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Guide and Walkthrough by BakonBitz

Version: Final | Updated: 09/12/2009

                                  The Legend of
                          __  / ____| |     __ \    \
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                          O C A R I N A  O F  T I M E

FAQ/Walkthrough by Banjo2553
Current version: COMPLETE v. 5

Welcome to my Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time FAQ. Sure, it's not fancy 
looking, but this will have all you need about the game. This'll be the start 
of my Legend of Zelda Guide-a-palooza. I'll be creating guides and FAQs for 
every Zelda game that's out. Down below is the Table of Contents, and each 
section will have letters and numbers in brackets. Press Control + F to bring 
up a window. Type in the bracketed text for the appropriate section to look 
for what you want.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the first 3D Zelda created, and thus 
many consider it to be the best one. It may be, but it's all a matter of 
opinion. Some think A Link to the Past is better. I personally love Twilight 
Princess, and think it easily surpasses OoT. In fact, Wind Waker could've 
surpassed OoT had it not been rushed for a Christmas release. Anyway, Ocarina 
of Time features an expansive world of it's time, taking at least 5 minutes 
without the aid of anything else to cross from one side to another. It has 
many sidequests and a lot of dungeons and temples; 8 or 9, to be exact. This 
isn't including mini-dungeons like the Bottom of the Well. Be prepared to 
spend a lot of hours on this game.

If you have just downloaded Ocarina of Time on the Wii's Virtual Console and am
looking for a good FAQ, then you came to the right place. I hope that Ocarina
of Time will bring in new people as Zelda fans, like this game did for me, and
this guide can help you through the toughest spots. Finally, there's a Spoiler
Free Walkthrough, as will be a tradition for all my Zelda FAQs. I hope you'll 
enjoy reading this.

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I. Introduction
II. Version History [Vers]
III. Gameplay basics [Gmp]
IV. Game Story [Gmstry]
V. Walkthrough [Wlkthru] 
  a. Fairy-less Boy [Wlk1]
  b. Deku Tree Danger [Wlk2]
  c. Journey to Hyrule Castle [Wlk3]
  d. Hyrule Collection Quest 1 [Wlk4]
  e. Gorons and Death Mountain [Wlk5]
  f. Dodongo Trouble [Wlk6]
  g. Hyrule Collection Quest 2 [Wlk7]
  h. The Zora King's Trouble [Wlk8]
  i. Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly [Wlk9]
  j. Hyrule Collection Quest 3 [Wlk10]
  k. The Start of a New Adventure! [Wlk11]
  l. Saria's Secret [Wlk12]
  m. Bottom of the Well and Collection Quest [Wlk13]
  n. Sworn Brothers Reunite! [Wlk14]
  o. Ice Cavern and Collection Quest [Wlk15]
  p. Marriage?  ...Oh crap. [Wlk16]
  q. Shadows Lurk in Kakariko... [Wlk17]
  r. Training and a Massive Desert [Wlk18]
  s. Past and Future Spirits [Wlk19]
  t. The Final Voyage! [Wlk20]
VI. Master Quest Walkthroughs [MQWlkthru]
VI. Spoiler-Free Walkthrough [SpFWlkthru]
VII. Heart Piece Locations [Hrtpcs]
VIII. Upgrade Locations [Upgrd]
IX. Items and Equipment [Itms]
  a. Normal Items
  b. Equipment
  c. Quest Status Items
  d. Masks
  e. Sidequest Items
    1. Young Link
    2. Adult Link
  f. Common Pick-ups
  g. Dungeon Items
  h. Bottle Items
X. Magic Bean Plots [Mgic]
XI. Gold Skulltula Locations [Skll]
XII. Great Fairy Fountains [GrtFary]
XIII. Ocarina Songs [Ocrna]
XIV. Fishing Hole [Hylch]
XV. Secret Caves [Scrt]
XVI. Enemy List [Enemy]
XVII. Boss Strategies [Boss]
XVIII. Credits and Legal Notices [Crdts]

  '_______                                                               [Vers]
    ´    ´' -----------------------------------       _________________________
   ´    ´   -----------------------------------      /
 .´   .´    ----------Version History----------     /
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.__. .__.   -----------------------------------   /

v. 1.0, 12/25/06:
The start of the FAQ. Covered all of Young Link's dungeons.
v. 2.0, 1/01/07:
Covered Adult Link's Forest Temple.
v. 3.0, 1/05/07:
Covered Bottom of the Well mini-dungeon, Fire Temple, and part of the Water
v. 3.5, 1/20/07:
Did some repairs to the FAQ, such as spelling, and added checkboxes to most of 
the items in their respective lists after the walkthrough. Also added Item 
Summaries to help understand what you should have after the end of every 
v. 4.0, 1/25/07: Covered the rest of the Water Temple.
v. 5.0, 1/26/07: I covered the Shadow Temple and the Gerudo's Training Ground 
mini-dungeon. Final update should be it. (Other than minor changes.)
v. 6.0, 2/03/07: Final update, covering all of the Spirit Temple, and Ganon's
COMPLETE v. 1, 2/26/07: Submitted the FAQ, added a site to host it in the Legal 
Notices. Other updates will probably be just tips and tricks, or site hostage.
COMPLETE v. 2, 3/20/07: Added a site to host this FAQ in the Legal Notices, and
added a note about the second Deku Nut upgrade. The note is in both the walk-
through and the upgrade list.
COMPLETE v. 3, 6/29/07: Added a site in the Legal Notices section, corrected a 
small typo for the first prize in the Gold Skulltula prizes.
COMPLETE v. 3, 7/07/07: Bryson Gordey emailed me some tips on a couple bosses, 
so you should check them out. (For Queen Gohma and Shadow Link.)

...Woah. Look at the date. It's lucky number sevens!
COMPLETE v. 4, 3/06/08: Fixed some clarity errors in the FAQ, added a couple
tips and tricks. First trick is some explanation of how the shield stab (crouch
with R, then press B to stab) works in the Gameplay Basics, and new tips for 
Shadow Link, and the Iron Knuckle fights. Also, added a complete Small Key list
to the Gerudo Training Ground sub-dungeon in the walkthrough, PLUS added a 
Spoiler-Free Walkthrough. Check them out. Finally, changed up the Legal Notices 
a bit. I guess you could say this is my first major update since I finished the 
walkthrough, though I plan for this to be the final major update.
COMPLETE v. 5, 6/05/09: Fancied up the FAQ a bit considering my latest work,
and also decided to put in walkthroughs for the Master Quest dungeons! Yeah, I
know I said I would only do it if it was highly requested, and it wasn't, but
I decided to make the most out of what was going to be a tiny update. Also, 
added in some user-sent tips about things in the game and fixed up any
remaining errors that I might've overlooked. I messed up pretty badly in Water
Temple, so I fixed it. I also switched around Gold Skulltulas #80 and #81 
because of this mess up.

  '_______                                                                [Gmp]
    ´    ´' -----------------------------------       _________________________
   ´    ´   -----------------------------------      /
 .´   .´    ----------Gameplay Basics----------     /
,--, ,--,   -----------------------------------    /
.__. .__.   -----------------------------------   /

You control a boy named Link (although you can name him anything else you 
wish...) throughout the game, and he attacks with a sword among other weapons. 
The story is the simple “save princess from evil guy” story, but you won't mind 
the story, as the gameplay is excellent. You explore many lands in search of 
things to help you defeat this evil person. Controls are below:

Control Stick: Moves Link, makes menu choices

A Button: Performs various actions; check the A button display to see what 
it'll do; also confirms menu choices

B Button: Perform an attack with the item assigned to the button (usually a 
sword, but can be other things); cancel menu choices or pick no on certain 

Z Button: Lock on to an enemy. (More will be explained later in this section.)

Right, Left, Down C Buttons: Assign an item to any one of these buttons for 
future use. (Again, explained in more detail later in section.)

Up C Button: First-Person View, Call Navi (Explained later.)

Control Pad: Show or hide Map

R Button: Bring up Shield

L Button: Show or hide Map.

Start Button: Bring up subscreens

You see, this is an FAQ for the Nintendo 64 version of the game, but this can 
be used for the Gamecube version as well. You see, for those who don't know, 
this game and a few other Zelda games (Majora's Mask, Legend of Zelda, Zelda 2: 
Adventure of Link) have been combined into a disc called “The Legend of Zelda: 
Collector's Edition”, which came as a bonus for preordering Wind Waker or Four 
Swords Adventures. This game is also available on a disc with Master Quest, 
which is essentially Ocarina of Time with harder puzzles and slightly harder 
enemies. If you have Master Quest, well, you can use this FAQ too, as I 
included the Master Quest versions of the dungeons and any other puzzles that
might've been changed up in the game as walkthroughs.

Anyway, the only difference in the Gamecube version is that the Lock-on is 
moved to the L Button while its Z Button is not used, and you'll have to use 
the Control Stick instead of buttons to do their actions. Everything else is 
the same, even the game content. (Though there are slight graphical updates.)

A More In-Depth Look at the Controls:

Here I'll discuss some things a little further. Let's start with the C Buttons.
These assign a certain item to be used later. To do this, simply press Start to 
go to your Subscreens, and go to the Items subscreen. Here you'll see all the 
items you've collected. (If you're at the Equipment subscreen with a model of 
Link showing what he's currently wearing, you're at the wrong subscreen.) Move 
the cursor over the item you want, and press any of the three C Buttons to 
assign that item to the button you pressed. Now whenever you press that button 
you assigned the item to, you'll use that item. This is the only way to use the 
items you have collected. I'd recommend that whenever there is an item you'll 
be using a lot, to keep it assigned to a button at all times. (Such as an 

Next is Lock-on Targeting. Now, you can just attack an enemy normally without
locking on, and it's possible to complete the game that way, but by pressing Z,
you'll lock on to an enemy, with the help of Navi, your fairy partner. (Keep in
mind if you don't have Navi you can't lock on, but there are rare times that 
you don't have her.) With the lock-on turned on, Link always faces the enemy, 
and circle-strafes the enemy whenever you move left or right. There are 
special actions that can only be done during lock-on (or just holding Z when an 
enemy isn't around) such things are jumping sideways, which can be used to 
quickly escape an attack or to get behind an enemy quickly by pressing A while 
walking left or right during lock-on; backward somersault, another way to dodge 
incoming attacks (plus, it's cooler-looking), which can be done by pressing A 
while moving backwards; Jump Strike, which strikes the enemy with twice the 
power of a single strike, and can be performed by simply pressing A or the 
button a weapon is assigned to. Those are all the attacks and moves done only 
during lock-on.

You exit lock-on if you get too far away from the target, or you can manually 
exit lock-on by pressing Z again. Pressing Z when in a mass of enemies will 
switch between enemies to lock-on. You can also change what type of lock-on 
you want in the options menu. You can use Switch mode, which will just switch 
to lock-on mode when you press Z, or there's Hold mode, in which you stay 
locked on for as long as you hold the Z Button. Switch should be the default 
mode, which I like better anyway.

An often unforeseen sword attack is what I call the shield stab, or crouching
stab. You can hold R while NOT locked-on and press B to stab. You can do this 
repeatedly faster than a normal slash, and is recommended for defeating bosses 
in the shortest time possible. Kyle Duffy sent me this tip on how the shield 
stab works. It basically has the attack power of the last attack you did. For 
example, if you used a jump slash for a Deku Stick, then immediately get rid of 
the stick and do a shield stab, each stab will have the same power of that jump 
slashed Deku Stick. This is helpful to know if you want to beat the bosses 

The final, and shortest thing I should tell you is about the Up C Button.
Under normal circumstances, pressing the button will switch you to First-Person 
View, which lets you view the world in Link's eyes; only while standing still, 
though. However, pressing the Up C Button whenever Navi flies out and yells 
“Hey!” will let you listen to Navi, who may or may not have something 
interesting to say. (Usually not, but she may really help you out in times of 
need...if you're not using a walkthrough.)

That should be all the basics you need to know. Now get out there and save 
Princess Zelda!

  '_______                                                             [Gmstry]
    ´    ´' -----------------------------------       _________________________
   ´    ´   -----------------------------------      /
 .´   .´    ------------Game Story-------------     /
,--, ,--,   -----------------------------------    /
.__. .__.   -----------------------------------   /

Long ago, a Hyrule mother had just given birth to a boy, who would later turn 
out to have a great destiny. However, an evil man born of the Gerudo tribe had 
attacked the family. The mother, severely wounded, made her way to Kokiri 
Forest and left the boy in the Great Deku Tree's care. She died, leaving the 
young boy Link with no parents to look up to. Because Link wasn't a Kokiri, he 
didn't have a fairy guardian like every other Kokiri, and thus was considered 
to be an outcast, especially by Mido, the supposed leader of the Kokiri tribe. 
All of a sudden, Link kept on having mysterious dreams about a young princess 
escaping from an evil king. He couldn't tell what these dreams meant, until 
one day the Great Deku Tree decided that Link must let his fate be known.....

  '_______                                                            [Wlkthru]
    ´    ´' -----------------------------------       _________________________
   ´    ´   -----------------------------------      /
 .´   .´    ------------Walkthrough------------     /
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.__. .__.   -----------------------------------   /

To start a new game, simply choose an empty game slot. After choosing, you'll 
have to enter a name. This will be the name that all the characters in the game 
will be calling the main character. (Link) So if you think that's awkward, go 
ahead and type Link. Once all is said and done, select your file again and it 
will start. At the end of each section, I will give an item summary. Use it to 
double-check on the things you should have when you finish the section. The 
number in parentheses beside the number of Heart Pieces you have total 
indicates how many pieces the Quest Status screen currently shows.

Fairy-less Boy [Wlk1]
The game starts out telling basically the same story I told in the Game Story
section, calls Navi the fairy to assist Link, and the game starts shortly

Get used to the controls, and walk outside the hut. Once outside, Saria will 
greet you. You've been called to see the Great Deku Tree, so head east from 
your house (facing away from it) to reach the entrance to the Great Deku Tree 
meadow, and a Kokiri is blocking the way. He tells you that you need a sword 
and a shield in order to pass. Alright...head back to your house, and head west 
to the maze of fences beside it. Past all the fences, there's a hole you can 
crawl into by pressing A while directly facing it. (There's a Kokiri boy next 
to the hole who teaches the basics of locking-on to objects.) Once at the other 
side, you'll be at a small maze with a giant rolling boulder. At your right 
there's a Blue Rupee (worth 5). Collect it. You'll need 40 Rupees to buy that 
shield. Now, from the hole, head left, then take the first right, then left 
(there's a Blue Rupee in the corner on the right), then right again. You'll 
find a treasure chest with the KOKIRI SWORD inside. Congratulations, you've 
gotten the sword you need! Now let's gather money for that shield. I'll start 
with Blue Rupee locations. Here:

- A Blue Rupee is found by locking-on to the rock beside the entrance to the 
hole to the maze. Lock-on, face your house, and backflip. You should get a 
Blue Rupee.

- To the east of your hut is another hut with a path spiraling up it. Head up 
the path, and follow the wooden bridges to a Kokiri girl and a Blue Rupee.

- North of your hut is a small pond with three platforms. Start at one end, 
and jump across all of them. (You jump automatically after running off an 
edge.) A Blue Rupee should appear on the last platform.

- There are two Blue Rupees in the maze, but you should have them already.

- There's also a Blue Rupee behind the Great Mido's house. (Check the signs 
beside the huts to see where his house is.)

After finding those, head to the hut that's to the east of the northern-most 
pond. Before entering, a Kokiri girl might try to get your attention. 
Z-targeting her before pressing A will allow you to talk to her from the hut's 
canopy. Aside enemies, you can also Z-Target people to talk to them over a 
distance, which she taught you just now. Head into the hut. (Which is a shop.)

Before buying anything, head through the little extra space on the far end of 
the shop to find another Blue Rupee, which should now get you 40 Rupees. Now, 
talk to the shop owner and buy that DEKU SHIELD. Now, this is an okay shield 
made with very strong wood, but remember, it is still wooden, and can be burnt 
completely off, rendering you defenseless, so remember that and be careful 
among fire or fire-based enemies. You shouldn't worry about that at this 
particular moment, but there will be a time when you will be facing fire-based 
enemies. Now, head out of the shop and head east to talk to Mido again. He'll 
let you pass now that you have your sword and shield equipped. (Go to the 
Equipment screen and press A on the sword and shield to equip them.) Go through 
the path and defeat the Deku Babas. (They shouldn't harm you.) They'll drop 
some DEKU STICKS. Grab some, you're gonna need a few for the upcoming dungeon. 
Continue and you'll find the Great Deku Tree. He'll explain to you what's 
going on and will then open his mouth to allow passage. Head inside.

Swords: Kokiri Sword
Shields: Deku Shield
Tunics: Kokiri Tunic
Boots: Kokiri Boots
Other: Bullet Bag (Holds 30)

ITEMS: (shown left to right)
Deku Sticks




Gold Skulltulas: 0
Heart Pieces: 0 (0)
Upgrades: 0
Boss Heart Containers: 0


Total Health: 3 Hearts

Deku Tree Danger [Wlk2]
Welcome to your first dungeon! This is the easiest and shortest, of course.
In this very tall room, there's a cobweb covering a hole in the center and a
bunch of Deku Babas surrounding it. Kill the Deku Babas if you want and climb 
either the ladder or the vines on the wall to climb up. Either way, head over 
to where the treasure chest is. Open it to get the DUNGEON MAP! To view the 
map, press START and go to the map screen whenever you're in this dungeon.  
Blue rooms shown are ones you've been to already. There are multiple floors in 
many dungeons. Continue along the path and enter the door at the end. (Press A 
while standing in front of a door to open it.)

The door will lock behind you, leaving you to face a Deku Scrub. This Scrub
fires Deku Nuts at you. The problem is, when you try to come up to them to
slash them, they retreat into their hole. The trick is to guard using your
shield. You see, whenever a projectile hits your shield, it bounces back
(usually). Shielding against the Deku Nuts fires them back, so deflect the
Deku Nut back at the Scrub and it'll run away. Catch the Scrub and he'll talk
to you and open the doors again. Head into the next door to reach a room with
a floating platform. Get on the platform and then quickly jump to the other
side. (The platform will fall soon after you land on it.) Open the chest here

This item needs Deku Seeds as ammunition. Luckily, this chest has ammunition 
for it as well. To the left of the chest is a ladder. Climb it to reach 
another chest. Open it for a mere RECOVERY HEART. Climb back down and face 
the gap where the platform used to be. Take out your Fairy Slingshot and aim 
upwards toward the ladder there. Shoot at it to make it drop down and serve to 
get you back to the entrance door. (You can also Z target it for easier 
aiming.) Drop down (slash some grass for some Deku Seeds if you need any) and 
climb up the ladder. Head back to the main room.

Head back to those vines near the treasure chest that had a map. Aim up at the
spiders (Skullwalltulas) and use the Fairy Slingshot to kill them. It should 
take one Deku Seed to kill them. Climb the vines after getting rid of all 
three (you may have to aim manually to get the top one) and get off on either 
side. Head along this path, defeating any Big Skulltulas you come across 
(striking the stomach kills them), and come into the door here.

Again, the door locks behind you. This room is a little larger than the others
you've visited, but nothing too much. First, step on the switch here to raise 
the three platforms ahead. Head into the left alcove, but be careful of the 
Big Skulltula that may come down. In this alcove is a Gold Skulltula. These 
are special Skulltulas that drop a token (spirit) when defeated. It can be 
defeated using any means, and touch the token to collect it. There are 100 of 
these Gold Skulltulas, collecting certain amounts will get you prizes. (More on 
that later, or see the Gold Skulltula locations section.) Kill the Skulltula 
and collect the token it leaves behind. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 001 out of 100) The 
chest here contains another RECOVERY HEART.

Head over to the other side with a treasure chest (you may have to hit the 
switch again to raise the platforms again). Open the chest to get the COMPASS. 
Now when you view the map, it'll show the locations of any treasure chests 
hidden in this dungeon. Also on the mini-map, it'll show where you are in the 
room, and the red arrow shows where you entered the room/area from. Head back 
to the entrance of this room. Whip out a Deku Stick and light it using the lit 
torch here. Bring it over to the unlit torch to light it, thus releasing the 
bars on the exit door. You have to hurry; the Deku Stick will burn out after a 
few seconds, wasting a stick. Once you are done, press A to put the stick away 
and burn out the flames, saving the Deku Stick you used. Head back into the 
main room.

OK, time for a leap of faith.....You may have noticed the bridge-like platforms
reaching out to the middle of the room. You must jump off one of these and 
land on the cobweb patch on the ground to break it. It helps if you stop 
pressing up on the Control Stick after you've jumped. If successful, you'll 
fall far into a watery room. Get onto dry land, and look along the vines to 
climb back up. There's another Gold Skulltula here. Kill the Skulltula and 
climb up the vines to get the token. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 002 out of 100) There's 
yet another one. Look over to the northern grate to see another Gold Skulltula. 
Kill it with a Deku Seed, then jump over to the token. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 003 
out of 100)

Get on the platform with the switch. There's a chest near the unlit torch here
which contains another RECOVERY HEART. Step on the switch to light the torch. 
Now, get out a Deku Stick, and drop down to the raised part of the water. Once 
on that raised land, get on the southern ledge. Once on there (make sure the 
stick is still lighted) head over to the cobwebs blocking the door and burn 
them down with the lit stick. Put the stick away then head into the next room. 
There's another Deku Scrub. Kill it the same way as the other one. Talk to 
him and he'll tell you how to defeat his three brothers. Remember the sequence. 
Fairy Slingshot the silver eye switch on the wall to unlock the door here. 

Here's a room with a couple interesting things: A spiked log suspended above a 
deep lake of water, and a moving platform moving back and forth. Jump into the 
water and dive down (holding A) to the switch to the left. When you hit the 
switch, the water will be lowered temporarily. Use this time to get back onto 
surface and hop onto the moving platform. If you're fast enough, you'll pass 
under the spiked spinning log unscathed. After crossing this moat, kill the 
Big Skulltula, then push the block to the other side of the indentation of the 
floor so you can enter the next door. (To push or pull a block, press A while 
facing against it to grab it, then use the control stick to move it. To climb 
onto a block, push the Control Stick towards the block then press A.)

In this room, ignore the Deku Babas (they respawn) and light the torches here
with a Deku Stick to proceed into the next room. Kill the Big Skulltula upon 
entering here, then head into the center of the room. Gohma Larvae will drop 
down. Hitting them in the eye will kill them. After killing them all, burn 
down the cobwebs with a Deku Stick, and head through the hole that was behind 
one of them. Past the hole, you'll find that you're at the higher ledge in the 
watery room. Go over to the block, and push it into the water, that way you 
can get here without going the long way. Now get a Deku Stick and light it 
from the torch below. Now use the block and quickly get to the cobweb on the 
floor of the higher ledge, and burn it by waving it around (press the C Button
that the Deku Sticks are assigned to to swing the stick, you might have to keep 
swinging until Link does his upward swing). Once the cobweb is burned, drop 
down. (There's water below, so don't worry about losing health.)

In this room, there's RECOVERY HEARTs in the water, and the three Deku 
brothers. Remember that order the other Deku Scrub told you to get them in? 
Harm them in the correct sequence and they'll open the door to Queen Gohma.

BOSS: Queen Gohma, Parasitic Armored Arachnid

This is the first boss, so it should be fairly easy to figure her out. But
first, you have to start the fight. Look up toward the ceiling once you enter 
the room, and you'll see a huge eye. This is Queen Gohma. She'll see you, then 
descend so you can see her full body. The last Deku Scrub you hit told her 
that she has to be stunned before she can be hit. Well, the eye is a big hint. 
Hit the eye with the Fairy Slingshot to stun her, then get up to her eye and 
slash at the eye repeatedly. This is the way to hurt her. After slashing a 
few times, she'll run away and start crawling up the walls. Once she's at the 
ceiling, she'll drop eggs that contain her offspring. Break the eggs before 
the Larvae hatch so that you won't have any trouble. After this, she'll try to 
drop on you. Move around so she can't. Once she drops down, repeat the process 
until she's dead.

Stun her with the Fairy Slingshot, then jump slash with a Deku Stick to do a 
lot of damage. Afterwards, hold R while facing her (without locking on) and 
press B repeatedly to stab her to death. This method should only require one 
sequence. If by chance you don't kill her in time, when she's at the ceiling
laying eggs, shoot her in the eye while it's red with the Fairy Slingshot, and
she'll fall to the ground, open for another attack. (Thanks to Bryson and...
some other guy who's name I forgot for this tip....sorry, other guy! >_<)

Either way, after she's dead, a light and HEART CONTAINER will appear. Make 
sure you pick up the Container before leaving by stepping into the light. This 
Container will give you an extra heart for your health. Nice. After stepping 
into the light, you'll appear back in front of the Great Deku Tree. He'll talk 
to you a bit more, give you the Kokiri Emerald, and then die. (Due to the 
curse.) Head out, and Mido will blame you for the Deku Tree's death. (......) 
Check on a few things, and then leave the Kokiri Forest by heading west. While 
leaving, Saria will stop you and talk to you. After giving you the FAIRY 
OCARINA, she'll let you leave.

Swords: Kokiri Sword
Shields: Deku Shield
Tunics: Kokiri Tunic
Boots: Kokiri Boots
Other: Bullet Bag (Holds 30)

ITEMS: (shown left to right)
Deku Sticks
Deku Nuts
Fairy Slingshot
Fairy Ocarina




Gold Skulltulas: 3
Heart Pieces: 0 (0)
Upgrades: 0 (Deku Seeds: 30, Deku Sticks: 10, Deku Nuts: 20)
Boss Heart Containers: 1


Total Health: 4 Hearts

Journey to Hyrule Castle [Wlk3]
Alright, welcome to Hyrule Field. Head forward and you'll meet an annoying 
owl. He'll tell you about a few things and then fly off. Now before heading 
forward, wait until it's nighttime, then head back into Kokiri Forest. Look 
behind the Know-it-All Brothers' House for a Gold Skulltula. After killing it, 
lock-on to the token and jump slash to reach it. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 004 out of 
100) Now, time for a few things. Go to Lost Woods; to reach it, go up the 
ledge behind Mido's house, and follow the path up until you get to what looks 
like a wooden entrance. Head inside to head into the Lost Woods. Now, let's 
get our first piece of heart. The Lost Woods is a sort of maze; heading through 
the right entrance will progress you forward. The wrong entrance gets you back 
to the Lost Woods entrance. Heading right will lead you to two more entrances, 
and a target across the gap. Whip out your Fairy Slingshot and try to hit the 
center of the target three times. If you do, a Deku Scrub will pop out and give 
you a BIG BULLET BAG, which allows you to carry 40 Deku Seeds, as opposed to 30 
for your Slingshot. Now drop down and head right.

You should see two Skull Kids with flutes. Get on the lone stump and pull out 
your Fairy Ocarina while facing them. They'll ask you to follow along with 
their songs. If you do it successfully three times, (you may need a piece of 
paper to write down their songs) they'll give you a Piece of Heart (HEART 
PIECES: 01 out of 36). If they don't, keep playing their game until they do. 
After getting it, head up the ladder and head straight forward until you reach 
a room with another Skull Kid with a flute. Head to the left entrance here and 
you'll be at the bridge leading to Hyrule Field. Head under the bridge and you 
will find a Business Deku Scrub. Deflect a Nut back at him and he'll give you 
a DEKU STICK UPGRADE, allowing you to carry 20 now. (Note: You must have 40 
Rupees before you can get this.)

We should have everything now. Head back to Hyrule Field. Now, you must head
straight ahead to Hyrule Castle. If the drawbridge is closed, wait until 
daytime arrives. While you wait, you can kill some skeletons (Stalchilds) for 
some money - you're gonna need it. As soon as you enter the Town gates, head 
into the guard's house. In here are a bunch of pots. Breaking them will give 
you a lot of money, but the main reason we're here is for a Gold Skulltula.
You see the guard standing there? Roll (press A while running) into the crate 
next to him to break it and reveal the Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 005 out of 
100) Now, head out and get into the Market.

The Market holds quite a few things. First, get to the Shooting Gallery. It's 
the place with a target above its entrance. In here, you must hit all the 
Rupees that appear with your Slingshot. If successful, you'll get the BIGGEST
BULLET BAG; an item that lets you carry 50 Deku Seeds. This is the last Deku 
Seed upgrade in the game, so you need not to look for any more. Each game 
costs 20 Rupees, so try your best and make sure you have a lot of Rupees. 
(Note: If you hit at least 8 targets, you'll get a free game. Make sure you do 

Next, head to Hyrule Castle itself. To get there, just head down the path to 
the right of the Shooting Gallery. You'll notice in the Castle Grounds that 
day passes just like in Hyrule Field; use this opportunity to make it night 
time again. (The owl is here again; he basically tells you what I just told 
you.) While waiting, roll into the lone tree you see to knock down another Gold 
Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 006 out of 100) Once it's night time, head back 
into the Market. Head into the Back Alley (via heading left once reaching the 
Shooting Gallery) and continue walking through until you see a rather obese 
woman complaining that her dog is loose. (She's inside one of the houses.) 
Let's retrieve her dog. Head back into the main Market, and look for the white 
dog near the house with the guy looking out his window. The dog will 
automatically follow you. Bring the dog back to the woman's house and she'll 
give you a Piece of Heart. (HEART PIECES: 02 out of 36)

Head back into the Castle Grounds. You should see the red-haired girl (Malon) 
here now, singing a song. Talk to her, and she'll give you an EGG, as long as 
you find her dad. She gives it to you automatically, so I guess we have to 
find him. He's here in the Castle Grounds, so let's start searching by climbing 
up the vines. From up here, get on top of the gate and climb down the ladder in 
the hole. Head through the door here to end up on the other side of the gate. 
Now, the guards here won't let anyone intrude, and they seem to have a poor 
eyesight. Face the two guards on the path, and head up the rocky hill on the 
left of them, making sure not to get too near the guard on the left on top. 
Once past these guards, head across the grassy field to the wierd-looking part 
of the cliff here - the bridge to the castle is guarded by some more guards. 
Head up the climbable wall left of the bridge (that wierd-looking section I 
told you about) and drop down into the moat. Follow the moat until you can get 
on land again. Up here is Malon's dad, Talon, who looks like Mario. It should 
be daytime by now, and the egg should've hatched. Use the CUCCO that hatched 
from it to wake up Talon, then talk to him. He'll run back to Malon all in a 

Near where Talon was are two blocks with bull heads on them. Push these blocks
over to the moat where the indentation leads to. The second block fits over 
the first one. Once you have them at the correct spot, you should hear a 
jingle. Climb up the blocks and jump across to the alcove. Crawl through the 
opening where the water is coming from to enter the Castle. Here, there are a 
bunch of guards that actually move. You have to wait until they are at a 
certain spot to pass by them. The first section here, wait until after the 
guard moves away from you and moves up before you pass. In the next section, 
wait until the two guards are on the other side of the fountains before 
passing. One of them moves faster than the other, so it's a little bit 
difficult. The next section is pretty hard - you have to cross the other side 
through a hard to see wooden pole covered in vines. You'll have to walk across 
here carefully. Ignore the Rupees down below, a guard is there. After this 
section, wait until the two guards are behind the statue to pass. At the final 
section, wait until the two guards just get to the right side of the maze of 
hedges in order to pass. Enter the next area to meet Princess Zelda. Before 
talking to her, fire a Deku Seed into the right window for a Red Rupee – worth 
20 normal Rupees. Talk to Princess Zelda and she'll tell you a story about her 
dream. After the lengthy explanation, (make sure to pick the top option 
whenever given it) she'll tell you to get the two other Spiritual Stones 
(Kokiri Emerald is one of them), and also give you a LETTER with her signature. 
This letter replaces the Chicken you had from the egg, but there's no need to 
worry – the Chicken is no longer needed.

Head out and Impa, Zelda's bodyguard will escort you out of Hyrule Market 
nicely, after teaching you ZELDA'S LULLABY, which is very important in the 
game. You can play this song on your Ocarina. She'll also point you toward 
where you need to get the next Stone. How nice!

Swords: Kokiri Sword
Shields: Deku Shield
Tunics: Kokiri Tunic
Boots: Kokiri Boots
Other: Bullet Bag (Holds 50)

ITEMS: (shown left to right)
Deku Sticks
Deku Nuts
Fairy Slingshot
Fairy Ocarina

Zelda's Lullaby

Zelda's Letter


Gold Skulltulas: 6
Heart Pieces: 2 (2)
Upgrades: 3 (Deku Seeds: 50, Deku Sticks: 20, Deku Nuts: 20)
Boss Heart Containers: 1


Total Health: 4 Hearts

Hyrule Collection Quest 1 [Wlk4]
Before getting the next Spiritual Stone, let's get a few items. First, head
into Lon Lon Ranch. The ranch is the circle you see in the map on the screen. 
Make sure it's day time first. Once inside the ranch, head into the large 
house on the left. Inside is Talon, with a bunch of Cuccos. Talk to him and 
he'll ask you to play a game at the cost of 10 Rupees. You have to find three 
Super Cuccos (they look the same as ordinary ones) within a limited time. Try 
to keep at least one Super Cucco on your eye before the time starts. If you do 
get all three, Talon will reward you with a BOTTLE of Lon Lon Milk. The milk 
has two servings, and each drink will restore some hearts for your health.  
Very helpful. The bottle itself is even more useful. You'll get to keep it 
once you drink all the milk. Bottles in this game are very valuable. You can 
hold virtually anything inside them. There are four that you can find in the 
game. Exit the house and head toward the horse corral. At the left of the 
house that had Talon inside is a lone tree with a couple crates beside it.  
Roll into the tree to knock another Gold Skulltula off. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 007 
out of 100)

Head into the silo at the back. You'll see two cows and a bunch of crates at
the far end. Move the crates in such a way so that the crawlspace in the 
corner is revealed. Head through the crawlspace to find a Piece of Heart.
(HEART PIECES: 03 out of 36) That was easy. Head out of the silo and head 
inside the corral and talk to Malon three times. (She should say something 
about singing a song together on the third time.) After that, equip the Fairy 
Ocarina in front of her. She'll teach you EPONA'S SONG for your trouble. Now 
that you have this song, whenever you're near a cow, playing this song will 
please the cow and fill one of your Empty Bottles with Lon Lon Milk for free.  
How nice! This song also has another use, but it can't be used yet. Exit the 
ranch, then enter again once night arrives. Head to the back of the horse 
corral and you'll see a Gold Skulltula on the back of the feeding pen. Kill 
it. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 008 out of 100) Now exit Lon Lon Ranch and back to Kokiri 
Forest. We're gonna look for Saria and get another song. Make sure to find 
some bugs to put in your new bottle. (You can easily find some under a rock by 
the lone tree in the Castle Grounds. There's also some in Kakariko Village.)

Once back in the forest, head to the dirt plot to the east of the Kokiri Shop.
Drop your Bottle of Bugs on the patch of dirt and they'll burrow right into the
little hole in the center. (Make sure to catch another bug before all of them
dig into the hole.) A Gold Skulltula should pop out. Kill it and collect its 
token. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 009 out of 100) Head into the Lost Woods next. Head 
left from the entrance, then head left again to reach another plot of dirt. 
Drop some more bugs from your bottle (you should've caught another one at the 
first plot of dirt) and yet another Gold Skulltula will pop out. (Again, make 
sure to catch another bug before they all disappear.) (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 010 out 
of 100) Head back to the entrance of Lost Woods, then go right, then left, and 
then the owl will stop you to talk with you. He basically tells you that the 
entrance where you hear the music fully is the correct entrance to get to where 
you need to go. Head into the right entrance, then left, then left again. 
You'll be at a grassy area. Behind one of the Deku Scrubs is yet another patch 
of dirt. Drop the bugs here to make a Gold Skulltula pop out. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 
011 out of 100) (By now, it should be customary to recapture a bug once you 
release them onto these plots of dirt.) Exit this room, then head left, 
(there's a bush hiding some bugs, just in case you lost the bugs you had) left 
again, then right.

Welcome to the Sacred Forest Meadow. Walk a few steps and a Wolfos will appear. 
He's slightly tougher than other enemies. Just shield yourself and wait for him 
to attack, then as soon as you block it, jump slash him. You might need to try 
a few times, but he'll eventually be defeated. Once he is, the gate will open. 
Head through to find a small maze. Just head to the end, defeating the Deku 
Scrubs along the way. (These are the evil ones; you have to slash them to kill 
them after deflecting their Nut.) After the maze, head up the stairs, killing 
two more Deku Scrubs, and you'll meet Saria. She'll teach you SARIA'S SONG, 
which you can use to call upon her at any time, no matter how far you two are 
apart. How sweet. Once you've learned it, head back to the maze. You should see 
a ladder. Climb up it, then drop into the hole right in front of you. Inside is 
a Fairy Fountain. This contains health-restoring fairies that you can store in 
a bottle. Not yet, though. Just run into one of the fairies to instantly 
restore five hearts, if you need some health. Head all the way back to the 
entrance of Lost Woods. Head left from here to find a lone Skull Kid with a 
flute. Step onto the stump in front of him and play Saria's Song on your 
Ocarina. He will be so pleased with the melody that he'll give you a Piece of 
Heart in return. You have four now, so you've just completed a Heart Container. 
You now have 5 hearts at your disposal! (HEART PIECES: 04 out of 36)

Now, time to head to Kakariko Village. To get there, just head due east from
the Castle in Hyrule Field. You should see a giant stairway leading up to the
Village. (Death Mountain is in the background, for further reference.) By the 
way, now that you have Zelda's Lullaby, whenever you see a Gossip Stone, and 
need health, play the Lullaby in front of the stone. It should grant you a 
free health-restoring fairy.

Swords: Kokiri Sword
Shields: Deku Shield
Tunics: Kokiri Tunic
Boots: Kokiri Boots
Other: Bullet Bag (Holds 50)

ITEMS: (shown left to right)
Deku Sticks
Deku Nuts
Fairy Slingshot
Fairy Ocarina

Zelda's Lullaby
Epona's Song
Saria's Song

Zelda's Letter


Gold Skulltulas: 11
Heart Pieces: 4 (0)
Upgrades: 3 (Deku Seeds: 50, Deku Sticks: 20, Deku Nuts: 20)
Boss Heart Containers: 1


Total Health: 5 Hearts

Gorons and Death Mountain [Wlk5]
We're still not done with collecting items yet, but I thought I should just get
this section going, seeing as how the path to the next dungeon will be short
anyway. This is Kakariko Village. First type of business is to visit the Gold
Skulltula House. This is the house of the people who are cursed by those 
things. Once you gather enough tokens, the curse will be lifted on a family 
member. We have enough already (need 10), so head into the house. It's the 
first small house to your right. (Forgot to tell you, make sure it's day when 
you arrive in the village.) The entrance is on its east side. Once inside, 
talk to the man who isn't a spider, and he'll give you the ADULT'S WALLET, 
which can hold 200 Rupees. Next, look for the distraught woman near the chicken 
pen. (southeastern side of town) Talking to her will reveal that she lost her 
Cuccos and wants them back at the pen.

Alright, time for some chicken hunting.

- You may have seen one near the entrance to the village. Grab this one and 
start heading over there, but stop once you reach the Skulltula House's east 
side. There's a Cucco on a ledge here. Get on the ledge across from it, then 
hop off. The Cucco should carry you to the now reachable ledge. Carry THIS 
Cucco over to the pen and throw it in there.

- Pick up the Cucco you used to get the first one, and go up the stairs near 
the Cucco woman. Jump off from here towards the smaller gate to fly just over 
it. There should be another Cucco here. Make sure to throw the Cucco you're 
carrying over to where you can reach it again, grab this Cucco, and throw it 
over out of this fenced area. Go down the hole here later to find a small 
treasure chest with a Red Rupee. Climb the ladder here (not the one that leads 
to a door) to find yet another Cucco. Take this Cucco over to the pen.

- Bring the two Cuccos you threw over the fence to the pen, then throw the one
by the pen into it.

- Head toward the northern stairs and you should see a crate against a house.
Destroy the crate (roll into it) and a Cucco should pop out.  Bring it to the 

- Up at the far northern part of town is the last Cucco.

Bringing her all the Cuccos will net you another EMPTY BOTTLE. Now go and get
that Red Rupee if you wish. You couldn't get it before because entering any
place during the Cucco hunt would've reset their locations. Exit the village, 
then re-enter when night arrives. There's quite a lot of Gold Skulltulas to 
find. First, roll into the lone tree near the entrance to knock down this Gold 
Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULA: 012 out of 100) Next, head to the south wall of the 
Skulltula House. There's another one right at the window. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 013 
out of 100) Head up to the building under construction. There's a Gold 
Skulltula up there within easy reach. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 014 out of 100) Next, 
head up to the northern part of town, up to where the Death Mountain entrance 
is. There's yet another one here. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 015 out of 100) South of 
here is a tall lookout tower. Another one is on the ladder of the tower. Kill 
it with two shots from the slingshot, then climb up the ladder to get the 
token. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 016 out of 100) Head into the Graveyard next, located 
at the southeastern side of town.

The creepy guy walking around with a shovel is the gravekeeper. He has a job 
on the side to dig up stuff from dirt. Talk to him while he's standing on a 
section of dirt and he'll ask for 10 Rupees so he'll dig in that place. What 
we're looking for is a Piece of Heart. Let him dig once in each section of 
dirt on the path until the Piece pops out. (HEART PIECES: 05 out of 36) There's
also a plot of dirt similar to the ones in Lost Woods. Drop bugs here, making 
sure to catch another before they disappear, and another Gold Skulltula will 
pop out. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 017 out of 100) Pulling a lot of these gravestones 
will reveal Poe ghosts. After defeating them, they can be stored in bottles. 
However, devouring them after capturing them depletes a heart from your health, 
so I wouldn't suggest capturing one yet. There's one particular grave with 
flowers in front of it. Pull this gravestone to reveal a hole you can drop 
down. In here is a treasure chest containing a HYLIAN SHIELD. This is a good 
shield that is made with metal. It's too big and heavy for you to use it fully, 
however. There's a bombable wall behind the chest; take note of it until we can 
get the Bombs.

Equip the shield if you want (remember, you just hide under it while shielding
with it, thus it can only protect from overhead attacks) then go over to the 
big gravestone with a Triforce mark on it. Play Zelda's Lullaby near it to 
open it. Head inside. There are a bunch of Keese here (bats). Pick them all 
off with the slingshot and the door ahead will be unlocked. Head through...to 
encounter Redeads. These are mummified beings that freeze Young Link in his 
tracks whenever they stare at him. Try to sneak behind them and slash them to 
death before they look at you. Or you could try to avoid them altogether.
Head forward and you'll see a poem. It reads about a certain song that can 
calm the tortured, and there's a musical staff showing the notes. Follow along 
the notes, and you'll learn the SUN'S SONG. Now whenever you play this song 
near Redeads, they freeze in their tracks, and can't look at you. You can also 
play this to change the time of day anywhere. Exit this grave. Now, facing 
away from the grave entrance, pull the second left gravestone to reveal another 
hole. (Make sure it's night, otherwise Navi won't let you pull it.) Fall down 
this hole, kill the Redead, then play the Sun's Song on the steps to reveal a 
chest containing a Piece of Heart. (HEART PIECES: 06 out of 36) Now it's time 
to head to Death Mountain. Up at the northern part of town is the (closed) 
gate to Death Mountain. Equip Zelda's Letter, then show it to the guard.  
He'll let you through.

Head up the trail, killing the Tektites. (Large jumping spider-like things.)
You'll eventually reach a Goron next to a big boulder. He'll tell you about 
their race and the importance of Dodongo's Cavern, our next dungeon.  We can't 
enter because of the big boulder though. Double back and continue upwards, 
ignoring the sign leading up to the summit. Keep going forward, and you'll 
enter Goron City. Drop to the very bottom, then head to the plush carpet in 
front of the door. Play Zelda's Lullaby to open it, then head inside. You'll 
meet a Goron called Darunia here, and he's very mad because of Dodongo's Cavern 
being blocked. Cheer him up by playing Saria's Song. He'll dance to it, then 
give you the GORON'S BRACELET, which allows you to pick up the bomb from a bomb 
flower, as you may have seen throughout the city. Now, get out a Deku Stick, 
light it on the torch, then light all the torches on the bottom floor to make 
the big pots spin and move around. Light one of the bomb flowers on the wall 
to blast open the wall beside them, opening the Goron Shop. Keep heading 
upward, lighting torches, until you get to the two torches at the entrance of a 
stone cave. Light those two, then carry a lit Deku Stick (you needed those 
torches lit because Deku Sticks don't stay lit very long) over to the bomb 
flowers. Light them, and they'll blow up the boulders blocking the entrance. 
This is in fact a warp over to Lost Woods. Quite useful indeed, especially for 
a certain fetch quest.

Now, head to the level just above those circling pot, and grab a bomb from a
bomb flower. Time your throw so that the bomb lands into the pot. If it lands 
on the very happy face, a Piece of Heart pops out. (HEART PIECES: 07 out of 36) 
Head out of the City the same way you came in. Once you exit, head alongside 
the right wall to find a Goron and a Bomb Flower. Pick up the Bomb Flower and 
throw it down towards the boulder. If you threw at the correct spot, the 
boulder will be blown to bits. Drop down, and you'll see that a plot of dirt 
has been revealed. Drop some bugs on it (No need to recapture any for right 
now.) and a Gold Skulltula will pop out. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 018 out of 100) Head 

Swords: Kokiri Sword
Shields: Deku Shield, Hylian Shield
Tunics: Kokiri Tunic
Boots: Kokiri Boots
Other: Bullet Bag (Holds 50), Goron's Bracelet

ITEMS: (shown left to right)
Deku Sticks
Deku Nuts
Fairy Slingshot
Fairy Ocarina

Zelda's Lullaby
Epona's Song
Saria's Song
Sun's Song

Zelda's Letter


Gold Skulltulas: 18
Heart Pieces: 7 (3)
Upgrades: 3 (Deku Seeds: 50, Deku Sticks: 20, Deku Nuts: 20)
Boss Heart Containers: 1


Total Health: 5 Hearts

Dodongo Trouble [Wlk6]
Right as you enter, you'll see a wall that won't allow you further passage.
That can be easily arranged. Grab a bomb from one of the bomb flowers here and 
plant it beside the wall to blow it up. Welcome to Dodongo's Cavern, which 
features a lot of lava and other fire enemies. I suggest you equip the Hylian 
Shield now if you haven't already; we don't want that Deku Shield burning up. 
There are four openings in this main room, with a menacing-looking dragon's 
head. First, head to the west side of the room. Grab a bomb and blow up the 
wall here. Behind it is a large treasure chest. Opening it will get you the 
DUNGEON MAP for this area.

Head to the southeast entrance. It needs to be blown up with a bomb flower. 
Use the bomb flower to kill the Beamos first though. After blowing up this 
entrance, head inside and you'll be attacked by two swarms of Baby Dodongos. 
Now, Dodongos seem to have a habit of blowing up once they're dead, so be 
careful of that. Kill the first swarm, then lure a Baby Dodongo over to the 
bombable wall on the right from the second swarm. Kill that Baby and it'll 
blow up the wall. After its blown, head through and open the large steel door 
behind it. There are a bunch of Keese, a torch, and a Gold Skulltula. (GOLD 
SKULLTULA: 019 out of 100) Be careful of the Keese, as they'll fly into the 
torch to turn into Fire Keese. If they run into you while your Deku Shield is 
out....bye bye Shield. That's why I told you to equip your Hylian Shield so 
you won't carelessly lose it. Anyway, the main reason we were here is for the 
Skulltula, so grab it and leave.

Head right from here and you'll see a couple of statues. Push one of them onto
the blue switch to open the gate. (It's one of those switches that don't stay 
pushed down.) Go through this corridor, killing the Keese with your Slingshot, 
then open the next steel door. In here, you'll fight a couple of Lizalfos. 
Wait until they slash with their dagger, then jump slash them to damage them. 
Continue this until both are dead, and this will open the next door. Head 
through down the corridor and you'll fight some REAL Dodongos. Wait until they 
use their fire breath attack, then get behind them and jump slash them to kill 
them. Kill them all, then use a bomb from a bomb flower to destroy the 
bombable wall. Behind the steel door is just a Business Deku Scrub who'll sell 
Deku Sticks for 15 Rupees a piece. Only go here if you are out of Deku Sticks, 
since you need one to pass. Light a Deku Stick from one of the torches in the 
Dodongo room, and light all the unlit torches here to open the door. Continue. 
You're at the main room again. Step on the switch in front of you to open the 
steel door across the pool of lava. Drop down, (there's a bombable wall 
containing a Gossip Stone over at your right) then head to the other side.  
Head through the steel door. (There's a Business Scrub at the far left on this 
side. He sells Deku Shields for 50 Rupees each.  Very useful if you lost your 
Deku Shield.)

In here is a room with at least a dozen bomb flowers all surrounding a 
staircase. There's a gap in the sequence of bomb flowers. Grab a bomb from 
the lone bomb flower and place the bomb in that gap. Once it blows up, it'll 
start a chain reaction. Once all of them blow, the staircase will lower. Go 
up it, and find a Gold Skulltula on some vines. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 020 out of 
100) Head back down the stairs, then blow up the wall across from it. Head 
inside the steel door. In here, there are three statues surrounding a large 
treasure chest. The front one is an Armos, a live statue. Touch it to wake 
it, then throw a bomb at it to kill it. (It hops toward you before it blows, so 
watch out.) Open the chest to get the COMPASS for this dungeon. Head back to 
the staircase, climb it, then head to the exit up here. You're now gonna work 
on the second floor of this dungeon. In here are a few Fire Keese. Kill them 
with the slingshot, then take care of the statues here. Three are Armos, so 
kill them, then move the statue away from the ladder. Climb up it, then hit 
the switch to unlock both doors. Head forward into the next new room.

We're at the higher level of the main room. Kill the two Fire Keese, then hop
across the bridges to the next opening. In this room are a bunch of spike 
traps and pillars. Just go to the opposite side, climb up the block, then 
double back and jump up onto the low pillar. Open the small chest for a Red 
Rupee, then pick up a bomb. Wait until it flashes red really rapidly, then 
throw it towards the weak wall to blow it up. (It's right where the ladder is.) 
Head through it. In here, simply hit the gold eyeball switch to lower the 
fire, then jump across, through the Baby Dodongo infested corridor, then into 
the next room. In this room are two more Lizalfos to fight. Kill them both to 
open the next door. (Seems to be a pattern here.) This room is also the upper 
floor of the first Lizalfos battle room. Head into the next door. This next 
room is basically the same as the other one. Hit the gold eye switch across 
the room with the slingshot to lower the fire on the first platform, then turn 
left and fire another Deku Seed at the second gold eye switch in the alcove to 
lower the fire on the second platform. Jump across back to the spike trap 
room, except on the north side.

Jump across, then open the large treasure chest to finally get a BOMB BAG for 
some BOMBS. Head into the next opening. (The weak wall below is nothing to 
worry about. Behind it are just two Deku Scrubs selling either Deku Seeds or 
Deku Nuts.) Step on the switch ahead of you to make a platform in this main 
room go really high. Now, you can reach the second floor without having to use 
the staircase room. (It's necessary to get a Gold Skulltula.) Head to the 
bridge, and drop bombs right at the gaps. If you do it well, the bombs will 
blow up inside the giant Dodongo head's eyes. Do it on both eyes to open the 
mouth of the large head. Across the bridge is a weak wall with a small chest 
containing a Blue Rupee behind it. Drop down to the bottom floor (it's 
actually safer to use the high-rise platform now) and head into the mouth of 
the Dodongo head. In this next room, kill the Fire Keese, then head into the 
east entrance. Head through the corridor, kill the Fire Keese, then move 
around the walls to the other side where a weak wall is. Plant a Bomb near it 
to blow it up, then head through the door that's revealed. Kill the Armos 
guarding the Gold Skulltula before getting the Skulltula in this room. (GOLD 
SKULLTULAS: 021 out of 100) Head out of the room back into the room of walls. 
Get on top of one of them, then drop down the other side. Break the pots with 
the slingshot, as a fairy will come out of one of them. Store it in one of 
your Empty Bottles, because you need it. Push the block out of the way so this 
place can be accessed easily.

Head into the opening here, go through the hallway, and push the block into the
room below. Once it's down there, bring the block over to the hole in the 
middle. This will open the door here. Go through, open the small chest for 
some Bombs if you need them, and blast open the middle of the floor to reveal a 
hole. Drop through to end up in the boss room.

BOSS: King Dodongo, Infernal Dinosaur

This guy appears right behind you at the start of the fight. Basically avoid 
this boss until he starts to inhale. When he does, whip out a Bomb and throw 
it straight down his gullet. This'll stun him, so run up and slash his head 
with your sword. After a few slashes, he'll then roll into a ball and roll 
around the room. He can be easily avoided here by standing on the very edge of 
the platform where it meets the lava. After this, just wait until he inhales 
again and repeat the process until he's dead. Still quite simple.

SPEEDY STRATEGY: Just jump strike with Deku Sticks and shield stab (hold R and
press B repeatedly while not locked on) after he's stunned to defeat him more

After defeating him, the lava will cool, a light will appear, and a Heart 
Container will appear. Grab the Heart Container, (6 hearts now!) and exit 
using the light. You'll appear outside Dodongo's Cavern, where Darunia will 
greet you, give you the Goron's Ruby, and make you a Sworn Brother of the 
Gorons. Then Young Link will be humorously surrounded by Gorons trying to give 
Link a big Goron hug, and Link gets so freaked out that he runs.

