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Guide and Walkthrough by TripleJump

Version: 1.0 | Updated: 06/07/2008

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FAQ/Walkthrough by: TripleJump
Created: August 23rd, 2005
Last Updated: June 7th, 2008
Copyright (C) 2005-2008 TripleJump
Contact: triplejumpfaqs[at]gmail[dot]com

                               Table of Contents

|Opening                                                                       |
|                                                                              |
|I. Version History.......................................................[100]|
|II. Introduction.........................................................[200]|
|III. Controls............................................................[300]|
|Walkthroughs                                                                  |
|                                                                              |
|IV. Ocarina of Time Walkthrough..........................................[400]|
| a. Get the Sword and the Shield                                              |
| b. Inside the Deku Tree                                                      |
| c. Things to Collect After the Deku Tree                                     |
| d. Get to Princess Zelda                                                     |
| e. Get to Darunia                                                            |
| f. Things to Collect After reaching Darunia                                  |
| g. Dodongos Cavern                                                           |
| h. The Magic Meter and things to collect                                     |
| i. Get to Zora's Domain                                                      |
| j. Get the Message in a Bottle                                               |
| k. Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly                                                  |
| l. Things to Collect after beating Jabu-Jabu's Belly                         |
| m. The Master Sword                                                          |
| n. Get the Hookshot                                                          |
| o. Things to Get After Getting the Hookshot                                  |
| p. Complete the Forest Temple                                                |
| q. Complete the Fire Temple                                                  |
| r. Get Epona                                                                 |
| s. Ice Cavern                                                                |
| t. Get the Biggoron Sword                                                    |
| u. Water Temple                                                              |
| v. Things to Collect After the Water Temple                                  |
| w. Complete the Shadow Temple and the Bottom of the Well                     |
| x. Gerudo Fortress                                                           |
| y. Complete the Spirit Temple                                                |
| z. Collect the Remainder of Hearts and Items                                 |
| FINAL: Ganon's Tower                                                         |
|Appendices                                                                    |
|                                                                              |
|VI. Heart Pieces.........................................................[500]|
|VII. Gold Skulltulas.....................................................[600]|
|IV. Items................................................................[700]|
|X. Enemies...............................................................[800]|
|XI. Combat Situations (A guide to help you understand combat)............[900]|
|XII. Sidequests..........................................................[110]|
|Closing                                                                       |
|                                                                              |
|XIII. Frequently Asked Questions.........................................[120]|
|XIV. Credits.............................................................[130]|
|XV. Copyright............................................................[140]|
|XVI. Closing.............................................................[150]|



Version History                                                            [100]

Date: June 7th, 2008
Size: 231KBs
Percent: 100%

I did a ton of formatting, well not a ton but quite a bit. I also realized I
somehow deleted the Spirit Temple (Adult) section and re-added that so it's
completed again.

Date: May 3rd, 2008
Size: 218KBs
Percent: 100%

Rejoice! I did all the subsections today, I'm so proud of myself for putting in
the work I didn't think I'd ever do! Wahoo!

Date: April 15th, 2008
Size: 170KBs
Percent: 86%

Email change.

Date: January 30th, 2007
Size: 170KBs
Percent: 86%

Trying to submit. You must think I am crazy.

Date: December 6th, 2006 to January 8th, 2007
Size: 168KBs
Percent: 85%

The Walkthrough itself is complete. Other sections are being finished now.

Date: August 23rd, 2005 to December 5th, 2006
Size: 137KBs
Percent: 80%

Walkthrough is worked from nothing to Spirit Temple Child. Gold Skulltula, Heart
Piece, Combat Situations are completed. Started or halfway sections are
Glitches, Secrets, Enemies and Items.


Introduction                                                               [200]

Hey, I'm TripleJump. I chose to write this FAQ because the Legend of Zelda:
Ocarina of Time is my favorite game of all time. In it, a young boy named Link,
the Hero of Time, has to save the land of Hyrule from the evil of Ganondorf. To
conquer this evil, he must gather 3 Spiritual Stones, to open the gateway into
the Sacred Realm, and draw the Legendary Blade from the Pedestal of Time.
Something goes wrong however, and Link finds himself trying to do something

Whenever I got a reward for my report card, it would always be to rent an N64,
just so I could play this game. My friend Brandon originally introduced it to
me, and I loved this game so much. This is my next project, there are four in
the works right now. But I hope to complete this one soonest. I owe it to myself
and to the readers. Do not worry, you are in the hands of an expert. I have
completed this game many, many times, including Master Quest. I have also beaten
the game in 3 days, and 100%'ed it in a week

I am writing this walkthrough to help you learn the ways of the Zelda. I hope it
passes my extensive knowledge onto you. Have fun reading, and play the game.
Site owners, if you want to host this file. Drop me a line on email with your
site address and such.


Legend of Zelda                                  NES
Legend of Zelda: Adventure of Link               NES
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past              SNES
Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening                 GB
Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening DX              GBC
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time                 N64
Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask                    N64
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages                  GBC
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons               GBC
Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker                  GCN
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Master Quest    GCN
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past/Four Swords  GBA
Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures          GCN
Legend of Zelda: Collectors Edition              GCN
Classic NES Series: The Legend of Zelda          GBA
Classic NES Series: Adventure of Link            GBA
Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap                  GBA
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess               WII


Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess               GCN
Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures (JP)     DS
Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass           DS


Controls                                                                   [300]


A - Action Button (Open, Speak, Check, Roll)
B - Sword
Control Stick - Move
C-Buttons - Use C-Items, Play Ocarina
D-Pad/L - Toggle Map
Z - Z Target
R - Shield
Start - Pause/Menu


Rotate Control Stick + B - Quick Spin Attack
Z + B - Horizontal Slash
Z + A(With Sword out) - Jump Attack
B (Hold) - Spin Attack
Backflip + B - Take Out Sword in Backflip (useless, but looks pretty cool)
R + Z - Shielded Stab


Z + Left/Right + A - Sidestep
Z + Backwards + A - Backflip
Forward + A - Roll



Ocarina of Time Walkthrough                                                [400]

|Get the Sword and the Shield|

Once you exit the house, go to the left past Saria. Run around in the bushes a
bit. Now climb up the ramp. L-Target the rocks next to the Kokiri Boy. Now do
some backflips for a couple Rupees. Now crawl through the small hole. Collect
the Rupees and get to the chest at the back avoiding the boulder. You will get
the Kokiri Sword.

Now leave. Go to the building with the rocks outside. Enter and open the
chests. Now climb to the ledge behind and walk behind the building for 5
rupees. Now hop across the platforms. You should get a five. You should have
about 40 rupees. Enter the building with the girl sitting on the ledge above
it. Purchase the Deku Shield.

Now go to the left after you exit the shop. There will be Mido blocking your
path. Make sure you have the Shield and Sword equipped. Now talk to him. He
lets you pass. Then kill the enemies there. Get the Sticks they drop. Now
enter the clearing to have a short cutscene with the Deku Tree. You can enter
now, or go to the sides of the Deku Tree, where you can get more sticks.

Either way, enter.

|Inside the Deku Tree|

After entering, you might want to kill one of the lunging enemies, kill them
to get some Deku Nuts. Then climb up the ladder. Hop across the chasms and go
in the door at the end. Reflect the Deku Nuts back at the scrub, then step on
his spot to have him give you a secret. Go through the opened door. Either
jump onto the platform or jump around the platform and climb up to the other
side. Open the chest for the Fairy Slingshot.

If you are short on health, you can climb up the platform to reach a recovery
heart. Go down and hop across the platform (if you didn't step on it.) If you
did, shoot the ladder above you with the slingshot and climb up that. Go
outside and head to the right. Open the chest for the Dungeon Map. Then snipe
down the Skultulas with the slingshot, climb up the vines and go to the right
to drop down onto a platform. Head over to the door. Inside is a mini puzzle,
step on the switch and hop across the platforms, take the left path and open
the chest. Kill the Gold Skulltula and hop over to the left onto the big chest
to get the Compass. Leave by lighting the torch. Kill one of the Skulltula's
and jump off of the edge, press "B" in the air, aim for the center of the web
below. You will cut it open and fall into the water below. Move over to the
platform and hop up, press the switch.

There are two Gold Skultula's here. One is on the grate, shoot it down and
jump to it. The second is on climbable vines. Shoot it and climb the vines to
get it.

Open the chest by the torch containing a recovery heart. Get a Deku Stick on
fire and hop to the adjacent side with the web wall. Burn it down and go into
the door. Shield against the Scrub and hit it with it's own rock. Move onto
the flower and wait for it's response. It tells you this order: 2, 3, 1. You
can get the heart it drops, then shoot the eye with the Slingshot. In the next
room, hop to the bottom of the pool. Swim to the switch to the left and
quickly swim back to the surface, and up the ramp. Jump on the platform and
you will ride it to the other side. Go in the door. In the next room, before
walking out, bring up the slingshot. Aim just above the eggs and fire, you
will burst them. Having you avoid a pointless fight. Light a Deku Stick when
the eggs are dead and burn down the web. Crawl through the hole. On the other
side, drop the block off and jump to the other side.

Light up a torch and hop to the other side via the block. Roll onto the web
when you have the torch lit. Then you fall to the level below. Get some hearts
if you are injured, but leave some for later. Go up and look at the scrubs.
You defeat them the same way you did last time, but do it in the order of 2,
3, 1. Now after the last one is defeated, act like it is one of the normal
ones. It gives you the "secret" to beating Queen Gohma. Go back into the water
and get the other hearts if you need to heal. Open the door to get to the Boss.

                         |Parasitic Armored Arachnid-|
                         |=-=-=-=-Queen Gohma-=-=-=-=|

As you enter, look up at the ceiling with the up on the C Stick. Keep the
camera focused on the eye. It will eventually lead to her introduction. There
are two ways to stun Gohma: Blast her eye with the Slingshot when it turns
red, or use a Deku Nut on her. She will be stunned and her eye goes green.
Slash her up, use a jump attack to start then just slash away. She will get up
and start climbing the roof. L-Target her and get a seed in your Slingshot
ready, move so her eye is in easy view. When her eye turns red, peg it and she
will fall to the floor stunned. Repeat the earlier process and finish her.


After the fight, collect the Heart Container and enter the warp portal. You
come in front of the Deku Tree. He tells you the story of the evil man who
cast a spell upon him in order to gain the Kokiri Emerald. He also gives you
the legend of the three Goddesses. He now will give you the Kokiri Emerald.
The tree will die now. So leave and talk to Mido, he blames you for the death
of the tree. Now leave the forest through the wood entrance near your house.

|Things to Get After Completeing the Deku Tree|

Bullet Bag Upgrade #1- Complete the Shooting Gallery
Gold Skultulas x2- In a crate in the room with all the rupees, in the tree at
the castle.

The above items will be covered in the next section.

|Get to Princess Zelda|

As you exit the Forest, Saria will stop you and give you the Fairy Ocarina.
Now watch the short scene and go out. Run to the exit and you are confronted
with the Owl, Kaepora Gaebora. Talk to him, and answer so that you do not have
to listen again. Now turn so you are facing to the left of the entrance. Hold
"L" and hold "Right" on the control stick. Mash the A Button Rapidly and you
will go over the plains very quickly thanks to side steps. Do this until you
get to the Castle. Enter over the Drawbridge.

Inside, take the door and smash all the pots to get Rupees. Then roll into the
crate. Inside is a Gold Skultula. Kill it and take the Token. Leave and go
into the main market. Enter the Shooting Gallery and shoot the rupees. This
may take a few trys, but you can get more rupees back from the big pot room
earlier. If you get them all, you get a bigger Bullet Bag. Exit the building
and go into the castle. Which can be found by going down the path with a big
castle in the distance.

There is a Gold Skultula in the tree here. Roll into it.

Go up the vines and over the gate, get caught by the guards on purpose. Talk
to Malon, the girl by the vines until she gives you the Weird Egg. Hopefully
it is nighttime. Climb the vines and run over to the top of the gate. Jump off
of it. Walk until you are about halfway to the guards by the path and the
guard on the hill. Walk up and over to the Stones you can climb up.

Go up and jump over the hill and dive into the water. Let the current carry
you along to the end. Climb up at the sloped part and move to the crates. If
it is morning and your egg has hatched, use the Chicken to wake up Talon. If
not, then move the crates as close to Talon as possible and wait until
morning. In the morning, wake him up, then move both block into the water, one
on top of the other. Jump to the castle and crawl in the crawlspace. Now you
have to avoid the guards in the way. There is a long stretch I can trust you
to use your own sense to get through.

At the end, you can shoot the windows, the one on the left will have a guard
chuck a bomb at you, the one on the right will have a Red Rupee drop out of
the window. Talk to the Princess and watch the long scene. She shows you
Ganondorf, about her dream and the Triforce in more depth. After the long
scene, leave. With Zelda's Letter in hand, you trudge to the door. But it is
blocked now. Impa, Princess Zelda's protector will talk to you and teach you
the song Zelda's Lullaby. She then slips you out of the castle and tells you
to head to Kakariko Village. Save now.

|Get to Darunia|


Bullet Bag Upgrade #2
Adult Wallet
Heart Pieces x4
Hylian Shield
Bottles x2
Sun Song
Saria's Song
Epona's Song 
Deku Stick Upgrade #1

Reload the Game and you will be in the forest, go up the vines and into the
Lost Woods. Go right for the first one. Shoot the Stone hanging with 3 Seeds
dead center to get the Bullet Bag Upgrade. Now jump below and play the game
with the skull kids by taking the ocarina out on the log. Win three times for
a Piece of Heart. Now listen to the music as you go to the end of the woods.
Kill the Wolfos, its tail is the weak point. Now get to the end and learn
Saria's Song. Exit the woods and reenter. This time go left and play Saria's
Song on the log there to get a Heart Piece. Now go to the other tunnel, go to
the back and defeat the business scrub for the Deku Stick Upgrade. It will
cost you.

Now exit the forest, head to the big round place in the middle of the field.
Go into the door on the left side once you have entered. Win the Cucco Game
for a Bottle, there will be some milk inside. Now talk to Malon, in the center
of the field three times. Then pull out the Ocarina. You will learn Epona's
Song. Then head around back, go into the windmill place at the far end. Move
the blocks so you can crawl through the hole for a heart piece. Head to
Kakariko Village next.

Talk to the Cucco Lady and agree to get her Cuccos. The First Cucco is nearby,
chuck it into the coop. Go down the steps and to the entrance. Pick up the
second Cucco and toss it into the bin. Go up the steps to the left and take
this Cucco and throw it into the bin. There is a box nearby the steps going
up. Roll into it to open the crate and grab the chicken. Walk up the steps,
and hop off of the Red roof and land on the platform that has the chicken on
it. Throw them both off and take the one from the platform and throw it into
the coop. Take the chicken and walk up to the windmill. See the fence? Dash it
at and float to it. When you are not moving anymore, left go of the Cucco and
you will grab the fence. Climb over and up the ladder. Throw the chicken down.
There will be three chickens. Grab one and climb the ladder to the potion
shop. Throw it over the fence. Repeat this with them all. Then jump to the
fence and climb over. Drop these into the Coop to get a Bottle.

Move into the graveyard from here. Go to the grave at the back and play
Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce. Enter the gravestone. Kill all of the Keese
in this room to open the door. Open it and run through the green sludge. It
will hurt, but it avoids death against the zombies. In the last room examine
the tablet. You learn "Sun's Song". Now you can go back and play the Sun's
Song to freeze the Zombies. Walk the normal way around and exit the
gravestone. Go outside into Hyrule Field and sit there until nightfall (DO NOT
PLAY THE SUNS SONG). When it turns dark, go into the Village and talk to
Dampe. Whenever he is over the patch of dirt, talk to him. He will dig up for
10 Rupees a hole. So hopefully you restocked them. Dig in every spot until you
find the Piece of Heart. Before leaving, move the grave with the green flowers
in front of it away. Then open the chest for a Hylian Shield. Now go to the
door with the fence blocking the chickens. Inside is a room with some Gold
Skultulas. Usually I have 10+ Skultula Tokens by now, so if you do, get the
Adult Wallet by talking to the human inside the house.

We are now all set for our ascent of Death Mountain. Go to the village in the
morning (Sun's Song). Take the left path from the entrance from the field and
up the steps. Show the guard the letter. He lets you through, but tells you
about the Happy Mask shop. Keep this in mind later. Head up the hill, avoiding
boulders and the Tektites, kill them if you want. Go all the way to the top of
the hill and into the cave at the end. Welcome to Goron City.

Jump down to the bottom level. Play Zelda's Lullaby on the carpet to the
closed door. It opens. Go to the end and stand in front of Darunia Play
Saria's Song. He starts dancing like crazy. After the scene he gives you the
situation on the Dodongo's Cavern and on Ganondorf. He gives you the Goron's
Bracelet. This lets you pick up Bomb Flowers.

| Things to Get after Reaching Darunia |
Heart Piece x2

Take out a Deku stick, light it with one of the torches in Darunia's room and
bring the fire to the wooden torch just outside. Then use the stick to carry
the flames to the various torches throughout Goron City. After they are all
lit, the Pot in the center starts moving. Bring bomb flowers up and try to
land on in the center of the pot from the floor above. Once you have done
this, some rupees and (hopefully) a Heart Piece comes out. If it doesn't, keep
trying until it does.

There is also another thing to do. There are various places around the City
that need bombing. One leads to Midigoron. Another leads to the Lost Woods,
last one leads to some chests. Do it if you wish. Leave the city through the
top door when done. Walk towards the path down the mountain and hard right.
Throw the bomb flower here off of the cliff, so it blows up the cover to
Dodongo's Cavern. Then one last thing, angle yourself diagonally and backflip
over the fence. You land on the roof of the cavern. Get the Heart Piece, drop
below and enter the Cavern.

| Dodongo's Cavern |

You enter, grab a bomb flower and eliminate the entrance gate. You have truly
made it indoors. Go left and to the platform there. Destroy the Beamos with
the bomb flower. Then open the door. Get the Dungeon Map in there. Go to the
opposite site of the level and do the same. Only it will reveal a door. Go in.
A couple of Baby Dodongo's will try to attack. You can slash them and step
back for when they blow up, or just use the shield and they harmlessly pass
over you. Continue down the hallway. Move the Armos Statue onto the blue
switch and pass into the opened door. The doors lock and you fight a miniboss,
the Lizafos. You wait for one to come across the lava room, then fight it. Try
using the Deku Shield for this one. Hold the shield, they strike and you
attack. Attack twice, then jump attack. Doing max damage before he leaves.

The next one comes. Repeat the strategy until they are both defeated. Go in
the door. In this next room, go to each spot and stand behind the Dodongo's.
Slash the tail and then quickly step to the side to avoid the tail and follow
the movement so you end up behind him. Once all three are dead, light a stick
and light the three torches. The door opens, so enter. Stomp on the switch
here and the door on the other side is unlocked. Go across. Enter. Blow up the
wall before doing anything else, then bomb the frontal Armos. It will die, but
run before it blows up on you. After it is gone open the chest for the
Compass. Leave and drop the lone bomb flower inbetween the flowers. The bomb
will blow them all up, causing a chain reaction which results in the stairs
coming down.

Climb up all of the stairs and take a side. Before going in the door, kill the
Gold Skultula on the netting and climb up to get the token. In this room, walk
around the center of the room until you have spotted the ladder. Pull that
Armos away from it, then climb up the ladder. Step on the switch and go in the
opened door. Climb down the ladder and avoid the sliding spikes as you get to
the other side of the room. Pull the block out, hop on it and climb to the
door. Jump to the platform and open the chest. Then chuck the Bomb Flower at
the door to let you through. Go in and shoot the eye switch above the flames.
Quickly hop across and go down the hall. Fight the Lizafos like you did the
last time you read this. Go into the next room and hit the first eye switch
above the flames, hop to the platform and quickly hit the one to your left. Go
through the hallway. At the end, hop right and open the Chest for the Bomb Bag.

Now head out to the main room via the next hallway. Step on the switch, then
head to the right. Move out on the bridge. Drop bombs down the gaps in the
bridge to light the eyes up. Then head down the skull and into the doorway. Go
into the right and walk down to the maze like thing. Climb all the boxes and
walk down the walkway. The pots just before the hall contain some fairys. So
catch them in the bottles. In the hallway, push the box to the end and pull it
to the hole in the floor. It hits the switch opening a door. Go inside and
bomb the floor. Then after bombing the floor, open the chest to get a refill
on bombs before heading down. Jump down and watch the scene, now...

                         |Infernal Dinosaur King-|

As the fight begins, Dodongo breathes in a lot of air. As he does this, chuck
a bomb into his mouth. Run towards him, and as he falls down, red, jump attack
him and step back. You have three ways to avoid his next roll attack. Use the
shield and he will pass over you, hug the wall, and he will miss. Or you can
step right next to the lava pool, but not all the way in. Repeat the process
until he is history. Step onto the frozen lava pool, gather the Heart
Container and step in the Warp Portal.


As you end up outside the entrance, Darunia and some Goron's drop from the
'bove and thank you. Darunia is so touched that he gives you the Goron's Ruby.
Now you have two Spiritual Stones. Darunia also want's to be your sworn
brother. You agree, though no clue what it means. So now some more Gorons
come, and they want to give you a big "Goron hug". Your character Flees. But
remember the words of the Gorons, the Great Fairy lives on Death Mountain. So
thats where we will go.

| The Magic Meter and other things to collect |

Magic Meter
Heart Piece x3 (Maybe Four)
Din's Fire
Bomb Bag Upgrade #1
Keaton Mask
Gold Skultula (x1)

I remembered this after and couldn't find a way to fit it in. But there are
two bombable rocks on Death Mountain Trail. One has a Gold Skultula and the
other has 50 Rupees. So gather as you please.

Head up the hill to the part with the flag. Climb up the hill and bomb the
rocks here. Hop up and run all the way down the place, pausing to dodge the
rocks by using the shield (Hylian). At the other end shoot down the Skultula's
and climb to the top. Ignore the Owl and bomb the doorway. Enter the bombed
area and play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce Symbol. The Great Fairy comes
out and grants you the Magic Meter and Sword Spin attacks. After, come outside
and talk to Kaepora Gaebora. Accept the ride down the mountain.

At the bottom, walk to the edge of the house and peer down. Land on the
overhang above the Chicken Coop and enter the house. Get the Heart Piece
inside. Leave and go to the Hyrule Market. Head to the castle. Climb the vines
and jump down the gate. Walk to the dead end and bomb the boulder. Crawl
through and play Zelda's Lullaby by the Triforce Symbol. This gives you the
Din's Fire spell. Leave and go back into the market. Visit the Bombchu Bowling
alley. You can play and win some prizes. Win the Bombchu Bowling game and you
can get the Bomb Bag upgrade and a Heart Piece. Leave and go into the Happy
Mask shop. Talk to the person here and say you will be the Happy Mask
Salesperson. Get the Keaton Mask.

