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Beta Quest Guide by Pharmaecopia

Version: v1.25 | Updated: 12/15/2005

--------The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Beta Research and Analysis-------

[author]    Matthew Gregg
[email]     [email protected]
[release]   December 4, 2005
[build]     v1.25

Table of Contents

[one]       Introduction
[two]       What is the Beta Quest?
[three]     Set-up and Required Gear
[four]      The Format
[five]      The Beta Quest Worlds 00-10
[six]       Ocarina songs and their effect
[seven]     The Beta Save Phenomenon
[eight]     Analyzing the Study
[nine]      General Credits
[ten]       Contribution Credits
[eleven]    Legal Agreement

Introduction                                                             [one]

This guide documents the many areas that can be visited during the beta quest
in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Making significant progress in the beta 
quest is time-intensive, and requires a lot of patience and sequence 
memorization. Though beta quest crashes more often than not, it is very 
consistent of where. This makes us able to work our way though through the 
areas and effectively plot a route through the beta quest.

To write it in plain words, this guide is a route plotting tool for the beta 
quest newbies, as well as the enthusiasts. If you are interested in what the
beta quest does, and what it's all about, this is the guide for you.

What is the Beta Quest?                                                  [two]

The Beta Quest is not a simple thing to explain. The common notion is that
using a GameShark can unlock many beta features and situations that were
long removed from the game.

In all actuality, Ocarina of Time's "beta mode" is not exactly beta at all.
To explain the beta worlds, let's take a look at how the game works:

I had a conversation with DIS member "Jason the Echidna" about beta. This is
what he had to say, and I completely agree with it. Here's the soup:

"Moving from area to area works via an array of pointers. The maps are all
numbered, though the numbers aren't consistant. Each exit in a map has a
variable which points to the map it leads to and the entry point of that map
by number.

Having the HUD off will for some odd reason make all of the exits point to
different places, a lot of which do not exist and thus will lead to a

When you start a beta quest, the Nintendo 64 logo plays and then you are
started off in the middle of Hyrule Field. No title screen, no loading a
previous save, you just start the game.

The title screen is actually a cutscene in which the logo art is
superimposed over. When you begin a beta quest you are essentially in that
cutscene. This effectively makes the exit pointers turn awry, creating a
very non-sensical sequence of maps to visit. Ever wonder why you end up
in the castle courtyard with "The End" displayed?

"You end up in maps used in the ending cutscene a lot because you are,
officially, in a cutscene."

According to Jason:

"The name "beta quest" has very little meaning behind it, as the data does
not come from a "beta" at all, it is simply what is left over... Though
there are some interesting oddities such as missing houses and circles of
rocks which do not exist in the same manner in the final game, which may
lead you to believe you are actually playing a beta."

Another thing that has an effect on exits is your HUD. Apperently, having the
HUD disabled messes up the exit pointers. This is evidenced by the fact that
when in beta your HUD is missing, and if you enter an area that makes it
turn on, the game is set back to normal.

So having the HUD disabled causes the game to behave similarly to when a
cut scene is playing. In beta, you're basically in a cutscene environment, and
your HUD is disabled as well.

There are codes out there that enable you to break free in a cut scene. Though
I have not personally tried it, exiting an area during a cut scene causes the
game to behave similar to what we call the "beta quest". The question is,
what beta world would be accessed? [1]

So why does every quest begin in Hyrule Field anyways? Well first of all,
after the Nintendo logo plays, Hyrule Field would normally be loaded into
memory to display the title screen and cut scene. And to explain it even
further, in the debug ROM of the game, Hyrule Field is location #1.

But where is Epona then...? I have yet to find the answer to that.

If you have any other inquires about the beta quest, and it's worlds, you
can drop me an e-mail or search the internet for other documents regarding
the mysterious beta quests.

To see what myself, as well as other 'Ocarina of Time' investigators are up to
stop by the Dungeon Investigation Squad (DIS) forums at:


Set-up and Required Gear                                               [three]

Playing on a Nintendo 64? You're gonna need:

One [1] Nintendo 64 of course
One [1] copy of "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" release v1.0
One [1] Gameshark

Playing on an emulator? You're gonna need:

One [1] top-notch high quality emulator with Gameshark support
One [1] "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" release v1.0 ROM

The differences between the two are reportedly negligible, so it's really your 
choice as to which medium you use. Since I own the actual cartridge, but have 
no Gameshark, I use an emulator for this purpose. 

If you are gonna go with emulation, do yourself a favor and pick up the actual
cartridge anyways; not just because it's illegal to not own the actual game 
and emulate, but because it's cheap these days and there is no excuse for why
anyone with a Nintendo 64 doesn't own this game.