Swords: Kokiri Sword
Shields: Deku Shield, Hylian Shield
Tunics: Kokiri Tunic
Boots: Kokiri Boots
Other: Bullet Bag (Holds 50), Bomb Bag (Holds 20), Goron's Bracelet

ITEMS: (shown left to right)
Deku Sticks
Deku Nuts
Fairy Slingshot
Fairy Ocarina

Zelda's Lullaby
Epona's Song
Saria's Song
Sun's Song

Zelda's Letter


Gold Skulltulas: 21
Heart Pieces: 7 (3)
Upgrades: 3 (Deku Seeds: 50, Deku Sticks: 20, Deku Nuts: 20)
Boss Heart Containers: 2


Total Health: 6 Hearts

Hyrule Collection Quest 2 [Wlk7]
Now that we have Bombs, we can get even more Gold Skulltulas. Head down the
path that leads to Kakariko Village, and watch for a discolored section of wall
on the left side. When you see it, (make sure it's night, remember you can use 
the Sun's Song to change from day to night and vice versa) bomb it and you'll 
see a Gold Skulltula there. Kill it, then climb the normal wall to grab the 
token. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 022 out of 100) Head back to Goron City. (While 
getting there, there's another discolored section of wall you can bomb. A 
small chest containing a Purple Rupee worth 50 normal ones is behind it.) At 
the top level, you can head to a room full of rocks. Use bombs on the brown 
rocks to break them and try to get through this maze. At the end you should 
find a Gold Skulltula inside a crate, plus two small chests with a Purple Rupee 
in each. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 023 out of 100) Head to the third floor where the 
big Goron is rolling around. Get into the little enclosure where the sign is, 
and wait for him to come. When you see him, plant a bomb in such a way that it 
explodes as he goes over it. If successful, he will unroll. Talk to him and 
he'll give you a BIG BOMB BAG for your effort. This holds 30 Bombs, and trust 
me, Bombs are important in this game, and you need a lot of them.

Now, exit Goron City and head to that flag you've been seeing. This is a mark
where you can continue up to the summit. Do so, blowing up boulders. The last 
one reveals a Secret Cave. Drop inside to get some Rupees, Recovery Hearts, 
and a cow. (What is that doing there?) You can use the cow to fill an Empty 
Bottle with Lon Lon Milk if you wish. Continue up the summit, where red rocks 
will be falling. Be sure to guard with the Hylian Shield. At the end is a 
giant climbable wall. Kill the Skullwalltulas first, then climb up to the top. 
That owl should greet you again. He says whenever your business here is done, 
he'll let you ride him down to Kakariko Village. Bomb the bombable wall here, 
then head inside. This is a Great Fairy Fountain. Stand on the Triforce emblem 
and play Zelda's Lullaby to summon the Great Fairy of Power. She'll teach you a 
new move that requires magic power. You now have a magic meter. The technique 
is a powered spinning slash. Hold B until your sword glows yellow, then release 
to spin around and unleash a magic wave over a long distance. Great for crowd 
control if you can time it right. By the way, the Great Fairies in this game 
wear nothing but boots and are covered in vines. Don't get your hopes up to see 

Now for something risky but necessary. Head into the Crater, which is right
beside the owl. Yes, it's very hot down there, and you only have a limited 
time to stay inside before you succumb to the intense heat, but we need to do a 
couple things. Also, make sure you enter at full health, because the amount of 
health you have determines how long you can last there. Anyway, once you 
enter, find the boulder surrounded by a circle of rocks. Destroy the boulder 
to reveal a Secret Cave. Drop inside for a small chest with Bombs inside. Exit. 
Now, head to the north edge, and walk slowly off it. Link should grab the wall, 
and it turns out to be a climbable wall. There's another Piece of Heart in an 
alcove here. Collect it to complete another heart! (HEART PIECES: 08 out of 36) 
Now you have some extra time to escape, so do so. Before you exit, destroy the 
crate near the exit to reveal a Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 024 out of 
100) Now let's get out of this hell hole.

We're done visiting places involving fire and intense heat, so you can equip
your fully-usable Deku Shield if you want. Talk to the owl and agree to let 
him take you to Kakariko Village. He'll drop you off on top of a house normally 
unreachable. Fall off the east side of the house and make it so that you land 
on top of the chicken pen. Enter the door here and you'll be inside a cage with 
a Piece of Heart. (HEART PIECES: 09 out of 36) Head into the Skulltula House. 
Talk to the other guy (lower left person) and he'll reward you with the STONE 
OF AGONY, an item that activates the Rumble Pak whenever you are near secrets. 
Now, start off at the lone tree in the village, and walk toward the stairs 
leading to the well. When the Rumble Pak rumbles, plant a bomb. It should 
reveal a Secret Cave. Inside are two Redeads. Kill them easily by playing the 
Sun's Song first, and after they're gone, a chest will appear containing a Huge 
Rupee, worth a whopping 200 Rupees. Well, if you were broke, consider yourself 
rich again. It might be a good idea to keep this Secret Cave in mind when you 
absolutely need some money.

Head to the Graveyard and go back into the chamber that contained the Hylian
Shield. Bomb the wall, and follow the hall to reveal a Fairy Fountain. Yay.
Come here if you need some fairies and you're in Kakariko Village.

Head to Goron City again. Remember the entrance to Lost Woods I told you 
about? Head through there for a quick warp. Blast the boulder here to reveal 
a Secret Cave. Inside is a small chest containing a Blue Rupee. Exit this 
cave, then head east, then left, then straight, then finally left to see a 
boulder here. Blast it and head down this cave to see a Business Deku Scrub 
that'll sell you a DEKU NUT UPGRADE for 40 Rupees. Take it if you have the 
money. (I'm sure you do; we haven't been spending money lately.) The other 
Business Scrub just sells you Deku Seeds at a very expensive price. This 
upgrade lets you carry 30 Deku Nuts. Now head to Hyrule Field. Head to the 
drawbridge, then head left from it. You'll see three trees and a boulder. 
Blast the boulder and head down the Secret Cave. There's a small chest with a 
Blue Rupee. Keep heading left in the Field until you get to a river with some 
trees. Cross the river and blow up the boulder (careful of the Peahat) and 
drop in to find another Fairy Fountain. Take some fairies if you want. Keep 
heading south and you'll see some fences in what seems to be a box formation.  
Head inside the box, then plant a Bomb in the center to reveal a Secret Cave.  
Inside is a Business Scrub who'll sell you a Piece of Heart for a very cheap 10 
Rupees. You'd be a fool to turn down this deal! (HEART PIECES: 10 out of 

There's another Secret Cave right by here with a small chest containing a Blue
Rupee. Finally, you should be near a mini-forest. Find the boulder here and
blast it open for a Secret Cave. (Lots of them in Hyrule Field, as you can 
see.) Inside is a small chest containing a Red Rupee. That's it for Secret 
Caves in Hyrule Field. Head to Hyrule Market. Make sure you have your maximum 
200 Rupees. (Break the pots in the guard shack until you're full up.) Head into 
the Bombchu Bowling Alley. It's the two-story building. (There are stairs 
outside you can climb.) In here, you get a random prize for winning. We're 
looking for two prizes: a BOMB BAG UPGRADE and another Piece of Heart. It 
takes 30 Rupees to play a game, and you have 10 Bombchus to play with. 
Basically Bombchus are mobile bombs that scurry along the ground until they 
blow up. You have to place a Bombchu appropriately so that they run over the 
hole in the wall (they blow up on contact with the hole). The first alley is 
easy. You just have a spike trap to avoid. The second adds a Cucco in the way. 
The third adds a Huge Cucco in the way. Some tips:

- The first one is very easy. Just stand at the center and release a Bombchu 
so it won't hit the spike trap.

- The second hole is always at a random spot. If it's at the center near the
ceiling, just use the same strategy as hole 1, but this time wait until the
Cucco is out of the way. Remember you have no time limit so you can take an 
hour to do this if you wish. (I suggest not, because you'll get bored. :P) If 
it's on the side, simply stand at the complete opposite side and plant a 
Bombchu at a diagonal angle towards the hole and it'll almost always hit it.

- The third hole stays in the same place, but to do this successfully and 
pretty much flawlessly, stand right on the third black mark from the left of 
the middle blue arrow, wait until you're all clear, including the Huge Cucco, 
and drop a Bombchu straight ahead, not at the hole. Yes, doing this lets the 
Bombchu go just to the left of the hole, but there's actually a ledge after the 
indentation with the Huge Cucco in it that makes the Bombchu turn towards the 

With these tips it's pretty much hard to lose. You might want to get BOMBCHUS
as a prize while you're here, so you can have an item in your Inventory screen.
They're needed eventually anyway, so the sooner the better. After getting the 
prizes we need, head out. (HEART PIECES: 11 out of 36) If you're low on Rupees 
(chances you are after that ordeal) fill up in the guardshack, then head to the 
Happy Mask Shop, the building right of the Castle Grounds path. Talk to the 
owner and agree to be a Happy Mask Salesman. The way this place works is the 
owner lends you a mask and YOU have to sell the mask. Then you have to go back 
and pay the owner his price, no matter how much money you made. You can only 
hold one mask. Let him give you the Keaton Mask as a start. Exit.

Before we sell the mask, let's get something while we're here. Head back to 
the Castle Grounds, and head past the gate like last time. You might have seen 
a sign with a boulder behind it as you were sneaking around here. Blast the 
boulder to reveal another Great Fairy Fountain. Head in here. Summon her with 
Zelda's Lullaby and she'll give you Din's Fire, a special magic power. This is 
a C item you can use anytime. With Din's Fire, Link pounds the ground with his 
fist, unleashing a wave of fire in all directions. Now, head to Kakariko 
Village with that Keaton Mask. Remember that guard guarding the entrance of 
Death Mountain Trail? He mentioned something about his son wanting a Keaton 
Mask. Talk to him with the mask on and he'll buy it for 15 Rupees. You made a 
little profit. Head back to the Happy Mask Shop and give the owner the 10 
Rupees that the mask is worth. Next, borrow the Skull Mask from him, and head 
to the Lost Woods.

The person to sell this mask is the Skull Kid just left of here, but before you
do that, head right, left, right, left, then left again to get to a grassy 
area. Find the butterflies flying around, and walk around there to find a 
Secret Cave. Put on your Skull Mask, and head forward. A bunch of Deku Scrubs 
will pop up. We're looking for the leader of this pack. Talk to the leader 
and he'll give you a DEKU STICK UPGRADE which allows you to carry 30 Deku 
Sticks. Now head back to that Skull Kid and he'll buy it for 10 Rupees. It's 
worth 20 Rupees, so you lost some money. Head back to the shop and pay the 
owner 20 Rupees. Now borrow the Spooky Mask. Head over to Kakariko Graveyard, 
making sure it's day. You should see a very small kid. He wants to imitate 
Dampe, so give him the Spooky Mask and he'll pay the full price for it. (30 
Rupees) Well, head back to the owner and pay 30 Rupees. You didn't make any 
money, but you didn't lose any either. Alright. Borrow the Bunny Hood. Now, 
the person to sell the Bunny Hood to is not available at this point in the 
game, so keep it for now. Finally we can head towards the next dungeon.

Swords: Kokiri Sword
Shields: Deku Shield, Hylian Shield
Tunics: Kokiri Tunic
Boots: Kokiri Boots
Other: Bullet Bag (Holds 50), Bomb Bag (Holds 40), Goron's Bracelet, Stone of

ITEMS: (shown left to right)
Deku Sticks
Deku Nuts
Din's Fire
Fairy Slingshot
Fairy Ocarina

Zelda's Lullaby
Epona's Song
Saria's Song
Sun's Song

Bunny Hood


Gold Skulltulas: 24
Heart Pieces: 11 (3)
Upgrades: 7 (Deku Seeds: 50, Deku Sticks: 30, Deku Nuts: 30, Bombs: 40)
Boss Heart Containers: 2

Advanced Spin Slash (Hold B until the sword is yellow, then release)
Din's Fire (C Item)

Total Health: 7 Hearts

The Zora King's Trouble [Wlk8]
A bonus for the Bunny Hood is that while you're wearing it at night in Hyrule
Field, the Stalchilds won't attack you. Sweet! Anyway, Zora's River is next. 
It's south from the entrance to Kakariko Village. The entrance is where the 
source of this river is. Once you're there, the owl will greet you. (Make sure 
you have 200 Rupees.) Roll into the tree to knock down a Gold Skulltula, (GOLD 
SKULLTULA: 025 out of 100) then bomb the rocks. Continue on, and you'll find 
a fat guy who eats a lot. Talk to him and he'll sell a Magic Bean for 10 
Rupees. Now you see, this guy is a real scammer. Every time you buy a Magic 
Bean from him, he raises the price of it. But you have no choice. You need all 
the Magic Beans he has. When you can't buy anymore, (you should have 5 Magic 
Beans) find some Rupees so you can buy a sixth Magic Bean. Now, head to 
Kakariko Village. Remember that Secret Cave I told you about? Open it up, then 
head inside, kill the Redeads, and grab the Huge Rupee from the chest.

Go back to the Magic Bean guy and you'll be able to buy 2 more Magic Beans. 
Now, there's a quick Rupee collecting trick. During the day, head to the 
drawbridge and stand on one of the chains. Either wait for night or have it 
come immediately by playing Sun's Song and the drawbridge will go up, taking 
you with it. Now, walk along the narrow drawbridge edge and you'll find three 
hidden Red Rupees. After you collect them, make day arrive, then enter through 
the drawbridge. Exit, and the Red Rupees will have reset. Keep doing this 
until you're filled again. Keep buying Magic Beans and using that quick money 
trick until he's out of beans. (There should be 10 total, I think.) Now, plant 
one of your Magic Beans on the plot of dirt beside this guy. It'll grow later. 
Don't worry about this section of dirt, as it's the only one not containing a 
Gold Skulltula.

Grab the Cucco that you've seen, and use it to fly over the river. Keep it 
held, then follow the path over to the other side, throwing the Cucco up to a 
platform when you need to climb. After the second platform you need to hop up, 
head to the southwest edge. You should see a strip of land beside a large 
cliff. Use the Cucco to hop off this edge and hover over to the strip. Throw 
the Cucco anywhere, as we don't need him right now. Climb up the ladder and 
you'll find a Secret Cave, a boulder surrounded by smaller rocks, and another 
Cucco. The Secret Cave contains a small chest with a Red Rupee (I suggest 
slashing the bushes here for some bugs to put in one of your Empty Bottles, as
there are still some of those dirt plots with Gold Skulltulas that need 
uprooting.) Blasting the boulder reveals another Secret Cave which is a regular 
Fairy Fountain.

Grab this Cucco up here. Now see the Piece of Heart on the pillar? First get 
up to the other platform then use the Cucco to glide over to the Piece. (HEART 
PIECES: 12 out of 36) Yet another heart is completed! (You can also get this 
piece by crossing that very small gap near where the pillar with the Piece, 
then looking towards that just-out-of-reach platform. Jump off and throw the 
Cucco just before you reach it so you can grab the ledge and climb up it. From 
here is just a simple jump to the pillar with the Piece.) Grab a Cucco again, 
then continue all the way to the end where the waterfall is. (Make sure it's 
night as well.) At the top bridge, use the Cucco to get to the west ledge which 
contains another Piece of Heart. (HEART PIECES: 13 out of 36) Now if it's 
night, drop below where the ladder is and you'll see a Gold Skulltula. Kill it 
with the slingshot then collect its token. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 026 out of 100) 
Head back to the pillar area, and you'll see a log extending to the water. 
(Navi should fly over to the lighter edge of the log.) Get on the end and get 
out your Ocarina. Play Zelda's Lullaby and a frog will grow large and give you 
a Purple Rupee in return. Get out the Ocarina again, and play Epona's Song. 
Another frog will grow large and give you another Purple Rupee. Play Saria's 
Song and yet another frog will grow large and give you another Purple Rupee. 
Play the Sun's Song last and another frog will grow large and give you a Purple 
Rupee. There's still one frog left that's small, but we need to learn another 
song. Head back to the waterfall and stand on the special mark in front. Play
Zelda's Lullaby and the waterfall will recede, allowing you to enter.

In Zora's Domain, follow the path up to King Zora's Throne Room. Before 
talking to him, head through the left corridor and you'll see a Zora holding a 
Diving Game. Talk to him to play this game. He'll throw a bunch of Rupees down 
below, and you have to dive to get them in a limited time. Fall from here down 
where he threw the Rupees and make sure to grab them all by diving. (Hold A to 
dive for three seconds.) If you get them all, he'll ask you to come back up to 
receive a prize. Do so, and he'll give you a Silver Scale, which allows you to 
dive down for 6 seconds. Now that you have this, get back to King Zora's Throne 
Room, light a Deku Stick with one of these torches, then head down the stairs 
to light this torch. (It'll forever stay lit from now on.) Now, this is hard, 
but if you can pull it off, you will get a Piece of Heart for your trouble.  
Light another Deku Stick from this torch, and head left down the spiral path, 
lighting all these torches (they don't stay lit for long), the final two 
torches are behind the waterfall. (Rolling helps.) You may need a new Deku 
Stick before getting to the torch far at the shallow water area. If you lit 
them all, a treasure chest with the Piece will appear. (HEART PIECES: 14 out of 
36) If you're having trouble, another strategy is to light the torch on the 
spiral ramp, then go to the ones behind the waterfall. Use Din's Fire to light
both, then light the other torches. Credit for this tip is detailed in the 
Piece of Heart Locations section.

Now talk to the Zora King by standing on the pedestal in front of him. He'll
complain that his daughter, the Zora Princess is missing. Well, let's give him
something to let us find her. Head into the water here and find the cave 
entrance underwater. Get near it and use the Silver Scale to enter. Now you're 
in Lake Hylia. Below the Zora here is a letter in a BOTTLE. Grab it. Now you 
have the third bottle in the game. Before heading back, we can do a few things 
here in Lake Hylia. First of all, head to the two scarecrows and pull out your 
Ocarina in front of the one closer to shore. Play any 8 notes of your choice 
(write down the notes you play) and the scarecrow will remember the song you 
played. Make sure you remember it too. Now, you see the island with the grave?  
Get over there by way of the bridge, talk to the owl to make him leave, then 
pull the gravestone to reveal a hole. Inside are three Deku Scrubs who just 
sell you generic items you can pick up from enemies. Head toward the island 
with a large tree.  Ahead is a platform with pillars on it. Head over there at 
night to find a Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 027 out of 100) Now, head 
over to the building (it's the Lakeside Laboratory) and drop some bugs from 
your Bottle to make another Gold Skulltula appear. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 028 out of 
100) Once you've gotten it, plant a Magic Bean at that plot of dirt.

Now, head over to the hut at the far end. This is the Fishing Pond. Head 
inside. At the cost of 20 Rupees, you can fish for as long as you want. We're 
looking at getting a 10 lb. fish. They usually congregate at the center of the 
pond, though sometimes a 10 lb. fish will simply sit above the submerged U-
shaped log. (It's by another log that you can stand on, by all the lilypads.) 
Fishing controls are as follows:

Control Stick before casting: Move Link around.
Control Stick after casting: Wiggle Lure
A Button before casting: Attack during running
A Button during casting: Brake the line
A Button after casting: Reel in, hook fish while pressing down on the Control
B Button: Cast Line/Small Wiggle
Z Button: Target a fish (L Button on the Gamecube version)
R Button: When used in conjunction with A, holding these two buttons reels in

Use these controls to catch a fish. Try to be near the fish you want to ease 
the tension. It may take a while, but when you eventually get that 10 lb. (or 
more) fish, bring it to the fisherman and he'll give you a Piece of Heart. 
(HEART PIECES: 15 out of 36) Now we've gotten all that we can here, so head 
back to Zora's Domain the same way you entered this area. Once back there, 
show the letter in that bottle to the King Zora. This letter is in Princess 
Ruto's handwriting, and after he reads it, he'll move over so that you can 
enter Zora's Fountain, home of the Zora's god, Jabu Jabu. Before heading 
there, capture a fish in that bottle that had a letter in it. (You can find a 
fish in the shallow water beside Zora's Shop.) NOW you can head to Zora's 

Once you enter, you'll see Lord Jabu Jabu, and he's quite humongous. Before 
doing anything else, head to the far end where the island is. Roll into the 
tree to knock down a Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 029 out of 100) Plant a 
bomb near the white rock to blow up the wall behind it. Head through it to 
enter a Great Fairy Fountain. Summoning this Great Fairy will get you Farore's 
Wind, another C item. When first used, this item remembers the location you 
first used it. Whenever in another area, using it a second time will warp you 
to the first time you used it. It's kinda complicated to explain, so try using 
it yourself at least once. Now that that's done, head over to Jabu Jabu's head 
and drop that bottled fish right in front of him. He'll open his mouth and 
inhale the fish, along with you in it. Ruto is trapped inside this big fish's 
belly, and we're to rescue her, as well as cure what's ailing this god fish.

Swords: Kokiri Sword
Shields: Deku Shield, Hylian Shield
Tunics: Kokiri Tunic
Boots: Kokiri Boots
Other: Bullet Bag (Holds 50), Bomb Bag (Holds 40), Goron's Bracelet, Silver 
Scale, Stone of Agony

ITEMS: (shown left to right)
Deku Sticks
Deku Nuts
Din's Fire
Farore's Wind
Fairy Slingshot
Fairy Ocarina
Magic Beans (8)

Zelda's Lullaby
Epona's Song
Saria's Song
Sun's Song

Bunny Hood


Gold Skulltulas: 29
Heart Pieces: 15 (3)
Upgrades: 7 (Deku Seeds: 50, Deku Sticks: 30, Deku Nuts: 30, Bombs: 40)
Boss Heart Containers: 2

Advanced Spin Slash (Hold B until the sword is yellow, then release)
Din's Fire (C Item)
Farore's Wind (C Item)

Total Health: 8 Hearts

Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly [Wlk9]
This is nothing like you've seen before. You're inside an actual animal. 
You'll see when you enter two Octoroks and some bubbles, presumably gas bubbles 
from its stomach. Kill the Octoroks and pop the bubbles, then target the 
appendage hanging from the ceiling. I guess this is its uvula. Hit it with a 
Deku Seed and Jabu Jabu will open its throat. Head inside. There's a Biri 
right when you enter. Stay away from it, as any contact will electrocute you. 
The Advanced Spin Attack will kill it, though. Head across to the next 
opening, and you'll find Princess Ruto. After some talk, (she sure seems 
angry) she walks away and falls into a hole. Fall down the hole after her and 
talk to her twice. She'll now allow you to carry her.  Pick her up, then head 
toward the next opening. Drop her and pop all the Shabom bubbles, then take 
her over to this gap with a strange button on the bottom. Drop down it with 
her, throw her up to the other side, then kill all the Stingers. Now, use the 
Fairy Slingshot to kill the Gold Skulltula on the vines, then raise the water 
level by hitting the switch to collect the token. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 030 out of 
100) Get across to the other side by using the raised water level, kill the 
rest of these enemies, then carry Ruto over to the opening. It's locked, so 
hit this next uvula-like thing to open it and bring Ruto with you. Immediately 
after entering, set Ruto down, and deflect the rock the Octorok spits out to 
kill it. Grab her again, and wait for a platform to come down. Ride it up, 
then take the opening near the crates to head back to the room with all the 

Don't drop down any of them, and instead head straight onward to the next room.
You may encounter a Bari, a larger version of the Biri. Just kill it with an
Advanced Spin Slash. Ahead are some Tailpasarans, long enemies with their only
weak point being their tail. The easiest way to kill them is again an Advanced 
Spin Slash. (Seems to be very useful in this dungeon...) Once you kill them, 
carry Ruto over to the right fork, and step on the switch to open the door. 
Head inside with Ruto. Inside are more of those Stingers. Once you kill them 
all, a large chest containing the BOOMERANG appears. Assign this to a C button 
now, as this is very essential to finishing this dungeon. Exit this room with 
Ruto, then head to the left fork this time. This blue switch here requires 
someone to stay on it in order to keep the opening....opened. So drop Ruto on 
the switch, then head into the next room. You'll encounter a large tentacle. 
In order to kill it, you have to hit its narrow part. Hitting it once will 
make it retract into the ceiling. Getting closer to it will make it lower 
itself and swing itself to attack. Get close to it and keep moving while 
hitting the narrow part with the Boomerang (Z-targeting is excellent here) 
until it's dead. A large chest will appear. Open it to get the DUNGEON MAP 
for this dungeon. Exit, and grab Ruto again. Left of the switch used to be a 
red tentacle blocking the way. It's now gone. Head inside with Ruto and 
you'll be in a room filled with Shaboms. You have to pop them all in 40 
seconds. If successful, a large chest will appear. Opening this will get you 
the COMPASS for this dungeon. Grab Ruto and leave this room.

Head over to that switch that opened the door to the Boomerang room, and head
left from it, head through the door, and you'll encounter another tentacle. 
It's colored differently, but the way to defeat it is the same. Once this 
one's killed, the center corridor should now be opened. Head through this with 
Ruto, and kill this green tentacle to clear these halls of tentacles. (I 
suggest killing all the Biri in here before taking on the tentacle.) Head back 
to the room with all the holes. You may have recalled there being a green 
tentacle in this room. It's now gone. Head down the hole (with Ruto of 
course) where it used to be to be at the other side of that large room where 
you first picked up Ruto. Look along the wall and you'll see two, yes two, 
Gold Skulltulas. Kill them and retrieve their tokens with the Boomerang. (GOLD 
SKULLTULAS: 32 out of 100) Head through the west door. In here is the 
Spiritual Stone Ruto lost. Throw her up to the platform with it and she'll 
grab it. If you try to move now, she'll be trapped up into the ceiling and a 
giant Octorok will fall down to try to stop you.

MINI-BOSS: Bigocto

Like Navi says, you have to attack this enemy from behind. Instead of using my
impossible "Boomerang it then hurry to its back", just Boomerang it as you're
heading to its behind (Z-Target is your friend here) and you will have an 
easier time attacking the green spot behind it. Thanks Emiliee!

Once it's dead, hop onto the center platform to have it take you up to the
first floor. Head over to the next area, killing the Biri (the Boomerang is 
able to kill them) along the way. (There's some pots behind you. One of them 
has a fairy.) In this next room is an Octorok and two weird red muscle tissues 
that flail around. Hit them with the Boomerang to calm them down then continue 
to the next room. Jump to the ledge and it'll lower to a familiar room. You 
see those small crates? Grab one and plant it on that blue switch to keep it 
down, then head through the door. In this next room, kill all the Biri, then 
find a Gold Skulltula on some vines. Use the Boomerang to kill it and retrieve 
the token. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 33 out of 100) Now climb up the vines. Up here is 
a another uvula-like switch, but it's blocked by a glass wall. (Glass? In an 
animal's belly?...) Head to the left of the glass wall, Z-Target it, and throw 
the Boomerang. If you got it right, it should just clear the wall and curve to 
hit the switch. Enter the door it just opened to enter the boss's room.

BOSS: Barinade, Bio-electric Anemone

This is a more complicated boss. First of all, keep moving so that its 
electric beam attack won't harm you. Z-target one of its tentacles and use the 
Boomerang to cut it loose. Do this for all 3 tentacles, and the jellyfish 
surrounding it will spin around. Boomerang its center to make it loose its 
grip on the jellyfish. Destroy all these jelly fish, and doing so makes it 
rise to reveal some more jellyfish, this time surrounding its weak spot. Keep 
on using the Boomerang until you stun it, then kill all these other jellyfish.  
Now it has no defenses. Stun its center with the Boomerang, then move in and 
slash it. It'll take a few tries, and it unleashes electric beams more rapidly 
as it's damaged. Keep stunning and slashing until it's dead.

SPEEDY STRATEGY: After getting rid of all its protective jellyfish, stun it and
simply use the shield stab attack to kill it more quickly.

When it's dead, collect the Heart Container, (9 hearts now!) and head over to
the light where Princess Ruto is floating. After exiting, say you want the
Spiritual Stone and she'll give it to you. This Zora's Sapphire, is the last 
of the Spiritual Stones. She also says that it's the pretty much the 
engagement ring for the princess of the Rutos to marry whoever it is given 
to.....uh oh.

Swords: Kokiri Sword
Shields: Deku Shield, Hylian Shield
Tunics: Kokiri Tunic
Boots: Kokiri Boots
Other: Bullet Bag (Holds 50), Bomb Bag (Holds 40), Goron's Bracelet, Silver 
Scale, Stone of Agony

ITEMS: (shown left to right)
Deku Sticks
Deku Nuts
Din's Fire
Farore's Wind
Fairy Slingshot
Fairy Ocarina
Magic Beans (8)

Zelda's Lullaby
Epona's Song
Saria's Song
Sun's Song

Bunny Hood


Gold Skulltulas: 33
Heart Pieces: 15 (3)
Upgrades: 7 (Deku Seeds: 50, Deku Sticks: 30, Deku Nuts: 30, Bombs: 40)
Boss Heart Containers: 3

Advanced Spin Slash (Hold B until the sword is yellow, then release)
Din's Fire (C Item)
Farore's Wind (C Item)

Total Health: 9 Hearts

Hyrule Collection Quest 3 [Wlk10]
Before heading to Hyrule Castle, let's grab a few things, mainly Gold 
Skulltulas. First, make sure it's night here in Zora's Fountain, then head on 
top of the log sticking out of the water. You should find a Gold Skulltula on 
the wall across from the log. Remember to use the Boomerang for far away Gold 
Skulltulas. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 34 out of 100) Now, head back to Kokiri Forest.  
To get there really fast, exit Zora's Domain back to Zora's River. Once you 
exit, see the pool of water to the left? Head to it and dive down to the 
bottom, going through the entrance here. This is a warp over to Lost Woods. 
Now simply take a wrong turn to end up in the Forest. Once here, head back 
inside the Great Deku Tree. Use Farore's Wind to create a warp here, then fall
down the center hole, then climb up onto the block, and head through the 
crawlspace up here. On the other side, find the bombable wall behind a Deku 
Baba, bomb it, and you'll find a Gold Skulltula behind it. Kill it and use the 
Boomerang to retrieve the token. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 35 out of 100) Head back to 
Kokiri Forest, using Farore's Wind again to warp back to the Deku Tree 
entrance. Plant a Magic Bean on the plot of dirt by the Shop, then head back 
to Lost Woods.

Once you enter, head left until you find another plot of dirt. Plant a Magic
Bean here. Now, head back to the Lost Woods entrance, then head right, left, 
right, left, then left again and plant a Magic Bean on this plot of dirt behind 
the Business Scrub. Now head back to Hyrule Field from Kokiri Forest. Head to
Kakariko Village, but before you enter, notice the tree near the castle walls. 
Plant a bomb there to make a Secret Cave appear. Drop down, kill the Skulltula, 
and kill the Gold Skulltula here with the Boomerang. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 36 out 
of 100) Enter Kakariko Village during the night. Head inside the Skulltula 
House and get the next prize, the Giant's Wallet, which can carry 500 Rupees.  
Great! Next, head to the Graveyard. Head to the far end and look on the south 
wall. There's another Gold Skulltula here. It's high up, so you know what item 
you need. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 37 out of 100) Before exiting, plant a Magic Bean 
on the plot of dirt here. Next head to Death Mountain Trail and deposit a Magic 
Bean on the plot of dirt near the entrance to Dodongo's Cavern. After that, 
head inside the Cavern.

Get to the second floor using the high-rise platform. From there, head over to
the staircase room. Once you are there, you'll notice the staircase is back 
up. Climb up the left side and you'll reach an alcove with a Gold Skulltula. 
(GOLD SKULLTULAS: 38 out of 100) Now, start heading toward Hyrule Castle. A 
scene will show Zelda and Impa escaping by way of riding a white horse, and 
Ganondorf on his black stallion follows.  Link will try to stop Ganondorf, but 
he almost kills Link. After the scene is over, get into the moat and you'll 
see the Ocarina of Time Zelda threw. After grabbing it, a scene will show 
Zelda telepathically teaching Link the Song of Time to open up the Temple of 
Time. After everything is over, head to Lon Lon Ranch. We'll get to the 
Temple of Time soon, but we're getting some other stuff.

Once in the ranch, (make sure it's night) look up at the left building.
There's a Gold Skulltula up high. Use the Boomerang. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 39 out 
of 100) Now head toward the silo. The wall to the right has another Gold 
Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 40 out of 100) Now exit the ranch. Look around 
the ranch, or wait at one spot, to see a man running around. Remember the 
Bunny Hood? This guy wants it, and he'll pay as much money to you as you can 
carry to get it. Once you sell it to him, head over to Gerudo Valley. The 
entrance is the area with brown dirt. Before entering, plant a bomb in the 
middle of the circle of stones near the entrance. Drop inside after opening 
this Secret Cave. Now use Din's Fire to burn all the cobwebs off, and head 
into the corridor with a cow. There's another Gold Skulltula here. (GOLD 
SKULLTULAS: 41 out of 100) Exit the cave, and enter Gerudo Valley during the 
night. As you can see, the Gerudo are all female, and they won't let Link 
through. No worries, we're not interested in entering their fortress yet.
For now, head forward to the wooden plank. To the right, on the wall, is 
another Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 42 out of 100) Now grab the Cucco, 
and drop down to the left of the bridge. You see the ledge with the crate? 
Float down there and break it to reveal a Piece of Heart. (HEART PIECES: 16 out 
of 36) Another full heart! Now see the long ledge below? Get down there, 
there should be a Gerudo, a cow, and a plot of dirt here. Make sure you drop 
off the Cucco someplace where you can grab it. (IE, don't let it fall into the 
river) Now drop some bugs onto the plot of dirt (grabbing another if possible) 
and another Gold Skulltula will pop out. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 43 out of 100) Plant 
a Magic Bean on the same plot of dirt.

Now head toward the waterfall. If you look behind it, you'll see a ladder
extending from the water. Use the Cucco you used to get down here in the first 
place to get to this ladder. Climb the ladder and you'll find a hidden alcove 
with another Piece of Heart inside. (HEART PIECES: 17 out of 36) After grabbing 
this, let the currents of the river carry you out of this valley and into Lake 
Hylia. Once you do, head to shore, make sure it's night, and you'll see yet 
another Gold Skulltula on the wall of the Laboratory. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 44 out 
of 100) Alright, now we can head over to the Happy Mask Shop at Hyrule Market 
and pay the owner the Rupees needed for that Bunny Hood. (If the owl is in Lake
Hylia, talk to him and he'll offer to fly you there.) Now you've sold all the 
masks! All the masks you've sold, plus four new ones, are free to borrow, no 
need to pay anything. The new masks are:

- Goron Mask: Fool many Gorons by wearing this mask!

- Zora Mask: A mask to make you look like a Zora. Try talking to Ruto with

- Gerudo Mask: A mask that resembles a Gerudo from the Gerudo tribe. Try
talking to all the men in Hyrule for weird surprises!

- Mask of Truth: Allows you to read people's minds, and you are also able to
talk to Gossip Stones.

The owner automatically gives you the Mask of Truth, which we need for one last
upgrade for a while. Head over to Kakariko Village and gain your next prize at
the Skulltula House, which is a measly bunch of Bombchus. At least they 
could've thought of a better prize! Anyway...after this, head back to Zora's 
River. Remember the frogs? Head over there and play the Song of Time to enlarge 
the last frog and get.....wait for it.....another Purple Rupee. You were 
expecting something big, eh? We'll come back here later once we learn yet 
another song. Now, head to Lost Woods using the warp here in Zora's River. Once 
you enter, head right, then left and you'll enter that same place with high 
grass. Head back down into the Forest Stage. Wear the Mask of Truth and find 
the leader and he'll give you a Deku Nut Upgrade. You can now carry 40 Deku 
Nuts. This is the last upgrade you'll be getting in a while, so head all the 
way back to Hyrule Castle.

NOTE: You can NOT get this upgrade after pulling out the Master Sword for the
first time. It's a strange glitch that Nintendo hasn't bothered to fix for
some reason. Make sure you get the upgrade before becoming Adult Link.

Near the Happy Mask Shop is the Temple of Time to the right of it. Head there.
Along the way you'll see some Gossip Stones. Talk to them with the Mask of
Truth if you wish, but head into the Temple all the same. Head to the 
pedestal, stand on the carpet, and play the Song of Time. While the song is 
playing, the Spiritual Stones will go into their slots, and eventually the door 
ahead will open. Head through and you'll find the Master Sword on a pedestal. 
Go pull it out.

After Link pulls the Master Sword, a strange sequence occurs. As the sage in
front of you explains, the moment Link pulled the Master Sword, his soul was 
sealed away in the Chamber of Sages for 7 years because he was not old enough 
to be the Hero of Time and to wield the Master Sword yet. During the 7 years, 
Ganondorf entered the Sacred Realm and obtained the Triforce of Power, and with 
it, was able to take over Hyrule, turning it into hell on earth. Link is now 
grown into a teen, but he's not yet ready to face Ganondorf yet. He must rescue 
the five other sages in the temples throughout Hyrule and obtain their power in 
order to defeat Ganondorf. Rauru will now give you the Light Medallion. The 
power of each sage is held in their own Medallion. Let's get started. It seems 
the Temple of Time hasn't changed...someone's behind you! Oh, wait, this is a 
Sheikah like Impa. He'll explain to you what you need to do to defeat 
Ganondorf. His name is Sheik. Quite the original name, eh? Anyway, head out of 
the Temple.

Swords: Kokiri Sword, Master Sword
Shields: Deku Shield, Hylian Shield
Tunics: Kokiri Tunic
Boots: Kokiri Boots
Other: Bullet Bag (Holds 50), Bomb Bag (Holds 40), Goron's Bracelet, Silver 
Scale, Stone of Agony

ITEMS: (shown left to right)
Deku Sticks
Deku Nuts
Din's Fire
Farore's Wind
Fairy Slingshot
Ocarina of Time
Magic Beans (2)

Zelda's Lullaby
Epona's Song
Saria's Song
Sun's Song
Song of Time

Mask of Truth


Gold Skulltulas: 44
Heart Pieces: 17 (1)
Upgrades: 8 (Deku Seeds: 50, Deku Sticks: 30, Deku Nuts: 40, Bombs: 40)
Boss Heart Containers: 3

Advanced Spin Slash (Hold B until the sword is yellow, then release)
Din's Fire (C Item)
Farore's Wind (C Item)

Total Health: 10 Hearts

The Start of a New Adventure! [Wlk11]
Oh man, this place is horrible. The whole town is destroyed, the sky is dark,
Death Mountain's clouds are red, and ReDeads are scattered throughout town. 
Let's head out of here. Once you arrive at Hyrule Field, you'll notice not 
much of the land-scape has changed, but it is littered with Big Poe ghosts. 
We'll have to ignore them for now. Just head to Lon Lon Ranch. You may have 
noticed that most of the items you collected as Young Link can't be used in 
your current form. The only items Adult Link can use are the Deku Nuts, 
Ocarina of Time, Bombchus, and Bombs. Of course, you can use Bottles and the 
magic powers with either Link. Once you enter the ranch, you'll notice that 
Ingo, the worker in the ranch, has taken over with Ganondorf's help. Don't be 
alarmed, though. For 10 Rupees, he'll allow you to ride one of his horses. 
He'll also allow free advice for riding horses if you wish. The controls are:

Control Stick: Move Epona
A Button while moving: Go faster (at the cost of a carrot)
A Button when idle: Get off
B Button: Use Bow (when available)

That's pretty much it. Oh, when you're on Epona, 5 carrots will appear on
screen. This determines how many times Epona can go faster before she is 
exhausted. The carrots do replenish after time. Also, in order to jump high 
fences, you must have accelerated a second before hitting it. OK, once he lets 
you inside, use Epona's Song and Epona will come to you. Ride Epona around, 
jumping fences and familiarizing yourself with riding a horse. After your time 
is up, pay again, mount Epona, then use Z (or L for Gamecube) Targeting to talk 
to Ingo, and he'll ask if you want to race him for 50 Rupees. Take him up on 
his challenge. This is easy, just use carrots gradually, taking the inside of 
the corners and you'll beat him. After beating him, he'll want you to race him 
again, and if you win you get to keep Epona. Accept. Now this is harder, as 
Ingo's horse is faster now. Just keep using a carrot whenever it replenishes, 
at the back use as many carrots as you need, and just remember to stay on the 
inside of path, but not hitting the wall. It's hard, but if you manage, Ingo 
will let you keep the horse, but he'll lock you in. Well, we know another way 
around that, hotshot! You see the fences acting as the ranch's boundary? Build 
up a lot of speed and you'll be able to jump clean over them. Now you're free 
to use Epona! Epona is very useful. You can get from one place to another in 
Hyrule Field MUCH faster than before. Now that you have the horse, head to 
Kakariko Village. (Note that you can't take Epona with you into towns.)

In the town, head over to that lady who owns the chicken pen. She'll give you 
a Pocket Egg. This'll hatch over night. Head over to inside the windmill. This 
guy inside is mad because an Ocarina kid seven years ago just waltzed inside 
and played the Ocarina, messing up his windmill. Now, in the game, we haven't 
actually done that. But we are going to soon enough. Show him the Ocarina of 
Time and he'll play the song that the young boy played. You now have learned 
the SONG OF STORMS! Head into the Graveyard. As you can see, the Magic Bean you 
planted as Young Link has grown into a floating plant. Get on the plant, and 
it'll take you to a ledge with a crate on it. Break the crate to reveal a Piece 
of Heart. (HEART PIECES: 18 out of 36) Now pull the gravestone with flowers in 
front of it right beside the ledge you are on. Down below is Dampe's grave. 
Yeah, poor Dampe is dead. But, his spirit will challenge you to some sort of 
race. You have to follow him to the end. He's quick, though, so rolling might 
help you move faster. Once you reach the end, he'll give you the HOOKSHOT, a 
useful weapon and item that lets you stun enemies and cling onto wooden 
surfaces and drag you toward it. Head through the opening here and you'll find 
some blocks with the same design as the Door of Time. Use the Song of Time to 
move these blocks. Head through and you'll be inside the windmill on a high 
ledge. Use one of the ledges on the machine to reach yet another Piece of 
Heart. (HEART PIECES: 19 out of 36)

Exit the windmill, then head all the way back into Dampe's grave. Race him
again, but this time you have to finish in under one minute. Rolling helps, 
and make sure you don't run into the flames Dampe drops. Cut corners if you 
can, as well. If you finish under a minute, you'll get another Piece of Heart. 
(HEART PIECES: 20 out of 36) Yay! Another heart! Get back to the village. Once 
you exit the windmill again, hop on the fence near the windmill here, equip the 
Hookshot (keep it equipped as you're gonna use it a lot), and use it to hook 
onto the house with the gray roof. On top of here is a person here. Talk to him 
and he'll give you another Piece of Heart for your trouble. (HEART PIECES: 21 
out of 36) Now, make it night and head to Impa's house. It's the southernmost 
house in the village. Before entering the door though, face the Skulltula House 
and Hookshot on top of it. From there, Hookshot on top of Impa's House. Up here 
is a Gold Skulltula. Use the Hookshot to retrieve the token. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 
045 out of 100) Now change it back to day and the Pocket Egg will hatch. Head 
into the house that had that Heart Piece-giving man on its roof, and you'll 
find Talon lazing around on the bed. Use the Pocket Cucco that just hatched to 
wake him up and he'll get up and take back the ranch. The Cucco is now happy 
because it just woke up a lazy person! Send the Pocket Cucco to the Cucco lady 
and she'll be so pleased that she'll give you a blue Cucco named Cojiro. This 
blue Cucco is part of a larger side quest, but it's best to start as early as 
possible. Next, head to Death Mountain Trail.

Right at the entrance of Dodongo's Cavern, the Magic Bean you planted there
while you were young has grown now. Ride it to reach another Piece of Heart you 
can jump to. (HEART PIECES: 22 out of 36) Next head towards Goron City. On the 
platform in front of the entrance, play the Song of Storms to open a Secret 
Cave. Inside is a treasure chest with a Huge Rupee. If you need money, this 
is the place to go. Now head inside Goron City. Now you see the platform in 
the middle suspended by ropes? Walk on one of the ropes behind it to see a 
Gold Skulltula on the back of that platform. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 046 out of 100) 
Now head all the way to Zora's River. At the start, play the Song of Storms 
near the circle of rocks where the Cucco is to reveal a Secret Cave. Inside 
are two Business Scrubs. One sells a Green Potion for 40 Rupees, another sells 
a Red Potion for the same price. If you have an Empty Bottle, go ahead and get 
the potion you wish. Exit, and use the grown Magic Bean plant to get to the 
high platform with the two Secret Caves, making sure it's night. Up here, look 
around the southern wall to see another Gold Skulltula. Again, use the Hookshot 
to kill it and grab the token. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 047 out of 100)

Next, continue on in Zora's River, and past the wooden bridge, you'll see a
Gold Skulltula high up on the wall. It may seem too far for your Hookshot, but 
hop onto the fence facing the Skulltula, and the Hookshot will be able to reach 
the enemy. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 048 out of 100) You may notice it's snowing over 
here. Anyway, get up to in front of the waterfall and play Zelda's Lullaby to 
make the waterfall recede. Enter.

Woah. Zora's Domain has literally met its ice age. Head toward Zora's Fountain 
from here. (King Zora is completely frozen over...) You'll notice here that 
Lord Jabu-Jabu is gone, and in its place is a bunch of ice platforms. You see 
the Piece of Heart in the distance? Jump across the ice carefully to reach it. 
(HEART PIECES: 23 out of 36) Now, head all the way back to Hyrule Field, and 
ride your horse over to Lake Hylia, again making sure it's night. Here, use the 
now grown Magic Bean by the Laboratory to get up on the roof. Be careful of the 
Guays, and climb up the ladder to get yet another Piece of Heart. (HEART 
PIECES: 24 out of 36) Yippee! Another heart is completed! Now, head over to the 
scarecrow by the now-dry shore and play the song you played to it while as 
Young Link, and he'll remember the song. (I hope you remember it, or at least 
wrote down what you played.) Now when you play this song at certain spots, the 
scarecrow's brother will pop up and you'll be able to Hookshot onto him to 
reach hidden areas. Now, head to the Fishing Hole. (Use the Magic Plant) 
Inside, again play for 20 Rupees, and attempt to catch a 15 pound or more fish. 
Yep, at least 15 lbs, and this time the fish are more stubborn than before. If 
you're patient enough and get the 15 lb. or greater fish, then the Fishing Hole 
owner will give you the Gold Scale, which allows you to dive for a whopping 9 
seconds. You can now dive pretty far down now. There is something that allows 
you to catch fish better. It's called the Sinking Lure, but it's illegal. For 
more information and how to make it legal, see section XIV in the walkthrough.

Now that you have the Golden Scale, head into the Laboratory and talk to the
freaky old man there. He'll talk about the pool of water behind him, and 
challenge you to dive as far as you can. Well, jump into the water, and hold A 
for as long as you can to dive. 9 meters in the pool is the goal, and each 
second amounts to a meter. Once you do a full dive, talk to the old man again 
and he should give you another Piece of Heart. (HEART PIECES: 25 out of 36) 
Wow, we've been getting a lot of Pieces of Heart lately....Whew. Anyway, head 
back to Hyrule Field and ride your horse to Gerudo Valley. While riding Epona, 
jump across the broken bridge in an awesome-looking cutscene to cross to the 
other side. While here, make sure it's night, and look behind the stone pillar 
for another Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 049 out of 100) Now look behind 
the tent for another. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 050 out of 100) Now get back clear to 
Kakariko Village. Visit the Skulltula house and you'll get another Piece of 
Heart for your troubles! (HEART PIECES: 26 out of 36) Now, get to Dodongo's 
Cavern. Once inside, head to the southeastern entrance (with the Baby Dodongos) 
and at one point, Navi will fly up to somewhere high. While she's up there, 
play the Scarecrow's Song to summon a scarecrow up where Navi was. Hookshot to 
it and you'll find the last Gold Skulltula of this dungeon. Grab the token 
proudly. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 051 out of 100) 

Finally, head to Lon Lon Ranch again (at day). Talk to Malon twice over at the
horse stable and agree to try to beat her horse riding record. (Link: "Holy 
crap, she's beautiful...") This is an obstacle course around the track. You 
have to finish two laps in under 50 seconds. It's harder than it sounds, 
considering you have fences to jump. A little guide for the sizes of fences:

- With really small fences, you don't need to accelerate.
- With medium and high fences, you need to accelerate before reaching them.

The first fence is a small one. Accelerate immediately after jumping that one
to jump the medium fence. After that are two small fences. After jumping 
them, there are two medium fences followed by a high fence. Accelerate for 
each of them. The last fence is a medium sized one. After that, use up all 
but one carrot 'til you reach the finish line. Use the same strategy for the 
second lap as with the first lap, and take the inside of the corners, and 
you'll just barely make it. If you succeed, Malon will give you a present so 
big that you can't carry it, so she'll send it to your house in Kokiri Forest. 
It's actually a cow, so you can get Lon Lon Milk right at your house. Alright, 
we're finally going to progress into the game. (Sort of.) Enter Kokiri Forest 
at night.

Swords: Kokiri Sword, Master Sword
Shields: Deku Shield, Hylian Shield
Tunics: Kokiri Tunic
Boots: Kokiri Boots
Other: Bullet Bag (Holds 50), Bomb Bag (Holds 40), Goron's Bracelet, Golden 
Scale, Stone of Agony

ITEMS: (shown left to right)
Deku Sticks
Deku Nuts
Din's Fire
Farore's Wind
Fairy Slingshot
Ocarina of Time
Magic Beans (2)

Zelda's Lullaby
Epona's Song
Saria's Song
Sun's Song
Song of Time
Song of Storms

Mask of Truth


Gold Skulltulas: 51
Heart Pieces: 26 (2)
Upgrades: 8 (Deku Seeds: 50, Deku Sticks: 30, Deku Nuts: 40, Bombs: 40)
Boss Heart Containers: 3

Advanced Spin Slash (Hold B until the sword is yellow, then release)
Din's Fire (C Item)
Farore's Wind (C Item)

Total Health: 12 Hearts

Saria's Secret [Wlk12]
This section will include the Forest Temple; the first dungeon as Adult Link,
along with a few other things.

OK, you'll notice that enemies have swarmed this place. Big Deku Babas, Evil 
Deku Scrubs, and Octoroks, oh my! Anyway, kill them, and head to where the 
House of Twins is at, and you'll notice a Gold Skulltula on the back of the 
house. You know what to do. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 052 out of 100) You'll notice 
that the grown Magic Bean plant by the Shop will carry you across the whole 
village, and finally drop you off at a ledge containing a few green Rupees and 
a Red Rupee, if you need money. Now, head toward the entrance of Lost Woods. 
Before entering, play the Song of Storms near the Gossip Stone up here to 
reveal a Secret Cave. This contains a treasure chest with a Red Rupee inside, 
if you're bothered enough to get it. Now enter the Lost Woods. You know 
Cojiro? Well, he's part of a side quest to get an extra (and more powerful) 
sword. We're going to expand on the side quest. Head left to find a bum who 
thinks everyone but him is disgusting. Well, wake him up with Cojiro, his 
chicken. So that's where Cojiro's owner went! He'll give you an Odd Mushroom 
in return. This item will spoil in 3 minutes, and you're supposed to give him 
a potion made with this. Oh well, I guess we'll give this bum what he wants.

Head left from here and you'll find the bridge connecting Kokiri Forest and 
Hyrule Field. If you planted a Magic Bean here like I told you to, you can use 
the plant to carry you to the bridge to save time. Get to Hyrule Field and use 
your horse to get to Kakariko Village. From there, head close to Death 
Mountain Trail's entrance, and enter the house to the right. From this shop, 
head through the back door, then enter the red house to find a hidden witch's 
Potion Shop. Give her the Odd Mushroom (if it hasn't spoiled) and she'll make 
an Odd Potion with it. This won't spoil, so you can take your time heading 

Head all the way back to where the bum was in Lost Woods, and you'll see a 
Kokiri girl in his place. She says anyone who isn't accompanied by a fairy 
will turn into a Stalfos pretty much the moment he enters the Lost Woods. He 
left so he wouldn't turn into one, but he left his SAW behind. In return for 
giving the girl the potion, she'll give you the saw he left behind. Now, head 
back to the entrance to Lost Woods, then head right, left, right, and you'll 
find Mido blocking the correct entrance here. Play Saria's Song for him and 
he'll let you through. (He doesn't recognize you.) You may have noticed that 
the inhabitants here are still children even after seven years. That's because 
Kokiri never age. Well, there goes the idea of getting together with Saria....

Anyway, after going through the entrance Mido was blocking, head left once more
to get back to the grassy area. Making sure it's night, ride the Magic Bean 
plant and it'll take you to a Golden Skulltula. It's just reachable for a 
sword slash. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 053 out of 100) After getting this, exit this 
little area, then head left, left, and right to reach the Sacred Forest Meadow. 
First, place a bomb somewhere around here to open a Secret Cave which contains 
two Wolfos. Kill them both to reveal a small chest containing a Purple Rupee. 
Now the maze is harder to traverse. Large Moblins are now invading this place. 
What you have to do is be in their sight so that they'll charge, and you have 
to sneak up behind them. Once you are behind them, slash them to kill them.  
Once you get past here, climb the ladder at the end to get on top of the 
hedges. Look around on one of the walls to find another Gold Skulltula. (GOLD 
SKULLTULAS: 054 out of 100) Next, continue toward where you last saw Saria.  
You'll encounter a much larger version of the Moblins you faced. With this 
one, it has a club, and wherever you are, it'll smash its club, creating a wave 
that'll move toward you. You have to keep dodging these until you reach him, 
then slash him to damage him. After that, you'll have to do it over again. Do 
it twice more after the first time to kill him, then continue to the Forest 
Temple's entrance.

You'll encounter Sheik. He'll tell you about a few things, then teach you the
MINUET OF FOREST, which will warp you here whenever you play it. Once you've
learned it, Sheik will disappear. Now, to enter the temple, Hookshot onto the 
tree to climb up to the entrance.


Welcome to the mysterious Forest Temple!

Walk a few steps forward and two Wolfos will pop out. Use the tactic in the 
Enemy list section to defeat them, then find some vines on a wall. Climb up 
them, and you'll find a small chest on the tree on the other side. Jump over to 
it and open the chest to get a SMALL KEY. This is an item you'll find 
frequently in Adult Link's temples and dungeons. Around the vines you climbed 
is a Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 055 out of 100) Now head forward. Kill 
the Skulltula in the way in this hall, and get through the next door. You'll 
find an elevator leading to the boss room in the center. Easy eh? Not quite.  
Four Poes will appear and lower the elevator, then they'll scatter throughout 
the temple. Great. Guess we have to find those poltergeists. First, head 
straight across to the door on the opposite side. Before entering, take a look 
over at the right wall. You'll see another Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 
056 out of 100) Now enter the door.

As soon as you enter, shield, as a Blue Bubble (a flaming skull) will try to 
hit you. If you shield successfully, its flames will go out and all you have 
to do is slash it until it's dead. Continue onward and you'll encounter two 
Stalfos, like the young Kokiri girl mentioned. These are tough enemies. 
They're fast skeletons, and they always shield. They only draw back their 
shields during attacking. What you have to do is jump strike them when they 
don't have their shield out. It's hard, and I would advise that if you are low 
on health, heal with a potion or something beforehand. If you manage to defeat 
them both, a chest containing another SMALL KEY will appear. Grab it, then 
head back to the main room. (One of the pots has a fairy. It might be smart to 
capture one in one of your bottles.)