Play the Sun's Song outside. Now go to the Bazaar, outside is a white dog. Run
around it and through it so it follows you. Run down the alleyway and into the
door sticking out into the alleyway. Talk to the woman here to get a piece of
heart for returning Richard. Leave. There is a building with many lights on
right there. If you want, enter and play the game. If you win you get a Heart
Piece. But we can come back later and make it 99% easier.

Now we have to go to Zora's Domain. Go to Kakariko Village (Stand on the steps
to it, face the stairway). Then go right. Over the edge of the river and down
the path.

| Get to Zora's Domain |


Heart Piece x2

Talk to Kaepora Gaebora. After, bomb the rocks. Ignore the man by the fence.
Grab the Chicken and float across the river.

Float across again at the top part. Then again at the gap in the path going
left. Run At the ledge. When you aren't going forwards anymore, let go of the
chicken. You grab on. Now get the piece of heart and go back down. Grab the
chicken if it is still there and throw it above at the end part. Be quick, and
get up yourself. Pick the chicken up and go cross river twice. Walk over the
bridge and up the path to the Waterfall. Float from there to the piece of
heart. Get it, then go back to the waterfall. Play Zelda's Lullaby and you can

| Get the Message in a Bottle |

Heart Piece x5
Silver Scale
Farore's Wind

You MUST have 20 Rupees. Climb all the way to the top of the place and look at
the Fat Zora. Go down the path to the left and talk to the Zora there. Agree
to play, then jump off the waterfall and collect the Rupees. After you get
them all from the lake, go back up and talk to the Zora. If you did it in the
amount of time given, you get the Silver Scale. Turn around and head to the
torch. Light the stick on it and dash down the stairs. Light the Wooden Torch
there. From there, light a new stick, and run to the shop. Light the torch
there. Run into the Shallows and light the torch there. Get the last two
behind the Waterfall and a chest appears with a Piece of Heart. Go into the
deep water and face the little hole at the bottom. Dive under and in that
hole. You end up in Lake Hylia.

Immediately you notice a bottle at the bottom. Dive down and claim it as your
prize. Swim over to the left and into the Fishing Pond. Talk to the man and
play the game. Swim into the center of the pond and stand on the log. L Target
the big fish right beside it. Cast the line and reel until he is following it.
Give little jerks on the line with the control stick pulled towards you, and
A. He should eventually bite it. Hold the control stick at a diagonal angle
towards you and left. Then Hold A. You should have it fairly quickly. Keep the
fish and talk to the man. He gives you a piece of heart for your trouble. Now
leave and go onto mainland. There is a scarecrow here. Just play something
stupid like A A A A A A A to him. Then do it to the other one. Leave through
the exit at the back. Climb the ladder and jump into the fenced area. There is
a hole you can bomb open here, when done, enter and kill the business scrub.
He sells you a piece of heart. Head over to Gerudo Valley. It's inbetween here
and the castle, up a hill.

Grab the chicken and stare off the edge. Aim for the waterfall. Inside is a
piece of heart. Then climb out of the water at the platform with the crate.
Bust it open for the next piece of heart. Jump into the water and allow the
current to move you back to Lake Hylia. Swim to the entrance to Zora's Domain
and go back inside

Go back to the fat Zora. Stand on the platform before him and use the message
in a bottle. He gives you the bottle and you have a 45 second scene with him
moving to let you through. Go back to the shallows and catch a fish in the
bottle. Now up the steps we go and into Zora's Fountain. Head right and over
to the small Island away from Jabu-Jabu. There is a weird wall with a Grey
Rock. Bomb that area to open a passage. Inside is a Great Fairy Fountain. Play
Zelda's Lullaby to get Farore's Wind. Leave and go back to Jabu-Jabu. Use the
fish in front of him and he sucks you into his jiggly bowels. Who knew there
was a dungeon inside his stomach?

| Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly |

Note this, if you want to leave the dungeon, use the teeth. Jabu will now open
his trap on his own free will. First things first, reflect the balls back at
the Octoroks and remove them. You can burst the bubbles with the sword or Deku
Nuts. You can also just simply avoid them. Either way, hit the little thing
hanging out of the roof of Jabu's mouth. It opens the door. Go through and
around the path to the next room. Hearts are in the crates if needed.

In this next room you find Ruto! Talk to her and she will walk into the floor.
Notice the whirlpoolness of where she fell? Step in it and you fall down also.
Talk to her twice and she lets you carry her. So pick her up and take her
through the door. Drop her on the side you are on and take out the Gold
Skultula against the climbable vines. Now jump into the water riveine. Throw
Ruto up on top and then step on the switch. Climb the net and get the token.
Then step on it again. Climb to the other side and pick up Ruto. Continue to
the elevator room at the back.

Reflect the rock at the Octorock then heave the Princess and yourself onto the
elevator. Jump off and go into the door on the right. Inside, you will be back
at the room where you first saw Ruto. First thing to do is to notice the whirl
spot on the floor guarded by the green slime. Remember which one this is.
Enter the path at the far back of the room (where the Bari falls down). You
are in the gigantic Fork room. There are three paths. The paths to the left
and right will split off into two paths. Take the path to the right (the FAR
right). Jump on the switch and drop Ruto on her. Go in the door.

In this room, you have to defeat all of the Stinger enemies. Walk over the L
Targeted spots to have them pop up from the ground. Shoot them down with the
Slingshot. Once they are all dead a chest appears containing your Boomerang.
Leave and head back to the swirls room. Get Ruto back on your shoulders and go
into the forked room (Again). Now take the left path and leave Ruto at the
switch. Enter and fight the tentacle creature. Just Target him and throw the
Boomerang. Stay nearby him, and blast him until his death. Get the Dungeon Map
which appears and leave the room. Ruto will be right outside this time, pick
her up and go towards the path right next to you.

Quickly L-Target and destroy the bubbles with the Boomerang. When they have
all been perished, get the Compass from the chest. Leave the room and go to
the room next to the Boomerang room. Enter and destroy the Tentacle Monster
here. Last one is in the center fork. Eliminating this bad boy will open the
path in the swirls room where you couldn't go before. Take Ruto to that and
jump down. When you land, Ruto goes nuts over the Spiritual Stone. Throw her
on the ledge and she tells you why she is there. Then the platform goes up,
when it comes down you are faced with the MiniBoss.

The mini boss is called Big Octo. Throw the Boomerang at his face. He will
freeze up in front of you. Now get as close as possible, but not too close.
Just like my wood teacher taught me. Basically, close enough to hit his butt
when he turns around (Literally) with the boomerang, but far enough so that if
he comes towards you, you wont get pasted too badly. He randomly spins around
after recovery and starts running again. If he is facing away, hit his butt
with the Boomerang and slash the Green blubbery bit. If he comes towards YOU
instead of the other way, throw the boomerang again, and he freezes up again.
Giving you another chance. You could always just run around with him, but this
is much less boring and more anticipation.

When he is defeated, get the hearts and step on the elevator. There are some
fairies at the top in the jars, so catch them if you can. Enter the door and
stun the platforms quickly with the boomerang. This allows you to hop over
them to the other side. Hop onto the ledge to move it up to the first level.
Grab a crate and bring it over to the switch. Treat the crate like Ruto in the
fork room. Enter the door. Kill some enemies if you wish, but climb the vines
near the back. The left side has a Gold Skully. So get his token. At the top,
throw the boomerang so it hits the switch, then comes back and you catch it.
It opens the door at the bottom. Enter it to fight El Barro (Barinade). The

                         |-Bio-Electric Anemone|

Keep moving throughout this Boss Fight. No "Safe Spot". First off, target
those tentacles stuck to the roof. Take them down with the boomerang. Barinade
will eventually come out of the ground and start spinnding. Try to time your
next boomerang throw so that it hits his belly, but makes it into the Bari
shield. After he is hit, you have to take out the Bari. It's a one hit kill
with the 'rang. So use it well. You can get 3/4's of them down if you move
quickly. After they are all dead, hit him again. Then slash the belly. Repeat
this process until this boss is history.

A Heart Container and a Warp Portal appear. Get the heart, and Ruto is in the
portal. Great. Outside she will give you the Stone. You sadly have to pretend
to be her husband. But ignore that crap for now. You now have ALL three of the
Spiritual Stones. Neat. You can head back to the Temple of Time now, or you
can follow my suh-weet advice and find....

| Things to Collect after beating Jabu-Jabu's Belly |

-Gold Skultula x3
-Heart Piece (Optional, and will be collected LATER, when you are actually going
to be where it is)
-Keaton Mask can also be dropped off

Okay, first off, stand on the log thing towards the Fairy Fountain. Play the
Sun's Song and at night, a Gold Skultula appears on the wall. Kill it and use
the Boomerang to get the Token. Now go back into Jabu Jabu's belly. Jump down
some of those swirl holes. There are two Skultulas in there. Collect them and
leave. Next, if you want to get a Heart Piece a little earlier, and want to
get the next mask. Go to Kakariko. Talk to the guard wearing the Keaton Mask.
He pays for it. Now go to the Windmill. Inside, look up. There will be a Heart
Piece at one part. You can Boomerang it down. Now that we are set for
Adulthood, head for the hills... I mean castle.

| The Master Sword |

Ocarina of Time
Skull Mask (If you sold the Keaton Mask)
Song of Time


As you approach the castle, the drawgate goes down and Zelda on a horseback
with Impa run out. Zelda throws the Ocarina in the moat. Ganon comes out
after. He asks you where they went. You think of taking the hard way and
fighting, but he pastes you. Then rides off into the distance. You now have to
go into the water and pick up the Ocarina. Once you touch it, Zelda has some
weird telepathic communication with you. You then learn the Song of Time.
Enter the Market. Go into the Happy Mask Shop. Give the creepy lady the
profits from the mask and pick up the Skull Mask. If you want, there is a
scene in the alleyways with a dieing soldier. If not, go into the Temple of

Inside, walk to the altar and play the Song of Time. The Stones leave your
pocket and go on the altar, then the door opens. Enter and examine the big
sword at the pedestal. You uproot it and some weird blue stuff comes. But...


Ganondorf says he knew you have the stones and that he thanks you for helping
him out. You end up at the "Chamber of the Sages" now. For what I call, the
"Temple of Talking". You show up and look around. There is a man named Rauru
here. He explains about how you grew up seven years in the Temple and became a
man. Now you have to use those new muscles to save Hyrule Castle, which is
more like Hyrule Dumpster at the moment. So now you get transported to the
Temple of Time again. You start to leave but a mysterious "man" named Shiek
appears and tells you a story. She says you need to go to the Kakariko
Graveyard. So here we go.

| Get the Hookshot |

Heart Piece (x4)
Song of Storms
Start the Biggoron Sword Quest

Head over to the Kakariko Graveyard. Pull the grave to the left with the
flowers in front. Inside the grave, you meet Dampe, the spirit of the
gravedigger. He is going to lead you through his labyrinth. Just follow him
making the according time limits, and at the end you will receive the
Hookshot. Leave through the door at the back. On the inside is a block. Play
the song of time to remove it. You are at the top of the Windmill. If you
didn't get the Heart Piece from last time, hop onto the spinning thing and hop
to the Heart. Go back to the graveyard and go pull the grave that is Near the
back, on the right side (facing away from the entrance) and one of the first
from the left. Inside is a Zombie. Play the Sun's Song to freeze him, then
kill his body from behind. After he is dead, wait for the body to vanish. Play
the Suns Song again to get a chest with a piece of heart.

Exit the grave and go back into Dampe's grave. Play the race, and this time,
win with a time 1:00"00 or under. He rewards you with a piece of heart.
Lastly, go outside of the windmill and stand on the fence. Aim the hookshot at
the purple roof. If you are close enough (which you can be) you will latch on.
Talk to the man on there for the last piece of heart. Enter the windmill and
show the man your Ocarina. He teaches you the Song of Storms. Now go to the
Cucco lady. Talk to her and she gives you the Pocket Cucco Egg. Play the Sun's
Song twice, then go into the house near the entrance. Where the crate that had
the Cucco in your childhood was. Enter and use the Cucco by Talon. Go back to
the Lady and show her the Cucco to get Cojiro. This is all we do until we get

Now we are set to enter the Sacred Forest Meadow back in the Kokiri Forest. So
head there. Inside we now have enemies. That's bad. So head back into the Lost
Woods. Inside, take the usual path. Right, Left, Right. Mido will be here. Use
Saria's Song to get past him. It turns out Saria won't let anyone by without
playing that song, because she only teaches it to her friends. Go past him and
go straight ahead, then left, then right.

Sacred Forest Meadow is infected with Moblins now. You have to stealithly
sneak past them all to the end. If one sees you, it charges, then runs you
into the water holes or the walls. Making your way to the end, it is a good
idea to look at them from a safe distance, then deciding if you should come
out and blast them with the Hookshot. If they walk past your hiding spot, the
better. You can just shoot them down with the hookshot.

At the end is a stair up, turn around and there will be a ladder. Climb up
this ladder and jump into the pit, then slip down the hole. Catch as many
fairies as you have bottles, then leave back to the stairs. There is a
different Moblin in this path. It is a huge one, with a big club that will
create shockwaves that can send you flying back to the stairs. To avoid these,
run to a side. Then when he swings the club, run to the other. He will move
his arms left and right, you dodge all of them, and he makes a safe path past
him when you get there. You can finish him off with the sword on the other
side for some Rupees.

Move up into the Meadow. Saria won't be there. Shiek shows up and teaches you
the Melody known as the Minuet of Forest. After the scene, latch onto the
branch overhanging the entrance to the temple. You can walk inside and start
the fight for justice as an adult.

| Forest Temple |

Walk forwards and you will be engaged in combat with two Wolfos. Wolfos are
weak in the tail, and take a jump attack in that area to kill. After they are
dealt with, eliminate the Skulwaltula to the right on the wall. Climb the wall
and onto the giant tree. Hookshot to the chest on the one across from it and
open the chest for a Small Key. Enter the door and shoot the Skultula down
with the hookshot (one hit, even to the front will kill it).

In the next room, you have a scene where the Poes steal the flames to the
elevator, now we have to go and defeat them to get the flames back. Head to
the door directly across from where you entered. Now you have to duel two of
the Stalfos. Tackle one at a time, the other stands away. Try to use stabs and
when he strikes, strike just before to hit where his shield isn't. After you
win, you get a Small Key. The jars in this room hold fairies. Leave and turn
right, play the Song of Time in front of the block, then enter the door behind

Turn right, and walk over to the vine. Kill the Skulwaltulas and climb up. One
will be left, so go sideways to avoid it. Climb up and into the door. Defeat
the blue bubble by using the Hookshot to stun it then defeating it. Get the
Map from the chest and go out the other door. Hop onto the balcony railing and
use the hookshot target to go the next door. Drain the water by stepping on
the switch, then climb down the well. On the other side is a third Small Key.
Leave and go back to the main room. From the entrance to the temple. take the
left door with your key.

In this next room, climb the ladder. The next room is a large room with
puzzles. It is an easy puzzle, just push the blocks into the recession on the
floor and climb up them. The arrows on the floor show you to the place where
the blocks need to go. After this puzzle, there is a locked door. Unlock it
and go through.

Walk down the Twisted Corridor and to the end. Navi babbles on about the
enemies on the ceiling, just keep moving to avoid being dragged to the
entrance. Go over the platform and into the door that is locked. Go through
the next two areas without caring about the Poe pictures until you are in a
room with a hole in the center. There is another Stalfos rumble. Defeat the
first one to have two come down with the floor. But now there is no worry
about falling. Defeat the first one, then QUICKLY get to the next one. I say
quickly because if you don't kill it fast enough, the other one is revived.
Defeat the Stalfos to have a chest appear. Open it to get the Fairy Bow.
Retreat to the first Poe Room you saw.

You have to peg all three of the pictures with an arrow now. After that is
done, you have to duel the Poe. Just stay away until it turns visible, then
quickly jump attack. Once Joelle is defeated, the light of the first torch is
relit, and you can now go to the second poe picture room (Collect the Small
Key from the chest first). Defeat Beth in the same manner you did the other
one. Get the compass from the chest, then go back to the room before the
twisted corridor. Shoot the eye switch to straighten it out. Go to the room
and jump on the floor. Get the Boss Key from the chest then jump down the hole.

Go outside and kill the Deku Baba. Take the first door on your right hand side
and kill the Floormaster. Then eliminate the three small hands. Open the chest
for the Small Key. Then go into the other door. You are back in the block
room. Go to the Second Poe Room (remember to hit the eye switch to change the
twisted corridor). Go into the locked door at the back. There is another room
like the twisted corridor room, only it is straight. Go to the back and in the

Hop onto the moving platforms. Aim the bow at the frozen eye switch, keep
moving with the platform. When the eye passes behind the torch, fire to alight
the arrow, unfreezing the switch. This twists the corridor. Go back and into
the hole in the other room. Now this room, the ceiling falls. So run through,
using holes in the roof as refuge so you don't get hit. Go in the door at the

This next room is a slide puzzle. Shoot the picture and blocks from the roof
fall down. Arrange the four actual puzzle pieces into the picture of poe. One
piece is extra. If you don't get it in the time limit, the puzzle flips
sideways and you get the time you had last with an extra 10 seconds. Once you
get the puzzle, the third poe (Amy) comes out. Defeat it and go in the next

Run to the center of the room. Meg, the last poe comes out. There are four of
her, three are Illusions, and one is the real thing. Sit there watching
closely. The three will appear, and spin around. The real one will spin an
extra time. Target that one and shoot it. After it is defeated, the elevator
comes up. So hop on it and ride it to the bottom.

This last section, you have to push the nooks in the room. This causes the
floor to rotate and new openings to appear. You have to hit the three
switches, which will cause the door to the boss to open. After this is done,
go into the boss room door with the key.

                         |Evil Spirit From Beyond|
                         |=-=-Phantom Ganon-=-=-=|

Enter the Room and go into the center of the "Art Gallery". Turn back around
and try to exit to trigger the fight. Once you are in Battle, he will pop out
of one of the pictures. There is a fake one seen. To tell the difference: The
real one is more detailed and lighter and has little "specks" on him. When he
is white and surrounded by purple vortex, snipe him with the bow. Or you can
wait for him to fully come out and then shoot. 3 hits will make him ditch the

The battle on foot is a little harder. He fires a fireball at you, which is
deflected with the Master Sword. If it hits him move in to attack, if it
misses wait for another one. If he reflects it hit it back untill one of the
above occur. When he is it, run in and slash him. If you take to long he will
start throwing his Javelin/Staff at you. Block with your shield. If you want
to stall use your shield to stop the fireballs. Once he is defeated watch the
cutscene with pride and collect the Heart Container. Step into the blue
portal. You will meet Saria. She grants you the Forest Medallion. You end up
at the Deku Tree and learn your past.


The Deku Sprout comes out of the dirt and tells you that you have aged, but
the other Kokiri hasn't. How is this possible? Well, it turns out Link is
Hylian, and not a Kokiri! Wow. Your mom was dieing, and begged a tree to save
her. You are a sad boy. Hahahaha. Anyway, now we have our main weapon and a
hookshot. This is good.

Now we have to go all the way up Death Mountain to Goron City. Buy full bombs
at the Bazaar on the way up. Inside Goron City, the place is empty except for
a Goron rolling around. Bomb him and he stops. Talk to him and ask him about
Volvagia and the Gorons. Then he gives you the Goron Tunic. The doors also
open. Go inside Darunia's Room and pull the pillar at the back. Enter the
place to be in Death Mountain Crater.

Walk forward and Hookshot to the bridge. Watch the scene as you learn the
Bolero of Fire. Move forwards and down the long ladder to enter the Fire Temple.

| Complete the Fire Temple |

At the start are two doors. One you cannot enter and the other holds nothing
of significance yet. Run up the stairs and take the left door. Inside, you see
Darunia. Watch the scene with him going to fight the boss. You are left in the
room with some things to do. Jump over to the left and step on the switch to
free the Goron. Inside his Cell is a Small Key. You can talk to the Goron to
learn some random tip, but just leave if you would rather not speak with weird

Use the key on the door in the very first room, opposite the one you saw
Darunia in. Walk over to the left hand side and save the goron there by
stepping on the switch. Get the Small Key from his Prison Cell. Go to the
right side of the room and use a bomb to blow up the door. Inside is another
Goron. Get the Small Key from his Cell as well. Then unlock the door across
from the entrance.

Note: There is also a Song of Time block to move and you can climb into the
other room to get a Like Like, Gold Skultula and some floor tiles with a
mission to hurt you

Inside, slide down the board in the center. Use the Hookshot to grapple
yourself up the Chainlink wall as high as you go. Climb to the top and balance
on the edge. Kill the Keese with the Hookshot, then Grapple to the right side
on the top. Turn to face the other side and hop onto the platform, then push
the block off of the edge onto the fire stream. Hop on top to be propelled to
the door above.

When you enter, climb the stair thing, then at the top, hop across to the
other side of the room. Push the block off onto the floor. Then move it into
the part of the floor slightly lower. Climb up, then drop a bomb down on the
switch below. Run over to the disarmed fire shield and climb the ladder to the
top. Go in the door.

Head right in this giant room until you can come across a goron in a cage. The
switch is right in front of it. Step on it to open the cage, then get the Key
from the chest. On the other side of the room is another goron that you can
get a Small Key from. Then go to the part of the room across from where you
entered and use the key on the locked door.

This room might not be a bad place to use Faerore's Wind. Incase you fall
below you can just warp up. The dungeon map lies in the locked room. Use the
bow on the eye switch to enter. After you get it, go in the other door. Run
onto the platform to the other side of the room and in the door.

Hop across to the biggest platform and bomb the floor. At the bottom of the
hole is a switch that opens a Goron cage, get the Small Key from it and climb
back up. Across from here or nearby is a switch. Step on it to open another
Goron cage. Go to that cage and get the Small Key, then go all the way back to
the room with the fire and the cage platform.

Walk across to the locked door. You have to make a jump that doesn't look like
you can make, but you will. So trust in yourself as you open the locked door
with a key. In this next room is a giant fire maze. Make your way to the door
in the center. You notice a Goron, ignore it and proceed through the doorway
on the other side.

Make your way to the switch in the maze. Step on it to disarm the firewall.
Run over and get behind it. Then toss a bomb at the door in this room. It
blows the fake up and gives room for you to enter the real one. In this next
room is a Flare Dancer.

To defeat this bad boy, L-Target his head, and hookshot it. Then slash it
once, then when it comes to the other side, attack it again, then on the other
side use a jump attack to deal maximum damage to it. Repeat this process until
it is defeated. After it is dead, jump on top of the center platform to ride
it up.