Next up, either way you go you are going to want the Gameshark code to enable
the beta quest. Since the version that I use to write this guide is v1.0, 
you're going to want the v1.0 beta quest code:

D01C84B5 0000
8011B9E3 00??

The ?? variable in the code line is what determines exactly what the beta 
quest will include. In this guide I will cover beta quest variations 00 
through 10.

To select a beta quest, simply input the two-digit variable into the code 
line. For example, to begin the beta quest world 00, you would enter the 
Gameshark code:

D01C84B5 0000
8011B9E3 0000

And in similar fashion, if you wanted to explore beta world 24, you would 

D01C84B5 0000
8011B9E3 0024

Now for the second-most valuable code, levitation:

D01C84B5 0020
811DAA90 40CB

With this code active, just hold down L and you will fly. 

Another cool code of great use in the Beta Quests is this code to map any item
you want to any C-button you want. Since in the Beta Quests you can not get to
the menu and assign items, you're stuck with bombs, the crossbow and the
ocarina. We can bypass that with this code: [2]

Replace C-Left item with another item: 8011A639 00??
Replace C-Down item with another item: 8011A63A 00??
Replace C-RIght item with another item: 8011A63B 00??

And here are the variables that are the important ones:

02: Bombs
03: Arrows
04: Fire Arrows
08: Ocarina of Time
09: Bombchu
0A: Hookshot
0B: Longshot
0C: Ice Arrows
0F: Lens of Truth
11: Megaton Hammer
12: Light Arrows

And just for kicks, switch this code on for infinite health:

8111A600 0140 

Ya dig? Good. Now on to the real deal.

The Format                                                              [four]

Ok so now you're ready to delve into the many variations of the beta quest. 
Here is the format to how the information is going to be presented:


[#] Beta World #

Spawn: Where you begin at
Environment: The appearance of Hyrule Field
Drawbridge: Drawbridge to the Market is either up, down, or missing


+ Details of the area
+ Like where you can go
+ And what will freeze the game

-----END EXAMPLE-----

I cover the regions in this order:

[one]    Market
[two]    Kakariko Viliage
[three]  Zora's Domain
[four]   Kokiri Forest
[five]   Lake Hylia
[six]    Gerudo Valley
[seven]  Lon Lon Ranch

If you noticed, I move around the world in a circle. 
Now isn't that logical?

The Beta Quest Worlds 00-10                                             [five]

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[00] Beta World 00~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Spawn: Facing castle grounds.
Environment: Dark and overcast.
Drawbridge: Up.


+ The first place you come to is a Goron shop. You can't buy anything,and if 
you try to leave too fast, you're likely to fall out of bounds. Wait a moment 
and walk slow towards the exit.

+ You are now in the castle courtyard. There is a text overlay "The End" 
"Legend of ZELDA ~Ocarina of Time~". This is the same place as the final
scene in the game, the exception being that you are mobile. You can not
interact with Zelda in any way besides Z-targeting her. Go to the only
available exit.

+ You now are in the alleyway, the first door is locked, and the second one
leads to a room with three people, a cow and a heart piece. Trying to exit
this area freezes the game. The other screen just has a lounging guard. The
last part of the alleyway has one guy with nothing important to say. The only
door is locked, and attempting to exit from the front of the screen crashes
the game. The best bet here is to backtrack to Alleyway 1 and exit to the
front of the screen. You'll end up outside the potion shop in the market.

+ The mask shop works and there's nothing special here. Exit and you'll come
out of the door on the other side of the market.

+ Entering the potion shop takes you back to the alleyway.

+ Trying to go to the Temple of Time will result in Link appearing in the Fire
Temple at the Boss Door with the Goron. Not much to do here but enter the boss
lair, which freezes the game.

+ The house to the left of the Temple of Time transports you to Gannon's
Castle. Not much you can do here because of the inability to equip the right
weapons. Exiting the whole area transports you on the ledge of the gutter
outside of Hyrule Castle. If you get caught by the guards, the game will
freeze on you. Save yourself the trouble and levitate over the fence.

+ Leaving the area brings you back to the market, but from where you would be
if you had left the Temple of Time.

+ Somehow the Hyrule Castle magically ends up being Gannon's Castle, and plays
the cutscene. Ends the beta quest.

+ Entering the shooting gallery takes you outside of the Temple of Time.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but levitating over the fence does not take you
behind the temple like the beta pictures imply. You'll just fall through the

+ When you go to the Temple of Time, instead of showing up at the entrance, 
you begin at the pedastal as if you warped back. This ends beta mode. And
you're also stuck here, the door to the room you're in is closed.

+ The second door to the left freezes game.

+ The last door to Link's left is locked.

