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Item List by JMendes

Version: 1.9.2 | Updated: 10/21/2001

"This document Copyright 1998 John Doe"

|                                                                  |
| The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time Items List  Version 1.9.2  |
|     By :  Joca64 (Joaquim Mendes) Email :  [email protected]      |
|                                                                  |

Last updated: 10/21/2001

- Table of Contents -

1. What's new?
2. Introduction
3. Items
4. Ocarina Songs
5. 100 Gold Skulltula Tokens
6. Heart Pieces
7. The 7 Cuccos
8. The Big Poes
9. The Fairy Fountains
10. Thanks
11. Conclusion


1. What's new?

Version 1.9.2 - Added information about the Sinking Lure as an adult, thanks for 
Jeremy Agan.

Version 1.9.1 - Added the location of a free Hylian Shield and corrected 
some errors.

Version 1.9 - Added the location of the Fairy Fountains and corrected 
some minor errors.

Version 1.8.4 - Added the location of the Big Poes, thanks to Donkey Kong 
([email protected]).

Version 1.8.3 - Added some information about the Sinking Lure.

Version 1.8.2 - Spell checked the FAQ, Luigie has a new email address, 
check it at the bottom of the FAQ.

Version 1.8.1 - Added the location of the last Bomb Bag and a Bullet Bag 

Version 1.8 - Added the location of the 100 Gold Skulltula Tokens, added 
the location of the Pieces of Heart, added the location of the 7 Cuccos, 
added the following objects: Magic Jar, Lon Lon Milk, Compass, Map, Boss 
Key, Small Key, Weird Egg, Chicken, Orange rupee, Pocket Egg, Fishing 
Pole & Sinking Lure. Heart is now Recovery Heart, Gold Rupee is now Huge 
Rupee. Spell checked the entire FAQ.

Version 1.5 - Added the Ocarina Songs and 35 more items.

Version 1.3 - Added the Happy Mask Shop masks.

Version 1.2 - The items are now in alphabetical order, added a lot more 
items and corrected some errors.

Version 1.0 - Added everything.


2. Introduction

- This is a list of items that can be found in Zelda64, where and how to 
get them. This list now features 107 items, the 13 Ocarina Songs, the 100 
Gold Skulltula Tokens, the 36 Pieces of Heart and the 7 Cuccos. If you 
want to use any part of this FAQ on your own FAQ, site or something of 
that kind email me and ask me permission.


3. Items

3.1. Adult's Wallet

- You get this Wallet by killing 10 Gold Skulltulas and talking to the 
kid that as been released at his house in Kakariko Village.

3.2. Arrows

- You can get arrows by breaking jars, cutting bushes or killing enemies. 
You can't get them unless you have the Fairy Bow.

3.3. Big Goron's Sword

- Give the Claim Check to Big Goron three days after he gave it to you.

3.4. Big Poes

- You can keep the Big Poes inside a Bottle. There are only 10 Big Poes, 
they are all in Hyrule Field (when Link is an adult). Sell them to the 
Poe Dealer, after you sell him the 10 Big Poes he will give you a Bottle.

3.5. Blue Fire

- The Blue Fire is used to melt some pink barriers. You can find it at 
the ice cavern or buy it at the Potion Shop. You carry it in a Bottle. 

3.6. Blue Potion

- You can buy the Blue Potion at the old woman's Potion Shop in Kakariko 

3.7. Blue Rupees

- You can find these rupees in many places of the game. Blue Rupees are 
worth 5 rupees.

3.8. Bomb Bag

- You will be able to carry Bombs the first time by catching a Bomb Bag 
in a chest, located in Dodongo's Cavern. To upgrade it to Bigger Bomb 
Bag, as a kid, go to Goron City and hit the big rolling goron with a bomb 
when he is inside the tunnel. To get the last upgrade, go to the Bombchu 
bowling alley. Sometimes the prize is a Bomb Bag.

3.9. Bombchu

- This object can be found at many different places including, a shop in 
Hyrule Castle Market, as a prize for winning the game at the Bombchu 
Bowling Alley in Hyrule Castle Market and a lot more.

3.10. Boomerang

- You'll get the Boomerang on a chest inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly.

3.11. Boss Key

- This object is inside a chest, on a few dungeons.

3.12. Bottles

- The first Bottle can be obtained by winning the Super Cucco Game at 
Lon Lon Ranch.
-The second Bottle is on Lake Hylia, near the warp zone to Zora's 
- The third Bottle is obtained by collecting all 7 Cuccos that wander in 
Kakariko Village.
-To get the last Bottle you'll need to catch the 10 Super Poes that 
wander in Hyrule Field, and give them to the Poe Dealer.