In this room, you have to climb to the top of the roof and drop a bomb down
the edge and light the crystal switch. Then go up the chainlink fence. At the
next room, definately cast Faerore's Wind. Just in case. First, notice the
block on the floor. You will exit through that later. Step on the switch to
bring the flames down around the chest. Then run around the thin platform to
the top and open the chest. You get the Megaton Hammer. Wheeee.

Go back to the block on the floor and beat it with the hammer. It falls down,
creating an exit for you. Hit the pillar in the next room with the hammer to
make some stairs fall down. Grab a crate and go to the bottom. Drop it on the
switch to open the door. Enter.

Note that some switches are rusty, and need to be beaten with the hammer.

At the top of the Fire Maze, beat the giant pillar to the below. Then hit the
rusty switch and enter. Play the song of time to move the Block down, then
jump across and hit the rusty switch to open the cell. Enter and get the key.
Jump down the pillar you beat just earlier in this paragraph and walk from
there to the entrance. Inside, there is a door to the right with a statue in
the way. Beat each layer of the statue to get inside the locked door.

Inside, defeat all the enemies. The door opens. Enter and block all of the
tiles with your shield, then defeat the Like Like by using the Hookshot on it
from a distance, then striking it's lower body area. Back away and repeat.
Then get the Gold Skultula from the wall and enter the next door.

In this room, defeat the next Flare Dancer just like the last one. A chest is
left behind with some Arrows, then enter the door. Smack the rusty switch here
to open a Goron Cell with the boss key. Leave through the door and go all the
way to the Boss Room and open the door.

                         |Subterranean Lava Dragon| 

Hop onto the center platform to trigger this fight. Alright, the lava holes
will have some residue kick up when Volvagia is going to come out of one.
First he will pop his head out. Hammer it and then slash the head after it is
dazed. It retreats. Now walk straight at the edge and climb down the side. He
comes out and flys around. Normally he would breathe fire at you, but as he
cannot see you he just goes back in. Repeat the process of smash and slash.
Then watch out, as he drops 20+ boulders next time he comes out. Repeat this
process until Volvagia is defeated.

After the fight, grab the Heart Container, which his head turns into, and step
into the light. Watch the scene with Darunia, as he gives you the Fire
Medallion and you turn up in Death Mountain Crater. We aren't finished yet.
There are two things to be gotten in here. Go back to the entrance you came
through and go to the side. There are some boulders. Smash it and go down the
tunnel to get to a Fairy Fountain. Play Zelda's Lullaby and enjoy Doubled
Magic Meter. Go deeper down the path back in the mountain and destroy the
boulder. Jump to the other side and climb up the thing. Now climb down the
face of the mountain and go in the hole to get a Piece of Heart. Leave the
entire mountainside and go all the way to Lon Lon Ranch.

| Get Epona |

Inside, go over to Ingo and talk to him. Practice riding the horses and get a
feel for them. Ride again, and this time, play Epona's Song to call her over.
Hop on and talk to Ingo and agree to his race. To win, use a carrot whenever
he does, but never use the last one. Try to take the inside lane through the
first corner to push him behind you, then maintain your lead. Win twice and he
locks you with the horse in the ranch. Jump over the main gate, or the two
gates to the side. Once on the field, we have some stuff to do.

Go to the Kokiri Forest. The Lost Woods to be precise. Go left at the first
place and show Cojiro to the weird guy. Then he gives you the Mushroom. Take
it to the Potion shop in Kakariko Village, then go out the back door and into
the place outside. If it is nighttime and you can't use the door, jump over at
the windmill. Inside, show the lady the mushroom. She makes the Potion. Go
back to the Forest to see the man is gone, and a little girl is there. Show
her the Potion and she takes it back and gives you the Carpenter's Saw.

Go to Gerudo Valley and hop the broken bridge on Epona, then show the
carpenter master outside the Saw. He gives you the Broken Goron's Sword in
return. Go to where we saw the Great Fairy for the very first time on Death
Mountain, then walk around outside, to the right of the ladder you climb up
will trigger Biggoron. Show him the Sword to get his Prescription. This is all
we can do for now. Park Epona outside of Zora's River and go down it. Go all
the way to Zora's Domain. Which is frozen. Now run to Zora's Fountain.

Climb over the Ice blocks, to the right is a heart piece, so get that. Then
take the left fork. At the very end you will come across the Ice Cavern. The
not really "dungeon", but still a level.

| Complete the Ice Cavern |

Move along the path. There are red ice diamonds, which can only be melted by
blue fire. There are stalagmites (the ice points in the ground) which you can
shatter with a sword swipe. The Stalactites in the ceiling sometimes fall down
on you, so keep moving to avoid them. The next circular room has some
Freezards for you to deal with. Using the hookshot to grapple onto them
damages them once and pulls you up close to them. So use it whenever they
aren't shooting icy winds at you. After the four are dead, go into the next

Get all of the Silver Rupees in this room. Avoiding the blades that spin round
in circles. Using a shield will usually let you duck under it. Sometimes rolls
work. But not often. One of the rupees can only be found by jumping off the
top edge, another is behind some pots. The rest are in the open however. When
you get the final rupee the door to the next room opens.

Ice Keese are everywhere in this room. Use the hookshot or the bow before they
get too close. Climb up to the path and kill the freezard. Walk along and go
left. Then get close to the Blue Fire. Navi tells you about it. Take three
bottlefulls, if you don't have three bottles, you will be making more trips.
You can use one on the frozen chest in this room to get the Dungeon Map.
Refill the bottles if you can. Because you will need it.

Leave and go back to the Rupee room. Then go left when you enter. There is a
reddish wall, so use the Blue Fire to melt it. Enter and go inside. The
Compass is frozen in this room. Which also holds some blue fire. So get the
Compass, then unfreeze the Piece of Heart also. Then refill the blue fire and
go back to the Rupee room. At the opposite side is another red ice wall. Melt
this and go back to refill your bottle.

In this next room lies a block. You can push this around. But first things
first, as you enter, to the left is a Gold Skultula. Use the Hookshot to get
this one down. The puzzle room itself shouldn't be too hard. Just push it
around. You only need to use two blocks total. One Rupee is encased in Red
Ice, so you have to melt it to get it. After all the Rupees are collected, the
door opens. Enter this area by making a jump from the block to the edge. Melt
some of the Red Ice here so you get passage to the other side and open the door.

Now we have to fight a White Wolfos. This boss is a sinch. Just get close,
then back away as he prepares to whack you. When he turns his back, use a jump
attack to his tail to finish him easily. After he dies, a chest appears. The
chest contains the Iron Boots. Sheik also shows up and tells you about the
Water Temple problem. That she rescued the princess zora and you have to help
her seal it away. Then she grants you the Serenade of Water.

After you have this, you can go to the waterhole behind the chest and sink
with the iron boots to take a shortcut back to the first Rupee room. If you
have one Blue Fire left, you are good. But if you want to unfreeze the Zora
shop, go collect one more blue fire. Leave the Ice Cavern. In Zora's Fountain,
use the Iron Boots and sink to the bottom. There is a piece of heart in the
very center. Leave and go back to melt King Zora. After he is defrosted, stand
on the platform and speak with him. He will give you the Blue Tunic, you can
breathe underwater now. If you got the extra fire, you can go melt the shop
now. But come back to King Zora to finish the Biggoron Sword process.

| Get the Biggoron Sword |

Show King Zora the Eyedrop prescription from before. He will give you an
Eyeball frog. Quickly run down the stairs and out into Zora's River. Then dash
out through the water. At the end, get on Epona and ride her to Lake Hylia.
The trip usually leaves me with 45 seconds to spare. Inside the Laboratory,
show the guy the Eyeball Frog. He makes you the World's Finest Eyedrops. You
have 4 minutes to get to Biggoron. SO RUN! I can usually get there with 40
seconds to spare. If you successfully make it, Biggoron gives you the Claim

Play the Sun's Song 6 times. After that, show the Claim Check to Biggoron, he
gives you the Biggoron's Sword. This is twice as strong as the Master Sword.
So you won't have much problems wielding this. But you cannot shield when the
sword is pulled out. Small price to pay when you are pwning everything with
it. Now that we have the Biggoron Sword, play the Serenade of Water and warp
to Lake Hylia.

Jump into the water and use the Iron Boots. At the bottom, you can use the
Hookshot. Aim it at the Diamond above the door. This causes the lock to come
out and the door to float open. Now you can walk in and out of the level
freely. Enter.

| Complete the Water Temple |

As you enter the temple, you are at the bottom of a pool of water. Float up
with the Kokiri boots and jump into the water of the giant square room. Sink
to the bottom and find the door with the set of torches outside of it. Walk
inside and you find..... Ruto! She talks a bit, and after the scene, float to
the top of this room and climb out. At the top is a picture of the Triforce at
the top. Play Zelda's Lullaby in front of it and it will lower the water level
to the bottom. Remember this room. Go in the door next to the wall picture and
defeat all of the spike enemies in this room by hitting them with the
hookshot, then defeating them by slashing with the sword. After they are all
defeated, a chest appears with the Dungeon Map. Take it.

Jump to the very bottom of the room with the carving, then shoot the bow from
behind the torch at the two torches in the room. Much like the forest temple.
Only you are timed and the targets are harder. Hit just above the torch to set
them alight. Enter the unlocked door. Inside are some Spike monsters and the
Shell enemies. To defeat the Shell enemies, move close enough so that they
open their mouth's, then hit the innards with the Hookshot. If you are too
close you will hit the top and not the innards. After all the enemies are
defeated, open the small chest for a small key.

Go back out into the giant square room. Walk around until you can find a
block. Hop onto the smaller one, then push the big one until it falls down.
This does NOT have to be done yet. But lets get it out of our system for
simplicity's sake, shall we? Sink down the hole that you made and walk to the
end. Climb up and hit the crystal switch. This causes a geyser that can
support your weight to come up. Jump on it and across. Defeat the Blue Tektite
and go in the door. Sink so that you end up on the tail part of the dragon.
Hit the crystal in the Dragon's mouth and use the hookshot to get past the
door. Float to the top. Get the small key from the chest and then leave by
hitting the crystal switch next to it. Return to the big room.

In the center tower on one side is a door on top of a platform. Go inside of
it. Walk to the end of the path, turn around and hookshot up. Play Zelda's
Lullaby at the second picture on the wall to bring the water level up to the
second level. If you look down to where the floating platform was, there is a
hole that opened. Float down it and into the next room. Hit the switch with
the hookshot and then defeat all the enemies that come out. This opens a
second gate on the roof. Float up and inside is a chest with a small key. Go
back into the second level changer and go out the door at the top.

At the place where you lowered the water level, float as high as you can.
Which won't be far. At the top, bomb the crack in the wall to open a room
where you can get a Small Key from the chest. Go back to the main room and
float to the highest point. Walk around until you find the area with the two
pots in front. Hop over and hookshot to the top of the room. Stand next to the
chest that is water shielded and shoot the switch. Then open the chest for the
Compass. Leave and go back to the Main Area. Find the door that is above the
place with the block you pushed down. It is locked. Enter it and walk on top
of the geyser, not yet raised. Back away slightly, still facing it and a
Tektite comes down. Kill it, stand on the geyser and shoot the switch to go
up. At the top, exit the door and play Zelda's Lullaby to raise the water
level to the top.

We can now get the treasure in this dungeon. Go into the door right above the
other one we just went in. It is locked. Inside, jump down to the platform
below and aim for one of the moving targets on the other side. Hookshot to it,
then quickly climb up them all to the top with the hookshot. Open the locked
door at the end. Now you are in a room with a bunch of dragon heads. Hit the
switch in the middle to lower the one on the left. Hookshot to the target
behind it, then climb over. Raise the other dragon and hookshot to it. Then
lower it, hop on the head, and hit the switch again. You are now on the top
platform and can easily get to the door. Inside, there is a Like Like. Shoot
it with arrows and then hookshot over the spikes. Enter the door.

This room has the mini boss. Run to the door at the other side, then run back
to the Island in the center. Dark Link will be waiting. He will mimic your
moves all the time. But.... if you have the Biggoron Sword, you can easily
stab him and hit him. He appears behind you, so turn around and hit him again.
If you try to stab with the Master Sword, he jumps on it and hurts you. So try
randomly swinging it at him. Dins Fire works if you have Magic Potions, or I
have heard the Megaton Hammer supposedly stops him. After he is defeated, go
in the door at the other end that was barred before. Open the chest to get the
Longshot. This goes twice as far as the hookshot. Play the Song of Time at the
block behind the chest.

At the hole in the bottom you are in a long stream area. Jump into the water,
and if you want to avoid redoing this a million times, use the iron boots so
you have a less likely chance of being sucked up by the vortexes. There is a
Gold Skultula in this room too. Climb onto the edge and shoot the eye switch,
quickly Longshot to the target. Near the gate is a chest with a small key in
it. So collect this little baby and go out the exit. Run all the way back to
the temple's square room. There is a doorway right of the entrance that has a
block in it. Pull it back and leave through where you entered.

Now go down to the lowest level and go to where you raise the water level to
the bottom. Do so and go raise the water level to the second level. Then look
for the door with the eye switch just below. Hit this, then use the Longshot
to get past the gate before it shuts on you. Push the block you had moved
earlier to the end, then get the Key from the chest. Go to the bottom of the
temple and enter the door with no torches that is by the pit that goes down.
Sink to the bottom and then use the Longshot to latch onto the targets. You
should clear the spikes. Unlock the door and enter.

You can try to kill the Tektites on the other side with arrows first if you
want an easier time. Sink to the bottom of the water part, then climb to the
other side while avoiding the boulders. Run to the far right side and run into
the wall over and over, then equip the Kokiri Boots. Still running forwards,
you will hop onto the edge and have access to the next room. Jump down. The
two walls to the left and right can both be bombed. Go on the one to the left
(this being if you are in the entrance facing out). Push the block as far as
you can. Then go to the other side and pull the block as far as you can. Go
back through the other side and push the block down, this causes the room to
raise the water level. Go in the door at the other side.

Hit the crystal switch with arrows, this causes three geysers to all come up.
Hop from geyser to geyser to get to the other side. Enter the door at the end.
Turn right and get the Gold Skultula from the waterfall. Then jump into the
water pool right below the waterfall. Sink and float on the other side. Open
the door and get the Boss Key from the chest. Now you can run back into the
boulder room and go into the main temple square room. Now go to the place
where you raise the level to the top. Do this, then go to the opposite side of
the temple from the entrance. There is a dragon statue. Longshot to it. There
are fairies in the bottles outside this door. Get them, then go inside.

You have to walk up a spike strewn path. Progress up this is slow, but you can
make it easily if you walk slightly left off the path, and start when the
first spike is in front of you. At the top, open the boss room. Inside, jump
onto one of the platforms in the center, if you fall in the water, don't
worry. Just climb up the ladder. At the top, you have a cutscene, then..

                         |Giant Aquatic Amoeba|

So you should jump back onto the mainland now. L Target Morpha as he jigs
around in the water. Try to Longshot him and pull him out of the water. Then
slash him with the sword. Much like the Flare Dancers, only he is much harder
to hit. If he spins long enough, he makes a tentacle. stand well away, as it
will try and grab you, dealing 3-5 hearts of damage and throwing you a long
ways. If he misses you in his lunge, Morpha will crawl down the tubular
structure. You can easily hit him there with the Longshot. A way to dispel the
tentacles is Din's Fire. After Morpha is defeated, the Warp Portal appears in
the center of the platforms and the Heart Container is nearby, in between one
of gaps between the platforms. Collect the Heart Container and step into the
Warp Portal.


Princess Ruto is the sage of water. She has a chat about you two. Then gives
you her eternal love, err, well actually, she gives you a Water Medallion. Now
you are getting stronger. After the scene, we see the water levels rising
dramatically in the lake. We also see Shiek. He leaves by means of the lake.
Now we have some things to collect.

|Things to Get After the Water Temple|

Heart Piece x4
Gold Scale
Fire Arrows
Scarecrow's Song
Prelude of Light (unless you have it already)
Gold Skultula x2

From the island you start on, step onto the weird wood thing on the ground.
Aim at the Sun with the bow. It should be just over the horizon. Shoot at it,
the arrow comes back to the platform across from you alight. So swim across
and get the Fire Arrows. Now we head over to the fishing pond. We have to
catch us a lunker. Without the sinking lure though. So follow the same advice
we did as a kid, and catch the fish near the log in the center. He should be
15-18 pounds. Show it to the fishing guy and he marvels at you and gives you
the Gold Scale. Woot. You can also cast the rod at the guy's hat and it comes
off, revealing him as a baldy. You can give it back, or cast it into the water
and have to pay for a new one.

Now that we have the Golden Scale, let us get that Heart Piece. Going to the
Lake Laboratory, you can dive from the top, to the bottom of the place. You
hear the classic "Zelda Sound" and you go to the top. Talk to the man and he
gives you a piece of heart. Leave and go to the scarecrow. If you played the
randomly made up song as a kid, play it again and you learn the scarecrow
song. Head to the Temple of Time. If you haven't gotten the Prelude of Light
already, do so by walking into the pedestal of time room. Then turn into a
kid. Buy 2 magic beans. Catch two bugs in a bottle as well. Go to Death
Mountain Crater with the Bolero Of Fire. Use a bug around the soft dirt patch
to push out a gold skultula from it's depths. Get the token and plant a bean
there. Now to lake Hylia. Get the Skultula from the dirt patch next to the Lab
and then plant the seed. Come back to both of these locations as an adult and
use the flying plants to get to the Heart Pieces (one is on a Volcano, the
other is on the roof. climb the ladder to the Chimney and it is there. Now go
to Kakariko Village as an Adult.

As you enter, there is a scene with Sheik. He tells you that an evil presence
has radiated from the well. Which was sealed before. You tangle with it, and
fail to defeat him miserably. Sheik teaches you the Nocturne of Shadow. Go
into the Graveyard and stand on the fence near Dampe's grave. Aim the Longshot
at the bit of crate popping just above the hill. If you can't hit it, back up
on the fence and try again. If you can latch up, roll into the crate and get
the Heart Piece inside it. Woohoo. Go all the way to the Temple of Time and
turn into a Child Link. If you haven't gotten the Prelude of Light, you get a
scene and Shiek teaches you it.

Now head back to Kakariko Village. Go into the windmill and play the Song of
Storms. This speeds up the Windmill and causes the Well to drain. Go outside
and climb down the drained well, then walk down the opening to get to the next
dungeon, the Bottom of the Well.

| Complete the Shadow Temple and the Bottom of the Well |

This section contains two walkthroughs. For the Shadow temple, press
"Control+F" then type in "@@@" and press enter. It scrolls down to the Shadow
Temple guide.

Inside the well, move forwards. Crawl through the hole to the other side. A
Skultula falls from the ceiling, so kill it. Go through the wall on the other
side. It is just an illusion. Walk over to the pile of debris past the water
parts. Drop a bomb on it. This exposes a hole which has a chest containing
Bombchus. Which are self mobile bombs. These come in handy in the Spirit
Temple. Climb out of the hole and head right. Avoiding the Green Bubble, walk
along the walls until you find one you can go through. This room has a Small
Key in a chest.

Leave the room and go straight ahead and slightly left. Head right into the
giant room in the center. There is a giant chest in here. It is the compass.
There is a trap hole near the chest. So move away from the chest and walk
around it, then slowly (as close to the chest as you can be) walk in front of
it and open it. Jump down the big trap hole after you have gotten it. Go to
the torched door and bomb the boulders. On the other side, you can either kill
the Redeads or just run to the Chest and get the Dungeon Map. Go back to the
toxic room and start collecting the Silver Rupees. After you have all around
the waste, climb the ladder. There is one at the second level up, and another
at the top. Go out the door and back through the wall to the watery hallway.

Run down the hall until you see a face against the wall. Play Zelda's Lullaby
on the triforce on the floor to stop the water flow. Go back to the entrance
to the temple. Go down the empty water pools. At the bottom lies a a chest
with some Bombs and a hole. Crawl through, and open the door at the other
side. Inside is a Dead Hand. The Mini-Boss of this level. Run over to one of
the hands to make it appear. Jam on the control stick and A button to escape.
Wait for it to get close and lower it's head. Strike it's face to defeat it.
Repeat this process to defeat it. After, get the Lens of Truth from the chest.
Use it and look behind the big chest to find a small chest with a gold rupee.
A lot of money is now yours.

Leave the place. Head all the way to the Hyrule Market. Play the Sun's Song so
that it is night inside. Enter the Treasure Hunt place. If you haven't gotten
this heart piece before. Use the Lens of Truth to see inside the chests. Get
to the end and get the Piece of Heart.

Also, you should go to Zora's River and buy three beans from the Bean guy. Go
to the Lake and plant one by the lab. Go to the Crater and plant one there.
Then save the last one for later. Go to the Temple and turn Adult. Now you
should go to each of those places and stand on the newly formed plant to float
up. The Lake Heart is on the roof of the lab. The Crater Heart is on a Volcano.


Play the Nocturne of Shadow to return to the Graveyard. Walk down the steps
and use Din's Fire on the torches, with you standing on the pedestal like
thing. This opens the door to the Temple. Enter.

From the start, run forwards and turn right. Longshot to the target there and
go into the next room. Ignore everything except for the fake door to the left.
Go inside and down the hall. There should be another door to your right. Enter
that room and kill all the Re-Deads and the Keese. Use the Sun's Song to avoid
damage from the Re-Deads. Open the chest that appears to get the Dungeon Map.

Exit the room and look to the right. Go through the doorway there, then
through the one at the top right of the room. Inside is a bunch of hands, like
the Dead Hand you fought in the well. This time, it's a whole new game. Use
the Lens of Truth to find a dark circle on the ground, stand on it, set a bomb
down, and back away. This damages the Dark Hand and makes him rise. Use the
same strategy as Young Link did in the Well. But instead, always Bomb him.
This should be much easier than the other time, as you have a more powerful
sword. Open the chest that appears after he dies for the Hover Boots. Exit the
area and go all the way back to the room where you found the first fake door.
Equip the Boots and the Lens of Truth.

Use the Lens on the bird statue thing, then look at the pillars with skulls
around it. Move the Bar so it points at the pillar that has a skull still left
on it after the Lens has seen it. If you mess up, quickly roll off onto the
main floor part, not the circle around the statue. The Boots should give you a
few seconds to escape the abyss. If you get it right, the door with the tongue
opens. Roll over to it with the Hover Boots and enter the door.

Go down the hallway and through some bombs at the Beamos (eye) to destroy it.
Go through the wall on your right to get to a secret door and go inside. Kill
the two Mummies (Gibdo's) to make a chest appear with a Compass. Take it and
go back to the Beamos Room. Go through the wall on the other side. You must
now collect five Silver Rupees. This should be no challenge. If the blade is
about to slice you, shield and you should duck under it. A door opens after
the Rupees are collected. Open it to get a small key.