+ You appear in the Shadow Temple when you leave the market. If you get to the
boss lair, you'll end up in Morhpa's chamber instead. Since you can't equip
your hookshot, you're dunzo. But if you use a Gameshark code to map the
hookshot to one of your C buttons, you can beat Morpha [2]. But don't waste
your time, because when you step into the portal out of the temple, the game
freezes. If you take the other route and let Morpha kill you, if you select
"Continue" you will end up in the shooting gallery. There is nothing here to
do, and if you try to leave, the game freezes. If you exit the Shadow Temple
instead, you get greeted with a lovely tan screen of nothing.

Kakariko Village

+ The town is on fire, and you are no longer in beta mode. Sheik is also at
the entrance so you can be laughed at on your way out.

Zora's Domain

+ You will bypass the whole cavern portion, and show up right in front of
Jabu-Jabu. You can either levitate into Jabu-Jabu, or levitate over to the Ice
Cavern. Either way you're going to be levitating.

+ Go inside Jabu-Jabu and you'll begin where you would normally be fighting
the boss, but he's gone. And you are no longer in beta.

+ If you go in the Ice Cavern, you'll start in the last room, with a cool
transparent pink pedastal. Then you can head down the path into an unfinished
version of the block puzzle. If you like aquamarine, then here is the room for
you. There's nowhere else you can go now, so reboot the game.

Kokiri Forest

+ You are treated to a look at an unfamiliar cavern, and that's it, you can't
move, can't do a thing. Reset time, again.

Lake Hylia

+ You end up in Dodongo's cavern. There are two ways you can go here; either
exit through the door to the right, or push the block on to the switch to open
the gated door. If you take the easy door, you'll get to see an earlier
verision of the main room. Exit and you appear in the middle of the sky.
You'll have to do a little flying to get to the next platform, from which you
can exit. You end up at the beginning of the forest temple. When you try to
leave, you finally show up at Lake Hylia. If you decide to solve the puzzle by
pushing the block on to the switch, the now-unlocked door will take you to
Gohma's Lair. [2]

+ Even though the water is low, you'll be swimming at the level the high water
would be.

+ The fishing pond gives you a keypad freeze, the game still runs, but you
can't do anything about it. It's some cavern, but I can't say much about it
unless I could see more.

+ The underwater passage gives you a freeze.

+ Go into the lab to meet the running man. Try to exit and get a big fat

+ Exit the region and you'll get a grey freeze.

Gerudo Valley

+ Not only does entering this region boot you out of beta, but it sticks you
in a place where there is nothing you can do but go to your menu. Reboot time.

Lon Lon Ranch

+ Nasty freeze.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[01] Beta World 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Spawn: Facing castle grounds.
Environment: Darker and greyer skies than in 00
Drawbridge: Up.


+ Again, the drawbridge is up, so levitate over it.

+ This time, there is no Goron Shop. You start right in the market at 

+ The mask shop is normal. if you leave, you'll find that it's now 

+ Entering the potion shop takes you into the alleyway, and turns into

+ Trying to go to the Temple of Time gets you in Volvagia's cavern, right
outside the boss lair. Going into Volvagia's lair results in a nasty, nasty

+ Entering the house to the left of the Temple of Time takes you to Gannon's
Castle. Once again, no interface, so you won't have the tools to progress.
Trying to exit the area results in a crash.

+ Taking the path to Hyrule Castle actually teleports you down on to Death
Mountain, just outside Dodongo's Cavern. This ends beta mode, so there's no
need to continue on this trail.

+ Going into the shooting gallery puts you outside the Temple of Time with
the dark sky and Death Mountain's red halo. Entering the Temple of Time pulls
you out of beta, and traps you in the Master Sword's room. Reset.

+ Entering the next house to the left of the shooting gallery freezes 
the game.

+ The last door to the left is locked.

+ Entering the alleyway puts you back in the main market, only now it's night.

+ Leaving Market takes you to the Shadow Temple. If you get to the boss lair,
you'll end up in Morhpa's chamber instead. Since you cant equip your hookshot,
you're dunzo.

+ Leaving the Shadow Temple takes you to Kokiri Forest. Entering the first
tree on the left takes you to Lon Lon Ranch. From there the only door you can
go through is the first door on the left. This drops you in the Temple of Time
with "Presented by Nintendo" overlaid on the screen. There is an aura around
the pedestal and you're trapped in that room unless you levitate out, even if
you do the game freezes when you try to exit the Temple of Time.

The first right tree takes you to Dodongo's Cavern. If you find your way out
you'll end up in the beginning of the Forest Temple. If you try to leave, you
will end up at Lake Hylia with a nice freeze.

The second tree on the left places you in the entrance to the Deku Tree
dungeon. You can't do much inside, and if you try to leave the game freezes.

Entering Link's treehouse puts you back in the market at nighttime. Moving to
the main market square crashes the game. Entering the guard tower takes you to
the Spirit Temple. Not much you can do there, and when you exit it freezes.