3.13. Broken Big Goron's Sword

- To get this give the Poacher's Saw to the chief carpenter at Gerudo 

3.14. Bugs

- You can catch these with a Bottle. You can buy them at the Potion Shop 
or you can find them under stones.

3.15. Bunny Hood

- You get this hood by talking to the man in the Happy Mask Shop after 
you sell the Spooky Mask. To sell the Bunny Hood, go to Hyrule 
Field and look for a man that is always running around. Follow him until 
it's dark and talk to him.

3.16. Chicken

- This Chicken will hatch from the Egg that Malon gave you.

3.17. Claim Check

- Give the World's Finest Eye Drops to the Big Goron at top of Death 

3.18. Cojiro

- To get Cojiro (the blue Cucco), get the Pocket Cucco and use it to 
awake the man inside a house in Kakariko Village. Return the Pocket Cucco 
to the Cucco lady and she'll give you Cojiro.

3.19. Compass

- You can only find the Compass inside dungeons, it's always inside a 

3.20. Cucco

- The Cucco will hatch from the Weird Egg that Malon gave you.

3.21. Deku Nut

- You can get your first Deku-Nut in many places, you can buy it at the 
Kokiri shop or get it by killing a man eating plant on the path to the 
Great Deku Tree.

3.22. Deku Seeds

- These can be found at a million places. You can buy them at many shops, 
get them by killing enemies, etc.

3.23. Deku Seeds Bullet Bag

- You'll get this when you get the Fairy Slingshot. You can upgrade it by 
winning the Shooting Gallery's game at the Market and by scoring 3 
bull's-eyes in the Lost Woods target.

3.24. Deku Shield

- You can buy it at the Kokiri shop for 40 rupees.

3.25. Deku-Stick

- You can get your first Deku-Stick in many places, you can buy it at the 
Kokiri shop or by killing a man eating plant on the path to the 
Great Deku Tree.

3.26. Din's Fire

- In Hyrule Castle, go to the dead end and place a bomb on the cracked 
wall. Enter the hole and play Zelda's Lullaby while on top of the royal 
family's symbol.

3.27. Dungeon Map

- Like the Compass, the Map can only be found inside a chest on a 

3.28. Eyeball Frog

- Give the Prescription to King Zora.

3.29. Fairies

- These little Fairies give you full health. If you have one of these 
Fairies inside a Bottle and die, you'll recover! They can be found inside 
some jars, in some secrets (Fairy Fountains) or you can buy them at the 
Potion Shop.

3.30. Fairy Bow

- This is inside a chest in the Forest Temple.

3.31. Fairy Ocarina

- Saria will give this when you first leave Kokiri Forest.

3.32. Fairy Slingshot

- You can get it on a chest inside the Deku Tree.

3.33. Farore's Wind

- In Zora's Fountain, put a bomb on the wall near the 2 boulders and a 
tree. Enter the hole and play Zelda's Lullaby while on top of the royal 
family's symbol.

3.34. Fish

- You can catch this with a Bottle. It can be found at a lot of places, 
Zora's Domain, secret caverns, Zora's Fountain, etc. It's used to open  

Jabu-Jabu's mouth, just place it near him.

3.35. Fire Arrows

- To get the Fire Arrows, in Lake Hylia at night, on the island with the 
big tree find a stone with letters written all over. Stand on that stone 
and when the sun is rising shoot a arrow to it. The Fire Arrows will 
appear in a small island in front of you.

3.36. Fire Medallion

- You get this medallion after defeating Volvagia in the Fire Temple.

3.37. Forest Medallion

- You get this when you kill the boss of the Forest Temple.

3.38. Fishing Pole

- To get the fishing pole, in Lake Hylia, look for a portion of land that 
you can only get to by swimming. Go there and open the door, talk to the 
man and pay him 20 rupees.

3.39. Gerudo's Card

- You get this after releasing all 4 carpenters from Thieves Hideout.

3.40. Gerudo Mask

- You can borrow this Mask at the Happy Mask Shop after you sell 4 

3.41. Giant's Knife

You can obtain this wonderful sword by paying 200 rupees to the giant 
Goron at Goron City, but it will break after some use.

3.42. Giant's Wallet

- Get this by killing 30 Gold Skulltulas and talking to the kid that has 
been released in his house at Kakariko Village.

3.43. Golden Gauntlets

- You get these in a chest, inside Ganon's Castle.

3.44. Golden Scale

- Break the record at the Fishing Pond (as an adult) and talk to the pond 

3.45. Gold Skulltula Tokens

- These will appear when you kill a Gold Skulltula Spider. There are 100 
in total (See section 100 Gold Skulltula Tokens).

3.46. Goron's Bracelet

- Darunia will give you this bracelet, as a kid, play Zelda's Lullaby 
while on top of the rug near the entrance to Darunia's room.
The door opens, talk to Darunia and play Saria's Song.