Head to the right hallway, and while standing in front of the block there, play
the Song of Time to make it disappear. Head through the door. We're now in a 
grassy area with a river. There's a lot to do here, but first things first, 
let's get the map for this dungeon. Head right from the entrance to find some 
vines. Kill the first two Skulltulas, then climb up the vines on the far right 
side to avoid the third. Get up to the door and enter. Inside, another Blue 
Bubble will immediately attack. Kill it and the doors will open back up and a 
large chest will appear. Open it to get, you guessed it, the DUNGEON MAP.
Head to the door you haven't gone through. Kill the plant up here, then 
Hookshot to the emblem on the wall to drop to another balcony.  Step on the red 
switch to lower the water level of the river. Drop down to the bottom.  You'll 
notice that the well is now completely drained. Drop down it and follow the 
hall to a small chest with a SMALL KEY. (Oh my God...the walls are drenched in 
blood....) Exit this well the same way you came in. (The vines just take you to 
the first grassy room, and we aren't going back there yet.)

OK, in this room you may notice a small chest on a ledge. Hookshot to its 
backside (the side facing the wall) and you'll successfully climb up there.
Any other side won't get you quite up there, because of how the ledge's walls 
are. Inside this chest is a RECOVERY HEART, but the real reason why we're up 
here is for a Gold Skulltula. It's on one of the walls up here. (GOLD
SKULLTULAS: 057 out of 100) Now head back to the main room. (That one with the 
elevator.) On the west side of the room is a locked door. You have quite 
enough Small Keys as it is, so use one to unlock it and go through. Kill the 
Skulltula in the hall, and enter the next door. You're now in a semi-confusing 
room. First kill the Blue Bubble.  hen climb up the ladder you see and 
continue. Shortly thereafter, Navi will interrupt you. After she's done, look 
left and you'll see a block. Grab this and pull it to where you were, then 
follow the arrow on the ground and push the block that way until it reaches a 
wall. Now head back to the hallway where the block was...blocking...and 
continue up here and push the block until it falls into a little crevice.

Head back to where the block was, and climb up the ladder hidden between walls 
on the left. Make a right, then the first right to see a red block. Push it 
until it won't budge, then head back to the first block. Climb up it (push 
forward and press A) and continue up to where the red block is, now fully 
adjacent to the hallway. Push it until it falls into a crevice, then climb up 
it. Follow the path to the right and you'll reach a large room of this area 
with a couple of Blue Bubbles. Kill them, then open the locked door with one 
of your small keys. This hallway is weird... It's twisted, and you always stay 
on the floor. Head through to the next door. Heed Navi's advice here and keep 
moving (right) to the next locked door. Open it with your last key.

In here, climb down all the staircases to the bottom. Head through the door, 
and you'll encounter a Stalfos. Now, this one is wierd. There's a hole in the 
middle of the room, and only the Stalfos can walk over it, so try to avoid the 
hole. Once you kill this one, a platform will fall, covering the hole, and 
you'll fight two more Stalfos. (ugh) The thing here is, these two depend on 
each other. If you kill one, if you don't kill the other quickly, the first 
one will re-assemble, so be quick with these guys. Killing them will finally 
make a large treasure chest appear. Open it to get the FAIRY BOW, which is a 
very useful projectile attack for Adult Link. Head back through the door you 
went through (it's the one with a red carpet in front). Now, you see the 
pictures with a Poe on it? When you walk toward them, the picture of the Poe 
disappears. What you have to do is be at a certain distance to keep the 
picture there, and fire an arrow with your new Bow at the picture. Do this 
with all three pictures and the Poe sister from the pictures will appear and 
will wait at the bottom. Z target her and wait for her to appear. When she 
does, fire an arrow at her. Keep doing this until she's dead.

A small chest will appear, and you'll get a SMALL KEY. Head back into the 
Stalfos room, and head through the door with the blue carpet in front of it. 
Here's another staircase room with three pictures of a Poe sister. Get rid of 
them all, then get rid of the actual Poe the same way you did the first one, 
and a large chest will appear. Open it for the COMPASS for this dungeon. Now 
get back past the twisted hall, then turn around and fire an arrow at the 
silver eye switch. This will untwist the hallway. Now, in this huge room, you 
might have seen a gold eye switch. If you hit it with an arrow, a small chest 
containing a bundle of Arrows. If you're bothered enough to get it, go ahead. 
Go back through the now-untwisted hallway, then fall down and open the colorful 
chest for the BOSS KEY, which lets you access the door leading to the boss 
room. Now, fall down the hole.

Kill the Blue Bubbles to unlock the door, and go through it to find yourself at
a familiar area. Kill the Big Deku Baba, then hop on the thin walkway with 
Recovery Hearts on it. Get to the end, look up, and Hookshot the Gold 
Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 058 out of 100). Now head toward the door you see. 
Before entering it, head right to see another door. Go through and you'll 
encounter a Wallmaster. It's a giant hand that splits up into smaller hands 
when it gets hit. Make sure to get rid of the smaller hands before they 
reassemble. If you get rid of the Floormaster fully, a treasure chest will 
appear. Open it to get a SMALL KEY, then head through the other door outside 
this room. Again, you're at a familiar room. Head all the way to the top, hit 
the eyeball switch to turn the twisted hall back, and head through it. Head 
all the way back to the second staircase room (where you got the Compass) and 
head all the way to the top and unlock the door with a key. Avoid the 
Wallmaster and climb up the south ladder and get through the opening. There's 
Green Bubbles here. In order to kill these, slash them when their fires 
subside. Once they're gone, unlock the door with your last key.

In here, you have to hit an eyeball switch with an arrow, but it's covered in 
ice, and there's a torch in the middle of rotating platforms. Get on one of 
the platforms, aim at the switch, and fire an arrow when you pass the torch. 
This will light the arrow on flames and will melt the ice AND hit the switch. 
This will twist the previous hallway, so head back through the hall, and drop 
down the hole at the room in the end. You're now at a weird room with a black 
and white checkered floor and a falling ceiling. To get past, you have to take 
refuge in gaps in the ceiling. The problem is that Skulltulas are occupying 
the spaces. When the ceiling is up, Hookshot the Skulltulas to kill them, then 
occupy their space. Hit the switch when you can to unlock the door ahead, and 
continue to the treasure chest. Open it to get a bundle of arrows, then head 
through the door to reach a room.  ire an arrow at the picture in here to 
lower some colored blocks. What you have to do here is assemble the blocks by 
pushing them. You have to assemble the top side of the blocks so that they 
match the picture. Once you do, the Poe in the picture will come out. Kill 
her the same way as her other sisters to unlock the next door. Head through to 
get back to the main room.

Here, you'll encounter the last Poe sister, but this one's a bit different.
The same Poe will make copies of herself and surround you. They look virtually 
the same but the one way to tell the difference is that the real one spins 
around when she and her copies appear. Once you've gotten rid of this last 
Poe, the elevator in the center will raise. Head inside to enter the lowest 
floor of this temple. (Basement 2) This is a weird room. You have to trip 
three switches, and in order to do so, you have to push the outward walls, 
which rotates the WHOLE room. Also there's a Gold Skulltula hidden here. Make 
sure to get it before leaving this room. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 059 out of 100) It's 
in the treasure chest section of the room. (Easy to spot if you have the 
temple's Compass, which you should.) Once you trip all the switches, head 
through the north door and use the Boss Key to unlock it. Head up the stairs, 
then head to the center. Hmm...nothing happens. Head back and...

BOSS: Phantom Ganon, Evil Spirit from Beyond

YIKES! It's a ghost version of Ganondorf, and he's on the black stallion. This
creepy ghoul will enter one of the paintings. Basically what you have to do, 
is aim your arrow at the Phantom when he escapes from the painting. (purple 
magic surrounds him when he's about to exit) The thing is, there's TWO of these 
phantoms. The fake one turns around, so if you encounter that one, hurry up 
and find the real one and fire that arrow. If you don't, you'll be struck with 
a lightning attack that takes away at least five hearts. The best way actually 
is if you find the fake one, you more than likely won't have enough time to hit 
the real one, so get out of the way of the real one. After a few shots, 
Phantom Ganon's stallion will disappear, and you're left to face him. Z target 
him to make things easier, and wait for his magic attack.

Let's play a little tennis. Use the Master Sword and swing it at the right 
time to reflect the magic spell back at Phantom Ganon. He'll usually reflect 
it back, so continue this tennis game until it hits either one of you. If it 
hits Phantom Ganon he'll go to the floor, stunned. So go up to him and slash 
him. It may take a few tries, but keep doing this until he's dead.

SPEEDY STRATEGY: After getting rid of its stallion, get really close to Phantom
Ganon, and time your slash right so that it's deflected as soon as it fires its
magic ball attack. Doing this won't give it enough time to react, and will
immediately get hit. Once it reaches the ground, shield stab the phantom until
it's dead.

When it is dead, a HEART CONTAINER (pick it up) and a light will appear. After
grabbing the Container, step into the light and you'll be at the Chamber of 
Sages again. Saria will appear, tell you that she's the Sage of the Forest 
Temple, and give you the Forest Medallion. On top of that, she'll plant a Deku 
Tree seed where the old, dead Deku Tree is. The Deku Tree sprout will then 
talk to you, explain who you are, (You're actually a Hylian, not a Kokiri) and 
will explain Link's past.

Swords: Kokiri Sword, Master Sword
Shields: Deku Shield, Hylian Shield
Tunics: Kokiri Tunic
Boots: Kokiri Boots
Other: Bullet Bag (Holds 50), Quiver (Holds 30), Bomb Bag (Holds 40), Goron's 
Bracelet, Golden Scale, Stone of Agony

ITEMS: (shown left to right)
Deku Sticks
Deku Nuts
Fairy Bow
Din's Fire
Farore's Wind
Fairy Slingshot
Ocarina of Time
Magic Beans (2)

Zelda's Lullaby
Epona's Song
Saria's Song
Sun's Song
Song of Time
Song of Storms
Minuet of Forest

Poacher's Saw
Mask of Truth


Gold Skulltulas: 59
Heart Pieces: 26 (2)
Upgrades: 8 (Deku Seeds: 50, Deku Sticks: 30, Deku Nuts: 40, Bombs: 40)
Boss Heart Containers: 4

Advanced Spin Slash (Hold B until the sword is yellow, then release)
Din's Fire (C Item)
Farore's Wind (C Item)

Total Health: 13 Hearts

Bottom of the Well and Collection Quest [Wlk13]
After all this hoopla ("HOOPLA!") ...is over with, you can exit Kokiri Forest 
back to Hyrule Field. However, there's an interesting thing to see. I don't 
know if it's a glitch or not, but where the Deku Sprout is, stand behind it and 
look up to where the light is shining. The light is in the shape of the 
Triforce! Like I said, I don't know if it's a glitch, or if it was intended, 
but in any case, head clear over to the Temple of Time. As a side note, you
may have noticed that the Quiver seems to have replaced the Bullet Bag in the
Equipment Screen. Don't worry, it reappears there when you're Young Link. (Why
they couldn't have had an extra spot for the Quiver, I don't know.)

You'll meet Sheik here again. He'll tell you that whenever you want to return 
to the past, simply place the Master Sword back on its pedestal. Also with 
this info, he'll teach you the PRELUDE OF LIGHT, a song which warps you to the 
Temple of Time. Very useful, indeed. Anyway, time to do what Sheik said 
earlier. Head back to the past. Simply stand in front of the pedestal and 
press the almighty A button to place the sword. Now as Young Link again, we 
have quite a few things to do, including traversing a mini-dungeon. First, 
head to the Castle Grounds. Use the same tactic you used before to get past 
the guards, then get to the moat. Surface, then play the Song of Storms near 
the tree to open a hole. Drop in. Inside, blow open the walls until you find 
a Gold Skulltula. Remember that you can't use the Hookshot as Young Link, so 
use your Bommerang. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 060 out of 100) We now have more than 
half of the Gold Skulltulas in the game! 40 more to go! Notice that there are 
no more prizes in the Skulltula House until you get all of them, so don't 
bother going back. Now, head to Kakariko Village and enter the windmill.

Once inside, play the Song of Storms to make the windmill mechanism go out of
control, and thus draining the well. Head down the now-drained well and enter.


You're now at the creepy, blood-drenched, Bottom of the Well mini-dungeon. 

We're here to get a special item needed to clear the game, along with a few 
optional stuff. Head through the crawlspace, climb down the ladder, and kill 
the Skulltula. Navi will fly over to the skeleton against the wall. Press the 
Up C Button after Z-Targeting it, and Navi will tell you that spirits are 
whispering a message that you must find the eye of truth. Well, this seems to 
be a dead-end. Wrong. Head right through the wall where the skeleton is to 
walk through it. You're now at the main room. First of all, let's find the 
Map and Compass here. Head down the left fork where the water is. Turn the 
corner, and hug the right wall while going forward and you'll go through 
another fake section of wall. Open the large chest there to get the COMPASS. 
That was easy, and now you see an abundance of treasure chests if you have the 
mini-map function on. (Use L to turn it off and on.) Head back to the hall, get 
to the very end (watch for the giant Green Bubbles) and head left to fall down 
a hole. Cut the tall grass if you want, and bomb the boulders to reach the 
central part of this large room. Kill the Redead, collect the Silver Rupees 
here, being careful not to stay in the green liquid. Bomb the boulders past 
the hall showcased with lit torches. Kill the Redead walking around here, and 
open the large treasure chest to get the DUNGEON MAP. Alright, now that we've 
got those, let's get the item we came for.

Head up the ladder in this room and collect the last Silver Rupees here to 
unlock the door. Head inside. Here's another room that seems like a dead-end. 
The left wall is fake. Walk through it, then make another left, all the way to 
the end. Turn right until you find a Triforce symbol on the ground. Stand on 
it and play Zelda's Lullaby to lower the water level. Head back to the section 
of the room where you first entered, and the pool of water will be drained. 
Head down, open the small chest for some BOMBS, and head through the
crawlspace, kill the Skulltula, climb the wall and enter the door to face a 
sub-boss. Get yourself caught in one of the hands and the boss will come out. 
Yeeesh...This is the stuff made of nightmares. Quickly get yourself free from 
the hand and prepare to fight. It'll slowly crawl toward you, and when it gets 
near, it will slowly lower its head, ready to attack. You have to slash its 
head when it's reachable. Keep doing this and it will lower again. Get caught 
in a hand again to lure it back up, and repeat this process until it's dead, 
and a large chest will appear. Open it to get the LENS OF TRUTH. This will 
allow you to see things that are invisible, plus let you see through fake 
walls. Use this to reveal a small chest behind the large one. This contains a 
HUGE RUPEE. Whoopee, more money. Now head back to main room.

Now we're going to open the rest of the treasure chests and get a few Gold
Skulltulas that are here. First, to get the treasure chests on the second 
basement floor. Facing forward from the first fake wall, bomb the brown pile 
of dirt to the left to reveal a hole. Fall down it and open the small chest 
for some BOMBCHUS. Climb back up. Head down the west hallway, and head 
through the first left. Drop down and open the small chest for a RECOVERY 
HEART. Climb up the wall and head through the door to enter a new room. Here, 
make sure you don't have your Deku Shield equipped, as we're dealing with some 
fire here. First, kill the Gibdo, it's a Redead wrapped in cloth, but it's a 
bit stronger. Alright, now use a Deku Stick (haven't used one of those in a 
while, eh?) to light all the unlit torches. Each torch opens the coffin next 
to it, so make sure to put away the stick after lighting each torch so you 
don't waste one. Pretty much all the coffins have enemies inside, but one of 
them has a SMALL KEY. Grab it then exit, heading back to the main room.
Again, face the direction as if you just came through the first fake wall, and 
put the Lens of Truth on. You'll see a large open entrance where a wall was, 
but don't go there yet. Look left and you'll see a smaller opening in the west 
hall. Head inside and open the small chest for another SMALL KEY. Now head 
through the large opening you saw.

There's a few chests to open here. Make sure you have the Lens of Truth on all
the time while in here, as there are hidden pits scattered here that'll drop 
you to the lowest floor. There's also a Wallmaster. Let it fall, and kill it 
so it won't bother you. Head into the right cell, kill the Skulltula, and open 
the small chest for some DEKU NUTS. Head east through the fake wall, turn 
right, and use the Lens of Truth to see another fake wall with a treasure chest 
inside. Open it to get another SMALL KEY. That should be the last key here. 
Head back into the cell room, and unlock the east door. Kill the bats, use the 
Lens of Truth to uncover a hidden path. Use it to cross the hole, and kill the 
Gold Skulltula at the end. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 061 out of 100) Head back into the 
cell room, and unlock the west door this time. Another Gold Skulltula is here. 
Kill the Deku Baba first, and be careful of the pots. They're possessed and 
will fly towards you. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 062 out of 100) Head back to the main 

Head down the right hall all the way to the end, and go through the crawlspace.
Unlock the door and head through. Now there's a few enemies here. First pick
off the Fire Keese with any projectile weapon, then kill the Beamos with either 
a Bomb or Bombchu. Now traverse the room with the Lens of Truth on. There's
large hidden holes in this room, which is why you need the Lens on. The small
chest at the other side contains a Blue Rupee. (It has a Deku Shield if you
lost yours.) Get that if you wish, and head through the door. Kill the Like 
Like quickly before it swallows you. If it does, it may likely take your 
Hylian Shield. If it does, quickly kill it so you can get it back. Open the 
chest for another Blue Rupee, and kill the last Gold Skulltula in this area. 
(GOLD SKULLTULAS: 063 out of 100) Now, head through the west hall, and look 
left at the end. Use the Lens of Truth so you won't fall down the hole, and 
bomb the brown pile of dirt to uncover the last small chest. Open it to get 
some DEKU NUTS. Now you can completely exit this place. If you lost the Deku 
Shield, head back to Kokiri Forest and buy another one. Head to Goron City, 
we're just doing something small. Head right once you enter, and go down the 
hall there. You'll find a lava room. Stand on the edge and play the Song of 
Time to get rid of the block in front of you. Now exit the city. That was 
short, eh? Well, it had to be done while you are Young Link so....

Head to Zora's River. We're getting back to those music-loving frogs. Once 
you are on the log's end and have the Ocarina out, play the Song of Storms.  
They will be so pleased with the song that they will give you a Piece of Heart 
for your trouble. Wow! (HEART PIECES: 27 out of 36) Now pull out the Ocarina 
again. The frogs will ask you to play notes for them in order to catch flies. 
They'll tell you which notes make one of the frogs jump to reach the flies.
The good thing about this minigame is that the order of notes is ALWAYS the 
same, so follow the buttons down below for the notes, as you have a split 
second to play each note.

A, left C, right C, down C, left C, right C, down C, A, down C, A, down C,
right C, left C, A

Follow these very quickly and the frogs will be so pleased that they're full, 
so they give you yet another Piece of Heart. (HEART PIECES: 28 out of 36) 
Goody, another heart is assembled! Head to Zora's Domain. You see the Zora on 
the rock near the entrance? Stand on the rock he's on and play the Song of 
Storms to open a Secret Cave. Here's a Fairy Fountain. If you are low on 
fairies, get some in those bottles! You're gonna need them. Now, head to 
Hyrule Market, then play the Sun's Song to turn it into night. In the Market, 
head inside the large house with lights on. This is the Treasure Box Game 
Shop. Pay 10 Rupees to play, and head through the door. Now, your job is to 
find the small key that's in one of the two chests and use the key to continue. 
To make this easy, and possible, use the Lens of Truth to find the key. You 
aren't penalized for using it. Do this until you reach the end. Open the 
chest for a Piece of Heart. (HEART PIECES: 29 out of 36) Now, time to return to 
the future. Once you do, head to where Hyrule Castle is supposed to be.

Woah. The castle has drastically changed. In fact, it's now Ganon's Castle. 
Of course, it was always this way in the future, but I digress. We're here to 
get something. Head to the ruined outer gate, and look around one of the sides 
of it to find a Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 064 out of 100) Head back to 
Hyrule Field. Using your horse, head to Gerudo Valley again, and jump across 
the broken bridge again. Give the Poacher's Saw that you should have and he'll 
give you a BROKEN GORON'S SWORD, which as you can tell is absolutely useless as 
of now. Before leaving, play the Song of Storms behind the guy's tent to open 
a Secret Cave. Remember what the Secret Cave at the beginning of Zora's River 
had? Well, this is exactly the same. (Two Business Scrubs selling potions at 
an equal price.) Now let's get the final bottle in the game. Head back to
Hyrule Castle, and enter where the guardshack is supposed to be. This creepy 
guy inside buys Poe souls. He gives you a card (which isn't an item, oddly)
and for every Big Poe soul you sell him, he'll give you 100 points on your
card. When you get 1000 points, (and there are 10 Big Poes..how lucky) he
gives you an Empty Bottle as a prize. Alright, empty all of your bottles, and
head back to Hyrule Field. For all Big Poes, you must be on Epona, and thus 
you have to use the Fairy Bow to kill them. To collect the Big Poe soul, get 
off Epona and walk toward the soul. The game will ask you if you want to keep 
it in one of your Empty Bottles. Say yes and you'll have gotten the soul.
Remember that you only have three bottles, so once you get three, go to the Poe
shop and drop off those souls. Here's a list of Big Poe souls.

#1: Get on Epona, and go forward a bit. A Big Poe should appear in front of

#2 and #3: See the Y-shaped path on the mini-map? There are two Big Poes
 hiding at the point where the two upper paths join. If you can't find the
 second one, try looking around the nearby stone walls.

#4: Head to the mini-forest here, and you'll encounter this one in the middle
 of the trees.

#5: There's another right after the bottom leg of the Y-shaped path ends. If
 it doesn't appear, run through the patch of grass nearby, and it should appear

#6 and #7: There are two Big Poes hiding at the path leading to Gerudo Valley.
 They're basically one right after the other. One's at the fork, and the other
 is by the tree at the end of the path.

#8: Up ahead is a grove of trees surrounded by a river. On the west side of
 the river is where this Big Poe rests.

#9: On the north side of Lon Lon Ranch is a tree. This Big Poe is hiding right
by it.

#10: This is the final one that I list for a good reason. It's the hardest to
catch. After going over the tiny bridge leading to Kakariko, head toward the
lone tree on the right, close to the river. This Big Poe should appear, but
you have limited space to chase him with, and he disappears if he gets too far
away. Just have a bit of quickness (and maybe some luck) to catch this one.
Here's an easier way to catch this Poe though:

"I found the easiest way to catch the last Big Poe near the entrance to 
Kakariko was to hug the wall with Epona (the wall where the entrance to 
Kakariko is), and then head south toward the water (If the poe appears, just 
wait a few seconds after it disappears). Then turn around once you hit the 
water (back up a bit if need be). You should be facing the little stone pillar 
holding up the cliff. Pass to the RIGHT of it (not to the left, under the 
cliff), and the poe should appear, heading straight toward the tree that you 
bomb as a kid to get a Skulltula. This is probably the most time you'll have to 
shoot at the poe." Thanks for the big tip, DJxChrome! He's also the one who 
told me that it's possible to get the Biggoron's Sword as early as before the
Forest Temple! Check out the description for the Biggoron's Sword in the Items
section on how to do that.

Like I said before, after catching all the Big Poes and selling them, you get
an Empty Bottle, the final one of the game. Now if you want, you can fill up
your Bottles with the stuff you had previously. (I had a Bottle of Bugs, a
Bottled Fairy, and Lon Lon Milk.) Now, head to Kakariko Village. We're
finally getting to the next temple.

Swords: Kokiri Sword, Master Sword
Shields: Deku Shield, Hylian Shield
Tunics: Kokiri Tunic
Boots: Kokiri Boots
Other: Bullet Bag (Holds 50), Quiver (Holds 30), Bomb Bag (Holds 40), Goron's 
Bracelet, Golden Scale, Stone of Agony

ITEMS: (shown left to right)
Deku Sticks
Deku Nuts
Fairy Bow
Din's Fire
Farore's Wind
Fairy Slingshot
Ocarina of Time
Lens of Truth
Magic Beans (2)

Zelda's Lullaby
Epona's Song
Saria's Song
Sun's Song
Song of Time
Song of Storms
Minuet of Forest
Prelude of Light

Broken Goron's Sword
Mask of Truth


Gold Skulltulas: 64 (the magical number...:D )
Heart Pieces: 29 (1)
Upgrades: 8 (Deku Seeds: 50, Deku Sticks: 30, Deku Nuts: 40, Bombs: 40)
Boss Heart Containers: 4

Advanced Spin Slash (Hold B until the sword is yellow, then release)
Din's Fire (C Item)
Farore's Wind (C Item)

Total Health: 14 Hearts

Sworn Brothers Reunite! [Wlk14]
This section covers the Fire Temple, along with other smaller things.

Alright. First order of business at the village is to visit the Archery Game.
Remember the building that was under construction as Young Link? It's now
finished, and the proprietor who ran the Shooting Gallery in Hyrule Market now
runs the Archery Game building here. Enter, and pay 20 Rupees to play. Now
this is basically the same, except the Rupees to shoot show up in random
positions. This makes it slightly harder, but if you have keen eyesight and
control skills, you should still make it. Win it to get the BIG QUIVER. Next, 
head to Goron City. We're looking for a small Goron rolling around. Once you 
find him, plant a bomb so that it'll explode as he's running over it. This is 
harder because he rolls much faster than the "Hot Rodder Goron." Once 
successful, he'll tell you of his dad. Ask him about this "dragon" and the 
plight of the Gorons. After you do that, he gives you the GORON TUNIC, a 
special heat-resistant tunic that'll protect Link against extreme heat. You 
got this free, as opposed to the highly expensive one in the Goron City Shop.

You'll notice that all the doors have opened. Head into Darunia's room.
You'll see a rock here. Pull it out and enter through the opening to enter 
Death Mountain Crater. (Don't forget to wear your Goron Tunic!) Once here,
use the Hookshot to get across the fallen bridge. You should encounter Sheik.
He'll now teach you the BOLERO OF FIRE, a warp to here. Now let's get a few
things before we enter the temple. Warp to the Temple of Time, and return to
the past. Use the Bolero of Fire to warp back to the Death Mountain Crater.
Now since the tunics you get are Adult-sized, Young Link can't wear them, so
be quick.

First, drop a Bottle of Bugs onto the soft dirt patch here to release a Gold
Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 065 out of 100) Plant a Magic Bean at the same
spot, then warp back to the Temple of Time. Return here as Adult Link (using
the warp) and ride the Magic Plant to a rock with a Piece of Heart on it.
(HEART PIECES: 30 out of 36) Now enter the temple.


Welcome to the blazing hot Fire Temple!

Pick off the Fire Keese if you want, and climb up the stairs. Head through the
left door (the other's locked) and you'll meet Darunia. He tells you that
Ganondorf locked up the Gorons and revived Volvagia, the ancient dragon who was
defeated long ago by a heroic Goron. Ganondorf is also going to feed the
Gorons to the dragon, so you must rescue all the Gorons. Finally, the dragon's
weakness is a legendary hammer made by the Gorons. He'll ask you to rescue the
Gorons while he tries his best to seal away Volvagia. He doesn't have the
legendary hammer though, so you must find it. First, you must rescue a Goron
in this room. Jump on the pillars to your left, and step on the switch to
release a Goron. Talk to him and he'll leave. Open the chest for a SMALL KEY.
Now exit and open the locked door.

In this large room, we have another Goron to rescue, but first, head towards
the left door. Before entering, play the Song of Time outside the hall to move
a blue block. Climb up it and go through the door. In this room, stand against 
a corner with your back facing it, and shield until all the flying floor tiles 
are gone. (They disintegrate when they hit your shield.) Now, get rid of the 
Like Like from a distance. (It'll take your shield and Goron Tunic if you 
don't!) Once it's gone, get the Gold Skulltula and return to the large room. 
(GOLD SKULLTULAS: 066 out of 100) Head clear over to the other side, bomb the 
peculiar-looking wall, and head through the door. (You can safely walk on lava 
for a few seconds with the Goron Tunic on, so don't panic if you fall in.)

Inside, step on the switch to release the Goron. Grab the SMALL KEY from the
chest behind him once he leaves, then return once again to the large room.
Return to where the blue block is, move it again with the Song of Time, and
head through the door. Step on the switch to release this Goron, and grab the
SMALL KEY from the chest behind him. Head back to the large room, and use one
of your keys to unlock the locked door here. In this next room, slide down the
plank, and position yourself at the corners so you can pick off the Keese on
the grates. Climb up one of the walls to the top, and carefully make your way
to the floor grating that's closer to the block with a face. Drop down to
where it is, and push the block until it falls. Drop down onto it, and wait
for "old faithful" of the fire to erupt, and it'll launch you to a "hidden"
room. Use your other key to open the door. You'll see another caged Goron.
First, climb up on the elevated pieces of floor at the left, and take care of
the Torch Slugs. Get up to the top, jump across, and push/pull the block until
you can't. Use the block to jump to the grating, and climb to the lower ledge.
From there, drop a bomb on it, and quickly head to the top. When the bomb
explodes, climb up and you'll have plenty of time to reach the top. Head
through the door.

In this next room, look around on the left side of this room and you'll find an
enclosed area. Bomb the wall to find a Gold Skulltula. You should hear it.
(GOLD SKULLTULAS: 067 out of 100) Go a little more around the perimeter (being
careful of the boulders) to see another enclosed area with a door this time.
Head into the door, and free the Goron. Get the SMALL KEY behind him as usual.
Return to the previous room. Now, head to the complete opposite side of this
room. You'll see another Goron cell. Free him and grab the SMALL KEY behind
him. Now, a little right from here is a locked door. Find it and open it. (It
should be the only locked door.)

One word of thumb here: DO NOT FALL. If you do, you'll return to the first
large room and have to go through the painstaking process of returning here.
Grab the Recovery Hearts if you need them, and shoot the silver eye switch with
your Bow. Head through the door that was opened, and open the large chest for
the DUNGEON MAP. Finally! Now head back and open the locked door with your
last key. Cross the narrow bridge, drop to the grated floor, and MOVE.
There's a wall of fire behind you. Just move to the very end, and head through
the door. You're now at the upper part of the maze room with boulders. First,
turn right and play your Scarecrow's Song, and Pierre should appear. Hookshot
up to him, then Hookshot again to the platform. Let it carry you up, and head
through the door. Go around, climb up the grate, kill the Gold Skulltula,
(GOLD SKULLTULAS: 068 out of 100), climb up another grate, and head through
the door. Welcome to the fifth floor. Do me a favor and don't fall. If you
look at the wall facing the "abyss", you'll see a Gold Skulltula. Find a good
position and Hookshot it. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 069 out of 100) Now, step on the
switch, and it'll lower some fire around a chest for a limited time. Climb up
a bit, and use the Hookshot to get past the steeper part of the slope. (which
Link can't climb) Now quickly roll to the top and open the chest for a HUGE
RUPEE. Now head back to the upper part of the maze room.

Jump across, eliminate the Torch Slug, and bomb the obvious-looking floor here.
Drop down (though I prefer to climb down), head to the end, and free the Goron
we saw before. Talk to him to make him leave, and grab the SMALL KEY from the
chest. Head back up to the maze room the same way you left. Now you see the
switch? Get to it by jumping on the corner ledge first. This switch will open
another Goron cell. Head to where the game points you to, talk to the Goron,
and grab the SMALL KEY. Now, drop down, and head back to the room with the
wall of fire that chased you. (You remember how to get there, right?) From
here, get to the locked door. (using the ledge on the far edge of the door's
platform) Head through the hall, and open the door.

Now there's a lot of stuff to do in this room, including fighting a mini-boss.
First, head right, stay towards the right, and enter the door you see there.
(This is a maze of fire, so be careful.) Inside the door, open the large
chest for the COMPASS. Yay! Return. Now that you have the Compass, head to
the southwestern part of this room. (Something of interest: As Navi says, look
past the grated floor and you'll see the room in which we met Darunia. Down
there, the Goron you freed said that the pillar in there needs to be collapsed
so that you can reach the boss room. Well, this room is where the pillar is
hanging from. We just need to get something to pound it down.) Get to the
locked door and open it. Ignore the Goron cell for now, and head to the other
side. You see the switch and the large wall of fire? The switch lowers the
wall of fire briefly, so get to the switch, activate it, then find your way
past the lowered wall of fire. Get some stuff from the pots if you need it,
and bomb the door. Yes, I said bomb it. It's a fake one that'll smash down on
you if you try to open it. Head through the REAL door behind it and you'll


First, this enemy will jump out of the central pillar of fire and start
throwing fire projectiles at you. In order to be able to hit this dude, you
have to Hookshot him right out of its flaming clothes. Once it's out, start
punishing it with sword slashes. It'll try to run away from you, but don't
chase it. Just charge up your Advanced Spin Slash and release when it gets
near you. (It turns around when it sees you, so be quick.)  Keep doing this
until it's dead.

When the Flare Dancer is dead, the pillar of fire it came out of will lower.
Hop onto the platform it was on, and it'll carry you up to a room. Head
through the door. In here, climb up the grating, drop a bomb onto the crystal,
and when it explodes, climb up some more grating while the fire is lowered.
Enter the door. Now, ignore the large switch here, and instead climb up to
where the smaller one is. Pick off the Fire Keese, and step on the switch.
Fire surrounding a chest will lower. Quickly get there using the stairs. (the
stairs are more dangerous, but it saves time) Open the large chest for the...
finally...MEGATON HAMMER, the ancient hammer used to silence Volvagia from so
long ago. Now that we have that, we just need to Boss Key. Equip the hammer,
since we'll be using it a lot. Head back to the large panel and smash it down.
It'll fall, so follow it down. In here, smash away the pillar and it'll
magically disappear. Head through the door and pick off the Fire Keese with
the Bow. Now, face the pillar jutting out, and smash its end with the hammer
to reveal a large staircase. Before going down, take a small box with you, and
set it on the switch down there. This'll keep the bars on the door up. Head
through the sliding door to end up back in the complicated room with fire walls
as a maze.

Pound the panel to make it drop, and follow it down. Get up to the door, which
is the entrance to what seems like a building. The switch is rusted, so pound
it with the hammer to open the door. Head inside. Face the blue block and
play the Song of Time to move it. Jump across to the other side and pound the
rusted switch to free the Goron below. Drop down, talk to him, and open the
chest for a SMALL KEY. ...And just when you thought you would get the Boss
Key out of doing this. Oh well.

But wait! Look at your map. There's still some unexplored territory in the
first floor. Let's head back down there. To get back there, climb the blue
block, and go through the door. Jump across, and pound the pillar to make it
fall. Now you can use it to cross to the boss room! Follow it down, and land
(without getting injured...???) and head to the entrance room. Go down the
stairs, and pound away the pillar here. Use the final Small Key of the temple
to unlock this door. In here, you must get rid of ALL the enemies. Once you
do, the next door will be unlocked. In here, shield against the flying floor
tiles, and kill the Like Like from a distance. Get the Gold Skulltula here,
then continue to the next room. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 070 out of 100) You'll
encounter another Flare Dancer. Defeat it the same way as before, and open the
small chest for some BOMBS. Head into the next room, pound the rusty switch to
release the Goron, and open the chest for the BOSS KEY. Head through the door,
and get back to the room where you met Darunia. Cross the lava pit, and open
the door with your newly acquired key.

BOSS: Volvagia, Subterranean Lava Dragon

This dragon looks more like a flying snake that breathes fire, but anyway...
Wait for Volvagia to reveal its head, and when it does, it will throw its fiery
hair to try to attack you. (It swings it like a girl...Is it a she?) Stay away
from her(?) hair attack, and go up to her and pound her head down with the
Hammer. Keep hitting her with the hammer until she retreats. The next time
she reveals herself, she'll fly out and start attacking you. Avoid her until
she gets back underground. She'll then reveal her head again. Repeat this
process until she's dead. As you damage her, she'll try to trick you by having
fire come up where she should appear, but then she appears in another hole.  Be

SPEEDY STRATEGY: When she starts flying around, drop down the sides slowly and 
you'll grab onto the sides as if its a grate or vine, or something. Doing this 
will make her lose her interest in attacking you and will go back underground 

Wait until Volvagia's head disintegrates so you can pick up the HEART CONTAINER
then exit using the light. Darunia will show up in the Chamber of Sages with
you and reveal to you that he's the Sage of Fire. In exchange for helping the
Gorons, he'll give you the FIRE MEDALLION. Before that, you'll see a cinema
showing the clouds above Kakariko Village and Death Mountain being lifted.

Swords: Kokiri Sword, Master Sword
Shields: Deku Shield, Hylian Shield
Tunics: Kokiri Tunic, Goron Tunic
Boots: Kokiri Boots
Other: Bullet Bag (Holds 50), Quiver (Holds 40), Bomb Bag (Holds 40), Goron's 
Bracelet, Golden Scale, Stone of Agony

ITEMS: (shown left to right)
Deku Sticks
Deku Nuts
Fairy Bow
Din's Fire
Farore's Wind
Fairy Slingshot
Ocarina of Time
Lens of Truth
Magic Beans (1)
Megaton Hammer

Zelda's Lullaby
Epona's Song
Saria's Song
Sun's Song
Song of Time
Song of Storms
Minuet of Forest
Bolero of Fire
Prelude of Light

Broken Goron's Sword
Mask of Truth


Gold Skulltulas: 70
Heart Pieces: 30 (2)
Upgrades: 9 (Deku Seeds: 50, Deku Sticks: 30, Deku Nuts: 40, Bombs: 40,
Arrows: 40)
Boss Heart Containers: 5

Advanced Spin Slash (Hold B until the sword is yellow, then release)
Din's Fire (C Item)
Farore's Wind (C Item)

Total Health: 15 Hearts

Ice Cavern and Collection Quest [Wlk15]
You'll be dropped back outside the Fire Temple. Ride the Magic Plant, and wait
for the perfect opportunity to jump off to where the Goron City entrance is.
You see the boulders here? A couple of them block the way to a Great Fairy
Fountain. Smash them with the hammer (takes a couple smacks) to break them,
and head inside. Play the Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce emblem and she'll
appear to give you a magic bar enhancement. You now have twice the magic
power! Exit. There's a boulder near the Goron City entrance that hides a
Secret Cave. If you're desperate for some ammunition of anything, go in there
to buy some from Business Deku Scrubs. Either way, head to Death Mountain
Trail by going through Goron City. Head to where the Bomb Flower was (the one
you used in the Past to open Dodongo's Cavern) and you'll see a red boulder.
Smash it with the hammer to reveal a Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 71 out
of 100)

Next, act like you're climbing Death Mountain again, and at the place where the
rocks fell down on you in the Past, smash the boulder that's against the wall
to reveal another Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 72 out of 100) Remember
that these two Gold Skulltulas don't appear unless it's night. Now, head to
the summit, and walk to the right wall. A HUMONGOUS Goron will show up. He
says that the eruption from Death Mountain irritated his eyes. (Remember that 
it erupted a little bit after clearing the Fire Temple.) In exchange for the 
Broken Goron's Sword, (he'll fix it) he'll give you a PRESCRIPTION for eye 
treatment. Only then will he fix the sword. Well, we really have nothing else 
to do, so let's head to Zora's Domain.

Hey King Zora! We need a...oh yeah. He's still frozen over. ... Well, let's
try to thaw him out. Let's go to the Ice Cavern. There may be something we
can find there. (I know, it doesn't make sense.) Head to Zora's Fountain, and
cross the ice platforms over to that cave entrance you see.


Welcome to the frigid Ice Cavern! Let's see what we can find...

Head through the hall here, slashing away any icicles in the way, being careful
of the ones that fall from the ceiling, and you'll reach a room with Freezards
and a spike trap. Take care of the Freezards, including the one moving through
the room, and you'll open a gate. Continue. In this next room, we must find
Silver Rupees in order to continue. Get the ones in the path of the ice fan,
then grab the one surrounded by icicles in a corner near the entrance of this
room. Right where the fourth Silver Rupee is, look up and Hookshot the Gold
Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 073 out of 100) Grab the last Silver Rupee near
the gate and it'll open, allowing passage further into the Cavern. While in
the hall, you have some dangers here. While crossing the ice, you have spike
traps and Freezards to deal with. Just keep going, getting rid of any threats
that you can until you get to the final room of the Cavern.

There are some new enemies here. Ice Keese, which freeze you on contact. Get
rid of them with the Bow before continuing through this room. First find the
Freezard that's moving around here and dispatch him. Next, start climbing up,
killing the Freezard, until you get to a torch with Blue Fire. This stuff can
be bottled. Put Blue Fire in at least three of your bottles. Kill the
Freezard, then melt the red ice surrounding the pot with Blue Fire. Inside the
pot is a PURPLE RUPEE. Melt the larger block of red ice and open the large
chest inside for the DUNGEON MAP of this Cavern. Excellent. Refill those two
bottles with Blue Fire, then head back to the ice blade room. Melt the red ice
wall to the left and go through that hall. In here, clear all the icicles,
then pick off the Keese with the Bow. Just to be on the safe side. Melt the
red ice to the right, and open the chest for this Cavern's COMPASS, and melt
the red ice to the left for a Piece of Heart. (HEART PIECES: 31 out of 36)
Look above where you got the Piece to see a Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS:
074 out of 100) Refill those bottles with Blue Fire again. Head back to the
ice blade room, and melt the red ice wall on the opposite side. Follow the
hall to the next room.

Take care of the Ice Keese, then Hookshot the Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS:
075 out of 100) Here's another Silver Rupee collection room. Here's a list:

- Get the first Silver Rupee on the lowest elevated rock.

- Get back to the entrance of the room, and push the block west. Use it to
 climb to a rock with this next Silver Rupee.

- Push the block north, climb it, and melt the red ice to get this Silver

- Push it west. The block with fall, but we need it to reset. And it will.
 So get back to the block and push it south. Collect this Silver Rupee on the

- Push the block west again and you should be able to reach the final Silver

The gate will unlock, so go through with the block's help. Get one more Blue
Fire in a bottle, and continue. Kill the Freezards, melt the red ice with one
blue fire, and enter the ice door to enter a shrine. You'll encounter a White
Wolfos. He's nothing different, so it won't be hard. Once he's dead, a large
chest will appear. Open it to get the IRON BOOTS. Sheik will appear and teach
you the SERENADE OF WATER. Use the Iron Boots to drop down to the bottom of
the pool of water. Now hurry here, you can't breathe underwater. Get out of
the water, and exit the Ice Cavern. Make sure you have one Blue Fire. Get
back to Zora's Domain, and thaw out the Zora King with the Blue Fire. Get to
the pedestal and talk to him. He'll thank you for reviving him, and will give
you the ZORA TUNIC. This allows you to breathe underwater. Neat. Equip it.

Go back to the Fountain and use the Iron Boots to sink to the bottom. Find the
Piece of Heart here. (HEART PIECES: 32 out of 36) Head back into Zora's Domain.
Head to where the Diving Game was held, look out and to the left, and you'll
see a Gold Skulltula on the wall. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 076 out of 100) Give the
Prescription to the Zora King, and he'll give you a fresh EYEBALL FROG. It'll
spoil in three minutes. Quickly get back to your horse, and ride like the wind
to Lake Hylia. Bring the Frog to the old man in the Laboratory and he'll make
THE WORLD'S GREATEST EYE DROPS for you. This will go bad soon as well. So
ride like the wind over to Kakariko Village using your horse. Once you're at
Death Mountain Trail, use the Magic Plant as a shortcut. If you reach the
place in time, the Biggoron will give you the CLAIM CHECK. After waiting three
days, show him the Claim Check and he'll give you the BIGGORON'S SWORD.

Congrats! You got the most powerful sword in the game! However, this is so
heavy that Link has to carry it with both hands, so you can't shield with it.
(Notice that you can play the Sun's Song so those three days will pass by 
quickly.) Now get back to Hyrule Field. Go over to the area where trees are
surrounded by a river. Plant a bomb at the lone tree to open a Secret Cave.
Head inside, and put on the Iron Boots to sink to the bottom. You'll find a
Piece of Heart! (HEART PIECES: 33 out of 36) Warp to Lake Hylia with the
Serenade of Water. Head back inside the Lakeside Laboratory, and sink to the
bottom of the pool with the Iron Boots. Roll into the crate to reveal a Gold
Skulltula. You can't use a sword underwater, so Hookshot it. (GOLD SKULLTULAS:
077 out of 100) Now, using the Iron Boots, sink down to the bottom of the water
in Lake Hylia. Hookshot the blue crystal above the gate to raise it, and enter.

Swords: Kokiri Sword, Master Sword, Biggoron's Sword
Shields: Deku Shield, Hylian Shield
Tunics: Kokiri Tunic, Goron Tunic, Zora Tunic
Boots: Kokiri Boots, Iron Boots
Other: Bullet Bag (Holds 50), Quiver (Holds 40), Bomb Bag (Holds 40), Goron's 
Bracelet, Golden Scale, Stone of Agony

ITEMS: (shown left to right)
Deku Sticks
Deku Nuts
Fairy Bow
Din's Fire
Farore's Wind
Fairy Slingshot
Ocarina of Time
Lens of Truth
Magic Beans (1)
Megaton Hammer

Zelda's Lullaby
Epona's Song
Saria's Song
Sun's Song
Song of Time
Song of Storms
Minuet of Forest
Bolero of Fire
Serenade of Water
Prelude of Light

Claim Check
Mask of Truth


Gold Skulltulas: 77
Heart Pieces: 33 (1)
Upgrades: 9 (Deku Seeds: 50, Deku Sticks: 30, Deku Nuts: 40, Bombs: 40,
Arrows: 40)
Boss Heart Containers: 5

Advanced Spin Slash (Hold B until the sword is yellow, then release)
Din's Fire (C Item)
Farore's Wind (C Item)
Magic Meter Upgrade (Double the magic!)

Total Health: 16 Hearts

Marriage? ...Oh crap. [Wlk16]
This section covers the Water Temple only. Let's get busy. Unequip the Iron
Boots to surface. (From now on, when I say "sink", that means equip your Iron
Boots to sink to the bottom of water. This'll save me some explanation.) Head
to the right, go through the hall, and sink to the bottom. Grab the block
ahead and pull it as far as it can go, then turn around. Hookshot the symbol
here to get back up without unequipping the Iron Boots. Back at the main room,
sink to the next level (the ledge should have two pots) and head through.
You'll encounter Stingers. Kill them with the Hookshot, then Hookshot to the
top. Unequip the Iron Boots. You'll see a chest surrounded by a water jet and
a crystal switch. The best solution to this is to stand near the water jet,
and hit the crystal with an Arrow. Open the large chest while the jet is down
to get the COMPASS for this temple. Head back to the main room. Sink down to
the very bottom this time, and head into the hall you land by. (Careful of the
Spikes...) You'll meet Princess Ruto, all grown up. After some jabber about
the wedding, she'll ask you to follow her. Get all the way up to the surface
of the water, and head into the door.

Defeat all the Spikes here to reveal a large chest. Open it for the DUNGEON
MAP! Now head into the previous room. Stand underneath the Triforce symbol
and play Zelda's Lullaby to lower the water. Now you have to light the two
torches here. To do so, stand behind the lit torch, and fire arrows through
the fire to the unlit torches. Doing this will make the arrowheads catch on
fire and light the torches. Once they're lit, head through the door. Kill the
Shell Blades by Hookshotting them when they open, and a chest will appear.
Open it to get a SMALL KEY. Head back to the main room. At the west side,
climb up the block there, and push the other block until it falls. Sink down
to the bottom, go to the end, and rise back to the top. In here, hit the
crystal switch to raise a water jet, and use it as a platform to get to the
other side. In here, sink to the flat portion of the pipe. This is the best
spot for Hookshotting to the hall. First, hit the crystal switch in the dragon
head's mouth to open the gate, then Hookshot to the hall. Go past the Shell
Blades carefully, and open the chest at the surface of the water for a SMALL
KEY. Hit the crystal switch to open the gate so you can get back. Go all the
way back to the main room. Use the Hookshot for the final leg of the return
trip. Now go down the south hall, and bomb the cracked floor at the end.

Sink down, kill the Shell Blade, and rise to the surface at the top. Step on
the switch to raise the water slightly and to raise a pillar. Hookshot to the
pillar, defeat the Tektites, and use the Advanced Spin Slash to hit the
crystal switch, opening the gate. There's a Gold Skulltula here. (GOLD
SKULLTULAS: 078 out of 100) Head back to the main room. Use a Small Key to
open the door ahead of you. Inside, find a Hookshot panel, get up to it, and
play Zelda's Lullaby to raise the water level. Head through the door here.
Head back to where you met Ruto, and that is by going down the east hall on
the bottom floor. Once you get to the room, rise to the surface to see a
cracked wall. Bomb it, then open the chest for a SMALL KEY. As tradition in
this temple, head back to the main room and to the surface of the water.

In the central pillar of the room, fire an arrow through a lit torch to an
unlit torch on the north side to open a barred door. Enter the tower and sink 
to the bottom, being careful of the spikes, and you'll see another hall going 
deeper. Follow it. At the end, Hookshot the crystal to release a horde of 
enemies, all which have to be killed with the Hookshot. (Only weapon to use 
underwater.) Once all of them are gone, head to the surface of the water where 
the gate opened. Open the chest for a SMALL KEY. Yet again, head back to the 
main room. Head over to the locked door on the west side, and head through. 
Here, stand on the water jet and wait for a Tektite to fall. Get rid of it, 
then stand on the water jet again. Hit the crystal with an arrow to make the 
water jet rise. At the top, head through the door.

Play Zelda's Lullaby by the Triforce emblem to raise the water at its highest
point again. Go to the west side to see another locked door. Open it and go
through. Drop down the platforms, and keep Hookshotting up to the top. Unlock
the door, and in here, kill the Tektites first from up here, then hit the
crystal to raise the water. Hookshot across, then hit the crystal again to
lower the water. Hookshot across, climb over the statue, and hit the crystal
again. Hookshot across, hit the crystal, get on the statue, and hit the
crystal again to get to the upper part of the room. Kill the Tektites, and
wait for the Like Like to get out of the way before you Hookshot to where it
is. Kill the Like Like, refill your arrows with the pots if needed, and head
into the next room.

Woah...This is a wierd room. Head forward to find a locked door. Turn back
and you'll see a shadow of yourself.

MINI-BOSS: Dark Link

An exact copy of yourself, and it's one of the hardest bosses in the game!
It attacks right when you attack, it dodges when you jump slash, and when you
try to lunge stab it, it hops onto your sword then hops back off. Talk about
tough! The thing about this guy is that in order to defeat him, DON'T Z/L
TARGET HIM! If you do target him, you'll always endlessly clash swords. You
will get hit a lot, and I suggest having a fairy with you, but don't target
him and he'll actually have a harder time blocking your attacks. He's
extremely hard with normal means, but you can do it on your first try. Of
course, you COULD use Din's Fire... Another thing to note is that Dark Link
has as much health as you do, and each Master Sword hit takes off a heart of
Dark Link's health. In other words, if you're going for a three-heart
challenge, Dark Link will only need three hits to kill. Finally, a cool thing
I noticed, you can slow down Shadow Link's movements if you equip the Iron
Boots. Yep, it seems everything you do is reflected onto Dark Link.

Bryson emailed me and pointed out that if you L(or Z)-target Dark Link and
use the thrust attack with the Biggoron's Sword, it'll hit him every time.
Thanks, Bryson!

Another tip, this time from Matt Wall. If you don't have the Biggoron's Sword
and don't want to get the Giant's Knife, the Megaton Hammer works just as well
on Shadow Link. Just be aware that you can't shield, so you'll need some good
dodging skills if you're going for this method.

Yet another tip, from NarutoDude10's cousin. If you have Deku Nuts, use one to
stun Dark Link, then go in for a slash. I've tried this, and it only works
once, as afterwards he'll dodge your Deku Nuts to avoid getting stunned. So
try to go for a powerful slash, like a jump strike.

Out of all the strategies, Iron Boots + Megaton Hammer/Biggoron's Sword seems 
to work REALLY well.

Head through the next door, and open the large chest for the LONGSHOT. It's
an upgraded Hookshot, and reaches twice as far. Behind the chest is a blue
block. Remove it by playing the Song of Time, and fall through. You'll
encounter an underground river. Equip the Iron Boots, and avoid the whirlpools
in the river. Near the third whirlpool is a Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS:
079 out of 100) Keep going and you'll see a platform with two pots. One has a
fairy, so bottle it. Walk over to the other platform, then hit the gold eye
switch with an arrow to open the nearby gate temporarily. Take off the Iron
Boots and get to where the gate opened. Open the chest for a SMALL KEY, and
go down this hall. You'll realize you're back in a familiar area. Just head
back to the main room.

Now to look for the Boss Key. But first, head through the west door. Longshot 
to the symbol, and look up at the ceiling to see a Gold Skulltula. (GOLD 
SKULLTULAS: 080 out of 100) Don't worry about how far it is. Just fire the 
Longshot and you'll get it. Now head back to the main room, back to where Ruto
is, and surface. Play Zelda's Lullaby to lower the water level, and return to
the main room. Enter the tower, Longshot up, and play Zelda's Lullaby to raise
the water level to its second height. Exit through the door here. Go to the 
south side, hit the gold eye switch with an arrow, and Longshot across quickly. 
Follow the new hall, push the block until you hear a chime, then turn right. 
Open the chest for a SMALL KEY, then go to the opposite side. Longshot up and 
you'll get back to the main room.

Drop back down, and enter the tower. (Remember, light the torch nearby with an
arrow.) Longshot to the top and look around to see a Gold Skulltula. Longshot
it. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 081 out of 100) Now exit and sink to the bottom. Go down 
the north hall and rise to the surface at the end. Get on the ledge behind you, 
then Longshot across, entering the locked door with one of your keys. Inside, 
kill all the Tektites, then swim across quickly. Head through the door. Kill 
all the Stingers, then bomb both the east and west sides of the north wall.

Head through the west opening, push the block until you can't, then go to the
east side, pull the block 'til you can't, then push the block the rest of the
way until it drops down to the underwater switch. This'll raise the water.
Get to the door up there. Step on the switch to raise some water jets, and
hop across carefully. Go through the door. Wait until a boulder passes by,
then equip the Iron Boots and go to the water. Get a Gold Skulltula around
here, (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 082 out of 100) then drop down below it. Kill the
Shell Blade, then float to the top. Open the chest for the BOSS KEY. Now
let's get back to the main room, using the water stream from the previous
boulder area to get back to the room full of Tektites.