Going into the tree by the crawlspace where small Link would find his first
sword drops you off in Hyrule Field, just about right where you started.

The last tree on the right crashes the game.

Entering the Lost Woods actually takes you outside of the Spirit Temple.
Trying to leave the area results in a freeze.

Trying to leave Kokiri Forest crashes the game.

Kakariko Village

+ Going here boots you out of beta.

Zora's Domain

+ Here lies the fabled "pedestal of the Ocarina". Unfortunately if you wander
too close to it, or stick around too long, the game freezes.

Kokiri Forest

+ You get dropped right beside the Great Deku Tree.

+ All the exits to do the same thing that they did when we accessed Kokiri
Forest from the market.

Lake Hylia

+ Nasty freeze up.

Gerudo Valley

+ You get a nice little cutscene, and then you get a nice view of a boulder
spinning in place. You're also out of beta. Reset time.

Lon Lon Ranch

+ Another nasty freeze up.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[02] Beta World 02~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Spawn: Facing castle grounds.
Environment: Dark and overcast.
Drawbridge: Down.


+ You end up in a shop. Going through the back door to the witch's potion shop
places you in the round chamber where you play the Song of Storms to infuriate
the guy. Trying to leave freezes the game.

+ Leaving from the front of the shop brings you to Dante's Grave for the race
with the old dead guy. If you follow him to the end, your time is 0'00"00 and
you get a heart piece. You can also use the Song of Time to get back to the
room described above, and leaving freezes the game again.

Kakariko Viliage

+ Ends beta.

Zora's Domain

+ There are tekites in the water next to Jabu-Jabu, and if you get to close
you will be treated to a freeze.

Kokiri Forest

+ You start beside the Great Deku Tree.

+ First tree on the left puts you at the start of the Deku Tree Dungeon. If
you try to leave, you get a freeze.

+ First tree on the right brings you to Dodongo's Cavern. Leaving the dungeon
freezes the game.

+ Second tree on the right left puts you at the start of the Deku Tree 
Dungeon. If you try to leave, you get a freeze again.

+ Entering Link's treehouse brings you to the beginning of the market. Leaving
the market freezes the game. Going towards the main square puts you in a shop,
in which freezes the game when you leave. Entering the guard tower puts you
in the Spirit Temple. Leave the temple and you're frozen.

+ Last tree on the right and you get a nasty freeze.

+ The last tree on the left puts you back on Hyrule Field.

+ Trying to enter the Lost Woods freezes the game.

+ Leaving Kokiri Forest results in a nasty, nasty freeze. Very nasty.

Lake Hylia

+ Another Freeze.

Gerudo Valley

+ No more beta mode. Reset it.

Lon Lon Ranch

+ You end up in another shop, exit through the front to Dante's Grave, exit
through the back to the windmill at the end of the Dante's Grave race.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[03] Beta World 03~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Spawn: Facing Lon Lon Ranch
Environment: Early Morning, morning sky
Drawbridge: Down

** Interesting Note **

The interesting thing worth mentioning here is that in this beta world,
pressing "Start" brings up the title screen over Link. If you press start
again, you are brought to the main menu.

This further proves the theory that you are in a cutscene environment during
the beta quest. By all rights, you should be looking at Epona and Link riding
around Hyrule Field; the beta quest code allowed you to control Link during
that cutscene. So like normal where you would press start to bring up the
title screen and menu, this behaves the same due to the fact that you are in
a cutscene.

Theory proved!

So anyways, back to the feature presentation.


+ Entering the market results in a nasty crash.

Kakiriko Viliage

+ Going here reverts the game to normal.

Zora's Domain

+ This puts you on a ledge you couldn't normally get to, right next to the
Great Deku Tree. Notice how you can press start now without bringing up the
title graphics.

+ There are actually Kokiri in the Kokiri Forest now.

+ First tree on the left takes you to where it normally would, but exiting the
tree freezes the game. Go figure.

+ First tree on the right= Dodongo's Cavern as usual.

+ Second tree on the left puts you in a room inside the Shadow Temple, leaving
the room crashes the game.

+ Entering Link's treehouse brings you to the beginning of the market. Leaving
the market freezes the game. Going towards the main square puts you in a shop,
in which freezes the game when you leave. Entering the guard tower puts you
in the Spirit Temple. Leave the temple and you're frozen.

+ Last tree to the right takes you to a house that is actually in the market.
Leaving the house ends in a nasty freeze.

+ Last house to the left puts you back on Hyrule Field. And pressing start
enables the title screen again.

+ Going into the Lost Woods freezes the game.

+ Leaving the region freezes the game.

Kokiri Forest

+ Freeze.

Lake Hylia

+ Crash, as typical as can be.

Gerudo Valley

+ Another crash.

