The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time – Ocarina Tunes
Nintendo 64
Ocarina Tunes by FunkyLizard
Updated: 02/11/1999
More Ocarina Tunes FunkyLizard [email protected] Zelda 64 on N64 February 11, 1999 ------------------- Introduction ------------------- Ok. First off I definately need to say the only special thanks I need to put is Willow/Hoops for encouraging me to write this, and for supplying about 70% of these songs. Their E-mail is [email protected], but still E-mail me for all the problems on my page. Of course, I only picked out some of the songs from theirs, and some of these songs are supplied by me. If you have anything to E-mail me, (complaints, new songs, etc) email them to me, FunkyLizard, at [email protected]. Anyway, if you want more songs, check out their faq at Also a big special thanks to Fuzzy([email protected]) There are some songs by him down there. Now on with the FAQ! ------------------- Songs ------------------- These songs are optianal. No need for them on your game. Their really just to wow your friends. This guide will tell you how to play many cool songs. Now, if it says R-Cl you need to hold R and press C Left. If it says U-R-Cr your going to hold up, hold R, and press C Right. If it says 5-Cu you must press C Up 5 times. Assuming you have a reasonable amount of brain power, an ocarina, and an N64 w/ a controller, you can play most of these songs. They are rated (like I rate just about everything... you're about an 8 ) :) with 1 star for easy, to five stars for hard. Rememeber, I'm assuming you have a bit of brains. __Songs from Willow/ Hoops 1.Simpsons theme:** Cd, Cr, Cl, Cu, D-Cu, D-Cl, Cd, A, 3-Z-D-A, D-A 2.Titanic theme:* 4-Cd, Z-Cd, 2-Cd, Z-Cd, Cd, U-Cd, Cr, U-Cd, 4-Cd, Z-Cd, 2-Cd, D-A 3.Twinkle Twinkle Little Star:** 2-D-A, 2-D-Cr, 2-cr, D-Cr, 2-Cd, 2-Z-Cd, 2-A, D-A 2-D-Cr, 2-Cd, 2-Z-Cd, A, 2-D-Cr, 2-Cd, 2-Z-Cd, A 2-D-A, 2-D-Cr, 2-cr, D-Cr, 2-Cd, 2-Z-Cd, 2-A, D-A 4.Men in Black theme:** A, Cd, A, 3-Cr, D-Cr, Cr, R-Cr, Cr, Cd, U-Cd, Cr 5.Overworld theme from Zelda:**** Cd, D-A, 2-Cd, U-Cd, Cr, 3-D-Cu, Cu, U-Cu, 3-R-U-Cu, U-Cu, Cu, U-Cu, Cu, 2-R-Cl, Z-Cl, R-Cl, Cu, R-Cl, Z-Cl, D-Cl, Z-Cl, R-Cl, Z-Cl, D-Cl, D-Cr, Cr, Cl, Cu, D-Cu, then D-A many many times 5.Good Riddance (Green Day):**** 2-A, Z-D-A, A, U-A, R-Cd, U-A, A, Z-D-A, A, Z-D-A, A, U-A, R-Cd, 2-A, Z-D-A, 2-A, Z-Cd, A, 2-Z-A, A 6.Closing Time (Semisonic):*** Cu, Cl, D-Cl, Cl, 2-D-Cl, 2-D-Cr, 2-Z-Cd, D-Cr, Cl, R-Cl, Cl, Cr, Cl, D-Cr __The following songs were submitted by John J([email protected]) 7.Star Wars theme:** 3-D-A, Cd, R-Cl, Z-Cl, Cr, D-Cr, U-R-Cu, R-Cl, Z-Cl, Cr, D-Cr, U-R-Cu, R-Cl, Z-Cl, Cr, Z-Cl, D-Cr, 2-Cd, D-Cr 8.Imperial March from The Empire Strikes Back: 3-U-Cd, R-A, R-Cr, D-Cr, R-A, R-Cr, D-Cr, 3-Cu, R-Cu, R-Cr, R-Cd, R-A, R-Cr, D-Cr __These songs were sent in by Noobster1([email protected])I added to the