Go back to the Beamos room and bomb the wall that is solid. Use the key to
open the door and go down. Watch for Skulltula's that are up on the walls. The
shadows show you where they are. In the bottom floor, avoid all the blades
that fall and the Wallmasters on the ceiling. Run past the Red Bubble and
across to the other platform. Kill the Stalfos you see and face the entrance
to the room. Turn right and use the Lens of Truth to hop the platforms to the
next room you can see.

The blade in this room is invisble, watch out for it with the Lens of Truth.
Kill the bats and destroy the Like Like. Open the chests for Rupees and
Arrows. Go back to the place you fought the Stalfos in. Wait for the platform
on the other side of the room to fall down, then quickly run out and hover.
You should make the edge. Wait for it to raise and go to the Beamos area. Kill
the Beamos and avoid the blade on the floor as you collect the Rupees and the
door will open. Note that one rupee is under where the Beamos is, so you have
to kill it. Go in the now open door.

In the next room is a bunch of spike traps. There is a block in the wall. Use
it and push it out to the first trap so that it falls on the block. Switch
sides and pull it out the the next one, then push it so it blocks both traps.
Now go to the other side and pull it to the end. Jump on the block and onto
the trap, then go onto the platform to your right and step on the switch. Then
get the key in the chest that appears.

Back in the Beamos room is a small ledge to the left. Cross it to a Blade. Use
the Lens of Truth to spot a stationary platform and a moving one. Go on the
stationary one, then the moving one. Hop over to the door and go inside. Watch
the spikes on the floor with the Lens of Truth. Kill the zombies and get the
chest with the Rupees. Use the Lens of Truth to see the hidden longshot
targets and use it to get the Silver Rupees. Go in the unlocked door.

Climb up the giant steps and use the bombs to blow the skull head open. A
Small Key is inside it. There is also a Gold Skultula behind where it was. Go
to the room before and use the Lens to longshot up to the locked door. Equip
the Iron boots. Move forward and latch onto the wooden awning to get to the
next area. Go to the end. Block the Fire attacks from the eye and stomp your
way over to the last fan. Turn left and use the Lens to spot a fake wall. Line
up with it, then equip the Hover Boots. When the fan kicks in, you will make
it to the hidden ledge. Enter the room. Defeat the mummies, then bomb the
giant dirt pile. Inside is an invisble chest. Open it with the Lens to get a
key. Continue forth.

In this next room, either pull the block from one end to the other, or I'm
pretty sure you can Longshot up. Either way, get on the boat, stand on the
Triforce and play Zelda's Lullaby. The Boat moves. A Stalfos or two will fall
down on your trip. Defeat it. Now jump to the left side after the boat begins
to sink. Enter the door to the right. There is a giant maze of invisible
walls. Use the map, and find the door on the left side. Inside is an invisible
Wallmaster. Kill it and open the chest that appears for a small key. Go to the
right side of the maze room. Inside, use Din's Fire to protect yourself from
the spike trap. Open the Chest with the Boss Key in it. Don't get the one on
the other side, it's a trap.

Head back out to the room before the maze room. Aim at the bomb flowers on the
other side of the room and use a fire arrow on them. This causes them to blow,
making a bridge fall. Cross it and enter the door that is locked. The next
room calls for the Lens of Truth. Use the Lens to see the path, then go. Open
the boss door. Fall down the giant hole.

                         |Phantom Shadow Beast|
                         |=-=-=Bongo Bongo-=-=|

Aim at the two hands and quickly hit them both. Now turn on the lens. You can
see his eye. He starts to creep towards you, cock an arrow, then wait till he
gets close, then TWANG! Hit the eye. This gives you more time to hit him.
Slash the crap out of his eye. When he gets up, repeat. He has some attacks
that may be a little tricky to avoid. Try to use the normal boots instead of
the hover, as it can throw off your aim. If he winds up for an attack, try to
hit a hand before it hits you!

After the boss is felled, collect your prized Heart Container and step into
the light to get the Shadow Medallion from Impa. Congratulations!

|Gerudo Fortress|

It might be easier to just save and reset, so that you start at the Castle.
Either way, head out towards Gerudo Valley. Which we visited in our youth to
get some hearts. Longshot over the broken bridge, or you can simply ride Epona
over. If you longshot, aim for the sign hanging from the top. Now go past the
tent and down the road. Gerudo Fortress is just up ahead.

Ignore the stairs and walk around the hill, from a distance, shoot the closest
guard with an arrow and run into the lone door closest to the building.
Inside, move forward and turn right. There is a prison cell just up ahead. Go
over to it and talk to the Carpenter inside. He complains about getting
chucked in jail. He also explains that there are three other people just like
him hidden in here.

Then a Gerudo guard drops from the ceiling. This enemy has a special attack,
she will do a spinning sword strike. Getting hit by this attack lands you in a
different jail. You can counter it with an attack of your own, shield, or
simply dodge it. The best defense is a good offense. Just bring her down to
get a key. Which you can use to open the Cell. Talk to the carpenter to have
him split. Exit the area through the path you didn't come from.

You are now outside in a crate filled area, move into the door to the left.
Inside, turn right and pull out the bow, wait for a guard to come in view.
Send an arrow through her head and go down the path. Move forward and turn to
the right and leave. Move forward now. Stay to the far edge from the wall.
Turn so that you are just around the corner, and shoot the guard. Hop up the
small ledge and go in the door.

In here, move up to the cell. There are two. Talk to the prisoner, then beat
the Gerudo. Get the key and save the prisoner. Now go out the other way. Duh.
Move forward and ignore the vines. There should be a door below you that moves
out a little on a more narrow path. Inside is a third man. Save him and come
back the way you came this time. Go up the vines this time and enter the room.
Move down the ramp that is here and get caught by the guards. In jail, use the
Longshot on the overhang thing. Use the hover boots to float to the roof part
to the left. Now go in the door. Stand still, and kill the guard that
approaches. Now move ahead and go to the jail cell and save the last guard.
You are now in the Gerudo Theif clan. Yay!

Now you have to a bit of exploring and find your way to the roof. There is a
treasure chest. Longshot to it to get a Piece of Heart. Now go on the ground
and call Epona. Ride up the side and talk to the lady there when on Epona. You
begin the Horseback Archery Game. Start by hitting all the pots as you go by,
then spend the rest hitting the targets as close to center as you can. Getting
1000 for a Heart Piece isn't too hard. Getting the 1,500 can take a few tries.
If you run out of dough, go into the mess hall in the Fortress and jump into
the pot for 20 rupees. Repeat over and over until you have cash. Now go back
and keep at it. At 1,500 you have a bigger quiver.

Go back down and stop at the closed gate with the white clothed Gerudo. Talk
to her to enter the Training grounds. For a small fee. At the start, move
forward and turn. Fire an Arrow at the eye switch to get some more arrows and
a blue rupee in chests. Now go through the door that is left of the entrance.

In this room, there are two Stalfos. Defeat them both quickly in the time
limit to have a Small Key appear in a chest. Collect it and go in the open
door. There are five hidden Silver Rupees. Most are at the bottom left and
right, and the top. Then there are two in the center. There are fire traps.
Use the Longshot to get the ones up high by the targets. After you have them
all, go through the door. Kill all the Wolfos here. Look at the fake door and
use the Lens of Truth. Hookshot to the hidden target above the door. Go
through that door.

Walk to the right on this path and go in the door to get a Key in that room.
Jump down to the bottom level and hit the eyes of the statues as they spin.
Get the appearing chest and Longshot out of there. Through the bottom door.
Kill all the enemies found here. Get the Arrows that appear in a chest. Now
start beating the blocks out of the way here with the hammer. One of the three
block high ones has an eyeswitch. Shoot it to open the exit. The low one has a
foot switch. Press that one to get the key from the chest. Leave through the

Using the hover boots and being careful, you can get the Rupees. One of them
is located right above you. Turn around and Longshot to it. Get the rest by
going from platform to platform. One of them requires you to press a switch.
Do so, then go through the door that opens. Play the Song of Time at the
blocks. Now jump in and sink to the bottom. Kill the enemies and get the
rupees at the bottom, then collect the ones further up by removing the Iron
Boots. Some of them you can Longshot to. After they are all taken, get the Key
that appears topside and go back to the fire room. Then go out the other door
there is.

Kill all the Dinafos and the Beamos here quickly. Then get the chest. You now
should have 6 keys. Head back into the main room through the next door and go
right, so from the entrance to the area, you go through the center door.

Inside, take the left path. At the second or third area there will be a secret
going up. Climb the fence to get to it. Inside is the last key you need. Now
simply go through all the doors on that side of the room until you reach the
Ice Arrows. Hip Hip Hooray! The useless item is yours!

Now exit the area, and go to the gate by the Entrance to the Fortress. Climb
the huge ladder and talk to the Guard to have the gate opened. Enter. You are
now in the Haunted Wasteland. Move forward and stand on the crate. Longshot to
the crate on the other side. At the top, move from flag to flag until you
reach a sort of Shelter. Climb down to the bottom and get the Gold Skultula.
If you use Din's Fire or the Fire Arrows, you can get a purple rupee for
lighting the Torches. Anyway, go back up and onto the Shelter Roof.

Face the grave and use the Lens. A Poe appears, follow it wherever you may go.
NEVER MAKE YOUR OWN TRAIL. ALWAYS FOLLOW IT until it leads you off the map
into the Desert Collossus.

In here, go right and put a bomb by the crack in two trees. It blows, now go
in. Play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce to make a Great Fairy appear and give
you Nayru's Love. This will come in handy later. Now move forward and go into
the Spirit Temple. Turn around and leave. Sheik will be there. He/She will
teach you the Requiem of Spirit. Go back to the Temple of Time and replace the
Master Sword. Play the Requiem to go to the desert. Plant a Bean in the dirt
patch and go into the Temple.

| Complete the Spirit Temple |


As you enter, the two pots will attack you by flying towards you. Each contain
a Heart. Ignore all the enemies around you and go left. A Gerudo is here. It's
Nabooru. Talk to her. She asks you carefully if you are one of Ganondorf's
minions. Choose either option, and she will see you as an enemy of Ganon, just
her type. She asks you to do her a Favor, you have to go down through the tunnel
and get her the Silver Gauntlets. Crawl through the tunnel to begin the temple.

The next room has a spike, some Fire Keese and an Armos statue. Kill the Keese,
then eliminate the Armos with sword strokes. This will unlock a door that was
previously locked. Enter the door. A Stalfos will drop. You defeat it as you did
when you were an adult. There is also a Green Bubble. Stun it with the boomerang
and shoot it. There is a large chainlink fence on the other side. Aim so that
the boomerang will go around the side and strike the switch, dropping the bridge
down. Cross the bridge and go through the door.

This room contains and Anubis. This enemy has a fire weakness. So either hit the
switch to the right, causing a flame to rise, or use Din's fire to defeat this
foe. Hit the switch to exit the room through the open door. This room contains
several Keese, as well as a hand that drops from the ceiling. Avoid the enemy
on the ceiling and defeat it. Get all the Silver rupees to make a bridge drop
from the fence. On the other side are Keese, defeat them. Brandish a Deku Stick
and light it. Carry it across the bridge and light the torches to get a Small
Key in a chest. There is a Gold Skultulla on the cage behind you. Exit the room.
You are back in the Armos Knight room. Go through the small tunnel inbetween the
doors and unlock the door.

Head forward and use your Slingshot to aim up the wall. Defeat the Skultullas
here and climb up. Turn around to find a Gold Skultulla. Now head forward and
you will be ambushed by Lizafos. Kill them, it's not hard. Hit the crystal
switch to cause a chest to appear with Bombchu. There is another with Rupees.
Anyway, Target the unusual rock formation on the wall near the roof and let a
Bombchu loose to let light flow through and hit the sun. This opens the door.

Right to the left is an Armos. This one is not lively. Push it off the edge to
hit a switch, which opens the door. Climb the stairs and whip out a Deku Stick.
Light it on a torch and jump to the bottom. Light the two torches here to get
the map in a chest. Go over to the pushed statue and climb up the wall. Then
go up the stairs to the next room. Your first objective here is eliminating the
pesky Beamos with bombs. Look around the room for the Silver Rupees. They aren't
hard to find. Then go over to the torch. Light a stick and QUICKLY move around
the room, lighting the four torches. They can burn out, so that's why you go
fast. After they are all lit, a chest with a Small Key appears. Collect it.

Go over to the boxes that are in a corner. Pull them out so the Sun block is
away. Grab the sun block and drag it out, placing it in the sunlight. This opens
the door out. Go out the door. Go up the stairs and get the Gold Skultulla, and
unlock the door. This next room has the Iron Knuckle.

First thing you should know is that the room has pillars, each one can be
smashed by manuevering so that the Knuckle's axe breaks it down. They all
contain a large amount of Hearts. Anyway, use Nayru's Love, as each stroke from
the knight takes away around 3-5 hearts. Now contact the Knuckle with the sword.
He rises, I just stood in front of him and massively repeated the Jump attack.
He also does an attack where the axe ends up in the ground for a few seconds.
This is a good time to strike. After he is defeated, exit the open door.

Look! A treasure chest! It's big! Let's get it... OH NO! THE OWL IS BACK! Don't
worry. This one is short. After he leaves, he is gone for the rest of the game.
Open the chest for the Silver Gauntlets. A strange dust comes around. Then you
hear a cry for help. Lo and behold, Nabooru is being Dark Magicked' by the
witches. We must leave her in their grasp for seven years as you warp to the
Temple of Time and regain the Master Sword. Go back to the desert as an Adult
and enter the Temple.


Now that you have the gauntlets, you can move heavy things. So head up the steps
and go to the right this time. Push the giant block right, until it goes down.
Go over it and into the next room. Kill the beamos and aim at the switch on the
roof. Hit it to unlock the two doors. Go in the left one. There is a Wolfos.
Dodge the attack, and then strike the tail. Stand on the Triforce on the ground
and play Zelda's Lullaby. This causes a chest to appear with the Compass. Use
the Longshot to reach it, and go back out to the other room.

Enter the door on the other side that you unlocked. This room contains boulders,
rupees and a time block. Collect the Rupees. There is a gold Skultulla behind
the time block. One of the Rupees you use the hover boots to get. However, if
you don't have them, a result of doing the Spirit Temple before the Shadow,
which I have done countless times, you can simply run, jump and press B to do
a sword swing, giving you extra distance to reach the rupee. Collecting all of
them opens a door. Enter and kill the Like-Like. Then open the chest for a key.
Head back to the main room with the doors and open the locked one.

Inside are two attacking pots. Watch out, as you progress, a Like Like will drop
from the ceiling. Kill it, and then climb the wall. This room has some invisible
enemies. Turn on the Lens of Truth to see a Floormaster. Kill it, then get rid
of the small ones. Then grab the sides of the mirror and rotate it. They are
almost all traps. Some chests are rigged with an Ice Flow, some aren't. Don't
bother opening the chests. There are some suns that drop wallmasters on you.
You have to move one at a time, so you should just go until it opens. Go in the

Back to the giant room from our youth. Not much changed in all these years. Go
up the staircase and use the hover boots to float out onto the hand with the
Triforce. Play Zelda's Lullaby to cause a chest to appear in the other hand.
Longshot to it and get the Key from the chest. Now use the Longshot on the
target you see. Climb the stairs. Look over at the ledge across from you to see
the chest. Longshot to it. Open it, then hit the rusted switch behind it with
the Megaton Hammer. Jump back to the floor level and enter. Push the giant block
you see. There are a couple of them. At the end is a rusty switch. Push this to
provide transportation up to that floor from the ground floor, in case you don't
do this in one day.

Go back to the giant room and Longshot up to the right side (from the door you
just came from). Climb the stairs and unlock the door with your key. Ignore the
Beamos in this room and continue to the next room. There is a Beamos and two
Anubis. Kill the Anubi with the Fire Arrows, and then kill the beamos with a
Bomb. Enter the unlocked door.

There are several Armos Knights in the room. Stand next to the locked door and
look at the armos. Pull out a regular arrow and hit the one that would step on
the blue switch if it. One of the diagonal ones away from you. Anyway, as it
steps on the switch, quickly open the door to exit. Head down the hallway and
come out in the next room: The Iron Knuckle fight. Round 2.

This one is harder than the last, but shorter. It is much easier to get hit, but
you are more powerful. It might be a good idea to use Nayru's Love before you
attack. After he is defeated, go outside the open door. This side is the other
one from the Silver Gauntlet. Get the Mirror Shield that drops. Head back into
the Four Armos Knight Room.

Go across the room to the sun and the light. Reflect the light with the shield
to the sun. This unlocks the door. Enter and get the Key. Go back to the big
room. Go through the other locked door on the other side of the room. Kill the
Beamos here and then take the Skultullas on the wall out. Use the Longshot to go
as high as you can, then climb the rest. Leave the room from here. There is a
Triforce outside. Play on it to open the Boss Key Room. 

This room contains several Torch Slugs, and fake doors. Kill the Slugs, then use
bombs on the fake door to the left of the burning chest. Then hit the eye switch
behind it with an arrow. This causes platforms to appear above you. Longshot
onto the targets above them and step on the switch. This starts a timer. Jump
down and open the chest for the Boss Key.

Go back out to the Triforce and enter the other door here. There is a switch
behind a bunch of bars. Use a spin attack to hit the switch and open the door.
Enter. There are some more Lizafos. Kill them. Head south and kill the White
Bubbles. There is a fake looking wall (it is brighter than the others, and makes
a different sound when hit by the sword than a regular sound). Bomb this wall.

Rotate the mirror here so that is shines into the next room with the mirror.
Now Rotate the mirror in the last room so that it shines back out into the room
with the gigantic mirror. Go back outside to the gigantic room mirror. Stand on
the light patch and use the Mirror Shield to reflect light on the sun. The
platform lowers. We can now see the giant serpent helmed statue. Aim the light
at it's face and it crumbles, every fan remembers this. Longshot to the grate
you see and enter the door.

You see the two witches, and have to combat the Iron Knuckle. Treat this like
any other knuckle, and you find that it is Nabooru. Follow the witches through
the other door. In the next room, climb up on to the platform to begin the

                         |Sorceress Sisters|

Start by jumping to a platform where you can see both witches. Hold R when one
of them launches a fire or ice attack, then turn the shield manually so that it
can reflect off the mirror shield and hit the other witch. Repeat this process
several times, and the witches will talk to each other. It's time to get serious
now, they merge together into one witch, called Twinrova. They still have fire
and ice attacks, but only from one source. Easier to hit. Hold the shield when
the first attack comes, it is absorbed into the shield. Target Twinrova now, she
launches another attack. If it is the same type (fire/ice) as the first attack,
absorb it. If not, quickly sidestep out of the way. The third one is the same as
the second one, if it is the same, get it. After the third one, move closer to
Twinrova to release the energy of the attacks at her (hold the shield out). She
collapses to a platform. Quickly move over and smack the crap out of her. After
you repeat this a few times, she falls.

The two witches are split apart, although they are both dead. They sit there
bickering about how one of them is years older, but they are twins. And yaddeh
yaddeh yaddeh. Halo's appear over their heads and a cry out of "I'll come back
to haunt you!" fills the air. They then are gone and a Heart Container appears.
Collect this and step into the light of the Blue Warp. 


The Spirit Sage is none other than.... Nabooru! She gives you the final
Medallion and comments about how handsome you are when you are grown up. Wooo.
Anyway, as you exit, Rauru speaks to you. Play the Prelude of Light as soon as
you can to warp to the Temple of Time.

As you arrive, you see Sheik. He/she tells you a Sheikah's legend about the
Triforce. About how an unbalanced person who touches the triforce gets the power
that the one most believes in. Ganondorf only received power. Sheik reveals that
you have the Triforce of Courage, and the Triforce of Wisdom belongs to...


Princess Zelda. She is Sheik. She appears before you and awards you with the
Light Arrows. These arrows are the only weapon (besides the swords) that can
harm Ganondorf. (So they think). Although it seems safe, Ganondorf from his
castle conjures a trap up and incarcerates Princess Zelda. She is at his castle
now. You have to get her! But first..

Collect the Remainder of Hearts and Items

I am copying and pasting my Heart Piece section here to show you where to get
the remainder of hearts, in case you missed any. Besides the ones we haven't
gotten yet.

LOCATION: Death Mountain Crater
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. In Childhood, plant a magic bean in the patch next
to the warp point. As adult, ride it. Jump off onto the volcano and get it.

LOCATION: Death Mountain Crater
     DETAILS: As Adult Link or Child. Preferably Adult. There is a wall you can
climb. Go up, and turn left, then climb down. It's in a cave in the wall.

LOCATION: Death Mountain Trail
     DETAILS: As Adult Link or Child Link. As Child Link, you can either plant
a Bean plant near the entrance to Dodongo's Cavern and ride it as an adult to
the roof of the cavern, or you can do a backflip off the ledge above and land on
the roof as a kid.

LOCATION: Desert Colossus
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. Plant a Bean plant as a Child, then ride it up to
the top of the arc like thing as an Adult.

LOCATION: Gerudo Fortress
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. There is a roof on the Fortress with a chest. 
You can longshot to it.

LOCATION: Gerudo Fortress
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. Win it in the Horseback Archery contest.

LOCATION: Gerudo Valley
     DETAILS: As Child Link. Behind the Waterfall. Use the Cucco to float to 

LOCATION: Gerudo Valley
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. Get on the bean plant you plant as a Child and
float to the Crate with it. Break the Crate.

LOCATION: Gerudo Valley
     DETAILS: As Child Link. Float to the platform with the crate. Break the

LOCATION: Graveyard
     DETAILS: As Child Link (possibly Adult). There is a grave near the front
that is not marked, and can be pulled back to reveal a hole. Inside is a single
Re-Dead. Kill the Re-Dead and play the Sun's song after the body is gone.

LOCATION: Graveyard
     DETAILS: As Child Link. At night during certain times (cannot play Sun's
Song to get him), Dampe digs graves. There are dirt patches on the paths. Talk
to him and ask him to dig on the patches until you find it. Costs rupees each

LOCATION: Graveyard
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. You can either stand on the fence and longshot to
a crate with the Heart Piece inside, or plant a magic bean and ride up to 

LOCATION: Graveyard/Windmill
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. You have to race Dampe's ghost and finish in less
than a minute. Easy to do if you Longshot to the torch above you at the end

LOCATION: Goron City
     DETAILS: As Child Link. Light all the torches with the fire from Darunia's
room, then throw bombs into the pot in the center of the area until it spits it

LOCATION: Hyrule Field
     DETAILS: As Child or Adult Link. There is a fenced area near the entrance
to Lake Hylia. Bomb it, and a hole appears. Defeat the Business Scrub and buy it
off of him.

LOCATION: Hyrule Field
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. There is a lone tree by the stream. Bomb it, then
sink to the bottom to get it.

LOCATION: Hyrule Market
     DETAILS: As Child Link. At night, there is a white dog that hangs out
around the Bazaar. Run into it until it follows you. Bring it to the door that
is very protruding in the alley and talk to the lady inside.

