were "fuzzy".

*The Heart Piece Guide Below Follows This Format*
(Number). (Area);(Link);(Items You Need)-(Guide).

1. Lost Woods; Young Link; Ocarina - After entering the Lost Woods, turn 
left and jump on the Stump. Talk to the Skull Kid and then play him "Saria's 
Song". He will give you a piece of heart!

2. Lost Woods; Young Link; Ocarina - After entering the Lost Woods, 
turn right. Head down the ladder and jump on the stump. Play a song with 
the two Skull Kids. Keep up with them and you will get a piece of heart...
have a pen and paper ready.

3. Lon Lon Ranch; Young Link; None - Go into Lon Lon Ranch and run to the
back. Go inside the small shed and pull the boxes until you see the 
crawlspace. Enter and recieve the Piece of Heart.

4. Hyrule Market; Young Link; None - Look for White Dogs in the pack of 
dogs at night (in the back alley). Take it to a woman in one of the rooms 
in the back alley. She will reward you with a piece of a heart for his safe 

5. Kakariko Village; Both Links; Boomerang/Hookshot - Use the Boomerang
or Hookshot to fly up to the ledge containing the Heart Piece in the 

6. Kakariko Graveyard; Young Link; Rupees - At night, (not Midnight, 
the Grave Tour will be closed) enter the Graveyard and talk to Dampe. Ask
him to dig on the soft soil parts where he walks. Take at least 100 rupees
for insurance. Eventually, you'll find the heart piece.

7. Kakariko Graveyard; Both Links; Sun's Song - In the middle of the
Graveyard, there is a tomb that has another secret. Fall inside and defeat
the Zombie. Then, play the Sun's Song.  A chest containing a heart piece 
will appear.

8. Kakariko Village; Both Links; None - After you talk to the first Great 
Fairy (At the top of Death Mountain) talk to the owl. He will give you a 
ride to Kakariko Village, and you'll land on a roof. Use C-Up to look 
around until you see an awning. Drop down and enter the door; the heart 
piece is next to a cow. If you forget to do this, you can use the 
Hookshot/Longshot to use this.

9. Hyrule Market; Young Link; Rupees & Bombs - Enter the Bombchu Bowling 
Game. Keep winning until you recieve a piece of heart! (Keep in mind the 
Bomb-Bag Upgrade is in here, too!).

10. Goron City; Young Link; Bombs - Light a Deku Stick on fire as a
torch in Darunia's room. Run out and light the torches around the 
bottom level of the city. The Statue will start spinning. Run to the 
top and throw a bomb inside, you will recieve a piece of heart!

11. Gerudo Valley; Young Link; None - There is a chicken before the
bridge. Pick it up and fly through the waterfall to your right. There 
is a secret area. If you miss, don't sweat it...there is a ladder you 
can climb up as well.

12. Hyrule Field; Young Link; Bombs - After you get heart piece #10, 
follow the water's current into Lake Hylia. From here you can exit Lake
Hylia out onto Hyrule Field. In the fenced-in area, throw a bomb in the 
upper-right quadrant. Drop into the hole and defeat the Deku Scrub 
for the chance to buy the Heart Piece for 10 rupees.

13. Fishing Pond; Young Link; Rupees - Catch a 10 pound fish or bigger
in the Fishing Pond as a child.

14. Gerudo Valley; Young Link; None - Run back to Gerudo Valley. There
is a crate on a small ledge opposite the waterfall. Grab the chicken
again and jump off the ledge. Force the controller forward and left. 
You need to hit a small cliff on the other side of the valley. 

15. Zora's River; Young Link; Bombs - Take the Chicken from the beginning of 
Zora's River and travel up the river avoiding the Octoroks. Throw the
chicken on the ledge near the fallen log (with the frogs) and climb up
after it. Jump down on the left side of the big pillar and climb the
ladder. Grab the next chicken and use it to fly down to the ledge with
the heart; jumping on the same land bridge as the Gossip Stone is on.

16. Zora's River; Young Link; Bombs - Take the Chicken from the beginning 
and head to the waterfall at the end of Zora's River. Turn around as you 
reach it, and climb up the land bridge nearest to the heart. You can now
jump off the ledge and grab the piece of heart.

17. Zora's Domain; Young Link; Ocarina & Deku Stick - Torches are located 
around Zora's Domain. Light them quickly starting with the one that is lit 
near the shop, than run down, light the one in the circle of stones, run 
to the path and light the one by the shop, re-light the one by the stones, 
and run into the waterfall, light those two as well. A chest will appear 
giving you another heart piece!

18. Zora's River; Young Link; Ocarina - After playing five of the 
songs on the upper row (Excluding the Song of Storms) on the subscreen,
you will be asked to play a "Bug-Catching" Game. Use the C-Buttons to 
make the frogs jump. I recommend you write it down as you advance.

19. Kakariko Village; Adult Link; Hookshot - After getting the hookshot,
head back to the village and shoot up to the roof near the man sitting 
on it. He will give you a piece of heart as a "memento."

20. Kakariko Graveyard; Adult Link; Bean Platform - Buy a Magic Bean
from the "Pig" at the beginning of Zora's River. Come back as an
adult to levitate up. Smash the box and take the Heart Piece.

21. Lake Hylia; Adult Link; Bean Platform - After planting a bean near
the corner of the Lakeside Laboratory, jump on as an adult and ride it
up the the roof. Climb up the ladder and get the heart piece on top!
You can also use Pierre (Scarecrow's Song) here.

22. Death Mountain; Adult Link; Bean Platform - Buy Magic Beans from
the "Pig" at Zora's River when you're little. Don't forget to put a
bug into the soft soil before you plant so you can defeat a Gold
Skulltula. Come back when you are older, step on the plant, and leap
off the ledge to get it.