Lon Lon Ranch

+ Starts with a strange cutscene of various characters dancing in front of an
assortment of colored flames. The dancers include Gorons, Zoras and Kokiri.
There's no Hylian's though... anyhow, you're frozen but you can still access
your menu.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[04] Beta World 04~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Spawn: Directly in front of the Market
Environment: Dark blue skies, light morning
Drawbridge: Down


+ Freeze.

Kakariko Viliage

+ Ends beta.

Zora's Domain

+ You start in a textureless Kokiri Forest. The Great Deku Tree's area is
actually loaded, so if you make your way over there you'll find that his
mouth is open. Don't get excited, because when you enter the game freezes.

+ If you walk back from the Great Deku Tree to the main area, it will load

+ Walking into the first tree on the left ends up giving you a strange
lock-up. Interesting.

+ The first tree on the right behaves properly, exiting doesn't. Reset.

+ Second tree on the left crashes just like the first one on the left.

+ Link's treehouse freezes the game.

+ The last tree on the left puts you back on Hyrule Field.

+ The last tree on the right takes you to the top of Gannon's Castle,
Gannon falls and Zelda comes down and starts talking to you, then it's the
run down the side. But you can only get to the first door, and it freezes.

+ Lost Woods entrance freezes the game.

+ Exiting Kokiri Forest means a nasty crash.

Kokiri Forest

+ Freeze.

Lake Hylia

+ Freeze.

Gerudo Valley

+ Freeze, my job just keeps getting easier and easier...

Lon Lon Ranch

+ A slightly different cutscene than in beta world 03, it's the same deal,
with different camera work. When it's over you're stuck looking at the wall.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[05] Beta World 05~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Spawn: Facing Lon Lon Ranch
Environment: Early morning
Drawbridge: ???

You can't move, unless there is a way around it this beta world will
remain a mystery.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[06] Beta World 06~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Spawn: Right in front of the Market
Environment: Early morning
Drawbridge: Down


+ Nasty crash.

Kakariko Village

+ Another crash.

Zora's Domain

+ You get treated to a view of the little deku tree in front of the Great
Deku Tree, there is an aura over the little deku tree, and you can't move.

Kokiri Forest

+ Freeze.

Lake Hylia

+ Freeze, again.

Gerudo Valley

+ Nasty crash for all you emulator users.

Lon Lon Ranch

+ Another take on the characters dancing by the flames. Still immobile.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[07] Beta World 07~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Spawn: Next to the river by Kakariko
Environment: Beautiful day, very cool rolling fog effects.
Drawbridge: Missing


+ Going here puts you in the Deku Tree dungeon. Leaving sticks you immobile
in the main area of Kokiri Forest.

Kakariko Village

+ Freeze.

Zora's Domain

+ Freeze.

Kokiri Forest

+ You're looking at a tree and a few bushes, and that's all you can do.

Lake Hylia

+ Nasty crash.

Gerudo Valley

+ Freeze

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[08] Beta World 08~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Spawn: Facing Hyrule Field
Environment: Early morning
Drawbridge: Down


+ Freeze.

Kakariko Village

+ Freeze.

Zora's Domain

+ You teleport down in front of the Great Deku Tree, and the Deku sprout.

+ The first tree on the left takes you to the top of Gannon's Castle,
Gannon falls and Zelda comes down and starts talking to you, then it's the
run down the side. But you can only get to the first door, and it freezes.

+ First tree on right puts you back in Hyrule Field. Lame.

+ Second tree on left causes a nasty crash.

+ Link's treehouse is a game-crasher.

+ Last tree on the left puts you back in Hyrule Field.

+ Last tree on right crashes the game.

+ Enter the Lost Woods and relive the last freeze you had.

+ Leave the region to get a nice green screen of freeze-ness.

Kokiri Forest

+ Freeze.

Lake Hylia

+ Grey freeze.

Gerudo Valley

+ Grey freeze. Seriously, what do you expect?

Lon Lon Ranch

+ Nasty crash.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[09] Beta World 09~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Doesn't function.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[10] Beta World 10~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Spawn: By the river next to Kakariko
Environment: Night
Drawbridge: Up


+ The first place you come to is a Goron shop. You can't buy anything,and if 
you try to leave too fast, you're likely to fall out of bounds. Wait a moment 
and walk slow towards the exit.

+ You are now in the castle courtyard. There is a text overlay "The End" 
"Legend of ZELDA ~Ocarina of Time~". This is the same place as the final scene 
in the game, the exception being that you are mobile. You can not interact
with Zelda in any way besides Z-targeting her. Go to the only available exit.