LOCATION: Hyrule Market
     DETAILS: As Child Link. At the Bombchu bowling alley, keep playing until it
comes up as a prize, then win.

LOCATION: Hyrule Market
     DETAILS: As Child Link. At night, go to the Treasure Box game. You can
either guess over and over until you get lucky, or use the Lens of Truth to get
to it at the end.

LOCATION: Ice Cavern
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. Get a bottle of Blue Fire and go to the Compass
room. Dump the fire on the frozen heart and collect it.

In master quest, there is a switch you have to bomb in the same area. Bomb it
to get it.

LOCATION: Kakariko Village
     DETAILS: The Owl will drop you on the house by the Cuccoo lady. Drop off
the graveyard side and land on the overhand. Go into the hole on the wall and
get the piece next to the cow.

LOCATION: Kakariko Village
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. Either stand on the fence by the windmill and
hookshot to the purple roof house, or just longshot to it. Talk to the man on
top of it.

LOCATION: Kakariko Village (Windmill)
     DETAILS: As Adult Link or Child Link. After the Dampe race, you end up in
the Windmill. As Adult link, jump to the spinning thing in the middle, then jump
to the heart. Or as a child, use the boomerang to get it.

LOCATION: Kakariko Village
     DETAILS: As Child Link. Collect 50 Gold Skultula coins, then talk to the
freed child to receive it.

LOCATION: Lake Hylia
     DETAILS: As Child Link. Catch a 10 pound or larger fish at the Fishing

LOCATION: Lake Hylia
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. Plant a magic bean as a child at the Lab, then
ride it and jump on the roof as an adult. Climb the ladder and get the piece at
the top.

LOCATION: Lake Hylia
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. Get the Gold Scale from the Fishing Game. Go to the
Lake Hylia lab and jump in the water. Dive until you touch the floor and talk to
the man to get it.

LOCATION: Lon Lon Ranch
     DETAILS: As Child Link. The piece is located in the back of the ranch.
Move the crates that are found in the windmill to discover a passage through the
wall. The piece is in the hay at the other side.

LOCATION: Lost Woods
     DETAILS: As Child Link. Turning left at the first area, stand on the flat
stump and face the Skull kid. Play Saria's Song and he gives you it.

LOCATION: Lost Woods
     DETAILS: As Child Link. After the first turn to the right, jump off the
edge and stand on the stump. Play along with the two Skull Kids until they give
you the Heart Piece.

LOCATION: Zora's Domain
     DETAILS: As Child Link. At the top of the stairs, bring fire down to the
torch below the stairs. Then get a fresh stick out. Get the fire and dash down
the spiral ramp. Light the Torch by the shop, the one in the water, and the one
behind the waterfall to have it appear in a chest behind the waterfall.

LOCATION: Zora's Fountain
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. Equip the Iron boots and sink to the bottom of the
Fountain. The Piece is in the dead centre.

LOCATION: Zora's Fountain
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. Hop the icebergs. At one point is a fork in the
paths. Take the right side and jump onto the iceberg it resides on. Claim it
for your good health.

LOCATION: Zora's River
     DETAILS: As Child Link. From the Start, Grab the chicken and run to the
edge. Float over. Now  run up the path and over again. There will be a broken
path in this next area. Run up it. Then turn towards the Piece (resting on the
little island. Jump towards the nearest overhang, and as you stop moving, drop
the chicken to grab on. Then jump to the Heart.

LOCATION: Zora's River
     DETAILS: As Child Link. Continuing from the last one, drop to the bottom
level and get the chicken. Go all the way to the end, just before the Domain and
get to the highest ground you can. Turn towards the Heart and float to it with
the Chicken.

LOCATION: Zora's River
     DETAILS: As Child Link. Play the Song of Storms to the Frogs. Who live on
the log.

LOCATION: Zora's River
     DETAILS: As Child Link. Play every other non-temple song to the frogs. They
grow big. Now start to play again, but they stop you. Play their little game
and win. To play the game, each frog corresponds with a button on the
controller. Press the button for the frog that has the butterfly above it. This
gets you it. Yay! All the Pieces!

One of the Heart Pieces is obtained through Gold Skultullas. To get them all,
refer to the appropriate sections. Copy and pasting the Gold Skultulla section
is just KB whoring, although pasting the heart pieces is too.

As for the last Bottle, start at Hyrule Castle with 3 empty bottles. The glitch
one won't work for this. Get on Epona and go to the first three locations here:

1. Below the ledge that forms an overhang near Kakariko Village
2. The tree outside Lon Lon Ranch
3. The tree by Gerudo Valley.

Kill the poes that appear while on the horse. Two arrows will finish them off.
Get off the horse and get the poe spirits in the bottles. Go to Hyrule Castle
and go into the large pot room that was there as a child. Show the Bottles to
the strange man. He gives you rupees and 300 points on your Membership Card.
Going to all these locations and doing the same will net you 100 points per poe.
1000 points results in the last bottle.

4. In a bush at the river to the right of the castle.
5. The stone wall near the ranch.
6. The fork in the road near Kokiri Forest, by the boulder.
7. The fork in the road outside Gerudo Valley
8. The sign that points to Lon Lon Ranch (By the castle)
9. At the south of Hyrule Field is a large orchard of trees. There is a poe in
one of the bushes.
10. There is a poe by one of the trees in  #9.

Masks are optional, but here is how to do it:

As a child.

Starting at the beginning, in case you didn't already do this, give the man
guarding the gate to Death Mountain Trail the Keaton Mask. Return this to the
Happy Mask Shop and give the rupees, and get the Skull Mask. Go to the Lost
Woods. Go right, left, right, left, left. There is a secret grotto somewhere in
the grass. You know you have found it when there are massive amounts of Deku
Scrubs. Put it on and they go insane and give you the last Deku Stick Upgrade.
Woot. Now go to the Forest, then back into the woods. Go left at the start and
stand on the stump. Equip the mask and talk to the Skull Kid. He gives you half
the rupees. Go and pay the debt back to the owner.

Get the Spooky Mask now, talk to the kid walking around the graveyard (During
Day) with the mask on. He pays the full price. Return the money and get the
Bunny Hood. I hope you have the Giants Wallet and almost no cash. Anyway, run
to Lon Lon Ranch, then to Gerudo Valley. There is a running man here. Give him
the mask, and he pays you however much money you can carry. Yay! Return the
small portion of money you have to pay to the Mask Shop. You now unlock the
Goron, Gerudo and Zora Mask. They are useless. There is the Mask of Truth, which
can talk to Gossip Stones. They will give you advice and tips. All the latest

Hearts: Check
Skultullas: Check
Bottles: Check
Masks: Check

There are also several sidequests in the Secrets section you can do.

|Final: Ganon's Tower|

Go to the Market and head to where Hyrule Castle used to be. Walk up as far as
you can to the castle. The Sages will work together to create a righteous bridge
to the castle. Cross it and go inside. Move forward, ignoring the Beamos and
enter the door. This room has a force field protecting the inner tower. Go below
the bridge and turn the Lens of Truth on to find a secret shop. Don't fill
anything yet.


Anyway, we will tackle the room in order of the temples we did them in, in order
to avoid confusion. There is a slight deviation from these plans, we must do
the Shadow room second. So head right from the start to find the Forest Room.
Inside is a Wolfos. Kill the Wolfos, then use Din's Fire to light the four
torches. Aim at the torch above the door with an arrow, and have it go through
the torch to light the top one. Or simply use a Fire Arrow.

The next room has Silver Rupees. You can get them by using the Hover Boots,
Song of Time and the Longshot. It's not that difficult. Others are taken by
stepping on the switch and using the targets Anyway, Get them all and enter the
room ahead of you. There is a great seed surrounded with light. Shoot a light
arrow at the seed to dispel a portion of the barrier guarding the inner tower.
Head back to the main room and go to the back side and the Fire Room.


Kill the bubbles floating around, then fire Fire Arrows at the torches you can
see. Longshot to all the Torches, then to the Like Like to get over there. Leap
to the platform nearby. Turn on the Lens of Truth to see hidden pathways leading
away. Follow the one that goes down, and hit the switch with the hammer. This
opens the door. Light all the torches to reveal timed blocks. Hop down them to
the switch, then longshot to the chest that appears to get the Gold Gauntlets.
Exit out the door now.

Dispel the barrier here with a Light Arrow, as last time. Now head outside the
Castle (You heard me) and go over the bridge, then left. Throw the Giant Pillar
here to uncover a Fairy Fountain. Inside, play Zelda's Lullaby to receive the
Damage Halfer. You get a nice little white ring aruond your hearts. Anyway, go
back into the castle and to the Fire Room.


Put on the Goron Tunic, as we're about to turn up the heat! This room is another
Silver Rupee room. There is a giant pillar you can see, there is a Rupee under
it. You wil throw it in the lava (pillar). Get the one there last. As after you
get it, you will die. And after they are all taken, the door is forever unlocked
for you. So get that last, then enter the room and Shoot the Barrier down.


This is more of an Ice room. Anyway, kill the enemies in the room to unlock the
door. Don't bother getting the chests, one is a trap. Anyway, fill the bottles
up with Blue Fire. Precisely why we didn't get stuff at the hidden shop before.
Melt the door and restock the fire. Enter the door. Pus the ice block right and
down. It falls into the hole. Get the other block Right, up and left. Melt the
opening here and smash the switch down to get into the Barrier room. Do this
and shoot the barrier. Weeeeee. The point of filling all the bottles? Making you


Get the Silver Rupees in the first room. Some are in between the Armos and the
Spikes. Move the armos to get them. The Longshot will cover the rest. In the
next room, gauge your Bombchu  Count. If low, hit the Crystal switch through
the bars with a spin attack. If not, then get one out and aim it through the
small opening at the top of the grate to have it snake through and get the other
switch, letting you through. The next room has a webbed roof. Use a fire arrow
to burn through. Then reflect on the sun closest to the entrance (I believe it
was that one). This opens the exit. Go inside and Dispel the Spirit Barrier.
One more to go..


There is a room on ground level with a pillar in front of it. This is the Light
Room. Turn on the Lens of Truth and kill the Skulltula, as well as the Keese.
This causes a chest to appear. ONLY get the center one. The rest are mostly
traps and the ones that aren't are NOT worth your time. Go into the next room.
There is a Triforce here. Play Zelda's Lullaby to get into the next room with
the help of the key that appears. The next room has five Silver Rupees. You have
a minute. They are all in the center of the room, and the mini caves in the
wall. As well as in the small spaces between the center area and the boulder
path. Go in the next room. Hey, wait a minute! Where did that darn barrier seed
go? Oh wait. It's a fake room. Walk through the back wall to get to the real
barrier. Dispel it. The fake one contains a Wallmaster, so look out.


The inner tower is now available for you to use. But first, go to the Hidden
Shop and collect three fairies in a bottle, then buy a Green Potion. Now go up
to the inner tower. The first room here contains a large amount of of Keese.
Ignore them all and continue upstairs. This room has two Dinofos. Kill them
both simply and continue up. This room has two Stalfos. Wooooo. Big challenge.
Kill them and open the chest to get the Boss Key. Now head up the stairs. The
first room that might offer a challenge. NOT! There are two Iron Knuckles. Hit
them one at a time and follow basic procedure from the Spirit Temple to defeat
them Now continue upstairs. Keep going up and up and up. Ignore all the pots
you see, as you may need them later. Now enter the top room.

Ganondorf is jamming on his organ. As you enter, he comments about the triforce
and that sort of thing. He then raises himself into the air and knocks Navi
away with magic. You cannot Target him in the coming battle!

                         |Great King of Evil|

If you are too close, he will slam onto the ground and cause several blocks to
disappear. He has two main attacks, aside that. Start off in one of the corners.
They cannot be destroyed. Ganon will summon a ball of light and send it flying
your way. Hit it back to him, just like the Phantom Ganon battle. Play Badminton
with him until he is struck. Now is your chance to aim a light arrow at him to
damage him. He falls to the ground, now come over to him and smack the crap out
of him. You can target him as he is on the ground. Repeat this process. If a
ball seems to hot for you to handle, you can shield and take no damage.

Ganondorf's other attack is much more powerful. He raises his hands to the
heavens and starts forming a giant black ball. There are several ways to stop
this. The reccomended one is to shoot him with a Light Arrow as he is charging
up. The Second option is to RUN! Dash around the corners quickly. Or Longshot
from corner to corner. (The walls can be longshot too). The worst option is to
use a spin attack to send them back at him. This drains magic, and you have to
hit him with a light arrow after he is hit by them. What a waste.

If at any time you run low on supplies, fall in the chasm to the below room. You
were there before. It has pots. Smash them for stuff. Then climb back up the
pillar. After Ganondorf is felled, he coughs up blood and then brings the whole
place down in his last breath. You have to escape along with Princess Lalaland..
I mean ZELDA! Ahem. Follow her down the ways out. At one point, you have to
battle the Stalfos again. Defeat them quickly to get out of the castle with a
minute or two to spare. After you have exited, you talk for a bit, then hear a
sound. Move closer to the rubble to come across GANONDORF! He gasps for a bit,
then transforms to the most epic being of all time:


He wields two swords. Uh oh. And what's more, the Master Sword has been blown
away. Wait a minute, that isn't bad! You should have the Biggoron Sword. Get
close to Ganon and when he raises himself to attack, roll between his legs.
Slash at his tail. If you don't have the Biggoron Sword, use the Megaton Hammer.
Continue this until he falls down. Then quickly run out to the Master Sword. Big
deal, continue with the Biggoron Sword. If you don't have it, certainly use the
Megaton Hammer. He is now far more aggresive, but your strategy never strays.
Continue this. After a while, he hits the ground, then Zelda pulverizes him with
Light Magic. She then charges up your sword. Slash at Ganon for the Epic Ending
to the Epic game! Congrats!



Heart Pieces                                                               [500]

An important part of your questing will be your heart containers. The locations
of the hearts are included in my walkthrough, so using it will get you 100% of
everything. But for those who don't feel like looking, here they are.

LOCATION: Death Mountain Crater
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. In Childhood, plant a magic bean in the patch next
to the warp point. As adult, ride it. Jump off onto the volcano and get it.

LOCATION: Death Mountain Crater
     DETAILS: As Adult Link or Child. Preferably Adult. There is a wall you can
climb. Go up, and turn left, then climb down. It's in a cave in the wall.

LOCATION: Death Mountain Trail
     DETAILS: As Adult Link or Child Link. As Child Link, you can either plant
a Bean plant near the entrance to Dodongo's Cavern and ride it as an adult to
the roof of the cavern, or you can do a backflip off the ledge above and land on
the roof as a kid.

LOCATION: Desert Colossus
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. Plant a Bean plant as a Child, then ride it up to
the top of the arc like thing as an Adult.

LOCATION: Gerudo Fortress
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. There is a roof on the Fortress with a chest. 
You can longshot to it.

LOCATION: Gerudo Fortress
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. Win it in the Horseback Archery contest.

LOCATION: Gerudo Valley
     DETAILS: As Child Link. Behind the Waterfall. Use the Cucco to float to 

LOCATION: Gerudo Valley
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. Get on the bean plant you plant as a Child and
float to the Crate with it. Break the Crate.

LOCATION: Gerudo Valley
     DETAILS: As Child Link. Float to the platform with the crate. Break the

LOCATION: Graveyard
     DETAILS: As Child Link (possibly Adult). There is a grave near the front
that is not marked, and can be pulled back to reveal a hole. Inside is a single
Re-Dead. Kill the Re-Dead and play the Sun's song after the body is gone.

LOCATION: Graveyard
     DETAILS: As Child Link. At night during certain times (cannot play Sun's
Song to get him), Dampe digs graves. There are dirt patches on the paths. Talk
to him and ask him to dig on the patches until you find it. Costs rupees each

LOCATION: Graveyard
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. You can either stand on the fence and longshot to
a crate with the Heart Piece inside, or plant a magic bean and ride up to 

LOCATION: Graveyard/Windmill
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. You have to race Dampe's ghost and finish in less
than a minute. Easy to do if you Longshot to the torch above you at the end

LOCATION: Goron City
     DETAILS: As Child Link. Light all the torches with the fire from Darunia's
room, then throw bombs into the pot in the center of the area until it spits it

LOCATION: Hyrule Field
     DETAILS: As Child or Adult Link. There is a fenced area near the entrance
to Lake Hylia. Bomb it, and a hole appears. Defeat the Business Scrub and buy it
off of him.

LOCATION: Hyrule Field
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. There is a lone tree by the stream. Bomb it, then
sink to the bottom to get it.

LOCATION: Hyrule Market
     DETAILS: As Child Link. At night, there is a white dog that hangs out
around the Bazaar. Run into it until it follows you. Bring it to the door that
is very protruding in the alley and talk to the lady inside.

LOCATION: Hyrule Market
     DETAILS: As Child Link. At the Bombchu bowling alley, keep playing until it
comes up as a prize, then win.

LOCATION: Hyrule Market
     DETAILS: As Child Link. At night, go to the Treasure Box game. You can
either guess over and over until you get lucky, or use the Lens of Truth to get
to it at the end.

LOCATION: Ice Cavern
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. Get a bottle of Blue Fire and go to the Compass
room. Dump the fire on the frozen heart and collect it.

In master quest, there is a switch you have to bomb in the same area. Bomb it
to get it.

LOCATION: Kakariko Village
     DETAILS: The Owl will drop you on the house by the Cuccoo lady. Drop off
the graveyard side and land on the overhand. Go into the hole on the wall and
get the piece next to the cow.

LOCATION: Kakariko Village
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. Either stand on the fence by the windmill and
hookshot to the purple roof house, or just longshot to it. Talk to the man on
top of it.

LOCATION: Kakariko Village (Windmill)
     DETAILS: As Adult Link or Child Link. After the Dampe race, you end up in
the Windmill. As Adult link, jump to the spinning thing in the middle, then jump
to the heart. Or as a child, use the boomerang to get it.

LOCATION: Kakariko Village
     DETAILS: As Child Link. Collect 50 Gold Skultula coins, then talk to the
freed child to receive it.

LOCATION: Lake Hylia
     DETAILS: As Child Link. Catch a 10 pound or larger fish at the Fishing

LOCATION: Lake Hylia
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. Plant a magic bean as a child at the Lab, then
ride it and jump on the roof as an adult. Climb the ladder and get the piece at
the top.

LOCATION: Lake Hylia
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. Get the Gold Scale from the Fishing Game. Go to the
Lake Hylia lab and jump in the water. Dive until you touch the floor and talk to
the man to get it.

LOCATION: Lon Lon Ranch
     DETAILS: As Child Link. The piece is located in the back of the ranch.
Move the crates that are found in the windmill to discover a passage through the
wall. The piece is in the hay at the other side.

LOCATION: Lost Woods
     DETAILS: As Child Link. Turning left at the first area, stand on the flat
stump and face the Skull kid. Play Saria's Song and he gives you it.

LOCATION: Lost Woods
     DETAILS: As Child Link. After the first turn to the right, jump off the
edge and stand on the stump. Play along with the two Skull Kids until they give
you the Heart Piece.

LOCATION: Zora's Domain
     DETAILS: As Child Link. At the top of the stairs, bring fire down to the
torch below the stairs. Then get a fresh stick out. Get the fire and dash down
the spiral ramp. Light the Torch by the shop, the one in the water, and the one
behind the waterfall to have it appear in a chest behind the waterfall.

LOCATION: Zora's Fountain
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. Equip the Iron boots and sink to the bottom of the
Fountain. The Piece is in the dead centre.

LOCATION: Zora's Fountain
     DETAILS: As Adult Link. Hop the icebergs. At one point is a fork in the
paths. Take the right side and jump onto the iceberg it resides on. Claim it
for your good health.

LOCATION: Zora's River
     DETAILS: As Child Link. From the Start, Grab the chicken and run to the
edge. Float over. Now  run up the path and over again. There will be a broken
path in this next area. Run up it. Then turn towards the Piece (resting on the
little island. Jump towards the nearest overhang, and as you stop moving, drop
the chicken to grab on. Then jump to the Heart.

LOCATION: Zora's River
     DETAILS: As Child Link. Continuing from the last one, drop to the bottom
level and get the chicken. Go all the way to the end, just before the Domain and
get to the highest ground you can. Turn towards the Heart and float to it with
the Chicken.

LOCATION: Zora's River
     DETAILS: As Child Link. Play the Song of Storms to the Frogs. Who live on
the log.

LOCATION: Zora's River
     DETAILS: As Child Link. Play every other non-temple song to the frogs. They
grow big. Now start to play again, but they stop you. Play their little game
and win. To play the game, each frog corresponds with a button on the
controller. Press the button for the frog that has the butterfly above it. This
gets you it. Yay! All the Pieces!


Gold Skulltulas                                                            [600]

Gold Skulltulas will earn you prizes. The more you collect, the more prizes you
can get. This is another Logbook that will help you hunt down all of them. Use
it well.

Here are the Prizes:

10 Gold Skulltulas: Adult's Wallet (Holds up to 200 rupees)
20: Stone of Agony (Works with Rumble Feature to rumble where there are 
30 Giant's Wallet (Holds up to 500)
40: Bombchu
50: Piece of Heart
100: A Gold Rupee (Worth 200)

The Tokens will be listed in the order of the Area's as you progress through
them in the game. NOT in Alphabetical order, like the Heart Pieces were.

If for some reason you cannot find one, look at night.