23. Zora's River; Young Link; Song of Storms - Stand on the tree stump
near the fallen log upon your journey to the top of Zora's River.
Play the "Song of Storms" to recieve a heart piece. After you beat the
Forest Temple, you will be allowed to become small again.

24. Death Mountain Crater; Adult Link; Bean Platform - On the wall
to your right, you can jump on the magic bean "platform" and then 
hookshot down to collect the heart piece.

25. Death Mountain Crater; Adult Link; Bean Platform - Jump onto 
the Magic Bean "platform" and jump off to the crater to pick up 
the Heart Piece.

26. Zora's Fountain; Adult Link; None - After you get past Zora's
Domain as an adult, you'll notice everything is frozen over. Jump
from platform from platform to get the heart piece on the right side
of the map.

27. Ice Cavern; Adult Link; Blue Fire - Use blue fire and open the
other Red Ice panel with the "fan" in it. Use more blue fire to melt
the heart piece stuck inside one of the red ice blocks.

28. Zora's Fountain; Adult Link; Iron Boots - After you get the Iron
Boots and Zora's Tunic, put them on and drop to the bottom of the 
center of Zora's Fountain. At the bottom is a piece of heart.

29. Hyrule Field; Adult Link; Iron Boots - To the right of the
Castle (after exiting it) there will be many, many trees (to the left
of the wall). Follow it, and walk near the tree away from the others.
Drop a bomb and fall into the hole. Put on the Iron Boots (you can do
it without the Zora's Tunic) to drop in and pick up the heart piece.

30. Lakeside Lab; Adult Link; - Use the Golden Scale to dive to
the bottom of the Dive Pool in the Lakeside Laboratory. You can't use
the Iron Boots, however. While you are down there, smash the crate 
with the iron boots and get the Skulltula Coin! After you beat the
Water Temple, you will be allowed into the Fishing Pond as an adult.

31. Kakariko Graveyard; Adult Link; Longshot - Go into Dampe's Tomb
after you receive the Hookshot. Race him again and finish in under 1 
minute to recieve a heart piece.

32. House of Skulltula; Both Links; 50 Coins - Around now you should 
have 50 Gold Skulltula coins. Talk to the person inside and he will
reward you with a heart piece.

33. Hyrule Market; Young Link; Lens of Truth - Use the Lens of Truth
and "cheat" in the Treasure Chest Game. You will recieve a Piece of 
Heart. You will be able to get the Lens of Truth after you beat the
Bottom of the Well.

34. Gerudo Fortress; Adult Link; Hookshot/Scarecrow's Song - When you 
are searching to free the carpenters, look on the roof above the jail
(near there). There is a treasure chest. Fire the Longshot at it and 
find another piece of heart. You can use Pierre with the Hookshot.

35. Gerudo Fortress; Adult Link; Gerudo Card, Bow, Epona - After you
get the Gerudo Training Card, head back and get Epona. Ride her along
the right wall of the fortress and you can go into the Archery Range.
Score 1,000 points or better (it's a cinch) and you win the piece of 

36. Desert Colossus; Adult Link; Bean Platform - Plant a seed into the
ground near the entrance to the Spirit Temple (Use Requiem of Spirit). 
Come back as an adult and fly up to get the piece of heart. 

This is used to help with the tougher pieces.

6. Kakariko Graveyard; Young Link - This location is random. It is 
located differently every time you enter. You'll need about 100 rupees
to be certain where the piece is. Only tell him to dig on the soil.

17. Zora's Domain; Young Link - Start at the torches nearest to the shop,
and run like the wind to go and get the others. You'll eventually overlap. 
Here's what I did...A) Light the Deku Stick. B) Light the torch near the
circle of stones. C) Run back and light the torch near the shop. D) Light
the torch near the circle of stones again. E) Light the torches in the

27. Ice Cavern; Adult Link - You'll have to melt the opposite wall you did when
you were looking for the Iron Boots. (The room with the fan where you melted
the red wall.)

30. Fishing Pond; Young Link - You'll have to stand near the lilypads in the rear
of the lake. The big fish usually stays underwater near the big log. You may 
have to catch the little fish that swims with him first. You can not use the 
sinking lure, or you will be disqualified.

31. Kakariko Graveyard; Adult Link - When racing Dampe, make sure you put on 
the Fire Tunic. Don't get hit with the fireballs and always hug the inside 
corners. Roll as much as possible, and at the end, use the Longshot to fly
over the crevasse.

Did I miss something? Would you like your question posted on this FAQ?
E-Mail me and I'll be glad to write an In-Depth FAQ for you!

--- Credits/Copyright ---
This FAQ was designed fully by myself. Any use without my authorization
is prohibited by GameFAQ's privacy statements. 

I look over many FAQs to see about their Heart Piece section and make sure it is 
their own and not stolen from me. Violaters will be victim to legal action.

If you are interested in using this FAQ, please copy and paste it - IN ITS 
ENTIRETY - to your website.  Supply me with an E-Mail with a URL.

Thanks to GameFAQ's for publishing my text file.

Zelda 64(r) "The Ocarina of Time"(tm) is a copyright of Nintendo of America, Inc. 

Visit the official Zelda website at:

--- The Next Update... ---
13 Mar. 2003: There better not be any more updates. ;)

09 Nov. 2000: Heh, Hmm... Unless there's a glitch in the game where I can get
              more Pieces of Heart, this is pretty much finished :)

26 July 1999: I think I did everything pretty well. Looks like the end of my 
	      Section :) If anyone has any questions, e-mail them, as this is
	      my last update.

05 July 1999: The Next Update will probably be to re-arrange all the Heart Pieces.
	      The reasoning is to place them in an order that is most logical in 
	      the game. (Example: First piece to get, etc.) 


Hope this helped you!!!

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