3.47. Goron Mask

- You can borrow this Mask at the Happy Mask Shop after you sell 4 

3.48. Goron's Ruby

- You get this item after defeating the Giant dodongo inside the 
Dodongo's Cavern.

3.49. Goron Tunic

- As an adult, go to Goron's City and look for a goron rolling around. 
Place a bomb in order to hit him and he will stop. Talk to him and he'll 
give you the Tunic.

3.50. Green Potion

- This Potion will recover your magic meter. You can buy it at the Potion 

3.51. Green Rupees

- You can find these rupees at nearly every place of the game. Green 
Rupees are worth 1 rupee.

3.52. Heart Container

- You will get one of these after you kill a boss. It gives your energy 
bar one more heart.

3.53. HookShot

- This is obtained by winning Dampe's ghost race. As an adult go to the 
Graveyard and open the grave left to the entrance of the Graveyard.
Enter the hole and race with Dampe.


3.54. Hover Boots

- These boots are inside a chest in the Shadow Temple.

3.55. Huge Rupee

- These rupees are extremely rare. They can only be found at few secrets. 
The Huge Rupee is worth 200 rupees.

3.56. Hylian Shield

- This can be obtained at the Hyrule Castle Market Bazaar.
If you talk to the guard at the start of Death Mountain Trail (as a kid) 
they'll give you a discount. You can also find a Hylian Shield inside a 
grave (with flowers) in the Graveyard. But only if you don't have a 
Hylian Shield, otherwise you'll get rupees.

3.57. Ice Arrows

- The Ice Arrows are inside a chest in the Gerudo Training Ground.

3.58. Iron Boots

- You get these boots from a chest in the Ice Cavern.

3.59. Keaton Mask

- To get this mask go to the Happy Mask Shop and talk to the owner. To 
sell this Mask go to Kakariko Village and give it to the guard at the 
Mountain entrance.

3.60. Kokiri Boots

- You start the game with these boots.

3.61. Kokiri's Emerald

- You get this item after defeating the boss inside the Deku-Tree.

3.62. Kokiri Sword

- This can be found in Kokiri Forest, to the left of your house, find a 
hole. Enter it and pass the rolling rock to reach the chest with the 
Kokiri Sword.

3.63. Kokiri Tunic

- You start the game with this Tunic.

3.64. Lens of Truth

- The Lens of Truth is inside a chest that is in the dungeon on the 
bottom of the well in Kakariko Village (when you're a kid).
To enter the well you must play the storm's song to the man inside the 

3.65. Light Arrows

- Zelda will give this in the Temple of Time after you've awakened all 
six Sages.

3.66. Light Medallion

- You receive this Medallion after you pick the Master Sword from its 

3.67. LongShot

- The LongShot is in a chest on the Water Temple.

3.68. Lon Lon Milk

- You can buy Lon Lon Milk at Lon Lon Ranch (as a kid) or play Epona's 
song near a cow. It will reenergize 5 hearts every time it's used.

3.69. Magic Beans

- The Magic Beans seller is on Zora's River (when Link is a kid), you'll 
have to pay him a lot of money to get them all.

3.70. Magic Jar

- You can get the Magic Jar on a million places, by cutting grass or 
breaking jars. They have two sizes, big and small.

3.71. Mask of Truth

- You can borrow this mask from the Happy Mask Shop when you've selled 4 

3.72. Master Sword

- You get this sword after collecting all 3 Spiritual Stones and the 
Ocarina of time. Go to the Temple of Time and play the Song of Time in 
front of the altar.

3.73. Megaton Hammer

- This can be obtained in a chest, on the Fire Temple.

3.74. Mirror Shield

- Is inside a chest on the Desert Colossus.

3.75. Nayru's Love

- To get this magic go to the Desert Colossus and look for a crack in the 
surrounding walls between two palm trees. Place a bomb, enter the cave 
and play Zelda's Lullaby while on top of the royal family symbol.

3.76. Ocarina of Time

- Zelda will give at the entrance to Hyrule Castle Market, after you've 
collected all three Spiritual Stones.

3.77. Odd Mushroom

- Go to the Lost Woods as an adult and give Cojiro to the guy near a log 
and he will give you the Odd Mushroom.

3.78. Odd Potion

- To get this you need to give the Odd Mushroom to the old lady in the 
Potion Shop, in Kakariko Village.

3.79. Orange Rupee

- You can get the Orange Rupee each time you kill a forest kid. This 
giant rupee is worth 200 rupees.

3.80. Prescription

- Give the Broken Big Goron's Sword to the Big Goron at the top of Death 

3.81. Piece of heart

- This item has the same effect than the Heart container, but you need to 
find 4 of them to make them work (see Heart Pieces section).