Once back at the main room, enter the west door, head through the water jet 
room like before, and enter the door. Raise the water level. Now, look to the
north. You'll see a statue has risen. Longshot to it. Both of the pots here 
contain a fairy in each. Bottle them if you wish. In this next room, stay to 
the extreme sides, avoiding the spike traps. You gotta keep moving or else you
will slip. If you manage to get past it, open the boss door. Inside, stand on 
one of the pillars to start this fight.

BOSS: Morpha, Giant Aquatic Anemone

Basically, this thing has a moving brain. It only has one attack, but it's
really powerful. It'll throw itself towards you, and if it grabs you, you'll
suffer three hearts of damage. To damage the boss, dodge its attack and its
brain will move around its body. Longshot the brain to snatch it away, and
start slashing it. It'll then retreat back into its body. As you damage it,
it'll form its body even when the brain is outside of it. So be careful of
this ruse. It'll even still form two bodies at once. Just keep slashing the 
brain until it's dead.

SPEEDY STRATEGY: To keep the brain from escaping while you're attacking it,
Longshot between slashes and you should take care of it more quickly.

After the battle, it'll disappear, so grab the HEART CONTAINER then leave
through the light. Back in the Chamber of Sages, Link meets up with Ruto. She
reveals that she's the Sage of Water. She also said she was joking about the
marriage, so that's a relief. She'll give you the WATER MEDALLION. Lake Hylia
will be refilled with water again as you can see in a cinema. Sheik will talk
to you, and then stylishly leave.

Swords: Kokiri Sword, Master Sword, Biggoron's Sword
Shields: Deku Shield, Hylian Shield
Tunics: Kokiri Tunic, Goron Tunic, Zora Tunic
Boots: Kokiri Boots, Iron Boots
Other: Bullet Bag (Holds 50), Quiver (Holds 40), Bomb Bag (Holds 40), Goron's 
Bracelet, Golden Scale, Stone of Agony

ITEMS: (shown left to right)
Deku Sticks
Deku Nuts
Fairy Bow
Din's Fire
Farore's Wind
Fairy Slingshot
Ocarina of Time
Lens of Truth
Magic Beans (1)
Megaton Hammer

Zelda's Lullaby
Epona's Song
Saria's Song
Sun's Song
Song of Time
Song of Storms
Minuet of Forest
Bolero of Fire
Serenade of Water
Prelude of Light

Claim Check
Mask of Truth


Gold Skulltulas: 82
Heart Pieces: 33 (1)
Upgrades: 9 (Deku Seeds: 50, Deku Sticks: 30, Deku Nuts: 40, Bombs: 40,
Arrows: 40)
Boss Heart Containers: 6

Advanced Spin Slash (Hold B until the sword is yellow, then release)
Din's Fire (C Item)
Farore's Wind (C Item)
Magic Meter Upgrade (Double the magic!)

Total Health: 17 Hearts

Shadows Lurk in Kakariko... [Wlk17]
This section covers the Shadow Temple, along with a couple of other things.

Right at the island you are on, make sure it's night, then Longshot to the tree
so you'll stand on its branch. Up here, Longshot the Gold Skulltula on the
tree. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 083 out of 100) Now, stand on the stone quay on this
island, aim at the sky a little above the two pillars, and wait for morning to
come. As soon as you see the sun coming over the horizon, fire an arrow at
it. If you did it just right, a cinema will show something fall from the sun.
Go over to where it fell and you'll get FIRE ARROWS. These arrows use magic to
engulf the arrows in fire. To do this, just set the arrows themselves to the
C button the Bow is on. ***I got a tip from someone. If you play the Sun's Song
on this platform where you get the Fire Arrows, a fairy will appear that 
restores health and magic power. You can't bottle the fairy though.*** Now, 
let's head to Kakariko Village. Once you get there, you'll notice everything is 
on fire. Watch the cinema. After it's over, Sheik will teach you the NOCTURNE 
OF SHADOW, the only way to enter the Shadow Temple. He will then ask you to 
please save Impa, the Sage of Shadow, and help her to seal the shadows once and 
for all. He will then leave.

Play the Nocturne of Shadow and you'll warp to a ledge above the graveyard,
unreachable by other means. Go through the entryway to see a room with a bunch
of torches and a platform. Get on the platform and use Din's Fire. This'll
light all the torches at once and will open the large door. Enter through...


Welcome to the dark reaches of the Shadow Temple!

Head forward and turn right. Longshot across and walk through the fake wall.
In this large room, put on the Lens of Truth, and look for a fake wall to your
left. Go through the door, go through the fake wall, and use the Lens of Truth
to find another fake wall to your right. Head through the door, and defeat the
Redead, and the two Keese. Doing this will reveal a large chest containing the
DUNGEON MAP. Exit, and turn right to see another fake wall (with the Lens on).
(From now on, when I say "see a fake wall", I mean to find it with the Lens of
Truth.) In the next room the same as the previous one, turn right, then left,
and you'll see a fake wall. Go through it and you'll find a Dead Hand, the
same thing you fought at the Bottom of the Well. Defeat it the same way and a
large chest will appear. Open it to get the HOVER BOOTS. These allow you to
hover over an abyss for a very limited time. However, this also severely
decreases your traction, so you'll slide a few inches after stopping from a

Head back to the main room with the statues. In here, using the Lens of Truth,
find the skull statue that doesn't disappear. Once you find that one, move the
bird statue by pushing the panel sticking out of it, until the bird is facing
the skull that doesn't disappear. This will open the door ahead. Cross the
pit using the Hover Boots, and go down the long hall. Bomb the Beamos, and
turn right through the fake wall. Kill the Gibdos to make another large chest
appear. Open it for the COMPASS. Return to the Beamos room and head through
the north fake wall. In here, avoid the large spinning scythe statue, and
collect the Silver Rupees in this room. Two are in enclosed areas and another
is on top of a crate that must be Longshot to. This'll open a small cell with
a chest. Open it for a SMALL KEY. Head back to the Beamos room and bomb the
east wall. Open the locked door and go through this hall, being careful of
Skulltulas and guillotines. Once you reach the large room, wait for a
Wallmaster to fall down before you continue. Kill it.

Pass through the guillotines until you reach the end with a Stalfos. Kill it
with the Biggoron's Sword if you wish. Look east with the Lens of Truth to see
a hidden floor. Follow it to a door. Inside is an invisible spinning scythe
statue. Just stay at the perimeter of the room and you'll avoid it. The
object here is to kill all the enemies in here. There's Keese and a Like Like.
The Like Like can be killed instantly with the Biggoron's Sword, and the Keese
can be picked off with either the Bow or Longshot. Once they're all dead, the
cell will open. Inside is a Gold Skulltula and a chest with a Blue Rupee.
(GOLD SKULLTULAS: 084 out of 100) Use the Lens of Truth to see another chest.
Open it for a bundle of arrows, then head back to the large room's Stalfos
platform. Jump onto the rising and lowering platform on the west, and head to
the area where you see Silver Rupees. If you're wondering where the last one
is, it's under the Beamos. Go through the gate that opens, and you'll see
dropping spike platforms. If you look to the right with the Lens of Truth,
you'll see a block. Pull it out, then push the block past the spike platforms.
Keep it at a place where it'll block both platforms, and head to the other

At the south cell is a Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 085 out of 100) The
north cell has a chest containing a bundle of arrows. Pull the block to the
end, and use it to climb up to the top portion of the room. Jump to the south
side, open the chest for a Blue Rupee, and step on the switch to make a chest
drop. Go over to it and open it for a SMALL KEY. Return to the large room.
Head over to the guillotine, put on the Lens of Truth, and jump past the
guillotine when it raises. Wait until the moving platform gets in range, hop
on it, then hop to the locked door. Open it. In here, use the Lens of Truth
to see the invisible spikes, and kill the Redeads to make a chest appear. Get
a Blue Rupee from it, and start collecting the Silver Rupees in here. Three
will have to be gotten by using the Longshot, and the other one will have to be
jumped to. Once you get them all, the door will open, so head in. (The bottom

In here, head behind the skull to find a Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 086
out of 100) Next, get to the upper level of the room, kill the Keese, and drop
a Bomb or bomb flower into the skull. Doing this will release a SMALL KEY.
Head back to the invisible spike room after killing the Keese so the door will
open back up. In the spike room, look for an invisible Longshot panel above
the locked door on the ledge. Head through after unlocking it. Go through the
hall, keeping your Iron Boots on so you won't be blown away from the fans.
There's one gap where you have to Longshot across using a jutting out piece of
wood on the ceiling. Just get to the door at the end, avoiding the flames the
silver eye panel fires at you. Inside, kill the ReDeads and use the Lens of
Truth to see a chest containing a bundle of arrows. Return to the room with
a pit on either side (and a bunch of fans). Look right to see a fake wall with
a door behind it. To get across, simply roll across using the Hover Boots.

Inside, kill the Gibdos to make a chest containing a Blue Rupee appear. Now,
check the corners for a lump of dirt with a crack. Bomb it to reveal an
invisible chest. Open it for a SMALL KEY. Use it to open the door ahead.
Move the large block on your left into the indentation, then climb up it. Turn
around to face the ledge on the other side, then play Scarecrow's Song. Long-
shot to the scarecrow, and get the Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 087 out of
100) Now jump to the boat, and play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce emblem to
make the boat move. As it sails to the other end of this room, two Stalfos
enemies will attack you. You can either fight them or be a bully by shoving
them overboard. Whichever you prefer. Once the boat stops, get off before it
sinks on you. Now go through the nearest door here. In here are a bunch of
invisible walls. Use the Lens of Truth to get through here, and go through the
north door.

You'll notice that spiked walls are closing in on you. AAHH! But wait, the
walls are made of wood...Equip Din's Fire and use it to burn away those walls.
Head to the left, kill the Redead, and open the chest for a BLUE RUPEE. Over
to the right is a different chest. Kill the Redead there, and open the chest
for the BOSS KEY. Head back to the previous room, and take the west door.
Climb up the stairs, and throw bomb flowers into the skulls. One of them has a 
bunch of Rupees. Once you bomb them all, get the Gold Skulltula here, and go 
back to the previous room. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 088 out of 100) Head to the south
door this time. Kill the invisible Floormaster enemy to make a chest appear.
Open it for a SMALL KEY. Head back to the boat room. Equip Fire Arrows, and
fire them at the bomb flowers across the gap. This'll weaken the structure by
them and will make it fall, creating a bridge. Go across, and open the locked

In this wierd room, use the Lens of Truth to see some invisible platforms,
though some of them are too far to jump to. Equip the Hover Boots and
carefully get to the boss door. Prepare for one of the wierdest bosses in the

BOSS: Bongo Bongo, Phantom Shadow Beast

Fall down the hole to start this boss. You're standing on a huge bongo, and
this boss keeps beating down on it. Every time he beats, you bounce. First of
all, you have to arrow its hands. Do so, and the boss will try to ram you.
Use the Lens of Truth to see him, and put an arrow into his eye. This'll stun
him, so go up to him and slash him until he's dead. The Biggoron's Sword works

As long as you keep this battle short, it's easy. If not, he'll start some
hefty attacks, such as punching you, smashing you, and shoving you off.

SPEEDY STRATEGY: The Biggoron's Sword with the shield stab technique is your
best friend when he's stunned.

After beating this guy, a HEART CONTAINER will appear, and a light. Grab the
Heart, and go into the light. You'll see Impa as the Shadow Sage, and she'll
give you the SHADOW MEDALLION. Afterwards, you'll be dropped back to the
Graveyard. Head to Goron City now.

Swords: Kokiri Sword, Master Sword, Biggoron's Sword
Shields: Deku Shield, Hylian Shield
Tunics: Kokiri Tunic, Goron Tunic, Zora Tunic
Boots: Kokiri Boots, Iron Boots, Hover Boots
Other: Bullet Bag (Holds 50), Quiver (Holds 40), Bomb Bag (Holds 40), Goron's 
Bracelet, Golden Scale, Stone of Agony

ITEMS: (shown left to right)
Deku Sticks
Deku Nuts
Fairy Bow
 |- Fire Arrows
Din's Fire
Farore's Wind
Fairy Slingshot
Ocarina of Time
Lens of Truth
Magic Beans (1)
Megaton Hammer

Zelda's Lullaby
Epona's Song
Saria's Song
Sun's Song
Song of Time
Song of Storms
Minuet of Forest
Bolero of Fire
Serenade of Water
Nocturne of Shadow
Prelude of Light

Claim Check
Mask of Truth


Gold Skulltulas: 88
Heart Pieces: 33 (1)
Upgrades: 9 (Deku Seeds: 50, Deku Sticks: 30, Deku Nuts: 40, Bombs: 40,
Arrows: 40)
Boss Heart Containers: 7

Advanced Spin Slash (Hold B until the sword is yellow, then release)
Din's Fire (C Item)
Farore's Wind (C Item)
Magic Meter Upgrade (Double the magic!)

Total Health: 18 Hearts

Training and a Massive Desert [Wlk18]
This section covers the Gerudo Fortress and Training Grounds.
Head back to Hyrule Field, and ride Epona back to Gerudo Valley. Jump across 
the broken bridge, and leave Epona here with the carpenter. (I'm sure he'll 
take care of her.) Break all the rocks here to reveal a chest. Open it for a 
PURPLE RUPEE, if you need some money. Continue on, and you'll get caught by the 
Gerudo, and thrown into a cell high up.

Heh, it seems the Gerudo aren't that smart, since there's a wooden exit that
can be Longshot to. Use it, but don't fall off the ledge. Jump off to the
left to land on a platform on the fortress. Enter through the opening here,
and be careful of the Gerudo guards here. You can stun them with the Longshot,
so if you're unsure of your stealth skills, stun them. Or better yet, shoot
them with the Fairy Bow and you'll knock them out. Your objective after taking 
the corner is to go past the guards and go into the hall to your left in this 
room. Once in the hall, quickly Longshot to the far wooden pole, and climb the 
ramp to the outside.

You're now above your cell. Smash the crate for a Purple Rupee, and look to
the left. Longshot to the treasure chest and open it for a Piece of Heart.
(HEART PIECES: 34 out of 36) Get to the southern cliff wall, and drop down on
the south side. Look up at the cliff side to see a Gold Skulltula at night. 
Drop west twice and head into the northern entrance. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 089 out 
of 100) Head down the hall to see a carpenter locked up. Talk to him and a 
Gerudo thief will drop down behind you. This time, you have to fight her before 
she stuns you and takes you back to the cell. Basically, shield from any 
attacks and deliver some of your own. Use the Biggoron's Sword if you wish, but 
you can't use your shield. Either way, once she's beaten, she'll drop a SMALL 
KEY. Use it to free the carpenter. Talk to him and he'll leave. Follow him and
you'll be outside. Yikes! Hide behind a crate before they spot you!

Head into the northern hallway here and you'll find another carpenter locked
up. Talk to him and another guard will drop down. Defeat her in the same way
to get a SMALL KEY, and use it to free the carpenter. Go back the way you
came, and play the Song of Storms. A Secret Cave should appear. Inside is a
Fairy Fountain, in case you need some. Either way, head into the east opening
now. Up here, go up and turn right. Be careful of the Gerudo at the end, and
when she isn't looking, take the outside exit to the right. Out here,
carefully go around the corner and you'll see a Gerudo guard. Stun her when
she isn't looking, and head into the entrance up here.

Inside you'll see two cells. One is open, and the other has another carpenter
locked inside. You know what to do. After the ordeal is over with, continue
down the hall. Out here, take the next entrance up here. Use the Hover Boots
to go across the room, and head out once more. Drop down to the north and head
into the northern entrance. (This is above another northern entrance.) Inside,
wait until the Gerudo guard walks by (heading towards the right) then knock her 
out with an arrow. Follow the hall, go through the left hall, and at the end is 
another carpenter with a cell. Free him, and you'll see a Gerudo guard 
watching you. She says that she's been watching you all this time, and she's 
impressed at your stealth skills, so she decides to make you an official member 
of the Gerudo by giving you a Membership Card. Now, get outside and fall down 
to the ground. If you look south, you'll see a Gerudo in white clothing 
standing in front of a cage. Talk to her and she'll ask if you want to partake 
in the Gerudo Training Grounds. Say yes (after paying) and enter.

Gerudo Training Grounds

Make sure to save here. This can really test your skills at times. In this
mini dungeon, climb up the stairs, turn around, and fire an arrow at the eye
switch for a chest containing a BLUE RUPEE. There's another chest here which
contains a bundle of arrows. Facing away from the entrance, take the left 
door. Make sure you have your Biggoron's Sword before entering. Inside, you 
have to fight two Stalfos in under a minute. Be quick. After defeating them, a 
chest with a SMALL KEY appears. Head into the next door.

Your next challenge is to collect all the Silver Rupees in under 1:30 minutes.
The best way to do this is to head forward, skip the first right and go down
the second right. Take another right after the ramp, and grab the Silver Rupee
(caution to the boulders). The next one can be found by going back, taking the
second left. Follow this path and jump off to get the Silver Rupee. Now,
Longshot to the panel above the next Silver Rupee to grab it. Turn around and
head to the left. Take another left to find a Silver Rupee. Now go against
the flow of boulders and grab the final Silver Rupee at the end. Now, Longshot
over the fire wall, and take the door on your left.

This next room has no time limit, thank goodness. Your first task is to kill
four Wolfos here. (Two are white ones) Easy enough. Once they're gone, a chest 
with a bundle of Arrows will appear. Facing as if you entered the room, use
the Lens of Truth to see a hidden hall above the right door. Go through that.
Step on the button and head into the next room.

In here, jump onto the platform below and hit all the statue's eyes with the 
Bow. Doing this will make a chest with a SMALL KEY appear. Take it then exit
through the door by using the Longshot. In this next room, simply kill all
the enemies to unlock the door and reveal a chest with a bundle of Arrows. Get
those arrows, but don't take the door just yet. The objective is to find the
SECRET entrance here. Smash away all the statues with the Megaton Hammer to
find a gold eye switch and a ground switch. Step on the ground switch to lower
the fire in the center. Quickly get the SMALL KEY inside the chest the fire
was protecting, then hit the eye switch with an Arrow. Head into the door
that's not in the hall.

In here, equip the Hover Boots. You're supposed to collect Silver Rupees here
above a pit of lava. Go out and turn around. Longshot to the Silver Rupee
above you. Drop down to the nearest pillar, and collect the Silver Rupees on
the way to the switch. Hit the switch then head to where the fire was to
collect the last Silver Rupee. Now head into the door that's on the ledge.

Next, stand away from the blue blocks and use the Song of Time to remove them.
Equip the Iron Boots and sink to the bottom. Kill the enemies first to make it
easier, and then start collecting Silver Rupees using a combination of
Longshots and swimming (without the Iron Boots) and sinking and you'll get
them. Oh, make sure you wear the Zora Tunic so you won't drown. Once you have
them, rise to the top, collect the SMALL KEY inside the chest, and head back to
the lava room. Head into the door on your left.

Inside you'll fight two Dinalfos. Kill them quickly with the Biggoron's Sword,
and bomb the Beamos to clear this timed room.  Collect the SMALL KEY from the
chest. Backtrack to the lava room. Get to the ledge with the button and play 
the Song of Time to make some blocks appear. Climb up them, grab the SMALL 
KEY, and head through the opening.

We're now in the room that contains the treasure we're looking for, but we
can't get to it yet. Open the chest in front of you for a BOMBCHU, and then
open the chest to the right (when you enter) for some Arrows. Get to the lava
room. Continue from the Dinalfos room to return back at the first room of the
dungeon. Head down the right entrance to get to another entrance of that 
treasure room. Go through two locked doors starting at the left, and open the 
chest for a PURPLE RUPEE. Continue through until you reach another chest with a 
RED RUPEE. Continue for a chest with Arrows. Continue through the last door 
to find yourself that you don't have any more keys to continue. OK, backtrack 
to the small room you enter when you go through the first locked door from this 
area's entrance, and use the Lens of Truth to find a hole in the ceiling.  
Climb up to it and collect the SMALL KEY in the chest. Head back to the last 
locked door and open the chest for the ICE ARROWS. This uses magic power to 
freeze enemies. It's actually an optional item, but if you like completeness, 
go for it. I'm sure you'll find a use for them anyway. Head back to the exit 
of this dungeon.

#1: Head left from the entrance and defeat the two Stalfos in under a minute.

#2: In the next room, succeed in the Silver Rupee challenge, and in the next
 room after that, use the Lens of Truth to see an opening above a fake door.
 Take that opening, and you'll arrive at a room with a statue surrounded by
 lava. Shoot arrows into all the statue's eyes to get this Small Key.

#3: In the next room, smash all the statues in the perimeter of this enemy-
 filled room to find a ground switch. Stepping on it will lower the fire
 surrounding the chest which contains a Small Key.

#4: The room after is filled with lava and small platforms in which you need
 the Hover Boots to traverse. Collect the Silver Rupees here, then head into 
 the door on the ledge. (not up stairs) Inside is another room filled with 
 Silver Rupees, except you have to collect them underwater. Use the Song of 
 Time near the blue blocks to gain access to the water.

#5: Back in the lava room, head through the door following a set of stairs.
 Kill the Dinolfos and Beamos here in under 1 minute 30 seconds.

#6: Continue and you'll be back at the first room. Take the left path again
 until you reach the statue room, and head through the door up here. Inside is
 a chest containing this Small Key.

#7: Back in the lava room, go to where the ground switch is and play the Song
 of Time to make some blue blocks appear. Climb up them and grab the Small Key.

#8: In the first room of this dungeon, head through the door straight across
 from the entrance to be at the treasure room. Unlock the door on your left 
 and look up with the Lens of Truth to see a hole in the ceiling. Climb up 
 there and grab the Small Key from the chest.

#9: From the first room of this dungeon, head left, and continue until you
 reach the room of Wolfos's. See the grey discolored wall with a symbol on it?
 Using the Silver Gauntlets from the Spirit Temple, push this huge block until
 it drops. Head through the door to encounter a room infested with Like Likes.
 Kill them all with the Biggoron's Sword and two chests will appear. One has a
 HUGE RUPEE and the other has a BLUE RUPEE. Ignore the chest on the ledge 
 (it'll freeze you if you open it) and use the Lens of Truth to find the final 
 chest in here, which contains this last key.

Head back to where you left Epona, (you may have to call Epona with her song) 
and take her to the Fortress. Get up the ramp at the end, and head right until 
you see a path. Follow it until you reach a large secluded area. If it's 
still night, head to the far left of this area and you'll find a Gold 
Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 090 out of 100) Now change it to day and head to 
the small shack to see a Gerudo. Talk to her while on your horse and she'll 
ask if you want to do some Horseback Archery. Say yes. The first goal here is 
to acquire 1000 points. Easy enough. The pots are worth 100 points, the outer 
rim of the targets are 30, inner rim is 60, and the very center is 100.  
Obviously you should hit the pots and the center of the targets. If you 
successfully get 1000 points, you'll get a Piece of Heart. (HEART PIECES: 35 
out of 36) Lucky us! One more Piece of Heart left! But wait, the Gerudo 
offers you another challenge: to get 1500 points. It doesn't sound difficult 
compared to the previous challenge, but it is actually quite hard. Here's a 

- At the start, aim right and hit all the pots with one arrow each. (Saving
 ammo is vital here.)

- Turn over to the target at the front and fire at the center twice.

- As you turn around, aim at the line of targets and hit the center of each
 target twice.

- Use up the rest of your ammo by hitting the center of the last target.

That's all I can tell you. The rest just requires skill in precision aiming
during stress. If you actually manage to pull this off, I commend you, and
so does the Gerudo by giving you the BIGGEST QUIVER, which allows you to carry
50 Arrows. Alright, now head to the north side of this fortress area, and
you'll see a gate blocking the way to a huge desert. Climb the ladder nearby
and talk to the Gerudo up there and after some negotiating, she'll let you
through, as well as give advice on how not to get lost. Head through. (You
don't need your horse, so leave her behind.)

Here in the Haunted Wasteland, we have to pass the first trial she mentioned,
and we're right on front of this River of Sand. Simply hop onto the crate
ahead and Longshot one of the other crates across the River to cross. Now,
prepare to squint your eyes, as in order to continue, you must follow flags,
and they're usually hard to see. Shortly after venturing away from the River,
you'll see a sign pointing to a Carpet Shop. You shouldn't actually go here,
as this guy's a rip-off. He sells only one thing, and it changes every day.
The thing is, he won't let you actually see what you're buying unless you pay
him, and it's usually a hefty price. Unless you really have money to waste,
I'd suggest you ignore him.

Anyway, continuing on through the flag markers, you'll eventually come across a
secret shrine. Stop here for a minute and go inside. Ah...a relief from that
intense desert wind. Too bad there's no water hole in here, it would've made
our stop complete. Ah well, heroes don't eat or drink...at least in video
games. Anyway, inside are two torches and a Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS:
091 out of 100) After getting the spider, light the two torches with Fire
Arrows to make a chest appear. Open it for a PURPLE RUPEE. Crawl back out and
climb up to the top and put on the Lens of Truth to find the Poe guide the
Gerudo was talking about. Follow this Poe, keeping the Lens of Truth on, until
you finally reach a huge monument, called the Desert Colossus. Careful of the
Leevers here. Look to your right and you'll see two palm trees. Bomb the
cracked wall between those trees and head inside to find another Great Fairy
Fountain. You know what to do to summon her. This time she'll give you
NAYRU'S LOVE, which protects you from any damage for a few minutes. Yeah, you
heard that right. Minutes, not seconds. Very helpful for boss battles. Any-
way, if you need some fairies, head over to the south, toward the circle in the
mini-map. At this empty grove, play the Song of Storms on the flat rock to
fill the grove, creating a Fairy Fountain. At this same place, at night, a
Gold Skulltula is on a nearby palm tree. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 092 out of 100)
That's it for now. Head inside the Colossus.

Swords: Kokiri Sword, Master Sword, Biggoron's Sword
Shields: Deku Shield, Hylian Shield
Tunics: Kokiri Tunic, Goron Tunic, Zora Tunic
Boots: Kokiri Boots, Iron Boots, Hover Boots
Other: Bullet Bag (Holds 50), Quiver (Holds 50), Bomb Bag (Holds 40), Goron's 
Bracelet, Golden Scale, Stone of Agony, Gerudo's Membership Card

ITEMS: (shown left to right)
Deku Sticks
Deku Nuts
Fairy Bow
 |- Fire Arrows
 |- Ice Arrows
Din's Fire
Farore's Wind
Nayru's Love
Fairy Slingshot
Ocarina of Time
Lens of Truth
Magic Beans (1)
Megaton Hammer

Zelda's Lullaby
Epona's Song
Saria's Song
Sun's Song
Song of Time
Song of Storms
Minuet of Forest
Bolero of Fire
Serenade of Water
Nocturne of Shadow
Prelude of Light

Claim Check
Mask of Truth


Gold Skulltulas: 92
Heart Pieces: 35 (3)
Upgrades: 10 (Deku Seeds: 50, Deku Sticks: 30, Deku Nuts: 40, Bombs: 40,
Arrows: 50) (ALL!)
Boss Heart Containers: 7

Advanced Spin Slash (Hold B until the sword is yellow, then release)
Din's Fire (C Item)
Farore's Wind (C Item)
Magic Meter Upgrade (Double the magic!)
Nayru's Love (C Item)

Total Health: 18 Hearts

Past and Future Spirits [Wlk19]
This section covers the longest temple in the game, the Spirit Temple, visited
by both Young Link and Adult Link.

Inside, walk forward and you'll find that you actually can't progress. Oh
well. Exit. Hey, good ole' Sheik appeared. He tells you a few things, then
teaches you the REQUIEM OF SPIRIT. Awesome. We need to get here as Young
Link, so use the Prelude of Light to warp to the Temple of Time, put the Master
Sword back in its place, and warp back to the Desert Colossus using the new
song you learned. Back here, as Young Link, drop a Bottle of Bugs onto the
plot of dirt (no need to recapture any bugs) to make a Gold Skulltula pop out.
(GOLD SKULLTULAS: 093 out of 100) Plant your last Magic Bean onto the same plot
of dirt, and head inside the Collosus.

Young Link's "Spiritual Quest"

Head back to the two statues you saw when you were older, and you'll see a
Gerudo near a crawlspace. Talk to her, and say you're not really doing
anything, and that you hate Ganondorf. (What luck, she hates him too.) She'll
explain that she's looking for the Silver Gauntlets here, which will allow her
to go deep into the temple to mess up Ganondorf's plans. Unfortunately, the
only passage in here is too small for her to crawl through. Agree to help her
find the Gauntlets and crawl through the hole. At the other side, take care of
some Fire Keese, and kill the Armos being surrounded by a spike trap. (Plant
a bomb by it, then touch the Armos to wake it before the bomb explodes and
it'll be gone.) After killing the Keese and the Armos, head into the left door.
Defeat a Stalfos here, and kill the large Green Bubble. Now, use the Boomerang
to hit the crystal switch behind the gate. Hitting it will lower the gate,
creating a bridge. Open the chest across the bridge for a BLUE RUPEE. (A Deku
Shield if you lost your current one....it seems the chests with Blue Rupees
contain something you lost.) Head through the door.

In here you'll encounter a puzzle dealing with an annoying enemy, Anubis. This
enemy always mimics your position like a mirror. Its only weakness is fire.
Not fire from Fire Arrows, but simply fire. If you hit the crystal switch to
your right, you'll see some fire rise up. Well, that's where you need Anubis
to go. Just move to the opposite platform of the fire and Anubis will move to
act like your mirror. Once Anubis is gone, head through the door. (If the fire
goes down, stay where you are and hit the crystal switch with the Slingshot.)

There's a Wallmaster here, so beware. Best thing to do is wait for it to fall,
get out of the way, and kill it so it won't bother you. Now, you have to
collect five Silver Rupees to open the gate. Two are at the top and you must
climb for them, two are at the foot of the gate, and one is behind the torch.
Cross the now lowered gate, and kill the Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 094
out of 100) Now, take a Deku Stick and light it with the lit torch behind the
gate, and go to the two unlit ones and light them. This will make a chest fall
onto the carpet. Open it for a SMALL KEY. Head out the next door to appear
back at that room with the Armos. Crawl through the crawlspace and open the
door with the key. You're now in an enclosed room with ridges to climb up.
Kill the Skullwalltulas first before climbing it. At the top, turn around and
kill the Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 095 out of 100) Alright, in this
room, kill the Skullwalltulas and two Lizalfos, then hit the crystal switch
with the Boomerang to make a chest appear. Open it for some BOMBCHUS. There's
another chest which contains a BLUE RUPEE. (or Deku Shield if you lost yours)
Alright, look up at the rocks. You should see some light peering out of them.
Plant a Bombchu and have it scurry over to the rock that has light peering out
of it, and it'll blow it up. This'll make the light cover the sun face on the
ground, thus activating it and opening the door. Whew. Head through the door.

Bear left and push the statue onto the switch below. Drop down, and head to
the unlit torches. Stand on the platform between them, and use Din's Fire. A
large treasure chest will appear in front of you, so open it to get the DUNGEON
MAP. Now that you have that, head back to the statue, climb up, and go up the
flight of stairs. Head into the door here, and climb up this spiral staircase
to the top. Blow up the Beamos with Bombchus to be safe, and we'll start
collecting Silver Rupees. Once they're all collected, a torch will light. Get
a Deku Stick out and light it with that torch, then start lighting all the
unlit torches quickly. Doing so will make a chest containing a SMALL KEY
appear. Get it, then move the block with a sun face on its top over to the
light to open the next door. Continue.

Turn right around and look up to find another Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS:
096 out of 100) Head up the staircase and unlock the door. Head over to the
enemy resting on the chair. Hmm...he doesn't budge. Try whacking it with the
sword. YIKES!!!!

MINI-BOSS: Iron Knuckle

This is a tough cookie to crumble as Young Link. Just avoid any attacks he 
does, as they severely hurt. Deliver with some attacks of your own. This
battle will take a while, but just hold out and you'll eventually win. I think
it would be wise to use Nayru's Love right about now....though you can just
throw bombs at him if you have enough. Thanks to Rocket2323 for the bombs tip.

After beating him, head through the door, and you'll go outside....where you'll
meet the annoying owl. (AGH!  I thought we were done with him!) After a few
words from him, he'll fly off. Actually, he just gave you some very good
advice for the upcoming boss. Maybe he isn't that bad... Anyway, open the
treasure chest next to you to get the SILVER GAUNTLETS. Now you can push and
lift heavy things!Unfortunately, they're too big for you right now.  Ah well.

Hold on, someone yelled. Nabooru?!? She's being sucked into a dark magic
portal by those witches the owl mentioned...Ah crap! Poor Nabooru! Those
witches must pay! ...But you're too young to fight them. Well, you know what
to do! Warp back to the Temple of Time, grab the Master Sword, and warp back
to the Collosus.

Before entering, ride the Magic Plant, as there's a Piece of Heart on the arch,
and a Gold Skulltula on a big rock. (HEART PIECES: 36 out of 36) (GOLD
SKULLTULAS: 097 out of 100) Hooray, you got the last Piece of Heart in the
game! Also, the game must be nighttime to make the Skulltula appear. Now,
enter the Colossus.

Adult Link's "Spiritual Quest"

Head up the steps, and turn right to see a portion of the wall that's
discolored. This is a movable block. Push it out of the way, then bomb the
Beamos. Now, hit the crystal switch on the ceiling to unlock the doors. Go
through the door to the left, and kill the Wolfos here. Next, stand on the
Triforce emblem, play Zelda's Lullaby, Longshot to the large chest that 
appears, and open it for the COMPASS. Head back to the previous room, and take
the other door. (The one not locked.) In here, get all the Silver Rupees to
unlock the next door. (The first one you see has to be collected with the
Hover Boots.) Don't leave yet. Play the Song of Time in front of the blue
block to move it, revealing another Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 098 out
of 100) Head into the next room.

Be careful! A Like Like falls down and attempts to swallow you. Kill it
before it takes your stuff. After it's dead, open the chest for a SMALL KEY.
Take it, backtrack to the Beamos room, and unlock the door there. Kill the
Like Like here, and Longshot to the top. (Quicker than just climbing.) In here,
wear the Lens of Truth to reveal a Floormaster. Kill it, then move the central
structure to each sun face. One of them opens the next door, make sure to
find that. Two sun faces drop chests. One has a RECOVERY HEART and another
freezes you when you open it. The other summons a Wallmaster.  When you find
the right sun face, head through the next door. In here, head to the other
side, and climb up the stairs. Instead of heading through the door, turn right
and play your Scarecrow's Song. Longshot across, and kill the Gold Skulltula
here. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 099 out of 100) Now get over to the door you entered by
Longshotting to it. Climb up the staircase, use the Hover Boots to get onto
the statue's hand, and play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce mark. Longshot to
the chest that appeared and open it for a SMALL KEY. Get back to where you
used the Hover Boots and Longshot to the new chest up here. Now slam the
rusted switch with the Megaton Hammer to open the door. Head through it.
We're actually allowing quick access from the entrance to the statue room, so
push the blocks into the holes, and slam the rusted switch with the hammer to
activate an elevator-type platform taking you to the entrance. Now head back,
and go through the east locked door.

Take out the Beamos, and continue. In here, plant a Bombchu straight across
from the Beamos. The Bombchu will reach it, despite the pit being there. Now,
kill all the Anubis with Fire Arrows and the barred doors will open. Continue
through the only one you can. (One you entered the room with, the other
requires a key.) In this next room, there's a switch that opens the door to the
right, but it's a pressure sensitive switch, always needing something on it to
keep it down. Well, you figure there's four statues here, so you could move
one to the switch, but they're all actually Armos enemies. To solve this
puzzle, head to the right door, aim your Bow towards the Armos across from the
switch. Shoot it and it will hop towards you. When it's on the switch, enter
the door quickly. In this staircase, use the Lens of Truth to see two chests
which both contain a RECOVERY HEART. Continue.

You'll encounter another Iron Knuckle, but this is easier since you have access
to the Biggoron's Sword. Waste the enemy, then head through the door to go
back outside. You're now on the Colossus's left hand. Open the chest for a
MIRROR SHIELD, allowing you to reflect light and other stuff. I advise you put
it on right now. Head back to the room with four Armos. Stand where the light
is, and hold R to bring out your shield. Angle your shield so that the light
will hit the sun face. (Angling the shield uses the Control Stick.) This'll
open the door here. Enter to find a chest with a SMALL KEY. Go back to the
room with all the Anubis enemies, and use the key to open the locked door here.
Kill the Beamos, then climb up this wall. Sections of the climbable portions
come into alignment, climb when they do. Or you can just Longshot to the top.
Either way, once you're at the top, kill the Beamos and head through the door. 
Stand in front of the door here and play Zelda's Lullaby to open the door. Head 
inside and kill the Torch Slugs. Now, bomb all the fake doors here, as one of 
them hides a golden eye switch. Hit it with the Bow, Longshot to the ceiling, 
and jump to the platform with a switch. Step on it to lower the fire 
surrounding the chest. Open it for the BOSS KEY, then exit this room.

Go up the stairs and enter the door. Inside, beware the flying pots, and hit
the crystal switch behind the gate with the Biggoron's Sword to open a door.
Head through. Kill the Lizalfos, then continue, killing all the White Bubbles.
Head back to the Lizalfos section, and use the Mirror Shield to burn away the
sun face. A chest will appear that contains BOMBS. Now turn the mirror statue
towards the lump in the wall, and bomb that lump. Head through, kill the
Lizalfos, and turn THIS mirror statue over to the large mirror past the gate.
(You were here before.) Head back to the large mirror, stand in the light, and
use the Mirror Shield to reflect light to the sun face, lowering the platform
you are on. This'll bring you back to the large statue room. Reflect light
onto the face to make it crumble. When the face is gone, Longshot across and
open the door.

BOSS: Iron Knuckle??

Go ahead and kill this one, but it's a lot tougher than a normal Iron Knuckle.
When you defeat it...

Wha? Nabooru? Oh crap, the witches are here again...and they took her away!
Go after them! Once you climb up to the platform, the true battle starts...

BOSS: Twinrova, Sorceress Sisters

The thing about this boss is that they consist of two entities, and each witch
has a single attack. One fires a powerful ice beam, the other fires a powerful
fire beam. In order to damage these witches, you must reflect their spells
with the Mirror Shield and point it toward the other witch. In other words,
if you're reflecting an ice beam, point it toward the witch that has the power
of fire to damage her. If you're having trouble facing the boss that fires the
beam, Z (or L) target the boss then break out of lock-on. That way you'll be
perfectly facing the boss. Each witch needs to take a few hits before the next
phase begins.

They begin to merge together to form an entity that fires both ice and fire
projectiles. The Mirror Shield is once again useful here. If a projectile
hits your shield, the shield will absorb the magic contained in that
projectile. You must absorb three projectiles OF THE SAME ELEMENT. If you
absorb two fires and one ice, it'll cancel out and you'll have to try again.
It doesn't matter what element you absorb, it must be three of the same kind.
Once you do, you'll fire a beam of that element, stunning her. Now's your
chance. Rush to her and start slashing her repeatedly. Repeat the process
until she's dead.

SPEEDY STRATEGY: Since reflecting the beams and absorbing the projectiles are
random or hard to speed up, when you absorb the last projectile needed to stun
her, run toward her as you absorb the projectile, and as soon as she's stunned,
break your lock, get out the Biggoron's Sword as you jump over, and shield stab

Watch the funny cutscene, then find the HEART CONTAINER. Use the light to
exit. After revealing that Nabooru is indeed a Sage of the Spirit Temple, she
gives you the SPIRIT MEDALLION. And yes, she decides to let you keep the
Silver Gauntlets. Now that you have all the Medallions, Rauru the Sage tells
you to return to the Temple of Time....someone is waiting for you there.

Swords: Kokiri Sword, Master Sword, Biggoron's Sword
Shields: Deku Shield, Hylian Shield, Mirror Shield
Tunics: Kokiri Tunic, Goron Tunic, Zora Tunic
Boots: Kokiri Boots, Iron Boots, Hover Boots
Other: Bullet Bag (Holds 50), Quiver (Holds 50), Bomb Bag (Holds 40), Goron's 
Bracelet, Silver Gauntlets, Golden Scale, Stone of Agony, Gerudo's Membership 

ITEMS: (shown left to right)
Deku Sticks
Deku Nuts
Fairy Bow
 |- Fire Arrows
 |- Ice Arrows
Din's Fire
Farore's Wind
Nayru's Love
Fairy Slingshot
Ocarina of Time
Lens of Truth
Magic Beans (0)
Megaton Hammer

Zelda's Lullaby
Epona's Song
Saria's Song
Sun's Song
Song of Time
Song of Storms
Minuet of Forest
Bolero of Fire
Serenade of Water
Requiem of Spirit
Nocturne of Shadow
Prelude of Light

Claim Check
Mask of Truth


Gold Skulltulas: 99
Heart Pieces: 36 (ALL!)
Upgrades: 10 (Deku Seeds: 50, Deku Sticks: 30, Deku Nuts: 40, Bombs: 40,
Arrows: 50) (ALL!)
Boss Heart Containers: 8 (ALL!)

Advanced Spin Slash (Hold B until the sword is yellow, then release)
Din's Fire (C Item)
Farore's Wind (C Item)
Magic Meter Upgrade (Double the magic!)
Nayru's Love (C Item)

Total Health: 20 Hearts (ALL!)

The Final Voyage! [Wlk20]
Can you believe it? All this and we've got almost everything in the game, even
ready to take on Ganondorf! But of course, let's get the stuff we CAN get
before we proceed. (Which isn't much.)

Right where you appear, you should see a white rock on the left of the screen.
Head over there and lift it up to find a Secret Cave, where you'll find
Business Scrubs selling Green Potions and Red Potions. I advise you take one
Green Potion and one Red Potion, then fill the other bottles with Fairies,
since the final area will be using a LOT of magic power and you might lose a
LOT of health. (You can get fairies back at the fairy fountain. It might be
empty, so use the Song of Storms on the flat rock if it is.) Now use either the
Serenade of Water or the Nocturne of Shadow so you can easily get back to
Hyrule Field, and ride Epona to Gerudo Valley.

Here, look down at the left to find another white rock on a ledge. Get down
there and lift the rock to reveal another Secret Cave. Inside is a lot of
Rupees. Great for recouping the 80 Rupee loss over those needed potions. You
can either dive or use the Iron Boots to get them. Now, exit, and head to
Zora's Fountain for one last thing. (Remember it's behind Zora's Domain, behind
Zora's River.) In here, head for the ledge far to the right and lift the white
boulder to reveal a hole. Drop down. Inside is actually a tunnel leading up.  
At the top is the FINAL Gold Skulltula. (GOLD SKULLTULAS: 100 out of 100) Be 
careful though: there's invisible Skulltulas hanging from the ceiling. Use the 
Lens of Truth to see them. Once you have that, head to Kakariko Village and 
get your last prize: a HUGE RUPEE. ...ALL THAT WORK FOR 200 RUPEES? AGH! 
*mumbles* Though...you can return there and he'll give you infinite Huge 

Anyway...head to the Temple of Time. Woah, what the? Oh, it's Sheik. After
explaining some more about the Triforce and each of its pieces, he reveals his
true self. HOLY CRAP! SHEIK'S A HERMAPHRODITE! Oh wait, it's Zelda. She
actually transformed herself into Sheik to hide from Ganondorf. Woah. Shortly
after she...ahem.."reveals" herself to you (God, that sounds wrong...)
Ganondorf captures her after she gives you the LIGHT ARROWS. Hooray! Um, yeah
we need to go get her back.  o head to Ganon's Castle. At the foot of the
cliff, the Sages will call you and create a bridge to the castle. Take it.

Ganon's Tower

Inside, head down the stairs, ignore the Beamos and go through the door.
You'll spot a central pillar surrounded by a force field, and all sides of the
room are fueling it from a power source. To get to each power source, you must
go through trials bearing each temple's respective themes. (Forest, Fire,
Water, Shadow, Spirit) Let's start taking out the power sources. First, head
through the door that has a purple mark above it. These are the Shadow themed
trials. We're going here first because there's actually an important item to
be had here.

First, you can Longshot to the chest for a BLUE RUPEE, if you want. Light the
distant torch with a Fire Arrow, and walk across the temporary bridge. Ignore
the Like Like and keep going to the next platform. If you're too late, just
light the torch again.  Once on the next platform, go down the platforms to the
right and step on a switch to make a large treasure chest fall down. Longshot
to it if the platforms are gone, and open it for the GOLDEN GAUNTLETS. These
allow you to lift even heavier rocks, even ones 10 times Link's size. No
kidding. Now equip the Lens of Truth and slowly walk across the bridge to the
rusted switch. Slam it with the hammer to open the door ahead, then cross the
other bridge. Past the door is the power source. Fire a Light Arrow straight
into the orange portion to destroy it. Impa will then appear and send you back
to the main room. The purple energy fueling the force field is now cut off.
Before we head to the next trial room, exit Ganon's Castle.

Cross the bridge and turn left, following the path to a large black stone.
Stand at its foot and press A. In a tremendous show of power, Link will lift
the huge stone and throw it behind him. Head inside to find the Great Fairy
of Courage. Wake her with the Lullaby and she'll double your defense. How 
cool! Head back to Ganon's Castle. Take the left entrance now. This is the
Spirit trials section. In here, bomb the Beamos, and collect all the Silver
Rupees here. The last one needs to be Longshot to. Once they're collected,
continue. Kill the Torch Slugs, and hit the crystal switch with a basic spin
slash (rotate Control Stick then press B) to make a chest fall down. Open it
for some BOMBCHUs. Plant a Bombchu across from the distant crystal switch to
let it scurry to the switch, hitting it and opening the door. Head to the
sun faces and fire a Fire Arrow at the web blocking the light. Reflect the
light to the correct sun face. The others are fake and each one makes a Wall-
master appear. Once you have the correct one, continue. Hit the power source
with a Light Arrow and Nabooru will take you back to the main room.

Head left and lift the huge stone. Go through for the Light trials room. Put
on the Lens of Truth to see a Skulltula and a bunch of bats. Killing them all
will make a chest appear. Ignore the others, as they're trapped ones. Open
the one that appeared to get a SMALL KEY. Use it to continue. Play Zelda's
Lullaby on the Triforce mark to make another chest appear with a SMALL KEY.
Use that to continue. In here, you have 1 minute to get all the Silver Rupees.
The last one needs to get Longshot to. Continue and you'll be at the power
source. Wait. Fake out! There's nothing here. Take out the Wallmaster and
use the Lens of Truth to find out that the wall is fake. Go through it to find
the real power source. Rauru will send you back to the main room after this is

Head left again and enter the Fire trials. (Make sure you have the Goron Tunic
on!)  In here, you have to collect all the Silver Rupees. Be careful, as every
platform here sinks to the lava. One thing of importance is lifting the huge
stone here so you can reach a Silver Rupee on the other side. If you have
trouble, the Hover Boots keep the main path from sinking, so wear them if
you're unsure of yourself. Once they're all collected, Longshot to the door
and go through. Light Arrow the power source and Darunia will send you back to
the main room.

Head left, skip the purple marked door (we did that before) and head into the
next set of trials. A combination of water and ice. Kill the Freezards to
unlock the door, but it's behind red ice. Capture some blue fire and use it
to melt the ice. Get another blue fire and continue. In here, you have 2
minutes to get this puzzle figured out. First, push the further block into the
hole. Next, push the other block right (in the perspective from entering the
room) then up, then left to make it slide under the red ice. Climb up to it
and melt the red ice to reveal a rusted switch. Slam it with the hammer to
open the door. Before continuing, the lone pot in this room has a fairy.
After bottling the fairy, continue, and you'll be at the power source here.
After destroying it, Ruto will send you back to the main room.

Head left for the final set of trials, the Forest set. In here, kill the
Wolfos to make a chest appear containing a BLUE RUPEE. Use Din's Fire to light
the four torches here, then immediately fire a Fire Arrow up at the torch above
the next door to open it. Continue. In here you have five more Silver Rupees
to collect. Get the Hover Boots on and wait until the fan next to you starts
blowing, and walk into its gust to go to the platform there. Next, bomb
the Beamos. Now to get the Silver Rupee above you, jump down to the switch to
make a statue with a Longshot panel rise up below the Silver Rupee. Just
Longshot to it now to get that one. The other Silver Rupees just need to be
hovered to. Once they're collected, the next door will open. Continue to find
the last power source. Destroy it and Saria will send you back to the main
room. Now, head through the central pillar's mouth, now that the force field
is gone.

Your magic power may be low by now. If it is, use your Green Potion. If you
wish, you can pick off the Fire Keese with your Bow, but it's unneeded. Head
up the staircase and head through the door to face two Dinalfos. No problem.
Kill them to continue. Up at the next room you'll face two Stalfos. After
they're gone, the fire around the chest will disappear. Open it for the BOSS
KEY. Continue into the next face-off room. (Dig the ominous organ music...)
Here you'll have to fight two Iron Knuckles. Take them nice and slow, and be 
careful, and you should make it. After the ordeal though, you may need to
refill your health. Go ahead and use your Red Potion. Continue and open the
next door with your boss key. Well, we're close. Head to the right and go
through the door. Climb up the long staircase and at the top, be sure to

You'll see Zelda in that crystal, trapped above Ganondorf. All of a sudden,
all the pieces of Triforce resonate. Ganondorf says a few words, then hits you
with a giant beam of darkness, preventing your Navi friend from helping you.
Uh oh! You can't lock on anymore!

BOSS: Ganondorf, Great King of Evil

The boss starts out by pounding the ground. Quickly roll away to the outer rim
so you won't fall down. Just like Phantom Ganon, Ganondorf throws magic spells
that you have to reflect back at him with sword swipes. (Or oddly enough, Empty
Bottles) There's one extra attack he has though. When you see both his arms
raised and energy gathers toward him, he'll fire multiple magic spells at you
simultaneously. In order to deflect those, use the Advanced Spin Slash. Once
he finally gets hit by a spell, quickly get the Light Arrows out and hit him
with one before he recovers. Once he's hit, he'll lower to the ground. Quickly 
get to him and slash him before he gets back up. If he does, retreat and repeat 
the process until he's dead. Another thing to do is that, when he's charging up
for that multiple magic spell attack, he's open for a Light Arrow to the face.
Saves magic, actually, so thanks, WiiKyle!

SPEEDY STRATEGY: It's risky, because you're so close and because there's a
chance he'll use the ground pound, you can get right on the central platform
Ganondorf is hovering above, leaving the 'dorf no time to react once you
reflect his spells.  Once he's down, either shield stab with the Biggoron's
Sword or do quick spin slashes. (Rotate stick then immediately press B)

Ganondorf will be at his knees, breathing heavily. He wonders how he's beaten
by you, and then he coughs up green blood. (Actually, us lucky guys who played
it when it came out actually had him cough red blood up. Realism for the win!)
Then the room starts to decompose. Afterwards, you'll find Ganondorf's corpse,
and Zelda. She'll say something, and then the castle will start to collapse.
Hurry! We must escape!

Follow Princess Zelda through the castle. At one point she'll be trapped in
fire and you'll have to fight Stalfos. Be quick, as you don't have much time.
Once you free her, continue. At the end, beware of a Redead that'll stun you.
Kill it quickly. Once you exit, Link will look back and see the destruction.
After the castle completely flattens, Zelda says that we have got him. But
wait, you hear something coming from the rubble. Walk toward the rubble and
you'll see Ganondorf rising out of the rubble, and using the Triforce of Power
to transform into....


A demonic pig monster. Ganon slashes with his huge swords, making Link lose
his Master Sword. Uh oh! The way to defeat this monster is to either stun it
by shooting Light Arrows then going behind it, or rolling between its legs.
Either way, slash his tail with the Biggoron's Sword. If you don't have it, use
the Megaton Hammer. After dealing some damage, you're able to get your Master 
Sword back. All right, time for some butt whoopin'. Do the same thing you've 
been doing to him, although he's faster. After some more damage, Ganon will 
fall, and Zelda will keep him down, telling you to deal the final blow. The 
sages will power your sword for the final hit. Just head up to his head, and

Congrats! You just beat this game! Enjoy the ending!

  '_______                                                          [MQWlkthru]
    ´    ´' -----------------------------------       _________________________
   ´    ´   -----------------------------------      /
 .´   .´    -----Master Quest Walkthroughs-----     /
,--, ,--,   -----------------------------------    /
.__. .__.   -----------------------------------   /

This shows the walkthroughs of each temple/dungeon in Master Quest. I feel the
puzzles in Master Quest are different enough to warrant their own section. Note
that this does not tell you how to do stuff outside of the dungeons. It only
covers the dungeons/temples. However, if there are any outside world puzzles
that have been changed in the Master Quest version, they will be noted here as
well. This along with the Spoiler-Free Walkthrough below is a good combination.

Inside the Deku Tree
AS you start, you should see a hole with webbing covering it, an unlit torch
beside it, and a Withered Deku Baba. Climb up using the ladder (the vines have
Skullwalltulas on them that will knock you off) and follow the path up here,
killing the Keese and the Gohma Egg here before it hatches. Open the chest for
the DUNGEON MAP. Avoid crawling up the vines here for now, and instead roll 
into the nearby crate to break it, revealing a Gold Skulltula. Now climb up the
vines to the top level. Kill all the enemies here, then step on the switch to
make the torch up here light up, burning down the webbing. Head through the 

The door will lock behind you. Go down and kill the Gohma Egg, then climb back
up. The crates don't have anything, so climb them so you don't have to deal 
with the Deku Baba. Step on the switch to make the platforms rise, and jump
over to the other side. Kill the eggs on both the other ledge and in the
alcove, and on the wall to unlock the door and make a treasure chest appear in
the alcove. Open that to get the FAIRY SLINGSHOT. Ignore the torch in the 
center, lighting it with a Deku Stick only spawns a treasure chest with a Blue
Rupee inside. (Though, chests with Blue Rupees inside usually have Deku Shields
in them if you lost yours.) Exit this room.