Mary had a little lamb 9.Mary Had a Little Lamb: Cl, Cr, D-Cr, Cr, 3-Cl, 3-Cr, Cl, 2-Cu, Cl, Cr, D-Cr, Cr, 3-Cl, D-Cr, 2-Cr, Cl, Cr, D-Cr 10.Kakariko Village Theme: A, U-Cd, A, Cl, U-Cd, Cu, A, U-Cd, A, Cl, U-Cd, 2-Cu, U-Cu, R-Cd, U-Cu, Cu, 3-Cl, Cr, 3-U-Cd, R-Cd, Cr, U-Cd, A, D-A, D-Z-A, D-A, A, D-Z-A, 2-U-Cd, R-Cd, Cr, U-Cd, A, Cu, D-Cu, Cl, Cr, D-Cr __By Willow/ Hoops 11.One Week By Barenaked Ladies *NOTE* Due to the many harmonies of Barenaked Ladies, and a battle of melodies ensuing between the authors, which ended in a draw, there are two versions of the second part of the song. A, Cd, 2-Cd, U-Cd, Cd, U-Cd, 2-Cd, 6-Cr, 3-Cd, U-Cd, Cd Endings Willow: 6-Rcl, 4-Cr, D-Cr, 2-Cd Hoops: 4-R-Cl, 2-Cr, 2-R-Cr, 2-Cr, D-Cr, 2-Cd 12.Mission Impossible Theme 2-R-A, R-Cd, Z-Cr, 2-D-Cd, Z-A, A R-A, R-Cd, Cl, A, Cd, R-Cr, Z-A, Z-Cd, Cr, Z-Cr, D-C __These 2 songs are by Fuzzy Lemur ([email protected]) 13.Pink Panther*** Z-A, A, Z-Cd, Cd, Z-A, A, Z-Cd, Cd, R-Cr, Cr, A, Cd, Cr, Z-Cr, U-Cd, Cd, A, D-A, A, Z-A, A, Z-Cd, Cd, Z-A, A, Z-Cd, Cd, R-Cr, Cr, Cd, Cr, Cu, Z-Cr 14.X-Files Theme* A,Cl,Cr,Cl,Cu,2-Cl Cu,Cl,Cr,Cd,Cl,A __Songs by me (FunkyLizard) Most of them are kid songs, I'll get a few themes in there! 15.Three Blind Mice* Cl, Cr, D-Cr, Cl, Cr, D-Cr, Cu, R-Cl, Cl, Cu, R-Cl, Cl 16.Jingle Bells** 7-Cl, Cu, D-Cr, Cr, Cl, 5-R-Cl, 4-Cl, 3-D-Cl, Cl, D-Cl, Cu 17.Ode to Joy* 2-Cl, R-Cl, 2-Cu, R-Cl, D-Cl, 2-U-Cd, D-Cl, 2-Cl 18.Yankee Doodle*** 2-Cd, U-Cd, Cr, Cd, Cr, D-Cr, 2-Cd, D-Cr, Cr, Cd, Z-Cd 19.When the Saints Go Marching In** Cd, D-Cl, Z-Cl, D-Cu, Cd, D-Cl, Z-Cl, D-Cu, Cd, D-Cl, Z-Cl, D-Cu, D-Cl, Cd, D-Cl, U-Cd 20.James Bond Theme*** A, Z-4-Cd, 4-A, 4-Cd, 3-Z-Cd, Cu, R-Cl, Cr, D-Cr, Cr 21.Wolfpac** (they may be joined with Hollywood, but they still have this cool song) 3-A, Z-Cd, 2-Cd, Z-Cd, Cd, Z-Cd, 3-A, Z-Cd (drum cymbals) then repeat over and over and... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There will be so many more in the future, as soon as you send them! Here is a chart that will help you big time on finding out songs. Its one and a half octaves high, and obviosly you need some musical experiance to know what this all means. If not, find out, or your on you own learning songs. These are from low to high B= Z-D-A C= D-A D= A E= U-A F= Cd G= U-Cd A= Cr B= Cl C= D-Cu D= Cu E= U-Cu F= U-R-Cu Those are the notes. Try to get tabs from a web site for a cool song or just mess around until get something, and write it up, and send it to me. I really need 'em! ------------------- End & Legal Stuff ------------------- Zelda: Ocarina of Time is trademark of Nintindo of America This faq is copyright by federal law Tony Emerson, 1999, and cannot be reproduced, copied, or used on any web site or faq without written permission from me. _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at
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