+ You now are in the alleyway, the first door is locked, and the second one
leads to a room with three people, a cow and a heart piece. Trying 
to exit this area freezes the game. The other screen just has a lounging
guard. The last part of the alleyway has one guy with nothing important to
say. The only door is locked, and attempting to exit from the front of the
screen crashes the game. The best bet here is to backtrack to Alleyway 1 and
exit to the front of the screen. You'll end up outside the potion shop in the

+ The mask shop works and there's nothing special here. Exit and you'll come
out of the door on the other side of the market.

+ Entering the potion shop takes you back to the alleyway.

+ Trying to go to the Temple of Time will result in Link appearing in the Fire
Temple at the Boss Door with the Goron. Not much to do here but enter the boss
lair, which freezes the game.

+ The house to the left of the Temple of Time transports you to Gannon's
Castle. Not much you can do here because of the inability to equip the right
weapons. Exiting the whole area transports you on the ledge of the gutter
outside of Hyrule Castle. If you get caught by the guards, the game will
freeze on you. Save yourself the trouble and levitate over the fence.

+ Leaving the area brings you back to the market, but from where you would be
if you had left the Temple of Time.

+ Somehow the Hyrule Castle magically ends up being Gannon's Castle, and plays
the cutscene. Ends the beta quest.

+ Entering the shooting gallery takes you outside of the Temple of Time.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but levitating over the fence does not take you
behind the temple like the beta pictures imply. You'll just fall through the

+ When you go to the Temple of Time, instead of showing up at the entrance, 
you begin at the pedastal as if you warped back. This ends beta mode. And
you're also stuck here, the door to the room you're in is closed.

+ The second door to the left freezes game.

+ The last door to Link's left is locked.

+ You appear in the Shadow Temple when you leave the market. If you get to the
boss lair, you'll end up in Morhpa's chamber instead. Since you can't equip
your hookshot, you're dunzo. When you finally die, if you select "Continue"
you will end up in the shooting gallery. There is nothing here to do, and if
you try to leave, the game freezes. If you exit the Shadow Temple instead,
you get greeted with a lovely tan screen of nothing.

Kakariko Village

+ The town is on fire, and you are no longer in beta mode. Shiek is also at
the entrance so you can be laughed at on your way out.

Zora's Domain

+ You will bypass the whole cavern portion, and show up right in front of
Jabu-Jabu. You can either levitate into Jabu-Jabu, or levitate over to the Ice
Cavern. Either way you're going to be levitating.

+ Go inside Jabu-Jabu and you'll begin where you would normally be fighting
the boss, but he's gone. And you are no longer in beta.

+ If you go in the Ice Cavern, you'll start in the last room, with a cool
transparent pink pedastal. Then you can head down the path into an unfinished
version of the block puzzle. If you like aquamarine, then here is the room for
you. There's nowhere else you can go now, so reboot the game.

Kokiri Forest

+ You are treated to a look at an unfamiliar cavern, and that's it, you can't
move, can't do a thing. Reset time, again.

Lake Hylia

+ You end up in Dodongo's cavern. If you go to the only exit, you'll get to
see an earlier verision of the main room. Exit and you appear in the middle of
the sky. You'll have to do a little flying to get to the next platform, from
which you can exit. You end up at the beginning of the forest temple. When you
try to leave, you finally show up at Lake Hylia. 

+ Even though the water is low, you'll be swimming at the level the high water
would be.

+ The fishing pond gives you a keypad freeze, the game still runs, but you
can't do anything about it. It's some cavern, but I can't say much about it
unless I could see more.

+ The underwater passage gives you a freeze.

+ Go into the lab to meet the running man. Try to exit and get a big fat

+ Exit the region and you'll get a grey freeze.

Gerudo Valley

+ Not only does entering this region boot you out of beta, but it sticks you
in a place where there is nothing you can do but go to your menu. Reboot time.

Lon Lon Ranch

+ Nasty freeze.

Ocarina Songs and their effect                                           [six]

In this section, I will discuss how playing the ocarina songs in beta can
affect the Beta Quest. Using ocarina songs in Beta Quest can get you to places
that can not be normally reached otherwise.

I will only document the things that actually do something noteworthy, instead
of freezing the game or doing anything normal and expected.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[00] Beta World 00~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ Playing the Bolero of Fire warps you to the side of Hyrule Castle, with
Malon sleeping.

+ Playing the Serenade of Water in warps you to Gannon's Castle just before
the final battle with Gannon.

+ Playing the Nocturne of Shadow warps you to Gannon's Castle just before the
final battle with Gannon.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[01] Beta World 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ Playing the Bolero of Fire warps you to the side of Hyrule Castle, with
Malon sleeping.

+ Playing the Nocturne of Shadow in warps you to Gannon's Castle just before
the final battle with Gannon.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[02] Beta World 02~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ Playing the Bolero of Fire warps you to the side of Hyrule Castle, with
Malon sleeping.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[03] Beta World 03~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ Playing the Nocturne of Shadow warps you to Gannon's Castle just before the
final battle with Gannon.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[04] Beta World 04~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ Playing the Bolero of Fire warps you to the side of Hyrule Castle, with
Malon sleeping.