LOCATION: Kokiri Forest
DETAILS: There is a Magic Bean dirt patch in front of the Kokiri Shop. Get a
bug in a bottle and release it over the patch. The bug goes down the hole 
forces a Skulltula out.
LOCATION: Kokiri Forest
DETAILS: At Nighttime, behind the Know-It-All Brother's House.
LOCATION: Kokiri Forest
DETAILS: At Nighttime on the Twin's House. As an Adult only.
LOCATION: Inside the Deku Tree
DETAILS: In the Compass room. To the little area to the left lies a Skulltula on
the wall.
LOCATION: Inside the Deku Tree
DETAILS: On the vines in the giant room that is full of water. Shoot it, then
climb up to the token.
LOCATION: Inside the Deku Tree
DETAILS: On the metal grate. You can leap to the token, or I am pretty sure that
a backflip will work.
LOCATION: Inside the Deku Tree
DETAILS: In the Room with the eggs on the Roof, you have to burn through a web.
Then return later with a bomb and blow the door. The Skulltula is inside. You
will need the Boomerang to retrieve the token.
LOCATION: Lost Woods
DETAILS: From the entrance, go left, then left again. Walk over to the dirt
patch and dump a bug in a bottle on it. Now get the Token.
LOCATION: Lost Woods
DETAILS: In the giant field full of grass, there is a secret grotto that is
hidden in the grass. Inside is a bunch of scrubs that want you to wear a mask.
Dump a bug on the dirt patch to get it.
TOKEN # 10
LOCATION: Lost Woods
DETAILS: As an Adult, ride the Magic Bean plant over to the other side. One is
there. Nighttime.
TOKEN # 11
LOCATION: Hyrule Field
DETAILS: There is a ring of stones near Gerudo Valley entrance. Bomb it. Now use
Fire Arrows or Din's Fire to get rid of the Webs. The Skulltula is by the 
TOKEN # 12
LOCATION: Hyrule Field
DETAILS: In a pit by the lone tree near Kakariko Village.
TOKEN # 13
LOCATION: Sacred Forest Meadow
DETAILS: As an Adult, it is up the ladder and on the left at night.
TOKEN # 14
DETAILS: As soon as you enter from the Drawbridge, move into the room on the
right and roll into the crates. One is in one of them. The room is the one that
is full of pots.
TOKEN # 15
LOCATION: Hyrule Castle
DETAILS: The first tree you see can be rolled into to force a Skulltula to fall
out of it.
TOKEN # 16
LOCATION: Hyrule Castle
DETAILS: Past the guards, there is a tree on the inside at a corner in the
fences. Where you can run out of the water at. Play the Song of Storms and go
inside. It is behind a wall you must bomb. The Boomerang is needed. A Skulltula
Glitch can be performed here to get unlimited Gold Skulltula's.
TOKEN # 17
LOCATION: Lon Lon Ranch
DETAILS: Roll into the tree to the left to force one to fall out of the 
TOKEN # 18
LOCATION: Lon Lon Ranch
DETAILS: There is a sort of dark wooden gate thing on the back of the horse
fence area. The Skulltula appears there at night.
TOKEN # 19
LOCATION: Lon Lon Ranch
DETAILS: The building at the back with the Heart Piece in it has the Skulltula
on it.
TOKEN # 20
LOCATION: Lon Lon Ranch
DETAILS: There is one on a window at night. The window should be bright.
TOKEN # 21
LOCATION: Kakariko Village
DETAILS: There is a tree at the beginning with the Skultulla in it.
TOKEN # 22
LOCATION: Kakariko Village
DETAILS: On the Ladder that you can climb to the lookout point at nighttime.
TOKEN # 23
LOCATION: Kakariko Village
DETAILS: On the Under Construction building at nighttime.
TOKEN # 24
LOCATION: Kakariko Village
DETAILS: On the Skultulla house at nighttime.
TOKEN # 25
LOCATION: Kakariko Village
DETAILS: Near the gate to Death Mountain at Nighttime.
TOKEN # 26
LOCATION: Kakariko Village
DETAILS: On the Roof on Impa's House.
TOKEN # 27
LOCATION: Graveyard
DETAILS: Dump a bug in the bottle onto the dirt patch to make one appear.
TOKEN # 28
LOCATION: Graveyard
DETAILS: Look around the walls at night.
TOKEN # 29
LOCATION: Death Mountain Trail
DETAILS: At the Dirt Patch in front of the Dodongo's Cavern. Dump a bug on it
and get the token.
TOKEN # 30
LOCATION: Death Mountain Trail
DETAILS: There is a hollow wall at the beginning of the area. Bomb it, then get
it inside. You can climb up the wall to get it.
TOKEN # 31
LOCATION: Death Mountain Trail
DETAILS: At the part where the boulders fall from the sky, climb up the vines to
one of the platforms. It is there. (Adult Only)
TOKEN # 32
LOCATION: Death Mountain Trail
DETAILS: Adult Only. Back at the Bomb Flower, beat the Boulder at night to show
one that is behind it.
TOKEN # 33
LOCATION: Goron City
DETAILS: Bomb the doors on the top floor to get to a crate with a skulltula.
TOKEN # 34
LOCATION: Goron City
DETAILS: As an Adult, look on the back of the Goron's Ruby pedestal and use the
Longshot/Hookshot to get it.
TOKEN # 35
LOCATION: Dodongo's Cavern
DETAILS: In the room with the Giant Stairs, you can climb it, then get the one
that is on the vines.
TOKEN # 36
LOCATION: Dodongo's Cavern
DETAILS: In a room, you can bomb the wall to reveal a Skulltula.
TOKEN # 37
LOCATION: Dodongo's Cavern
DETAILS: In the Dodongo Skull, you can get a Skulltula behind a bombable 
TOKEN # 38
LOCATION: Dodongo's Cavern
DETAILS: To the left of the Giant Stairs.. in the room.. with.. the.. uhhh..
Giant Stairs..
TOKEN # 39
DETAILS: In the bottom left room, you can play the Scarecrow's Song. This makes
the Scarecrow appear. Longshot to it to see a Skulltula. Adult only.
TOKEN # 40
LOCATION: Zora's River
DETAILS: In the Tree at the Start. Roll ito it.
TOKEN # 41
LOCATION: Zora's River
DETAILS: On the ladder at the end, it will appear.
TOKEN # 42
LOCATION: Zora's River
DETAILS: Get one above the bridge at night as an Adult.
TOKEN # 43
LOCATION: Zora's River
DETAILS: At the high platform, there is a Skulltula to the left of the 
TOKEN # 44
LOCATION: Zora's Domain
DETAILS: As an Adult, near the Zora that used to do the diving game on the wall
is where one resides.
TOKEN # 45
LOCATION: Lake Hylia
DETAILS: At nighttime on the Fire Arrows island.
TOKEN # 46
LOCATION: Lake Hylia
DETAILS: In the Dirt Patch by the Laboratory. Dump a bug and get the token.
TOKEN # 47
LOCATION: Lake Hylia
DETAILS: On the back of the Laboratory at night.
TOKEN # 48
LOCATION: Lake Hylia
DETAILS: On the top of the dead tree you can find. At night.
TOKEN # 49
LOCATION: Lake Hylia
DETAILS: In the Laboratory, sink to the bottom, roll into the crate and use the
Hookshot/Longshot to get the bug.
TOKEN # 50
LOCATION: Zora's Fountain
DETAILS: At nighttime, on the giant log by where you come out of Jabu Jabu's
Belly Dungeon.
TOKEN # 51
LOCATION: Zora's Fountain
DETAILS: In one of the tree's by the Great Fairy Fountain on the sort of island
in the corner.
TOKEN # 52
LOCATION: Zora's Fountain
DETAILS: As an Adult, at the same island, lift the large stone with the Silver
Gauntlets and bomb the floor beneath it. Inside, use the Lens of Truth to kill
all the enemies and get the Gold one at the end of it all.
TOKEN # 53
LOCATION: Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly
DETAILS: Fall down after Ruto. There is a Skulltula in this room. Hint: 
vines ;)
TOKEN # 54
LOCATION: Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly
DETAILS: Fall down the hole with the blob that is blocking the way. The
Skulltula is on the wall here.
TOKEN # 55
LOCATION: Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly
DETAILS: Right next to Token number 53. It is also on the wall.
TOKEN # 56
LOCATION: Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly
DETAILS: The room before the boss. It is on the Vines on the left side which you
go up.
TOKEN # 57
LOCATION: Forest Temple
DETAILS: In the vines on the right side of the very first room.
TOKEN # 58
LOCATION: Forest Temple
DETAILS: Fall down the hole in the room after the twisted hallway. There is one
on the wall in here.
TOKEN # 59
LOCATION: Forest Temple
DETAILS: At the room with the Poe Sister torches, there is a Skulltula on the
TOKEN # 60
LOCATION: Forest Temple
DETAILS: There is one that is nearby Skulltula 57.
TOKEN # 61
LOCATION: Forest Temple
DETAILS: In the rotating rooms room before the boss, there is one room that has
a Gold Skulltula.
TOKEN # 62
LOCATION: Death Mountain Crater
DETAILS: In a crate by entrance from where you see Kaepora Gaebora outside.
TOKEN # 63
LOCATION: Death Mountain Crater
DETAILS: In the dirt path by the warp spot. Use a bug. I mean "dump" a bug. 
TOKEN # 64
LOCATION: Fire Temple
DETAILS: On the room to the right of the entrance, there is a spot you can play
the Song of Time at. Climb on the block and it is in the room on the wall of the
next area.
TOKEN # 65
LOCATION: Fire Temple
DETAILS: Bomb the weak wall in the boulder room on the third floor.
TOKEN # 66
LOCATION: Fire Temple
DETAILS: By the entrance to the Megaton Hammer room.
TOKEN # 67
LOCATION: Fire Temple
DETAILS: In the flying tiles room. On the wall, much like the 59th one.
TOKEN # 68
LOCATION: Fire Temple
DETAILS: Somewhere in the third floor is a spot where Navi turns green at. Use
the Scarecrow's Song to get a spot to latch to. Then go to the target a little
bit up further. The Skulltula is there.
TOKEN # 69
LOCATION: Ice Cavern
DETAILS: Behind one of the Ice blocks in the Piece of Heart room.
TOKEN # 70
LOCATION: Ice Cavern
DETAILS: Behind some stalagmites that are in the room with the spinning 
TOKEN # 71
LOCATION: Ice Cavern
DETAILS: On the wall in the Ice Block room.
TOKEN # 72
LOCATION: Water Temple
DETAILS: In the vortex room, there is one on the wall.
TOKEN # 73
LOCATION: Water Temple
DETAILS: On the waterfall, in the boulder area.
TOKEN # 74
LOCATION: Water Temple
DETAILS: In the moving platform room.
TOKEN # 75
LOCATION: Water Temple
DETAILS: In the room where the water goes to the second level. You can longshot
up to it.
TOKEN # 76
LOCATION: Water Temple
DETAILS: Go the way you came, only on the bottom floor. Hit the switch and he is
TOKEN # 77
LOCATION: Bottom of the Well
DETAILS: In the center room, he is near the Like-Like.
TOKEN # 78
LOCATION: Bottom of the Well
DETAILS: In the room that is locked in the middle. There is a Skulltula 
TOKEN # 79
LOCATION: Bottom of the Well
DETAILS: Down the road from 77. Use the Lens to see it.
TOKEN # 80
LOCATION: Gerudo Valley
DETAILS: At Night, on the plank bridge, if you look to the right from the
entrance, you can see it.
TOKEN # 81
LOCATION: Gerudo Valley
DETAILS: Down on the ledge with the Heart Piece is a dirt patch. You know the
drill. Get a bug in there.
TOKEN # 82
LOCATION: Gerudo Valley
DETAILS: Behind the pillar at the broken bridge. At night. As an Adult.
TOKEN # 83
LOCATION: Gerudo Valley
DETAILS: Behind the Carpenter's Tent at night.
TOKEN # 84
LOCATION: Gerudo Fortress
DETAILS: On an Archery range target.
TOKEN # 85
LOCATION: Gerudo Fortress
DETAILS: There is one near the vines.
TOKEN # 86
LOCATION: Haunted Wasteland
DETAILS: There is a shelter in the middle of the storm. It is inside at the
TOKEN # 87
LOCATION: Desert Colossus
DETAILS: Use the Longshot on a tree by the oasis. Yay.
TOKEN # 88
LOCATION: Desert Colossus
DETAILS: Ride the magic bean platform up and jump to the archway. It is there at
TOKEN # 89
LOCATION: Desert Colossus
DETAILS: As a kid, drop a bug into the magic bean dirt patch.
TOKEN # 90
LOCATION: Spirit Temple
DETAILS: There is one near the Second floor. As kid. Behind you after you climb
TOKEN # 91
LOCATION: Spirit Temple
DETAILS: Just before the Iron Knuckle room. As kid.
TOKEN # 92
LOCATION: Spirit Temple
DETAILS: On the fence of the room with the large fence wall. As kid.
TOKEN # 93
LOCATION: Spirit Temple
DETAILS: Behind the Song of Time block in the rolling stones room.
TOKEN # 94
LOCATION: Spirit Temple
DETAILS: In the scarecrow room, you can use the scarecrow to reach the left
platform. Which has a Skultulla on it.
TOKEN # 95
LOCATION: Shadow Temple
DETAILS: In the spike roof trap room, there is a Skulltula in a cell.
TOKEN # 96
LOCATION: Shadow Temple
DETAILS: Behind the spinning skull is a Skulltula.
TOKEN # 97
LOCATION: Shadow Temple
DETAILS: There is a Skulltula in the cell near the ferry.
TOKEN # 98
LOCATION: Shadow Temple
DETAILS: In the boss key area, there is a door that leads to a room with 
TOKEN # 99
LOCATION: Shadow Temple
DETAILS: In the room with the blade that is invisible. In the room.
TOKEN # 100
LOCATION: Ganon's Castle
DETAILS: On the destroyed gate.


Items                                                                      [700]


Kokiri Sword

The Kokiri Sword is obtained at the beginning of the game as your first weapon.
It is little more than a large knife, and will not serve your needs as an 

Master Sword

The Master Sword is pulled from the Pedestal of Time as a child, and turns you
into an adult. As it holds your soul in the Sacred Realm until you are old
enough. It is an average sword, and will also help you a lot.

Biggoron Sword/Giant's Knife

The Biggoron Sword and the Giant's Knife are different. The Giant's Knife can be
bought from Medigoron for 200 rupees. As a child, bomb through the doors at
Goron City. Then come back as an adult and talk to him. You can buy it. The
Knife is just as powerful as the Biggoron Sword, but will break after a few

The Biggoron Sword, like the Giant's Knife, is so big you cannot shield with it
out. It is twice as powerful as the Master Sword and will not break, like the
Giant's Knife will. This should be your first choice of weaponry, unless you
aren't good at dodging and need to use the shield.

To get the Biggoron's Sword:

Go to the Kokiri Forest. The Lost Woods to be precise. Go left at the first
place and show Cojiro to the weird guy. Then he gives you the Mushroom. Take it
to the Potion shop in Kakariko Village, then go out the back door and into the
place outside. If it is nighttime and you can't use the door, jump over at the
windmill. Inside, show the lady the mushroom. She makes the Potion. Go back to
the Forest to see the man is gone, and a little girl is there. Show her the
Potion and she takes it back and gives you the Carpenter's Saw.

Go to Gerudo Valley and hop the broken bridge on Epona, then show the carpenter
master outside the Saw. He gives you the Broken Goron's Sword in return. Go to
where we saw the Great Fairy for the very first time on Death Mountain, then
walk around outside, to the right of the ladder you climb up will trigger
Biggoron. Show him the Sword to get his Prescription. This is all we can do for
now. Park Epona outside of Zora's River and go down it. Go all the way to Zora's
Domain. Which is frozen.


Show King Zora the Eyedrop prescription from before. He will give you an Eyeball
frog. Quickly run down the stairs and out into Zora's River. Then dash out
through the water. At the end, get on Epona and ride her to Lake Hylia. The
trip usually leaves me with 45 seconds to spare. Inside the Laboratory, show
the guy the Eyeball Frog. He makes you the World's Finest Eyedrops. You have
4 minutes to get to Biggoron. SO RUN! I can usually get there with 40 seconds to
spare. If you successfully make it, Biggoron gives you the Claim Check.

Play the Sun's Song 6 times. After that, show the Claim Check to Biggoron, he
gives you the Biggoron's Sword. This is twice as strong as the Master Sword. So
you won't have much problems wielding this. But you cannot shield when the sword
is pulled out. Small price to pay when you are pwning everything with it.

Kokiri Boots

These are your standard boots that appear to grow with you. No special function
and you start with them.

Iron Boots

This is the treasure in the Ice Cavern. They have iron soles, and will make
you sink in water. Although they are useless for long distances without the
Zora's Tunic. If you equip these on land, you will be very slow. They are too
heavy for a Child.

Hover Boots

This is the treasure in the Shadow Temple. Equipping these will allow you to
hover in thin air for a few seconds after you walk off an edge. Too big for a
child to wear.

Deku Shield

This is the minor shield used by the Kokiri. It is made of wood, which burns
easily against fire enemies. It costs forty rupees and isn't big enough for an
Adult. If for some reason you encounter a Like-Like as a child, it may eat 

Hylian Shield

This shield can be bought, or found for free. It is a little too big for a
child, but can protect the body if the child in question bends over. As for an
adult, it is just right. Look out! Like-Likes might eat this.

Mirror Shield

The treasure in the Spirit Temple. This shield reflects light. It is too big for
a child, even on the back. An awesome item.

Kokiri Tunic

A standard tunic that grows with you as you age. Somehow. Like-Likes will not
eat it. It has no special power.

Goron Tunic

A tunic that can protect you from intense heat. This item is a gift from
Darunia's son. Or it can be bought from the Goron shop. Like-Likes will eat 

Zora Tunic

A tunic that allows you to breath underwater. A gift from King Zora. Or it can
be bought from the Zora shop. Like-Likes will eat it.

Gerudo's Membership Card

This card shows that you are a member of the Gerudo. You can use the facilities
to train, and chat with the guards. Even gain access to the desert. Given to you
by the Third in command gerudo. (Nabooru is second, Ganondorf is first).

Goron's Bracelet

This bracelet, a gift from Darunia, will allow a child to lift bomb flowers.

Bomb Bag

Allows a person to carry a load of bombs. This bag is made from the insides of
a Dodongo's stomach. Can be upgraded to carry more. A treasure from 
Cavern. See the secrets section to find where the upgrades are.


Each scale allows you to breathe longer. However, the Silver one has less of an
affect as an Adult. The Silver Scale is obtained at Zora's Domain. Play the
diving game at the top of the Waterfall and get the rupees back to win it.

The Gold Scale is won by catching a 20 pound or more fish.

Bullet Bag

Each upgrade allows you to carry more seeds to shoot from the slingshot. The
first one comes with the Slingshot, the others can be found. See the secrets


The Adult version of the Bullet Bag. Each one allows you to carry more arrows.
See the Secrets section to find where the upgrades are.

Stone of Agony

A reward for collecting 20 whole Skultula coins. With a non-wireless controller,
you can feel rumbles when you are standing on a secret.


A treasure in the Spirit Temple (Child) and Ganon's Tower. Each upgrade allows
you to lift more weight. Like large pillars.


Wallets determine how many Rupees you can hold. You begin with the standard
child wallet of 99 rupees. Then you can make the first upgrade by collecting 10
Gold Skultulla tokens and talking to the freed child. He gives you the 200 adult
wallet. The third wallet is the Giant's Wallet, you can then hold up to 500
rupees. To get the giant's wallet, collect 30 Gold Skultulla tokens, and then
visit the Gold Skultulla house and get it from the freed child.


Deku Nuts

Deku Nuts can be used as a child or an adult. They grow on the Deku Tree, but
have found their way around the Hyrule Kingdom. If thrown, they cause an enemy
to be stunned. This can be useful if you need some time to gather an onslaught
of aggressive strikes, or so you can move behind enemies and attack the weak

Deku Sticks

The Deku Stick is held by the child only. It can be swung as a weapon, it is not
very effective as that, but that is not the primary function. The sticks can be
set on fire, to carry it portably. But wait! There's more! You can save it from
burning by putting it away, as leaving it out too long will cause it to shrivel.
The sticks are found around the Kingdom as a child and they grow from the Deku

Fairy Slingshot

The Fairy Slingshot is the child's standard ranged weapon. It fires off Deku
Seeds from the tree. The Fairy Slingshot is the treasure in the Deku Tree. It
serves Link well, until he is an adult. It won't do much damage to tough enemy
units, but weak ones will fall! The seeds are stowed in a bullet bag. which can
be upgraded to carry more seeds.


Bombs are mainly used to blow open doors and get rid of rocky obstacles. Bombs
can be thrown over gaps. Some enemies (such as King Dodongo) have to swallow
the bombs. Some enemies can be finished by blowing them up. Bombs can harm you
as well as others, so be wary as you use them. They are found in Dodongo's
Cavern, and are stored in a Bomb Bag. Which can be upgraded to carry more. The
bombs can be used as a child or an adult.


The Boomerang is found in Jabu Jabu's Belly and is only used by Child Link. It
can be thrown at targeted enemies to both stun and kill them. It can make an odd
loop around an object to hit a crystal switch and is very useful. You can never
lose it or drop it.

Fairy Ocarina/Ocarina of Time

The Fairy Ocarina is given to you by Saria, and it can be used to play certain
songs. If you play a song an effect happens that will alter time, warp you to
and area or do something else useful like summon Epona. The Ocarina of Time is
just an upgrade needed to open the Door of Time.


The Bombchu is a bomb that will travel in a straight line towards a target and
crawl up walls, etc to get to a target. It is used in Bombchu Bowling and once
or twice in the actual game, it's not very useful on the whole scale.

Magic Beans

Magic Beans are purchased from the bum on the way to Zora's Domain. He will sell
you a bean for an increasing amount of rupees each time, and you can plant these
in patches of dirt. When you return as an adult, they will be plants you can
ride on (they float) to reach new heights and areas previously unattainable.

Empty Bottle

There are several uses for an empty bottle, they can carry items used to heal
you or they can hold things that you can later sell or use. Here are items they
can hold:

Poe Souls
The Zora Letter
Blue Fire

There are four bottles in the game and they are obtained as such:

1. By helping the Cucco Lady at Kakariko Village collect her Cuccos (see the
sidequest section).

2. By playing and winning the Cucco game with Talon at Lon Lon Ranch (see the
sidequest section).

3. By getting the bottle with the Zora Letter at Lake Hylia (see the walkthrough
of the game).

4. By selling the ten Big Poe souls to the Poe Shop (see sidequests section).

Fairy Bow

The Fairy Bow is basically the Adult Version of the Slingshot, it will fire an
arrow at your enemy and is much more manly and powerful. This can also be
combined with various types of arrows for more or less damage.

Fire Arrows

The Fire Arrows will burn through web or light torches, to get them, stand on
the plaque on top of the water temple (the island) after beating the Water
Temple and fire the Bow at the sun, the Fire Arrow comes back down for you to
pick up.

Ice Arrows

The Ice Arrow is found at the Gerudo Training Ground. It's completely optional
and just for fun. It can freeze your opponents in their tracks and looks nice
and blue.

Light Arrows

You will get these right before going to Ganon's castle, and they can kill
pretty much any enemy (and they will leave a nice healthly purple rupee behind
too). They are needed to kill Ganondorf and that's about it. Oh, and for some
magic barrier seeds in Ganon's Castle too.


The Hookshot/Longshot allows you to grapple to wooden objects that you can't
normally reach, this is a very handy item in the game that is really cool. You
get the first Hookshot in Dampe's grave as an adult and the Longshot is an
upgrade with twice the length found in the Water Temple.

Lens of Truth

The Lens of Truth is an item used to reveal hidden secrets and invisible things
in the game. It will drain your magic meter, however it is very useful in going
through some mazes and other areas.

Din's Fire

Din's Fire is the only required spell in the game, you get it at Hyrule Castle
as a kid and will use it by punching the ground and making a giant fireball
around you go out and burn things around you. It's used to gain entry into the
Shadow Temple.