3.82. Poacher's Saw

- Go to the Lost Woods and proceed to the place where the guy that gave 
you the Odd Mushroom was and give her the Odd Potion. 

3.83. Pocket Egg 

- You'll get the Pocket Egg by talking to the Cucco Lady at Kakariko 
Village as an adult.

3.84. Pocket Cucco

- You get the Pocket Cucco after the Pocket Egg as hatched.

3.85. Poes

- You can catch Poes using a Bottle. You can buy them at the Potion Shop 
or catch them at the Graveyard. You can drink them or sell them to the 
Poe Dealer.

3.86. Purple Rupees

- These rupees are rare. You can find them in some secrets. The Purple 
rupees are worth 50 rupees.

3.87. Quiver

- You get the Quiver when you receive the Fairy Bow. To upgrade it win 
the Shooting Gallery's game. To upgrade your Quiver to the Biggest Quiver 
score more than 1500 points at the Gerudo horseback archery after you've 
got the first upgrade (or vice-versa).

3.88. Recovery Heart

- This item will heal you by one heart.

3.89. Red Potion

- This Potion will recover your health. You can buy it at the Potion 

3.90. Red Rupees

- These rupees are uncommon. The Red rupees are worth 20 rupees.

3.91. Shadow Medallion

- You get this Medallion after you've defeated the boss at the Shadow 

3.92. Silver Gauntlets

- You find these inside a chest in the Desert Colossus.

3.93. Silver Scale

- The Silver Scale is obtained by winning the diving game at Zora's 
Domain (While a kid).

3.94. Silver Rupees

- These rupees are only found inside dungeons, pick all the silver rupees 
in the same room to reveal something or open a door. Each Silver Rupee is 
worth 5 rupees.

3.95. Sinking Lure

- This can be found on the fishing pond, according to Ruel Wewe Sarmiento 
when Link is young go near one of the stones near that leak wall where 
the water is coming from to find it.
According to Jeremy Agan, it's possible to get the Sinking Lure as an adult, you 
get it after you catch a fish big enough for Link to say "Wow! This one's a real 
lunker!" and take it to the man and if its bigger than the record he will take 
it and give you a prize. Now you can get the SINKING LURE by looking in a 
randomly selected location. Most likely to be in the grass, near the walls or on 
the log with the part sticking out of the water.

3.96. Skull Mask

- You get the Skull Mask when you talk to the owner of the Happy Mask 
Shop after you sell the Keaton Mask. To sell this Mask, go to Lost 
Woods and find a guy on top of a log. Stand on top of the smaller log and 
use the Mask.  

3.97. Small Key

- Another object that can't be found outside dungeons (except for the 
Treasure Chest game at Hyrule Castle Market).

3.98. Spirit Medallion

- You get this Medallion when you kill the two witches at the Spirit 

3.99. Spooky Mask

- You get this Mask after you sell the Skull Mask. To sell this Mask, go 
to the Graveyard (in day light) and give it to the little kid that 
wanders around.

3.100. Stone of Agony

- You get this wonderful item by killing 20 Gold Skulltulas, and going to 
the cursed family's house on Kakariko Village and talking to the kid you 

3.101. Water Medallion

- This Medallion will be yours after killing the boss at the Water 

3.102. Weird Egg

- The first time you get to Hyrule Castle Market talk to Malon, proceed 
to Hyrule Castle and you should find her again, talk to her to receive 

3.103. World's Finest Eye Drops

- Give the Eyeball Frog to the scientist at the lakeside.

3.104. Zelda's Letter

- Enter Hyrule Castle (as a kid) and talk to Zelda.

3.105. Zora Mask

- You can borrow this Mask at the Happy Mask Shop after you sell 4 

3.106. Zora's Sapphire

- You get this item after killing the boss inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly.

3.107. Zora's Tunic

- As an adult, put some blue fire into one of your bottles, go to 
Zora's Domain and use it with King Zora. Talk to him and he will give the 


4. Ocarina Songs

4.1. Bolero of Fire

- Sheik will teach you the Bolero of Fire when you cross the bridge in 
Death Mountain Crater.

4.2. Epona's Song

- Malon will teach you Epona's Song in Lon Lon Ranch (as a kid).

4.3. Minuet of Forest

- You will learn this song from Sheik when you get to the Forest Temple 
(as an adult).

4.4. Nocturne of Shadow

- After you've finished the Water Temple go to Kakariko Village and 
Sheik will teach you this song.

4.5. Prelude of Light

- After you've finished the Forest Temple go to the Temple of Time and 
Sheik will teach you this song.

4.6. Requiem of Spirit

- You will learn this song at the desert colossus after you've come out 
of the Spirit Temple (as an adult).

4.7. Saria's Song

- Saria will teach you this song near the entrance to the Forest Temple 
(as a kid).