Drop down to the second floor to find out that all the torches in this room 
have been lit because of that switch at the top. Before we continue, see the 
webbing covering the door? Light a Deku Stick using the torch by the chest with 
the Dungeon Map in it, and take it over to the webbing to burn it. Enter to 
battle a Big Deku Baba. Yeah, if you were expecting an easy Deku Scrub, you're 
wrong sadly. And yeah, it scared me too when I saw that huge thing lunge at me 
as soon as I entered. Kill it and the Gohma Eggs/Infants, and shoot the eye 
switch with the Slingshot. Continue.

Don't think about jumping across like last time, as a Big Skulltula will drop
down to stop you. Kill the Gohma Egg/Infant and the Big Skulltula, and snipe 
the Skullwalltulas on the vines. Climb up them, kill the egg, and open the 
chest for the COMPASS. Turn around and find the ladder. L-Target it and shoot
it to make it drop. Return to the main room and drop to the bottom. See the
torch? Light a Deku Stick, stand on the webbing, and crouch (R) to point the 
stick at the webbing and burn it. Drop/climb down. You can also use the web-
breaking trick by jumping down from the top, but it's harder. Besides, you're
down here anyway. Get on the ledge with two Dekus, and step on the switch to 
make the torch on the other ledge light up. Go to that torch, light a Deku 
Stick, and burn the webbing nearby. Step on the switch to make a treasure chest 
appear back on the previous ledge. The chest contains a Blue Rupee.

On the ledge with the torch, look for an eye switch and shoot it to open the
door. Enter. Kill the Deku Baba and the Gohma Eggs here, then go back. Light a
Deku Stick and re-enter that room. Light the two torches quickly to open the
door. Enter it. The chest to your left has a Recovery Heart inside. Step on the
blue switch to make the torch light for as long as you stand on the switch.
Wait for the platform to get near you, take out a Deku Stick, light it, and
take the platform. Duck to avoid the spiky trap, then quickly light the two
torches here on the other side to make the door ahead open. To get rid of the
Big Skulltula that's on the block you need to climb up to, get up against the
wall where its weak point is facing, and close to the block as possible. L-
Target it and shoot Deku Seeds at it to kill it. Climb up and enter.

Semi-difficult room here! Kill all the Gohma Larvae and the Deku Baba, then 
look around for a Keese to snipe to open the door ahead. Enter. Ah, a room with
four torches. Take down the Keese and step on the blue switch to light them 
all until you step off the switch. (If you thought fire would take down the 
Keese, you're wrong. They'll just change to Fire Keese to make it harder on 
yourself.) Light a Deku Stick and burn the webbing on the east end. Go through
the crawlspace to end up on another ledge in the first room you came to after
dropping down. Kill the Big Deku here, and get rid of the Business Scrub by
reflecting one of its nuts and talking to it. (He sells Deku Shields) Now, push
the block up here down to the water below, then go to the lit torch here. Light
a Deku Stick, take it over to the previous ledge using the block, and burn the
webbing on the floor by crouching while on it. Drop down.

Now, there are three Deku Scrubs here. We haven't encountered anything to tell
us the order, have we? Well, reflect a Deku Nut at the right Scrub, then the
left, then the center. Talk to the center Deku Scrub before it runs away, and
he'll give you tips about Queen Gohma before running away and opening the door
to the boss. The boss isn't too different.

- In the Compass room, there's some rocks right above some climbable vines. Use
 a Bombchu to blow them up, then climb up to kill a Gold Skulltula with the
- In the room with the spike trap over a pool of water, there's a blue block.
 Play the Song of Time near it to remove it and reveal a chest containing a 
 Purple Rupee. Play the Song of Time again to put the blue block back.
- There's a Gold Skulltula on the ceiling in the room with four torches with
 Keese resting on them. In order to reach it, you must play the Song of Time in
 front of the gravestones to make blue blocks appear leading up to the 
 Skulltula. Boomerang it to retrieve it.
- In the same room as above, burn the webbing on the northwest end of the room
 using a lit Deku Stick from the torches and enter the door. Kill all the 
 enemies and use the Boomerang to get the Gold Skulltula and its token.

Dodongo's Cavern
Pick up a bomb flower and use it to break the wall to the actual dungeon. Jump
to the center pillar and grab the Bomb Flower, and jump to the left, facing 
away from the entrance. Use the bomb to destroy the cracked wall there to 
reveal a Gossip Stone. Get a fairy bottled. (Play Zelda's Lullaby in front of a
Gossip Stone to get a free healing fairy.) Now, get back on the main pillar,
grab a bomb flower, and go to the other side to break the nearest cracked wall.
Open the chest for the DUNGEON MAP. Now, look down from here. See the rock?
Bomb it to reveal a switch.

Step on the switch to make one of the platforms elongate so that it will reach
the second floor. Take it up there. Cross the bridge up here and press the
switch to make a torch below light up, and a door to open. Drop down and go
through that door. This is the room with the staircase and bomb flowers 
surrounding it. There are some pots with Red Rupees in each, a crate on both
sides, and two Beamos. Ignore the Beamos for now and blow open the cracked 
wall with a bomb flower. Don't open the door. See the bomb flower on the wall?
Light a Deku Stick using the torch here, and light the bomb flower using the 
Deku Stick, then immediately carry the bomb flower to the gap in the bomb 
flowers surrounding the staircase to blow them all up and lower the staircase.

Now, on the west side of this room, kill the Beamos (with a bomb flower) and 
break the crate to get two Silver Rupees. Climb up. Ignore the elevator thing, 
it takes you to a Business Scrub who sells Deku Shields. Unless you lost yours, 
then go ahead. At any rate, on the path surrounding the walls of this room are 
some crates. Two of them have a Silver Rupee in both. The last one can be found 
by climbing the vine wall up here. Collecting that last one opens the door 
ahead. Go through. Kill all the Dodongos (the bomb flower on the center pillar 
should help) to open the door ahead and reveal a treasure chest. Open it for 
the COMPASS. Now continue.

You're back in the main room. Go across the bridge here and enter the next 
room. This is the same room with the spike traps, though there are no spike
traps. Instead, there are three unlit torches suspended in midair. Yeah, you
heard me right. There are three movable blocks here. What you must do is pull
them so that they are under the torches. Space the blocks so that you can jump
across them perfectly. Climb back up, light a Deku Stick using that torch, then
go down and light the other torches there. This opens up the room to the north.
Push a block to it so you can climb up there, and enter.

Time to fight some Gohma Larvae! It's safe to switch to your Deku Shield now,
so do it. You'll need the full shield use against these guys. Killing them all
will release the lock out of here and create a treasure chest containing a Blue
Rupee/Deku Shield. Now, break all the crates in here until you find a Gold
Skulltula. You know what to do. Head back and get to the east end of the midair
torch room. See the suspended ladder? Pull the block under it so that you can
climb up. Now, turn around to find a torch. Light a Deku Stick and take it to
the next room. (You will have to grab the ledge instead of climbing up the 
ladder.) Light the unlit torch there, burn the webbing, kill the Big Skulltula
quickly, then light another Deku Stick to light the other torch ahead.

Drop down, kill the Baby Dodongos, then push/pull the block here to the other
side so you can climb up it. Kill all the enemies in the hall, then light a
Deku Stick using the torch here, light the bomb flower on the wall, then carry
it to the cracked wall at the end. Open the door to fight two Lizalfos enemies.
Kill them, then continue. In this room, snipe all the Keese around here, then
drop down to look for a crystal switch. Before hitting it, search around for a
boulder. Note its location. Now, hit the switch to lower the fire on one of the
platforms. Climb back up, get on that platform, and look to the south to see an
alcove. Snipe the Keese then jump in there. Grab the bomb flower and use it to
blow up the rock to reveal a switch. Step on it to make the fire on the other
platform go out. Hit the crystal switch again and jump across to the next room

You're back in the midair torch room. Just head through back to the main room,
unless you want to grab the Blue Rupee/Deku Shield that's in the chest up here.
Back in the main room, destroy the boulders with the bomb flower. Back where we
started! So what now? Take a bomb flower here, and drop to the ledge below. 
Find the other cracked wall and blow it up. Enter the new room. See the two
elevator platforms? Take the left one up to a bomb flower. Use it to blow open
the boulder to reveal a Bomb Flower. (If you want a Red Potion, blow open the 
cracked wall and enter the room revealed. Reflect a Deku Nut back and talk to 
the Business Scrub to get the opportunity for a Red Potion for 40 Rupees.)

Pick up that bomb flower and place it at the bomb flower on the wall. This will
start a chain reaction, going to destroy the boulder stuck in the wall above.
This will reveal an eye switch. Shoot it to open the door. Continue. Kill the
Baby Dodongos in this hall, then continue to another fight with two Lizalfos.
Kill them and continue. Kill all the Poes in this room, then go back to where
you entered. Pick up the bomb flower and place it beneath the bomb flower on 
the wall. This will create a chain reaction and hit...something to open the 
door near where you entered. Ignore it for now and go to the other side. Pick
up a bomb flower there and place it beneath the bomb flowers there to create a
chain reaction and open the way forward. Enter, and open the treasure chest for
the BOMBS, finally.

Head back to the room you first fought Lizalfos. In other words, the top-right
room of the 2nd floor. See the wall of boulders on one end? Hop over there and
blow them up with your new Bombs. Follow the path up there to find a Gold 
Skulltula. Now head back to the main room, second floor, on the bridge above
that large Dodongo head structure. Drop bombs onto each of its eyes to open up
the mouth. Enter. Ignore the Baby Dodongos and enter the east hall. Kill the
Baby Dodongos in this next room and make your way to the other side. Pull the
gravestone nearest the fire wall and get on it. Throw a bomb over the fire to
the crystal switch, to make it go down. Hop over to the other side, where a
bunch of Armos await. Ignore them for now and take the door in the alcove.

Kill the Poe to unlock the way back out, and pull the gravestone to find a
treasure chest holding a Blue Rupee. Well, nothing much. Go back, kill the 
Armos, and place a bomb underneath the bomb flowers on the wall to activate
something, causing the icy blocks to form like stairs so you can climb them. Do
so and enter the next room. Follow the hall, pull the gravestone, step on the 
switch to open the next door. Enter that. Bomb the floor and drop to fight King 
Dodongo. The fight isn't much different.

- South of the staircase room, on the lower floor, is a room filled with blue
 blocks. Make them disappear by playing the Song of Time near them. The Gold
 Skulltula is in a corner.
- The room north of the Poe room. If it isn't open, use the bomb flower nearby
 and place it under the bomb flowers on the wall to open it. Inside, kill all
 the enemies then use the Boomerang to get the Gold Skulltula.
- In the room with tombstones, fire, and Armos, return as Adult Link. Climb 
 onto the top of the walls over where the Armos' are, and kill the Gold 
 Skulltula up there.

Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Move forward, kill all the Shaboms and the Octorok. Bomb the boulder to make a
switch bump appear. Step on it to make a treasure chest appear. Open it for the
DUNGEON MAP. Now, see the cows stuck in the sides of the mouth? L-Target them
and shoot them with the Fairy Slingshot. One will spawn a chest with Deku Nuts
inside, the other will open the door ahead. Go through. Kill the Biris and 
ignore the muscles in the way. Shoot the cow stuck in the wall to make another
chest appear. Can't reach it from here, so take the floating platform down.
Open the chest for some Deku Nuts, then look down below to see another cow 
stuck under there beneath the water. Poor thing is drowning! Know what we do to
drowning cows? ...Shoot 'em. Shoot the cow to make a treasure chest appear in a
hidden alcove. Swim down there towards the cow and surface. Open the chest for
the COMPASS. Step on the switch here to make the door up above open up. Take 
the platform up and enter that door.

Meet Ruto and follow her down the hole she dropped through. Drop down, kill the
enemies, then step on the switch to make a water jet appear where you stand.
Place Ruto onto the blue switch there, opening the door ahead. Now look for 
another stuck cow. Shoot it to make a treasure chest appear containing Deku 
Nuts. Go through the door. Take down the Lizalfos in the hall, then open the
chest when you get to the trench for some more Deku Nuts. Kill the Like Like 
and the Stingers to create a treasure chest in an alcove. Step on the switch
here to raise the water level, and climb up the vines to reach the chest. Open
it for the BOOMERANG. Now go back down, step on the switch, and swim to the
other side. Head through the hall and enter the door.

You'll appear back down where you got the Compass. Take the platform up and
return to the room with the holes in the ground/ulcers. Look around for a 
boulder in one of the stomach walls. Get a Bombchu up there or do a very-well
timed bomb throw to destroy it and reveal a cow. Shoot it to open the door
ahead, but there's a muscle in the way. Stun it with the Boomerang and climb up 
over it to enter the next room. In this intersection area, take a right. Ignore
the webbing and take the door you see. Shoot the cows to make Like Likes 
appear, so kill those to make a torch light up and a treasure chest to appear.
Open that for some Deku Sticks. Now, assuming you don't have Din's Fire, light
a stick using the torch, exit, and burn the webbing. Enter the new door. Kill
the tentacle thing with your Boomerang and return to the center of the 
intersection room.

Go west this time, and take the west-most room. Kill the tentacle there the
same way. Go back and take a left to enter the next room. Kill all the enemies
here (don't forget the one under the boulder!) and look for a boulder up in the
wall. Use a Bombchu or well-timed bomb throw to destroy it to reveal a Gold
Skulltula and kill it in the process. How to reach it? Well, step on the switch 
here to make a water jet appear on your feet. At its highest, use your 
Boomerang to get the Skulltula's token. Exit back to the center of the 
intersection and go completely north. Kill the Lizalfos and bomb the boulders 
there to reveal a blue switch. Remember seeing small crates somewhere around
here? Pick one up and place it onto that switch. Enter the door and kill that
last tentacle. Go back to the ulcer room and drop down.

Shoot the other cow here to make a treasure chest with Bombchus inside appear.
Collect it, pick up Ruto, that we cruelly left behind (like we had a choice...
excuse ME, princess!) and step on the switch that raises the water jet. Now use
the jet to jump over to the highest ledge here. Enter the door, watch the 
scene, and defeat the Bigocto. Take the platform up, shoot the cow, and enter
the door after taking care of the Bari. In this room, there's a cow in the 
ceiling which when shot, drops Deku Seeds, and also summons a cow on the 
ground, so you can fill up some bottles with Lon Lon Milk (by playing Epona's
Song). At any rate, stun the muscles with the Boomerang, grab a small crate, 
and hop across them to the next door. Place the crate on the blue switch and 
move on. You'll end up back at the Compass room, but much higher. Jump onto the 
ledge there and it will lower. Follow it, open the chest for a Recovery Heart, 
and enter the door.

In this room, take down the Like Likes, and shoot the east cow to make a 
treasure chest containing a Blue Rupee to appear. Shoot the other one to make
it rise. Shoot it twice more to make the door to the boss open. Now, climb this
pillar here in the center. Use Din's Fire to kill the Gold Skulltula, then L-
Target the token and use the Boomerang to catch it. Now enter the next door.
The boss isn't much different.

- Blue block in trench room/Boomerang room. Play the Song of Time by the blue
 block to make it disappear, revealing a Gold Skulltula.
- In room where Princess Ruto used to be, take the southwestern door to end up
 in a room with invisible enemies. Use the Lens of Truth to spot them and take
 them down with the Slingshot, and the Boomerang for the Stingers. Afterwards, 
 a Hookshot structure will appear underwater. It's just used to get you to the
 other side, so do so, and use Din's Fire to burn the webbing. Boomerang the
 Gold Skulltula.

Forest Temple
In the first room, climb up the vines to the right. Be careful of the 
Skullwalltulas! Be sneaky when going around them. Best thing to do is to take
down the nearest ones with the Hookshot, then climb up the left side. See the
Skullwalltula after the first one you pass? Stay just out of its range, and
climb past it as soon as it looks away. When up there, Hookshot the Big 
Skulltula and step on the switch to make a treasure chest appear. Open it for a
SMALL KEY. Drop down and enter the door. In this hall, Hookshot all the Big
Skulltulas, then head towards the locked door. Look up and to the left to see a
Gold Skulltula hidden in some shrubbery. Hookshot it then enter the locked 

Watch the scene, and head straight ahead up the staircase. Enter the door, then
play the Song of Time in front of the blue block. Enter the door. Kill the
Wolfos, and the door back will open, and a small chest containing a Small Key
will appear. Grab it, then head back to the main room. From here, take the
staircase to the right and open the door. Battle the Stalfos and enter the next
room. Take a left and follow the little path to a corner with a Gold Skulltula.
Go back and climb up the ladders. Follow the path until Navi grabs your 
attention. Pull the block here, then push it in the direction the arrows point
until it just about fits right between the walls in the hall. Now take the path
the block was blocking, turn the corner, then push the other block there until
it drops onto the notch. Go back and find a ladder around here. Climb it, turn
the corner to the right, and pull the red block as far as it can go. Go back to
the second green block you pushed, climb it.

Push this second red block until it falls onto the notch, then climb it. Hit 
the crystal switch to make a Hookshot target appear as a shortcut. Continue
climbing, kill the Blue Bubbles, and open the locked door up here. Go through
the hall and Navi will warn about Wallmasters. Drop down and open the colorful
chest for the BOSS KEY. Yep, already. Drop down the hole and kill the 
Floormaster to open the door. Enter it. Now follow the ledge up here and stop
at the door. Turn right and open that door instead. Kill the ReDead to get a
Small Key. Now exit and enter that other door you skipped. Hit the crystal
switch to turn it red. This not only moves some ice blocks in the block-pushing
room, but also twists that hall you went through earlier. Drop down and go back
up the room. Use that Hookshot structure as a shortcut. Enter the door at the
top and go through the twisted hall. Jump to the right and enter the locked 

Go downstairs and enter the door to enter a battle with some Stalfos. Kill them
all and open the treasure chest for the Fairy Bow. Go back (the door with the
red carpet) and snipe the pictures with the Poe inside them to make the Poe
escape. Fight her and open the chest for the DUNGEON MAP. Return to the room
where you got the Bow, and enter the other door. Reveal the next Poe and fight
her the same way as last time, and open the chest for the COMPASS. Now go back
until you reach the main room. Look northwest and shoot the eye switch above.
The door below it will open, so head through. In this grassy room, kill the
Octoroks, then find the well. Climb up the vines by it and kill the Gold 
Skulltula up there. Now head back to the main room and snipe the other eye
switch. Head through the door underneath it.

In this other grassy room, kill all the enemies here, then look down the well
here for an eye switch. Shoot it to drain the well, and head down it. Open the
chest for a Small Key. Walk clear over to the other side and look down at the
trench to see a Gold Skulltula. Kill it. Now, look up above the door you 
entered. See the Hookshot mark? There's a Gold Skulltula right next to it. Kill
it and pull yourself up there. Now, make sure there are three blue blocks up
here, and jump across them. On the last one, look up and kill the 
Skullwalltula, and Hookshot onto the vines. Climb up into the alcove and open
the chest for another Small Key. Hookshotting to the other alcove just gets you
to a shortcut to the other grassy room. Just kill the Big Skulltula in there 
and shoot an arrow through the torch to burn the webbing. At any rate, remember
the stairwell where you killed the Blue Poe? Well, head back there, and open 
the locked door at the top.

In this new room, take the ladder to your right and head through the hall of
Green Bubbles. Open the locked door there. In here, see the blue switch? Don't
step on it just yet. Instead, jump over to the ledge with the small crate. Pick
it up and place it on the switch, then get onto one of the revolving platforms
and shoot an arrow through the fire of the torch to light it at the frozen eye
switch. This will thaw it and activate it, turning the hall you just went 
through around. To get back there, just remove the small crate from the switch.
Head through the now-twisted hall, and drop down the hole there to get to a
checkered floor room. Watch the openings in the falling ceiling and take those,
after killing the Big Skulltulas that are guarding those spots. There are two
switches and a locked door at the end. One switch opens another door back where
you fell down here, and the other makes a treasure chest appear. Open that for
a bundle of Arrows. Now head through that door that was opened. Drop down 
gently, kill the Deku Baba, and open the chest for a Small Key. Now, to get 
back up, if there isn't a blue block on the ground, play the Song of Time to
make one appear, then get on it. Play the Song of Time on that to make another
appear; get on that. Finally, play the Song of Time one more time and hop 
across to the door.

Now traverse that falling ceiling room to the locked door and enter it. In this
room, shoot the portrait, then push the blocks so that the top of the blocks
replicate the portrait. Successfully doing that within a minute will make the
Yellow Poe appear. Kill her, then head through the door to end up back in the
main room. Kill the last Poe by shooting the right one (the one that spins as
soon as she clones herself) and once she's gone, you'll be able to take the
elevator down, so take it. See the notches on the walls? Pushing them will spin
the whole room around. A couple of notes:

- There is a small chest containing a bundle of arrows.
- In a seemingly empty room with blue carpet all around, look for an eye switch
 to shoot.
- One of the cages requires shooting a crystal switch.

Shooting the eye switch and stepping on all the switches allows you to enter
the hall to the Boss door. In the boss room, head in, then try to escape to
start the fight. The fight itself isn't that much different.

Fire Temple
NOTE: Before entering, make sure you brought at least one or two Green Potions.
You're going to be using Din's Fire a lot, and the small magic bar you have 
just won't stay filled. If you want to though, you get the Megaton Hammer early
in this temple, so you can exit and get the magic meter upgrade if you want to.
(See the appropriate section for where to get it.)

Since the staircase is blocked off by fire, and the door to the right is 
locked, take the door to the left. Be very cautious in this hall, as a Like 
Like will appear and attempt to swallow you whole. If it does, it will take 
your Goron Tunic AND Hylian Shield. If this happens, quickly kill the Like Like
to get your Tunic back, and open the chest that appears for the Hylian Shield.
You can't do anything else here, so essentially that was pointless. Go back and
climb up the stairs by climbing the sides, then light the two torches on the
ground using Din's Fire. Do the same for the torch "mouths" on the wall and 
you'll open a door up here. Enter it.

Watch the scene of Darunia, then jump across the platforms to the right. 
Hookshot the rest of the way. See the torch on the Hookshot marker? Well, 
first, break all the crates while climbing up the ledges here, and you'll 
reveal a second torch. Use Din's Fire to light both, then fire an arrow through
the fire of the bottom torch over to the other one at the other side. If done
fast enough, the jail cell at that other side will open. Climb the ledges to be
able to jump back, and go on that side. Open the chest there for a SMALL KEY.
Now head back to the entrance room, and open the locked door below the 

Kill the Keese and the two Stalfos here to open the door ahead. Go through, 
stand in a corner, and keep your shield up until the flying tiles are gone. 
Some of the pots around here contain Fairies; save them for when you need them,
as a fight with an Iron Knuckle takes place in this room. To activate the 
fight, just approach it and slash it. To kill it easily, just approach it, and
when it's ready to slash, backflip. Once clear, jump strike then backflip. 
Repeat. Done correctly, you should take minimal damage. If you have taken major
damage though, pick up one of the fairies in the pots to heal up and continue
through the next door.

You'll fight a Flare Dancer next. Just use the Hookshot to rip its clothes off,
then kill it with Advanced Spin Slashes. Once it's killed, the door ahead will
open and a chest will appear on the pedestal. Open it for the MEGATON HAMMER.
Continue through the next door. Pound the rusted switch with your shiny new 
item to open the gate ahead. Talk to the Goron to set him free, then open the
chest that was next to him to get the DUNGEON MAP. Continue through to the
entrance room. (Beware of the Like Like if you haven't entered this room 
before.) Climb up the sides of the stairs, then hammer away the statue blocking
the door up here. Enter it.

In this rather large room, head to the north and open the door there. At the
end of the short hall is a rusted switch. Pound it, free the Goron, and kill 
the Gold Skulltula there. Return. See the side with the wall of fire? Go there
and get onto the nearby platform that moves back and forth, and Hookshot up to 
the torch. Bomb the discolored wall here and open the door. Use Din's Fire to 
light the other torch here, free the Goron, and open the chest for a Small Key. 
Return.  Light the torch here with Din's Fire, then go back to the side of the
room where you entered to get the Gold Skulltula. On this side, find the
platform that rises when you step on it, and take it up. Jump into the alcove
and light the torch there with Din's Fire. Now, from here, stand behind the
torch, and aim an arrow at the torch to the north. This will light up the arrow
with fire and fly to that other torch. It should light and open the door near 
it. Go there, Hookshot up to the door, and go through.

In this room, get into a corner and bring up your shield to avoid all the 
flying tiles. Once they're gone, see the part of the room blocked off by fire?
Hookshot into there using the torch, and open the chest for the BOSS KEY. 
Hookshot back and go back to the large lava room. Take the east locked door,
finally. Slide down the plank, then climb up the fences. At the top, jump down
to a platform below and wait for "old faithful" to stop erupting. Now, jump
down when the block is down and is ready to come back up. If you landed in the
middle of the block, you won't get scorched by the fire. Ride the block up and
take the door up here. In this new room, start climbing. When you reach an odd
torch, light it with Din's Fire. Hookshot across using the new structure that
appears, make sure you stand on top of it, and climb up the rest of the way to
fight a Lizalfos. Easy as Adult Link. After it's killed, climb up, and enter 
the door up here.

Remember in Ocarina of Time, how this annoying maze room had a bunch of 
boulders to dodge? Well, in Master Quest, there's a bunch of Lizalfos that get
in your way, but that's honestly easier and less annoying than stupid boulders.
The only problem is that the camera is always behind you here, not above. So
it'll be easier to get lost here. Considering we don't have the Compass yet,
yeah, that might be a problem. At any rate, here are the directions. From the
door, go left until you get to the northern end. Here, slash the northern walls
until you hear a different sound. Bomb this wall to reveal a Skullwalltula and
a rusted switch. Pound the switch to make Hookshot targets appear all around 
this room. Now, keep investigating (slashing) the north walls until you find
another bombable wall. Bomb it to reveal a locked door and a blue switch. We
need something to place on that switch, as it keeps the door open while it's
pressed. So, turn around and look for a Hookshot target so you can get on the
maze walls.

Up on the southern side, you will find a jail cell with a crystal switch. Shoot
an arrow through the bars at that switch to open it. Jump inside. Break the
only crate that doesn't have small boxes on them to reveal a small chest. Open
it for some Bombs. Now climb the other crates and pick up a small box. Take it
all the way back to that blue switch and place it there. Enter the door. Step
on the switch in this hall, free the Goron, and open the chest for a Small Key.
Go back. Hookshot up, and find a crack in the "floor" of one of these walls.
Bomb it and drop down. Break all the crates down here until you find a rusted
switch. Pound it to open cages both down here and back up in the maze room.
Climb back up after grabbing the COMPASS from the chest down here.

This is a bit hidden, though Navi flying in the middle of nowhere makes it
obvious. Play the Song of Time next to the Hookshot structure here to make a 
blue block appear. Get on top of it, and Hookshot over to the ledge to the 
west. Now look around for a Hookshot target on a platform. Climb up onto it to
go up to the fourth floor. It's an elevator! Open the door up there. Climb up
this small room while killing Torch Slugs, and use your Hookshot on the face on
the wall that Navi flies to and you can L-Target. Doing this will open a door
above. Climb there and enter.

In this room, just climb to the top, don't bother with the switch. Pound the
rusted switch to make Hookshot targets appear. Drop down back to that switch,
step on it, then Hookshot back up. The fire is out. Pull the block away and 
kill the Gold Skulltula with the Hookshot, as the fire will be back shortly.
Get the token with the Hookshot as well. Return to the maze room. Go to the 
cell to the south, and use an Advanced Spin Slash to open the cage. Break the
crates to find a treasure chest. Open it for some Bombs. Now, Hookshot up, and 
take the locked door up here. In here, drop down to the grated floor and follow 
it south until you see a ledge with two small boxes, one on top of a crate, on 
the east end. Climb up there, grab a small box, and bring it to the blue switch 
below. Place it there and Hookshot back up using that crate. Go back to the 
torches that are now lit and look around for a torch high up, and an unlit one 
just below it. Shoot an arrow at that unlit torch while standing behind one of 
the torches down here to light it up and light the torch up there. This will 
open up a door on the west side. Go up there (the game points you right to it), 
enter the door, go through the hall.

See the little structure with the pillar in the middle? You can stand on the
sides of there using that blue block to climb up and hammer down the pillar so
that you can get access to the boss door from here, but if you want to get the
Gold Skulltulas, continue reading. Head to the south end of this room, near
where the door is. Enter it. In this little hall, bomb the weak wall in the
alcove down here to find a Gold Skulltula. Kill it, then head back. Attempt to
go to the northern end of this room to find that you are blocked by fire all
around. To remedy this, stand near that blue block just inside the fire, and
play the Song of Time to move it on your side. Climb up to itand jump over the 
fire. Enter the door down here, kill the Lizalfos, and get the Gold Skulltula.

Get back over the fire by playing the Song of Time to return the blue block to
its original location, climbing it, and jumping over. Now, see the door up 
above? You probably saw it before while getting the previous Gold Skulltula.
Climb up there and enter it. Hookshot across, slam the rusted switch to open
the door down there, then Hookshot back, and exit. Now go back to the door on
the south end, enter it, and go through the other door. Here, go through the
maze of fire to find the switch. Step on it to lower the fires there 
temporarily, and get there quickly. Enter the door to fight a Flare Dancer.

Once it's killed, get on the platform to make it rise, then immediately jump
off so you can grab the Small Key underneath. Now take it up and enter the 
door. Climb the next room and open the locked door. In this room, don't fall 
off, and climb up to the flaming treasure chest. Navi will fly somewhere and
turn green. Play your Scarecrow's Song to make a scarecrow appear there. Jump
down to the switch, step on it, then Hookshot back up. Open the chest for a
Small Key. Now go back down to where you entered, and pound the face on the
floor down to make it drop. Follow it down, and enter the locked door here.
Kill the two Stalfos here, and pound the small pillar there to make stairs.
Hookshot the face on the wall to open the door, enter it, and find the last 
Gold Skulltula in this temple.

Pound down the face panel and follow it down. You're back in the room where you
can fall down to the boss door. Go ahead and do it now. The boss shouldn't be
too much trouble.

Ice Cavern
Head on forward, dodging the boulders coming your way, until you reach a room.
Kill the Blue Tektites and the Freezard, then find the crystal switch. Shoot it
to clear out the ice block barrier on the way forward. Go through 'til you get
to some stalagmites. Slash them, then wait for a boulder to pass before 
continuing on. In the next room, you'll fight a White Wolfos. Kill it and the
two Freezards to open a gate. Slash the stalagmites in the way and head 
through. In here, kill the Wolfos, and bottle some Blue Fire. Get into the
corner that doesn't have red ice, kill the Wolfos, then find a Skullwalltula.
Below it is a crystal switch. Hit that switch to make a treasure chest appear
inside the red ice structure. Drop the Blue Fire onto the red ice to melt it,
and open the chest for the DUNGEON MAP. Bottle some Blue Fire and return to the
room where you fought the White Wolfos.

Melt the red ice up on the ledge, then head through. Avoid the boulders while
killing the Freezards until you get to the next room. Kill the Freezard on the
floor, then climb up. Hookshot the Freezard 'til it dies, then jump to the Blue
Fire to bottle some. Go over to the Freezard, kill it, then open the chest it
was guarding for the COMPASS. Now, see the red ice where a Gold Skulltula is
inside? Well, standing near the jump-off point to it, Navi will fly to a random
spot. Play the Song of Time to make a blue block appear. Stand on it, then play
the Song of Time again to make another blue block appear. Stand on that, then
drop the Blue Fire on the red ice. Kill the Gold Skulltula.

Now, before you leave the room, check the icy floor to find just the tip of a
crystal switch hiding down there. Place a bomb right there to activate it. This
will make the ice blocks containing the Piece of Heart above to disappear. Go
grab it. Bottle some Blue Fire and head back to the White Wolfos room. Melt the
other red ice here and head through that to a new room. Snipe the Ice Keese,
then watch for Navi to fly to an alcove. Play your Scarecrow's Song and Pierre
will appear up there. Hookshot up and kill the Gold Skulltula. Kill the two
White Wolfos in this room as well. Now, go back to the alcove where you entered
and look around for a crystal switch. Shoot it to make the ice block containing
a Gold Skulltula under the red iced alcove disappear. Go there and kill the

See the torch of Blue Fire in the alcove? Play the Song of Time near that to
make a blue block appear. Climb it, bottle some Blue Fire, and hit that crystal
switch again to make the ice block reappear. Climb it, and melt the red ice.
Continue. Kill or ignore the Ice Keese as you go through the tunnel, and enter
the concealed door to find yourself in a really weird room, where you'll fight
a Stalfos. Kill it, and open the chest to get the IRON BOOTS. Sheik will teach
you the SERENADE OF WATER as well. Use your new Iron Boots to sink down the
water through the hole here, enter the door, then quickly surface. Make sure to
go back to get some Blue Fire to free the Zora King!

Water Temple
First, a couple of notes. When I say "rise", I mean taking off your Iron Boots
when in the water. When I say "sink", I mean putting on your Iron Boots when in
water. Also, make sure you keep your Zora Tunic on at all times.

Alright, so surface as soon as you enter. Enter the main room, then sink to the
bottom floor. There are two entrances you can take as of now. One immediately
drops down. The other has a bit of a hallway to go through. Go through that 
one to see Ruto. After the cutscene, rise up with Ruto to follow her. When you
get to the top, use Din's Fire to light all the torches here. Enter the door to
fight three Stalfos. Yeah...after they're gone, the door back out will open. So
where's your prize? Well, Hookshot the wall engraving that you can L-Target to
make a chest appear. Open it for the DUNGEON MAP. Hookshotting the wall 
engraving will also reveal a Fairy, so use it however you want. Exit the room.

See the Triforce symbol? Play Zelda's Lullaby near it to lower the water level.
Fall down to see a lit torch and two unlit ones. You can use Din's Fire to
light them, but to save magic, you can also shoot arrows at them using the fire
from the torch there. Enter the door and kill the Spike by Hookshotting it, 
then slashing. Approach the wall engraving and two Lizalfos will appear. Kill
them, then open the chest that appears for the COMPASS. Exit the room to see
some Hookshot structures that just appeared. Climb onto one of them and look up
to see another Hookshot structure. Get up there and enter the small room there.
Hookshot the wall engraving to make a treasure chest appear. Open it for the
LONGSHOT. Now head back to the main room.

Enter the door down here that's in the middle pillar. Find the Hookshot target
and get up there, then play Zelda's Lullaby to raise the water level. Exit the
door here. Go to the south end to find a switch by a gate. Step on it and head
through quickly. At the end, you'll find another gate which can only be opened
by lighting the torch. Use Din's Fire to light the torch and kill the Gold
Skulltula there, so just collect the token. In this little area, there's a 
small room that looks like a storage room. Bunch of crates and pots. Enter to
fight a Lizalfos. Nothing special, just drops hearts if he's defeated. Go the
other way to fight another Lizalfos. Kill him, Longshot up, then step on the
switch to open the gate briefly so you can run through to the main room. Drop 
back down to the second floor and enter the eastern cave, which is 
coincidentally right under where you re-entered the main room from. Go through
the hall, and Longshot up until you reach a room filled with stuff. You can
break the pots and crates, just be careful not to break any of the small boxes.
Carry one back to the main room.

Jump across with small box in hand (it may take a few tries), and walk to the
other side where a blue switch is. Keep it down with the small box and head
through the door it opened. In this room, break all the crates until you see a
partially-submerged crystal switch. Hit it to make Hookshot targets appear.
Longshot up through the hole in the ceiling, and break the crates up here to
find a Gold Skulltula. Kill it and move on. Play Zelda's Lullaby near the 
emblem to raise the water level to its highest, then head down. Dive under the
tower, then sink to the second floor. Enter the tower and surface. Play the 
Song of Time to make a blue block appear. Climb onto it, then use Din's Fire to
light all the torches up in the corners. This will make the gate all the way at
the bottom of the tower open up.

Sink down through that new opening. Go through the hall into a new room. Head
through all the mess of blocks and crates until you come to a grating in the
ceiling with an enemy inside. Look around here for some brown blocks similar to
the walls in this room, and go over to weigh them down with the Iron Boots. 
This will reveal a crystal switch. Hit it to open up another grating in the
ceiling. Go there and Longshot up. Longshot the wall engraving to make a small
chest fall down. Open it for a SMALL KEY. Go back to the main room, after
exiting the tower. Surface to the third floor, and enter the locked door you
see. In this room, stand at the very edge and look straight up to see a crystal
switch. Shoot it with either the Longshot or Bow to make Hookshot targets 
appear all over the waterfall below. Drop down to the platform. Now, this is
tricky. You must find a way to stand on top of one of the targets so you don't
get dragged down. The one to find is the Hookshot target that is above the 
bottom-left target. Longshot to that and you should fall onto the one below it.

Now look up to find a wall engraving high above you. Longshot it to make 
another Hookshot target extend so that you may climb it after Longshotting. Do
so and head through the door. Drop down to fight three Stalfos. After killing
them, find a Hookshot target beside a dragon head. Longshot up there, climb 
over the head, and you'll find some pots. Two of them have Fairies, so use them
if you want to heal. You may need some in bottles for the upcoming fight. At
any rate, Longshot into the alcove up there using the dragon heads, then 
Longshot over the spikes. Enter the door to enter a weird room. Just like in
Ocarina of Time, walk to the end where the locked door is, talk to Navi when
she calls, then go back to find Dark Link. Check the main walkthrough for 
tips, as he's virtually unchanged.

Enter the door ahead once Dark Link is dead. Heal with the Fairy inside one of
the pots, and Longshot the wall engraving to open the gate on the floor. Fall
through. In this underground river, Longshot yourself along the river until
you reach the second whirlpool. (The first was at the beginning of the river)
Look up near the ceiling to find a Gold Skulltula. Longshot it and its token.
Now continue along the river until you get out of the river. Continue along 
into a room with whirling water. See the alcove down below? Start diving (you
know, holding A) when you're on the opposite side and swim right into the
alcove. Better than using Iron Boots, eh? You'll resurface into an alcove. Use
Din's Fire (the wall engraving gives you magic when Longshotted) to light the
torches in here to open the door on the other side. Dive back down, through
here, and enter the door on the other side.

In this room, drop down to the water jet/geyser here. Shoot the crystal switch
to make the geyser go higher. At its top, use Din's Fire to light all the 
torches to open the gate. Quickly jump over and open the chest for the BOSS
KEY. Sink down below the water behind the chest, go through the hall, and 
Longshot up. Step on the switch to open the gate, so head on through to return
to the main room. Just to save time, summon Farore's Wind in this room. Head to 
the north end now to find another gate is open down there. Sink down there and 
head through the hall, then turn around and look up. Longshot up, then Longshot 
across the spikes and enter the door. Go to the left corner and play the 
Scarecrow's Song to summon Pierre, and Longshot to him. Climb up into the 
alcove and head into the door.

Drop down, stand on the second geyser, and shoot the crystal switch to rise the
geysers. At its peak, use Din's Fire to light most of the torches, then jump to
the other end and use Din's Fire again to open the door. Enter it. Drop down
carefully to see a bunch of Dodongos. To be safe, throw bombs and shoot arrows
at them to get rid of most of them, then kill the rest with sword slashes.
Longshot back up and kill the Dodongo in the small hallway here. This will open
up the door ahead. Longshot to it and enter. In here, break the crates to find
a Gold Skulltula. Kill it. Now, you can't progress anymore, so use Farore's
Wind to return to the main room. Rise to the third floor, then Longshot across
to the door here in the alcove with the dragon head. Enter the door, shoot the
crystal switch to make Hookshot targets appear. Longshot over the spike traps
and enter the boss door. The boss isn't much different.

- After getting Fire Arrows, sink down to the 1st floor of the main room. Head
 through the southern hall until you reach the surface. Shoot the torches with
 Fire Arrows to light them (you're too far away to use Din's Fire, I believe).
 Now, play your Scarecrow's Song to summon Pierre, and Longshot to him. Kill
 the Stalfos, then enter the small room that used to be blocked by a gate. Look
 up to see the Gold Skulltula.

Bottom of the Well
Head through the crawlspace and go down the ladder. Kill the ReDead and head
through the opening in the wall. Let's get the Dungeon Map first. Take either 
hall to end up on the other side. See the Triforce symbol? Play Zelda's Lullaby
there to open the nearby gate. Go through that and open the chest for the 
DUNGEON MAP. Now head back to that Triforce symbol and shoot the crystal switch
to drain the water. Head back to where you entered and jump into the now-empty
hole in the ground. Go through the crawlspace, climb up, and enter the door to
fight the Dead Hand. Once it's killed, open the chest for the COMPASS. Now, 
find the mound of dirt around here that has...a crack in it, and bomb it. Pick
up the SMALL KEY and head back to the main room.

Face away from where you entered the dungeon and look left to spot a small 
room with decorated walls. Head inside, and bomb the boulder to reveal an eye
switch. Shoot it to open a gate nearby. Now, follow this western hall northward
until you see some boulders in an alcove. Bomb them, take down the Big 
Skulltula, and step on the switch to light a torch and open a door in the 
center room. Now go back to the hall. Go through the crawlspace in the 
northeast corner, and shoot the crystal switch just poking through the eye of 
the face panel on the wall to open the door. Head in. Kill the Floormaster and 
Wallmaster here, then open the locked door. In here, kill the Skullwalltulas 
and bomb the mound here to find a switch. Step on it to make a hole open up
behind where you found the Dungeon Map. Go back.

In the central chamber, before falling down that central hole, enter a cell and
shoot the crystal switch to light another torch and unlock another door. Keep
these two doors here in mind and fall down that hole behind the chest to land
on a platform with a switch. Step on it to make a chest appear. Step into the
central area down here, and take the southeastern corridor (the one with all
the blue fires) to find some ReDeads. Stun them with the Sun's Song and grab 
the LENS OF TRUTH from the chest, to avoid fighting those deadly things. Now to
clean up.

Take the northwestern corridor while having the Lens of Truth on to fight some
Big Skulltulas. Take them down as you progress and get the Gold Skulltula at 
the end. Use the ladder in the central area to return back to the main room.
Enter the central jail chamber. Enter the left door in here and use the Lens of
Truth to take out all the invisible enemies. Once they're gone, pull the 
gravestone back to reveal a Gold Skulltula. Exit the room and enter the right
door next. Put on the Lens of Truth to see an invisible path. Take it to the
alcove and pick up the SMALL KEY. Now, exit this room, then exit the central
jail chamber from the west. Keep going west down the corridor, drop down, go
under the grating, and climb back up. Enter the locked door. Stand still here
and use the Sun's Song to stun the Gibdo. Kill it if you want to. Head to the
back of this room and look behind the statue to the right to find a Gold 
Skulltula. Now, that's all for this sub-dungeon, unless you want to light the
torches and kill all the Gibdos and the Poe here, which you don't get anything

Shadow Temple
Head a little forward, look right, and Longshot across the gap. Go through the
fake wall. To begin with, see the bird statue and the skull pillars surrounding
it? Use the Lens of Truth to find the skull that doesn't disappear when seen,
and twist the statue around so its beak faces that skull. This will open the
gate ahead. Can't quite reach it though. Find the unlit torches by the door and
light them with Fire Arrows to make a block appear. Jump across now and head
through the long hall 'til you reach a Beamos. Bomb it if you want to, but for
now, put on the Lens of Truth to find out that two of the skull barricades are
fake. Head through the right one. In here, kill the Gibdos to make a chest 
appear. Open it for a SMALL KEY. Get back to the Beamos, and enter the door
on the opposite side.

YIKES! A statue with large scythes! Better not get cut! Your objective is to
collect all five Silver Rupees here. It should be obvious on how to get these.
Enter the cage that opens and kill the Big Skulltula there. By now, if you've
killed them all, the door back out should've opened up. Open the chest for the
DUNGEON MAP. Now head back to the bird statue room and put on the Lens of 
Truth. One of the wall panels will turn into a skull barricade if seen. Bomb it
and open the locked door. Go through the fake wall here. Now, here's a 
complicated part, unless you know what to look for. To save magic, observe the
walls closely. If there's a section of wall that has glowing eyes, it's a fake
wall that you can walk through. Note that you cannot walk through some of these
wall sections, but fake walls are only found through the glowing eyes. Once
you find the right one, enter the door to find four ReDeads. (!)

Use the Sun's Song to stun them first to be safe, then kill them one by one.
The door back out will open, and a chest will appear. Open it for the COMPASS.
Now head back a room, back to the one with glowing eyes. Put on the Lens of
Truth and you'll notice one of the walls having a blue block in the way. Play
the Song of Time to remove it, and go through to find another similar room,
this time with silver eyes on the walls that shoot fire at you. Blech. Shoot
the middle one to open it, then observe the walls around here until you find a
new opening in a corner. Go through the door and fight the Dead Hand. After 
it's dead, open the chest for the HOVER BOOTS. Head back to the room with large
scythe statue.

In this room, there's a corner where Navi will fly to a face panel on the wall.
Approach it to fall through the floor. Put on the Lens of Truth to find a small
chest and an invisible Big Skulltula. Open the chest for a Small Key, then go
back up, to where the Beamos is. Now, see the skull barricade that doesn't
disappear with the Lens of Truth? Bomb it, then open the locked door. Go down
the hall, and stop when you get to the corner. Ready a bomb and get ready to
throw it at a Beamos just around the corner. This will stun it. Throw another
if you want to destroy it, but continue on, past the spike traps, and be 
careful of the Big Skulltula. Kill that, then drop down to see some  
guillotines. Throw bombs at the distant Beamos to kill it, then carefully pass
by the guillotines until you reach a large room. Keep going, jumping past
guillotines, until you see Beamos. Stop there, and approach the guillotine
slowly to have a Red Bubble pop out. Kill it, then shoot the bomb flower with
an arrow to stun the Beamos. Get on the platform and quickly look around with
the Lens of Truth to find an invisible platform. Jump there, then shoot a Fire
Arrow at the frozen eye switch. Now jump across to the door over here and enter

Put on the Lens of Truth to see an invisible scythe statue. Ignore the Silver
Rupees and eliminate all the enemies here. (Keese and Like Like) Now, collect
the Silver Rupees here. To get the one in the air, approach it and play the
Song of Time to make a blue block appear. Climb it and collect it. This will
open the gate ahead. Go through, open the chest for a Blue Rupee (Hylian Shield
if you lost it from the Like Like), and open the invisible chest for a Small
Key. (From now on, whenever I mention the word "invisible," that means use the
Lens of Truth to find it.) Go back to the large room and stun the Beamos the
same way you did before. Get on the ice block there and jump down to the ledge
below. Collect all the Silver Rupees down here, avoiding the Beamos and spike
traps, to make a chest appear. (Two are in the air. Bomb the Beamos first, then
Longshot to the Hookshot target on the ceiling to get the two.) Open it for 
some arrows, if you're low.

See the crystal switch inside the gate? Slash it to open the gate. Head through
the hall to see a small jail cell room with ceiling spike traps. Put on the
Lens of Truth to see a block hidden in a wall. Pull it out and push it 
underneath the spike traps to keep both of them from bludgeoning you. Now that
they're both blocked, enter the cell to your left after passing the block to
find a Gold Skulltula. You'll have to Longshot its token. Now, head into the
cell across from here to find a chest. Open it for more arrows. Now pull (don't
push, or else the spike trap that will be above you will crash down onto you)
the block the rest of the way, and climb it so you can get above the cells. Go
to the south side and open the chest there for a Blue Rupee, then step on the
switch to make another chest appear. Use one of the spike traps to reach it, 
and open it for a Small Key. Head back to the large room. See the guillotine
out there? Get there, then stop. Equip your Hover Boots and your Lens of Truth.
Use them to cross to the locked door so you may open it.

Kill the ReDeads here as you navigate through invisible spikes to make a 
treasure chest appear. Open it for a Blue Rupee. Now start collecting the 
Silver Rupees around here. To get the ones in the air and on the spikes, just
Longshot the Hookshot targets in a way that you'll fly through them and collect
them. Some of the Hookshot targets are invisible. Once you collect them all,
a door will open and icy platforms will appear. Just enter the door. Approach
the center of the shrine here to fight a Stalfos. Kill it, then climb up to
fight another one. Once both are killed, a chest will appear. Open it for a
Red Rupee. Huh. Go back and enter the locked door. Hover Boots might help you
reach it.

In here, there's a bunch of halls with annoying fans. Use the Iron Boots to get
past them. Eventually you'll get to a gap in the floor. Pass it with Hover
Boots as soon as the fan ahead stops, then immediately put on the Iron Boots.
Continue on until you get to a door. Enter it. Play the Sun's Song to stun the
ReDeads, then open the invisible chest here for a Small Key. Kill the ReDeads
to get them out of the way. Longshot the Gold Skulltula then go back. See the
last fan in this room? Put on the Hover Boots and let it blow you over to a
hidden alcove. You'll have to move there yourself to help out. In this next
room, kill the Gibdos and open the revealed chest for a Blue Rupee. Now, see
the piles of dirt on the corners of this room? Bomb them to find a Gold 
Skulltula and an invisible chest containing arrows. Once you got both, enter 
the locked door.

The infamous boat ride room...Look left to spot a block. Push/pull it onto the
indent in the floor, then climb it and the ladder to the top. Hop onto the boat
and play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol to make it sail across the
"river". Meanwhile, you'll be busy fending off Stalfos. At the end, abandon
ship to the south quickly, as it will sink after the ride is over. (One of the
very few times Navi is useful...you'll see.) Look across the "water" here to
spot some bomb flowers. Snipe them with arrows to blow them up, in turn blowing
up the structure, creating a bridge. Cross it halfway, then turn around and
look down to find a Gold Skulltula. Longshot it and its token, then fully cross
this bridge now.

See the blue block here? Get near it and play the Song of Time to remove it,
then shoot the eye switch to make Hookshot targets appear. Longshot up to the
west ledge and step on the switch to open a door across the other side of the
bridge. Careful when falling off here and cross the bridge. Open the door 
there. Use the Lens of Truth to find invisible solid walls. A maze, kinda. 
First enter the door on the west side. In this room of huge skull pots rotating
around, go behind them to find a Small Key. Now if you want to, you can get up
top and throw bombs inside the pots to destroy them. They'll reveal various
goodies, but nothing too important. Go back, and enter the southern door to
find a bloody torture room. Scan the floors with the Lens of Truth until you
see a misplaced shadow. Place a bomb there and when it explodes, a Dead Hand
will appear. Slash him three times to make him submerge again. Bomb his shadow
again to make him appear. Repeat until he's dead. Open the chest that appears
for some arrows. Now go back and enter the north (locked) door.

In this room, use Din's Fire to burn away the wooden spiked walls coming 
towards you, then immediately snipe the Keese that have turned to Fire Keese.
Open the small chest for a Blue Rupee, and the large colorful one for the BOSS
KEY. Now head back to the boat ride room. Cross the bridge and enter the south
door here. In this seemingly empty room, you'll see the boss door ahead of you,
and a Gold Skulltula seemingly crawling in the middle of nowhere. Put on your
Lens of Truth and Hover Boots and head over to the platform the Gold Skulltula
is on. Stand where you can see the Gold Skulltula and Longshot it to kill it.
Open the boss door, and fall down to face Bongo Bongo. Isn't much different.

Gerudo Training Grounds
Note that clearing this quite difficult sub-dungeon only gets you the optional
Ice Arrows. If you don't want them, you can skip this. Anyway, once you enter, 
open both chests here for some arrows and Bombchus, then find the eye switch. 
Shoot it to open a door. Now, light the torches with either Fire Arrows or 
Din's Fire to open another door. Face away from the entrance and enter the 
right door. Inside, you'll have to kill all the enemies in under a minute. 
Shouldn't be too hard if you spam the jump strike. There's also an Armos that 
needs to be killed in a corner, so don't forget about that one. After they're 
all dead, open the chest that appears for a SMALL KEY. Enter the next door.

In here, you'll have to light the torch that you see on the right to lower the
fires briefly, so that you may collect the Silver Rupees with the help of the
Hover Boots. You can save magic power by shooting an arrow through the lit
torch to the unlit one, instead of using Fire Arrows. It'll be safer if you get
them all in three trips. Once you have them all, a door will open. Go through
there. In this room, you'll have to collect the underwater Silver Rupees, so
get out your Zora Tunic and Iron Boots. Approach the webbing slowly and a Bari
will appear. Kill it and the Biris that split from it for some arrows and 
hearts, if you need them. (At least, that's what I got.) Burn the webbing with
the weapon of your choice (Din's Fire, Fire Arrows) and sink down. Make sure
you have the Longshot equipped too.

Kill the Shell Blade and Stingers down here with your Longshot, then proceed to
Longshot yourself to the Silver Rupees here. You may need to take off your Iron
Boots to reach some of them. Once they're all collected, a chest will appear 
above the surface. Surface and open the chest for a SMALL KEY. There's nothing
much we can accomplish now, so backtrack to the entrance room. Face away from
the exit, and take the left door. In this room, you'll have to defeat the Iron
Knuckle in under a minute. The problem is the quicksand. A great tip I read 
from Kirby021591's guide is that you can L-Target the Iron Knuckle and throw
about ten Bombchus at him in rapid succession to make the armor fall off, then
shoot five arrows to finish him off, so try doing that method. After he's dead,
open the chest for a Blue Rupee. Enter the next door. In this room, you'll have 
to collect all the Silver Rupees in 1 minute and 30 seconds. Here's an in-depth 
step-by-step guide to getting them all.

- Move forward and Longshot up. Fall to the Silver Rupee, then Longshot back
- Take a right, then a left. Slash the icicles for the second Silver Rupee.
- Double back and head to the end. Carefully walk towards the Silver Rupee off
 the edge and grab the edge to get the Silver Rupee.
- To your left is a fire wall. Stand in front of it and Longshot up to the 
 Silver Rupee.
- Take a right then two lefts to find a Freezard. Kill it to get another Silver

Collecting them all will open a door back near where you got the first Silver
Rupee. Be careful while collecting them, if you stay still for any moment, a
Wallmaster will fall down to try to grab you. At any rate, Longshot up to the
door and enter it. Defeat the Stalfos and Big Skulltulas here within a minute
to make a chest appear containing some arrows. The block here can't be pushed
yet, so ignore it for now and bottle some Blue Fire. Now look around with the
Lens of Truth to see a hole in the wall. Navi will fly below it. Play the Song
of Time to make a blue block appear. Use it to climb into the hole, and melt
the ice in the way with that fire. Open the door.