+ Playing the Nocturne of Shadown warps you to the Gerudo's Fortress.

+ Playing the Prelude of Light warps you to an underground grotto with a cow,
a few rupees and some hearts. Leaving here takes you to the Temple of Time,
at the point where you would have just got back from pulling the sword out and
leaving the Chamber of Sages.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[05] Beta World 05~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Non-functional Beta World.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[06] Beta World 06~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ Playing the Nocturne of Shadow warps you to Gerudo's Fortress.

+ Playing the Prelude of Light warps you to an underground grotto with a cow,
a few rupees and some hearts. Leaving here takes you to the Temple of Time,
at the point where you would have just got back from pulling the sword out and
leaving the Chamber of Sages.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[07] Beta World 07~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ Playing the Nocturne of Shadown warps you to the Gerudo's Fortress.

+ Playing the Prelude of Light warps you to an underground grotto with a cow,
a few rupees and some hearts. Leaving here takes you to the Temple of Time,
at the point where you would have just got back from pulling the sword out and
leaving the Chamber of Sages.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[08] Beta World 08~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

No songs work in this Beta World.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[09] Beta World 09~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Non-functioning Beta World.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[10] Beta World 10~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ Playing the Bolero of Fire warps you to the side of Hyrule Castle, with
Malon sleeping.

+ Playing the Serenade of Water in warps you to Gannon's Castle just before
the final battle with Gannon.

+ Playing the Nocturne of Shadow warps you to Gannon's Castle just before the
final battle with Gannon.

The Beta Save Phenomenon                                               [seven]

First of all, I use the ROM to play the Beta Quests. This may have an effect
on the outcome of my findings, so the things I talk about here may not be the
case with people who may be playing on an actual Nintendo 64 console.

When I first got the ROM, I went straight to the Gameshark options and input
the codes that enabled Beta Quests, levitation, etc. I never actually started
a new file from scratch, nor did I check for pre-packaged save states.

After getting a bit into the writing of this guide, out of boredom I booted up
a game with no Gameshark cheats enabled. When I got to the file selection
screen, I noticed that File 1 had a save on it. The name was a string of
Japanese characters, and since I can't read Japanese I have no clue what it
said. As I remember, the file had a character with fourteen hearts, all the
medallions, and no deaths (000).

At first I thought that it was probably a save state that had came with the
ROM. I deleted the save and started to experiment with what I call "Beta

I made sure that all three save files were empty, and then started playing in
Beta Quest world 00. I went to Kakariko Vilage (Which turns the HUD and menu
back on) and saved the game. When I went back to the file selection screen,
there was nothing to show. Empty just as I had left it before.

So to try the other way I thought of, I created three files. File 1 was
"AAAAAAAA", File 2 "BBBBBBBB" and File 3 "CCCCCCCC".

After a day or two, I forgot about it pretty much. Then it came back to make
me wonder again.

I was playing in Beta Quest world 00 again to check out some areas of
interest that NukeFall [2] had been telling me about. At one point, I died
from either Morhpa, or being in Death Mountian without the Fire Tunic. When
prompted, I accidently chose to save the current game. I think something
happened at that point, because when I later went back to the file selection
screen, File 1 had a new save in it.

This time, the file "AAAAAAAA" somehow aquired a full inventory, with only
three hearts. The interesting thing was the death counter: 001.

I booted up the file, and it began in the cutscene where Zelda reveals herself
to Link after awakening the six Sages.

The thing that gets me is that no matter how many times I saved the game in
beta, nothing happened to the files. But for that one accident I made, it
pimped out File 1.

In the Beta Quests, Link has fourteen hearts. Everything else Link has in the
Beta Quest gets transferred over to the file, except for the file stays with
the three original hearts... why is that?

As of the current release of this guide, I still haven't figured out the
method to make a beta save work. Anyone with knowledge about this can send
me an email and enlighten me about the mysteries of this.

Analyzing the Research                                                 [eight]

Ok so now that I've broken down the beta worlds 00-10, let's take a look at
the data in a simplified manner.

In beta worlds 00 through 10:

+ Two beta worlds do not function properly and can not be explored.

+ The region Gerudo Valley is never directly accesible.

+ The only portion of Gerudo Valley thats playable is the Spirit Temple area.

+ Beta world 00 is the only world in which you can access Lake Hylia directly.

+ If you want to get the longest trip through "beta", then your best bet would
be to enter beta world 00 or beta world 10.

+ Beta world 00 and 10 are identical to each other.