4.8. Scarecrow's Song

- As a kid go to Hylia Lake. There are 2 scarecrows there. Go to the one 
that is near the water and play him a tune made by you. Return to Lake 
Hylia, this time as an adult and play him the same tune.

4.9. Serenade of Water

- Sheik will teach you this song after you got the Iron Boots.

4.10. Song of Storms

- As an adult talk to the man inside the windmill to learn this song.

4.11. Song of Time

- Zelda you teach you this song telepathically when you pick up the 
Ocarina of Time.

4.12. Sun's Song

- As a kid go to the Graveyard and play Zelda's Lullaby while you're on 
top of the royal family's symbol. The tombstone will break, enter the 
grave and at the end of it you'll find the song written of a wall.

4.13. Zelda's Lullaby

- Impa will teach you this song after you've talked to Zelda the first 


5. 100 Gold Skulltula Tokens

*  = As a kid
** = As an adult
+  = At night

5.1. Zora's Domain
- Zora's Domain

1- Near the top of the waterfall.**

- Zora's River

2- Roll against the tree near the passage to Hyrule Field.*
3- On the ladder near the waterfall.*+
4- On the wall near the platform with the circle of stones.**+
5- On a wall near the bridge.**+

- Zora's Fountain

6- Roll against the tree.*
7- On the wall next to the big sunken log.*+
8- Near the tree, blow up the big rock and then pick up the other one, 
enter the hole and at the end of the secret you'll find the Skulltula.**+

- Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly

9- The first time you see Princess Ruto follow her into the hole. There 
is one in the room you are now.*
10- There is another in the same room as above.*
11- After you've followed Princess Ruto into the hole, open the door next 
to you and in the next room you'll find it.* 

12- In the room near the start that needs a crate to keep its door open 
is a spider on the vines.*

- Ice Cavern

13- There is one on the room of the rotating blades.**
14- The next Skulltula is on the room of the sliding block.**
15- On the room where you get the Compass.**

5.2. Kokiri Forest
- Kokiri Forest

16- Throw some bugs to the bean hole.*
17- Behind the house of the Know-it-all Brothers.*+
18- On top of the house of twins.**+

- Inside the Deku-Tree

19- Is on the same room where you get the Compass.*
20- After you rip the spider web and fall into the water, you'll find one 
on the nearby vines.*
21- On the same room, you'll see one standing on some bars.*
22- On the room with the 3 enemies that look like the boss there is a 
wall that can be broken with a bomb. Blast it and you'll go to the room 
with the spider.*

5.3. Lost Woods
- Lost Woods

23- Throw some bugs to the bean hole.*
24- Use the magic bean to climb to the platform with the Skulltula.**+
25- Throw some bugs to the bean hole near the bridge to Hyrule Field.*

- Sacred Forest Meadow

26- Climb to the top of the maze and look for it at the wall on your 
right (if you're facing the Forest Temple).**+

- Forest Temple

27- There is one on the first room.**
28- There is one on the room where the ghosts were.**
29- In the room described above there is a block that disappears if you 
play the song of time. Behind it there is a door, open it and you'll get 
to the room where the Skulltula is.**
30- The room above is connected to another room by a tunnel, this room 
also has a Skulltula.**
31- Use the elevator to go down to the room where you can spin walls. 
Keep on spinning them until you find the little room with the spider.**

5.4. Kakariko Village
- Kakariko Village

32- On the tower.*+
33- Behind the house of the cursed family.*+
34- On top of the house of the Cucco Lady.**+
35- On a wall of the house near the entrance to Death Mountain Trail.*+
36- On the half-made house.*+
37- Roll against the tree on the middle of the village.*

- Graveyard

38- On the wall on your right (if you're facing the Royal Family's 
39- Throw some bugs to the bean hole.*

- Bottom of the Well

40- On the room where you get the Compass enter the locked room in front 
of the small chest, use the Lens of Truth to find the platform that leads 
you to the spider.*
41- On the room you get the Compass enter the other locked room. There 
you'll find the spider.*
42- On the place that Navi says Danger Below, enter the small hole at 
your right (if you're facing the wall), open the door and go to the next 
room to find the spider.*

- Shadow Temple

43- On the big room, after you've passed the falling blades, kill the 
skeleton and use the Lens of Truth to find the way at your left. In the 
next room kill all enemies to open the grate and get the Token.**
44- There is a spider on the room with the spiked platforms that are 
going up and down.**
45- On the big room use the Lens of Truth to find the moving platform, 
enter the door near the platform. Catch all the silver rupees to open the 
entrance to the next room. The spider is behind the big skull.**
46- Go to the room where the boat is. Get on top of it and you should see 
a spider at your left, use the LongShot to get it.**
47- In the invisible maze, find the door that leads to the room with 3 
big skulls, the spider is behind them.**