Jump down and look at the statue. Fire arrows into all four of its eyes to make
a chest appear. Open it for some Bombchus. Longshot up to the top of the
statue and look down around here for a crystal switch. Shoot it to open a door
back up. Take the door down here. Inside you'll have to defeat an Iron Knuckle 
and some Torch Slugs in under a minute. Use the same strategy as before if you 
have the ammo. If not, be proficient with your slashes. Open the chest that
appears when you clear it for some arrows. Now, look above the door leading to
the next room to see a crystal switch poking through. Bring out a Bombchu, hold
it for about three seconds, then release it. It should explode on or near the
crystal switch, activating it, and making a chest appear in the fire. Find a
switch on the ground to lower the fires, and collect the last SMALL KEY from
the chest. Enter the next door.

Back in that fire room. Pound the switch with your hammer to make a Hookshot
target appear ahead. Longshot to it (might have to use the existing ones here
to help you) and take the entrance to wind up in the maze-like treasure room.
All the chests in here except the big one contain Rupees, so I won't cover 
them. Take a left once you enter and go through two doors to find two doors.
The one on your left takes you back to the entrance room, so take the one in
front of you. Go through some doors until you reach a locked one. Enter through
the locked doors until you get to a crate. Break it to find a rusted switch.
Hammer it to make a big chest appear above you. Head back to the statue with
many eyes, and Longshot up to the upper ledge with two doors. Enter the door by
the Hookshot structure to find yourself in front of the chest. Open it for ICE
ARROWS! You're pretty much done with this sub-dungeon...you can go back and do
other stuff once you have the Silver Gauntlets, if you want to.

Spirit Temple
Enter the temple as Adult Link. Go up the stairs and open the chest for some
Bombchus. Look right to see a water jet in a hall. Ignore that and instead look
to the right of the hall to see a rock. Bomb it to find an eye switch. Shoot it
and open the chest that appears for a SMALL KEY. Now, look back towards the
entrance and up to the right, on the pillar, is a crystal switch sticking out.
Shoot it to make another chest appear containing more Bombchus. That's all we
can do at this point. The other rocks that can be bombed just hold Silver 
Rupees, and we can't grab them all yet. So...exit the temple, learn the Requiem 
of Spirit, warp to Temple of Time, change to Young Link, warp back, and enter 
the temple again.

Again, ignore the rocks and instead go up the stairs. Find the Gerudo here and
talk to her, telling her that you're here for "Nothing really". She'll then ask
if you're one of Ganondorf's followers. It doesn't matter what choice you take.
Anyway, she's Nabooru, and she's second-in-command to Ganondorf. However, she
hates him. Good for us. She wants you to crawl through the cubby hole that she
is by and to look for the Silver Gauntlets, but you "must bring them back to
her." Hm. After talking with her, crawl through the hole. Switch to your Hylian
Shield, and take out the Torch Slugs by first stunning them with Deku Nuts
(they're actually useful? =O ) and then jump striking them to take away their
fire, then jump strike them two or three more times to defeat them. This will
make a door open. Shoot the eye switch to take down the fires around the room,
and enter the door to the left (facing the eye switch).

Open the chest in this new room to get the DUNGEON MAP, then kill the Anubis
with Din's Fire. Now quickly shoot away all the Keese with the Slingshot and a
small chest should appear on the other side. Can't reach it, so head back and
enter the other door. Stun the Gibdo with Sun's Song and slash it to death.
Pull one of the gravestones to reveal a switch. Step on it to open up part of
the wall on the other side. Now, see the rock on the other side? Face it 
directly and use a Bombchu to destroy it. Yep, it'll cross the pit. This will
reveal an eye switch. Shoot it to make an ice block appear over the pit. Play
the Sun's Song again and cross the pit to find two Gibdos, already stunned. 
Kill them to open the door ahead. Enter.

Now, in this room, jump onto the spinning platform to duel a Stalfos. Quite a
challenge as Young Link, but you can push him off by slashing him when he's
near the edge, killing him easily. Enter the door that opens. (It points you to
it.) Open the chest here for a Small Key. Pull back the gravestone here to
reveal a switch. Step on it to create a bridge to the other side. Nice. Go
across to get back to that Torch Slug room. See the hole up here by the fires?
Send a Bombchu inside to break open the obstruction inside, and crawl through.
There's a rusted switch here, but you can't do anything to it, so just enter
the locked door.

In here, hit the crystal switch to open the gate above, but immediately jump
back, as a Like Like will fall. Kill it and start climbing. At the top, kill 
the Baby Dodongos and the Beamos for a chest containing Bombchus. In here, you
are able to L-Target a section of the wall. Send a Bombchu up there to destroy
part of the wall, shining light onto the sun face on the floor, making a small
chest appear on a ledge. Can't reach it right now, so enter the locked door.
Look left to see an eye switch on the side of the statue. Drop down and shoot
it to reveal a big chest. Open it for the COMPASS. Now look south to see a
frozen eye switch. Can't use Fire Arrows as Young Link, so get under it and use
Din's Fire. Enter the door.

Take a left and stop. Shoot the eye switch in the hole to make a chest appear
containing a Small Key. Exit. Climb back up to where you entered (west side)
and start climbing the stairs until you reach the top. Approach the edge 
opposite the door and look right downward. Jump onto the blue block, pick up
the box, and jump over the railing to climb back up. Put the box down and play
the Song of Time at the edge to make a blue block appear. Grab the box and jump
across, then jump onto the statue's hand. Place the box on the blue switch to
keep a door opened back up where you were. Head up through that door.

In this room, you'll have to pass a couple flamethrowers on the wall as you
climb to the next door. Shoot the crystal switch that you see to lower the 
fires temporarily. Now, push/pull sun blocks into the light shining through
until you open the door ahead. If a sun block doesn't open up the door, push it
back out of the light. Other sun blocks open the door you came out of, summon
a chest with a Heart inside, and summon Wallmasters. At any rate, open the next
door. Go up the stairs, battle the Big Skulltula, and open the locked door. In
this next room, you get to fight an Iron Knuckle...as Young Link. You might 
want to use Nayru's Love, just to be safe. Use the same strategy as I told you
before in the Fire Temple. Approach, as soon as he starts to slash, backflip,
jump slash when he's open, and backflip again. Repeat until he's dead. Enter
the door, speak to the owl, and grab the SILVER GAUNTLETS from the chest. Watch
the cutscene, and return here as Adult Link.

Head up the stairs and look up at the ceiling to see a hole with a rock 
blocking it. Send a Bombchu up there to destroy it, then look up to see a
Hookshot target. Longshot up there, then push the block here until it falls
down a hole, the same one you saw earlier that had an eye switch in it. 
Continue to the statue room. Climb up the west side and enter the door to 
return to that wall you bombed for the sun face. Remember the chest that
appeared on a ledge earlier ago? Longshot to it and open it for a Small Key.
Hit the crystal switch to allow entry down below, and climb/fall down there
and enter the door. Pound the switch with your hammer to make a chest appear
past the crawl hole. Obviously can't get there as this form, so go back to the
statue room.

Now, if you want a Gold Skulltula, follow the same steps you did as Young Link
to reach the Iron Knuckle room, but stop at the sunface block room with Red
Bubbles. Push/pull the sun block south of the crystal switch to the light. This
will make an ice block appear high above. Longshot up there, then find the Gold
Skulltula on another ice block and Longshot it and its token. Return to the
statue room. Go down the first set of stairs, then Longshot the torch to get
across. Kill the Floormaster and enter the locked door up top. Cross this 
staircase room using the Hookshot target, and enter the next door. Immediately
kill all the Beamos with Bombs, and a chest containing arrows will appear. Play
the Song of Time next to the blue block on the ground to make it move, 
revealing a blue switch. Ignore it for now and instead move toward the blue
blocks and play the Song of Time twice to make a small box appear. Grab it and
place it on the blue switch to keep the door ahead open. (Not the locked door.)
Enter it.

Fight the Dinolfos, then slash the chest here (yeah, slash it) to make a door
open. Enter the door. (That chest, when opened, would've frozen you.) In this
room, you'll have to fight an invisible Floormaster. After it's dead, open the
door ahead and fight another Iron Knuckle. After this one's dead, head through
the door to end up outside. Grab the MIRROR SHIELD from the chest, then head
back in. With the Mirror Shield, you can now reflect light to other spots, and
you may even be able to absorb magic attacks with it! Equip it now, since its
defensive uses are just as good as the Hylian Shield. Head back to the room 
with the Dinolfos, and fight them again. Move the blue block by playing the
Song of Time near it, and reflect light at the sun face to open the door. Move
out of the way, play the Song of Time again to move the block from the door,
and enter it.

Kill the Gibdo there and open the chest for the BOSS KEY. Head back to the 
giant statue room. See the Triforce symbol on the statue's left hand? Roll over
to it using the Hover Boots, then play Zelda's Lullaby to make a chest appear
behind some crates below. Drop down, break them, and open the chest for a Blue
Rupee. Meh. Anyway, see the blue block floating above the floor? Get yourself
on there and look for three unlit torches. Shoot Fire Arrows at all of them to
light them, opening the eastern door in this room on the 2nd floor. Longshot
across to there like before, go down the stairs, and enter the door. Prepare
for one pain of a room. You'll have to face two Stalfos and a Wallmaster. To do 
this, just fight the Stalfos, keeping an eye on your feet. When the shadow gets 
really big, run away quickly and take out the Wallmaster. To avoid summoning
more, switch to the Hylian Shield so that you don't accidentally light the 
sun faces, spawning more. Afterwards, light the sun faces with the Mirror 
Shield to spawn the rest of the Wallmasters. Kill them one by one to make the
gate on the floor open up.

Go down there, go past the spike traps, and enter the door ahead. You'll see a
water jet and a rock. That water jet is the one you saw before in the entrance
room. At any rate, for a quick moment, take the west door. The door will lock
behind you, but no worries about enemies. Just look up towards the ceiling to
see a Gold Skulltula. Longshot it and its token, then play Zelda's Lullaby on
the Triforce symbol to re-open the door. Don't head back yet. Instead, jump 
down to the sand below and start fighting Leevers until a purple (?) Leever
appears. Kill it or let it disappear to make a chest appear. Climb up and 
Longshot to the chest for a Purple Rupee as your prize. Now head back. In here,
collect the Silver Rupee by the central door, then hammer away the rock to
reveal a rusty switch. Don't pound it yet, instead hop down and collect the 
Silver Rupee there. Now pound the switch to lower the water jet temporarily, 
and head through there quickly while grabbing the Silver Rupee. You're back in
the entrance room. Bomb/hammer the remaining rocks for the last two Silver
Rupees to make another chest appear. Open it for a Small Key. Now head all the
way back to that room with the rusted switch. Don't worry, it's not that long
of a trip back.

Enter the locked door here. Pound the switch with the hammer to open up an
alcove. Head in there. Yeah, there's one of those club Moblins in this room.
Haven't seen one of those in a while... Anyway, play the Song of Time in this
small alcove to open another alcove. Head in there, play Epona's Song to open
another, play the Sun's Song in the next, the Song of Storms in the next, and
finally Zelda's Lullaby in the last. In case you're wondering how you're 
supposed to figure out the songs to play, check the markings above each alcove.
Yeah...blue block is Song of Time, bull crate from back in the Hyrule Castle
Grounds is Epona's Song, sun face is Sun's Song, etc... Anyway, doing this will
open the door behind the Moblin. Just arrow him to kill him, then enter the 
door. In this next room, kill all the Big Skulltulas immediately, then open the
chest for a Purple Rupee. Kill the Gold Skulltula in here as well. Now, we've
done all we can as Adult Link for now. That's right...go back in as Young Link.

You Young Link now? Good. This will actually be a short visit. Go up the stairs
and through the small hole. Open the chest for a Small Key, then exit the 
temple and return as Adult Link. See? I told you. No, there's no other way to
get the Small Key, sorry. Tedious, I know. At any rate, as Adult Link, make
your way back to the statue room and Longshot to the east stairwell. Go up the
stairs and turn left. Hover across using the Hover Boots and find an invisible
chest. Open it for a Recovery Heart. Now enter the door up here, Longshot 
across, and enter the next. Use that Small Key you got to open the locked door 
in here. Snipe all the Keese first of all in this new room, then collect all 
the Silver Rupees. To make it easy, just Longshot to as far as you can, then 
climb up and down to get them. Once they are all collected, Longshot to the top 
and enter the door.

Play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol to open the door to your left. 
Enter. In this room, drop down and break open crates until you find a rusted
switch. Pound it down to make a door open. Climb up and enter it. Inside, kill
all the enemies then head back to the section of this room with the door.
Reflect light at the sun face here, then head to the second mirror. Rotate it
so it's facing north. Now rotate the first mirror so that it shines light on
the second, in turn reflecting light onto the big mirror where the rusted 
switch was. Before heading back, see the bars near the second mirror? There's
an invisible chest containing a Small Key there. Head back to the room with the
locked door and enter it. Inside is an Iron Knuckle. Now, before killing it,
trick it into destroying the structures on the walls. This will reveal two
Gold Skulltulas. Now proceed to kill him, then get both Gold Skulltulas. Now
get back to that large mirror. Shine light from the mirror onto the sun face to
lower yourself onto the large statue room.

Wait for the Wallmaster and kill it (don't let it grab you, of course) and
start reflecting light onto the statue's face to make it start deteriorating.
Longshot across and open the boss door. Fight the fake Iron Knuckle, watch the
scene, and progress into the real boss room. They aren't much different. (Fun
fact: Koume and Kotake are Ganondorf's surrogate mothers.)

Ganon's Castle
As soon as you enter the castle, there's already a challenge. First up, 
eliminate the Green Bubbles, then the Armos, then the Iron Knuckle. Killing the
Armos is easy. Just wake it up then jump strike it. The Iron Knuckle is a
different story because of close-quarters, but if you can get him to pass the
spike trap, you should have enough room. Once all the enemies are defeated, 
enter the door to arrive at the tower, surrounded by a big energy shield. In
here, you'll have to visit various sub-dungeons composed of the elements of 
each temple Adult Link went to. I'll call this the "lobby." To start off, go to 
the Spirit Trials. It is the door with the orange medallion. The reason why we 
start here first is because of a certain item we can grab.

Shoot down all the Keese then kill the Torch Slug to get them out of the way,
then look above where you entered for a closed eye switch. Shoot it open to 
make an Iron Knuckle appear. As you fight this, make sure it breaks the pillar
in the middle, exposing a rusted switch. Once the Iron Knuckle is defeated,
pound the switch to open the door ahead. Go through. In this next room, kill
the Green Bubble and open the chest for some Bombchus. Now look at the cage to
spot a hole in it near the ceiling. Face it, put your back to the wall, and let
a Bombchu loose. It should eventually reach the crystal switch and hit it, 
causing the door nearby to open. Go through, kill the Green Bubble and the
Gibdo (use Sun's Song) and continue to a room of sun faces. Kill the ReDeads
here, then shoot a Fire Arrow at the webbing on the ceiling to burn it, 
revealing some light. Reflect light at the sun face just right of the barred-up
door and a chest will appear. Open it for the GOLDEN GAUNTLETS. Now you can 
lift extremely heavy objects!

The sun face to the left of the door holds a chest with a Recovery Heart, the
sun face to your southwest when facing the door holds a chest with a Small Key,
the sun face to your southeast when facing the door holds a chest with a
Recovery Heart, and the sun face above the hall you entered holds a Wallmaster.
The other sun faces don't give you anything. Finally, reflect light at the
orange medallion above the door to open it. Go through. (There was a hidden sun
face behind it.) Inside, you'll find a power source keeping the barrier to the
tower up. Destroy it with a Light Arrow and you'll be sent back to the "lobby."
Now that you have the Golden Gauntlets, you can exit Ganon's Castle and visit
the Great Fairy Fountain nearby to get your defense doubled. It's not necessary
but it will help definitely.

Either way, enter the Forest trials, the door with the green medallion. We're
gonna try to go through the trials in the order we did the temples now. You
will immediately fight two Stalfos. Once doing so, the door ahead will open,
but ignore that for now. Longshot to the torch above the door. Now, either wait
for the fan to stop blowing, or put on your Iron Boots and walk over to pick up
the Small Key. Drop down and enter. In this room, look into the fan on the 
right to spot an eye switch. Shoot it for a chest containing arrows. Now, put 
on the Hover Boots and use them along with the fan to blow you over to the 
Beamos on the right, and immediately bomb it. Now bomb the rest of the Beamos
and the Armos from here. You will notice a frozen eye switch in one of the 
fans. Shoot a Fire Arrow at it to make a chest containing Bombs appear. Now get
to the barred-up door and eliminate the Beamos if you haven't already, and get
there when the fan stops. Put on the Iron Boots and play the Song of Time 
twice. This will make an Armos fall onto the blue switch below, opening the 
door ahead. Take off the Iron Boots once the fan stops so you can jump across,
and enter the door. Destroy the power source with a Light Arrow to be sent back
to the "lobby."

Enter the Fire Trials, the door with the red medallion. Put on your Goron Tunic
before entering. Use the moving platform here to get to the group of four 
platforms. Take the upper-right one to find that it will move up. At the top,
backflip into the Silver Rupee to collect it (Hold L then go backwards and 
press A). Yeah, this is a Silver Rupee collectathon. Now, while the platform is
up, jump off to the moving platform down below. A bit difficult. Look to your
right to spot a Beamos. When you get close enough, L-Target it and throw Bombs
at it to destroy it, then jump over there. Lift up and throw the giant stone
here and collect the Silver Rupee underneath. Now, see the Hookshot target?
Start jumping across there until you find a platform that rises instead of 
sinks. A bit of a safe one, so Longshot to the target, pull yourself up, then
go to collect the Silver Rupee here. Now look towards where you entered to see
a moving platform leading to a stable platform with Torch Slugs and a giant
stone. Take the moving platform there, collect the Silver Rupee, then hop over
and kill the Torch Slugs. Lift and throw the giant stone to make it a leverage
to reach the last Silver Rupee. Longshot over there and hop to the rising 
platform, then jump down to the giant stone you threw. May need to use Hover
Boots. Collect the last Silver Rupee to open the door ahead. Longshot to it and 
go through to find the power source. Light Arrow it to get sent back to the 

Enter the Water Trials, the door with the blue medallion. In this room, kill
the Freezards and look for a tentacle with a hand on the end. Use an Advanced
Spin Slash just out of its reach to bring down the water jet surrounding the
Blue Fire. Hurry up and grab some in your bottle, and start melting all the red
ice. The main red ice to look for is the ones that are blocking the way 
forward, but another red ice has a chest containing a Red Rupee. Anyway, once
you've melted them all, get some Blue Fire and open the locked door with one of 
those Small Keys you got earlier. In this next room, first push the furthest 
block towards the red ice barrier and melt at least most of it with Blue Fire.
Now re-enter this room after grabbing more Blue Fire. Take out all the Keese, 
including the invisible one, and collect all the Silver Rupees. One is in a 
hole, one is over a bottomless pit (Hover Boots) and one is in the air, which 
needs to be gotten by jumping off one of the blocks. The other two are on the 
ground and inside red ice in an alcove. To get up there, push one of the blocks 
to under there. To do that, push the further block from the entrance door into 
the rock, then into the hole. Next, push the other block south, then east, then 
north. After all the Silver Rupees are collected, the door past more red ice 
will be opened. Climb up there and enter the door. Light Arrow the power source
and get sent back to the "lobby."

Enter the Shadow Trials, the door with the purple medallion. Kill the Green
Bubble with an arrow once its flame is down, then shoot the bomb flower far to
the right to make a chest appear. Longshot to it and open it for arrows. Put on
your Lens of Truth and Hover Boots to get onto the moving invisible platform,
collect the Silver Rupee, then the next Rupee where the bomb flower is. Get
back on that platform and jump/hover to some solid ground. Kill the Beamos, 
grab the Silver Rupee underneath it, then light the torch on the ground with a
Fire Arrow. Jump across to the next platform and kill the two Beamos there. Put
on the Lens of Truth to see two invisible paths, one leading to a Beamos. Get
there and bomb it, and collect the Silver Rupee, then return to spot an eye
switch. Shoot it to make a chest containing a Small Key appear. Now go across
the other invisible path, being careful of the guillotine as you jump across to
get the last Silver Rupee, opening the door ahead. Shoot the power source with
a Light Arrow to get sent back to the "lobby."

Last but not least, enter the Light Trials, the door with the yellow medallion.
Where is it? It's behind a giant stone that you'll have to pick up and throw.
In this room, eliminate all the enemies to open the door ahead. Go through. 
Play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol to make a chest containing a 
Recovery Heart appear. Enter the locked door. Kill the Beamos up top with bombs
then Longshot up there. Head to the locked door and enter it. Huh, no power
source. Look with the Lens of Truth to see a fake wall ahead, but it's blocked
by ice blocks. Slash the right torch to end up removing those blocks. Head 
through to find the real power source. Shoot it with a Light Arrow to get sent
back to the "lobby." Now that all the power sources have been neutralized, the
barrier surrounding the tower to the way forward will be dispelled. Get up 
there and cross the bridge to enter the tower.

Hm...check out the organ music! Anyway, climb up, killing off Keese or not, 
doesn't matter, and head through the door to fight some Dinolfos. After they
are killed, a door will open up. Head through. Continue climbing up into the
next room, where you're faced with two Stalfos. After defeating them, the door
ahead will open and the flames surrounding the chest will lower. Open the chest
for the BOSS KEY. Now continue up into the next room. Inside, you'll fight two
Iron Knuckles! Try to take them on one at a time to make it easier. Once they
are both taken out, head through the door. Continue up to the boss door. Enter
it. No boss yet, but Ganondorf is just a floor up. Find the door here and
continue up to finally meet Ganondorf. The battle is no different. Surprisingly
enough, the escape sequence isn't different either, so finishing the game is up
to you now.

  '_______                                                         [SpFWlkthru]
    ´    ´' -----------------------------------       _________________________
   ´    ´   -----------------------------------      /
 .´   .´    -----Spoiler-Free Walkthrough------     /
,--, ,--,   -----------------------------------    /
.__. .__.   -----------------------------------   /

This is a step-by-step version of the main walkthrough above, without spoilers. 
This is for those Zelda fans who don't want everything spoiled. The steps are
seperated into sections, and each step has a checkmark beside it.

/          Prologue           \________ _ _ _  _

- Get the sword and gather money for the shield. [ ]
- Get Deku Sticks, then enter the Deku Tree. [ ]
- Clear the Deku Tree dungeon, killing three Gold Skulltulas. [ ]
- Get the Fairy Ocarina from Saria. [ ]
- Kill Gold Skulltula #4 in Kokiri Village, and the Big Bullet Bag from the
Mad Scrub's shooting game in Lost Woods. [ ]
- Get Heart Piece #1 from the Skull Kid choir and a Deku Stick upgrade from a
Business Scrub under the bridge to Hyrule Field, both in Lost Woods. [ ]
- In Castle Town, kill Gold Skulltula #5 in the guard shack, and win the 
Biggest Bullet Bag from the shooting gallery. [ ]
- Kill Gold Skulltula #6 from a tree at Hyrule Castle Grounds, then get Heart 
Piece #2 in Castle Town by giving the obese lady her dog back. [ ]
- Find your way through Hyrule Castle, talk to Zelda, and learn Zelda's
Lullaby. [ ] 
                               ________ _ _ _  _

/     Death Mountain Saga     \________ _ _ _  _

- Get your first bottle at Lon Lon Ranch by finding Talon's Super Cucco, then 
kill Gold Skulltulas #7 and #8, get Heart Piece #3 in the silo, and learn 
Epona's Song by talking to Malon enough times. [ ]
- Unearth and kill Gold Skulltulas #9 through #11 in the forest area (by 
unearthing, I mean releasing bugs near a soft soil patch), including Lost 
Woods. [ ]
- Learn Saria's Song, then get Heart Piece #4 from the lone Skull Kid standing
on a stump. [ ]
- Get the Adult's Wallet from the Gold Skulltula house in Kakariko, get your
second bottle from the Cucco lady by gathering her Cuccos, then kill Gold 
Skulltulas #12 through #16 at night. [ ]
- Get Heart Piece #5 by having Dampe dig it up, Gold Skulltula #17, and the 
Hylian Shield under a grave in Kakariko Graveyard. [ ]
- Learn the Sun's Song, get Heart Piece #6 underneath another grave, then head 
up Death Mountain. [ ]
- Head up to Goron City, get the Goron's Bracelet, Heart Piece #7 by bombing
the pot once it starts spinning (light the torches), and Gold Skulltula #18.[ ]
- Clear Dodongo's Cavern, killing Gold Skulltulas #19 through #21. [ ]
                               ________ _ _ _  _

/       Zora Race Saga        \________ _ _ _  _

- Kill Gold Skulltulas #22 in Death Mountain and #23 in Goron City, and get the 
Big Bomb Bag by stopping Hot Rodder Goron. [ ]
- Head farther up Death Mountain, acquire the Advanced Spin Attack, then kill
Gold Skulltula #24, and get Heart Piece #8 in the crater. [ ]
- Get Heart Piece #9 in Kakariko after being dropped off by Kaepora Gaebora,
the owl, then get the Stone of Agony from the Gold Skulltula House. [ ]
- Get a Deku Nut Upgrade for 40 Rupees in Lost Woods, then find Heart Piece #10
in Hyrule Field. [ ]
- Get the Biggest Bomb Bag, Heart Piece #11, and some Bombchus in Castle Town's
Bombchu Bowling Alley. [ ]
- Acquire Din's Fire at Hyrule Castle Grounds, then get and sell the Keaton
Mask from the Happy Mask Shop to the guard near Death Mountain Trail. [ ]
- Get the Skull Mask, use it to get a Deku Stick Upgrade in Lost Woods, then
sell it to Skull Kid. [ ]
- Get the Spooky Mask and sell it to the kid at the Graveyard, then get the
Bunny Hood. [ ]
- Kill Gold Skulltula #25 at Zora's River, buy all 10 Magic Beans, and plant
one at Magic Bean Plot #1. [ ]
- Kill Gold Skulltula #26, then get Heart Pieces #12 and #13. Play all your
learned songs to the frogs. [ ]
- Get the Silver Scale and Heart Piece #14 at Zora's Domain. Then, get your
third bottle at Lake Hylia. [ ]
- Play a custom song to the scarecrow, then kill Gold Skulltulas #27 and #28,
then fish for a 10 lb. fish at the Fishing Hole to get Heart Piece #15. [ ]
- Kill Gold Skulltula #29 at Jabu-Jabu's lair, and acquire Farore's Wind. [ ]
- Clear Jabu-Jabu's Belly, killing Gold Skulltulas #30 through #33. [ ]
                               ________ _ _ _  _

/     Bye-Bye, Young Link     \________ _ _ _  _

- Kill Gold Skulltulas #34 through #36 throughout Hyrule, then get the Giant's
Wallet from the Gold Skulltula House. [ ]
- Go around Hyrule, getting Gold Skulltulas #37 through #40, and don't forget
to look in Dodongo's Cavern. [ ]
- Sell the Bunny Hood to the running man in Hyrule Field, then kill Gold
Skulltulas #41 through #44, and get Heart Pieces #16 and #17, all in Gerudo
Valley. [ ]
- Get the Ocarina of Time, the Mask of Truth, then use the Mask of Truth to get
a Deku Nut Upgrade in a hole in Lost Woods. [ ]
- Plant Magic Beans at Magic Bean Plots #2 through #8, then head to the Temple
of Time and get the Master Sword. [ ]
- Go to Lon Lon Ranch, and get Epona from Ingo. [ ]
- Get the Pocket Egg from the Cucco lady, then learn the Song of Storms. [ ]
- Get Heart Pieces #18 through #21, get the Hookshot in the Graveyard, and kill
Gold Skulltula #45. [ ]
- Wake up Talon with the Pocket Cucco to get Cojiro. [ ]
- At the Death Mountain area, get Heart Piece #22, and Gold Skulltulas #46 and
#47. [ ]
- Get Gold Skulltula #48 and Heart Piece #23 in the Zora River/Domain area. [ ]
- In Lake Hylia, get Heart Piece #24, play your custom song to make the 
Scarecrow's Song usable, then fish for a big lunker in the Fishing Hole to get 
the Golden Scale. [ ]
- Get Heart Piece #25, kill Gold Skulltulas #49 and #50 in Gerudo Valley, then
get Heart Piece #26 at the Gold Skulltula House. [ ]
- Kill Gold Skulltula #51 in Dodongo's Cavern, then win Malon's horse race in
Lon Lon Ranch to get a cow for your house in Kokiri Village. (Free milk!) [ ]
                               ________ _ _ _  _

/       Forest and Well       \________ _ _ _  _

- Kill Gold Skulltula #52 in Kokiri Forest, then get the Odd Mushroom from the
bum in Lost Woods. Make it into the Odd Potion, then return to get the Saw. [ ]
- Kill Gold Skulltulas #53 and #54 as you go through the Lost Woods, then learn
the Minuet of Forest. [ ]
- Clear the Forest Temple, killing Gold Skulltulas #55 through #59. [ ]
- Learn the Prelude of Light and return to the past. Kill Gold Skulltula #60,
then clear the Bottom of the Well, killing Gold Skulltulas #61 through #63. [ ]
- Get Heart Pieces #27 and #28 from the frogs at Zora's River. [ ]
- Get Heart Piece #29 in Castle Town, then return to the future. [ ]
- Kill Gold Skulltula #64 near Ganon's Tower, then get the Broken Goron's Sword
from the carpenter in Gerudo Valley. [ ]
- Go on a Big Poe hunt and get your final bottle. [ ]
                               ________ _ _ _  _

/        Fire and Ice         \________ _ _ _  _

- Get the Big Quiver and the Goron Tunic, and learn the Bolero of Fire. [ ]
- Go to the past for a brief moment, and kill Gold Skulltula #65, plant a Magic
Bean on Magic Bean Plot #9, and get Heart Piece #30. Return to the future. [ ]
- Clear the Fire Temple, killing Gold Skulltulas #66 through #70. [ ]
- Get the magic bar enhancement powerup, then kill Gold Skulltula #71. [ ]
- Kill Gold Skulltula #72, then get the Prescription from the Biggoron. [ ]
- Clear the Ice Cavern, killing Gold Skulltula #73 through #75, getting the
Iron Boots, learning the Serenade of Water, and getting Heart Piece #31. [ ]
- Get the Zora Tunic, then get Heart Piece #32, kill Gold Skulltula #76, then
get the Eyeball Frog from the Zora King. [ ]
- Get the World's Greatest Eye Drops from the Lake Hylia scientist, then take
them to Biggoron. Have him fix the Broken Goron's Sword for 2 days to give you
the Biggoron's Sword. [ ]
- Get Heart Piece #33 in Hyrule Field, then kill Gold Skulltula #77 in Lake
Hylia. [ ]
                               ________ _ _ _  _

/  Water, Shadows, and Sand   \________ _ _ _  _

- Clear the Water Temple, killing Gold Skulltulas #78 through #82. [ ]
- Kill Gold Skulltula #83 and get the Fire Arrows in Lake Hylia. [ ]
- Learn the Nocturne of Shadow and clear the Shadow Temple, killing Gold
Skulltulas #84 through #88. [ ]
- At the Gerudo Base, get Heart Piece #34 and Gold Skulltula #89. [ ]
- Clear the Gerudo Training Grounds to get the Ice Arrows. [ ]
- Kill Gold Skulltula #90, then get Heart Piece #35 and the Biggest Quiver. [ ]
- While crossing Gerudo Desert, kill Gold Skulltula #91. After crossing the
desert, acquire Nayru's Love, and kill Gold Skulltula #92. [ ]
- Learn the Requiem of Spirit, then plant the last Magic Bean on Magic Bean
Plot #10. [ ]
- Clear the first part of the Spirit Temple as Young Link, killing Gold
Skulltulas #93 through #96, and getting the Silver Gauntlets. [ ]
- Return to the future, and get Heart Piece #36 and Gold Skulltula #97. [ ]
- Clear the rest of the Spirit Temple as Adult Link, killing Gold Skulltulas
#98 and #99. [ ]
                               ________ _ _ _  _

/          Epilogue           \________ _ _ _  _

- Kill Gold Skulltula #100 in the Zora's Domain/Jabu-Jabu area, then get the
Huge Rupee from the Gold Skulltula House. [ ]
- Clear Ganon's Tower, and ultimately, the game. [ ]
                               ________ _ _ _  _

  '_______                                                             [Hrtpcs]
    ´    ´' -----------------------------------       _________________________
   ´    ´   -----------------------------------      /
 .´   .´    -------Heart Piece Locations-------     /
,--, ,--,   -----------------------------------    /
.__. .__.   -----------------------------------   /

There are 36 Heart Pieces located within the game, and when combined with the
Heart Containers from bosses, will make up a total of 20 hearts for your health.
Every four pieces will assemble a new Heart for your health. There will be a
check-box next to the Heart Piece number. If you print this FAQ out, use the
check-box to mark what Pieces you've gotten. (There are check-marks for the
other sections as well.)

Piece of Heart #1: [ ]
Location: Lost Woods
Time: Past
Requirements: An Ocarina

How to get: While heading to the Sacred Forest Meadow, you'll come across an
 area with a target. Drop down to where the target is, and in a corner are two 
 Skull Kids with flutes. Stand on the stump and pull out either Ocarina while 
 facing them and they'll want you to play a little game. You must play the 
 notes they play. If you successfully do it three times (doesn't have to be
 consecutively), they'll give you a Piece of Heart.

Piece of Heart #2: [ ]
Location: Hyrule Market
Time: Past
Requirements: None

How to get: Make sure it's night time. (Use the castle grounds to make time
 pass - you can't enter town from Hyrule Field when it's night.) Head into one 
 of the houses in the Back Alley to see an obese woman in a white and blue 
 striped shirt. She claims her dog is loose and wants her dog back. Head back 
 into the main Market, and look for the white dog near the house with the man 
 looking out his window. The dog will follow you. Bring the dog back to the 
 woman and she'll give you this Piece.

Piece of Heart #3: [ ]
Location: Lon Lon Ranch
Time: Past
Requirements: None

How to get: Head into the silo at the back of the ranch and you'll see a bunch
 of crates hiding a crawlspace. Move the crates in such a way so you can reach 
 the crawlspace. It's easy enough to figure it out by yourself. Anyway, behind 
 the crawlspace lies the Piece of Heart.

Piece of Heart #4: [ ]
Location: Lost Woods
Time: Past
Requirements: An Ocarina with Saria's Song

How to get: Head left from the entrance of Lost Woods to find a Skull Kid with
 a flute. Stand on the stump in front of him, whip out any Ocarina you might 
 have, and play Saria's Song. He'll give you this Piece in return.

Piece of Heart #5: [ ]
Location: Kakariko Graveyard
Time: Past
Requirements: A bunch of Rupees

How to get: Making sure night has just arrived (like, right after you hear the
 howl of a wolf) Dampe will be out wandering the graveyard. For 10 Rupees, 
 he'll dig where he stands. Of course, talk to him while he's over a section of 
 dirt so he can dig. Let him dig once on each section of dirt until he digs up 
 the Piece of Heart. The location of the Piece is random, which is why I can't 
 tell you which section the piece is in.

Piece of Heart #6: [ ]
Location: Kakariko Graveyard
Time: Past
Requirements: An Ocarina with the Sun's Song

How to get: Facing away from the Royal Family's Tomb, pull the second left 
 gravestone to reveal a hole. Drop down, kill the Redead, then play the Sun's
 Song on the steps to reveal a chest with this piece.

Piece of Heart #7: [ ]
Location: Goron City
Time: Past
Requirements: Possibly some bombs, but you can get bombs from bomb flowers

How to get: First, light all the torches at the bottom level to make the large
 pot spin. Get on the second level and throw a bomb into the pot. If it lands 
 on the happy face, a Piece of Heart and a lot of Rupees will pop out.

Piece of Heart #8: [ ]
Location: Death Mountain Crater
Time: Past
Requirements: Hylian Shield, so you don't lose the Deku Shield.
How to get: Step off the north wall slowly so you'll grab the climbable wall.
 Head into the alcove with the Piece. It's that simple. Now getting out alive 
 is a different story.

Piece of Heart #9: [ ]
Location: Kakariko Village
Time: Past
Requirements: Advanced Spin Attack

How to get: After getting the Advanced Spin Attack, talk to the owl and agree
 to let him carry you back to Kakariko Village. He'll drop you on the roof of a
 building normally inaccessible by Young Link. Drop off the east side of the
 building, land on top of the chicken coop, and head through the door to 
 acquire this Piece inside a cage.

Piece of Heart #10: [ ]
Location: Hyrule Field
Time: Past
Requirements: Bombs

How to get: Head over to the entrance to Lake Hylia, (marked by a box of high
 and low fences) and plant a bomb in the center of the box to reveal a Secret 
 Cave. Inside is a Business Deku Scrub who sells you this Piece.

Piece of Heart #11: [ ]
Location: Hyrule Market
Time: Past
Requirements: Lots of Rupees

How to get: Head into the Bombchu Bowling Alley, which is the two-story
 building. In here you have to use Bombchus to make them scurry to the holes. 
 (See items on what these items are.) You can play this before even getting the 
 items. Winning gets you a random prize. Among them are: Purple Rupee, Bombs, 
 Bombchus, Bomb Bag Upgrade, and this Piece of Heart. Play until you get the 
 piece. (Look in the sixth section of the walkthrough for fool-proof tips. Yes, 
 I really mean fool-proof.)

Piece of Heart #12: [ ]
Location: Zora's River
Time: Past
Requirements: A Cucco

How to get: Using the Cucco at the beginning of this area, bring it all the
 way to behind all those pillars in the water. Hop off the southwestern edge
 and fly (with the Cucco) to the strip of land. Climb up the ladder, then pick
 up the other Cucco at the top. Use it to fly over to a pillar with this Piece
 on it. (You'll have to be at the other platform with a Gossip Stone in order 
 to reach it.)

Another way to get the Piece is to continue along Zora's River with Cucco in
hand like normal, but when you get to the jump off point, you'll see a ledge
that is normally unreachable. Well, if you jump towards it and press A as soon
as you reach it, Link will release the Cucco and grab the ledge, pulling 
himself up. Now you can just jump to the Piece. I think this method is easier
to do, actually.

Piece of Heart #13: [ ]
Location: Zora's River
Time: Past
Requirements: A Cucco

How to get: Head all the way to the waterfall with a Cucco in hand, get on the
 top bridge, then glide over to the west ledge with this Piece on it.

Piece of Heart #14: [ ]
Location: Zora's Domain
Time: Past
Requirements: Deku Sticks

How to get: Use a Deku Stick to light the torch at the bottom of the stairs
 from the King's room first, then use this torch as a starting point to light 
 all the other torches quickly. The final two torches are behind the waterfall. 
 If successful, a treasure chest containing this Piece will appear behind the

An alternate way to do this is to first light the torch on the spiral ramp, 
then go straight to the torches behind the waterfall, use Din's Fire to light
those, then proceed to light the other torches. Thanks Harris!

Piece of Heart #15: [ ]
Location: Lake Hylia
Time: Past
Requirements: 20 Rupees

How to get: Head to the Fishing Pond on the east side of the lake and catch a
 fish of at least 10 lbs. Taking it to the fisherman will get you this Piece.

Piece of Heart #16: [ ]
Location: Gerudo Valley
Time: Past
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: Grab the Cucco, then at the cliff, fly down to the platform with a
 crate on it. The crate contains this Piece.

Piece of Heart #17: [ ]
Location: Gerudo Valley
Time: Past
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: At the very bottom of the valley is a long ledge. Head to the 
 north side and look behind the waterfall. There's a ladder there. Jump behind 
 the waterfall and reach the ladder. (There is no current behind the waterfall, 
 so there's no worries about being carried with the current.) At the top of the 
 ladder is an alcove with this Piece inside.

Piece of Heart #18: [ ]
Location: Kakariko Graveyard
Time: Both Past and Future
Requirements: A Magic Bean

How to get: While Young Link, head into the Graveyard and plant a Magic Bean on
 the plot of dirt. Return as Adult Link and ride the now-grown plant to reach a
 ledge with a crate containing this Piece.

Piece of Heart #19: [ ]
Location: Kakariko Village
Time: Future
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: Finish Dampe's race in the graveyard and you'll end up on a high
 ledge inside the windmill. Use a ledge on the machine to carry you to this
 Piece on a high platform.

Piece of Heart #20: [ ]
Location: Kakariko Graveyard
Time: Future
Requirements: Hookshot

How to get: Finish Dampe's race in under a minute and he'll give you this
 Piece. For tips on finishing quickly, cut corners, roll most of the time, and
 obviously avoid the flames Dampe drops.

Piece of Heart #21: [ ]
Location: Kakariko Village
Time: Future
Requirements: Hookshot

How to get: Head up to the entrance of the windmill, hop onto the fence nearby,
 and Hookshot to the house with the gray roof. On top is a man who will give 
 you this Piece for climbing up here.

You can even get this as Young Link! To do so, climb on top of the tall tower, 
stand on the left side, and hold Z. Move left then press A to side jump. 
Release the Control Stick while in mid-air, and you should land on the narrow 
fence next to the building. Just climb up from there and get the piece from the 

Piece of Heart #22: [ ]
Location: Death Mountain Trail
Time: Both Past and Future
Requirements: Magic Bean

How to get: While Young Link, plant a Magic Bean on the plot of soil right at
 the entrance to Dodongo's Cavern. Return as Adult Link and ride the grown 
 plant to a ledge with this Piece of Heart.

Piece of Heart #23: [ ]
Location: Zora's Fountain
Time: Future
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: In the fountain, jump across the floating pieces of ice where
 Jabu-Jabu used to be to reach this Piece.

Piece of Heart #24: [ ]
Location: Lake Hylia
Time: Both Past and Future
Requirements: Magic Bean

How to get: While Young Link, plant a Magic Bean on the plot of dirt near the
 Lab. Return as Adult Link and ride the plant. Jump off onto the roof, then 
 climb the ladder being careful with the Guays, and the Piece of Heart will be 
 at the top.

Piece of Heart #25: [ ]
Location: Lake Hylia
Time: Future
Requirements: Golden Scale

How to get: Enter the Laboratory, talk to the old man, then dive into the water
 with the Golden Scale. Dive down to 9 meters, then talk to the old man again
 and he should give you this Piece.

Piece of Heart #26: [ ]
Location: Kakariko Village
Time: Both Past and Future
Requirements: 50 Gold Skulltulas captured

How to get: Visit the Skulltula house after you get 50 Skulltula tokens, and
 you'll get this Piece.

Piece of Heart #27: [ ]
Location: Zora's River
Time: Past
Requirements: Ocarina of Time, Song of Storms

How to get: Play the Song of Storms for the frogs in the river and they'll give
 you this Piece. You might have to make the frogs big by playing other various
 Ocarina songs first though.

Piece of Heart #28: [ ]
Location: Zora's River
Time: Past
Requirements: Ocarina of Time, Piece of Heart #27

How to get: First, make the frogs large by playing various Ocarina songs.
 Second, make sure you get the Piece of Heart listed above, as you can't get 
 this one without it. Using the Ocarina, play notes corresponding to each frog 
 so that they can catch the flies above them. Check section 16 of the 
 walkthrough for the order of notes needed to play. Finishing the minigame will 
 get you this Piece of Heart.

Piece of Heart #29: [ ]
Location: Hyrule Market
Time: Past, Nighttime
Requirements: Lens of Truth, 10 Rupees

How to get: Enter the Treasure Box Shop during night. (The large house with lit
 windows.) Pay the fee to play, and use the Lens of Truth to see which treasure
 chest holds the small key needed to continue. Keep doing this to reach the 
 end, which has a treasure chest containing this Piece.

Piece of Heart #30: [ ]
Location: Death Mountain Crater
Time: Both Past and Future
Requirements: Ocarina of Time with Bolero of Fire, Magic Bean

How to get: Enter Death Mountain Crater from Goron City, and head to the
 Triforce stand. You'll see a plot of dirt. Warp here as Young Link and quickly 
 plant the Magic Bean on it, and return here as Adult Link. Ride the Magic 
 Plant to this Piece.

Piece of Heart #31: [ ]
Location: Ice Cavern
Time: Future
Requirements: Hookshot and Bottle of Blue Fire

How to get: Grab some blue fire in the ending room of the Cavern, then melt the
 east red ice wall in the ice blade room. Inside, melt the left block of red
 ice to get this Piece.

Piece of Heart #31 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Ice Cavern
Time: Future
Requirements: Bombs

How to get: In the northeastern room, look around the icy floors to find the 
 tip of a crystal switch poking through. Place a bomb there to activate it. 
 This will make the ice blocks containing the Piece of Heart to disappear, so 
 grab it.

Piece of Heart #32: [ ]
Location: Zora's Fountain
Time: Future
Requirements: Iron Boots, Zora Tunic

How to get: Equip the Zora Tunic so you won't drown, and use the Iron Boots to
 sink to the bottom. Find the Piece under there.

Piece of Heart #33: [ ]
Location: Hyrule Field
Time: Future
Requirements: Bombs, Iron Boots

How to get: West of Hyrule Castle, plant a bomb at the lone tree where there's
 trees surrounded by a river. It'll open a Secret Cave. Head inside, and sink
 to the bottom of the water with the Iron Boots. The Piece is down here.

Piece of Heart #34: [ ]
Location: Gerudo Fortress
Time: Future
Requirements: Longshot

How to get: At the very top of the fortress is a giant treasure chest. Get to
 a point where you can Longshot directly to the chest. Open this chest for this
 piece. It's best if you have the Gerudo's Membership Card so you can explore
 the fortress freely.

Piece of Heart #35: [ ]
Location: Gerudo Fortress
Time: Future
Requirements: Just Epona

How to get: Behind the Fortress, through a long path, is a secluded area which
 is basically the Horseback Archery game. Talk to the Gerudo while on your
 horse and get 1000 points. You'll get this piece in return.

Piece of Heart #36: [ ]
Location: Desert Colossus
Time: Both Past and Future
Requirements: Magic Bean, Requiem of Spirit

How to get: Go to the Desert Collosus as Young Link and plant a Magic Bean on
 the plot of dirt. Return as Adult Link and ride the plant, jumping off at the
 arch where this Piece is located.

  '_______                                                              [Upgrd]
    ´    ´' -----------------------------------       _________________________
   ´    ´   -----------------------------------      /
 .´   .´    ---------Upgrade Locations---------     /
,--, ,--,   -----------------------------------    /
.__. .__.   -----------------------------------   /

These will show the locations of upgrades - things that increase the capacity
of certain items, such as arrows for your bow. These are listed in the order 
the walkthrough gets them in. (NOTE: Most of the upgrades are gotten while you
are Young Link. I will give a special note for the upgrades that have to be
gotten as Adult Link.)

Deku Seed Upgrade 1: [ ]
Description: This upgrade is a bullet bag made by the Deku Scrub who runs the
 Lost Woods target practice game. This holds 40 Deku Seeds; 10 more than what 
 you normally carry. Head right from the Lost Woods entrance to find the 

How to Find: Use the Fairy Slingshot to score three perfect hits on the target
 in Lost Woods (100 per hit).

Deku Stick Upgrade 1: [ ]
Description: This upgrade allows you to carry 20 Deku Sticks instead of 10.

How to Find: From the entrance to Lost Woods, head left twice and head under
 the bridge. A business Deku Scrub should be behind one of the pillars. Deflect 
 a Deku Nut back at him with the Deku Shield and he'll surrender. In return, 
 he'll give you the upgrade at a cost of 40 Rupees.

Deku Seed Upgrade 2: [ ]
Description: This upgrade is a bullet bag that can be won in Hyrule Market's
 Shooting Gallery if you already got the first upgrade. This holds 50 Deku 
 Seeds; very helpful indeed.

How to Find: In the Shooting Gallery, use the Fairy Slingshot to shoot all the
 Rupees in one game.

Bomb Bag Upgrade 1: [ ]
Description: This upgrade is a bomb bag that'll allow you to carry 30 Bombs.

How to Find: Head to Goron City, and stop the Hot Rodder Goron with a Bomb
 while under the enclosure. He'll give you this in return.

Deku Nut Upgrade 1: [ ]
Description: This upgrade allows you to carry 30 Deku Nuts.

How to Find: After exiting the Sacred Forest Meadow, blast the boulder with a 
 Bomb to reveal a Secret Cave. Drop in to find two Business Deku Scrubs. One 
 will sell you this upgrade for 40 Rupees.

Bomb Bag Upgrade 2: [ ]
Description: This upgrade is a bomb bag that lets you carry 40 Bombs.

How to Find: In Bombchu Bowling Alley in Hyrule Market, this is one of the
 random prizes you can win. (See section six in the walkthrough for fool-proof 
 tricks on winning.)

Deku Stick Upgrade 2: [ ]
Description: This upgrade allows you to carry 30 Deku Sticks. Go crazy on using
them as weapons now, they're more powerful than your Kokiri Sword.

How to Find: Get the Skull Mask from the Happy Mask Shop, then take it to the
 Forest Stage in Lost Woods. To head there, go right, left, right, left, then
 left from the Kokiri Forest entrance, then find the Secret Cave in the high 
 grass to find the Forest Stage. Talk to the leader of the Deku Scrubs here 
 while wearing the Skull Mask, and he'll give you this upgrade for free.

Deku Nut Upgrade 2: [ ]
Description: This upgrade allows you to carry 40 Deku Nuts!

How to Find: After making all the masks in the Happy Mask Shop available,
 borrow the Mask of Truth, and head to Lost Woods. From the Kokiri Forest 
 entrance, head right, left, right, left, then left to get to a grassy area. 
 Find the Forest Stage, then showcase the Mask of Truth to the group. You'll
 get random responses for your mask (if they ignore you, re-enter and try 
 again) but no matter what, you'll get this upgrade in return.

NOTE: You can NOT get this upgrade after pulling out the Master Sword for the
first time. It's a strange glitch that Nintendo hasn't bothered to fix for
some reason. Make sure you get the upgrade before becoming Adult Link.

Arrow Upgrade 1: [ ]
Description: This is upgrade is a Big Quiver, allowing you to hold 40 Arrows
 for your Bow.

How to Find: Head to Kakariko Village as Adult Link, and enter the Shooting
 Gallery. (The now-completed building that was under construction as Young
 Link.) This is like the Hyrule Market Shooting Gallery, except the Rupees and
 their locations spring up randomly. Hit all the Rupees to get this upgrade.

Arrow Upgrade 2: [ ]
Description: This upgrade is the Biggest Quiver, allowing you to hold 50 Arrows
 for your Bow.

How to Find: Acquire 1500 points (very hard) in the Horseback Archery Game at
 Gerudo's Fortress.

  '_______                                                               [Itms]
    ´    ´' -----------------------------------       _________________________
   ´    ´   -----------------------------------      /
 .´   .´    --------Items and Equipment--------     /
,--, ,--,   -----------------------------------    /
.__. .__.   -----------------------------------   /

Like an RPG, a Zelda game has many items that can make you stronger or better
equipped to fighting certain enemies. This list shows all the items and
equipment you can get in the game, in order, but first, the general items you 
can pick up.

Normal Items
These are items shown in the Inventory screen. You can hold a number of things,
from Bottles to Deku Nuts. Remember that these are listed in the order the game
lists them in, from left to right.

Deku Sticks
Description: These are normal sticks that are actually stronger than the Kokiri
 Sword. You can attack with these sticks (they break on contact though), but
 the main use is to use them to light torches by making them catch on fire. You
 can only carry 10 Deku Sticks at the time you collect them, but there are some
 upgrades that'll let you carry more. Adult Link can't use these.
Gotten: They can either be bought or taken from certain Deku Babas.

Deku Nuts
Description: These special nuts, when thrown, flash brightly, dazing any
 enemies that are nearby. A lot of people use these items to disappear quickly.
Gotten: They can either be bought or taken from certain Deku Babas.

Description: These Bombs are very durable in that they can pretty much blow up
 any weak wall. Dodongos are pretty weak to these.
Gotten: The ability to carry bombs hides in Dodongo's Cavern, the second 
 dungeon as Young Link.

Fairy Bow
Description: This is a projectile attack for Adult Link. It currently holds 30
 arrows. Hold the C Button the item is assigned to to nock an arrow, then
 release the button to release it.
Gotten: In the Forest Temple.

Fire Arrows
Description: A magical arrow engulfed in fire. Used to light torches and 
 enemies on fire.
Gotten: After clearing the Water Temple, shoot the sun right as morning arrives
 to get these. You have to be in Lake Hylia for this to happen.

Ice Arrows
Description: A magical arrow encased in ice. Can be used to freeze enemies and
 is effective against Bongo Bongo.
Gotten: Your prize for clearing the difficult Gerudo Training Grounds.

Light Arrows
Description: A magical arrow enchanted in light. This powerful arrow is used to
 help defeat Ganondorf and clear Ganon's Castle.
Gotten: After clearing all the temples and getting all the medallions, return
 to the Temple of Time and Zelda will give these to you.

Fairy Slingshot
Description: This is a special slingshot that fires Deku Seeds. After 
 assigning this item to a C Button, press that C Button to go into a first-
 person aiming mode. You can aim using the Control Stick, and you can arm a 
 Deku Seed by pressing and holding the same C Button. Release the C Button to 
 fire. Press either A or B to exit firing mode. Adult Link can't use this.
Gotten: In the Deku Tree dungeon.

Fairy Ocarina
Description: This is an Ocarina made by Saria. This ocarina can be assigned to 
 a C Button, and after pulling it out, you can use the C Buttons and A Button 
 to play notes. There are hidden commands however that can change the tone of 
 the notes, though it's optional. Just a neat little secret.
Gotten: After clearing the Deku Tree, attempt to leave Kokiri Forest and Saria
 will give you this.

Ocarina of Time
Description: This magical Ocarina was "given" to you by Princess Zelda herself.
 It holds grand mystical power, making the Song of Time do brilliant wonders.
Gotten: After getting all the Spiritual Stones, try returning to Hyrule Castle
 to get a scene to play. Afterwards, jump into the trench and grab the Ocarina
 Zelda threw. Once you get this, it replaces your Fairy Ocarina. No need to 
 have two Ocarinas, right?

Description: These are mobile bombs that scurry on any surface, even ceilings,
 for a little while before they blow up (either on its own or running into an
Gotten: Many places. Some are in treasure chests, other times you can buy them
 at certain stores, you can even win them at the Bombchu Bowling Gallery in
 Castle Town.