Farore's Wind

This will create a warp zone somewhere where there is a dungeon map. You can
then warp back to that point later on. It's best used in places where you could
mess up and fall a great distance (for example, Fire Temple at the Megaton
Hammer room). It is found in Zora's Fountain and not necessary to beat the game.

Nayru's Love

This item will create a barrier around you. You will still receive knockback
from an enemy attack but you won't take the damage from it. It's quite useful
if you are low on health and need to hold out, especially against the Iron
Knuckles. It is found in Desert Collossus.


Masks can be traded around, sold and you can either make or lose money off of
them. You can also talk to people while wearing them to get some funny reactions
from them. Otherwise they are basically useless.


Enemies                                                                    [800]


Amy is one of the Poe sisters. To defeat her you have to solve a giant block
puzzle, you put the pieces together so they match the portrait on the wall. If
you don't do it in time, it will restart and give you more time. One piece will
always be a spare unneeded one. After you do this, she comes out in the combat

To defeat her in this stage, wait until she is visible and either use the arrows
or hookshot on her. She will then turn invisible and start doing a spinning lamp
swing on you which you must dodge. Repeat this process until she dies.


The Anubis are sort of mummy coffins that float. They shoot fire attacks, and
also happen to be weak to fire. Use Din's Fire or a Fire Arrow. Sometimes, there
are switches that make fire that you can use to torch them. Either way, they
seem to be in the Spirit Temple mostly.


Armos are statues that seem to be mobile, until you walk into them. They then
come to life and attack you. You can slash them, shoot them or blow them up to
make them perish.

Baby Dodongo

Baby Dodongo's are the little green things that jump on your back. They are easy
to kill. One hit will send them reeling. They explode as they die, so keep clear
from them. You can crouch with the Hylian shield to avoid damage.


Bari are Jellyfish. The easiest way to destroy one is with a boomerang. Slashing
a Jellyfish results in getting shocked with electricity. You can also stun it
with a nut and slash it, but this wastes ammo.


First off, target those tentacles stuck to the roof. Take them down with the
boomerang. Barinade will eventually come out of the ground and start spinning.
Try to time your next boomerang throw so that it hits his belly, but makes it
into the Bari shield. After he is hit, you have to take out the Bari. It's a one
hit kill with the 'rang. So use it well. You can get 3/4's of them down if you
move quickly. After they are all dead, hit him again. Then slash the belly.
Repeat this process until this boss is history. Barinade is an Amoeba attached
to the roof of Jabu-Jabu's stomach. He has a Jellyfish shield around him,
giving him plated armor. His center is weak, after the shield though.


Beamos are statues with a rotating eye. If the eye sees you, it will start
firing a laser at you. You will have to retreat, then turn and face. Hit the
statue with a bomb to kill it. Some Beamos require two bombs.


Beth is one of the Poes in the Forest Temple. To defeat her, first you have to
take out all three pictures of her with an arrow. She will change windows
whenever you look at her, so you have to be sneaky and do it at a really bad
angle, then shoot her. After she is hit all three times, she will move to the
bottom and you can battle her.

To defeat her in this stage, wait until she is visible and either use the arrows
or hookshot on her. She will then turn invisible and start doing a spinning lamp
swing on you which you must dodge. Repeat this process until she dies.

Big Deku Baba

Big Deku Baba's are the same as Small Deku Baba's except that they are huge! To
defeat them, wait until it lunges and then dodge. Quickly slash it to get an
easy hit in and retreat.

Big Octo

Big Octo is a miniboss in Jabu Jabu's Belly. Throw the Boomerang at his face.
He will freeze up in front of you. Now get as close as possible, but not too
close. Just like my wood teacher taught me. Basically, close enough to hit his
butt when he turns around (Literally) with the boomerang, but far enough so that
if he comes towards you, you wont get pasted too badly. He randomly spins around
after recovery and starts running again. If he is facing away, hit his butt
with the Boomerang and slash the Green blubbery bit. If he comes towards YOU
instead of the other way, throw the boomerang again, and he freezes up again.
Giving you another chance. You could always just run around with him, but this
is much more time consuming.

Big Poe

Big Poes appear at specific spots around Hyrule Field, but only as Adult Link
and only while you ride Epona. There is a list of their locations in the side
quests sections. Basically, you ride until you trigger one of them, then you
pull your Bow out and quickly hit one, then you can take your time riding up to
his remains and capture his spirit in a Bottle. You can sell them to the Poe man
in Hyrule Market (where the bottle room was before) and eventually get an extra


Biri are the normal Jellyfish you encounter in Jabu Jabu's belly. They will
electrocute you if you make a connection with it. To defeat them, use a Deku Nut
to stun it and then slash it with your sword (electricity will briefly pause).
If you have the Boomerang, use that instead. I'd recommend just dodging it if
you can, really.

Big Skulltula

The big Skulltula are the enemies that hang from the roof and then fall down
when you approach, watch out for their shadows. To defeat them, wait until they
have their back turned (they will flip around) and attack their fleshy back. If
you are Adult Link you can simply hookshot or longshot them on either side to
kill them.

Blue Bubble

Blue Bubbles are flying skulls that have a blue flame around them. They can be
stunned easily with the hookshot or deku nut, but the most conservative thing to
do is to run up with your shield raised and have him bounce off. Then run around
as he is helpless on the ground and get a hit in.

Blue Tektite

The Blue Tektite isn't hard to defeat, it just can be an annoying bastard. The
thing about the Blue Tektite is that it can hop on water, meaning that if you
are swimming it can hurt you without you being able to resist back. To kill it
I reccomend hitting it from afar with arrows before you get in the water.

Bongo Bongo

Bongo Bongo is a giant eye with a body and two hands, the eye is invisible
unless you use the Lens of truth to reveal it. Aim at the two hands and quickly
hit them both. Now turn on the lens. You can see his eye. He starts to creep
towards you, cock an arrow, then wait till he gets close, then TWANG! Hit the
eye. This gives you more time to hit him. Slash the crap out of his eye. When
he gets up, repeat. He has some attacks that may be a little tricky to avoid.
Try to use the normal boots instead of the hover, as it can throw off your aim.
If he winds up for an attack, try to hit a hand before it hits you!

Business Scrub

Business Scrubs are like Deku Scrubs but after you defeat them they'll offer you
a small deal. To defeat them, reflect the Nuts they shoot at you back at them
with your shield. Alternately, as an Adult you can hammer the ground with the
Megaton Hammer to have them pop up. They will attempt to sell you something
(most likely something useless, but sometimes there are things like Heart Pieces
or carrying capacity upgrades).

Composer Brothers

Composer Brothers are just regular poes found by playing around with the graves
near the Sun Song grave. They will disappear, attack you, and reappear. When
they reappear this is your cue to hit them. You then get a pleasant chat with
the composer bros about their background.

Dark Link

Dark Link is an exact copy of you except he is black and only has the Master
Sword and Sheild. He will mimic your moves all the time. But... if you have the
Biggoron Sword, you can easily stab him and hit him. He appears behind you, so
turn around and hit him again. If you try to stab with the Master Sword, he
jumps on it and hurts you. So try randomly swinging it at him. Dins Fire works
if you have Magic Potions, or I have heard the Megaton Hammer supposedly stops

Dead Hand

The dead hand is the boss of the Bottom of the Well and miniboss of the Shadow
Temple. It consists of several hands out of the ground and one creature thing.
Run over to one of the hands to make it appear. Jam on the control stick and A
button to escape. Wait for it to get close and lower it's head. Strike it's
face to defeat it. Repeat this process to defeat it. Alternately, you can make
it appear by using the Lens of Truth and dropping a bomb on the circle you can
then see.

Deku Baba

Deku Baba's are the little creatures that are plants. There are two kinds of
Babas, the first are the helpless ones that will stick it's head straight up and
wiggle. The only danger is that they suddenly appear, but they don't move much.
A simple sword strike will sever the head and give you a stick. The other kind
is the aggressive type, it will lunge at you. You can block its attack with your
shield but it will immediately be able to attack again, your best bet is to
dodge the lunge and attack them when it finishes lunging at you.

Deku Scrub

Deku Scrubs will spit Deku Nuts at you, reflect them back at the enemy with your
shield, and immediately (while still targeting it) move over on top of it's
leaves it was hiding in because this will trigger a conversation (Deku Tree
only) and it will make sure that they can't get back in. Strike it with your
sword or hit it with a weapon after that to kill it.


Dinolfos are the same as Lizalfos except they have a bit more health. They will
drop down and you can attack them (sometimes it will be blocked), after you hit
them they will jump over your head and attempt to hit you back. Shield to stop
this attack and hit them back yourself.


Dodongos are giant lizards that will crawl around on the ground. When it sees
you it will attempt to breathe fire on you. Target it and run around to it's
back and slash the tail. It will immediately spin to you, so move away and
around it's back again because it will breathe fire again. It will explode after
you kill it, so stay back.

Fire Keese

Fire Keese are Keese that are on fire, they can fly and hit you which is very
annoying, fortunately after they attack you they lose their fire. You can shield
against them but if you are using the Deku Shield it can potentially burn up. To
kill them, it's a simple hit with virtually any weapon.

Flare Dancer

The Flare Dancer is really just a flat ball, however it can harness fire to spin
and attack you. To defeat this bad boy, L-Target his head, and hookshot it. Then
slash it once, then when it comes to the other side, attack it again, then on
the other side use a jump attack to deal maximum damage to it. Repeat this
process until it is defeated.


The Floormaster is almost as annoying as the Wallmaster. It starts on the floor
and when it sees you it will turn green and float towards you. Dodge it or use
your shield to avoid taking damage. After you defeat it, it turns into three
smaller hands. Use your Bow to kill them off and for the love of a goatnut do
NOT let one grab you (it does the invincible green flying attack again). If it
does, it will grow into a big one again and once you kill that one another three
will come out. Little buggers are a pain in the ass.


Freezards are giant ice beings that look kind of like old men (maybe they're
wizards and freeze mixed together?) Anyway, they will shoot ice breath at you
and it will freeze you in an ice block, dealing more damage. To avoid this, use
the hookshot when they aren't breathing to get pulled in, then slash them with
your sword, they will go away in chunks.


This is the big kahuna right here, the biggest badass in the game. If only he
got rid of that horrid haircut, I mean seriously, what was he thinking?

If you are too close, he will slam onto the ground and cause several blocks to
disappear. He has two main attacks, besides that. Start off in one of the
corners as they cannot be destroyed. Ganon will summon a ball of light and send
it flying your way. Hit it back to him, just like the Phantom Ganon battle.
Play tennis with him until he is struck. Now is your chance to aim a light arrow
at him to damage him. He falls to the ground, now come over to him and smack
the crap out of him. You can target him as he is on the ground. Repeat this
process. If a ball seems to hot for you to handle, you can shield and take no

Ganondorf's other attack is much more powerful. He raises his hands to the
heavens and starts forming a giant black ball. There are several ways to stop
this. The reccomended one is to shoot him with a Light Arrow as he is charging
up. The Second option is to RUN! Dash around the corners quickly. Or Longshot
from corner to corner. (The walls can be longshot too). The worst option is to
use a spin attack to send them back at him. This drains magic, and you have to
hit him with a light arrow after he is hit by them. What a waste.

If at any time you run low on supplies, fall in the chasm to the below room. You
were there before. It has pots. Smash them for stuff. Then climb back up the



A super secret extra awesome form of Ganondorf you fight later, he's like a pig.
He wields two swords. Uh oh. And what's more, the Master Sword has been blown
away. Wait a minute, that isn't bad! You should have the Biggoron Sword. Get
close to Ganon and when he raises himself to attack, roll between his legs.
Slash at his tail. If you don't have the Biggoron Sword, use the Megaton Hammer.
Continue this until he falls down. Then quickly run out to the Master Sword. Big
deal, continue with the Biggoron Sword. If you don't have it, certainly use the
Megaton Hammer. He is now far more aggresive, but your strategy never strays.
Continue this. After a while, he hits the ground, then Zelda pulverizes him with
Light Magic. She then charges up your sword. Slash at Ganon for the Epic Ending
to the Epic game!

Gerudo Guard

The Gerudo Guards are can't be killed per say, only stunned until you leave the
screen. They walk around the fortress, and they can't be attacked directly or
you will be thrown in prison. You CAN however shoot them with arrows to stun
them. The purple ones can be stunned, and the white ones are invincible, but
don't let any of them see you unless instructed to do that.

Gerudo Thief

Gerudo Thieves are in the Thieves Hideout and will drop down if you talk to the
Carpenters. They have swords and can block your attack. The best bet is to dodge
their attacks and then run in on them. The Biggoron sword is more likely to hit
but leaves your shield down and you open, only use it if you are skilled at
dodging attacks. If the enemy crouches low, she will spring at you and do a spin
attack. If this hits you, you will be sent back to prison so be sure to NOT get


Gibdo are the same enemies as ReDeads except they look like Mummies instead of
zombies. They will make you freeze up if they look at you and will start humping
you if they grab you (the humps take away damage). You can mash the buttons to
escape. The best way to kill one is to play the Sun's song (this freezes them up
and allows you to get close safely) and slash them.


Gohma is a giant spider creature with ONE eyeball (as opposed to eight).
As you enter, look up at the ceiling with the up on the C Stick. Keep the
camera focused on the eye. It will eventually lead to her introduction. There
are two ways to stun Gohma: Blast her eye with the Slingshot when it turns
red, or use a Deku Nut on her. She will be stunned and her eye goes green.
Slash her up, use a jump attack to start then just slash away. She will get up
and start climbing the roof. L-Target her and get a seed in your Slingshot
ready, move so her eye is in easy view. When her eye turns red, peg it and she
will fall to the floor stunned. Repeat the earlier process and finish her.

Gohma Egg

Gohma Eggs are found in a room at the Deku Tree on the roof, they will try to
fall on you as you walk under them. You can shoot them with the slingshot from
afar to kill them before you walk under. If they drop, they will hurt you if
they land on you and then hatch into a Gohma Larva. Queen Gohma will also try
to lay several of these down.

Gohma Larvae

Gohma Larvae hatch from the Gohma Eggs and run around in a similar manner. They
will have their one eye turn from green to red and jump at you. You attack them
when the eye is red and hit them a couple times to kill them.

Gold Skulltula

The Gold Skulltula are similar to Skullwalltulas except they won't attack you.
If you touch one you will take damage, but they will just sit in place. They are
most likely to be found at night, and are easy to kill. A single hit with most
powerful weapons will kill, some weapons might need two. After you defeat them,
you get a token which you pick up. After you collect certain amounts you will
get prizes for them at the House of Skulltula. Keep an eye out for them on your

Green Bubble

Green Bubbles are like the Blue Bubbles, except bigger and easier to lock onto.
They fly around in a fixed path while wreathed in green flames. When the flames
disappear, attack him to kill him. He's quite weak and is usually found blocking
your path.


Guay are the birds that will sometimes be seen at Lake Hylia flying around. If
you hit them with the slingshot or sword before they hit you they are absolutely
no problem.

Ice Keese

Ice Keese are the most annoying of the Keese breeds because they are covered in
blue fire, which will make you freeze in a block of ice if touched by it. If
they touch you, they lose their ice. So be sure to break it and kill them before
they can regain their fire at the blue torch. Otherwise they are the same as the
normal Keese.

Iron Knuckle

Iron Knuckles are found in several areas and are giant Knights in massive heavy
armor carrying massive heavy weapons. This is going to be a helluva fight boys.
I'd start the battle by using Nayru's Love, as each stroke from and Iron Knuckle
will take away around 3-5 hearts from you. Now contact the Knuckle with the
sword. He rises, I just stood in front of him and massively repeated the Jump
attack. He also does an attack where the axe ends up in the ground for a few
seconds. This is a good time to strike.


Joelle is one of the Poes in the Forest Temple. To defeat her, first you have to
take out all three pictures of her with an arrow. She will change windows
whenever you look at her, so you have to be sneaky and do it at a really bad
angle, then shoot her. After she is hit all three times, she will move to the
bottom and you can battle her.

To defeat her in this stage, wait until she is visible and either use the arrows
or hookshot on her. She will then turn invisible and start doing a spinning lamp
swing on you which you must dodge. Repeat this process until she dies.


Keese are just Bats that fly around in game, they take one hit with anything to
kill and aren't very powerful. The only thing about them you have to worry about
is when they attack you in numbers or if there is a special Keese breed (fire or
ice) flapping around.

King Dondongo

Dodongo is the biggest enemy in the game, but he's got the smallest brain. As
the fight begins, Dodongo breathes in a lot of air. As he does this, chuck a
bomb into his mouth. Run towards him, and as he falls down, red, jump attack him
and step back. You have three ways to avoid his next roll attack. Use the shield
and he will pass over you, hug the wall, and he will miss. Or you can step right
next to the lava pool, but not all the way in. Repeat the process until he is
history. Step onto the frozen lava pool, gather the Heart Container and step in
the Warp Portal.


Leevers are the most annoying idiots in the game, hands down. If you run around
in the desert then many of these will appear from the sound and follow you,
hitting you as you run. If you stop to fight, then you will surely get hit. If
you suck it up and kill them, eventually killing enough will just make a giant
one appear that you have to kill. So keep running until you get to actual ground
(not the sand) as they can't follow you onto that.

Like Like

Like Likes are really annoying blob creatures that will suck you up and spit you
out, dealing damage but also stealing your Blue/Red Tunics and Deku/Hylian
shield if they are equipped. To get the stuff back, you have to defeat him. To
do this, stay AWAY and use arrows on his body (below the mouth, the mouth is
invincible) to defeat him. 


Lizalfos are giant Lizards wielding swords. They will swing their daggers at you
and if you hit the dagger back you can parry their blows. They don't guard very
well so as long as you slash it quickly you will be fine. After you land a blow
they jump behind you, so target and shield (or if Young Link with a Hylian
Shield you can just duck under it). As Young Link, you face them by having them
come at you one on one, taking a few hits and retreating with a fresh one coming
in. This is no problem, as it actually makes them easier to deal with.

Mad Scrub

Mad Scrubs are like Deku Scrubs, after you reflect their nut attack back at them
move to their flower so they cannot get back inside and then quickly dispatch
him with another attack, whether a ranged or sword blow is up for you to decide.


Meg is the fourth Poe sister and the most unique. Her fight is also the easiest
out of all of them. There are four of her, three are Illusions, and one is the
real thing. Sit there watching closely. The three will appear, and spin around.
The real one will spin an extra time. Target that one and shoot it.


Moblins can also be pretty grumpy and can pass that on to you if you aren't
careful. They patrol the narrow paths to Sacred Forest Meadow, and if they spot
you they will drop their spears and DASH right towards you, invincible. So make
sure they can't see you and when their back is turned use the hookshot or an
arrow onto his back to kill him.

There is one other giant moblin that wields a huge club. He swings it at the
ground, sending shockwaves along the ground. You have to run on the right side,
and when the swings on your side, change sides. Do this repeatedly reversing
sides until you are behind him. You can then kill him however you want from
behind because he won't turn.


Morpha is just some water amoeba thing (he's small). Z Target Morpha as he jigs
around in the water. Try to Longshot him and pull him out of the water. Then
slash him with the sword. Much like the Flare Dancers, only he is much harder
to hit. If he spins long enough, he makes a tentacle. stand well away, as it
will try and grab you, dealing 3-5 hearts of damage and throwing you a long
ways. If he misses you in his lunge, Morpha will crawl down the tubular
structure. You can easily hit him there with the Longshot. A way to dispel the
tentacles is Din's Fire.


Octoroks are pains in the asses as well, they spit rocks at you and live in the
water, appearing when you are closer. You have to reflect the rocks back at them
or use the Slingshot/Bow to kill them. They really can get annoying if you are
trying to climb out of the water while being pummelled by rocks.

Parasitic Tentacle

These tentacles are found in Jabu Jabu's belly, they hang from the roof and
will swing at you. Run in close to make it come down low and then throw the
Boomerang at the top party, which is narrow and the weak point. Back up and the
Boomerang will strike the part. Repeat this until it dies, which will also open
an area of Jabu Jabu's belly up as it removes a giant tentacle from another area
for you.


The Peahat is this massive enemy that will sometimes fly out of the ground
during day and chase you around. To kill it, target it's underside and use a
ranged attack to take it out. It will create some Peahat Larva for you to deal
with as well. It is very annoying but the good news is that you will unlikely
to see it too often and you should just run from it if you do see it.

Peahat Larvae

Peahat Larvae come out of a Peahat and will fly extremely quickly towards you.
If you have the Hylian Shield as Young Link I suggest you just DUCK and watch
them splat against your shield. (Yes, that is correct, your shield will kill

Phantom Ganon

This is a fake version of Ganondorf you have to fight, however the second half
is a pretty good simulation of the final battle (but a bit off). He will pop out
of one of the pictures. There is a fake one seen. To tell the difference: The
real one is more detailed and lighter and has little "specks" on him. When he
is white and surrounded by purple vortex, snipe him with the bow. Or you can
wait for him to fully come out and then shoot. 3 hits will make him ditch the

The battle on foot is a little harder. He fires a fireball at you, which is
deflected with the Master Sword. If it hits him move in to attack, if it
misses wait for another one. If he reflects it hit it back untill one of the
above occur. When he is it, run in and slash him. If you take to long he will
start throwing his Javelin/Staff at you. Block with your shield. If you want
to stall use your shield to stop the fireballs.


Poes are ghosts that will appear, disappear and attack you. When they reappear,
then you should attack them then, but be quick because they will disappear again
and do another attack. After you kill them, you can collect their spirit in
Bottles and eat them. Some will have positive effects while the others deadly.

Red Bubble

Red Bubbles are hardly noticeable. They will fly out of the lava and try to hit
you, but most often will miss. If they are going to hit you, just shield and
protect yourself from harm. They aren't very bright or powerful for that matter.

Red Tektite

Red Tektites are easier than Blue Tektites because they are only found on land,
and they can be killed easily by using the Bow/Slingshot or by slashing it a
couple times. The only real troubling bit is the fact that they hop at you,
allowing for many mistimed swings.


ReDeads are the same enemies as Gibdos except they look like Zombies instead of
mummies. They will make you freeze up if they look at you and will start humping
you if they grab you (the humps take away damage). You can mash the buttons to
escape. The best way to kill one is to play the Sun's song (this freezes them up
and allows you to get close safely) and slash them.


Shaboms are giant bubbles that float around Jabu Jabu's Belly. They can be
killed with Deku Nuts, by throwing Ruto at them or by slashing them. They will
damage you if you slash them, but extremely often they carry hearts and you will
end up either breaking even in life or gaining health.

Shell Blade

These guys are quite annoying, they have a backside of spikes and the front side
is mostly protected by it's clamshell. It will open it's mouth and you have to
hookshot the eye quickly before it closes. If you miss or hit the outside, get
away and sideways because it will beeline right for where you were standing.