5.5. Death Mountain
- Death Mountain Trail

48- Near the entrance to Kakariko Village you'll see a weird thing on 
your the mountain. Place a bomb there to find it.* 
49- Throw some bugs to the bean hole.*
50- Next to the place where the bomb flower was.**+
51- Behind a rock on the place where the rocks felled.**+

- Death Mountain Crater

52- Inside the crate, near the entrance to Death Mountain Trail.*
53- Throw some bugs to the bean hole.*

- Goron City
54- On the suspended platform.**
55- On the room with a lot of boulders, proceed to the end of the room 
and roll against the crate.*

- Fire Temple

56- At the Temple's start go right, then at the middle of the bridge go 
left, near the door play the song of time. Climb to the block and go to 
the following room to find the spider.**
57- On the big room with a lot of boulders rolling around there is a wall 
that sounds different when you hit it with your sword. Place a bomb near 
it to break it, revealing the spider.**
58- At the Temple's start break the statue and enter the door, kill every 
monster and go to the room with the spider.**
59- Go to the big room that has a lot of boulders rolling around. Look 
for the place where Navi becomes green for no apparent reason. There play 
the scarecrow's song, use the LongShot to climb up there and then use it 
on the platform behind you. Open the door climb the net and you'll see 
the spider.**
60- Climb the net where the last spider was, open the door and look for 
the spider on the walls surrounding the big hole.**

- Dodongo's Cavern

61- From the dungeon's start go right and in the place where the enemies 
come from the ground look for a place where Navi becomes green. There, 
play the scarecrow's song and use the LongShot or HookShot to get up 
62- On the same room there is a breakable wall, use a bomb or lure an 
enemy and kill him to blast away the wall. Inside the room you'll find 
the spider.*
63- On the room where you make the stairs lower by using a bomb flower, 
there is one on the vines.*
64- Enter the Giant Dodongo's mouth and go right, on the next room there 
is a wall that can be broken.*
65- Use the platform to go directly to the second floor, when you're up 
there go to the room where you make the stairs lower by using a bomb 
flower. But go there before you blast them so you can climb them and 
enter a hole in the wall and get the spider.*

5.6. Hyrule Field

66- Near the entrance to Gerudo Valley there is a boulder in the middle 
of a stone circle, break it and place a bomb in the circle to reveal a 
67- When you're facing Hyrule Castle Market go right, pass the bridge and 
you should see a tree next Castle wall. Place a bomb near the tree to 
reveal the secret. Enter the secret to get the Skulltula.* 

5.7. Lon Lon Ranch

68- On a window of the house.*+
69- Roll against the tree.*
70- Behind the wood thing of the horse fence.*+
71- On the big fence, right to the building with the big chimney.*+

5.8. Market
- Market

72- Enter the house near the Market drawbridge. There blast all the 
crates to find the Skulltula.*

- Hyrule Castle

73- Roll against the tree right at the start.*
74- Play the song of storms near the tree that is inside the Castle 

- Ganon's Castle

75- This spider is behind the stone arch.**

5.9. Hylia Lakeside
- Hylia Lake

76- On top of the big tree.**+
77- On one of the Lakeside Laboratory's walls.*+
78- Inside the Lakeside Laboratory, roll against the crate underwater 
with the Iron Boots.**
79- On the island where you get the Fire Arrows.*+
80- Throw some bugs to the bean hole.*

- Water Temple

81- Go to the corridor that is on the ground level and is under the 
start. Place a bomb on the cracked floor , pass the corridor and on the 
next room push the button, climb to the highest platform using the 
HookShot. There get close to the button, charge your sword and release 
it. This will activate the button enabling you to get the spider.**
82- There is one on the room with the big waterfall and platforms 
sliding, use the LongShot to get it.**
83- This spider is inside the building on the main room of the Temple. 
Use the LongShot to get it.**
84- On the room where you get the LongShot play the song of time to make 
the block on the floor disappear. Enter the hole and go to the water. 
Watch the walls and when you see the spider put your Iron Boots and use 
the HookShot to get it.**
85- Behind the waterfall near the place you get the Boss Key.**

5.10. Gerudo Valley

86- Throw some bugs to the bean hole.*
87- Behind the carpenters tent.**+
88- Under the stone arch.**+
89- On top of the small waterfall.*+

5.11. Gerudo Fortress

90- Behind one of the horseback archery targets.**+
91- Near the place where you get the Piece of Heart.**+

5.12. Haunted Wasteland
- Haunted Wasteland

92- Inside the stone house where you meet the ghost.**

- Desert Colossus

93- Play the song of storms on top of a rock near the dried lake and one 
will appear on the palm tree in front of you.**+
94- Throw some bugs to the bean hole.*
95- Ride the magic bean and you should see it on top of a stone 