Description: This is a valuable item that stuns enemies and carries you over to
 far ledges that the Hookshot can reach. Its range is a bit limited however.
Gotten: From Dampe. Win his race (in his grave as Adult Link in Kakariko 
 Graveyard) and he will give you this.

Description: This is a valuable item that stuns enemies and carries you over to
 far ledges that even the normal Hookshot can't reach. This is the ultimate
 transport device. Once you get this, it replaces the normal Hookshot. No need
 to have an inferior device.
Gotten: In the Water Temple.

Description: A useful weapon that can be used as a weapon AND as a means to
 catch far off things and bring them to you. Simply hold the C Button you
 assigned this weapon to to go into first-person mode (kinda). Releasing the
 button will throw the Boomerang, and it'll always come back to you, like 
 super-hot enchiladas on a weak stomach.
Gotten: In the Jabu-Jabu's Belly dungeon for Young Link.

Lens of Truth
Description: An item that lets you see through things, and will also let you
 see invisible things. This can't be used indefinitely, as it consumes magic
 power slowly as it is used.
Gotten: In the Bottom of the Well sub-dungeon for Young Link.

Magic Beans
Description: Magic Beans that can only be planted as Young Link, but fully 
 sprout into floating plants that transport you to new places as Adult Link.
Gotten: The guy who eats beans in Zora's River. He sells them at ever-rising
 prices. He holds up to 10 Magic Beans.

Megaton Hammer
Description: An ancient hammer wielded by a heroic and legendary Goron, was
 used to silence Volvagia from long ago. This powerful hammer is able to break
 the toughest of materials, and is also used to pound heavy or rusted switches.
Gotten: In the Fire Temple.

Din's Fire
Description: A magic power that can be assigned to a C Button. When used, Link
 pounds the ground with his fist, unleashing a wave of fire in all directions.
Gotten: The Great Fairy of Magic in Hyrule Castle Grounds gives you this 
 ability. Her fountain is found behind a boulder in a cranny.

Farore's Wind
Description: A magic power that can be assigned to a C Button. Only used in
 dungeons, once first used, Link creates a warp point. When used again in any
 other room in the dungeon, you are warped back to that warp point.
Gotten: The Great Fairy of Magic in Zora's Fountain gives you this ability. Her
 fountain is found behind Jabu-Jabu, hidden behind a weak, bombable wall on a
 small piece of land with a couple boulders.

Nayru's Love
Description: A magic power that can be assigned to a C Button. When used, Link
 creates a barrier that makes himself impervious to attacks. However, the
 barrier does not last forever; after a few minutes it will run out. A few
 minutes is quite a long time though, so this move takes up a LOT of magic.
Gotten: The Great Fairy of Magic at the Desert Colossus gives you this ability.
 Her fountain can be found behind a cracked wall between two palm trees, close
 to the entrance to the Haunted Wasteland.

Empty Bottle #1 [ ]
Description: This is an empty bottle that can fit almost anything in it.
Gotten: You get this bottle by completing the Super Cucco Finding Game in Lon 
 Lon Ranch. You'll have to meet Princess Zelda first. (Which, in other words,
 means waking up Talon, who hosts the little game in the ranch.)

Empty Bottle #2 [ ]
Description: This is an empty bottle that can fit almost anything in it.
Gotten: You get this bottle by finding all the Cuccos for the lady in Kakariko 
 Village. (Check section 5 in the Walkthrough for details.)

Empty Bottle #3 [ ]
Description: This is an empty bottle that can fit almost anything in it.
Gotten: You can find this underwater in Lake Hylia near the entrance to Zora's 
 Domain. You need the Silver Scale to dive down low enough to grab it. You 
 can't use this bottle immediately, as it already has a Letter inside.

Empty Bottle #4 [ ]
Description: This is an empty bottle that can fit almost anything in it.
Gotten: Once you have the Fairy Bow, go Big Poe hunting in Hyrule Field on 
 horseback after emptying your bottles. Take the bottled Big Poes to the Ghost 
 Shop in Hyrule Market. (Where the guardshack was.) For locations on the Big 
 Poes, check walkthrough section 14.

These are items that are in your Equipment screen. Link equips these items and
wears them. Many give him special benefits. These are listed by type.

Kokiri Sword
Description: This is a sword handed down by the Kokiri. It's not very powerful,
 and its range is limited compared to other swords, but it gets the job done.
Gotten: At the end of the mini-maze with the boulder in Kokiri Village.

Master Sword
Description: The blade of evil's bane, you have to use this to defeat 
Gotten: It's waiting for you in the Temple of Time after getting the three
 Spiritual Stones.

Giant's Knife
Description: Much more powerful than the Master Sword, but it easily breaks. It
 is wielded with two hands, so no shield use. Once broken, its power becomes
 roughly that of the Kokiri Sword, maybe weaker.
Gotten: Buy one from the Biggoron in Goron City.

Biggoron's Sword
Description: Just like the Goron's Knife. More powerful than the Master Sword,
 but won't break at all!
Gotten: By completing the lengthy trading sequence for Adult Link. Check the
 items list for the sidequest items needed. It's  actually possible to get this 
 sword before the Forest Temple! Know how you need to thaw the Zora King? Well,
 once you get the Giant's Wallet, just buy some Blue Fire from like, Kakariko's
 shop and free him then, instead of having to go through the Ice Cavern. Thanks
 for that tip, DJxChrome!

Deku Shield
Description: This is a shield made of very strong wood. This can withstand
 many attacks, but burns up on contact with fire. Be careful.
Gotten: Buy it at the Kokiri Shop.

Hylian Shield
Description: This is a better shield than the Deku Shield, in that it's made of
 metal and will not burn when exposed to fire. It's too big for Young Link to
 use it correctly, though.
Gotten: There are two ways. You can buy it at the Bazaar in Hyrule Market, 
 or you can get it for free in the Graveyard by pulling the gravestone with 
 flowers in front, then dropping down the hole and opening the chest.

Mirror Shield
Description: This shield's highly reflective surface can reflect light and even
 absorb elemental spells!
Gotten: After defeating the other Iron Knuckle as Adult Link, you'll find
 a chest containing this on the left hand of the Desert Collosus.

Bullet Bag
Description: A bullet bag that holds 30 Deku Seeds.
Gotten: You get this with the Fairy Slingshot.

Bigger Bullet Bag
Description: This is a bullet bag made by the Deku Scrub who runs the Lost
 Woods target practice game. This holds 40 Deku Seeds; 10 more than what you 
 normally carry.
Gotten: Score three perfect hits on the target in Lost Woods (100 per

Biggest Bullet Bag
Description: This is a bullet bag that can be won in Hyrule Market's
 Shooting Gallery. This hold 50 Deku Seeds; very helpful indeed.
Gotten: In the Shooting Gallery, shoot all the Rupees in one try.

Normal Wallet
Description: This is a wallet able to hold 99 Rupees.
Gotten: Link has this as you begin the game.

Adult's Wallet
Description: This is a wallet able to hold 200 Rupees as opposed to 99.
Gotten: Talk to the first man who's curse has been broken in Kakariko Village's 
 Skulltula house and he'll reward you with this item. You must have killed 10
 Gold Skulltulas before you can get this.

Giant's Wallet
Description: This is a wallet that can hold up to 500 Rupees.
Gotten: Collect 30 Gold Skulltulas then head to Kakariko Village's Skulltula 
 House to acquire this prize.

Bomb Bag
Description: This is a bomb bag made from a Dodongo's stomach! This holds 20
Gotten: Inside a large treasure chest at the north of the spike trap room in 
 Dodongo's Cavern.

Bigger Bomb Bag
Description: This is a bomb bag that'll allow you to carry 30 Bombs.
Gotten: Once you get Bombs, head to Goron City, and stop the Hot Rodder Goron 
 with a Bomb while under the enclosure. He'll give you this in return.

Biggest Bomb Bag
Description: This is a bomb bag that lets you carry 40 Bombs.
Gotten: In Bombchu Bowling Alley in Hyrule Market, this is one of the random 
 prizes you can win. (See section six in the walkthrough for fool-proof 
 tricks on winning.)

Silver Scale
Description: Allows you to dive underwater for 6 seconds instead of 3.
Gotten: Win the Diving Game in Zora's Domain to acquire this item.

Golden Scale
Description: Allows you to dive underwater for 9 full seconds.
Gotten: After getting the Heart Piece in the Fishing Hole as Young Link, return
 as Adult Link and capture a 15 lb. fish to get this.

Hover Boots
Description: Allows you to hover above a pit for a very limited time. It also
 decreases traction significantly.
Gotten: Somewhere in the Shadow Temple.

Silver Gauntlets
Description: These allow you to lift and push heavy objects. You promised to
 give these to Nabooru, but...
Gotten: After defeating the Iron Knuckle mini-boss as Young Link, you'll find a 
 chest containing these on the right hand of the Desert Collosus.

Golden Gauntlets
Description: These allow you to lift extremely heavy objects, even ones that
 are 10 times Link's size. HULK....SMAAASH!!!
Gotten: In the Shadow trials room in Ganon's Castle. (Spirit Trials in Master

Quest Status Items
These are items you can't use, but most are absolutely essential to finishing
the game. These are listed in the order you get them in.

Gold Skulltula Token Chart
Description: This shows how many Gold Skulltula Tokens you've collected. These
 aren't essential to finishing the game, but certain amounts of tokens get you
 other items.

Piece of Heart Chart
Description: This shows how many more Heart Pieces you need in order to
 complete a Heart Container. It takes four pieces to complete one. This does
 not, however, show you how many Heart Pieces you've gotten total in the game.

Ocarina Song Chart
Description: Located below the Gold Skulltula Token Chart, this shows you the
 songs you've learned (not counting the Scarecrow's Song) and also tells you 
 how to play each.

Kokiri's Emerald
Description: The first of three Spiritual Stones. Spiritual Stones are
 required to open the Temple of Time's way to the Master Sword.
Gotten: This is gotten after beating Gohma from inside the Great Deku Tree.

Goron's Ruby
Description: The second of three Spiritual Stones, the Spiritual Stone of Fire.
Gotten: This can be acquired after clearing Dodongo's Cavern.

Zora's Sapphire
Description: The third of three Spiritual Stones, the Spiritual Stone of Water.
Gotten: This is gotten after clearing Jabu-Jabu's Belly.

Stone of Agony
Description: When you have this item, the Rumble Pak will react to nearby
Gotten: This is gotten after collecting 20 Gold Skulltula tokens. This appears 
 above the Gold Skulltula Token Chart.

Light Medallion
Description: This is a medallion containing the power of Rauru the Sage.
Gotten: You get this after pulling the Master Sword from its pedestal for the 
 first time.

Forest Medallion
Description: This is a medallion containing the power of Saria, the Sage of the
 Forest Temple.
Gotten: You get this after killing Phantom Ganon, and thus breaking the curse 
 of the temple.

Fire Medallion
Description: This is a medallion containing the power of Darunia, Sage of Fire. 
Gotten: You get this after dispatching Volvagia from the Fire Temple, and thus
 removing the ominous clouds hanging above Death Mountain and Kakariko Village.

Water Medallion
Description: This is a medallion containing the power of the Sage of Water,
Gotten: You get this after killing Morpha, the water creature that sucked Lake
 Hylia dry.

Shadow Medallion
Description: This is a medallion containing the power of Impa, the Shadow Sage.
Gotten: You get this after ridding the evil creature in the depths of the 
 Shadow Temple.

Spirit Medallion
Description: This is a medallion containing the power of Nabooru, the Sage of
Gotten: You get this when you defeat Twinrova and rescue Nabooru at the Spirit

Gerudo Membership Card
Description: This allows you to freely explore the Gerudo Fortress without
being caught.
Gotten: You can get this after freeing all the carpenters in the fortress. I 
 have to question why they call this a "card"....it's more like a paper 

These are C items in the Inventory screen, but I decided that putting them in a
separate section would be better, as these masks are part of Young Link's grand
sidequest. You can only hold one mask at a time. I have no checkboxes for
these items, because these masks are temporary. Get these Masks from the Happy 
Mask Salesman in Castle Town.

Keaton Mask
Description: This is a mask that resembles the legendary two-tailed Keaton
 creature (which you never actually get to see in this game). It looks very
 similar to Pikachu's (from Pokemon games) face... The guard by the Death
 Mountain Trail entrance in Kakariko Village wants this mask.

Skull Mask
Description: A generic skull-like mask. It can make you feel like a monster
 while wearing it. The Skull Kid who you played Saria's Song to wants this 

Spooky Mask
Description: This is a mask of the face of a Redead. You can scare some people
 with this. The little kid seen in Kakariko Graveyard by the day wants this

Bunny Hood
Description: This is a hood to make you feel as fast as a rabbit. (It doesn't
 actually do anything.) The Running Man in Hyrule Field wants this hood, and
 he's willing to sell it all for this hood. This will also keep Stalchilds from
 attacking you in Hyrule Field at night.


NOTE: After delivering these masks in order, they'll now be available for free,
along with four new masks. The new masks are below.

Mask of Truth
Description: This allows you to see into people's minds....and will also let
 you listen to the gossip of Gossip Stones.

Goron Mask
Description: Feel like a mighty Goron with this mask! You'll get special
 reactions from other Gorons, especially Darunia.

Zora Mask
Description: Feel like you could glide along the water with ease with this
 mask! Get a very funny reaction from Ruto!

Gerudo Mask
Description: Wear this mask while talking to the men of Hyrule and watch the

Sidequest Items
These are again C items, but I feel they would fit better in their own section
to prevent some confusion. There are two sections, one for Young Link's 
Sidequest Items (excluding the Masks), and one for Adult Link's Sidequest 

Young Link
Weird Egg
Description: An egg that feels like it may hatch overnight!
Gotten: Malon gives it to you during night at the Castle Grounds.

Description: A chicken hatched from the egg you were incubating! It's the 
 miracle of life!
Gotten: The Weird Egg changes to this when night turns to day.

Description: A letter with Princess Zelda's signature on it! Use this to access
 areas you normally aren't allowed through.
Gotten: Visit Princess Zelda, listen to her story, and she'll give you this.

Adult Link
Pocket Egg
Description: A special egg that, when hatched, creates a Cucco small enough to
 fit inside your pocket! Given to you by the Cucco lady in Kakariko Village. 
 She wants it back when it's hatched.

Pocket Cucco
Description: A miniature chicken the Cucco lady has just bred. You're able to
 fit it in your pocket! She wants this chicken to be happy when you give it 
 back to her. In order to make the Cucco happy, have it wake up someone lazy,
 like Talon.

Description: A special blue Cucco that rarely crows ever since its owner
 mysteriously disappeared. You'll get this for returning the Pocket Cucco when
 it's happy to the Cucco lady.

Odd Mushroom
Description: A fresh mushroom like this is sure to spoil! This is given to you
 when you give Cojiro to its owner in the Lost Woods.

Odd Potion
Description: This is an odd potion made from the mushroom you brought to
 Kakariko Village's Old Witch's Potion Shop.

Poacher's Saw
Description: This is the saw the punk guy left behind in Lost Woods. The young
 girl who saw it will give this to you in return for the Odd Potion.

Broken Goron's Sword
Description: A Goron's Sword that's hardly useful. The guy in Gerudo Valley
 gives you this in exchange for his Poacher's Saw.

Description: A prescription for eye drops. The Biggoron on top of Death
 Mountain needs some eye drops for his eye irritation before he can mend the
 Broken Goron's Sword. Take this to King Zora.

Eyeball Frog
Description: This fresh ingredient for the eye drops will spoil quickly! King
 Zora gives you this. Bring it to the old man in Lake Hylia's Laboratory.

World's Greatest Eye Drops
Description: This item will go bad very soon! Take it to the Biggoron on the
 top of Death Mountain quickly!

Claim Check
Description: Show the Biggoron on the top of Death Mountain this after three
 days and you'll get the Biggoron's Sword! Biggoron gives you this so you won't
 forget that you have a sword waiting for you.

Common Pick-ups
These are items that are dropped by enemies or can be found lying around the

Recovery Heart: Restores one heart for your health. These are usually found
 from defeated enemies.

Rupees: These are the currency used in Hyrule. The color of the Rupee depends
 on how much it's worth. Green Rupees are worth 1; Blue are 5; Red are 20; 
 Purple are 50; and Huge (yellow) ones are 200

Deku Nuts: These refill a portion of your Deku Nuts ammunition.

Deku Seeds: These refill a portion of your Deku Seeds ammunition.

Deku Sticks: These refill a portion of your Deku Sticks ammunition.

Bombs: These refill a portion of your available bombs.

Magic Pots: These refill a portion of your magic meter.

Arrows: These refill a portion of your Arrow ammunition for your bow.

Dungeon Items
These are the items commonly found in dungeons. Not very many of them, but I
feel I should mention them.

Dungeon Map
Description: This reveals all the floors and rooms of a dungeon in the Map
 Screen. Blue rooms are ones you've visited before. You can find one of these
 in each dungeon and temple.

Description: This, along with the Dungeon Map, reveals treasure chest
 locations, and also shows your exact location in a room when viewed from the 
 Map Screen. In the mini map, it also shows a red mark, which shows where you 
 entered the room from. One can be found in each dungeon and temple.

Small Key
Description: This unlocks a door in the temple you found the key in. At least
 one of these are in each temple.

Boss Key
Description: A large key which unlocks a large door leading to the boss of a

Bottle Items
A bit pointless, but here's all the items you can store in your bottles. Listed
in alphabetical order, of course.

Big Poe
Description: A rarer Poe that usually infests Hyrule Field as Adult Link. It's
 easier to catch them if you're on horseback and snipe them with arrows. If you
 capture all 10 Big Poes in Hyrule Field and give them to the Ghost Shop, 
 you'll get an Empty Bottle!

Blue Fire
Description: A cool fire that can be bottled somehow! This nice, refreshing 
 fire can melt away red ice. Usually found in Ice Cavern, but can also be sold
 in certain stores.

Blue Potion
Description: The cure-all potion. It not only heals any damage, but also 
 refills magic! This is a rare potion and seems to only be sold by the hag in
 Kakariko Village. It may be in other areas though...

Description: Some bugs bottled inside! No real use for them other than to
 unearth certain Gold Skulltulas. They can also be used to distract enemies.
 Bugs are usually found under bushes and small rocks.

Description: You bottled a Fairy! You can use this Fairy at any time to restore
 health, just like Red Potion. However, if you have one of these, and you die,
 you'll be revived! It's very good to have at least one of these at all times.

Description: A fresh and delicious-looking fish, with some water to keep it
 alive. There's really only one use for bottled fish, and that's to open up
 the Jabu-Jabu's Belly dungeon for Young Link.

Green Potion
Description: Some revitalizing potion that restores some magic power when 
 drunk! Usually sold at certain shops.

Description: A letter from Princess Ruto to her dad, the King Zora. This letter
 already comes inside the third bottle you collect. Bring this classic letter 
 in a bottle to King Zora.

Lon Lon Milk
Description: Nutritious milk that restores health. Contains two helpings!

Description: The soul of a defeated Poe. Don't drink it, it's harmful to your
 health. Instead, sell the soul to someone who's crazy about Poes...

Red Potion
Description: Potion that restores health.

  '_______                                                               [Mgic]
    ´    ´' -----------------------------------       _________________________
   ´    ´   -----------------------------------      /
 .´   .´    ---------Magic Bean Plots----------     /
,--, ,--,   -----------------------------------    /
.__. .__.   -----------------------------------   /

Throughout your travels, you may notice sandy patches of ground with a single
hole in the middle. These are plots of ground where you plant Magic Beans. 
There's a single character over in Zora's River while Link's a child who sells 
Magic Beans....at a considerably higher price with each one. You see, he 
raises the price of Magic Beans with each one you buy, which is unfortunate, 
but the beans are necessary to get through the game. The beans don't grow fully 
until you're Adult Link, so make sure you plant any Magic Beans you have as 
Young Link (that's the only way you can do it, anyway). Here's the locations 
of the plots you can plant Magic Beans in.

Magic Bean Plot #1:
Location: This one is right by the person who sells Young Link Magic Beans in
 Zora's River.

Magic Bean Plot #2:
Location: This one is in Kokiri Forest right beside the shop.

Magic Bean Plot #3:
Location: As soon as you enter Lost Woods from Kokiri Forest, head left until
 you reach this one.

Magic Bean Plot #4:
Location: When you enter Lost Woods from Kokiri Forest, head right, left,
 right, left, then left. This hole is here behind a Business Scrub.

Magic Bean Plot #5:
Location: Right by the entrance to Dodongo's Cavern in Death Mountain Trail is
 this hole.

Magic Bean Plot #6:
Location: In Kakariko Graveyard, this hole is up on the upper ground.

Magic Bean Plot #7:
Location: This one is right beside the Lakeside Laboratory in Lake Hylia.

Magic Bean Plot #8:
Location: In Gerudo Valley, grab a Cucco and fly down to the very bottom of the
 cliff over to the left to find this plot.

Magic Bean Plot #9:
Location: Once you have learned Bolero of Fire, warp Young Link to the Fire
 Temple with it and you'll find this plot of dirt.

Magic Bean Plot #10:
Location: Once you have reached the Desert Colossus as Adult Link and learned
 the Requiem of Spirit, warp Young Link over here and you'll find this last 
 plot of dirt.

  '_______                                                               [Skll]
    ´    ´' -----------------------------------       _________________________
   ´    ´   -----------------------------------      /
 .´   .´    -----Gold Skulltula Locations------     /
,--, ,--,   -----------------------------------    /
.__. .__.   -----------------------------------   /

There's a family in Kakariko Village who is cursed by the Gold Skulltulas.
Killing a certain number of Gold Skulltulas and collecting the tokens (spirits) 
they leave behind will cure the curse of a family member. Go to the cured 
family member and receive a prize for your hard work. There are 100 Gold 
Skulltulas in the game, and getting them all cures the final member of the 
family and gives you a special prize. (which sucks, but the other prizes are 
fairly nice) First I'll list the prizes you get, and then I'll list the Gold 
Skulltulas you can find, area-by-area.

Family Member Prizes
Killing a certain number of Skulltulas will cure a family member. Just make
sure that after you kill a Gold Skulltula, that you collect the token (spirit) 
it leaves behind, otherwise it won't count.

10 Skulltulas: Gives you the Adult's Wallet, which lets you carry 200 Rupees,
 as opposed to the previous 99 that you could carry.

20 Skulltulas: Gives you the Stone of Agony. If you have the Rumble Pak, it
 will rumble whenever there is something secret nearby. (Such as Secret caves.)

30 Skulltulas: Gives you the Giant's Wallet, which lets you carry 500 Rupees.
 This is the final Rupee upgrade.

40 Skulltulas: Gives you 10 Bombchus, and you probably have them already,
 leaving this prize to be almost useless.

50 Skulltulas: Gives you a Piece of Heart, and is a very good prize.

100 Skulltulas: Gives you a Huge Rupee, which is worth 200 Rupees. Not a good
 prize compared to the others you can get, but oh well.

Gold Skulltula Locations
This lists all the Gold Skulltulas gotten in the order the walkthrough gets
them in. There are checkboxes here in case you print this list out.

Gold Skulltula #001: [ ]
Location: Great Deku Tree
Time: Past
Required: Nothing

How to get: In the Compass Room of the Second Floor, head into the left
 alcove after raising the platforms.

Gold Skulltula #001 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Great Deku Tree
Time: Past
Required: Nothing

How to get: Right beside the treasure chest that contained the Dungeon Map is a
 large crate. Break it open by rolling into it to reveal this Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #002: [ ]
Location: Great Deku Tree
Time: Past
Required: Fairy Slingshot

How to get: There's a Gold Skulltula on the vines leading back up to the
 First Floor in the first basement's watery room. Kill it with the Fairy
 Slingshot then climb up to get the token.

Gold Skulltula #002 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Great Deku Tree
Time: Past
Required: Bombs/Bombchus

How to get: In the Compass room (formerly known as the Slingshot room in OoT),
 there's some vines to climb that lead to rocks. Throw a bomb up there as it's
 ready to explode/set a Bombchu to blow them up, then climb up and retrieve the

Gold Skulltula #003: [ ]
Location: Great Deku Tree
Time: Past
Requirements: Fairy Slingshot

How to get: There's another Gold Skulltula on the eastern grate in the
 same room. Kill it from a distance then jump over to the token.

Gold Skulltula #003 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Great Deku Tree
Time: Past
Requirements: Boomerang, Deku Stick

How to get: In the room with four torches and a bunch of gravestones, kill the
 Keese there so they won't give you trouble, and step on the blue switch to
 light the torches as long as the switch is pressed. Light a Deku Stick and
 take it to the northwest webbing to burn it. Enter the door, kill the enemies,
 and Boomerang the Skulltula and its token.

Gold Skulltula #004: [ ]
Location: Kokiri Forest
Time: Past, Nighttime
Requirements: Kokiri Emerald

How to get: Once back at the village at night, at night, you'll find this Gold
 Skulltula behind the Know-it-all Brothers house, the westernmost hut in the
 village. You just need the Kokiri Emerald so that you can exit the Kokiri
 Forest so you can leave the forest to make it become night.

Gold Skulltula #005: [ ]
Location: Hyrule Market
Time: Past
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: As soon as you enter the walls of town, head into the guard's
 house. Roll into the crate next to the guard here to break it and release this
 Gold Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #006: [ ]
Location: Hyrule Castle
Time: Past
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: As soon as you reach the castle grounds, there's a lone tree in
 plain sight. (The one the owl was on.) Roll into the tree to knock down a Gold
 Skulltula from its branches.

Gold Skulltula #007: [ ]
Location: Lon Lon Ranch
Time: Past
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: Beside Talon's house, there's a lone tree with a few crates. Roll
 into the tree to knock down this Gold Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #008: [ ]
Location: Lon Lon Ranch
Time: Past, Nighttime
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: Behind the horse corral the Gold Skulltula lies.

Gold Skulltula #009: [ ]
Location: Kokiri Forest
Time: Past
Requirements: Bottle of Bugs

How to get: Head to the the plot of dirt beside the Kokiri Shop and drop the
 bottle of bugs onto the dirt plot. As long as one bug burrows straight into 
 the hole, a Gold Skulltula will pop out.

Gold Skulltula #010: [ ]
Location: Lost Woods
Time: Past
Requirements: Bottle of Bugs

How to get: Once you enter the Lost Woods, head left twice to find a plot of
 dirt. Drop the bugs on it, and another Gold Skulltula will pop out.

Gold Skulltula #011: [ ]
Location: Lost Woods
Time: Past
Requirements: Bottle of Bugs

How to get: Once you enter Lost Woods, head right, left, right, then left twice
 to reach a grassy area. There's a plot of dirt behind a Deku Scrub. Drop bugs
 on the plot of dirt to make this Gold Skulltula pop out.

Gold Skulltula #012: [ ]
Location: Kakariko Village
Time: Past, Nighttime
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: The lone tree near the entrance hides this Gold Skulltula. Roll
 into the tree to knock it down.

Gold Skulltula #013: [ ]
Location: Kakariko Village
Time: Past, Nighttime
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: On the south side of the Skulltula House, a Gold Skulltula sits
 near the window.

Gold Skulltula #014: [ ]
Location: Kakariko Village
Time: Past, Nighttime
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: Up on the building being constructed, it sits on the middle pillar.

Gold Skulltula #015: [ ]
Location: Kakariko Village
Time: Past, Nighttime
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: Near Death Mountain Trail's entrance, there's a house with a Gold
 Skulltula on the north wall of it.

Gold Skulltula #016: [ ]
Location: Kakariko Village
Time: Past, Nighttime
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: South of Death Mountain Trail's entrance sits a watchtower. There's 
 a Gold Skulltula sitting on the ladder of the tower. Kill it with two shots 
 from the Slingshot and climb up the ladder to retrieve the token.

Gold Skulltula #017: [ ]
Location: Kakariko Graveyard
Time: Past, Nighttime
Requirements: Bottle of Bugs

How to get: In the graveyard is a light plot of dirt. Drop bugs onto it and a
 Gold Skulltula will pop out.

Gold Skulltula #018: [ ]
Location: Death Mountain Trail
Time: Past
Requirements: Bottle of Bugs, Goron Bracelet

How to get: You need the bracelet so you can pick up bombs from bomb flowers.
 Above the boulder, near the entrance to Goron City, is a bomb flower. Pick a 
 bomb from it and throw it down to the boulder to destroy it and open Dodongo's 
 Cavern. It'll also reveal a patch of dirt. Drop some bugs on the patch to 
 make this Skulltula pop out.

Gold Skulltula #019: [ ]
Location: Dodongo's Cavern
Time: Past
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: Blow open the southeastern entrance in the main room, then head
 through. There's a weak wall to the right. Blow it up with a bomb or a Baby
 Dodongo, then open the big steel door for a Gold Skulltula behind it.

Gold Skulltula #019 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Dodongo's Cavern
Time: Past
Requirements: Deku Stick

How to get: In the room with mid-air torches (where the spike traps used to be
 in OoT), pull the blocks under each torch, then light a Deku Stick using a lit
 torch. Light the unlit mid-air torches (now on blocks) to open a door to the
 north. Go through that, kill the enemies, then find this Skulltula inside one
 of the crates.

Gold Skulltula #020: [ ]
Location: Dodongo's Cavern
Time: Past
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: Head to the northwest entrance (unlock the gates first), and head
 to the staircase surrounded by bomb flowers. Place a bomb in the gap of bomb
 flowers and it'll start a chain reaction when it blows up, lowering the giant
 staircase. Climb up it, then kill the Gold Skulltula on the vine beside the 

Gold Skulltula #020 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Dodongo's Cavern
Time: Past
Requirements: Bombs

How to get: Go back to the room you first fought some Lizalfos once you get the
 Bombs. You'll see a sort of "wall" of bombable rocks. Bomb some of them and
 jump to the path overlooking the second Lizalfos room. The Gold Skulltula is
 waiting at the end.

Gold Skulltula #021: [ ]
Location: Dodongo's Cavern
Time: Past
Requirements: Bombs

How to get: Head inside the giant Dodongo head, then head to the right
 entrance. Past the walls is a breakable wall. Plant a bomb by it then head 
 through the door behind it. Defeat the Armos (optional, but it helps) and kill
 this Gold Skulltula here.

Gold Skulltula #021 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Dodongo's Cavern
Time: Past
Requirements: Boomerang

How to get: In the Poe-filled room, there's a locked door to the north. To open 
 it, place a bomb/bomb flower underneath the nearby bomb flower on the wall.
 This will cause a chain reaction with the other bomb flowers and activate a
 switch to open the door. Inside, kill all the enemies, then find the Gold 
 Skulltula high in a corner so you can Boomerang it.

Gold Skulltula #022: [ ]
Location: Death Mountain Trail
Time: Past, Nighttime
Requirements: Bombs, Fairy Slingshot

How to get: Near the exit to Kakariko Village is a discolored wall. Bomb it,
 kill the Gold Skulltula, then climb up the normal wall to collect the token.

Gold Skulltula #023: [ ]
Location: Goron City
Time: Past
Requirements: Bombs

How to get: On the top level, there's a room filled with boulders. Blast the
 brown boulders with Bombs and try to get through this maze to find a Gossip 
 Stone, two small chests with a Purple Rupee in each, and a crate with this 
 Gold Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #024: [ ]
Location: Death Mountain Crater
Time: Past
Requirements: Nothing really.

How to get: As soon as you enter the crater from the summit entrance, break the
 crate to release this Gold Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #025: [ ]
Location: Zora's River
Time: Past
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: The first tree you see when you enter the River from Hyrule Field
 hides a Gold Skulltula. Roll into the tree to knock it down.

Gold Skulltula #026: [ ]
Location: Zora's River
Time: Past, Nighttime
Requirements: Bombs, Fairy Slingshot

How to get: You just need bombs to continue through Zora's River. At the end
 where the waterfall is, drop down to where the ladder is and you'll find a 
 Gold Skulltula on it. Kill it with the slingshot then climb up the ladder to
 retrieve the token.

Gold Skulltula #027: [ ]
Location: Lake Hylia
Time: Past, Nighttime
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: Head to the far left island with pillars and find this Skulltula on
 one of those pillars.

Gold Skulltula #028: [ ]
Location: Lake Hylia
Time: Past
Requirements: Bottle of Bugs

How to get: Right by the Lakeside Laboratory is a plot of dirt. Drop some bugs
 on it and a Gold Skulltula will pop out.

Gold Skulltula #029: [ ]
Location: Zora's Fountain
Time: Past
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: Behind Jabu Jabu is an island. Roll into the tree on the island to
 knock this Gold Skulltula off its branches.

Gold Skulltula #030: [ ]
Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Time: Past
Requirements: Fairy Slingshot

How to get: After falling down the hole after Princess Ruto, head toward the
 next opening and you'll find this Gold Skulltula on the vines. Kill it with 
 the slingshot, then hit the switch in the gap to raise the water level so you 
 can reach the vines to collect the token.

Gold Skulltula #030 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Time: Past
Requirements: Bombchus, Boomerang

How to get: In the crossroads room, take the northwestern room when it's open.
 There are Tailpasarans and Shaboms here, along with a Skullwalltula hidden in
 a rock. Kill them all, then look around the walls for some rocks. Place a 
 Bombchu underneath them to blow them up and the Gold Skulltula hiding inside.
 To get the token, step on the switch to make a water jet rise where you're
 standing. At this point, use the Boomerang to grab the token.

Gold Skulltula #031: [ ]
Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Time: Past
Requirements: Boomerang

How to get: After clearing the hallway room of all the tentacles, head back to
 the room filled with holes. Head down the hole the green tentacle used to be 
 at to drop down to the room where you first picked up Ruto, except on a higher 
 ledge. The Gold Skulltula is on the wall here.

Gold Skulltula #031 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Time: Past
Requirements: Din's Fire

How to get: In the room before the boss, climb up the pillar covered in vines
 to see a Gold Skulltula climbing around. You can't hit it with the Slingshot
 or Boomerang because of the blockade, so use Din's Fire as close as possible
 to the Gold Skulltula to kill it. Now L-Target the token and Boomerang it to
 get it.

Gold Skulltula #032: [ ]
Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Time: Past
Requirements: Boomerang

How to get: Right by the Gold Skulltula described above. You know, I just
 realized how unpleasant it must be to have insects crawling around in your 

Gold Skulltula #032 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Time: Past
Requirements: Ocarina of Time, Song of Time

How to get: In the room where you get the Boomerang, (it has a trench in the
 center) play the Song of Time in front of the blue block to remove it, 
 revealing this Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #033: [ ]
Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Time: Past
Requirements: Boomerang

How to get: After defeating Bigocto, head to the last room in the first floor
 (just before the boss room) and you'll find this Gold Skulltula on some vines.

Gold Skulltula #033 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Time: Past
Requirements: Din's Fire, Lens of Truth

How to get: In the room where Princess Ruto used to reside in, take the 
 southwestern exit, assuming there is no tentacle blocking the way. If there 
 is, go back to the crossroads room and make sure you killed all the Parasitic
 Tentacles. In this new room, put on the Lens of Truth and snipe down the 
 invisible Keese, and kill the Stingers. (They require two shots.) This will 
 make a Hookshot structure (obviously unusable) appear in the water, allowing
 Link to use it as a stepping stone to reach the other side. Burn the webbing
 with Din's Fire and kill the Gold Skulltula there. Might need the Boomerang.

Gold Skulltula #034: [ ]
Location: Zora's Fountain
Time: Past, Nighttime
Requirements: Boomerang

How to get: Get on top of the log sticking out of the water, and you'll find
 this Gold Skulltula across from where you are on the wall. Remember that the
 Boomerang grabs distant items (including tokens).

Gold Skulltula #035: [ ]
Location: Great Deku Tree
Time: Past
Requirements: Bombs, Boomerang

How to get: Head to the wet room, climb up the block and crawl through the
 crawlspace. In this room, bomb the weak wall and kill the Gold Skulltula 
 behind the wall. Use the Boomerang to retrieve its token.

Gold Skulltula #035 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Great Deku Tree
Time: Past
Requirements: Ocarina of Time, Song of Time, Boomerang

How to get: In the room with four torches, a blue switch, and multiple 
 gravestones, play the Song of Time in front of the gravestones to make various
 blue blocks appear. After a while, you'll be able to make enough blue blocks
 to reach near the ceiling. Climb up them, and use the Boomerang to kill the
 Gold Skulltula and retrieve its token.

Gold Skulltula #036: [ ]
Location: Hyrule Field
Time: Past
Requirements: Bombs, Boomerang

How to get: Near the entrance to Kakariko Village is a tree right by the castle
 walls. Plant a bomb there to reveal a hole. Kill the Skulltula first, then 
 use the Boomerang to kill the Gold Skulltula and get its token.

Gold Skulltula #037: [ ]
Location: Kakariko Graveyard
Time: Past, Nighttime
Requirements: Boomerang

How to get: On the southeast wall is this Gold Skulltula. It's high up, so use
 the Boomerang to get the token.

Gold Skulltula #038: [ ]
Location: Dodongo's Cavern
Time: Past
Requirements: Boomerang

How to get: Get on the second floor using the high-rise platform, then get to
 the giant staircase room. Climb up the left side, then use the Boomerang on 
 the Gold Skulltula in the alcove.

Gold Skulltula #038 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Dodongo's Cavern
Time: Past
Requirements: Ocarina of Time, Song of Time

How to get: In the staircase room, take the southern door. Inside are a bunch
 of blue blocks. Play the Song of Time near them to make them disappear and
 reappear, depending on where you're standing. This Gold Skulltula is in one of
 the corners.

Gold Skulltula #039: [ ]
Location: Lon Lon Ranch
Time: Past, Nighttime
Requirements: Boomerang

How to get: Once you enter, look up at the wall of the house to the left. This
 Skulltula is way up high. Use the Boomerang to retrieve the token.

Gold Skulltula #040: [ ]
Location: Lon Lon Ranch
Time: Past, Nighttime
Requirements: Boomerang

How to get: At the back of the ranch, near the silo, is a wall showcasing this
 Gold Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #041: [ ]
Location: Hyrule Field
Time: Past
Requirements: Din's Fire and Boomerang

How to get: Near the entrance to Gerudo Valley is a circle of stones. Plant a
 bomb in the middle to open up a Secret Cave. Once inside, use Din's Fire to 
 burn all the cobwebs, then get the Gold Skulltula in the room with the cow.

Gold Skulltula #042: [ ]
Location: Gerudo Valley
Time: Past, Nighttime
Requirements: Boomerang

How to get: When you enter, look on the right wall over where the wooden plank
 is. You'll see this Gold Skulltula on the wall.

Gold Skulltula #043: [ ]
Location: Gerudo Valley
Time: Past
Requirements: Bottle of Bugs

How to get: At the very bottom of the valley is a long ledge. At one corner is
 a Gerudo tending a cow, a plot of dirt, and a crate. Drop some bugs on the 
 plot of dirt to get this Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #044: [ ]
Location: Lake Hylia
Time: Past, Nighttime
Requirements: Boomerang

How to get: This Gold Skulltula is on one of the outside walls of the Lakeside

Gold Skulltula #045: [ ]
Location: Kakariko Village
Time: Future, Nighttime
Requirements: Hookshot

How to get: Head to Impa's house, which is the southern house in the village.
 From in front of the door, Hookshot on top of the Skulltula House, then 
 Hookshot on top of Impa's house. Up on the wall is this Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #046: [ ]
Location: Goron City
Time: Future
Requirements: Hookshot

How to get: Behind the platform up at the top floor is this Skulltula. Climb 
 on one of the ropes behind the platform they are suspending, and use the 
 Hookshot to get the Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #047: [ ]
Location: Zora's River
Time: Future, Nighttime
Requirements: Hookshot (maybe Magic Bean)

How to get: Head to the highest platform in the River (it's easiest to ride the
 grown plant after planting the Magic Bean in the plot of dirt as Young Link)
 and up here you'll find this Skulltula on the south wall, waiting to be 

Gold Skulltula #048: [ ]
Location: Zora's River
Time: Future, Nighttime
Requirements: Hookshot

How to get: Over past the wooden bridge near the waterfall is this Skulltula
 high up on the wall. To have the Hookshot reach it, climb up on the fence 
 facing it.

Gold Skulltula #049: [ ]
Location: Gerudo Valley
Time: Future, Nighttime
Requirements: Hookshot

How to get: Jump across the broken bridge with Epona, then look behind the
 stone pillar on the left for this Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #050: [ ]
Location: Gerudo Valley
Time: Future, Nighttime
Requirements: Hookshot

How to get: Pretty much in the same area, look behind the tent here for this

Gold Skulltula #051: [ ]
Location: Dodongo's Cavern
Time: Future
Requirements: Hookshot, Scarecrow's Song

How to get: In the first floor, head to the corridor with the Baby Dodongos.
Navi will fly up to a higher spot. Play the Scarecrow's Song at the foot of 
the ledge to make a scarecrow appear. Use the Hookshot to hook onto it and 
climb up to this Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #051 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Dodongo's Cavern
Time: Future
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: In the room with fire, tombstones, and an army of Armos, climb to
 get on top of the walls near where the Armos are to find a Gold Skulltula. You
 can't do this as Young Link if I recall, because he's too short to climb up

Gold Skulltula #052: [ ]
Location: Kokiri Forest
Time: Future, Nighttime
Requirements: Hookshot

How to get: At the back of the House of Twins lies this accursed spider.

Gold Skulltula #053: [ ]
Location: Lost Woods
Time: Both Past and Future, Nighttime
Requirements: Magic Bean

How to get: From the Kokiri Forest entrance, head right, left, right, left,
 then left, and plant a Magic Bean on the plot of dirt as Young Link. Return as 
 Adult Link, and the plant will carry you to this Skulltula. (As long as it's 

Gold Skulltula #054: [ ]
Location: Sacred Forest Meadow
Time: Future, Nighttime
Requirements: Hookshot

How to get: At the end of the maze, climb the ladder and you'll find this
 Skulltula on one of the walls.

Gold Skulltula #055: [ ]
Location: Forest Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Hookshot

How to get: In the very first room, climb the vines to get on top of a tree,
 then use the Hookshot to get the Gold Skulltula on those same vines.

Gold Skulltula #055 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Forest Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Hookshot

How to get: In the hall after the entrance room, kill all the Big Skulltulas,
 then face the locked door. Look up and to the left to find a Gold Skulltula
 hiding in the vines. Hookshot it.

Gold Skulltula #056: [ ]
Location: Forest Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Hookshot

How to get: In the large room with four torches (the elevator room), head 
 across to the door opposite the Forest Temple exit door and look right to find 
 this Skulltula on the wall.

Gold Skulltula #056 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Forest Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: In the large multi-level room with block pushing puzzles, as soon
 as you enter it from the elevator room, go left and into the little corner
 there to find this Skulltula on the ground. Easy.

Gold Skulltula #057: [ ]
Location: Forest Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Hookshot

How to get: In the eastern grassy room on the first floor, you'll find a small
 chest on a weird ledge. Hookshot to its backside to get up there successfully,
 then find this Skulltula on one of the walls up here. If you have trouble
 getting up there, wait until you reach the checker-floored room with the 
 falling ceiling. There's a door that leads to this ledge.

Gold Skulltula #057 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Forest Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Hookshot

How to get: In the eastern grassy room on the first floor. When you enter it
 from the elevator room, turn around and look up to see a Gold Skulltula 
 covering a Hookshot mark. Hookshot it.

Gold Skulltula #058: [ ]
Location: Forest Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Hookshot

How to get: In the western room on the first floor, get up to the highest part,
hit the silver eyeball switch to untwist the hall, head through the hall, and 
drop down the hole. Kill the Blue Bubbles, go through the door, and hop on the 
thin walkway that has Recovery Hearts on it. At the end, look up with your 
Hookshot to see this Gold Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #058 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Forest Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: It's in the well connecting both grassy rooms, on the western side.
 It's crawling along the grating.

Gold Skulltula #059: [ ]
Location: Forest Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Hookshot

How to get: After killing all the Poe sisters, head down the elevator in the
 central room. Now, if you have the Compass for this dungeon, you'll see a
 section of the room with a treasure chest. Push the outward walls until you 
 can reach that section, as the treasure chest section has this Skulltula. 
 (Along with a regular one.)

Gold Skulltula #059 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Forest Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Hookshot

How to get: In the western grassy room, climb up the vines by the well to the
 ledge there to find a Gold Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #060: [ ]
Location: Hyrule Castle Grounds
Time: Past
Requirements: Song of Storms, Boomerang, Bombs

How to get: Return to where Talon was sleeping when you first arrived at the
 castle grounds, and play the Song of Storms near the lone tree to open up a 
 Secret Cave. Bomb one of the walls inside to reveal a Gold Skulltula.  Use the 
 Boomerang to get the token.

Gold Skulltula #061: [ ]
Location: Bottom of the Well
Time: Past
Requirements: Lens of Truth, Boomerang, Small Key

How to get: You need the Ocarina of Time and Song of Storms in order to enter
 the Bottom of the Well, so it shouldn't be mentioned. In the cell room, unlock 
 the east door with a small key, kill the Keese, and use the Lens of Truth to 
 cross the hole. The Gold Skulltula is on the other side of the hidden path.

Gold Skulltula #061 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Bottom of the Well
Time: Past
Requirements: Lens of Truth

How to get: After getting the Lens of Truth, in the lowest floor, find the
 corridor filled with invisible Big Skulltulas. Kill them (see them with the
 Lens of Truth) and continue along the corridor until you see this Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #062: [ ]
Location: Bottom of the Well
Time: Past
Requirements: Boomerang, Small Key

How to get: Unlock the west door in the cell room, and this Gold Skulltula will
 be waiting to be hit with the Boomerang.

Gold Skulltula #062 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Bottom of the Well
Time: Past
Requirements: Lens of Truth

How to get: In the central jail chamber, take the northwest door. In here, kill
 the invisible enemies with the help of the Lens of Truth, and pull the 
 gravestone to find this Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #063: [ ]
Location: Bottom of the Well
Time: Past
Requirements: Lens of Truth, Boomerang, Small Key

How to get: Head to the northeast part of the main room, head through the
 crawlspace, and unlock the door at the end. Use the Lens of Truth to traverse
 the next room safely, and enter the next door. You'll be at a closed off part 
 of the main room with a Like Like, small chest, and this Gold Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #063 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Bottom of the Well
Time: Past
Requirements: Lens of Truth, Small Key

How to get: Once you have a Small Key, head through the western corridor in the
 B1 floor. Drop down, go through the grating, then climb back up. Enter the
 locked door. Ignore the Gibdo (Sun's Song) and go to the other side of the
 room to find a Gold Skulltula behind a statue.

Gold Skulltula #064: [ ]
Location: Ganon's Castle Grounds
Time: Future, Nighttime?
Requirements: Hookshot

How to get: The area is actually Hyrule Castle Grounds in the future. Caught
 you off guard, eh? Anyway, this Gold Skulltula is hanging around the ruined 

Gold Skulltula #065: [ ]
Location: Death Mountain Crater
Time: Both Past and Future
Requirements: Bolero of Fire, Bottle of Bugs

How to get: Head to Death Mountain Crater as Young Link using the Bolero of
 Fire, and drop a Bottle of Bugs onto the plot of dirt to release this spider.

Gold Skulltula #066: [ ]
Location: Fire Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Song of Time (though you should have it anyway), Hookshot

How to get: In the large room of the first floor, head to where the blue block
 is, and use the Song of Time to move it. Use it as a stepstone to reach the
 door above. The room past the door has flying floor tiles, a Like Like, and
 a Gold Skulltula. Good luck.

Gold Skulltula #066 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Fire Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Megaton Hammer

How to get: In the large lava room with a bunch of platforms, take the lower
 door on the north side to find a Goron trapped in a cell. Pound the switch 
 with the hammer, then free the Goron. Kill the Gold Skulltula held there.

Gold Skulltula #067: [ ]
Location: Fire Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Bombs

How to get: Up at the maze room with boulders on the third floor, search around
 the perimeter of the maze until you hear a Gold Skulltula scratching around.
 Swipe your sword against the wall where you hear the Skulltula. If it makes a
 different sound than usual, bomb that place to reveal a small room with the
 Gold Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #067 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Fire Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Song of Time, Hookshot, Megaton Hammer

How to get: In the maze room, activate the Hookshot markers by hammering a
 rusted switch in a hidden room (find fake walls to bomb by slashing walls; if
 the sound is different, it's fake) then Hookshot to the top. Nearby the crack
 in the floor up there, play the Song of Time to make a blue block appear. Get
 onto it, then Hookshot onto the ledge, then onto the platform to get taken up 
 to a door. Enter it, Hookshot the face on the wall to open the door above, and
 climb up there to enter the door. Ignore the switch and climb to the top to
 find a flaming chest. Pound the rusted switch to make Hookshot targets appear,
 then drop down back to the switch. Step on it to bring the fire down, then
 Hookshot back up. Quickly pull away the block enough so that it will be out of
 the fire, then Hookshot the Skulltula and its token.

Gold Skulltula #068: [ ]
Location: Fire Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Scarecrow's Song, Hookshot

How to get: After the room with the wall of fire chasing you, you'll be at the
 top part of the maze room with boulders. Face right, play the Scarecrow's
 Song, and Hookshot up using the scarecrow. Hookshot to the platform, and it'll
 rise to a room. Head through the door, climb the first grating, and you'll
 see this Skulltula on the next.

Gold Skulltula #068 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Fire Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Bombs

How to get: In the room with fire mazes, enter the middle chamber from the 
 bottom (left door from the entrance is a good one), then find the alcove down
 there. Bomb the wall to reveal a Gold Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #069: [ ]
Location: Fire Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Scarecrow's Song, Hookshot

How to get: In the room right after the room with the previous Gold Skulltula,
 you'll see this one crawling around on the wall over the huge hole in the
 floor. Use the Hookshot to grab it.

Gold Skulltula #069 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Fire Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Song of Time

How to get: In the room with fire mazes, go right from the entrance door to
 find a blue block blocked off by fire. Play the Song of Time near it to move
 it. Climb up to it and jump over the fire blockade. Enter the nearby door here
 and kill the Lizalfos before getting the Gold Skulltula. To get back, play the
 Song of Time to return the blue block to its location, climb it, and jump 

Gold Skulltula #070: [ ]
Location: Fire Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Megaton Hammer

How to get: Once you get the hammer, head down to the entrance room of the
 temple.  Pound away the pillar, then head through the door. (Must have a Small
 Key.) Eliminate all the enemies in the next room to proceed, and in this next
 room, you'll encounter some flying floor tiles, a Like Like, and this

Gold Skulltula #070 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Fire Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Hookshot, Megaton Hammer, Scarecrow's Song

How to get: This one requires a bit of work. First up, in the room with fire
 mazes, enter the center chamber using the upper door. Hookshot across, hammer
 the rusted switch to open the door down there, Hookshot back, and exit. Take
 the door you took to get Gold Skulltula #068, and go straight to the other
 door. Step on the switch here to lower the fire to the door ahead. Enter it
 and fight the Flare Dancer. Step onto the central pedestal to make it rise, 
 but immediately get off it so you can get the Small Key. Go up with that 
 platform now, and enter the door. Climb up the room and enter the locked door.
 Go through this room until Navi flies to a random spot and glows green. Play
 your Scarecrow's Song to make Pierre appear. Step on the switch below and
 Hookshot up using him, and open the once-flaming chest for a Small Key. Go
 back down, pound the face panel on the floor, follow it down, and enter the
 locked door. Kill the two Stalfos, and hammer the small pillar to make stairs
 appear. Go partway down them and Hookshot the face on the wall to open the
 door. Go through that and the Gold Skulltula awaits.

Gold Skulltula #071: [ ]
Location: Death Mountain Trail
Time: Future, Nighttime
Requirements: Megaton Hammer

How to get: Remember where the Bomb Flower used to be in the past? The one you
 used to open Dodongo's Cavern? There's a red boulder there now. Smash it with
 the Megaton Hammer to reveal this Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #072: [ ]
Location: Death Mountain Trail
Time: Future, Nighttime
Requirements: Megaton Hammer

How to get: At the area where fiery rocks fell on you in the past, there's a
 lot of red boulders here. The one that's against the wall hides this

Gold Skulltula #073: [ ]
Location: Ice Cavern
Time: Future
Requirements: Hookshot

How to get: In the second room with the giant ice blades, there's a Skulltula
 on the wall here.

Gold Skulltula #073 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Ice Cavern
Time: Future
Requirements: Song of Time, Bottle of Blue Fire

How to get: In the northern-most room, get as near to the red ice as possible
 and Navi will fly to a location. Play the Song of Time to make a blue block
 appear. Hop onto it, play the Song of Time again (if you're not right by the
 red ice) to make another blue block appear. Hop on that, then drop some blue
 fire onto the ice. Hookshot the Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #074: [ ]
Location: Ice Cavern
Time: Future
Requirements: Bottle of Blue Fire, Hookshot

How to get: Grab some blue fire from the torch at the end of the Cavern, and
 head back to the ice blade room. Melt the red ice wall on the east side and
 follow the hall to another room. The Gold Skulltula is in the corner where the
 Piece of Heart is.

Gold Skulltula #074 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Ice Cavern
Time: Future
Requirements: Scarecrow's Song, Hookshot

How to get: In the western-most room, (the icy-floored room with two White 
 Wolfos and two Ice Keese) there is an alcove that Navi will fly up to. Play
 your Scarecrow's Song to make Pierre appear. Hookshot up there to find this

Gold Skulltula #075: [ ]
Location: Ice Cavern
Time: Future
Requirements: Bottle of Blue Fire, Hookshot

How to get: Melt the west red ice wall in the ice blade room, and at the next
 room, the Gold Skulltula will be on your left.

Gold Skulltula #075 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Ice Cavern
Time: Future
Requirements: Hookshot or Fairy Bow

How to get: In the same room as Skulltula #074 (Master Quest), there's a 
 crystal switch hidden in the alcove where you first enter the room. Hit it to
 make the ice blocks leading to the red ice above disappear. Go there to find a
 Gold Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #076: [ ]
Location: Zora's Domain
Time: Future, Nighttime
Requirements: Hookshot

How to get: Head to the Diving Game, (or at least where it used to be) and look
 out and to the left. Hookshot the Gold Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #077: [ ]
Location: Lake Hylia
Time: Future
Requirements: Iron Boots, Hookshot

How to get: Sink to the bottom of the Lakeside Laboratory pool and roll into
 the crate to reveal this Skulltula. Use the only weapon you can use (Hookshot)
 to get it.