Skullwalltulas are Gold Skulltula sized Skulltulas that creep around on vines
and other climbable ladders. If you get close to one, it turns purple and crawls
quickly towards you, which can knock you off the edge. Try to shoot them down
with the slingshot or bow before you start climbing a vine.


The spike is a ball enemy with many sharp spikes protruding from it. When you
approach, it will attack you. Use your hookshot to hit it and put away the
spikes, and hit it again to kill it. It is found underwater but when you lower
the Water Temple level they can survive on the ground too.


Stalchild are mini Stalfos without weapons and combat sense, making them fairly
easy prey. They will take swings at you and all you have to do is dodge them
and then slash them two times to kill them. As a child, they will appear at
night. If you don't want to fight them, find a river and sit in the water
because they cannot swim.


Stalfos are giant skeleton enemies with a sword and shield. They can parry your
attacks or block it with their shield. You should try stab moves to get in
under their shield and hit them. The other times of hitting are when they are
going to swing at you as you are quicker. Beware that they also have a jump
attack they can use on you. Sometimes you have to deal with them quickly because
they will reform again if you don't dispatch the other one quickly enough.


The stinger is a manta ray type creature that swims around in the water of
Jabu Jabu's Belly. It will then jump out of the water and try to strike you.
Dodge and try to hit it.


Tailpasaran is just a stinger with a fancy name, it also lives below the surface
and will pop up and fly around. Kill it out of the air, it's not too hard.

Torch Slug

A torch slug is a giant ball of crap that is on fire. If you use the Megaton
Hammer, it will no longer be on fire. After a few seconds you can start slashing
it but be quick because if you don't kill it fast enough it will relight. As The
Doors once said "Come on baby light my fire".


Twinrova are two twins of fire and ice powers each, and they can combine to one.
Start by jumping to a platform where you can see both witches. Hold R when one
of them launches a fire or ice attack, then turn the shield manually so that it
can reflect off the mirror shield and hit the other witch. Repeat this process
several times, and the witches will talk to each other. It's time to get serious
now, they merge together into one witch, called Twinrova. They still have fire
and ice attacks, but only from one source. Easier to hit. Hold the shield when
the first attack comes, it is absorbed into the shield. Target Twinrova now, she
launches another attack. If it is the same type (fire/ice) as the first attack,
absorb it. If not, quickly sidestep out of the way. The third one is the same as
the second one, if it is the same, get it. After the third one, move closer to
Twinrova to release the energy of the attacks at her (hold the shield out). She
collapses to a platform. Quickly move over and smack the crap out of her. After
you repeat this a few times, she falls.


Volvagia is an incredibly skinny dragon, I guess he called Jenny Craig. Anyway,
the lava holes will have some residue kick up when Volvagia is going to come out
of one. First he will pop his head out. Hammer it and then slash the head after
it is dazed. It retreats. Now walk straight at the edge and climb down the side.
He comes out and flys around. Normally he would breathe fire at you, but as he
cannot see you he just goes back in. Repeat the process of smash and slash.
Then watch out, as he drops 20+ boulders next time he comes out. Repeat this
process until Volvagia is defeated.


Wallmasters are similar to Floormasters in their looks except they hang from the
ceiling. Navi will usually warn you when they are in the area because as soon
as you step out a shadow will appear below you. Run around until it drops and
misses you, then turn around and attack it before it goes back up. If it grabs
you then you get a free ride back to the START of the whole dang temple.

White Bubble

White bubbles are like the green, red and blue bubbles except they have no fire
around them whatsoever. An easy sword slash will dispatch of it, or you can use
some other random ranged attack if you desire.

White Wolfos

White Wolfos are probably weaker than normal Wolfos, they just look much bigger
and cooler. Just get close, then back away as he prepares to whack you.
When he turns his back, use a jump attack to his tail to finish him easily.


Wolfos look like wolves and are easy! Just get close, then back away as he
prepares to whack you. When he turns his back, use a jump attack to his tail to
finish him easily.


Combat Situations                                                          [900]

The first thing you have to learn to avoid problems in combat is this: If you
cannot get hit, you cannot die. So this leaves us with a few options.

Shield: The easiest way to not get hit. Doesn't always work.
Dodge: A slightly harder way, but can be limited depending on your space and how
the camera works.
Parry: Attack the enemy before it hits you. Works on most enemies such as
Stalfos, or Lizafos. If you strike them before they can hit you, they 
and stop the attack.

If there is an enemy that shoots fireballs at you (such as the fire eye in the
Shadow Temple), you don't want to parry. As it can easily hit you still. This
leaves you with the option to Shield or Dodge. There is not very much room to
dodge, so you should shield. Choose the easiest, yet most effective option
always. Dodging attacks should mostly be used on enemies such as the Gerudo
Guards, where you can backflip or sidestep a spin attack. You can always parry
this, but you run a risk of getting hit. Therefore, be sure of your skill before
trying anything. There is no point trying to backflip a Lizafos attack in
Dodongo's Cavern with one heart left. Practice on something else first, and use
a shield in the meantime

Shielding can be useful in defense and offensive. Some enemies can be defeated
with a shield. (Octorocks). If you hold Shield and Target, you can run with it
up. This allows you to get in close without damage. If you hold the shield, and
the enemy jumps over you, you will turn and automatically block it. It doesn't
always look pretty, but it's a good idea. Shielding as a child isn't always
trustworthy, as if you shield against a fire attack, it burns up.

Dodging is probably the most important to learn in the long run. If you get a
Biggoron Sword, you cannot use the Shield. Now that means that you have to use
Parry or Dodge. Parrying isn't always the best. So try to dodge the attack.
To dodge, wait for an enemy to wind up for an attack. If the attack is fast,
you should try and do a quick sidestep or two. If it will take them a second or
two, backflip. If you lose sight of an enemy, which sometimes happens, as your
Targeting can be messed up, do some rolls away from the enemy, then turn and
face. Dodging is the only way to escape explosions as well.

Parrying is easier to use if you have a jump attack. A Gerudo guard begins to
duck for a spin attack, so you should start a jump attack and meet in midair.
This stops them from attacking, and makes them back off. Giving you a chance to
start an onslaught. Enemies that block, such as Stalfos, Gerudo Guards, and
Wolfos are a little different. You should try to stun them with an item, such as
a Deku Nut or the Hookshot, then sneak around them and bash them from behind
with a Jump attack or a slash or two. The Jump attack is great because it deals
double damage.

Battles should try to be avoided as much as possible by standing from afar and
blasting with a weapon. A prime example of this is the Deku Tree. Where you can
shoot the eggs from the entrance, instead of walking out into a battle. Always
try and peg enemies with an Arrow or something else before attacking. Which
you should only do if you have to. If possible, stun the enemy. Spin Attacks
are not reccomended at all. They are slow to charge up and execute. However, use
them on enemies such as the small Floormasters that are broken up, to clear an

Try to carry Bottled Fairies with you as much as possible. On my 3 day run, I
did not fall once thanks to this. the more healing items you get, the better.
Fairies are the best because you won't waste them. As soon as you die, they heal
your health 100%.

On the offense, you should always try to attack quickly, then either link it
to another attack, or run like hell. Iron Knuckles, for instance, are simple to
avoid as a Child. I just ran up and beat the crap out of him, then continued.
No dodging. No damage. As an adult, I had to run up, avoid his attack, then hit
him while he wasn't trying to hit me. A good idea, against enemies such as
Wolfos. You get close, and they attack. Then back off and wait, he exposes his
back. Slash it.

That reminds me, always aim for an enemy's weak point. If they have any. Wolfos
are weak at the back. Stalfos and Iron Knuckles can be considered to have a
weak point behind. As they have no shield, or way to hit you from behind without
turning. Gibdo and Re-Dead's are also ones you want to blast from behind. They
can be stunned with the Sun's Song. So it's easy to do. Like-Likes are weaker
near the bottom. Wow. Look how much easier this is to do!

Weapon choice should be obvious. Try and use the sword as much as possible to
save ammo, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't use the Bow and Longshot! Instead
of waiting for a Skultula back, just hit it with the Longshot on the front for
an instant kill. If an enemy is at a distance, use a distance weapon. Easy.

Finally, use your common sense. If you think about what you are going to do
before you do it, then it will work better. Exceptions being reaction things,
like the Phantom and the Ganon fight. If you try a few times at the Gerudo
Horseback Archery game, you will be able to mentally judge the pace that you
should release arrows at. If you think, you will save hearts. Which is very


Secrets/Sidequests                                                         [110]

Fishing Pond

The Fishing Pond is loaded with fish. You are given a rod and an unlimited
amount of time to catch fish to your heart's desire. There are a few large fish
in the pond, located near the log in the center. You can swim out to the log and
stand on it, casting out into the water. This is a good strategy to use. If you
catch a fish bigger than the first one (that the owner caught as a child) you
will be rewarded with a juicy Piece of Heart. As an adult, if your fish is over
20 pounds, you get the Gold Scale, which can be used to get the Piece of Heart
in the lake laboratory.

There is also a Sinking Lure located somewhere in the Fishing Pond. Usually it
is in the grass around the pond, walk around in it to get it. Sometimes it is on
the log in the center, sometimes it is in the crack in the wall. It changes, and
you can use this to capture bigger fish. There is also the Hylian Loach, which
is MASSIVE, but you won't get to keep it because it is extinct. To find it, go
to the Fishing Pond when it is raining (naturally raining, not Song of Storms)
and you could get lucky. It took me about five minutes of trying to reel it in
before I actually got it.

Cucco Gathering

The Cucco lady has lost her Cuccos! Apparently she's allergic to them (then why
keep them at all?) and needs you to get them. So go over to her (she's at the
back part of Kakariko Village, near the entrance to the stinking graveyard).
alk to the Cucco Lady and agree to get her Cuccos. The First Cucco is nearby,
chuck it into the coop. Go down the steps and to the entrance. Pick up the
second Cucco and toss it into the bin. Go up the steps to the left and take
this Cucco and throw it into the bin. There is a box nearby the steps going
up. Roll into it to open the crate and grab the chicken. Walk up the steps,
and hop off of the Red roof and land on the platform that has the chicken on
it. Throw them both off and take the one from the platform and throw it into
the coop. Take the chicken and walk up to the windmill. See the fence? Dash it
at and float to it. When you are not moving anymore, left go of the Cucco and
you will grab the fence. Climb over and up the ladder. Throw the chicken down.
There will be three chickens. Grab one and climb the ladder to the potion
shop. Throw it over the fence. Repeat this with them all. Then jump to the
fence and climb over. Drop these into the Coop to get a Bottle. If you do this
again you can get 50 rupees for your trouble.

Super Cucco Game

At Lon Lon Ranch as a Child you can talk to Talon inside the building to play a
little Cucco game. But first, let's rig this in our favour. Pick up all the
Cuccos walking around and throw them in the far right part between the table and
stairs, almost all of them will stay. Now talk to Talon and he launches three
Super Cuccos into the crowd (except that they are all behind the stairs, and the
three are completely isolated on their own for you to pick up!) Now you can go
and collect your Bottle of Milk from Talon.

Biggoron Trading

Go to the Kokiri Forest. The Lost Woods to be precise. Go left at the first
place and show Cojiro to the weird guy. Then he gives you the Mushroom. Take it
to the Potion shop in Kakariko Village, then go out the back door and into the
place outside. If it is nighttime and you can't use the door, jump over at the
windmill. Inside, show the lady the mushroom. She makes the Potion. Go back to
the Forest to see the man is gone, and a little girl is there. Show her the
Potion and she takes it back and gives you the Carpenter's Saw.

Go to Gerudo Valley and hop the broken bridge on Epona, then show the carpenter
master outside the Saw. He gives you the Broken Goron's Sword in return. Go to
where we saw the Great Fairy for the very first time on Death Mountain, then
walk around outside, to the right of the ladder you climb up will trigger
Biggoron. Show him the Sword to get his Prescription. This is all we can do for
now. Park Epona outside of Zora's River and go down it. Go all the way to Zora's
Domain. Which is frozen.


Show King Zora the Eyedrop prescription from before. He will give you an Eyeball
frog. Quickly run down the stairs and out into Zora's River. Then dash out
through the water. At the end, get on Epona and ride her to Lake Hylia. The
trip usually leaves me with 45 seconds to spare. Inside the Laboratory, show
the guy the Eyeball Frog. He makes you the World's Finest Eyedrops. You have
4 minutes to get to Biggoron. SO RUN! I can usually get there with 40 seconds to
spare. If you successfully make it, Biggoron gives you the Claim Check.

Play the Sun's Song 6 times. After that, show the Claim Check to Biggoron, he
gives you the Biggoron's Sword. This is twice as strong as the Master Sword. So
you won't have much problems wielding this. But you cannot shield when the sword
is pulled out. Small price to pay when you are pwning everything with it.

Happy Mask Trading

The Happy Mask Shop opens after you get access to Death Mountain. You can only
visit it and work there as a kid, and only wear the masks then too. Be warned
now that sometimes you will lose money on deals because the people don't pay
full price, this is out of your pocket but no matter what you will earn money
in the end.

The first mask you get is the Keaton Mask, bring it to the Guard that opened
the gate to Death Mountain for you, then sell it to him. He should pay you full
price. Take it back to the Mask Shop and take out the newly available Skull Mask
and go to Kokiri Forest.

Take the Skull Mask to the skull kid who is in the room to the left of the start
of lost woods. He will pay a measley 10 rupees. Return it to the Happy Mask lady
and take out the next mask, the Spooky Mask.

Go to the Kakariko Village Graveyard during the day and talk to the stupid kid
walking around, and sell him that mask for full price. Now return it to the shop
and take out the Bunny Hood Mask.

Now is a good time to go spend some money doing other Mini Games if you haven't
done them (shooting galleries, other mini games, etc.) until you are low on cash
because the next one will get will fix that. Go to Lon Lon Ranch and walk from
there to Gerudo Valley, you will eventually see a guy running around. Talk to
him and sell him the mask, he fills all of our money up! Hooray!

There are four new masks you can now play with, a Gerudo Mask, a Zora Mask, a
Goron Mask and the Mask of Truth. The Mask of truth lets you talk to the stones
that tell you time and learn some cool information.

Horse Racing

At Lon Lon Ranch if you talk to Malon while on Epona you can do some laps around
the Horse Pen while being timed. You have to jump some fences and if you beat
the record of 50 seconds you will be given a cow at your house. That's pretty
cool, as everyone wants their own cow!

Dampe Race

Remember the dead guy in the Grave? If you go back and visit him you can race
against him in the same course again, although it's easier to win this time
because at the final stretch you can simply Longshot to the torch near the top
to shave off some time. If you do this in a minute you get a Piece of Heart.

Big Poe Selling

The Big Poes are only found with Epona, you will want three bottles, the bow and
not a whole lot to do. To start, empty the bottles you have and summon Epona at
Hyrule Field. Now there are 10 locations with ten poes you have to visit, they

- The sign that points to Lon Lon Ranch.
- The Bushes near the creek by Hyrule Castle
- Under the ledge near Kakariko Village entrance (work very fast)
- The Tree by Lon Lon Ranch
- The Fork in the road by Gerudo Valley
- The giant fork in the road (by the boulder from Kokiri Forest and Hyrule
- The stone wall to the right (on the map) of Lon Lon Ranch
- The tree by Gerudo Valley (bottom part)
- The grass south of the fork in the road with the boulder, between the trees
and the single tree
- By the trees in the last one.

Everytime you fill up on three of them, go to the place the giant pot room was
as a kid (Hyrule Market) but enter as an adult. There is a man that has a poe
shop. Give him the big ones to get 100 points for each one, at 1000 points he
gives you a bottle!

Bombchu Bowling

Bombchu Bowling happens as a kid in Hyrule Market. You go inside and have 10
bombchus to fire at targets that are blocked by chickens and spikes and such.
The easy ones are the ones with the target in the middle, just learn to time it
right. There are lots of prizes to be won including a Bigger Bomb Bag, a Heart
Piece, Rupees, Bombs, Bombchus (etc.).

Shooting Galleries

The Shooting Galleries are located at Hyrule Market as a kid and Kakariko
Village as an adult. You get to shoot the rupees that come by with either the
Slingshot or Bow, and if you hit all ten of them you will get a bigger Quiver
or Seed Bag. If you hit about 8 or more you get a free retry, so as long as you
are fairly consistent it shouldn't cost you too much to win it all.

There is also one in the Lost Woods, head right and aim your slingshot at the
thing hanging down from the tree. Hit the center three times for a bigger seed

Gerudo Shooting Gallery

The Gerudo Shooting Gallery is a bit different, first of all you are riding
Epona down a line of pots and targets and going for the big points. If you get
1000 points you get a Piece of Heart and 1500 gets you the biggest quiver. It's
worth it all, start by hitting all the pots (with one arrow for each one) as
they are worth 100 points each totally about 800 from that, then fire at the
target at the end. Aim for the middle because middle shots are worth 100 as
well. On the way back, hit the targets that were behind the pots the whole time
for 100 each. Be patient and aim for that center, and at the end there is one
last one, go crazy and rapid fire at the middle of that and hope you get a high

Gerudo Training Ground

The Gerudo Training Ground is an option area of the game you can go to prove
your worth and win the Ice Arrows in. At the start, move forward and turn.
Fire an Arrow at the eye switch to get some more arrows and a blue rupee in
chests. Now go through the door that is left of the entrance.

In this room, there are two Stalfos. Defeat them both quickly in the time
limit to have a Small Key appear in a chest. Collect it and go in the open
door. There are five hidden Silver Rupees. Most are at the bottom left and
right, and the top. Then there are two in the center. There are fire traps.
Use the Longshot to get the ones up high by the targets. After you have them
all, go through the door. Kill all the Wolfos here. Look at the fake door and
use the Lens of Truth. Hookshot to the hidden target above the door. Go
through that door.

Walk to the right on this path and go in the door to get a Key in that room.
Jump down to the bottom level and hit the eyes of the statues as they spin.
Get the appearing chest and Longshot out of there. Through the bottom door.
Kill all the enemies found here. Get the Arrows that appear in a chest. Now
start beating the blocks out of the way here with the hammer. One of the three
block high ones has an eyeswitch. Shoot it to open the exit. The low one has a
foot switch. Press that one to get the key from the chest. Leave through the

Using the hover boots and being careful, you can get the Rupees. One of them
is located right above you. Turn around and Longshot to it. Get the rest by
going from platform to platform. One of them requires you to press a switch.
Do so, then go through the door that opens. Play the Song of Time at the
blocks. Now jump in and sink to the bottom. Kill the enemies and get the
rupees at the bottom, then collect the ones further up by removing the Iron
Boots. Some of them you can Longshot to. After they are all taken, get the Key
that appears topside and go back to the fire room. Then go out the other door
there is.

Kill all the Dinafos and the Beamos here quickly. Then get the chest. You now
should have 6 keys. Head back into the main room through the next door and go
right, so from the entrance to the area, you go through the center door.

Inside, take the left path. At the second or third area there will be a secret
going up. Climb the fence to get to it. Inside is the last key you need. Now
simply go through all the doors on that side of the room until you reach the
Ice Arrows. Hip Hip Hooray! The useless item is yours!

Ocarina Games

There are two Ocarina games, one in the Lost Woods and on in Zora's River.

The Lost Woods one is played with some Skull Kids and is found by going right at
the start and climbing down the ladder. Stand on the stump here and play along
with these chumps. You have to remember it and it's always random so try your
best. After this is all done you get a piece of heart.

The Frog Ocarina game is found at Zora's River as a child. Stand on the log
going into the river and pull out your Ocarina. There will be some small frogs,
play the Song of Storms for a piece of heart. Then play ALL the normal songs
(non warp songs) to them and they grow larget. Then you get to play a game where
you make the frogs eat butterflies; here is the button combination:
A,L,R,D,L,R,D,A,D,A,D,R. You will get a second piece of heart.



Frequently Asked Questions                                                 [120]

Q. How do I get ....?
A. Read the guide, if the section is incomplete, drop me a line and I will
inform you personally.

Q. Where can I get this game?
A. EBay. Some of your local Gamestop/EBGames may have it. But still, GET IT. It
is the best game ever.

Q. How do I complete this temple?
A. Read the FAQ. 99% of the emails I get asking a question can be answered by
simply reading the guide.

Q. Does changing notes around (like Flat, Sharp and using the control stick) do
A. It makes it sound different, and you can play some real songs with this, but
nothing else.

Q. Can signs be repaired?
A. Yes they can, give a rousing chorus of "Zelda's Lullaby" to do it.

Q. What is up with that Owl?
A. Nothing, Nintendo put it in there simply to annoy you. No joke.

Q. Don't you mean the Minute of Forest?
A. No.

Q. I want to fight _____ again!
A. Well you can't, except for Ganondorf.

Q. Why would I want a bug in a bottle?
A. You can use them to get Skultullas, and sell them too.

Q. Are you ever going to 100% this wonderful piece of work?
A. Yes!

Q. Waaaah! I lost my tunic to a Like-Like, then reset before I got it back!
A. Don't panic. Just get a ton of money and go to the Goron Shop and buy a new
red tunic, or go back to Zora's Domain and their shop to get a new one there.
Unfortunately, the Zora shop is frozen shut. So you will need more Blue Fire.

Q. Can I give you a tip or strategy?
A. Sure!

Q. This FAQ is t3h suack!1!!11one
A. Come on. Just shut up. I work my ass off writing content for the people, and
I don't mind CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, but that is just stupid.

Q. Are you writing more FAQs?
A. Yep. Sure am.


Credits                                                                    [130]

Thanks to me!
Thanks to you!
Thanks to Dad!
Thanks to GameFAQs!
Thanks to Zelda.com!
Thanks to the Monster List by Barbossa for giving me all the names!

Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub. Yay God!


Copyright                                                                  [140]

This Document Copyright (c) 2006-2008 TripleJump

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a 
violation of copyright.

The following sites can use this FAQ, if they so desire:



Closing                                                                    [150]

Well, thanks for being here for another FAQ. This one will be updated more often
than most of my other ones, because it is a fun game, that I love more than sex
appeal! You know, kind of like that old song. No? Stupid kids these days.. If
you have a question, contact me at triplejumpfaqs[at]gmail[dot]com.

This document is Copyright (c) 2007-2008 TripleJump. It cannot be reproduced,
sold or otherwise distributed without advance written permission. Sites that
have my permission to use the FAQ are GameFAQs, Neoseeker, Super Cheats,
GamerHelp and any other sites must ask me to use it. If you see it on another
site, please contact me.

To see all of my written works, please visit my contributor profile. You can see
it at http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/38449.html. Don't complain
about it. I know some of my files lack completetion, but that's my problem. Not
yours. Okay? Good.

I hope this one helped you more than ever before. What I have written so far was
a blast! It will be completed eventually. Just keep checking for updates, they
will come as long as they are wanted. Until next time.

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