- Spirit Temple

96- After you kill the flying mummy, enter the door that opens, enter it 
and the spider is on this room.*
97- Right at the start of the Temple enter the hole, on the next room 
enter the other hole, climb the wall and the spider is behind you.*
98- On the room that has the block with the sun on top. Push the block to 
the light that is coming from the window, the door will open, enter it to 
find the spider.*
99- On the big statue's room there is one at its left. Use the LongShot 
to get it.**
100- On the room with the rolling boulders, play the song of time in 
front of the blue block to find the spider.**


6. Heart Pieces

*  = As a kid
** = As an adult

1st - Inside the Ice Cavern, there is a Piece of Heart on the same room 
where you get the Compass. You'll need some Blue Fire to get it.**
2nd - On Zora's Fountain, use the Iron Boots to go underwater and find 
the Piece of Heart.**
3rd - Go to Lon Lon Ranch and enter the building with the big chimney. 
There, push and pull the blocks in order to find the small entrance that 
leads you to the Piece of Heart.*
4th - Also in Zora's Fountain, there is a Piece of Heart on top of an ice 
5th - In Zora's River, look for some frogs in the water, when you've 
found them stand on top of the log nearby and play the Song of Storms.*
6th - Play lots of songs to the frogs and when they are all big you'll be 
able to play their game. Win it to get the Piece of Heart (warp songs 
won't work).*
7th - Near the entrance to Zora's Domain on top of a tall platform, use 
the Hover Boots to get it.**
8th - Also in Zora's River, use the Magic Bean to get it.**
9th - In Lost Woods, look for a place where you can see a big ray of 
light coming out from the sky, stand on top of the small log and use your 
Ocarina. Keep playing their songs to win the Piece of Heart.*
10th - Catch the biggest fish in the fishing pond.*
11th - When you have the Golden Scale go to the lakeside laboratory and 
dive to the bottom of the pit. Now go talk to the scientist.* or **
12th - Use the Magic Bean near the lakeside laboratory to climb to its 
13th - In Gerudo Valley, behind the big waterfall.* or **
14th - On top of the Gerudo Fortress there is a big chest with a Piece of 
Heart inside it.**
15th - If you keep playing at the Bombchu bowling alley and eventually 
the prize will be a Piece of Heart.*
16th - Use the LongShot to climb to the rooftops, talk to the man that is 
on top of one of them.**
17th - Use the LongShot to climb to the roof of the cucco lady's house, 
from there jump to the platform on top of the cucco pen, enter the hole 
to get the Piece of Heart.**
You can also get this Piece of Heart as a kid. After you've defeated the 
Dodongo's Cavern, climb to the top of the Mountain and grab the talons of 
Kaepora Gaebora. He will leave you on top of the cucco lady's house.*
18th - Is on top of the Dodongo's Cavern entrance. Climb to the place 
where the bomb flower was and use the Hover Boots to reach the Piece of 
19th - Use the Magic Bean of Death Mountain Crater to reach it.**
20th - In Death Mountain Crater there is a wall that can be climbed. The 
Piece of Heart is on a small hole on that wall.* or **
21st - In Goron City, light up all the torches and the big pot near 
Darunia's room starts moving. Throw some bombs inside it until the Piece 
of Heart appears.*
22nd - Go to the Graveyard between 18:00 and 21:00 and you should see 
Dampe the grave keeper. Talk to him whenever you want him to dig, keep on 
digging to find the Piece of Heart.*
23rd - Enter Dampe's grave and talk to him. If you can finish the race 
before 1:00 he'll give the Piece of Heart.**
24th - After you've finished the race with Dampe, leave the room, play 
the song of time and climb the stairs. You'll now be inside the windmill, 
use the moving platform to reach the Piece of Heart.**
25th - Score more than 1000 points on the Gerudo horseback archery.**
26th - On Desert Colossus, use the magic bean to reach the Piece of 
27th - Light up all the torches on Zora's Domain to make the chest with 
the Piece of Heart appear.*
28th - Play the chest game at Hyrule Market, if you win the Piece of 
Heart will be yours (you can use the Lens of Truth to see what is inside 
the chests).*
29th - In Hyrule Market, at night, make a white dog chase you and then go 
to a lady's house on the Back Alley. Talk to her and if you have the 
right dog she'll give you a Piece of Heart.*
30th - On Hyrule field, near the entrance to Hylia Lake, there is a group 
of fences that make a square. Place a bomb on the middle of that square 
in order to open the secret. There defeat the enemy and talk to him. He 
will try to sell you a Piece of Heart by the small price of 10 rupees.* 
or **
31st - On the Graveyard, use the Magic Bean to reach the crate. Blast it 
to get the Piece of Heart.**
32nd - On the Graveyard, push the graves until you find a hole that leads 
you to a room with a zombie (that's what I call them).There play the 
Sun's Song to make the chest with the Piece of Heart appear.* or **
33rd - After you've caught 50 Gold Skulltula Tokens, talk to the kid that 
has been released from the curse and he'll give you a Piece of Heart.* or 
34th - On Gerudo Valley, look down the canyon and you should see two 
ledges. One with a rock and one with a crate. Fall to the one with the 
rock and use the LongShot to pull yourself to the one with the crate, 
blast it to get the Piece of Heart.**
You can also catch a chicken that wanders nearby and use it to go 
directly to the ledge with the crate.*
35th - When you enter Lost Woods via Kokiri Forest turn left, stand on 
top of the small log and play Saria's Song.*
36th - On Hyrule Field, when your facing the entrance to Hyrule Castle 
Market go left until you find a lone tree. Place a bomb near it and a 
secret will open. Use the Golden Scale or the Iron Boots to get it.* or 