Gold Skulltula #078: [ ]
Location: Water Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Iron Boots, Zora Tunic, Advanced Spin Slash

How to get: Head down the south hall at the bottom of the main room after
 draining the water, bomb the cracked floor at the end, and rise to the surface
 at the end of the hall. Step on the switch to raise the water slightly, also
 raising a pillar. Hookshot to the pillar, kill the Tektites, and use the
 Advanced Spin Slash to open the crystal switch to open the gate. The Skulltula
 is behind the gate.

Gold Skulltula #078 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Water Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Iron Boots, Zora Tunic

How to get: After getting the water level to as high as the second floor, find
 the alcove with a switch in the main room. Step on it to open the gate. Head 
 through the hall to find another gate. Use Din's Fire to kill both the Gold 
 Skulltula and light the torch, which opens the gate. Grab the token.

Gold Skulltula #079: [ ]
Location: Water Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Iron Boots, Zora Tunic, Longshot

How to get: In the underground river past the Shadow Link room, use the Iron 
 Boots, following the river and avoiding the whirlpools. Near the second 
 whirlpool is this Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #079 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Water Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Zora Tunic, Longshot

How to get: After getting the water level to as high as the second floor, go to
 the east side of the main room to see a hall. Go through that and Hookshot up
 to find a room filled with crates, pots, and small boxes. Carry a small box
 back to the main room, jump across, and take it to the other side where a blue
 switch is. Keep the switch down by placing the box on it, and enter the door.
 In this room, break crates until you find a crystal switch. Hit it, and then
 Longshot to the upper room from here. Break crates here to find this 

Gold Skulltula #080: [ ]
Location: Water Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Iron Boots, Zora Tunic, Longshot

How to get: Raise the water level to it highest, then enter the west door from
 the main room to enter a room with moving platforms against a waterfall. Use
 the Longshot to get this Skulltula far on the right wall.

Gold Skulltula #080 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Water Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Iron Boots, Zora Tunic, Longshot

How to get: After defeating Dark Link, head into the underground river room
 that's up next. Note the whirlpool at the beginning, and start Longshotting
 along the river until you just pass the second whirlpool. Look around to find
 a Gold Skulltula. Longshot it and its token.

Gold Skulltula #081: [ ]
Location: Water Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Longshot

How to get: After getting the Longshot, head to the room where you met Ruto,
 float to the top, and play Zelda's Lullaby to lower the water level. Head back
 to the main room, enter the central structure, and Longshot to the platform up
 there. The Gold Skulltula is on the ceiling, and can easily be reached with
 the Longshot.

Gold Skulltula #081 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Water Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Longshot, Scarecrow's Song, Bombs & Arrows (to make things 
 easier), Din's Fire

How to get: After getting the Boss Key, sink to the 1st floor in the main room
 and go through the northern passage. At its end, Longshot up, then across the
 water over spikes, and enter the door. In the next room, play your Scarecrow's
 Song near the left edge up here and Longshot to Pierre. Enter the door in the
 alcove up here, then drop down in the next room. Stand on the second geyser
 and shoot the crystal switch to raise the geysers. Use Din's Fire to light all
 but one torch, then go over to that side and light that torch with Din's Fire
 to open the door. In this next room, kill all the Dodongos (bombing them and
 sniping them with arrows from above helps) including the one in the hall to
 open the door ahead. Longshot to it and enter it. Break one of the crates here
 to find a Gold Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #082: [ ]
Location: Water Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Iron Boots, Longshot

How to get: In the room after the northern-most room of the First Floor, you'll
 see a small area with boulders rolling by. This Gold Skulltula is nearby.

Gold Skulltula #082 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Water Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Iron Boots, Zora Tunic, Longshot, Fire Arrows, Scarecrow's Song

How to get: After getting the Fire Arrows, return to the temple and sink to the
 bottom of the main room. Go through the southern hall and surface at the end.
 Find the three torches and shoot them with Fire Arrows to light them, then
 play your Scarecrow's Song. Longshot to Pierre, kill the Stalfos, then look at
 the ceiling in the small room for this Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #083: [ ]
Location: Lake Hylia
Time: Future, Nighttime
Requirements: Longshot

How to get: On the island with the large tree, Longshot to a branch on the tree
 and you'll see this Skulltula on the top of the tree.

Gold Skulltula #084: [ ]
Location: Shadow Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Longshot

How to get: In the southern large room in the third basement floor, go through
 the east door. Inside the invisible spinning scythe statue room, kill all the
 enemies to open the cell there. Inside the cell is this Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #084 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Shadow Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Lens of Truth, Longshot

How to get: In the small jail cell room (in other words, the southwestern-most
 room in B4), find the block inside a wall using the Lens of Truth, and push it
 towards the ceiling spike traps so that the block will...well...block both of
 them from banging down onto the ground. Enter the southern cell to find this
 Skulltula. You'll have to Longshot it.

Gold Skulltula #085: [ ]
Location: Shadow Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Longshot

How to get: In the prison room at the very south of the fourth basement floor, 
 there's this Skulltula in this room's southern cell.

Gold Skulltula #085 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Shadow Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Iron Boots, Hover Boots, Gold Skulltula

How to get: Enter the door at the end of the fan corridors to see four ReDeads.
 Play the Sun's Song to stun them so that you are free to Longshot the Gold

Gold Skulltula #086: [ ]
Location: Shadow Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Nothing

How to get: In the giant skull statue room north of the large room in the
 fourth floor, this skulltula is behind the skull statue.

Gold Skulltula #086 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Shadow Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Bombs

How to get: In the room north of the fan room/south of the boat ride room, bomb
 the dirt piles to find a Gold Skulltula hiding in one of them.

Gold Skulltula #087: [ ]
Location: Shadow Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Scarecrow's Song, Longshot

How to get: In the huge room with a boat on the fourth basement floor, move the
 large block into the indentation, climb up the ladder from it, turn around, 
 and play the Scarecrow's Song. Longshot across and you'll see this Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #087 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Shadow Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Arrows, Longshot

How to get: On the west side of the boat ride room, find some bomb flowers and
 snipe them to create a bridge. Get on the bridge and stop at about halfway.
 Turn around, and look down to your right to find this Skulltula. Longshot it
 and its token.

Gold Skulltula #088: [ ]
Location: Shadow Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Longshot

How to get: In the west side of the huge boat room on the fourth floor, take
 west door. Go through this maze of invisible walls next, and enter its west
 door. Inside, this Skulltula is behind the spinning skulls.

Gold Skulltula #088 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Shadow Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Longshot, Hover Boots, Lens of Truth

How to get: In the room just before the boss is a Gold Skulltula crawling
 around on an invisible platform shaped a bit like an S. Get over there with
 the help of the Lens of Truth and Hover Boots, and find a spot where you can
 hit it with the Longshot. All yours.

Gold Skulltula #089: [ ]
Location: Gerudo Fortress
Time: Future
Requirements: Longshot

How to get: Up at the very top of the fortress, this Skulltula is crawling
 around on the east cliff side.

Gold Skulltula #090: [ ]
Location: Gerudo Fortress
Time: Future
Requirements: Longshot

How to get: In the Horseback Archery area, head to the far left of this area to
 find this Skulltula high on the wall.

Gold Skulltula #091: [ ]
Location: Haunted Wasteland
Time: Future
Requirements: Longshot
How to get: Follow the flag markers after the River of Sand to find a shrine
 where you'll meet the ghost guide. Head inside to find this Skulltula.

Gold Skulltula #092: [ ]
Location: Desert Colossus
Time: Future, Nighttime
Requirements: Longshot

How to get: At night, head towards the Fairy Fountain. The Gold Skulltula is
 on a palm tree nearby. (Hint: The Fairy Fountain is a dry grove that can be 
 filled with the Song of Storms.)

Gold Skulltula #093: [ ]
Location: Desert Colossus
Time: Past
Requirements: Bottle of Bugs, Requiem of Spirit

How to get: Warp to the Collosus as Young Link, and drop some bugs from a
 bottle onto the plot of dirt nearby to make this Skulltula pop out.

Gold Skulltula #094: [ ]
Location: Spirit Temple
Time: Past
Requirements: Boomerang

How to get: In the circular series of rooms left of the entrance in the first
 floor, the right room has a gap with a gate on the other side. This Skulltula
 is on the gate facing the gap.

Gold Skulltula #094 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Spirit Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Longshot

How to get: After getting the Silver Gauntlets, return to the sunface block
 room that's filled with Red Bubbles and fire. (North of Young Link's Iron
 Knuckle room.) Push/pull the sunface block south of the crystal switch to the
 sunlight to make an ice block appear above. Longshot up there, then Longshot
 the Gold Skulltula on the other ice block.

Gold Skulltula #095: [ ]
Location: Spirit Temple
Time: Past
Requirements: Boomerang

How to get: In the center of the circular series of rooms left of the entrance
 in the first floor is a sheer rock face leading to the second floor. Climb to
 the top and turn around to find this Skulltula on the wall opposite the
 climbable wall.

Gold Skulltula #095 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Spirit Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Longshot

How to get: East of the entrance room, past that water jet, enter the west 
 door. Inside, look up at the ceiling to spot this Gold Skulltula. Longshot it.

Gold Skulltula #096: [ ]
Location: Spirit Temple
Time: Past
Requirements: Boomerang

How to get: While heading to the Iron Knuckle miniboss, this Gold Skulltula is
 high up on the wall of the door at the staircase leading to the battle.

Gold Skulltula #096 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Spirit Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Song of Time, Epona's Song, Sun's Song, Song of Storms, Zelda's
 Lullaby, Longshot, Small Key, Megaton Hammer

How to get: Lots of requirements, huh? Anyway, the Gold Skulltula is in the
 northeast room of the first floor. To get there, enter the part of the 
 entrance room that is blocked off by a water jet. Once there, open the locked
 door and pound the switch to open an alcove. Now, in this room, each song you
 play in each alcove will open up the next, and the order of songs is actually
 shown in the requirements. So play one song inside an alcove, get into the
 next, play the next song, etc... Afterwards, the door to the Gold Skulltula
 will open. Kill the Moblin guarding it and head in. Take care of all the Big
 Skulltulas first though, as they're in the way. The Gold Skulltula is on a 
 wall, so Longshot it.

Gold Skulltula #097: [ ]
Location: Desert Colossus
Time: Both Past and Future, Nighttime
Requirements: Requiem of Spirit, Magic Bean

How to get: Plant a Magic Bean onto the plot of dirt by the Desert Collosus as
 Young Link, then return as Adult Link. Ride the plant until you come across a
 large rock with this Skulltula on it.

Gold Skulltula #098: [ ]
Location: Spirit Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Silver Gauntlets, Song of Time

How to get: In the rightmost room of the first floor, the one with boulders and
 Silver Rupees, play the Song of Time near the blue block to move it. The Gold
 Skulltula is hiding behind it.

Gold Skulltula #098 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Spirit Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Small Key, Longshot

How to get: The northern-most room in the fourth floor contains two Gold 
 Skulltulas, but is locked. The Small Key is hidden in an invisible chest in
 the series of rooms west of the aforementioned room. Once inside, have the 
 Iron Knuckle destroy the obstructions on the wall with his strikes to reveal
 the Skulltulas before killing him and grabbing them.

Gold Skulltula #099: [ ]
Location: Spirit Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Longshot, Scarecrow's Song

How to get: In the giant statue room, climb up the west staircase, play the
 Scarecrow's Song, and Longshot to him. This Skulltula is here.

Gold Skulltula #099 (Master Quest): [ ]
Location: Spirit Temple
Time: Future
Requirements: Small Key, Longshot

How to get: The northern-most room in the fourth floor contains two Gold 
 Skulltulas, but is locked. The Small Key is hidden in an invisible chest in
 the series of rooms west of the aforementioned room. Once inside, have the 
 Iron Knuckle destroy the obstructions on the wall with his strikes to reveal
 the Skulltulas before killing him and grabbing them. (Yes, I re-used the
 explanation from above.)

Gold Skulltula #100: [ ]
Location: Zora's Fountain
Time: Future, Nighttime
Requirements: Silver Gauntlets, Lens of Truth

How to get: At the ledge far to the right of the entrance is a dry ledge with a
 white boulder. Lift it with the Gauntlets and drop down the cave to enter a
 tunnel. Inside is this Skulltula. There are also other invisible Skulltulas,
 so use the Lens of Truth to see them.

  '_______                                                            [GrtFary]
    ´    ´' -----------------------------------       _________________________
   ´    ´   -----------------------------------      /
 .´   .´    -------Great Fairy Fountains-------     /
,--, ,--,   -----------------------------------    /
.__. .__.   -----------------------------------   /

There are a multitude of Great Fairy Fountains in the game. These house the
Great Fairy, who is summoned by playing Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce mark in 
front of the Fountain. These Great Fairies give you new magic abilities that 
you can use throughout your adventure. Oh, and be sure to wear goggles before 
seeing these Fairies.....>_<

Great Fairy of Power
Located at: Death Mountain Trail's summit. Bomb the discolored wall here to
 unveil the entrance to this Great Fairy's Fountain.

Ability given: Advanced Spin Attack

Details: To use the Advanced Spin Attack, hold B until your sword glows yellow,
 then release to spin around and release an energy wave that spans a long
 length, at the cost of magic. She also gives you the magic meter so you can
 use the Great Fairies' powers, among other magic-consuming items.

Great Fairy of Magic #1
Located at: Hyrule Castle Grounds. Pass the gate, then bomb the boulder in the
 corner to reveal a crawlspace leading to this Great Fairy Fountain.

Ability given: Din's Fire

Details: Din's Fire is a C item. Once used, Link pounds the ground with his
 fist, releasing a wave of fire in all directions. Very useful for crowd 
 control and for lighting many things on fire in close quarters.

Great Fairy of Magic #2
Located at: Zora's Fountain. There's an island behind Lord Jabu Jabu. Plant a
 bomb near the white rock to blow open the whole wall, revealing this Great 
 Fairy Fountain.

Ability given: Farore's Wind

Details: Farore's Wind is a C item. When first used, it creates a Warp Point.
 Using it a second time will warp you to that point. Realize that this can only 
 be used inside dungeons with Dungeon Maps hidden inside.

Great Fairy of Magic #3
Located at: Death Mountain Crater. After getting the Megaton Hammer, enter
 Death Mountain Crater using the Goron City entrance. Turn right, and break the
 rocks with the hammer to reveal the entrance to this Great Fairy Fountain.

Ability given: Isn't an ability, per se, but is actually a magic meter upgrade.

Details: A magic meter upgrade. It doubles your magic capacity, so you can use
 more magic powers at one time.

Great Fairy of Magic #4
Located at: Desert Colossus. Find the cracked wall between two palm trees and
 bomb the wall to reveal the entrance to this fountain.

Ability given: Nayru's Love

Details: Protects Link for a few minutes at the expense of some serious magic

Great Fairy of Courage
Located at: Ganon's Castle. After getting the Golden Gauntlets in the castle,
 head to its grounds and lift the massive black stone out of the way.

Ability given: Isn't an ability, rather, it doubles your defense.

Details: Doubles your defense. Now you can take twice the punishment you used
 to. This also outlines your hearts with white.

  '_______                                                              [Ocrna]
    ´    ´' -----------------------------------       _________________________
   ´    ´   -----------------------------------      /
 .´   .´    -----------Ocarina Songs-----------     /
,--, ,--,   -----------------------------------    /
.__. .__.   -----------------------------------   /

There are a lot of songs you can learn from the game, and all of these songs
are likely to be used a lot. Here's a list of the songs in the game, how to 
play them, and where and/or when to get them. There's also a song that's 
optional, but can be used to get extra items.

Zelda's Lullaby
When to get: After speaking to Princess Zelda for the first time, Impa teaches
 you this.

How to play: Left C, Up C, Right C, Left C, Up C, Right C

How to use: This has many uses. You usually play this while standing on a
 Triforce mark on the ground. It does many things.

Epona's Song
When to get: After visiting Princess Zelda, head into Lon Lon Ranch and talk to
 Malon three times. Equip the Ocarina in front of her (after she says something
 about singing a song together) and she'll teach you this song.

How to play: Up C, Left C, Right C, Up C, Left C, Right C

How to use: When near a cow, playing this will fill one of your Empty Bottles
 with Lon Lon Milk. Also, as Adult Link and after getting Epona, playing this 
 song will call her to you.

Saria's Song
When to get: After visiting Princess Zelda, go to Lost Woods. Follow the
 entrances where the music is played loudest until you reach the Sacred Forest 
 Meadow. Kill the Wolfos to unlock the gate, then head through the evil Deku 
 Scrub-infested maze to the end. Go up some stairs, and talk to Saria and 
 she'll teach you her song.

How to play: Down C, Right C, Left C, Down C, Right C, Left C

How to use: Basically used for many things, including getting you a Piece of

Sun's Song
When to get: Make sure you have Zelda's Lullaby, then head into the Graveyard
 in Kakariko Village. Head to the large gravestone with a Triforce mark on it.
 Stand on the Triforce mark on the ground in front of it, and play Zelda's 
 Lullaby to open the grave. Head down, kill the Keese, head through the door, 
 pass the Redeads, head through the next opening, and read the inscription on 
 the wall. This is a poem, along with notes of a song. Follow the notes and 
 you'll learn the Sun's Song.

How to play: Right C, Down C, Up C, Right C, Down C, Up C

How to use: Freezes Redeads in their tracks, and also lets you change the time
 of day anywhere.

Song of Time
When to get: After acquiring all three Spiritual Stones, head towards Hyrule
 Castle and a scene will show Zelda and Impa escaping on a white horse, Zelda 
 throws the Ocarina of Time towards Link but misses, and Ganondorf appears on 
 his black stallion. After the scene is over, head into the moat to grab the 
 Ocarina, at which point Zelda will telepathically teach you this song.

How to play: Right C, A, Down C, Right C, A, Down C

How to use: Pretty much only used to open the Door of Time in the Temple of
 Time, in conjunction with the three Spiritual Stones. Another minor use is
 removing any blue blocks with the Temple of Time's engraving on them.

Song of Storms
When to get: Visit the windmill man in Kakariko Village as Adult Link and he'll
 tell you about the time a young boy with an Ocarina came in and messed up his
 windmill by playing a song. Take out the Ocarina and he'll play that song that
 angers him so. Follow the notes and you'll have learned this song!

How to play: A, Down C, Up C, A, Down C, Up C

How to use: Used for a lot of things. Most notable uses are reaching the 
 Bottom of the Well mini-dungeon for Young Link, and for discovering Secret 
 Caves. Playing this song makes it rain and thunder.

Scarecrow's Song
When to get: Simply play any 8 notes you wish in front of the scarecrow at the
 shore of Lake Hylia, then return as Adult Link and play those same 8 notes and
 the scarecrow will allow you to use this song. (NOTE: This song isn't 
 displayed at the Quest Status screen, but once you perform the required 
 actions, this song will be saved when you save.)

How to play: Any 8 notes you chose during Young Link.

How to use: At certain areas, playing this will summon the scarecrow's brother,
 and you'll be able to Hookshot onto him to reach hidden areas.

Minuet of Forest
When to get: Reach the entrance to the Forest Temple in the Sacred Forest
 Meadow as Adult Link, and Shiek will appear to teach you this song.

How to play: A, Up C, Left C, Right C, Left C, Right C

How to use: It is simply used to warp you to in front of the Forest Temple. It
 works with both Links.

Prelude of Light
When to get: After clearing the Forest Temple, return to the Temple of Time and
 Shiek will appear to teach you this song, along with allowing you to return to
 the past at your will.

How to play: Up C, Right C, Up C, Right C, Left C, Up C

How to use: This is simply used to warp you to the Temple of Time. Both Links
 can use this.

Bolero of Fire
When to get: Head to Goron City. Plant a bomb in such a way so that it'll
explode right when the small Goron child rolls over it, stopping him. Ask him
about the dragon and what happened to the Goron race, and he'll give you the
Goron Tunic, allowing you to survive in intense heat. This'll also open the
doors on the first floor. Head to Darunia's room, pull the statue, and go
through to enter Death Mountain Crater. Use the Hookshot to cross the bridge,
and Sheik will stop you, and teach you this song.

How to play: Down C, A, Down C, A, Right C, Down C, Right C, Down C

How to use: This is simply used to warp you in front of the Fire Temple. Both
Links can use this, but beware when using this as Young Link.

Serenade of Water
When to get: Grab the Iron Boots in the Ice Cavern. Sheik will then teach you

How to play: A, Down C, Right C, Right C, Left C

How to use: This is simply used to warp you on top of the Water Temple in Lake
Hylia. Both Links can use this.

Nocturne of Shadow
When to get: Simply after clearing the Water Temple, visit Kakariko Village and
watch the cinema. After it's over, Sheik will teach you this song.

How to play: Left C, Right C, Right C, A, Left C, Right C, Down C

How to use: This is simply used to warp you to the Shadow Temple. This is the
only way to reach the temple.

Requiem of Spirit
When to get: Simply enter the Spirit Temple inside the Desert Colossus then
exit, and Sheik will teach you this.

How to play: A, Down C, A, Right C, Down C, A

How to use: This is simply used to warp you to the Desert Collosus. This is
the only way to go through the Spirit Temple. (By going in as Young Link.)

  '_______                                                              [Hylch]
    ´    ´' -----------------------------------       _________________________
   ´    ´   -----------------------------------      /
 .´   .´    -----------Fishing Hole------------     /
,--, ,--,   -----------------------------------    /
.__. .__.   -----------------------------------   /

Here's a guide on how to catch the famous Hylian Loach and how to get the
Sinking Lure. (Including how to make it legal.) Enjoy.

Sinking Lure
The Sinking Lure is a special, but illegal lure. After catching a fish of at 
least 15 lbs. in the Fishing Hole, the Sinking Lure will be available. It can 
be found in many spots in the Fishing Hole. The spots where it might be found

- At or near the nearest underwater log. (Nearest from the Fishing Hole
entrance.) (As Young Link.)

- Behind a rock near the tiny stream. (As Adult Link.)

- If it's not found in any of those locations, try looking around the grass
surrounding the Fishing Hole.  (It's against the "walls.")

Basically the Sinking Lure does exactly what its name is. It sinks until it
reaches the bottom of the pond. It makes it easier to rouse the attention of
fish that are lower in the water than the others. However, the owner will not
give you a prize for catching fish unless you make it legal.

TO MAKE THE SINKING LURE LEGAL: Grab it, and go over to the owner. Say that
you want to talk to him and he'll make the Sinking Lure legal.

NOTE: With the Sinking Lure, you can't feel or hear the fish bite the lure,
even if you have the Rumble Pak, so use your eyes and closely watch the fish.

Hylian Loach
The Hylian Loach is a very rare fish that randomly appears in the Fishing Hole.
It weighs 18 pounds as Young Link or 35 pounds as Adult Link. Despite its
weight, it's actually slightly easier to catch than the heaviest fish. (around
20 lbs.) Here are some tips for catching the Loach.

- It seems that the time for the best chance of the Hylian Loach to appear is
entering the Fishing Hole just before day breaks (by the rooster crow) or just
before night falls (by the wolf howl). Having the Sinking Lure also increases
its chances of appearing even more.

- If you have the regular lure, keep in mind that it only goes after the lure
when it comes up for air.  So just cast the line where the Hylian Loach is, and
wait there until it comes up and it'll see the lure.

Fishing Hole Secrets
Here are some neat little secrets for the Fishing Hole.

- You can actually cast your lure into the fish tank. It's fully functional,
but the fish inside won't bite. It's just something to experiment with if you
are bored.

- When you visit the Fishing Hole as Adult Link, the fisherman owning the place
now wears a hat. If you cast JUST right, you can snare the hat right off of
his head. It turns out he's bald! He gets mad at you and asks you to return
it. Of course, you can be mean and cast his hat into the pond, but he'll fine
you 50 Rupees.

- When it's raining is the best time to fish, as it seems that the fish really
start jumping and biting. However, using the Song of Storms doesn't work; it
has to be manual. However, it rarely rains in Hyrule, so when it does, consider
yourself lucky.

  '_______                                                               [Scrt]
    ´    ´' -----------------------------------       _________________________
   ´    ´   -----------------------------------      /
 .´   .´    -----------Secret Caves------------     /
,--, ,--,   -----------------------------------    /
.__. .__.   -----------------------------------   /

There are many Secret Caves in the game that you can find. They're usually
found inside a circle of small rocks. Here's an area-by-area list of where to 
find them. This is in the order you visit the areas in.  I'll also list the 
contents of each Secret Cave.

Kokiri Forest
- There's really only one secret here. Head near the entrance of Lost Woods to
 find a Gossip Stone. Play the Song of Storms near it to reveal the Secret 
CONTENTS: Gossip Stone and a treasure chest with a Red Rupee inside.

Lost Woods
- After exiting the Sacred Forest Meadow, bomb the rock you find there.
CONTENTS: Two Business Deku Scrubs.  One sells a Deku Nut Upgrade and one sells
Deku Seeds.

- Enter Lost Woods via Kokiri Forest, turn right, left, and blast the 
 boulder with a bomb.
CONTENTS: Gossip Stone, and small chest containing a Blue Rupee

- Enter Lost Woods via Kokiri Forest, turn right, left, right, left and 
 left again. There's a bunch of grass here, hiding the entrance to a Secret
 Cave. Find the butterflies, as they are near or above the entrance. You must 
 be a child in order to do this, though.
CONTENTS: The Forest Stage. This is a cave with a bunch of Deku Scrubs who are 
absolutely judgmental about masks. You can get a couple of upgrades here.

Hyrule Field
- Face the entrance to Hyrule Castle, then start heading towards the entrance
 to Kakariko Village. Stop when you get past the little bridge and head to the 
 tree near the castle walls. Plant a bomb at the foot of the tree to reveal the 
CONTENTS: A Skulltula and Gold Skulltula behind cobwebs.

- Head back to the entrance of Hyrule Castle and go left this time, following
 the wall closely. There's some trees here and a boulder. Blast open the 
 boulder to reveal a Secret Cave.
CONTENTS: Gossip Stone, small chest containing Blue Rupee.

- Keep going left from the previous secret to find a bunch of trees and a
 river. Plant a bomb at the foot of the lone tree to reveal yet another Secret 
CONTENTS: A pool of water with a Piece of Heart down below, and a Blue Tektite.

- There's another one near here. Go to the other side of the river and
 blast/break the boulder to reveal this one.
CONTENTS: A Fairy Fountain

- A little right from the entrance to Gerudo Valley, on the same cliff, is a
 big boulder surrounded by a circle of little stones. Break the boulder first, 
 then plant a bomb in the center of the circle of stones to reveal this Secret 
CONTENTS: A Gossip Stone, Skulltula, cow, and Gold Skulltula all behind

- In front of the entrance to Hylia Lake is a square of fences. Plant a bomb
 right in the center to reveal another Secret Cave.
CONTENTS: Business Scrub that sells you a Piece of Heart.

- There's a hole out in the open near the above Secret Cave waiting to be
CONTENTS: Gossip Stone and a small chest containing a Blue Rupee.

- There's a mini-forest in Hyrule Field. Among the trees is a boulder. Break
 it to reveal the last Secret Cave here.
CONTENTS: Gossip Stone and a small chest containing a Red Rupee.

Hyrule Castle
- Play the Song of Storms near the tree that's inside the Castle Fence.
CONTENTS: Prepare for a long list. There's three bombable walls. Behind one of
 them are bugs, three pots, eight stones, and a Gossip Stone. Behind another 
 one is a Skullwalltula, and the final one has a Skullwalltula and Gold 

Kakariko Village
- This one's kinda hard to locate without the Rumble Pak. Between the tree and
 the stairs to the well is where the Secret Cave is. Plant a bomb somewhere 
 between those things.
CONTENTS: Two Redeads. Kill them to reveal a small chest with a Huge Rupee

- There's a hole on the ground near the Potion Shop. Just drop right in.
CONTENTS: Gossip Stone, a fish, and a treasure chest with a Red Rupee inside.

- All the secrets here are found by pushing the gravestones.
CONTENTS: One hole has a Redead and a Piece of Heart (using Sun's Song) and one
 has a chest with a Hylian Shield.

Death Mountain Trail
- There's a small platform near the entrance to Goron City. Play the Song of
 Storms in the middle of the circle of rocks on the platform to reveal the 
CONTENTS: Gossip Stone and treasure chest containing a Huge Rupee

- At the place where you jump platforms to reach the summit, there's a rock on
 one of the platforms. Blast or break it to reveal a Secret Cave. (Note: It's
 near the danger sign.)
CONTENTS: Green Rupees, Recovery Hearts, and a cow

Death Mountain Crater
- Nearby the entrance to the Fire Temple, there's a boulder that can be broken
 with the Megaton Hammer. Do so to reveal the secret.
CONTENTS: Three Business Scrubs. One sells bombs, one sells Deku Nuts, one 
 sells Arrows.

- Just inside from the main entrance is a circle of stones with a boulder in
 the center. Blast the boulder to reveal the secret.
CONTENTS: Gossip Stone and a small chest containing Bombs

Goron City
- This is a little elongated, but go to the lava room as Child Link. Play the
 Song of Storms here, then leave. Come back as Adult Link and you'll be able to
 use your Longshot to get to the other side where the hole is.
CONTENTS: Gossip Stone and treasure chest containing a Huge Rupee

Zora's River
- Near the entrance to the River, in the corner where a Cucco is, is a circle
 of rocks. Play the Song of Storms near it to reveal this Secret Cave.
CONTENTS: Two Business Scrubs. One sells Green Potions for 40 Rupees a bottle,
 and the other sells Red Potions for the same price each bottle.

- Plant a Magic Bean in the sandy patch here near the beginning, then ride it
 (as Adult Link) to head to a platform with two Secret Caves. One's out in the 
 open, and the other one is under a boulder that needs to be blasted.
CONTENTS: The one out in the open has a Gossip Stone and a small chest with a
 Red Rupee, and the one under the boulder has a Fairy Fountain.

Zora's Domain
- Play the Song of Storms on the flat, unsubmerged rock.
CONTENTS: A Fairy Fountain

Hylia Lake
- One of the islands here has a grave that can be pushed to reveal this Secret
CONTENTS: Three Business Scrubs which sell general pick-up items.

Gerudo Valley
- Playing the Song of Storms whilst behind the carpenter's tent will reveal
 this little secret.
CONTENTS: Two Business Scrubs. One sells Green Potions for 40 Rupees a bottle,
 and the other sells Red Potions for the same price each bottle.

- Make sure you have at least the Silver Gauntlets before attempting this one.
 Stand near the canyon and look down, and you should see a small ledge with a
 white stone. Jump down and pick up the boulder to reveal the secret.
CONTENTS: A pool of water with a ton of Rupees.  An Octorok guards this loot.

Gerudo Fortress
- At the fortress's main entrance are four boxes. Play the Song of Storms 
 near them to reveal this secret. It helps if you have the Gerudo's Membership 
 Card so you don't get caught.
CONTENTS: A Fairy Fountain

Sacred Forest Meadow
- Place a bomb near the entrance to Lost Woods at the other side of the Forest
CONTENTS: A strange shrine with two guardian Wolfos. Kill them both to reveal 
 a small chest containing a purple Rupee.

- There's a hole on the ground in the middle of the maze to the Forest Temple.
CONTENTS: A Fairy Fountain

Desert Colossus
- There's a boulder that can be lifted near the entrance to the Spirit Temple.
 Must have at least the Silver Gauntlets.
CONTENTS: Two Business Scrubs. One sells Green Potions for 40 Rupees a bottle,
 and the other sells Red Potions for the same price each bottle.

  '_______                                                              [Enemy]
    ´    ´' -----------------------------------       _________________________
   ´    ´   -----------------------------------      /
 .´   .´    ------------Enemy List-------------     /
,--, ,--,   -----------------------------------    /
.__. .__.   -----------------------------------   /

There are a variety of enemies in this game, most of which need to be defeated
in more than just hacking and slashing. The enemies are listed here in the 
order you encounter them in the game.

Description: One of the Poe sisters in the Forest Temple. Aim for her when she
 appears. Before fighting her, you have to move blocks to form a picture of

Description: Vulnerable to fire, this enemy moves as you move, acting like a
 mirrored version of yourself. It occasionally fires bursts of fire if you take 
 too long to lure it into the fire trap.

Description: A live statue which awakes when you touch it. The only way to
 kill it is with a bomb. After getting hit by one, it hops toward you to try to
 take you down with it. Avoid it at all costs during that.

Baby Dodongo
Description: Obviously a smaller version of the Dodongo. Striking it anywhere
 will kill it, and it'll blow up. They can be used as bomb substitutes if they
 are lured to something bombable before you kill them.

Description: A larger version of the Biri. Careful of its elongated stingers!

Description: Whenever it spots you, it fires a continuous beam until you get
 hit or get out of its range. The only way to defeat these is to bomb them to 

Description: One of the Poe sisters in the Forest Temple. Aim for her when she

Big Deku Baba
Description: Found in Kokiri Forest as Adult Link, these are simply a much
 larger version of the Fierce Deku Baba that infested the Deku Tree's innards.
 In Master Quest, two or three of these are found inside the Deku Tree, so you
 encounter them much earlier.

Description: A giant Octorok who's weak point is its backside. Stun it with
 the Boomerang and it'll open its green backside. Slash the green section to
 harm it. This is the sub-boss for the Jabu-Jabu's Belly dungeon.

Big Poe
Description: A larger and rarer Poe. They appear in Hyrule Field and attempt to
 chase away from you. You can't catch them unless you have Epona and the Fairy
 Bow with you. There are 10 in all, and if you capture them all in bottles and
 give them to the Poe salesman in the destroyed Hyrule Town, you'll get an 
 Empty Bottle.

Big Skulltula
Description: These hang from webs and come down to strike when you're near.
 Don't let them startle you! Their weak spot is their belly: when they show it, 
 strike there to kill them. It may take multiple strikes. Note that if you get 
 too close, they spin around, knocking you back.

Description: This is a floating jellyfish-like enemy. Only attack it from a
 distance. Even touching it with your sword electrocutes you.

Blue Bubble
Description: A flying skull that's on fire. Unlike the other Zelda games,
 running into one of these doesn't render you swordless for a little while.
 Just shield so that when they hit you, their flames will go away, and then you
 can just slash 'em.

Blue Tektite
Description: This is a Tektite that's able to stand on the surface of water.
 Other than that there's no other difference.

Business Scrub
Description: Another version of the Deku Scrub. They shoot Deku Nuts at you 
 like any others, but if they get hit, they will attempt to sell you stuff so
 that you may spare them. Most of the time they gouge their prices way too 

Description: This enemy is an exact copy of yourself and is very hard to beat.  
 Thank goodness you only fight him once. Just slash him without targeting him 
 and he'll eventually go down. For better strategies, see the main walkthrough.

Description: A creepy, blob-like enemy with multiple hands. Get caught in one
 of its hands to lure it to the surface, then slash its head when it lowers it.

Deku Baba
Description: A Deku Baba is a plant with a venus flytrap-like head. There are
 two normal types. An aggressive Deku Baba lunges forward when it spots you, in
 an attempt to try to bite you. Shield if necessary. The second type is a non-
 aggressive Deku Baba, which is just upright and bites the air. It doesn't 
 attempt to attack you, but it can harm you if you run into it. The aggressive
 Deku Baba can turn non-aggressive if hit. If the Deku Baba is killed by 
 slashes to the head, it always drops Deku Nuts. If it's cut by the stalk 
 during its non-aggressive state, it will always drop Deku Sticks.

Deku Scrub
Description: This is an enemy plant that fires Deku Nuts at you. They can't be
 sword-slashed up close, so you have to deflect the Nuts it fires by shielding.
 After getting hit with its own Nut, it runs around, allowing you to slash it 
 to kill it. Some Deku Scrubs tell you important information in an attempt for
 you to spare them.

Description: Basically a harder version of the Lizalfos. Shield well and
 attack frequently is all I can say.

Description: The real Dodongo. Their weakness is the tail. Wait until they 
 use their fire breath attack, then hop around behind them and slash like 
 crazy. They might swipe their tail to turn around quickly. If so, either use 
 the Deku Shield to block this attack as Young Link, or simply backflip out of 
 the way.

Fire Keese
Description: A simple bat enemy that's on fire. Don't have the Deku Shield out
 when they ram into you....

Description: In order to be able to hit this dude, you have to Hookshot it
 right out of its flaming clothes. Once it's out, sword slashes will harm it.

Description: A giant hand that dwells on the floors. If hit, it splits up into
 three smaller hands. Get rid of the smaller hands quick, or else they'll

Description: An enemy made of pure ice. It blows ice cold air at you and if
 you touch them, you freeze. Slash it with the sword to cut it down until it's
 completely gone. If you don't get rid of it, it'll regenerate its body parts.

Gerudo Thief
Description: You encounter this kind of enemy frequently in Gerudo's Fortress,
 mostly when trying to rescue a carpenter. She has two long swords that she
 attacks with. If you get hit by her jumping attack, you'll be stunned and be
 taken back to your cell. Guard against any of her attacks and deliver the
 same kind of punishment to her until she's down. She always drops a small key
 to free the carpenter from his cell.

Description: A mummy wrapped in cloth. This acts and attacks just like a
 Redead, but it's slightly stronger.

Gohma Egg
Description: An egg from Queen Gohma. It quickly hatches, so break it right
 away! A lot of these are found inside the Deku Tree in the Master Quest 

Gohma Larva
Description: These are the babies of the Parasitic Armored Arachnid, Gohma.
 Just a simple hit at the eye will kill it.

Gold Skulltula
Description: These are rare spiders. You can tell the difference between them
 and a normal Skullwalltula by the gold skull-like shell on its back. There are
 exactly 100 of these critters, and they supposedly hold curses. Only by 
 defeating a certain number of Gold Skulltulas and getting their spirits will 
 the curse be lifted.

Green Bubble
Description: Basically a Blue Bubble, but with green (?) flames. In order to
 kill it, wait until its flames subside before slashing it.

Description: A typical bird that swoops down at the very sight of that familiar
 boy in a tunic. Destroying enough of them may create a giant Guay.

Ice Keese
Description: A bat enemy that freezes you on contact. Avoid at all costs. It's
 easy to just snipe it from afar with the Slingshot or Bow.

Description: A heavily-armored enemy very similar to the Darknut. His axe
 hurts a lot, so avoid his attacks and deliver with many heavy attacks of your
 own. He's tough when you face him as Young Link, so use either Nayru's Love to
 protect you, or just throw as many bombs as you have at him. Thanks to Rocket
 2323 for the bombs tip.

Description: One of the Poe sisters in the Forest Temple. Aim for her when she

Description: An enemy bat that sits nestled in a wall or ceiling, and comes 
 down towards you when it spots you. It is highly adaptive to its surroundings,
 and turns into a Fire Keese when exposed to fire, and an Ice Keese when 
 exposed to blue flame/ice.

Description: These strange creatures emerge from the sand and move to hit you.
 A simple sword slash will get rid of them, but they are endless.

Like Like
Description: A weird blob-like enemy with its mouth at the top. It moves
 slowly, and moves its mouth towards you when it's near. If you let it attack,
 it will swallow you and possibly steal some of your equipment. Get any stolen
 equipment back by beating it quickly.

Description: These are very agile upright-walking lizards. They jump around a
 lot and have skill with their dagger weapons. The best strategy for these is 
 to wait until they strike first, then jump striking them. Keep shielded 
 throughout the whole fight and follow this strategy, and they won't stand a 

Mad Scrub
Description: A Deku Scrub that would rather be killed than submit to anyone.
 It can be let out of its nest the same way as any other Deku Scrub, and after 
 that, a simple slash with the sword is enough to kill them. These are orange 
 and red instead of yellow or brown.

Description: The last of the Poe sisters in the Forest Temple. This one splits
 up into multiple forms. The real one is pretty obvious, she spins around after
 cloning herself.

Description: A giant pig soldier. They wear armor and wield a spear, and
 violently charge at Link if they see him. A Hookshot to the back will kill 
 them instantly. They are only found in the Sacred Forest Meadow, guarding the
 Forest Temple. The last Moblin has a club and must be slashed three times
 before he clubs you.

Description: This is a squid-like enemy that shoots rocks. You can kill them
 with projectiles or deflecting their own rocks back at them.

Parasitic Tentacle
Description: It seems to not be an actual enemy, but it is. Just simply
 Z-target it and use the Boomerang to kill it. These are only found in Jabu-
 Jabu's Belly.

Description: Quite larger than they were in the original Legend of Zelda, the
Peahat's weak point is its root. Be careful when facing this enemy; its blades
are deadly.

Peahat Larva
Description: These are the offspring of the Peahat; usually created when you're
out of its reach. These chase you endlessly until they're dead, in which they 
can only be killed by shielding against them. (Yep, strangely they die if they 
hit your shield.)

Description: A ghost that is usually found under gravestones in the graveyard.
 Z-Targeting it will make it disappear, so you have to kill it without it.
 After killing it, you can capture it in a bottle. Don't drink it though, as 
 you'll lose a heart from your health if you do. (You may wonder what's the use
 of bottling a Poe's spirit then...well, as Adult Link, there's a Poe shop 
 where the guard's shack used to be in Hyrule Market. He buys Poe souls from 

Red Bubble
Description: A flaming skull only found in places where lava abounds. They
 usually fly in an arch from the lava in Death Mountain Crater.

Description: A mummified being that scares Young Link so bad he can't move when
 they stare at him. To kill it, get behind it and slash until it's dead. It 
 can also be stunned by playing the Sun's Song near it, making it easy to kill.

Red Tektite
Description: This is a large, hopping quadruped. It's a little hard to kill 
 without the Hylian Shield as Young Link (as the shield can only protect 
 against overhead attacks).

Description: A bubble enemy only found in Jabu-Jabu's Belly. Simply pop it
 with a sword slash.

Shell Blade
Description: A hard-shelled enemy that can't be penetrated! Its weakness is
 the heart, so wait for it to open up, then stab or use the Hookshot.

Description: This is a small Skulltula which climbs on walls, usually vines and
 other climbable walls. They try to knock you off when they spot you. Any
 projectile weapon can knock them off or kill them.

Description: An enemy that first appears as a rock. When close, spikes will
 emerge from it and turn into a white-ish color. Wait until it retracts its
 spikes before killing it.

Description: The tortured undead of Hyrule Field. They raise from the ground
 soon after nightfall, preying on innocent victims. If enough are killed, a 
 giant Stalchild will appear; killing him will give you a Red Rupee worth 20 
 normal ones. Sometimes you may get more than one.

Description: Animated skeletons heavily armored with a jagged sword and large
 shield. You'll have to either attack them from behind, or attack while they
 have their shield down.

Description: A stingray-like fish that emerges from the subcutaneous layers of
 Jabu-Jabu's Belly. Try to kill it before it rams into you.

Description: A weird creature with a long electric tail that floats around. 
 Killed with an Advanced Spin Slash, these rare creatures are only found inside
 Jabu-Jabu's Belly.

Torch Slug
Description: A very slow-moving enemy. When the fire on its back is
 extinguished, it will move away from you.

Description: A giant hand that dwells on the walls. If you're not careful, it
 could grab you and send you to the beginning of the dungeon.

White Bubble
Description: This flaming skull moves and moves and moves...when it stops, only 
 will it be vulnerable!

Description: Just a white version of a Wolfos. Nothing has changed.

Description: Basically a rabid wolf. He'll circle around you before attacking,
 and he often blocks your attacks. Basically back away when he starts up his 
 attack. If he doesn't hit you, he'll turn his back to you. Jump slash him 
 quickly to kill him instantly.

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As tradition for Zelda games, at the end of each dungeon/temple, there's a boss
that you must fight. All bosses are in a way an interactive puzzle. You have 
to figure out how to defeat the boss, which is sometimes explained pretty 
clearly by Navi (whom you can get instructions about the enemy from her by 
pressing the Up C Button while locked-on), but once figured out, most of them 
can be pretty easy. Even then, they are fun to beat. Anyway, here are 
coherent boss strategies for all bosses you face.

BOSS OF THE DEKU TREE: Queen Gohma, Parasitic Armored Arachnid
This is the first boss, so it should be fairly easy to figure her out. But
first, you have to start the fight. Look up toward the ceiling once you enter 
the room, and you'll see a huge eye. This is Queen Gohma. She'll see you, 
then descend so you can see her full body. The last Deku Scrub you hit told 
her that she has to be stunned before she can be hit. Well, the eye is a big 
hint. Hit the eye with the Fairy Slingshot to stun her, then get up to her eye 
and slash at the eye repeatedly. This is the way to hurt her. After slashing 
a few times, she'll run away and start crawling up the walls. Once she's at 
the ceiling, she'll drop eggs that contain her offspring. Break the eggs 
before the Larvae hatch so that you won't have any trouble. After this, she'll 
try to drop on you. Move around so she can't. Once she drops down, repeat the 
process until she's dead.

Stun her with the Fairy Slingshot, then jump slash with a Deku Stick to do a
lot of damage. Afterwards, hold R while facing her(without locking on) and 
press B repeatedly to stab her to death. This method should only require one 
sequence. If by chance you don't kill her in time, when she's at the ceiling
laying eggs, shoot her in the eye while it's red with the Fairy Slingshot, and
she'll fall to the ground, open for another attack. (Thanks to Bryson and...
some other guy who's name I forgot for this tip....sorry, other guy! >_<)

BOSS OF DODONGO'S CAVERN: King Dodongo, Infernal Dinosaur
This guy appears right behind you at the start of the fight. Basically avoid
this boss until he starts to inhale. When he does, whip out a Bomb and throw
it straight down his gullet. This'll stun him, so run up and slash his head
with your sword. After a few slashes, he'll then roll into a ball and roll
around the room. He can be easily avoided here by standing on the very edge of
the platform where it meets the lava. After this, just wait until he inhales
again and repeat the process until he's dead. Still quite simple.

SPEEDY STRATEGY: Just jump strike with Deku Sticks and shield stab (hold R and
press B repeatedly while not locked on) after he's stunned to defeat him more

BOSS OF JABU-JABU'S BELLY: Barinade, Bio-electric Anemone
This is a more complicated boss. First of all, keep moving so that its 
electric beam attack won't harm you. Z-target one of its tentacles and use the 
Boomerang to cut it loose. Do this for all 3 tentacles, and the jellyfish 
surrounding it will spin around. Boomerang its center to make it loose its 
grip on the jellyfish. Destroy all these jelly fish, and doing so makes it 
rise to reveal some more jellyfish, this time surrounding its weak spot. Keep 
on using the Boomerang until you stun it, then kill all these other jellyfish.  
Now it has no defenses. Stun its center with the Boomerang, then move in and 
slash it. It'll take a few tries, and it unleashes electric beams more rapidly 
as it's damaged. Keep stunning and slashing until it's dead.

SPEEDY STRATEGY: After getting rid of all its protective jellyfish, stun it and
simply use the shield stab attack to kill it more quickly.

BOSS OF THE FOREST TEMPLE: Phantom Ganon, Evil Spirit from Beyond
YIKES! It's a ghost version of Ganondorf, and he's on the black stallion. This
creepy ghoul will enter one of the paintings. Basically what you have to do, 
is aim your arrow at the Phantom when he escapes from the painting. (purple 
magic surrounds him when he's about to exit) The thing is, there's TWO of these
phantoms. The fake one turns around, so if you encounter that one, hurry up 
and find the real one and fire that arrow. If you don't, you'll be struck with 
a lightning attack that takes away at least five hearts. The best way actually 
is if you find the fake one, you more than likely won't have enough time to hit 
the real one, so get out of the way of the real one. After a few shots, Phantom 
Ganon's stallion will disappear, and you're left to face him. Z target him to 
make things easier, and wait for his magic attack.

Let's play a little tennis. Use the Master Sword and swing it at the right 
time to reflect the magic spell back at Phantom Ganon. He'll usually reflect 
it back, so continue this tennis game until it hits either one of you. If it 
hits Phantom Ganon he'll go to the floor, stunned. So go up to him and slash 
him. It may take a few tries, but keep doing this until he's dead.

SPEEDY STRATEGY: After getting rid of its stallion, get really close to Phantom
Ganon, and time your slash right so that it's deflected as soon as it fires its
magic ball attack. Doing this won't give it enough time to react, and will
immediately get hit. Once it reaches the ground, shield stab the phantom until
it's dead.

BOSS OF THE FIRE TEMPLE: Volvagia, Subterranean Lava Dragon
This dragon looks more like a flying snake that breathes fire, but anyway...
Wait for Volvagia to reveal its head, and when it does, it will throw its fiery
hair to try to attack you. (It swings it like a girl...Is it a she?) Stay away
from her(?) hair attack, and go up to her and pound her head down with the
Hammer. Keep hitting her with the hammer until she retreats. The next time
she reveals herself, she'll fly out and start attacking you. Avoid her until
she gets back underground. She'll then reveal her head again. Repeat this
process until she's dead. As you damage her, she'll try to trick you by having
fire come up where she should appear, but then she appears in another hole.  Be

SPEEDY STRATEGY: When she starts flying around, drop down the sides slowly and 
you'll grab onto the sides as if its a grate or vine, or something. Doing this 
will make her lose her interest in attacking you and will go back underground 

BOSS OF THE WATER TEMPLE: Morpha, Giant Aquatic Anemone
Basically, this thing has a moving brain. It only has one attack, but it's
really powerful. It'll throw itself towards you, and if it grabs you, you'll
suffer three hearts of damage. To damage the boss, dodge its attack and its
brain will move around its body. Longshot the brain to snatch it away, and
start slashing it. It'll then retreat back into its body. As you damage it,
it'll form its body even when the brain is outside of it. So be careful of
this ruse. It'll even still form two bodies at once.  Just keep slashing the 
brain until it's dead.

SPEEDY STRATEGY: To keep the brain from escaping while you're attacking it,
Longshot between slashes and you should take care of it more quickly.

BOSS OF THE SHADOW TEMPLE: Bongo Bongo, Phantom Shadow Beast
Fall down the hole to start this boss. You're standing on a huge bongo, and
this boss keeps beating down on it. Every time he beats, you bounce. First of
all, you have to arrow its hands. Do so, and the boss will try to ram you.
Use the Lens of Truth to see him, and put an arrow into his eye. This'll stun
him, so go up to him and slash him until he's dead. The Biggoron's Sword works

As long as you keep this battle short, it's easy. If not, he'll start some
hefty attacks, such as punching you, smashing you, and shoving you off.

SPEEDY STRATEGY: The Biggoron's Sword with the shield stab technique is your
best friend when he's stunned.

BOSS OF THE SPIRIT TEMPLE: Twinrova, Sorceress Sisters
The thing about this boss is that they consist of two entities, and each witch
has a single attack. One fires a powerful ice beam, the other fires a powerful
fire beam. In order to damage these witches, you must reflect their spells
with the Mirror Shield and point it toward the other witch. In other words,
if you're reflecting an ice beam, point it toward the witch that has the power
of fire to damage her. If you're having trouble facing the boss that fires the
beam, Z (or L) target the boss then break out of lock-on. That way you'll be
perfectly facing the boss. Each witch needs to take a few hits before the next
phase begins.

They begin to merge together to form an entity that fires both ice and fire
projectiles. The Mirror Shield is once again useful here. If a projectile
hits your shield, the shield will absorb the magic contained in that
projectile. You must absorb three projectiles OF THE SAME ELEMENT. If you
absorb two fires and one ice, it'll cancel out and you'll have to try again.
It doesn't matter what element you absorb, it must be three of the same kind.
Once you do, you'll fire a beam of that element, stunning her. Now's your
chance. Rush to her and start slashing her repeatedly. Repeat the process
until she's dead.

SPEEDY STRATEGY: Since reflecting the beams and absorbing the projectiles are
random or hard to speed up, when you absorb the last projectile needed to stun
her, run toward her as you absorb the projectile, and as soon as she's stunned,
break your lock, get out the Biggoron's Sword as you jump over, and shield stab

BOSS OF GANON'S TOWER: Ganondorf, Great King of Evil
The boss starts out by pounding the ground. Quickly roll away to the outer rim
so you won't fall down. Just like Phantom Ganon, Ganondorf throws magic spells
that you have to reflect back at him with sword swipes. (Or oddly enough, Empty
Bottles) There's one extra attack he has though. When you see both his arms
raised and energy gathers toward him, he'll fire multiple magic spells at you
simultaneously. In order to deflect those, use the Advanced Spin Slash. Once
he finally gets hit by a spell, quickly get the Light Arrows out and hit him
with one before he recovers. Once he's hit, he'll lower to the ground. Quickly
get to him and slash him before he gets back up. If he does, retreat and repeat 
the process until he's dead. Another thing to do is that, when he's charging up
for that multiple magic spell attack, he's open for a Light Arrow to the face.
Saves magic, actually, so thanks, WiiKyle!

SPEEDY STRATEGY: It's risky, because you're so close and because there's a
chance he'll use the ground pound, you can get right on the central platform
Ganondorf is hovering above, leaving the 'dorf no time to react once you
reflect his spells. Once he's down, either shield stab with the Biggoron's
Sword or do quick spin slashes. (Rotate stick then immediately press B)

A demonic pig monster. Ganon slashes with his huge swords, making Link lose
his Master Sword. Uh oh! The way to defeat this monster is to either stun it
by shooting Light Arrows then going behind it, or rolling between its legs.
Either way, slash his tail with the Biggoron's Sword. After dealing some
damage, you're able to get your Master Sword back. All right, time for some
butt whoopin'. Do the same thing you've been doing to him, although he's
faster. After some more damage, Ganon will fall, and Zelda will keep him down,
telling you to deal the final blow. The sages will power your sword for the
final hit. Just head up to his head, and slash.

  '_______                                                              [Crdts]
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First, plagiarism is not allowed. It's against the law. If you wish to host
this site, please e-mail me first for permission. (address below) Also e-mail 
me if you have questions or comments about my FAQ, as long as they have 
"Ocarina of Time" as part of the message title. That should be it, I'm just
trying to keep it short and to the point.

Sites permitted to host/display this are:


E-mail address is [email protected]
I will not accept anymore sites to host the FAQ.

Credits go to:

Nintendo: For creating this awesome game and the Wii's Virtual Console for old
school gaming.

You: For reading this.

God: For creating this earth.

GameFAQs: Various lists for references to making this guide.

Devon: For pointing out a slight loophole in my Legal Notices. I fixed it.

Keep your eye out for my upcoming FAQs! If you want to see more of them, just
go to my contributor profile on GameFAQs. See ya!

So until next time, keep that sword and shield in hand, and have the courage to
overcome anything!

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