+ It seems that no matter where you are, a warp song will always take you to
the same place. Most of the time it freezes the game, and there isn't anything
special to see by warping around.

+ The Sun's song does nothing to the time. If you use it during daytime,
you'll still be in daytime; same deal with night.

+ The Song of Time also does just as you'd expect, which is nothing with a few
exceptions for when you actually need it to advance in the real game.

As random as the beta worlds may seem at first, from my experience, there is
actually a bit of rhyme and reason to where you end up. Though the actual
rhyme and reason is yet unknown, by either design or coincidence Zora's
Domain either leads to a crash, to Jabu-Jabu, or to an area of Kokiri Forest.

So far, that is the only bit of rhyme and reason that I've found to be true
in the beta worlds. The beta worlds are very sequential in they're own way;
the paths you can take through a beta world is always consistent no matter
what. If one door leads to a crash, it always will. If one door leads to the
Temple of Time, it always will. This is always true in the beta quest.

When you begin a beta quest, you bypass the title screen and the file
loading screen. Because of this, you are playing with an undefined character
and file name. This is why the game flips out when a NPC tries to say your
name. The interesting thing is that if you begin a beta quest, and go to a
map that turns your HUD on and pulls out out of the beta world, saving the
game does nothing. You will find that if you try and save a game that began
in a beta world, the saved game will simply not exist when you look at the
file selection screen. The only catch is that there is a "Beta Save
Phenomenon" that is discussed in the last section, this is an interesting
thing that I haven't figured out yet.

The reason for this is because when you start a beta quest, you are not
loading a prior save or even starting a new file; you are just dropped in to
the middle of Hyrule Field, nameless and lacking a file to save to. So when
you try to save your progress, because you never loaded a save the game does
not know what file to write to. So your data simply saves to the thin air. I
feel that I have completely proven this because I tried everything to disprove
it. I deleted all three save slots and saved in beta, no new file showed up. I
created three new files and beta saved; not one file was ever modified from
what was originally there. So beta saving does not modify any existing saves,
and it also does not save to empty files. Beta saves just disapear.

I belive that the things we see in the beta quest, that are not seen in the
normal game, were intended to be a part of the 64DD extention of the game.
That mysterious pink pedestal in the Ice Cavern? Kakariko Village on fire?
Maybe we would have seen them in the 64DD extension...

Any why, oh why did Nintendo decide to not use the environment that is used
in beta world 07? The bright midday colors with rolling fog is so awesome, and
when it's paired with the Triforce theme it makes Hyrule Field so much more
majestic and beautiful. It should have been the main look of the region.
Shame on you Nintendo... you went for the more dreary feel. Oh well, this
game is great anyways so it doesn't matter. I can play it like that anytime I
want to with the beta world 07 code.

In conclusion, the beta worlds in Ocarina of Time are not exactly what you
can call beta. I hope my work in Ocarina of Time has helped you to understand
the facts about one of the most mysterious hidden features of the game.

General Credits                                                         [nine]

First and foremost YOU for taking the time to read this.

Nintendo, for creating the masterpiece "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time"

GameFAQ's Jeff "CJayC" Veasey for providing the premire video game website and
the message boards where everything you hear, see, or make up all by yourself
is 100% true. This guide was written with GameFAQ's in mind.

IGN for hosting this document. I appreciate it!

Neoseeker for hunting me down and giving me the oppertunity to have this
guide hosted on your site.

Thanks to DIS member "Jason the Echidna" for the immense clarification on what
the beta worlds really are from a programming viewpoint. You've got it down
man, you've got it down.

Here's a shout out to the all the "Ocarina of Time" investigators over at the
DIS forums. My participation there led me to produce this guide.

Contribution Credits                                                     [ten]

[1] Thanks to Jason from DIS for the insight on what makes the Beta Quests
tick. The entire introduction of this guide has been based on the few
conversations that we had about this subject. You've helped to clarify the
reality of the Beta Quests, not only to myself, but to anyone who takes the
time to read this guide.

[2] A very big thanks to NukeFall, who brought to my attention a Gameshark
code that allows you to map any item you want to any C-button you want. I used
that code to further explore the Beta Quests, mainly as a way to defeat Morhpa
by mapping the hookshot/longshot.

If you know anything about the Beta Quests that I may have missed, or if you
have seen something I haven't and would like me to investigate it, then
contact me at [email protected] and tell me whats up. I would love
to hear from you, so don't be scurred.

Legal Agreement                                                       [eleven]

"The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Beta Quest Research and Analysis" is
copyrighted work of author Matthew Gregg.

Users are allowed to take the information as presented in this document for
personal use without prior consent. If a user would like to use the
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+ The user will not modify the information in any way, for any reason if this
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+ The user may use this information as long as the credit is given where due.

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Copyright 2005 Matthew Gregg                       [email protected]

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