7. The 7 Cuccos

1st- The first Cucco is near the entrance of the village.
2nd- It is near the Cucco lady.
3rd- It is near the path to Death Mountain.
4th- Near the entrance of the cursed family's house, shoot it with the 
Fairy Slingshot and it should fall of the ledge.
5th- It is inside a crate, near the house on the middle of the village.
6th- Pick up a Cucco you've already found and climb the stairs that lead 
to the windmill. Go straight ahead and jump. Let go the Cucco before you 
reach the top of the bars and you'll find the Cucco down there.
7th- From the place of the last Cucco, climb the ladder the leads to the 
back of the windmill and you should see it there.


8. The Big Poes

1st- Near the tree in front of Lon Lon Ranch.
2nd- Outside the Market is a sign that says, "You are here: Hyrule 
Castle. This way to: Lon Lon Ranch". The Big Poe will appear.
3rd- To the left of the entrance to Kokiri Forest, there is a gray
boulder. He's near it.
4th- He's near the boulder even further to the left, where there used to 
be Peahats (flying pineapples) as a kid.
5th- Near the hole with Heart Piece 36. He may be across the river.
6th- Near the tree closest to Gerudo Valley.
7th- Near Gerudo Valley, on the road to Lake Hylia. 

8th- On top of or under the ledge between Kakariko Village and Zora's
9th- In the middle of the Y-shaped wall between Kokiri Forest and Lon Lon
10th- Go even more from Big Poe 3.


9. Fairy Fountains

1. In the Sacred Forest Meadow, straight ahead from Saria and the Forest 
Temple, in the hole.
2. Bomb the Bomb Door behind the Treasure Chest with the free Hylian 
Shield, and follow the path to one.
3. Across Big Poe 5's river is a Peahat (as a kid) and a boulder. Bomb 
the boulder and go inside.
4. In Zora's Domain, stand on the island with the Zora and play the Song 
of Storms.
5. In Gerudo's Fortress, behind the boxes, play the Song of Storms.
6. In Desert Colossus, stand on the rock where Navi turns green. Play the 
Song of Storms and the nearby pool will fill and turn into a Fairy 
7. In the hole near Gold Skulltula 5.
8. In Ganon's Castle, use the Lens of Truth on the ground floor. Inside 
is a bunch of Fairies and Business Scrubs (merchant bushes).


10. Thanks

- Thanks to Trey a.k.a. Tjk64000 ([email protected]) for all your 
suggestions and corrections.
- Thanks to Jim Green ([email protected]) for pointing me that Talon-
Malon error and that the Gold Rupee is in fact Huge Rupee.
- Thanks to Shawn Gross ([email protected]) for finding the last Bomb 
- Thanks to Ruel Wewe Sarmiento ([email protected]) for sending 
information about the Sinking Lure.
- Thanks to Donkey Kong Song ([email protected]) for sending the location 
of the Big Poes, the Fairy Fountains, the free Hylian Shield and some 
- Thanks for Jeremy Agan ([email protected]) for information on how to get 
the Sinking Lure as an adult.


11. Conclusion

- That's all folks! If you want me to list some more items or just want 
to ask me something write to [email protected].

Other FAQs by Joca64:

- Banjo-Kazooie FAQ/Walkthrough

- Castlevania FAQ/Walkthrough

- Donkey Kong 64 FAQ/Walkthrough

- GoldenEye 007 Level Secrets

- Super Mario 64 Teleport location

- The Legend of Zelda : The Ocarina of Time Secrets

Other FAQs by Joca64 and Luigie ([email protected]): 

- Mission Impossible FAQ/Walkthrough

- Rush 2 : Extreme Racing USA Shortcuts/Bugs

- Superman Walkthrough

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